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Dinaminio zondavimo rezultatų ir juos įtakojančių veiksnių analizė bei sąsajos su statinio zondavimo duomenimis Lietuvos gruntuose / Analysis of the results and it influence factors of dynamic probing test and interrelation with cone penetration test data in Lithuanian soilsŽaržojus, Gintaras 30 December 2010 (has links)
Disertacijos objektas yra Lietuvos teritorijoje slūgsantys gruntai, kurie gali būti statinių pamatų pagrindu. Disertacijoje nagrinėjama grunto tyrimo dinaminiu (DPT) ir statiniu (CPT) zondavimu rezultatų interpretacija, tiesioginio (smūgių skaičiaus (Nx)) ir išvestinio (dinaminės kūgio smigos (qd)) DPT rodiklių patikimumas, analizuojami rezultatus įtakojantys veiksniai ir sąsajos tarp DPT bei CPT zondavimo rodiklių. Duomenų analizė atlikta matematiniais statistiniais metodais, taip pat panaudojant analitinius ir empirinius sprendinius. Išnagrinėjus skaičiavimo duomenis buvo nustatyta, kad netiesioginis dinaminio zonda-vimo rodiklis – dinaminė kūgio smiga (qd) dėl skaičiavimo trukumų yra nenaudotinas ir keisti-nas į tiesioginį rodiklį – smūgių skaičių (Nx). DPT rezultatus įtakojančių veiksnių analizė paro-dė, kad zondavimo duomenims didžiausią įtaką turi gruntų šoninis geostatinis slėgis ir kartu zondavimo štangų trintis į gruntą. Darbo metu buvo gauta, kad egzistuoja tamprus koreliacinis ryšys tarp smūgių skaičiaus (Nx) ir statinės kūgio spraudos (qc), kuris priklauso nuo grunto gra-nuliometrinės sudėties, mechaninių savybių ir slūgsojimo gylio. / The object of the thesis is soils that occur within the territory of Lithuania and may be used as basis for building foundations. The thesis studies the interpretation of the results of Dynamic Penetration Test (DPT) and Cone Penetration Test (CPT) of soils, reliability of direct (number of blows (Nx)) and de-rivative (dynamic point resistance (qd)) DPT parameters, analyses the result influencing factors and interrelation between DPT and CPT parameters. The data analysis has been performed by means of mathematical methods of statistics, also using analytical and empirical solutions. Having examined calculation data it was determined that the indirect parameter of Dy-namic Penetration Test – dynamic point resistance (qd) should not be used due to calculation de-faults and replaced with the direct parameter – number of blows (Nx). The analysis of DPT re-sults influencing factors shows that the lateral overburden pressure together with friction of rods are those with the greatest impact on penetration data. Within the scope of the work, it has re-vealed that the number of blows (Nx) and static cone resistance (qc) are closely correlated and it depends on the grain size distribution of soil, geotechnical properties and depth of occurrence.
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Differences during quiet standing when breathing abdominallyGantar, Sebastjan January 2016 (has links)
Title: Differences in postural activity during quiet standing when breathing abdominally. Aim and purpose: Aim of this study was to examine the effects of abdominal breathing on selected muscles and stability during quiet standing to find empirical evidence if it can reduce the strain and change the activity pattern, which erect standing demands from the muscles. Methods and materials: This thesis begins with an introduction to theoretical part in which we gathered all the already existing and written information needed to form the knowledge base for our experiment. Continuing in 9th chapter, methodology and experiment procedure are described where we measured muscle activity using surface EMG and to monitor changes in stability we used force- plate for posturography where only linear parameters were acquired. Both devices were used simultaneously while the subject was in quiet stance for a period of 90 seconds. Results: Results shown decrease in most of the muscles, with a higher increase in body sway in medio- lateral than in antero-posterior direction. Signal didn't change to a more distinct wave-like pattern of rhythmic oscillations, as we had thought it would. Keywords: Posture, quiet standing, abdominal breathing, diaphragm, system interrelation, EMG, posturography
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Contraponto hipermídia: uma proposta de inter-relação de linguagens / Hypermedia counterpoint: a proposal on interrelation of languagesSalgado, Luiz Antonio Zahdi 12 May 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-05-12 / The main interest of this research was to search for, through reflection and production, answers to the possibility of the construction of a hypermediatic message originated from a nonhierarchical interrelation of languages, aggregating repertories from varied levels. It was also important to raise the question concerning the possibility of the utilization of a rizomatic language, closer to the natural way the human process of thinking is established.
In order to reach these objectives without the use of standardizations and based on a nonhierarchical criterion among languages, the focus was studying methods of composition throughout history which were established in the articulation of the units concerning the elaboration of the whole, but without, though, leaving out its particularities. From the studies on the language of sound Bach s musical counterpoint was found, more specifically from the technique of fugue composition, and also from the dodecaphonic music by Schoenberg and consequently the serialism. With respect to visual language, Eisenstein s polyphonic assemblage showed to be adequate since it broadens the concepts of counterpoint to the audiovisual. As for the verbal language concrete poetry and the piece Nome by Arnaldo Antunes complete the way towards the hypermedia counterpoint.
Regarding the theoretical basis it was necessary to develop a diachronic research on the cited languages, the theoretical and technical synchronic aspects of hypermedia and the semiotic studies.
The General Theory of Signs by Charles Sanders Peirce was opted and lead towards two fundamental points. The first is related to the way perception and thinking occur: the sequentiality of thinking isn t linear and it takes place in the connection of varied and even distant information in a process of edition which selects the perceived and processed contents by the brain. It is known that there s the occurrence of permanent interruption and retake of these contents that are updated constantly, confronting with the repertory of information of each individual and generating the conscious thinking. More specifically for this purpose I consider the theoretical advances accomplished by Lucia Santaella as the most indicated. The second point is concerning the creation of the hypermedia. To sustain that work theoretically, I consider the Intersemiotic Translation by Julio Plaza as fundamental in the coherent development of the sonic, visual and verbal elements, as well as the interrelation among them.
The concepts related to the new technologies present in the main chains as the thinking of Pierre Lévy, Edmond Couchot, Lev Manovich, Julio Plaza, Lucia Santaella e Arlindo Machado among others, were considered towards the observation of convergences and divergences, in the search for more adequate concepts to ground the hypermedia counterpoint / O principal interesse desta pesquisa foi buscar, através de reflexão e produção, respostas para a possibilidade de construção de uma mensagem hipermidiática a partir de uma inter-relação das linguagens não hierárquica, agregando repertórios de variados níveis. Também importante foi colocar em questão a possibilidade de utilização de uma linguagem rizomática, mais próxima do modo natural como se estabelece o pensamento humano.
Para alcançar estes objetivos longe das padronizações e partindo do critério da não hierarquia entre as linguagens, o foco foi estudar métodos de composição ao longo da história que se estabeleceram na articulação das unidades em prol da elaboração do todo, mas sem, entretanto, desprezar suas particularidades. A partir dos estudos sobre a linguagem sonora se encontrou o contraponto musical de Bach mais especificamente da técnica de composição de fugas, e também da música dodecafônica de Schoenberg e por conseqüência o serialismo. Da linguagem visual a montagem polifônica de Eisenstein mostrou-se adequada tendo em vista que amplia os conceitos de contraponto para o audiovisual. Da linguagem verbal a poesia concreta e a obra Nome de Arnaldo Antunes completam o percurso em direção ao contraponto hipermídia.
Para sustentação teórica foi necessário desenvolver pesquisa diacrônica das linguagens citadas, os aspectos sincrônicos teóricos e técnicos da hipermídia e os estudos semióticos.
Optou-se pela Teoria geral dos signos de Charles Sanders Peirce dirigidos em dois pontos fundamentais. O primeiro relacionado ao modo como se estabelece a percepção e o pensamento: a seqüencialidade do pensamento não é linear e se realiza conectando informações variadas e até mesmo distantes dentro de um processo de edição que seleciona os conteúdos percebidos e processados pelo cérebro. Entende-se que ocorre permanente interrupção e retomada destes conteúdos que são atualizados constantemente, confrontando com o repertório de informação de cada indivíduo e gerando o pensamento consciente. Mais especificamente para este fim considero os avanços teóricos realizados por Lucia Santaella como o mais indicado. O segundo ponto diz respeito à criação da hipermídia. Para apoiar teoricamente este trabalho considero a Tradução Intersemiótica de Júlio Plaza como fundamental no desenvolvimento coerente dos elementos Sonoros Visuais Verbais, bem como na inter-relação entre eles.
Os conceitos relativos às novas tecnologias presentes nas principais correntes como o pensamento de Pierre Lévy, Edmond Couchot, Lev Manovich, Júlio Plaza, Lucia Santaella e Arlindo Machado entres outros, foram considerados no sentido de observar convergências e divergências, na busca de conceitos mais adequados para fundamentar o contraponto hipermídia
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Variação interanual de indicadores hidroclimáticos na bacia do Alto Rio Paraguai, Brasil.Bastos, Yandra Fontes 06 June 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-06-06 / CAPES / A mudança do uso do solo provoca alteração no ciclo hidrológico na bacia de drenagem
e consequentemente nos canais fluviais, habitat dos organismos aquáticos. As principais
alterações do ciclo hidrológico dizem respeito à quantidade de água disponível para o
escoamento que é adequadamente representada pelo Índice de Umidade (IU) e como o
ecossistema da bacia utiliza esta água, o que o Índice de Horton (IH) estima. No canal
dos rios os Indicadores de Alterações Hidrológicas (IAH), permitem acompanhar
eventuais modificações de regime hidrológico enquanto o número de Froude (Fr) é um
indicador das características hidráulicas do canal. A substituição da cobertura vegetal
para pastagem e agricultura já abrange cerca da metade da área da Bacia do Alto
Paraguai (BAP), e já constituem uma possibilidade real de modificação do ciclo
hidrológico nessa bacia. Desse modo, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a influência de
indicadores relacionados com as características da paisagem e do clima (IH e IU) sobre
os indicadores que representam as características físicas do habitat fluvial no canal (Fr e
IAH) na porção norte da BAP. As coletas dos parâmetros hidroclimáticos utilizados nos
cálculos dos indicadores, foram extraídos de banco de dados com séries históricas da
Agência Nacional de Águas, onde foram selecionadas 17 estações fluviométricas e
pluviométricas. Nessas 17 estações foram delimitados os polígonos das sub-bacias de
drenagem, com base no modelo digital de elevação e posteriormente ajustada a
precipitação regionalizada para cada sub-bacia, com base em curvas de isoietas. Para
averiguar se os processos que ocorrem em escala da bacia (representados por IH e IU)
estão influenciando os processos que ocorrem na escala dos canais fluviais
(representados por Fr e IAH), foi feita uma análise de correlação, com coeficiente
Pearson, entre estes indicadores. Como o IAH produz uma série de indicadores, uma
análise de componente principal foi efetuada para reduzir esta complexidade e extrair a
variável mais significativa que foi a vazão mínima de 90 dias (Min90dias). O IH cuja média é
de 0,76 (variando entre 0,50 a 0,93) é similar a valores encontrados na literatura e
correlaciona significativamente (p<0,05) com a Min90dias e Fr. O IU cuja a média é 0,85,
varia de 0,55 a 1,30 e não correlaciona com os indicadores de habitat físico nos canais.
Os valores de IU caracterizam o clima da BAP como de clima úmido (> 0,65), com
pequena variação na classe sub-úmido seco. A pequena variação de IU, quando
comparado a estudo em clima temperado-úmido na América do Norte (0,2 a 5,0),
possivelmente explica porque não foram observadas correlações significativas entre IU e
Min90dias e Fr. Uma análise de correlação foi também efetuada em cada uma das subbacias,
assim como uma análise de tendência por sub-bacia para avaliar a variação ao
longo do tempo dos indicadores. A Min90dias e o Fr foram mais frequentemente
correlacionados significativamente com tempo, do que IU e IH. Em geral, a Min90dias
reduziu ao longo do tempo (salvo em uma sub-bacia), o que é atribuído ao aumento da
compactação do solo com consequente redução da vazão de base. Em 5 sub-bacias, o
Fr aumentou ao longo do tempo e em 2 reduziu com o tempo. O Fr também pode estar
sendo afetado pelo uso e ocupação do solo, destacando-se o assoreamento, causado
pela erosão e degradação de matas ciliares. De modo geral, os indicadores Fr e Min90dias
parecem refletir melhor o histórico de uso e ocupação do solo da BAP, do que os
indicadores de processos de bacia (IU e IH), que praticamente não se correlacionam com
o tempo. / The change of land use causes changes in the hydrological cycle of drainage basins and
consequently in river channels and the habitats of aquatic organisms. The main changes
of the hydrological cycle relate to the amount of water available for runoff that is
adequately represented by humidity index (UI) and how the basin ecosystem uses this
water that the Horton index (HI) estimates. In rivers channels the Indicators of Hydrologic
Alteration (IHA) allow to track any changes to hydrological regime while the Froude
number (Fr) is an indicator of the hydraulic characteristics of flow in the channel. The
substitution of natural vegetation by pastureland and crops already occurs in about half
the area of the Upper Paraguay River Basin (BAP) and already constitutes a real
possibility of modifying the hydrological cycle of that basin. Thus, the goal of this work is to
evaluate the influence of landscape characteristics and climate as represented by
humidity and Horton indexes on the physical characteristics of river habitat in the channel
as represented by Fr and IHA in the northern portion of BAP. The hydro-climatic
parameters used in the calculation of the indicators were obtained from the database of
the National Water Agency. Data from 17 rainfall and fluvial stations were selected. In
those 17 seasons the polygons of sub-watersheds were delimited based on digital
elevation model and subsequently adjusted to regionalized rainfall for each sub-basin
based on available isohyet maps. To investigate whether the processes that occur at the
basin scale (represented by IH and IU) are influencing the processes that occur on the
scale of fluvial channels (represented by Fr and IHA), a Pearson correlation analysis was
carried. As IHA produces a series of indicators, a principal component analysis was
performed to reduce this complexity and extract the most significant variable, which was
the minimum flow rate of 90 days (90daysMin). The average value of IH was 0.76 (ranging
from 0.50 to 0.93) is similar to values found in the literature and correlates significantly (p
<0.05) with 90daysMin and Fr. The average UI is 0.85 (ranging from 0.55 to 1.30) and
does not correlate significantly with indicators of physical habitat in the channels. The
range of the humidity index characterizes the climate of the BAP mostly as humid (> 0.65)
and somewhat less in the dry sub-humid class. The small variation of UI when compared
to study in temperate-humid climate in North America (0.2 to 5.0), possibly explains why
no significant correlations between UI and 90daysMin and Fr were observed. A correlation
analysis was also performed for each of the sub-basins, as well as a trend analysis by
sub-basin to evaluate how the indexes varied over time. The 90daysMin and Fr are most
often correlated significantly with time than IH and IU. In general, 90daysMin diminished
with time, except in one sub-basin and this is attributed to increased soil compaction with
consequent reduction in base flow. In 5 sub-basins, Fr increased over time while it
decreased in two others. This maybe due to land use change provoking degradation of
riparian areas and channel erosion (decreasing Fr) with subsequent siltation downriver
(increasing Fr).In general, the channel indexes, Fr and 90daysMin, seem to reflect the
historical use and occupation of BAP better than indicators of watershed processes (IU
and IH), which practically do not correlate with time.
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The Radical Empirical Modernism of Virginia Woolf and D. H. LawrenceGraves, Paul James 03 April 2018 (has links)
My dissertation argues that the writings of Virginia Woolf and D. H. Lawrence are animated by a shared belief that the way human beings experience and understand their worlds needs to be radically transformed. Their works expose how human experience is canalized by habits reinforced through education and custom, and they explore the ways people might overcome these limitations to expand the receptive possibilities of their experience, illustrating more fruitful ways their readers might engage their worlds. Their novels offer a radical recasting of the human subject and its situation in the environment, one that valorizes a turn away from the fixity of conceptual certainty and an embrace of experiences that trouble clean distinctions between the human being and its world. Reading through the lens of radical empiricism, this project makes the case that Woolf and Lawrence are together engaging in a similar project: they are working from a shared interest in intensive explorations of the seemingly ineffable qualities in concrete human experience and in bringing those accounts into language to suggest the relational constitution of the human being with other people and the environment. They are working experimentally to discern the extent to which the human being can know first-hand its place in the extensive world. In doing so, the authors come to understand such a human being differently, as simultaneously discrete and non-discrete. By examining the methodological and philosophical intersections of these two authors, this project serves as a first step in suggesting a radical empirical British modernism.
Woolf’s and Lawrence’s approaches to experience have philosophical implications that become more apparent when read in conjunction with William James’s philosophy of radical empiricism and the related philosophies of Henri Bergson and A. N. Whitehead. While “radical empiricist” is not a common moniker for these philosophers, my project makes the case for the consideration of several of their works as reflective of a line of confluent thought that illuminates the concerns of some modernist literature with developing a new understanding of the human situation through an inclusive attention to lived experience.
The project is organized into four chapters. In the first chapter, I establish the radical empirical philosophical situation of Woolf’s and Lawrence’s writing, revealing in their novels how the dispositions of the characters facilitate different worlds, and elaborating the attentive approaches that they valorize through their novels. In the second chapter, I explore their critiques of abstraction, elaborating their concern with fixed abstract forms while countering readings of their work as anti-intellectual or apophatically mystical. In the third chapter, I examine how in and through their novels they engage the difficulty of articulating preconceptual experience, and I explore how they productively use ambiguity towards this end. In the fourth and final chapter, I examine the relational situation of the human individual that their novels disclose and the sort of self-understanding that they champion through their work.
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Исследование субъективного благополучия и толерантности на студенческой выборке : магистерская диссертация / The research of interrelation between subjective wellbeing and tolerance on the sample of studentsПавлова, Т. А., Pavlova, T. A. January 2016 (has links)
The relevance of this topic is connected to the fact, that the ability to fulfill the interests of other people on the way to personal wellbeing is still not researched enough. Can he be tolerant, can tolerance as a characteristic of a person be helpful to gain subjective wellbeing. Also, the question of borders of tolerance is highly discussed.
The theoretical part of the work presents the analysis of terms «Subjective wellbeing» and «Tolerance», also as the review of the present data in the research of subjective wellbeing and tolerance in students.
In the empirical part the following psychological instrumentarium is used: The neuropsychical stability questionnaire (LVMA im. S. M. Kirova), Express-questionnaire «tolerance index» (G. U. Soldatova, O. A. Kravtsova, O. E. Huhlaev, L. A. Shaigerova), The technique of diagnostics of communicative tolerance (V. V. Boyko), The technique of diagnostics of tolerance to uncertainty (S. Badner), The scale of subjective wellbeing (adaptation of NPC «Psychodiagnostica» Jaroslavl state university im. P. G. Demidov), SAN technique.
The results of the research. The person, that is subjectively positive, has a high neuropsychical stability, low tolerance to uncertainty and low personal tolerance. It may be also supposed, that high marks of subjective wellbeing are achieved by high communicative and low tolerance to uncertainty. Between the subjective wellbeing and ethnic, social and basic tolerance no significant interrelations were found. / Актуальность темы связана с тем, что недостаточно изучено насколько человек в стремлении к своему счастью готов учитывать интересы других людей, быть терпимым к ним и способствует ли толерантность как личностное качество субъективному благополучию. Так же сейчас достаточно остро стоит вопрос о границах толерантности.
В теоретической части представлен теоретический анализ понятий «Субъективное благополучие» и «Толерантность», а также обзор имеющегося опыта исследования субъективного благополучия и толерантности у студентов.
В эмпирической части использован следующий психодиагностический инструментарий: Опросник оценки нервно-психической устойчивости (ЛВМА им. С. М. Кирова), Экспресс-опросник «индекс толерантности» (Г. У. Солдатова, О. А. Кравцова, О. Е. Хухлаев, Л. А. Шайгерова), Методика диагностики общей коммуникативной толерантности (В. В. Бойко), Методика определения толерантности к неопределённости (С. Баднер), Шкала субъективного благополучия (адаптация НПЦ «Психодиагностика» Ярославского государственного университета им. П. Г. Демидова), Методика САН.
Результаты исследования. Субъективно благополучный индивид обладает высокой нервно-психической устойчивостью, низкой толерантностью к неразрешимости и низкой личностной толерантностью. Можно также предположить, что высоким показателям субъективного благополучия способствуют высокая коммуникативная толерантность и низкая толерантность к неопределённости. Между субъективным благополучием и этнической, социальной, а также общей толерантностью значимых взаимосвязей не выявлено.
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Corrélations entre conflits de lois et conflits de juridictions en droit international privé des obligations / Interrelations between choice of law and judicial jurisdiction in contracts and torts private international lawReydellet, Colin 23 November 2018 (has links)
Le droit international privé français tient pour usuel la dissociation entre le conflit de lois et le conflit de juridictions. Cette indépendance entre les deux corps de règles est érigée en principe tant par la doctrine majoritaire que par le droit positif. Selon ce principe, toute forme de corrélation est et doit être réfutée, qu’elle opère au moment de la mise en œuvre des règles de conflit ou de leur construction. En d’autres termes, ce sont ainsi trois hypothèses qui sont dénoncées : celle de l’applicabilité directe de la lex fori en tant que telle, mais également celles de la compétence du forum legis et du parallélisme des règles de conflit, celles-ci conduisant à une applicabilité indirecte de la lex fori. Or, selon la présente étude, le droit international privé des obligations montre qu’un tel principe n’existe pas et qu’il n’est pas nécessairement opportun. En effet, et un tel constat s’impose, tant le mécanisme des lois de police que le jeu de l’autonomie de la volonté suscitent une applicabilité directe de la lex fori. Par ailleurs, la réfutation des modes de corrélation indirecte est inopportune. D’une part, la compétence du forum legis permet de garantir l’effectivité des lois de police, dans la mesure où aucun autre remède ne se révèle suffisant. D’autre part, la spécialisation du droit international privé des obligations et l’emprise du droit de l’Union européenne sur cette discipline génère des règles de compétence et de loi applicable qui présentent un certain parallélisme qui n’est pas uniquement accidentel. La thèse invite ainsi à remettre en question certains dogmes classiques du droit international privé des obligations. / French private international law holds as usual the dissociation between choice of law and judicial jurisdiction. This independence between the two sets of rules is set up as a principle by both majority doctrine and law. According to this principle, any form of correlation is and must be refuted, whether it occurs at the time of implementation of the conflict rules or the time of their formulation. In other words, three hypotheses are thus denounced: that of the direct applicability of the lex fori as such, but also those of the jurisdiction of the forum legis and the parallelism of the conflict rules, which lead to an indirect applicability of the lex fori. However, according to this study, contracts and torts private international law shows that such a principle does not exist and that it is not necessarily appropriate. Indeed, both the mechanism of overriding mandatory provisions and freedom of choice of law give rise to a direct applicability of the lex fori. Moreover, the refutation of indirect correlation modes is inappropriate. On the one hand, the jurisdiction of forum legis makes it possible to guarantee the effectiveness of overriding mandatory provisions, insofar as no other remedy is sufficient. On the other hand, the specialisation of contracts and torts private international law and the influence of European Union law on this discipline generate rules of judicial jurisdiction rules and applicable law that present a certain parallelism that is not only accidental. The thesis thus invites us to question certain classic dogmas of private international law of obligations.
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Vocabulario básico de orientación didácticaLópez Martínez, Fuensanta 29 November 1999 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene una finalidad pedagógica, intenta mostrar, a través del vocabulario utilizado por las distintas materias que componen el currículo de educación secundaria, los conceptos y procesos de desarrollo intelectual comunes a ellas para poder contribuir a la coordinación de las mismas. No es un estudio lingüístico, sino que utiliza los contenidos lingüísticos del discurso científico (sustantivos y verbos) para analizar las relaciones que enlazan entre sí a las diversas materias. Este vocabulario recoge los elementos básicos para el desenvolvimiento científico de los estudiantes y sirve de orientación a los profesores, también puede utilizarse en la enseñanza del castellano a extranjeros, elaboración de textos, pruebas o tests, etc.Los términos se han extraído de un corpus compuesto por 24 textos utilizados en educación secundaria (Matemáticas, Física, Química, Biología, Zoología, Botánica, Geología, Lengua, Literatura, Historia, Geografía, Filosofía e Historia de la Filosofía) resultando un total de 6.561 sustantivos y 1.519 verbos, acompañados por los índices de Frecuencia, Dispersión y Uso. / This investigation has a pedagogical purpose. By means of the vocabulary used in the different subjects on the secondary education level, it tries to show which concepts and processes in the intellectual development are common so that we can contribute to coordination among them.We are not dealing with a linguistic study, but we use the linguistic contents in the scientific discourse (nouns and verbs) in order to analyze the relationship between the different subjects. This vocabulary collects the basic elements in the students' scientific development and it is a guide for teachers as well. Moreover, it can also be used when teaching Spanish as a foreign language, in texts processing, in exams and tests, etc. Terms have been extracted from a corpus of twenty-four texts coming from the different subjects on secondary education (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology, Botany, Geology, Grammar, Literature, History, Geography, Philosophy and History of Philosophy).The result was a total of 6,561 nouns and 1,519 verbs, together with the indexes of Frequency, Dispersion and Use.
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社區型非營利組織與政府協力關係之探究:以基隆市參與多元就業開發方案(社會型)之社區發展協會為例 / The Research on Relation of Nonprofit Community-Based Organizations and Governmental Cooperation- Participation of Keelung City in Community Development Association and Multi-Employment Development Plan (Social Type) as Example沈美君, Shen, Mei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現:(一)社區發展協會功能受限以及面對諸多問題;(二)社區發展協會參與多元就業開發方案帶來正面能量;(三) 社區發展協會參與多元就業開發方案與政府形成合作的模式;(四) 社區發展協會與政府所達成的協力互動關係因組織特質不同而有差異。
研究建議:(一)社區型非營利組織方面:社區發展協會應爭取多方資源,規劃學習型組織以及善用組織行銷(二)公私協力關係方面:社區發展協會應保持自主原則、社區發展協會領導人態度需正面積極、政府部門應以公平的態度對待每個單位、建立平等互惠的協力關係。(三)政策方面:透過社區附權來引導社區組織激發出更多想法與特色,並化為社區實際的能力。 / Over the past few decades, the consciousness of community has surged, the non-profit organizations also have built close network to enhance interaction in the community. Since the numbers of outside competitors have increased, the community non-profit organizations must have higher mobility. To gather more labor and resource, they must stay positive to apply for and execute the government grant programs. To establish a successful partnership between the government and the community non-profit organization, it is about not only the government’s policy and execution, but also the features of the community non-profit organization itself, and its operation way. Therefore, the cooperation of the two has appeared to be diverse.
This study takes 5 community development associations which with same execution of multi-employment development social type plan, but different in developing background and executive efficiency as research subjects. Discuss the functions of the 5 communities and difficulties they have encountered, and the cooperation from government in the participation of multi-employment development plan.
The research shows that: 1. The function of community development association is limited and also there are many problems they have encountered. 2. The community development association would bring positive energy by participating in multi-employment development plan. 3. The cooperation model between the government and community development associations that participate in multi-employment development plan. 4. There will be differences in the cooperative interaction due to the different organization features of the community development associations and the government.
There are four suggestions: 1. For the community non-profit organization: The community development associations should strive for different resources, planning the learning organization and use the organization marketing well. 2. Public and private cooperation: The community development associations shall keep the principle of autonomy, the attitude of leader of the community development association has to be positive and aggressive, and the government shall treat every unit fair and establish the equality and mutual benefit of the cooperation. 3. Policy: By community empowerment lead and inspire the community organization with more thoughts and features, making it the practical power of the community.
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Vazba kultury na sociální prostor Prahy (na příkladu slovenské a maďarské menšiny) / Relation of culture to the social space of Prague (on the example of Slovak and Hungarian minorities)Mészárosová, Marianna January 2016 (has links)
The interrelation between space and culture represents the central question of this doctoral thesis. To interpret this relationship the author approaches the issue by virtue of actual identity attributes of the selected ethnic groups, namely Slovak and Hungarian minorities living in Prague. The aim of the work is to define the relevance and unique representation of the spatial and cultural phenomenon in the context of existing relations, including determining the extent of observability this mutual connection. The hypothesis of this doctoral is to present culture as a spatially unbounded, and the phenomenon of space as a medium, which can influence the intensity of interest in relation to the own ethno-identifying components. The verification of this assumption author carries out within social and virtual space, on the basis of registered discourses. Discourses, sorted into thematic categories, represent the most common attributes of ethnicity and ethnic identity of the given target groups. The empirical part of this thesis contains the analysis and interpretation of the discourses, which are supported with the theory of articulation. More comprehensive definitions of applied theoretical approaches, together with terminology, research methods and ethics or netiquette, are situated in the...
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