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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Aliaga Cabanillas, Jackeline Karol, Azañero Rojas, Franz, Curasco Curasco, Julissa, Soto Marín, Jessica, Trelles Lara, Sandra Gabriela 06 December 2020 (has links)
El estudio realizado por ComSCore para la firma internet media service (IMS), nos indica que nueve de cada diez usuarios de este sector poseen un celular. A raíz de esta información podemos observar que muchas personas requieren de algún tipo de aplicación que sea de ayuda para su uso diario. En el siguiente proyecto se ha decidido desarrollar una plataforma de comercio electrónico que ayude a los bodegueros a realizar ventas virtuales y además que cuenten con opción a delivery. Con el objetivo de llegar a más clientes, incrementar las ventas y hacerse más conocidos. La pandemia Covid 19 ha generado cambios en los estilos de vida de las personas y como resultado los clientes han dejado de tener contacto directo con las bodegas por el temor al contagio de este virus, los clientes desean evitar las aglomeraciones e ir a una tienda a comprar. Es por eso que Compralow se crea para brindar una solución a los problemas de los bodegueros, incrementando sus ventas de manera exponencial y con eficiencia. Compralow, como empresa de servicio, presenta viabilidad financiera en su ejecución, rentabilidad estable y en ascenso en el transcurso de vida y maduración del proyecto y será la alternativa fácil y sencilla que va a impulsar las ventas de los bodegueros. / The study carried out by ComSCore for the internet media service (IMS) firm, indicates that nine out of ten users in this sector own a cell phone. As a result of this information we can observe that many people require some type of application that is helpful for their daily use. In the following project, it has been decided to develop an electronic commerce platform that helps storeowners to make virtual sales and also have the option of delivery. With the aim of reaching more customers, increasing sales and becoming more known. The Covid 19 pandemic has generated changes in people's lifestyles and as a result customers have stopped having direct contact with stores for fear of contagion of this virus, customers want to avoid crowds and go to a store to to buy. That is why Compralow was created to provide a solution to the problems of winemakers, increasing their sales exponentially and efficiently. Compralow, as a service company, presents financial viability in its execution, stable and increasing profitability throughout the life and maturity of the project and will be the easy and simple alternative that will boost the sales of the storeowners. / Trabajo de investigación

Sale, sänkt pris eller 25% rabatt : Hur reaskyltar påverkar konsumentens uppmärksamhet i butik / Sale, reduced price or 25% off : How promotional signage affects customer attention in-store

Califf, Amanda, Hemström, Desirée January 2018 (has links)
Dagens textilindustri står inför ett problem där det produceras för mycket kläder i relation tillefterfrågan. Den höga konkurrensen i branschen förutsätter att företagen använder sig av kampanjer och realisationer för att få varorna sålda. Trots detta rapporterar flertalet företag att de inte lyckats sälja slut reavarorna vilket har lett till minskade marginaler. Den här studien kommer att undersöka hur skyltning i butik påverkar konsumenternas uppmärksamhet vidshopping på rea. De två aspekterna undersökningen kommer utgå från är färgens och budskapets inverkan på uppmärksamheten. Tidigare forskning påvisar att skyltning är ett effektivt sätt att locka kunder till butiker. Vid utformningen av skyltningen bör företagen ta hänsyn till kundsegmentet eftersom konsumenter tenderar att respondera olika beroende på vilket sätt ett budskap är utformat. Studien baseras på ett kontrollerat experiment med ett tekniskt verktyg, eyetracking. Experimentet utfördes i en klädbutik eftersom en naturlig shoppingupplevelse eftersträvades. En kompletterande enkät användes för att samla in den information eyetracking-glasögonen inte kunde generera. Resultatet av studien visar att konsumenter tittar på skyltningen vidshopping på rea. Gällande budskapet på skylten framgår det att procentavdrag är mest attraktivt då dessa skyltar givits mest uppmärksamhet. Studien visar även att en grå skyltfångar konsumenternas uppmärksamhet i större utsträckning än en röd. / Today’s textile industry faces a problem as it produces too much clothing in relation to the demand. The high level of competition in the industry require the companies to apply different campaigns and sales to successfully sell off the products. Despite this, several companies report that they have failed to sell off their discounted products which has resulted in reduced margins. This study will examine in-store signage and its impact on consumers’ attention when shopping reduced price products. The two aspects the study will proceed from are the effect of the colour and the message on consumers’ attention. Previous studies demonstrate that signage is an effective approach of attracting customers to stores. When it comes to the framing of signs, companies should consider customer segment since customers tend to respond differently depending on how a message is framed. The study is based on a controlled experiment with a technical tool, eye tracking. The experiment was conducted in a clothing store for the purpose of pursuing a real-world environment and experience. A complementary questionnaire was used to collect information that the eye tracking-glasses were unable to generate. The results of the study states that customers pay attention to signage when shopping discounted products. Regarding the choice of message framing, it appears that percentage promotions are most attractive due to the attention payed to these signs. The study also shows that the grey sign captured consumer attention to a greater extent than the red one. The study is a bachelor thesis written in Swedish.

Teknologiska innovationer : attityder och värden ur ett konsumentperspektiv / Technological innovations : attitudes and values from a consumer perspective

Hofverberg, Johanna, Martinsson, Anders, Sandberg, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett ständigt utvecklande av den fysiska modehandeln har lett till möjligheter att utveckla en shoppingupplevelse för konsument för att bemöta konkurrens från den digitala handelsplatsen. Detta har lett till att den fysiska butiken implementerar alternativ som teknologiska innovationer för att höja shoppingupplevelsen för konsumenten. Metod: Kvalitativ undersökning med 14 semistrukturerade intervjuer och tematisk analys av den insamlade empirin. Avgränsning är satt till att endast behandla konsumentinriktade teknologier. Resultat och analys: Resultaten av insamlade data bestående av respondenternas intervjusvar analyseras mot den tidigare forskningen. Resultatet visar att respondenternas självskattning av deras teknologiska kunskap påverkar deras användning av teknologier. Vissa av respondenterna påverkas också av socialt inflytande, både positivt och negativt. Även den upplevda säkerheten hos en teknologi påverkar respondenternas acceptans av teknologin. Olika slags värden upplevs av konsumenter där självständighet, tidssparande, smidighet och nöje är de fyra centrala teman som identifieras. Respondenterna upplever och prioriterar dessa värden olika, vilket också påverkar motiven för användandet av teknologiska innovationer. Diskussion: En vidare diskussion förs utifrån tidigare teori och insamlad empiri kring värde, teknologiska innovationer och acceptans. Resultatet diskuteras utifrån ett modehandelsperspektiv, där både fast och slow fashion diskuteras. Fast fashion butiker kan gynnas till större grad av att implementera teknologier som ökar konsumenternas självständighet. Märkesvaruhus som fokuserar på att kunna ge personlig service till sina konsumenter kan missgynnas av att implementera teknologi som missgynnar personlig service. Slutsats: Denna undersökning har bidragit med att ge en tydlig bild av hur konsumenter upplever teknologiska innovationer och vad som driver dem till att börja använda dessa. Förslag till vidare forskning kan därför vara fördjupat kring hur kunskapsbristen kring teknologiska innovationer påverkar konsumenternas användande och beteende, samt hur detta kan identifieras. / Background: A constant development of the physical fashion retail business has led to possibilities to develop a shopping experience for consumers to compete with the online marketplace. This has led to physical stores implementing technological innovations to enhance the consumer experience. Method: A qualitative study with 14 semi-structured interviews along with a thematic analysis being made to structure the collected data. The paper is delimited to only consumer facing technologies. Result and analysis: The results of the respondents’ answers are analysed from the previous research. The results show that the respondents’ self-evaluation of their technological knowledge affects their usage of technologies. Some of the respondents are also affected by social influences, both in a positive and negative way. The perceived security of a technology also affects respondents’ acceptance of the technology. Different kinds of value are experienced by the respondents, with independence, time saving, flexibility and pleasure being the four central themes. The respondents experience and prioritise these values differently, which also affects the motives behind using technological innovations. Discussion: The result is discussed from a fashion industry perspective, with fast and slow fashion being brought up as two major areas. Fast fashion stores can benefit from including technological innovations to increase the customers’ independence. High fashion brands with a strong focus on personal service might suffer from introducing such technologies, as it contributes to a loss of personal service. Conclusion: This paper contributes with a clear understanding of how consumers experience technological innovations and what drives them to become users. Suggestions for further research is presented and recommends a deeper study focusing on the lack of technological knowledge, how it affects the use of technological innovations in a retail environment and how it can be identified.

The Physical Store Experience : A qualitative study on how in-store experiences influence store attractiveness

Fors, Hanna, Hyllander, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Today, brick-and-mortar retailers are facing changes, as we are moving away from a service economy towards an experience economy. These changes reshape customers´ preferences. Reatilers have shown an inability to adapt to these changes, indicating that there is a need for further insights on the subject. To address this lack of knowledge, this thesis aimed at investigating the customer experience in brick-and-mortar fashion retailers in order to obtain knowledge about how experiential offerings create perceived value and customer satisfaction, which ultimately leads to store attractiveness.  This study focused on investigating the customer experience holistically, by using the "Experience Economy 4E construct" together with three dimensions of perceived experiential value as a theoretical framework. The application of this holistic approach to the customer experience has until now been relatively unexplored, which justify the purpose of this thesis.  This qualitative study was conducted by using six semi-structured interviews. Furthermore, the emprical data collection was analysed using a thematic analysis. This generated valuable insights to which aspects were considered to create positive as well as negative feelings, which consequently affect customer satisfaction and store attractiveness.  The result showed that experiential offerings from brick-and-mortar fashion retailers create perceived experiential value, which in turn leads to customer satisfaction and store attractiveness. Furthermore, the result indicated that educational experiences, esthetic experiences and social interactions are the primary value-creating sources.

An analysis of LSM caching in NVRAM

Lersch, Lucas, Oukid, Ismail, Lehner, Wolfgang, Schreter, Ivan 13 June 2022 (has links)
The rise of NVRAM technologies promises to change the way we think about system architectures. In order to fully exploit its advantages, it is required to develop systems specially tailored for NVRAM devices. Not only this imposes great challenges, but developing full system architectures from scratch is undesirable in many scenarios due to prohibitive development costs. Instead, we analyze in this paper the behavior of an existing log-structured persistent key-value store, namely LevelDB, when run on top of an emulated NVRAM device. We investigate initial opportunities for improvement when adapting a system tailored for HDD/SSDs to run on top of an NVRAM environment. Furthermore, we analyze the behavior of the legacy DRAM caching component of LevelDB and whether more suitable caching policies are required.

Robust, fault-tolerant majority based key-value data store supporting multiple data consistency

Khan, Tareq Jamal January 2011 (has links)
Web 2.0 has significantly transformed the way how modern society works now-a-days. In today‘s Web, information not only flows top down from the web sites to the readers; but also flows bottom up contributed by mass user. Hugely popular Web 2.0 applications like Wikis, social applications (e.g. Facebook, MySpace), media sharing applications (e.g. YouTube, Flickr), blogging and numerous others generate lots of user generated contents and make heavy use of the underlying storage. Data storage system is the heart of these applications as all user activities are translated to read and write requests and directed to the database for further action. Hence focus is on the storage that serves data to support the applications and its reliable and efficient design is instrumental for applications to perform in line with expectations. Large scale storage systems are being used by popular social networking services like Facebook, MySpace where millions of users‘ data have been stored and fully accessed by these companies. However from users‘ point of view there has been justified concern about user data ownership and lack of control over personal data. For example, on more than one occasions Facebook have exercised its control over users‘ data without respecting users‘ rights to ownership of their own content and manipulated data for its own business interest without users‘ knowledge or consent. The thesis proposes, designs and implements a large scale, robust and fault-tolerant key-value data storage prototype that is peer-to-peer based and intends to back away from the client-server paradigm with a view to relieving the companies from data storage and management responsibilities and letting users control their own personal data. Several read and write APIs (similar to Yahoo!‘s P NUTS but different in terms of underlying design and the environment they are targeted for) with various data consistency guarantees are provided from which a wide range of web applications would be able to choose the APIs according to their data consistency, performance and availability requirements. An analytical comparison is also made against the PNUTS system that targets a more stable environment. For evaluation, simulation has been carried out to test the system availability, scalability and fault-tolerance in a dynamic environment. The results are then analyzed and conclusion is drawn that the system is scalable, available and shows acceptable performance.

Sex-Shop Entrenos

Almiron Paliza de Silva, Evelyn Lourdes, Carbajal Flores, Ibeth Deyanira, Franco Dongo, Erick Xavier, Miñano Peña, José Manuel, Yépez Diaz, Roxana Fransisca 09 December 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto, tiene como objetivo proponer un mejor servicio en la comercialización de productos sexuales. ENTRENOS es una idea de negocio que, con un modelo de negocio de manera sutil, educativo, cuidando la privacidad e incentivando el juego lúdico, venderá productos sexuales, dirigido a mayores de 18 años con capacidad adquisitiva que deseen descubrir como activar y potenciar su sexualidad y que requieren mejorar su experiencia sexual. Entrenos, genera un impacto en la sociedad a través del impulso de igualdad de género y el empoderamiento de hombres y mujeres independientemente de sus gustos y preferencias. Incluye y respeta a la comunidad LGTB y genera una cultura sexual saludable. Uno de los principales factores que contribuirá con éxito de ENTRENOS, son las alianzas estratégicas que se deberá realizar con los aliados: inversionistas y socios claves para el financiamiento, desarrollo de herramientas tecnológicas, el abastecimiento oportuno de los productos y la entrega a tiempo de los productos al cliente. El periodo de evaluación considerado para este proyecto es de cinco años. Considerando el escenario esperado, el proyecto presenta un Valor Actual Neto 9026,31 (VAN) soles, descontando a una tasa del 13,77% como COK. Además, la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR financiera) Asciende a 27,64 %, y el capital se recuperará en el año. Por lo expuesto, el plan de negocio de ENTRENOS es considerado como una buena oportunidad de inversión, ya que presenta una rentabilidad atractiva con un nivel de riesgo bajo. / The present project aims to propose a better service in the commercialization of sexual products. ENTRENOS is a business idea that, with a business model in a subtle, educational way, taking care of privacy and encouraging playful games, will sell sexual products, aimed at people over 18 with purchasing power who wish to discover how to activate and enhance their sexuality and they need to improve their sexual experience. Trainings, generates an impact on society through the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of men and women regardless of their tastes and preferences. It includes and respects the LGTB community and generates a healthy sexual culture. One of the main factors that contributes to the success of ENTRENOS, are the strategic alliances that must be made with allies: investors and key partners for financing, development of technological tools, timely supply of products and on-time delivery of products. The evaluation period considered for this project is five years. Considering the expected scenario, the project presents a Net Present Value (NPV) of nuevos soles, discounting a% rate as COK. In addition, the Internal Rate of Return (financial IRR) amounts to%, and the capital will be recovered in the year. Therefore, the ENTRENOS business plan is considered a good investment opportunity, since it presents an attractive profitability with a low level of risk. / Trabajo de investigación

Centrumutveckling och dess utmaningar : från handelsplats till mötesplats / Center development and its challenges : from marketplace to venue

Ugglin, Moa, Julia, Sfaiter January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka utmaningar som centrumutvecklare står inför i sitt arbete för att få en levande handelsplats, där tre problemformuleringar tagits fram. Problemformuleringarna syftar till att förstå vilka de största utmaningarna är för en levande handelsplats och hur centrumutvecklare arbetar med dessa utmaningar. Den sista problemformuleringen studerar hur framtiden kan komma att se ut för de levande handelsplatserna, enligt centrumutvecklare. Studien analyserar de största utmaningarna som centrumutvecklare står inför, där diskussionen i slutsatsen präglas av dessa. Bland annat diskuteras samverkan mellan olika aktörer i staden, där rollen som centrumutvecklare är viktig och central. De har inte något formellt beslutsfattande vilket gör dem beroende av andra aktörer, där en politiskt fattad handelspolicy kan underlätta. Även en pågående omställning inom digitaliseringen, allmän beteendeförändring hos konsumenterna, trygga stadskärnor och attraktivt utbud är utmaningar. I framtiden kan begreppet handelsplats omformuleras till mötesplats, då centrumutvecklare prognostiserar att det kan efterfrågas mer upplevelser, där social interaktion är centralt. / The purpose of the study is to investigate the challenges that center developers face in their work to achieve a vibrant marketplace, where three problem definitions have been developed. The first problem definition aims to understand what the biggest challenges are for a vibrant marketplace according to the center developers themselves, where the second problem definition aims to understand how they work with these challenges. The final problem definition will be studied around what the future may look like for the vibrant marketplaces, according to center developers. The study in its analysis and conclusion shows that the biggest challenges center developers face are collaboration between different actors in the city, where their role is important and fundamental. They also do not make any formal decision-making themselves, which makes them dependent on other actors, where a politically understood trade policy can help. Additionally, the ongoing transition into digitalisation, general changes in consumer behavior, secure city centers and an attractive range of offers are also challenges. In the future, the term marketplace might be rephrased to meetingplace, as center developers predict experiences, where meeting is a central part of social interaction, will be higher in demand. We may have to stray away from the word marketplace and instead lean towards the phrase meeting place.

Ett smittfritt handlande : En studie om utformningen av matbutiker för att minska trängsel

Nordqvist, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Detta examensarbete går ut på att undersöka på vilket sätt matbutiker kan utformas för att underlätta för besökarna att hålla avstånd och undvika trängsel i syfte att minska spridning av virus. Fokuset i studien ligger på rumslig utformning i kombination med visuell information. Insamlade teorier samt användandet av metoder som platsanalys, benchmarking, observationer, behavioral mapping, intervju samt fokusgrupp, har gett förståelse för vad problemet skulle kunna vara och vad som krävs för att ge rätt förutsättningar för butiksbesökare att undvika trängsel. Utifrån detta har ett gestaltningsförslag tagits fram på hur rumslig utformning och visuell information kan användas i butiker för att styra flödet. Gestaltningsförslaget består av enkelriktade vägar med tillhörande information som vägleder besökarna genom butiken. / This thesis aims to investigate how grocery stores can be designed to make it easier for visitors to keep their distance and avoid crowding in order to reduce the spread of viruses. The focus of the study is on spatial design in combination with visual information. Collected theories as well as the use of methods such as location analysis, benchmarking, observations, behavioral mapping, interview and focus group, have provided an understanding of what the problem could be and what is needed to create the right conditions for shop visitors to avoid crowding. Based on this, a design proposal has been developed on how spatial design and visual information can be used in stores to control the customer flow. The design proposal consists of one-way paths with associated information that guide visitors through the store.

The Role of the Physical Store in an Omnichannel Strategy : A qualitative study of Generation Z in the Swedish fashion industry

Wedebrand, Axel, Ödling, Charlotta January 2021 (has links)
The modern retail landscape is experiencing a continuous change due to digitalization. With the growing number of available channels, consumers' consequent behavior within the fashion retail environment are becoming ever more complex. Which thus poses a challenge for fashion retailers in trying to not only understand them, but how to serve them best. Along this evolution of retail due to digitalization, physical retail stores have closed down due to the increasing competition from e-commerce, although it remains the biggest distribution channel. The role of the physical store is thus experiencing elements of an existential crisis. In this, Generation Z remains an ambiguous consumer segment whose importance will only increase as the generation comes into its purchasing prime. But, Generation Z is not yet well understood as limited research exists on the subject. And as they’re the digital native generation, where retail omnichannel strategies are commonplace, seeking to understand their attitudes, preferences and perceptions of omnichannel retailing, but also the physical store, is thus essential moving into the future. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to distinguish and explore the value of the physical store in the eyes of Generation Z in an omnichannel strategy, within the context of fashion retailing. RQ: What is the role of physical fashion stores within omnichannel strategy, in regard to Generation Z? In order to answer the research question, the method of choice was a qualitative one. The consequent empirical findings were gathered from seven semi-structured interviews, six from Generation Z respondents and one from the CCO of Gina Tricot, yielding a managerial perspective. Thus, allowing for triangulation opportunities. Moreover, besides the empirical findings, we present a proposed framework which illustrates how and why Generation Z’s behavior, preferences and perceptions have ultimately altered the role of physical stores to be one of increasing complementarity within the context of an omnichannel strategy. In describing this evolution, multiple characteristics of Generation Z are distinguished. Finally, this thesis provides a deepened knowledge on how retailers may use their physical store within an omnichannel strategy to better serve Generation Z consumers in order to enhance customer experience and satisfaction. The empirical findings exhibit the physical store as an essential part for consumers within the context of other available channels online. Where multiple aspects otherwise not satisfied through online channels, serve an important purpose for Generation Z consumers. This thesis may thus offer value for retailers in how to balance various appreciated aspects of the physical store, whilst incorporating some of the desired elements of online, to increase the customer experience of physical stores.

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