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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張建忠, ZHANG, JIAN-ZHONG Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論:包括研究動機與目的、研究方法、研究範圍與假設、本文結構。 第二章行銷資訊系統內容:包括內部會計系統、行銷研究系統、行銷管理系統、行銷 情報系統。 第三章結構化方法:包括結構化系統分析、結構化系統設計。 第四章個案公司介紹:包括個案公司基本資料、現行系統問題。 第五章個案公司行銷資訊系統結構化分析。 今日行銷導向之趨勢,市場情況愈形複雜,迫使管理者依賴持續不斷的消息來源以作 決策,這些消息包括(一)一般環境(政治、經濟、文化科技)。 (二)市場環境(供應商、消費者)。 (三)競爭環境。 (四)內部資訊。 如何將這些資訊整合,以成為對企業有用的資訊來幫助決策者提高決策品質以達成企 業目標為主要內容,並以百貨公司為例加以實證。

台灣ATM 在超商通路的經營策略

闕文柄 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著日益都市化生活的演進中,便利商店已和我們的生活息息相關且成為不可或缺的消費場所。以目前台灣地區六千餘家的便利商店中,大約裝設了超過三千台自動提款機(ATM)。其中光是中國信託商業銀行和統一超商7-11聯盟,就已經在其便利商店裝設超過二千台ATM。但是這些機器所提供給消費者的功能,似乎和一般裝設在銀行分行端的ATM沒有太大的差別,客戶也感受不到任何差異化的服務,明顯的表現就是機器的使用率偏低。若是長期以往,勢必無法引起消費者的青睞,甚至沉重的營運成本也將造成金融機構的財務負擔。 以日本為例,其為全世界每百萬人口ATM機器數量最高者,也是全球ATM裝設數量第二大的國家。自1999年開始,日本在零售通路ATM上,小自內容供應 (Content Provide),大到異業結盟 (Joint Venture) 等,都有關鍵性的創新經營和策略模式。在內容供應上,日本銀行業者與內容供應商 (Content Providers) 合作,在ATM上提供民生消費及流行資訊等零售市場小額售價服務,真正做到於超商據點中提供消費者零售金融 (Retail Banking) 的服務;而在經營策略上,為了降低營運成本負擔及提高資產使用效率原則,其金融機構逐漸發展出異業結盟和專業委外的經營型態 (Business Model) 的概念,捨棄以往自行擁有 (Exclusive Ownership) 轉而成為向專業ATM經營公司租賃, 一則增加資產使用率、降低營運成本 ,另一方面藉由專業資訊管理機制所發展出來科技整合,加強金融服務和零售通路的優勢結合,增加客戶使用的方便性,也進一步擴大對消費者的服務範圍,達到雙贏的結果。 本篇研究以日本超商ATM現況為對象,並參考其發展模式,加入台灣經營環境及消費習慣,提出經營策略方案,讓國內銀行業者從財務和科技發展角度看ATM在零售市場通路的佈局。


高珮芳 Unknown Date (has links)
MP3與P2P的出現,打破過去唱片業者壟斷市場及通路的遊戲規則。面對網路盜版的猖獗,不只全球主要的音樂唱片公司,嘗試從法律面及技術面去尋求解決之道,對於未來的發展方向,許多廠商及也都在努力思考,如何經由科技應用、創新經營模式以搶得市場之先機。 自蘋果電腦力邀五大唱片商合作、率先揭櫫數位音樂大旗以來,其以線上音樂商店結合iTunes軟體及iPod數位音樂播放器的經營模式,可能就是管理、法律、科技相互配合,共同捍衛智財權的最佳範例。 本論文由音樂播放軟體系統競爭的角度切入,針對線上音樂廠商,面臨系統產品的標準競爭、網路外部性、產品相容性、互補性資產等議題,所採取的各項策略進行全面性探討,其中包括平台標準的建立與選擇、系統採開放或封閉模式、廠商最適垂直整合度等決策。 本研究除了從智慧財產管理、資訊產品特性、系統平台面看線上音樂產業之發展,也探討數位版權技術的應用、經營模式的改變、法律規範的嚇阻,如何克服網路盜版音樂猖獗的問題,更試圖整理目前線上音樂業者之經營模式、蘋果電腦領先之道以供後續廠商參考,並提出新的經營模式、網路經營觀念等促進線上音樂蓬勃發展之建議。

網路商店進行網路口碑管理之研究:以網路化妝品商店為例 / A Study on Electronic Word-of-Mouth Management of Online Stores: Online Cosmetic Stores

謝松齡, Hsieh, Sung Ling Unknown Date (has links)
在Web2.0的浪潮下,網路購物者越來越習慣主動搜尋商品資訊、發表產品心得。2007年資策會的調查顯示,有八成的網友在購物前會先上網瀏覽商品評鑑、七成以上的網友會受到部落格評價或評比影響購物意願。這證明了網路口碑深深影響消費者的購物行為,身為網路商店的經營者,不可不重視這股影響力。 對於網路化妝品商店來說,其所販售的產品屬於經驗性商品,消費者在無法透過實體商店進行試用的情況下,相當依賴網路口碑了解產品資訊與效果;此點從國內最大的口碑社群網站 「FashionGuide」與「UrCosme」皆以化妝品使用心得為討論主題即可窺知。並且,觀察到國內網路化妝品網站多半設計有「使用心得分享」的機制,顯示大部分的業者都認為在網路上放上使用者的心得,將對於產品銷售有所助益。 以上可知,網路口碑對於消費者的購買決策具有相當的影響力,並已逐漸被應用在網路商店的經營上。然而國內外針對網路口碑的研究多半偏重在消費者行為方面,從企業觀點看待網路口碑管理的相關研究非常少數。本研究試圖探索網路化妝品商店進行網路口碑管理之動機與作法,提供實務上與學術上的貢獻。 本研究的研究問題有四:1.網路化妝品商店進行網路口碑管理的動機為何?2.網路化妝品商店如何監視網路口碑? 3.網路化妝品商店如何回應網路口碑?4.網路化妝品商店如何促進網路口碑傳播? 透過深度訪談三家國內網路化妝品業者,並配合相關的次集資料蒐集與整理,本研究獲得以下主要結論:1.網路化妝品商店進行網路口碑管理的動機為獲知市場資訊與提升品牌認同感。2.網路化妝品商店利用美容討論網站與品牌網站監視網路口碑,根據細節內容界定其參考價值。3.網路化妝品商店會選擇性回應負面網路口碑;回應重點為情緒安撫、表示負責。4.網路化妝品商店藉由「心得分享」式顧客推薦方案、美容知識傳遞與促銷活動促進網路口碑傳播。5.網路化妝品商店所設計的網路口碑回應機制,有助於網路口碑監視與傳播促進。 在網路口碑管理理論方面,本研究的主要貢獻有三:1.彌補網路口碑回應與傳播促進的研究缺口。2.提供網路口碑管理研究者模型修定之考量。3.發現網路口碑與傳統行銷廣告的新關聯性。 / Entering Web 2.0, online shoppers are more used to search product information before purchasing and share their comments after shopping. The MIC survey indicates that over 70% of online shoppers will explore the comments of others before purchasing and be affected. This shows that electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) has a great influence on customers’ purchasing decision and worthy watching. Cosmetic in online stores could not be trail before purchasing, which is contrary to its experice quality product characters and lead to the booming of cosmetic community sites. In addition, many of the online cosmetic websites include the function called “True Story” to encourage customers share their experiences after using products, which means online cosmetic stores already know the power of eWOM and start to apply it in business operation. Even the influence and application of eWOM are already been proven, there are only still little researches relate to eWOM management. This study built a systematic structure to find the motivation and process for eWOM management of online cosmetic stores, tried to identify the context of this vague but important issue. The study aims to investigate the following questions: 1. What are the motivations for online cosmetics stores to manage eWOM? 2. How do they monitor eWOM? 3. How do they respond to eWOM? 4. How do they disseminate eWOM? Through interviewed three online cosmetic stores in Taiwan and applied secondary data analysis, the preliminary research findings include: 1. The motivations to manage eWOM for online cosmetic stores are collecting market information and building brand trust. 2. Online cosmetic stores take advantage of cosmetic community sites and official websites to monitor eWOM, identify the importance of eWOM by the detail descriptions. 3. Online cosmetic stores will optionally respond to negative eWOM to pacify and show the sense of responsibility. 4. Online cosmetic stores apply customer referral program, beauty knowledge conveying and promotion activities to increase the positive eWOM. 5. The respond mechanisms in online cosmetic websites also contribute to monitor and dissemination of eWOM. The study also contributed to the eWOM management theory by: 1. Supplement to the lack of eWOM respond and dissemination mechanisms. 2. Provide new references for eWOM management model revising. 3. Found the new relationship between eWOM and traditional marketing communication tools.

統一超商進入中國上海市場策略之探討 / Uni-president Shanghai CVS market entry strategies

梁志毅, Liang, Sinclair C. Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要探討中國上海便利店的現況及發展趨勢、競爭態勢,統一超商在台灣便利店市場之關鍵成功因素,以及統一超商進入中國上海便利店市場策略之探討,並試圖爲統一超商進入中國上海便利店市場提出未來發展策略之建議。 中國上海便利店市場之發展趨勢包括:(1) 密集開店,貼身競爭,以致大多數便利店不是虧損多年,便是薄利經營;(2) 上海便利店85%為本國國營企業,在大多數地區,便利店與超市只有面積大小、品種多少上的區別,並沒有明顯的功能差異;(3) 上海國民所得已將近一萬美元,新一代的中產階級崛起,他們要求好品質、好服務、有安全衛生保障的產品;(4)上海人口多元化顯著,有可能各種便利店包括土便利及洋便利同時存在,便利店可以“一業多態”的存在;(5) 在地法規限制、高成本、發展特許加盟上的困難、及物流系統不成熟皆為進入上海便利店市場的挑戰。 統一超商在台灣便利店市場之關鍵成功因素包括:(1)先佔優勢;(2) 成功的訂定目標客戶及自我定位;(3) 高密度展店及高市占率;(4) 完善的加盟制度;(5) 卡式管理及單店行銷結合;(6) 強大的後台系統; (7) 高效能的物流系統; (8) 靈活的行銷策略; (9) 完整的教育訓練。 從本文的分析中,我們得到: 統一超商進入上海便利店市場最適合採行「差異化集中策略」做為競爭策略。

"The Market That Just Grew Up": How Eaton's Fashioned the Teenaged Consumer in Mid-twentieth-century Canada

Rollwagen, Katharine E 25 September 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the emergence of the teenaged consumer as a market segment in Canada during the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. It challenges the notion that teenagers were of little interest to retailers until economics and demographics shaped the more numerous and prosperous post-war teenagers of the Baby Boom generation. Using evidence from corporate records and analysis of mail order catalogues, the study examines how department store retailer, the T. Eaton Company, Limited, began to cultivate a distinct and lucrative teenaged consumer in the 1930s, and thereby began shaping the teenaged consumer. The thesis contextualizes the case study of Eaton’s by exploring the varied expectations that adults had of young people at the time, using census records and magazines (Chatelaine, Canadian Home Journal and Mayfair) to explore concerns about young people’s transition to adulthood. It then focuses on how Eaton’s made a concerted and sustained effort to attract teenager customers to its catalogue and stores. Analysis of its semi-annual catalogue highlights the emergence of specialized clothing size ranges and styles, revealing that Eaton’s increasingly viewed the teenaged years as an important in-between life stage. Eaton’s also instituted teenage advisory councils to both glean market trends and provide a venue for what it considered education for novice consumers. Eaton’s presented consumption as a way to prepare young people for adult roles, legitimizing teenaged participation in the consumer marketplace and contributing to wider debates about when and how teenaged Canadians should reach maturity.

Retail Change and Light Rail: an Exploration of Business Location Changes Accompanying Commuter Rail Development in Denton County, Texas

Yarbrough, Trevor S. 08 1900 (has links)
Within the past few decades, commuter rail routes in several major metropolitan areas have been implemented to provide an alternative to automobile transportation. Urban planners in these cities are looking to commuter rail to mitigate congestion and pollution. However, research on the impacts of commuter rail development on the surrounding retail landscape is still needed. In metropolitan Dallas-Fort Worth, the Denton County Transportation Authority recently opened its new A-Train light rail service linking suburban Denton and downtown Dallas. This thesis examines urban changes that occurred in the years before and after the A-Train line's 2011 opening, with a focus on restaurant and retail development in the vicinity of the A-Train stations in Denton County. This analysis evaluates changes in retail density and type, the population surrounding stations, and municipal initiatives that shape the retail landscape of station vicinities. This was done by gathering field data, retailer listings, population data, and conducting interviews with local businesses and city planners. The findings suggest that A-train stations have had a differential impact on the surrounding landscape, depending on the existing retail landscape, the types of retailers present, and the current state of municipal infrastructure that promotes accessibility. Overall, results suggest that urban planners play a vital role in harnessing the potential of commuter rail to promote nearby retail growth.

Čeští vývojáři a mobilní platformy: kvalitativní studie / Czech developers and mobile platforms

Alexandre, Berenika January 2015 (has links)
This Master's degree thesis deals with a specific area of creative industries: development of mobile applications. The aim is to identify and understand the work routines of Czech iOS developers while considering the importance of design as one of the benchmarks of mobile application quality on the Apple App Store. I mainly focus on mapping work routines of selected developers and their thinking about design in the context of Apple devices and iOS platform, assuming that Apple establishes a high standard of visual and functional qualities. I am addressing an issue of application usability not only in terms of design of the user interface, but also its functioning and more aspects of application development within the ecosystem of Czech mobile app industry. The theoretical part of my thesis subjectively describes fundamental concepts from the mobile app development field and theories related to the topic. Empirical part of the study is based on qualitative interviews with 9 Czech mobile app developers and following thematic analysis. This study can serve as an interesting resource of understanding of the work of Czech mobile app developers, how they think about design and Apple as a platform or as a solid foundation for further quantitative investigation to confirm or revise my findings.

Antecedentes da intenção de compra de marcas próprias: um estudo comparativo entre categorias de alto e baixo risco percebido / Antecedents of private brands purchase intention: a comparative study between high and low perceived risk product categories

Borges, Lúcia Aparecida da Silva 18 November 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é investigar, de forma comparativa entre as categorias alimento e limpeza doméstica, os antecedentes da intenção do consumidor comprar marcas próprias, bem como analisar os efeitos da diferença nos níveis de risco percebido entre essas duas categorias de produtos na formação da intenção de compra. Para o alcance desse objetivo construiu-se um modelo com base em revisões da literatura sobre marcas próprias, bem como sobre risco percebido, imagem da loja, imagem da marca própria e atitudes, construtos identificados como os principais preditores da intenção de compra. O marco teórico permitiu a construção de hipóteses acerca dos principais relacionamentos existentes entre esses construtos no contexto de marcas próprias. A seguir foi realizada uma pesquisa empírica com o objetivo de testar tais hipóteses, utilizando um questionário auto-administrado elaborado com escalas já validadas na literatura. Esse levantamento de campo (survey) coletou opiniões de uma amostra não probabilística de 1.938 clientes de supermercados, composta por pessoas de ambos os gêneros e provenientes de 26 Estados do Brasil e do Distrito Federal, com predominância do Estado de São Paulo. Os resultados obtidos por meio de modelagem de equações estruturais utilizando a ferramenta Smart PLS demonstram que há relacionamentos significativos entre o risco percebido e a imagem da marca própria; entre a imagem da loja e imagem da marca própria; entre a imagem da marca própria e a atitude; e entre a atitude e a intenção de compra, validando as hipóteses de trabalho. O estudo também conclui que o risco percebido e a imagem da loja são fortes preditores da imagem da marca própria e da atitude a qual, por sua vez, é uma forte preditora da intenção de compra. Por fim, os resultados sugerem que a imagem da loja exerce maior influência na imagem da marca própria quando se trata da categoria alimentos, identificada como de menor risco percebido. Já na categoria limpeza doméstica, a cadeia mais relevante de antecedentes à intenção de compra por parte dos consumidores passa pelas relações entre risco percebido, imagem da marca e atitude frente a marcas próprias. Essas conclusões sugerem diferenças de intensidade, senão em natureza, nas relações entre os antecedentes psicológicos à intenção de compra do consumidor quando são consideradas categorias que se diferenciam no risco percebido pelo cliente, contribuindo para uma melhor compreensão teórica do fenômeno e sugerindo implicações gerenciais na adoção de estratégias de marketing por parte dos varejistas detentores de marcas próprias. / This study aims to investigate the antecedents of consumer´s intention to purchase private brands and analyze the effects of different perceived risk levels in intention formation by comparing food and house cleaning product categories. To attain to such goal a model was developed based on literature reviews about private brands, as well as perceived risk, store image, brand image, and attitudes, constructs identified as the main predictors for purchase intention. The theoretical framework allowed the construction of hypotheses about the key relationships among the constructs in the context of private brands. A survey was then designed and executed in order to test the hypotheses. A self-administered questionnaire was build with validated scales found in marketing literature. The empirical study collected opinions from a non-probabilistic sample of 1,938 private brands supermarket shoppers, comprising persons of both genders and from all 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District, predominating residents in the state of São Paulo. Results obtained by Structural Equation Modeling using Smart PLS suggest there are significant relationships between perceived risk and private brand image; between store image and brand image; between private brand image and attitude; and between attitude and purchase intention, validating the proposed hypotheses. The study also concluded that perceived risk and store image are strong predictors for private brand image and attitude which, in turn, is a strong predictor for purchase intention. Finally, results suggest that store image has more influence on private brand image when food products are the focused category as consumers present lower perceived risk toward it. For house cleaning products, the most relevant antecedents for consumer´s purchase intention form a chain of relations from perceived risk, brand image and attitude towards private labels. These findings suggest differences in intensity, if not in nature, on the relations among consumer´s psychological antecedents for purchase intention when categories that differ on perceived risk are considered. Such findings contribute to a better theoretical understanding of the phenomenon and suggest managerial implications for marketing strategies to retailers who hold private brands.

As Vendas e o Espaço no Retalho: Modelos Econométricos Aplicados a um Grupi de Distribuição Alimentar Português

Castro, Alexandra Carla Barata 19 March 2008 (has links)
Ciências Empresariais / Master Programme in Management Sciences / A dissertação que se apresenta enquadra-se na problemática da identificação dos factores determinantes para as vendas no mercado da distribuição, com enfoque no sector do retalho. O espaço em área de venda, identificado pelos retalhistas como o seu recurso mais dispendioso, assume um papel importante como factor explicativo das vendas, sendo dada relevância à sua influência ao longo de toda a investigação. Por outro lado, procura-se avaliar a importância do espaço e de outros factores para diferentes categorias de produtos e segmentos de loja. Este estudo serve-se de um exemplo representativo de lojas que operam no mercado português, pertencentes a um dos principais grupos retalhistas existentes, para avaliar esta problemática Relativamente à metodologia adoptada no estudo do grupo de retalho português recorreu-se a modelos econométricos - regressão linear, segmentação e modelos de mistura de regressão, usando informação da empresa e das suas insígnias. Concluiu-se que o espaço é um factor determinante para as vendas, cuja importância varia entre lojas, grupos de lojas e categorias de produtos. Estes resultados são importantes na tomada de decisão do retalhista, na medida em que contribuem para a realização de estudos de simulação de lojas, prevendo os efeitos das variações de vendas provocados por alterações de espaço. Os factores relacionados com o preço face à concorrência, rendimento per capita da população alvo e qualidade no atendimento também foram analisados e inferiu-se sobre a sua importância relativa. Os modelos de segmentação adoptados foram também úteis, porque permitiram identificar grupos homogéneos de lojas, facultando ao gestor informação útil para a definição de políticas direccionadas a estes grupos. / The following dissertation covers the field of identification of the determinant sales factors at the distribution market, with the emphasis on the retail sector. The sales area, which is considered by retailers as the highest investment outlay point, assumes an important role as explanatory sales factor and gets a relevant attention throughout the research according to its influential character. On the other hand, the ambition has been set to evaluate the importance of the retail sales area and of the other factors concerning various product categories and various segments of stores. This study operates with a representative example of stores working in the Portuguese market and belonging to one of the existing local retail groups, with the objective of analysing this problematic. As for the methodology applied to the study of the Portuguese retail group, the econometric models were chosen linear regression, segmentation, regression mixture models, survey information of the company in question and its store formats. To sum up, the sales area is a determinant sales factor, which importance varies between the stores, groups of stores and product categories. These results are relevant to the retail's decisions since they facilitate the realization of underlying studies predicting the effects of the sale variations provoked by sales area alteration. The factors related to the price contest in face of the competitors, the income per capita of the population as well as the service quality were analysed and studied its relative importance. The applied segmentation models proved to be useful since they allowed identify homogeneous store groups, delivering valuable information to the managers that facilitates the definition of particular attitude policies regarding these groups

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