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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Professional Isolation and Connectedness in Computer Supported Cooperative Work Systems : A Focused Ethnographic Study of Knowledge Workers Working from Home

Mohlin, Alice January 2021 (has links)
Both companies and individuals have observed positive effects after implementing working from home (WFH) practices as digital technology expands collaborative possibilities. As a result, the hybrid workplace has emerged as a sustainable possibility for future workplace solutions. In a hybrid workplace, the workforce is distributed between a co-located office and WFH to different extents, naturally inferring an intense use of collaborative technology in daily operations. However, despite reports of aforementioned positive effects, research show that the feeling of professional isolation (PI) is a reoccurring issue for knowledge workers WFH. And although the spread of the issue appears to be severe in literature, little is known about the effects that the collaborative technology actually has on the level of experienced PI.  Within the interdisciplinary research field of CSCW (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work), collaborative information technology systems are studied from both technological and social perspectives. Thus, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of professional isolation in relation to the use of collaborative information technology systems, this study aims to explore how knowledge workers currently WFH experience and perceive the support of CSCW systems for communication in relation to PI.  Based on a qualitative, focused ethnographic approach, nine knowledge workers from different companies and positions currently WFH were interviewed about their perceptions of CSCW systems for communication support in relation to PI. The empirical data that the interviews generated was subjected to a thematic analysis, from which five themes emerged and constituted the empirical findings. These themes were then analyzed in the light of the research questions and discussed with the concepts in the literature review as well as with a symbolic interactionist perspective.  The results of this master’s thesis research show that most of the participants do not experience professional isolation as defined in literature, however, they display a loss of connectedness to co-workers when using the CSCW systems for communication support when working from home. The connectedness in question is achieved with ‘social interaction’, however, the research findings of this master’s thesis illustrate that ‘social interaction’ is not symbolically connected to any of the CSCW systems for communication support for the participants. Based on these research findings, it is proposed that ‘social interaction’ is not included in the concept of ‘communication’ within the field of CSCW. Furthermore, it is suggested that organizations aspiring to implement working from home (WFH), or hybrid workplace practices may want to re-evaluate current and future social activities within the CSCW systems for communication support based on the insights provided by the master’s thesis research study.

Unboxing The Algorithm : Understandability And Algorithmic Experience In Intelligent Music Recommendation Systems

Schröder, Anna Marie January 2021 (has links)
After decades of black-boxing the existence of algorithms in technologies of daily need, users lack confidence in handling them. This thesis study investigates the use situation of intelligent music recommendation systems and explores how understandability as a principle drawn from sociology, design, and computing can enhance the algorithmic experience. In a Research-Through-Design approach, the project conducted focus user sessions and an expert interview to explore first-hand insights. The analysis showed that users had limited mental models so far but brought curiosity to learn. Explorative prototyping revealed that explanations could improve the algorithmic experience in music recommendation systems. Users could comprehend information the best when it was easy to access and digest, directly related to user behavior, and gave control to correct the algorithm. Concluding, trusting users with more transparent handling of algorithmic workings might make authentic recommendations from intelligent systems applicable in the long run.

Improving post-productionfeedback process

Abduljalel, Viyan January 2020 (has links)
The process of producing entertaining video and films is complicated and time consuming. One of the complicated parts of post-production of entertaining content is getting feedback and reviewing the draft edit. After the filming process of a series or a film completed, the editors start working on the cut materials. This is a stage in the process where the editor will get their cut reviewed and receive feedback from different teams on the rough-cut or editor cuts. Today the review and the feedback between the editor and reviewer is done online directly through email.

HealthLab: Konceptdriven designforskning om hanteringen av hälsodata : en studie om hur enskilda individer kan använda hälsodata i ett meningsfullare syfte för att optimera sin träning / HealthLab: Concept-driven design research on the management of health data : a study on how individuals can use health data for a more meaningful purpose to optimize their exercise

Welin, Anna, Melms, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Människor använder sig allt mer av digitala hälsoplattformar, vilket gör att det genereras mängder av hälsodata från användarnas digitala aktiviteter. Syftet med detta examensarbetet är att med hjälp av en konceptdriven designforskning framställa ett designkoncept för att hantera denna stora mängd hälsodata. Målet med konceptet är att det ska skapa en möjlighet för individer att själva hantera och få tillgång till sin hälsodata som genereras, för att i sin tur även kunna utnyttja det till något meningsfullt.  Med hjälp av en metodologisk guide har konceptet utvecklats, för att ta fram teoretiskt förankrade egenskaper och sammanställa dem till ett koncept i form av en modell. För att få in extern kritik av konceptet involverades tio användare, vilket i sin tur ledde till revidering och kontextualisering av HealthLab. I resultatet presenteras slutgiltligt koncept av Healthlab. Konceptet ska fungera som en multiplattform vars syfte är att samla in externa hälsodata, för att användarna ska få in flera aspekter i deras träning, som ska i sin tur hjälpa till att bidra till en bättre träningsupplevelse. Det slutgiltiga resultatet av HealthLab är tänkt att vara en framtidsvision för att vägleda och väcka nya tankesätt hos forskare och designers. / People are increasingly using digital health platforms, which means that lots of health data is generated from users' digital activities. The purpose of this paper is to develop a design concept to manage this large amount of health data, with the help of concept-driven design research. The goal of the concept is to create an opportunity for individuals to manage and access their generated health data, in order to use it for something meaningful.  With the aid of a methodological guide, the concept has been developed, to create theoretically anchored qualities and to compile them into a concept in the form of a model. To get external criticism of the concept, ten users were involved, which in turn led to revision and contextualisation of HealthLab. In the result, a final concept model is presented of HealthLab. The concept will serve as a multiplatform whose purpose is to collect external health data so that users can get several aspects of their training, which in turn will contribute to a better training experience. The final result of HealthLab is intended to be a vision for the future to guide and awaken new ways of thinking among researchers and designers.

Human-Centered Explainability Attributes In Ai-Powered Eco-Driving : Understanding Truck Drivers' Perspective

Gjona, Ermela January 2023 (has links)
The growing presence of algorithm-generated recommendations in AI-powered services highlights the importance of responsible systems that explain outputs in a human-understandable form, especially in an automotive context. Implementing explainability in recommendations of AI-powered eco-driving is important in ensuring that drivers understand the underlying reasoning behind the recommendations. Previous literature on explainable AI (XAI) has been primarily technological-centered, and only a few studies involve the end-user perspective. There is a lack of knowledge of drivers' needs and requirements for explainability in an AI-powered eco-driving context. This study addresses the attributes that make a “satisfactory” explanation, i,e., a satisfactory interface between humans and AI. This study uses scenario-based interviews to understand the explainability attributes that influence truck drivers' intention to use eco-driving recommendations. The study used thematic analysis to categorize seven attributes into context-dependent (Format, Completeness, Accuracy, Timeliness, Communication) and generic (Reliability, Feedback loop) categories. The study contributes context-dependent attributes along three design dimensions: Presentational, Content-related, and Temporal aspects of explainability. The findings of this study present an empirical foundation into end-users' explainability needs and provide valuable insights for UX and system designers in eliciting end-user requirements.

Cognitive Load in Advanced Systems : Registration of Swedish grades in the University Admissions process

Larsson, Cecilia January 2022 (has links)
Users' cognitive load must be considered in the advancement of digital systems, to keep human-computer interaction as effective and sustainable as possible. The aim of this thesis was to redesign a function of the administrative client NyA, an advanced system used by administrators in the university admissions process. The function in focus was "NyA - Register Swedish grades". The goal of the study was; (1) Evaluate ways to reduce the cognitive load in the interface. (2) Create a HiFi-prototype in Axure RP. (3) Collect insights and share them with the company for future development of the NyA-client. An iterative design process consisting of exploration, designing and usability testing resulted in a HiFi prototype in Axure RP. Subjective rating was used in the study in order to evaluate user cognitive load. Specifically, the Overall Workload (OW) scale was used during MidFi-testing. The results showed that; (1) All (eleven) non-experienced participants preferred the new prototype. (2) Eight out of eleven non-experienced participants estimated the MidFi-prototype to cause them less workload than the previous layout. (3) All (three) expert users estimated no difference in workload between the HiFi-prototype and the old interface. Although more testing would be necessary, the results showed that the prototype could have the potential of causing less cognitive load; by aiding the new users while still connecting to the experienced users mental models of the old system.  Therefore, it was concluded that; (1) Design affects cognitive load and it is important to reduce the extraneous load. (2) Experienced users should be considered during the development of advanced systems. (3) Experience reduces cognitive load. (4) Design for fast learning and do so by regulating the intrinsic load of the interface. / Användarens kognitiva belastning måste beaktas i och med utvecklingen av digitala system. Medvetna designval i koppling till människans kognitiva förmågor behövs för att interaktionen mellan människa och dator ska vara effektiv och hållbar. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att designa om en funktion i den administrativa klienten NyA, ett avancerat system som används av administratörer i antagningsprocessen. Funktionen i fokus var "NyA - Registrera svenska betyg". Målet med studien var; (1) Utvärdera sätt att minska den kognitiva belastningen i gränssnittet. (2) Skapa en HiFi-prototyp i Axure RP. (3) Samla in insikter och dela dem med företaget inför framtida utveckling av NyA-klienten. En iterativ designprocess innehållande utforskning, design och användbarhetstestning resulterade i en HiFi-prototyp skapad i Axure RP. För att kunna utvärdera de medverkandes kognitiva belastning under testningen av MidFi-prototypen användes subjektiv estimering. Specifikt, skalan Overall Workload (OW) scale. Resultaten visade att; (1) Alla (elva) icke-erfarna deltagare föredrog den nya prototypen. (2) Åtta av elva icke-erfarna deltagare estimerade att den nya prototypen orsakade dem mindre arbetsbelastning än den tidigare layouten. (3) Alla (tre) expertanvändare upplevde ingen skillnad i arbetsbelastning mellan HiFi-prototypen och det gamla gränssnittet. Även om fler tester skulle behövas, visade resultaten att den nya prototypen potentiellt kan orsaka mindre kognitiv belastning. Detta genom att hjälpa de nya användarna samtidigt som designen kopplar till de erfarna användarnas mentala modeller av systemet. Därför drogs slutsatsen att; (1) Design påverkar kognitiv belastning. Det är viktigt att minska extern (engelska 'extraneous') belastning i gränssnittet. (2) Erfarna användare bör hållas i åtanke vid utveckling av avancerade system. (3) Erfarenhet minskar kognitiv belastning. (4) Designa för snabb inlärning.

Kan bildgenererande AI stötta konstnärer? : En kvalitativ studie om hur bildgenererande AI kan vara stöttande i konstnärers kreativa process / Can image-generating AI support artists? : A qualitative study about how image-generating AI can support artist's creative process

Saleban, Zakeria Mohamed, van Weiden, Jesse January 2023 (has links)
Artificiell intelligens (AI) tar alltmer plats i människors vardag. Ett område där det nyligen börjat användas i är bildgenerering och konstskapande. Då AI-tekniken inom bildgenerering är ny, har lite forskning gjorts kring hur det kan påverka konstnärer. Tidigare digitala framsteg som lett till verktyg som Photoshop har visats expandera hur konstnärer kan skapa konst och effektiviserat deras kreativa process. Bildgenererande AI, till skillnad från tidigare verktyg som Photoshop, kan generera egna bilder baserat på användarens indata. Detta väcker intresse kring förståelse om hur bildgenererande AI kommer potentiellt kunna påverka konstnärers kreativa process. Studiens mål är att utforska hur bildgenererande AI kan stötta konstnärer i den kreativa processen.  I studien användes en kvalitativ ansats för att fördjupa sig i ämnesområdet och besvara forskningsfrågan. En litteraturstudie som undersökte relevanta ämnen inom ämnesområdet utfördes vilket resulterade i tre aspekter, kontroll, samskapande och idégenerering. Kontroll var viktigt för stöttandet av användares nyttjande av AI. Samskapande och idégenerering var viktiga pelare som stöttar den kreativa processen. Dessa aspekter låg till grund för den empiriska studien. Den empiriska studien bestod av en sju dagars dagboksstudie där konstnärer fick prova tre olika typer av bildgenererande AI. Dagboksstudien kompletterades med intervjuer för att djupare förstå hur bildgenererande AI kunde stötta deras kreativa process. Studiens resultat visar på att bildgenererande AI kan användas för att stötta konstnärers kreativa process då det används som inspiration. Som tillägg identifierades tre förutsättningar som bör bemötas för att konstnärer ska kunna nyttja bildgenererande AI i deras kreativa process. / Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming a part of people's daily lives. One area where it has recently been used is in image generation and art creation. As AI technology for image generation is new, little research has been done on how it may affect artists. Previous digital advancements, that led to tools such as Photoshop, have expanded how artists can create art and streamlined their creative process. Image-generating AI, unlike previous tools like Photoshop, can generate its own images based on user input. This raises interest in understanding how image-generating AI may potentially impact artists' creative process. The study aims to explore how image-generating AI can support artists in the creative process. The study used a qualitative approach to delve into the subject area and answer the research question. A literature review investigating relevant topics within the subject area was conducted, resulting in three aspects, control, co-creation, and idea generation. Control was important in supporting users' utilization of AI for their purposes. Co-creation and idea generation were important pillars that support the creative process. These aspects formed the basis for the empirical study. The empirical study consisted of a seven-day diary study where artists were given the opportunity to try three different types of image-generating AI. The diary study was complemented with interviews with the study participants to gain a deeper understanding of how image-generating AI could support their creative process. The study's results show that image-generating AI can be used to support artists' creative process when used as inspiration. In addition, three prerequisites were identified that need to be met for artists to be able to use image-generating AI in their creative process.

Hur kan fysisk teater integreras i Virtual Reality för att främja kroppsligt berättande?

Liljeberg, Johan, Bjäreborn, Anton January 2021 (has links)
Artikeln behandlar blandningen av fysisk teater och Virtual Reality(VR) och ämnar att besvara vilka fördelar kroppsligt berättande kan generera ur en digital miljö. Sammanhangen och kopplingarna leder till en diskussion hur VR som medieform kan liknas vid en teatermask som främjar kroppslig berättande. Artikeln tar också upp hur kroppen är viktig i både VR och teater samt hur gestaltningen Get Your Act Together översätter den fysiska världen till en digital plats. Avslutningsvis presenteras ett sammanhang mellan VR och teater vilket leder till en diskussion om VR:ens roll som medie i teatersammanhang. / This article deals with the mixture of physical theater and Virtual Reality(VR) and aims to answer what benefits physical storytelling can generate from a digital environment. The context and the connections leads to a discussion of how VR as a media form can be compared to a theatrical mask that promotes physical storytelling. The article also addresses how the body is important in both VR and theater and how the design “Get Your Act Together” translates the physical world into a digital place. Finally, a connection between VR and theater is presented, which leads to a discussion about VR's role as a medium in a theater context.

Kommunikation i storskaliga internetbaserade kurser : En kvalitativ studie om karaktären av den sociala interaktionen i diskussionsforum i xMOOCar / Communication in large-scale online courses : A qualitative study on the nature of social interaction in discussion forums in xMOOCs

Engquist, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Storskaliga, öppna, internetbaserade kurser (MOOCar) introducerades år 2008 av George Siemens och Stephen Downes och deras popularitet har ökat ända sedan dess. Förespråkare av MOOCar påstår att de har en potential att möjliggöra livslångt lärande för människor från hela världen. Sedan de första kurserna har två olika former av MOOCar utvecklats, cMOOCar som har utvecklats utifrån lärandeteorin konnektivismen och xMOOCar som är relativt lika vanliga internetbaserade kurser med den skillnad att antalet kursdeltagare är mer eller mindre obegränsat. År 2016 anslöt sig MOOC initiativet från KungligaTekniska högskolan (KTHx) till edX, en undervisningsplattform för xMOOCar. Möjlighet till social interaktion med andra kursdeltagare och lärare erbjuds på edX i form av asynkrona diskussions forum. Forskning om hur den sociala interaktionen ter sig i diskussionsforumen och dess potential för att främja lärande är i dagsläget knapp. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka den sociala interaktionenskaraktär i två olika xMOOCar, en med självstyrd studietakt och en lärarledd. En ökad förståelse för den sociala interaktionen som för nuvarande äger rum i diskussionsforumen kan vara behjälplig för lärare vid utformningen av undervisningen i xMOOCar. Diskussionsforumen för två kurser av respektive kategori av xMOOC från KTHx om matematik och programmering ingår i denna undersökning. Både en konventionell innehållsanalys och en riktad innehållsanalys baserad på lärandeteorin undersökande gemenskap (CoI) har genomförts för att belysa olika aspekter av den sociala interaktionens karaktär och främjande av lärande i diskussions forumen. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att den sociala interaktionen är opersonlig och att kursdeltagarna initierar interaktionen för att få svar på frågor som huvudsakligen lärare besvarar genom att instruera eller informera. Det bildas ingen gemenskap och det uppvisas lägre nivåer av kognitiv närvaro i diskussionsforumen. För att främja lärande skulle diskussionsforumen istället kunna användas för att engagera de aktiva kursdeltagarna i diskussioner och lärarnas fokus kan förflyttas från att instruera och informera till att etablera en trygg miljö för interaktion. / Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) were introduced in 2008 by George Siemens and Stephen Downes and their popularity has increased ever since. Advocates of MOOCs claim that they have the potential to enable lifelong learning for people all over the world. Since the first MOOC, two kinds of MOOCs have developed, cMOOCs that developed from the theory of learning, connectivism, and xMOOCs, which are relatively similar to usual online courses, with the difference that the number of participants is more or less unlimited. In 2016, the MOOC initiative from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTHx) joined edX, a teaching platform for xMOOCs. Opportunity for social interaction with other course participants and teachers is offered on edX in the form of asynchronous discussion forums. Research on the characterof the social interaction in the discussion forums and its potential for promoting learning in xMOOCs is currently limited. The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the nature of social interaction in two different xMOOCs, one self-paced and one instructor-paced. An increased understanding of the current social interaction that is taking place in the discussion forums can be helpful to teachers in the design of teaching in xMOOCs. In this master thesis two discussion forums from courses of the respective categories of xMOOCs have been studied. Both a conventional content analysis and a directed contentanalysis based on the learning theory Community of Inquiry (CoI) have been conducted to highlight different aspects of the nature of the social interaction and how one may promote learning in the discussion forums. The result of the analysis shows that the social interaction in the discussion forums is impersonal and that the participants initiate the interaction by asking questions that are mainly answered by the teachers, by either instructing or informing. No community is formed and the discussion forums show lower levels of cognitive presence. In order to promote learning, discussion forums may be used to engage the active participants in discussions and it might be benificial if the teachers focused on establishing a safe environment for interaction, as opposed to focusing on instruction and informing.

Influences of simulated XAI explanations on players of economic games : A pilot study

Tomasson Izquierdo, Hannibal January 2023 (has links)
This pilot study has the twofold purpose of analyzing the effect of XAI explanations on the mental models of economic games participants, and testing the feasibility of the methodology devised for it. To achieve this, we compared the contribution behavior and mental models of 30 participants playing a public good game. Playing in pairs, a total of 10 participants played in each of three different conditions: i) a condition with a decision support system providing suggestions for contributions; ii) a condition with the decision support system and explanations for its suggestions; iii) a control condition. Upon finishing the game, all participants completed a Retrospection Task questionnaire to elicit their mental models about the game’s goals and partner’s behavior. Our results showed differences in the contribution behavior and mental models of the participants between the three conditions, with the condition with explanations presenting consistently higher contributions and participants reporting prosocial attitudes. Through these findings, this pilot study demonstrates the feasibility of the methodology and argues for the need of a larger-scale study to further investigate the effect of XAI explanations on the users’ mental models. / Denna pilotstudie har det dubbla syftet att analysera effekten av XAI-förklaringar på de mentala representationerna hos deltagarna i ekonomiska spel och att testa genomförbarheten av den metod som utarbetats för studien. För att uppnå detta jämförde vi bidragsbeteendet och de mentala representationerna hos 30 deltagare som spelade ett spel om kollektiva nyttigheter. Totalt 10 deltagare spelade parvis i var och en av tre olika behandlingar: i) en med ett beslutsstödsystem som ger förslag på bidrag, ii) en med beslutsstödsystemet och förklaringar till dess förslag, iii) en kontrollgrupp. Efter att ha avslutat spelet fyllde alla deltagare i ett frågeformulär om en retrospektionsuppgift för att utvärdera deras mentala representationer om spelets mål och partnerns beteende. Våra resultat visade skillnader i deltagarnas bidragsbeteende och mentala modeller mellan de tre behandlingarna, där behandlingen med förklaringar presenterade genomgående högre bidrag och deltagare som rapporterade prosociala attityder. Genom dessa resultat visar den här pilotstudien att metoden är genomförbar och argumenterar för behovet av en studie i större skala för att ytterligare undersöka effekten av XAI-förklaringar på användarnas mentala modeller.

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