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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tiergesundheit in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung - Status quo sowie (Weiter-) Entwicklung, Anwendung und Beurteilung eines präventiven Konzeptes zur Herdengesundheitsplanung / Animal health in organic dairy farming - Health state as well as development, application and evaluation of a preventive herd health planning concept

Brinkmann, Jan 17 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Early specific cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy in subjects at high risk for bipolar disorders: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Pfennig, Andrea, Leopold, Karolina, Bechdolf, Andreas, Correll, Christoph U., Holtmann, Martin, Lambert, Martin, Marx, Carolin, Meyer, Thomas D., Pfeiffer, Steffi, Reif, Andreas, Rottmann-Wolf, Maren, Schmitt, Natalie M., Stamm, Thomas, Juckel, Georg, Bauer, Michael 21 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Bipolar disorders (BD) are among the most severe mental disorders with first clinical signs and symptoms frequently appearing in adolescence and early adulthood. The long latency in clinical diagnosis (and subsequent adequate treatment) adversely affects the course of disease, effectiveness of interventions and health-related quality of life, and increases the economic burden of BD. Despite uncertainties about risk constellations and symptomatology in the early stages of potentially developing BD, many adolescents and young adults seek help, and most of them suffer substantially from symptoms already leading to impairments in psychosocial functioning in school, training, at work and in their social relationships. We aimed to identify subjects at risk of developing BD and investigate the efficacy and safety of early specific cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy (CBT) in this subpopulation. Methods/Design: EarlyCBT is a randomised controlled multi-centre clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of early specific CBT, including stress management and problem solving strategies, with elements of mindfulness-based therapy (MBT) versus unstructured group meetings for 14 weeks each and follow-up until week 78. Participants are recruited at seven university hospitals throughout Germany, which provide in- and outpatient care (including early recognition centres) for psychiatric patients. Subjects at high risk must be 15 to 30 years old and meet the combination of specified affective symptomatology, reduction of psychosocial functioning, and family history for (schizo)affective disorders. Primary efficacy endpoints are differences in psychosocial functioning and defined affective symptomatology at 14 weeks between groups. Secondary endpoints include the above mentioned endpoints at 7, 24, 52 and 78 weeks and the change within groups compared to baseline; perception of, reaction to and coping with stress; and conversion to full BD. Discussion: To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate early specific CBT in subjects at high risk for BD. Structured diagnostic interviews are used to map the risk status and development of disease. With our study, the level of evidence for the treatment of those young patients will be significantly raised.

Att flyta på ytan eller dyka till djupet : En studie om läsarter, lässtrategier och instuderingsfrågors inflytande påelevers läsförståelse / To float on the surface or dive into the depths : A study on reading strategies and study questions' effect on students' reading comprehension

Vallin, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att som elev läsa och tillgodogöra sig en läst text beskrivs som antingen ytlig läsningeller djup läsning. Ytlig läsning beskrivs innebära ytlig förståelse och att läsningen där stannarvid textens sakinnehåll och vid detaljer. Djup läsning innebär att eleven ifrågasätter och ser attett innehåll finns även där det inte uttrycks.Syfte: Det övergripande syftet med studien var att undersöka hur textfrågors utformningpåverkar elevers uppvisade läsförståelse. Forskningsfrågorna som besvarades var ”vilkalikheter och vilka skillnader finns det i elevernas svar på textfrågorna?” Och ”vilka läsarter ochlässtrategier behärskar elever utifrån hur de besvarar textfrågorna?”.Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ och kvantitativ interventionsstudie bestående av ett förtest,intervention med tre variationer och ett eftertest. Totalt deltog 24 gymnasieelever som läsersvenska 1, dessa 24 elever var uppdelade i två grupper. En av dessa grupper delades därefterupp vid interventionstillfället i ytterligare i två grupper, sammanfattningsvis blev det treinterventionsgrupper med 3 olika interventioner. Till förtestet användes Ray Bradburys novellDet långa regnet, till interventionsstudien användes Den korta sommaren en novell av sammaförfattare. Till eftertestet användes Timmen H också av Ray Bradbury. För att bedöma ochanalysera elevernas svar utformades en nominalskala för att kategorisera tillfredställande svaroch otillfredsställande svar.Resultat: De som fick ytliga frågor, intervention I, kunde besvara frågor inriktade på ytligläsförståelse. I intervention II så visade deltagarna att de kunde besvara frågorna som varbaserade på djup läsförståelse. I intervention III så skulle deltagarna beskriva vad berättelsenhandlade om och göra en sammanfattning, där visade nästan hälften att de kunde göra dettatillfredsställande. Sammanfattningsvis har båda grupperna kunskap om olika läsarter.Fördelningen av kunskap om läsarter mellan grupperna visar att det finns en ojämnläskompetens bland elever trots likvärdig utbildning.Resultatdiskussion och metoddiskussion: Studien skulle kunna beskrivas med hjälp avordspråket: ”som man frågar får man svar”. Studien visar betydelsen av hur frågorna till en textutformas, ställs och i vilket syfte. Förutom att besvara didaktikens grundfrågor behöversvensklärare ha kunskap om elevernas tidigare läserfarenheter när frågor om textens innehåll ställs / Background: When students read and comprehend a text, they use either surface reading ordeep reading comprehension. Deep reading comprehension is described as when the studentquestions the text and can identify information by reading between the lines. Surface readingcomprehension is described as when the reading only focuses on what is written in the textwithout reading between the lines.Aim: This essay aimed to find out how study questions formulation impact students’ perceivedreading comprehension. The research questions were “what similarities and differences can befound in the students’ answers?” and “which reading strategies does the students comprehendbased on their answers on the study questions?”.Design and methodology: This study uses a qualitative design. This is an intervention studycompiled of a pre-test, intervention, and post-test. The number of participants were 24 UpperSecondary School students, taking the course Svenska 1, these 24 students were divided intotwo groups. The first group was divided into two further groups, making three interventiongroups in total. The material used for the pre-test was a short story by Ray Bradbury called Detlånga regnet (a translation of The long rain), the material used for the intervention was the shortstory Den korta sommaren (a translation of All summer in a day) written by the same author.The material used for the post-test was the short story Timmen H (a translation of Zero Hour)by the same author. To evaluate the participating students’ answers a nominal scale was createdto categorise satisfactory answers to unsatisfactory answers.Results: the students who received study questions based on surface reading, intervention I,were able to answer study questions based on surface reading. The students in Intervention IIwere able to answer study questions based on deep reading. The students in Intervention IIIwere asked to summarize the short story and almost half of the group succeeded in this task.The two groups have different knowledge of reading strategies. The distribution of knowledgeof reading strategies shows that the reading skills of the students are uneven despite equivalenteducation.Conclusion: The study questions the students receive affects their reading comprehension. Thestudy demonstrates the importance of how questions are formulated, asked and the purpose ofthe study question. Not only should teachers answer the basic questions of didactics, Swedishteachers at Upper Secondary School need background knowledge on students previous readingknowledge when asking questions on the content of the text.

Early specific cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy in subjects at high risk for bipolar disorders: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Pfennig, Andrea, Leopold, Karolina, Bechdolf, Andreas, Correll, Christoph U., Holtmann, Martin, Lambert, Martin, Marx, Carolin, Meyer, Thomas D., Pfeiffer, Steffi, Reif, Andreas, Rottmann-Wolf, Maren, Schmitt, Natalie M., Stamm, Thomas, Juckel, Georg, Bauer, Michael 21 July 2014 (has links)
Background: Bipolar disorders (BD) are among the most severe mental disorders with first clinical signs and symptoms frequently appearing in adolescence and early adulthood. The long latency in clinical diagnosis (and subsequent adequate treatment) adversely affects the course of disease, effectiveness of interventions and health-related quality of life, and increases the economic burden of BD. Despite uncertainties about risk constellations and symptomatology in the early stages of potentially developing BD, many adolescents and young adults seek help, and most of them suffer substantially from symptoms already leading to impairments in psychosocial functioning in school, training, at work and in their social relationships. We aimed to identify subjects at risk of developing BD and investigate the efficacy and safety of early specific cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy (CBT) in this subpopulation. Methods/Design: EarlyCBT is a randomised controlled multi-centre clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of early specific CBT, including stress management and problem solving strategies, with elements of mindfulness-based therapy (MBT) versus unstructured group meetings for 14 weeks each and follow-up until week 78. Participants are recruited at seven university hospitals throughout Germany, which provide in- and outpatient care (including early recognition centres) for psychiatric patients. Subjects at high risk must be 15 to 30 years old and meet the combination of specified affective symptomatology, reduction of psychosocial functioning, and family history for (schizo)affective disorders. Primary efficacy endpoints are differences in psychosocial functioning and defined affective symptomatology at 14 weeks between groups. Secondary endpoints include the above mentioned endpoints at 7, 24, 52 and 78 weeks and the change within groups compared to baseline; perception of, reaction to and coping with stress; and conversion to full BD. Discussion: To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate early specific CBT in subjects at high risk for BD. Structured diagnostic interviews are used to map the risk status and development of disease. With our study, the level of evidence for the treatment of those young patients will be significantly raised.

Molecular mechanisms involved in the protective effect of Mediterranean diet and olive oil consumption in humans

Konstantinidou, Valentini 22 March 2010 (has links)
The scope of the present work was to investigate whether the protective role of the traditional Mediterranean diet (TMD), and virgin olive oil (VOO) rich in phenolic compounds (PC), towards cardiovascular disease can be mediated through gene expression changes. Two trials were performed to assess the in vivo nutrigenomic effects of TMD and VOO in healthy volunteers. The results point out: a) significant gene expression changes of those genes related with cardiovascular-risk processes after VOO ingestion; b) a down-regulation in the expression of atherosclerosis-related genes after a 3-month intervention with a TMD; and c) an olive oil PC health-protective nutrigenomic effect within the frame of the TMD. Changes in gene expression were concomitant with decreases in oxidative damage and systemic inflammation markers. Data from our studies provide further evidence to recommend both the TMD and the VOO as a useful tool for the prevention of atherosclerosis. / El objetivo de este estudio es investigar si el papel protector de la dieta Mediterránea tradicional (TMD) y del aceite de oliva virgen (VOO), rico en compuestos fenólicos (PC), puede ser mediado a través de cambios en la expresión génica. Se realizaron dos ensayos clínicos para evaluar los efectos nutrigenómicos de la TMD y del VOO, in vivo, en voluntarios sanos. Los resultados mostraron a) cambios en la expresión génica de genes relacionados con el riesgo cardiovascular tras la ingestión del aceite virgen de oliva, b) una infra-expresión en la expresión de genes relacionados con el proceso aterosclerótico tras una intervención con TMD de 3 meses y c) que los compuestos fenólicos del aceite de oliva ejercen un efecto nutrigenómico protector en el marco de la TMD. Los cambios en la expresión génica fueron coherentes.

Prävention von beruflich bedingten Handekzemen bei Beschäftigten in Pflegeberufen im Gesundheitswesen während der COVID-19-Pandemie / Prevention of occupational hand eczema in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Symanzik, Cara 11 November 2021 (has links)
Hintergrund: Im Zuge der Eindämmung der COVID-19-Pandemie mitsamt der einhergehenden erhöhten Hautbelastung wurde bei Beschäftigten in Pflegeberufen im Gesundheitswesen eine erhebliche Zunahme von beruflich bedingten Handekzemen verzeichnet. Zielsetzung: Entwicklung und Exploration eines Konzeptes zur Prävention beruflich bedingter Handekzeme im Gesundheitswesen während der COVID-19-Pandemie. Methoden: Durchführung einer kontrollierten, prospektiven Interventionsstudie mit 302 Beschäftigten in Pflegeberufen im Gesundheitswesen. 135 Teilnehmende wurden der Interventionsgruppe (IG) und 167 Teilnehmende wurden der Kontrollgruppe (KG) zugeteilt. Die IG erhielt eine Online-Schulung und wurde für die Beobachtungsphase von Dezember 2020 bis Juni 2021 in der Hochphase neuer beruflicher COVID-19-Infektionen im Gesundheitswesen ad libitum mit einem Hautreinigungs- und Hautpflegeprodukt ausgestattet. Der Hautbefund wurde zu Beginn (T0) und nach 6 Monaten (T2) dermatologisch erhoben. Zudem wurde zu T0, nach 3 Monaten (T1) und zu T2 in beiden Gruppen der Hautzustand, das Hautschutz- und Hautpflegeverhalten und das Wissen zu Handekzemen mit Fragebögen erfasst. Die Anwenderakzeptanz der Produkte wurde in der IG zu T2 mit einem Fragebogen erhoben. Ergebnisse: Die Drop-out Rate betrug 16,9%. Im Beobachtungszeitraum traten in der IG bei keinem der 115 zu T2 Teilnehmenden und in der KG bei 12 (8,8%) der 136 zu T2 Teilnehmenden neue Handekzeme auf. Bei gleichem Ausgangsbefund (1,5 Punkte zu T0 in beiden Gruppen) zeigte der Osnabrueck Hand Eczema Severity Index zu T2 signifikant bessere Werte in der IG als in der KG (0,6 Punkte vs. 2,1 Punkte, p<0,001). Zu T2 lagen in der IG im Vergleich zur KG signifikant bessere Werte hinsichtlich der täglichen Eincremefrequenz der Hände im beruflichen (4,5 Mal vs. 2,9 Mal, p<0,001) und privaten Bereich (4,1 Mal vs. 2,6 Mal, p<0,001) vor. Für den Berufsdermatosen-Wissenstest lag eine stärkere Verbesserung in der IG als in der KG vor (Interaktion zwischen Bedingung und linearer Zeitvariable, p=0,003; Interaktion zwischen Bedingung und quadratischer Zeitvariable, p<0,001). Zu T2 konnten sich 91,3% der 115 Teilnehmenden der IG vorstellen, das im Sinne eines proof of concept erprobte Handpflegekonzept weiterhin anzuwenden. Fazit: Die Wirksamkeit des Interventionskonzeptes hinsichtlich einer Verbesserung des Hautzustandes, einer Optimierung des Hautschutz- und Hautpflegeverhaltens sowie einer Zunahme des Wissens über die Pathogenese und Prävention von beruflich bedingten Handekzemen wurde nachgewiesen. Es ist als belegt anzusehen, dass sich das vorliegende Interventionskonzept zur Prävention von beruflich bedingten Handekzemen in der Berufsgruppe der Beschäftigten in Pflegeberufen im Gesundheitswesen unter COVID-19-Pandemiebedingungen eignet. Das Interventionskonzept kann zukünftig im Rahmen der Prävention von beruflich bedingten Handekzemen bei Beschäftigten in Pflegeberufen im Gesundheitswesen Einsatz finden und somit einen dauerhaften und nachhaltigen Beitrag zur betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung leisten. Die Hautschutz- und Hautpflegeempfehlungen können ferner für weitere Risikoberufe für berufliche Hauterkrankungen sowie für die Allgemeinbevölkerung in Pandemie-Zeiten adaptiert werden.

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