Spelling suggestions: "subject:"iron ere"" "subject:"iron rre""
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Investigation of Jamming Phenomenon in a DRI Furnace Pellet Feed System using the Discrete Element Method and Computational Fluid DynamicsJohn Gregory Rosser (15448535) 11 May 2023 (has links)
<p> </p>
<p>Direct reduction ironmaking has gained popularity as a low carbon alternative to the typical blast furnace ironmaking route. A popular method of producing direct reduced iron is through the reduction of iron ore pellets in a reduction shaft furnace. Critical to this process is the use of a reliable continuous pellet feed system to provide a steady flow of pellets to the furnace. Therefore, any disruption in pellet flow can have a significant negative impact on the production rate of iron. </p>
<p>An iron ore pellet feed system for a direct reduction ironmaking furnace is jamming during winter operation. The pellets are jamming in a hopper at the top of the feed system above the furnace, and a hot gas, that seals off the furnace flue gas, flows counter to the pellets. A computational model of the feed system is built utilizing the discrete element method and computational fluid dynamics, using Siemen’s commercial multiphysics software Star-CCM+, to study the conditions that cause the jam to occur. The study is divided into six parts: pellet bulk flow calibration, computational cost reduction, modeling of the baseline operation, modeling the effect of moisture, development of a thermal model, and investigation of the minimal amount of icy and wet material to jam the system. The findings show that the location of jamming during operation matches the area in the simulation where it is most likely to occur, and that moisture alone is unlikely to result in jamming. Results indicate that the system will jam when charged with a minimum of 15% icy pellets, and when charged with 10% icy together with 5% wet pellets. Experimental work is recommended to validate the findings and to calibrate the simulations accordingly.</p>
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[pt] Uma das características mais relevantes nos aglomerados de minério de
ferro é a sua porosidade, que impacta fortemente no desempenho desses materiais
nos processos siderúrgicos. O desempenho é diretamente dependente da existência
de uma rede porosa que permite o fluxo de gases pelo interior desses aglomerados
sem comprometer sua integridade física. Neste trabalho, amostras de diferentes
tipos de aglomerados de minério de ferro foram caracterizadas com o auxílio de
técnicas de microtomografia computadorizada de raios X (microCT),
processamento digital de imagens e modelagem de rede de poros (PNM). Com
isso, a influência da microestrutura desses aglomerados na variação da sua
porosidade e permeabilidade foi avaliada. O uso de microCT permitiu uma
visualização 3D da estrutura dos aglomerados, permitindo realizar uma análise da
estrutura interna das amostras para a discriminação do espaço poroso. O pixel size
ideal foi estipulado por meio de diversas capturas com resoluções diferentes. A
PNM foi utilizada para realizar a simulação da permeabilidade absoluta das
amostras, correlacionando com a porosidade, conectividade dos poros e diâmetro
de poros e conexões. Foi realizada uma variação de mais ou menos 5 tons de cinza nos limiares
de segmentação para estipular a sensibilidade do impacto desse parâmetro nos
resultados da modelagem. Os dois aglomerados apresentaram porosidade
parecida, em torno de 20 por cento. Os resultados para piores resoluções apresentaram
uma inconsistência, em muitos casos não possuindo sequer permeabilidade. As
imagens adquiridas com um tamanho de voxel de 2 micrômetros resultaram em cálculos
consistentes de permeabilidade, em torno de 0,4 a 2,4 mD para os briquetes e 0,03
a 1,6 mD para as pelotas, sugerindo que os briquetes são levemente mais
permeáveis. A variação do limiar de segmentação dos poros teve forte impacto
nos resultados das modelagens, influenciando diretamente no valor do cálculo da
permeabilidade absoluta. / [en] One of the most relevant features of iron ore agglomerates is their porosity, which strongly impacts the performance of these materials in steelmaking processes. Performance is directly dependent on the existence of a porous network that allows gas flow through the interior of these agglomerates without compromising their physical integrity. This study characterized samples of different iron ore agglomerates using X-ray microcomputed tomography (microCT), digital image processing, and pore network modeling (PNM). The influence of the microstructure of these agglomerates on the variation of their porosity and permeability was evaluated. MicroCT enabled a 3D visualization of the agglomerate structure, allowing for an analysis of the internal structure of the samples to discriminate the porous space. The ideal pixel size was determined through various captures at different resolutions. PNM was used to simulate the absolute permeability of the samples, correlating it with porosity, pore connectivity, and pore and connection diameter. A variation of more or less 5 gray tones in the segmentation thresholds was performed to determine the sensitivity of this parameter s impact on the modeling results. The two agglomerates had similar porosity of around 20 percent. The results for lower resolutions showed inconsistency, with many cases lacking permeability altogether. Images acquired with a pixel size of 2 micrometers resulted in consistent permeability calculations, ranging from 0.4 to 2.4 mD for briquettes and 0.03 to 1.6 mD for pellets, indicating that briquettes are slightly more permeable. The variation of pore segmentation threshold had a strong impact on the modeling results, directly influencing the value of the absolute permeability calculation.
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[pt] As jazidas mundiais de minérios de ferro tendem ao empobrecimento dos teores de ferro, aumento das gangas (sílica, alumina, fósforo, etc.) e maiores ocorrências de minérios hidratados. Esta mudança vem gerando um esforço no sentido de aprimorar as técnicas de extração e beneficiamento. O fósforo é um
contaminante que em certos teores provoca a fragilização dos aços, sendo, portanto, restritivo ao aproveitamento de importantes jazidas minerais, principalmente as ricas em minérios de origens intempéricas ou supergênicas. Vários trabalhos foram e estão sendo conduzidos visando desenvolver
tecnologias capazes de reduzir o teor de P durante o processo de beneficiamento. Porém, até o momento não têm mostrado viabilidade econômica, face à escala de produção e a efeitos danosos ao ambiente. No
caso da Samarco, os minérios foram gerados principalmente por processos de enriquecimento supergênico, nos quais é comum a presença de considerável goethita, que é apontada como principal mineral portador do fósforo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi, de forma original, a formulação de uma pelota para redução
direta de forma que o fósforo se encontrasse fluxado em fases escorificadas. Essas fases, produzidas através de um adequado ciclo térmico de endurecimento e com composição química otimizada, resultaria em pelotas onde este elemento se mantivesse estável, tanto na produção do DRI quanto na fusão
e refino oxidante deste no FEA. Para tanto foram realizados, além de uma ampla revisão bibliográfica, concebido um procedimento analítico original para quantificação apenas do fósforo liberado; planejado experimentos para: a avaliação cinética da migração deste fósforo em pellet feed, nas pelotas e no
DRI quando submetido a diferentes aportes térmicos e auto-fluxagens; analise da influência das variáveis do processo de endurecimento sobre a liberação do fósforo e sua escorificação; e comprovação da estabilidade das fases escorificadas durante a redução, em escala de laboratório, e durante a fusão e refino conduzido em um FEA semi-industrial. Os resultados obtidos mostraram ser viável a produção de pelotas para redução direta com o fósforo auto-fluxado em fases estáveis. / [en] Actually the iron ore deposits in the world have the tendency to decrease
the iron content, increasing the gangue (silica, alumina, phosphorus, etc.) and to
further occurrence of hydrated ores. This change demands improvements in
concentration processing techniques for feasible mining operations. The
phosphorus is a contaminant that, in some contents, causes the embrittlement of
steels, been, wherefore, a limitative to the use of important ore deposits, mostly
regarding the weathered iron ores or supergene origins. Several studies were
and have been conducted aiming to develop technologies capable of decreasing
the P content during the beneficiation process. However, until now, the economic
viability of such studies has not been feasible, considering the production scale
and the harmful effects to the environment. In Samarco’s case, the mine
geological formation is mostly supergene, which is responsible for the presence
of the goethite ores, pointed as the main phosphorus carrier. The main point of
this work was, with an innovating approach, formulate a new type of pellet
addressed to direct reduction processes in a manner that the P could be fluxed
into the slag phases. These phases, produced through an adequate thermal
cycle of induration and with an optimized chemical composition, resulted in
pellets with stable slags containing, as well as in the produced DRI and in the
melted bath generated during the primary refining performed in the EAF. For this
purpose, it was done, further to a wide bibliographic review, an original analytical
procedure to quantify the released phosphorus and a series of planned
experiments, such as: the kinetic evaluation of the phosphorus migration from
the mineral phases of the pellet feed when subjected to different thermal
treatments; analysis of the induration process variables which could affect the
phosphorus release and its fluxing into the slag ; Finally, the stability of the fluxing
phases during the reduction in a laboratory scale and the melting and refining
process in a semi-industrial EAF, were performed. The obtained results showed
the feasibility of this new approach produce DR pellets with self-fluxed
phosphorus trapped in stable phases.
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[pt] O processo de formação de pelotas de minério de ferro consiste na preparação das matérias-primas, formação da pelota crua e endurecimento por meio da queima. O produto final deve ser um material poroso que permita a difusão de gases no forno de redução e que, simultaneamente, resista a compressão, característica relevante durante o transporte e no carregamento do forno. No entanto, durante o tratamento térmico e o transporte podem surgir trincas que comprometem a integridade das pelotas. A discriminação de poros e trincas é, portanto, um importante fator para a análise microestrutural e controle de qualidade do material. A microtomografia de raios-x é uma técnica não destrutiva que gera imagens tridimensionais, o que permite uma visualização completa da pelota. No entanto, a metodologia usual de processamento digital de imagens, baseada em extração de atributos de tamanho e forma, apresenta limitações para discriminar poros de trincas. Redes Neurais Deep Learning são uma alternativa poderosa para classificar tipos de objetos em imagens, utilizando como entrada as intensidades dos pixels e atributos automaticamente determinados pela rede. Após treinar um modelo com os padrões correspondente a cada classe, é possível atribuir cada pixel da imagem a uma das classes presentes, permitindo uma segmentação semântica. Nesta dissertação, otimizou-se uma rede Deep Learning com arquitetura U-Net, usando como conjunto de treinamento poucas camadas 2D da imagem 3D original. Aplicando o modelo à pelota utilizada no treinamento foi possível discriminar poros de trincas de forma adequada. A aplicação do modelo a outras pelotas exigiu a incorporação de camadas destas pelotas ao treinamento e otimização de parâmetros do modelo. Os resultados apresentaram classificação adequada, apesar de apresentar dificuldades de criar um modelo geral para discriminação entre poros e trincas em pelotas de minério de ferro. / [en] The iron ore pellet forming process consists of preparing the raw materials, forming the raw pellet and hardening by firing. The end product must be a porous material which allows gas to diffuse in the blast furnace and at the same time resists compression, which is a relevant feature during transport and loading of the furnace. However, during heat treatment and transport cracks may appear that compromise the integrity of the pellets. The discrimination of pores and cracks is therefore an important factor for microstructural analysis and material quality control. X-ray microtomography is a non-destructive technique that generates three-dimensional images, allowing a full view of the pellet. However, the usual methodology of digital image processing, based on extraction of size and shape attributes, has limitations to discriminate crack from pores. Deep Learning Neural Networks are a powerful alternative to classifying object types in images, using as input the pixel intensities and attributes automatically determined by the network. After training a model with the patterns corresponding to each class, it is possible to assign each pixel of the image to one of the classes present, allowing a semantic segmentation. In this dissertation, a Deep Learning network with U-Net architecture was optimized, using as a training set a few 2D layers of the original 3D image. Applying the model to the pellet used in training it was possible to discriminate cracks pores properly. Application of the model to other pellets required the incorporation of layers of these pellets into the training and optimization of model parameters. The results were adequately classified, despite the difficulty of creating a general model for discrimination between pores and cracks in iron ore pellets.
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[pt] O minério de ferro é encontrado na natureza como agregado de minerais,
dentre os principais minerais presentes em sua composição estão: hematita,
magnetita, goethita e quartzo. Dada a importância do minério de ferro para a
indústria, há um crescente interesse por sua caracterização com o objetivo de avaliar
a qualidade do material. Com o avanço de pesquisas na área de análise de imagens
e microscopia, rotinas de caracterização foram desenvolvidas utilizando
ferramentas de Microscopia Digital e Processamento e Análise Digital de Imagens
capazes de automatizar grande parte do processo. Porém esbarrava-se em algumas
dificuldades, como por exemplo identificar e classificar as diferentes texturas das
partículas de hematita, as diferentes formas de seus cristais ou discriminar quartzo
e resina em imagens de microscopia ótica de luz refletida. Desta forma, a partir da
necessidade de se construir sistemas capazes de aprender e se adaptar a possíveis
variações das imagens deste material, surgiu a possibilidade de estudar a utilização
de ferramentas de Deep Learning para esta função. Este trabalho propõe o
desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia de caracterização mineral baseada em
Deep Learning utilizando o algoritmo Mask R-CNN. Através do qual é possível
realizar segmentação de instâncias, ou seja, desenvolver sistemas capazes de
identificar, classificar e segmentar objetos nas imagens. Neste trabalho, foram
desenvolvidos dois modelos: Modelo 1 que realiza segmentação de instâncias para
as classes compacta, porosa, martita e goethita em imagens obtidas em Campo
Claro e o Modelo 2 que utiliza imagens adquiridas em Luz Polarizada
Circularmente para segmentar as classes monocristalina, policristalina e martita.
Para o Modelo 1 foi obtido F1-score em torno de 80 por cento e para o Modelo 2 em torno
de 90 por cento. A partir da segmentação das classes foi possível extrair atributos
importantes de cada partícula, como distribuição de quantidade, medidas de forma,
tamanho e fração de área. Os resultados obtidos foram muito promissores e indicam
que a metodologia desenvolvida pode ser viável para tal caracterização. / [en] Iron ore is found in nature as an aggregate of minerals. Among the main
minerals in its composition are hematite, magnetite, goethite, and quartz. Given the
importance of iron ore for the industry, there is a growing interest in its
characterization to assess the material s quality. With the advancement of image
analysis and microscopy research, characterization routines were developed using
Digital Microscopy and Digital Image Processing and Analysis tools capable of
automating a large part of the process. However, it encountered some difficulties,
such as identifying and classifying the different textures of hematite particles, the
different shapes of its crystals, or discriminating between quartz and resin in optical
microscopy images of reflected light. Therefore, from the need to build systems
capable of learning and adapting to possible variations of the images of this
material, the possibility of studying the use of Deep Learning tools for this function
arose. This work proposes developing a new mineral characterization methodology
based on Deep Learning using the Mask R-CNN algorithm. Through this, it is
possible to perform instance segmentation, that is, to develop systems capable of
identifying, classifying, and segmenting objects in images. In this work, two models
were developed: Model 1 performs segmentation of instances for the compact,
porous, martite, and goethite classes in images obtained in Bright Field, and Model
2 uses images acquired in Circularly Polarized Light to segment the classes
monocrystalline, polycrystalline and martite. For Model 1, F1-score was obtained
around 80 percent, and for Model 2, around 90 percent. From the class segmentation, it was possible to extract important attributes of each particle, such as quantity
distribution, shape measurements, size, and area fraction. The obtained results were
very promising and indicated that the developed methodology could be viable for
such characterization.
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Kontinuerlig temperaturmätning i bädden på gratevagnar / Continuous temperature measurement in the bed of grate carsWennström, Christoffer January 2012 (has links)
Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Aktiebolag (LKAB) är en gruvdriftskoncern med järnmalmsbrytning som huvudsaklig verksamhet. En av produkterna tas fram genom att raffinera järnmalm till pellets vilket är en efterfrågad produkt vid ståltillverkning. Vid sintring av råkulor till pellets är temperaturen väsentlig för att få så hög oxidation som möjligt av magnetit till hematit och för att få rätt fasthet. För att reglera värmen bör temperaturen mätas bland råkulorna eftersom det är kulornas temperatur som är det viktiga. Projektet går ut på att undersöka möjligheterna att mäta temperatur bland råkulor på gratevagnar som åker genom en pelletsugn med ett permanent mätsystem. Här ställs höga krav på mätsystemet på grund av miljö, portabilitet och drifttid. Miljöanalyser gjordes för att ta reda på vilken påfrestning ett mätsystem bör klara av. Förslag om placering av mätutrustning framtogs genom kartläggning av miljön. En värmeundersökning utfördes av vad hög värme har för påverkan på elektroniska komponenter som kan behövas till ett mätsystem. Det gjordes även en undersökning över vilka komponenter som kan klara av den värme ett mätsystem kan bli utsatt för. Utifrån detta kunde ett prototypmätsystem konstrueras för att mäta temperaturen där ett mätsystem kan placeras på en gratevagn samt för att skapa möjlighet för mätningar med termoelement i bädd. Mätsystemet skapades med trådlös kommunikation, möjlighet till loggning av data och med möjlighet att ansluta tre termoelement av typ S. Olika typer av trådlös kommunikation utvärderades för att se vad som kan vara mest lämpat med tanke på miljö, räckvidd, strålning och strömförbrukning. Strömförsörjning undersöktes för att hitta den mest lämpade strömförsörjningen med längst drifttid och högst funktionalitet. En utredning gjordes för att hitta monteringsmöjligheter av ett mätsystem på en gratevagn. Värmeavskärmning och isolering undersöktes för att få ner temperaturen i kapslingen och för elektroniken i ett mätsystem. Några olika temperaturgivare granskades för att hitta en som klarar av att mäta temperaturer upp till 1500°C och som fysiskt kan monteras på en gratevagn. / Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Aktiebolag (LKAB) is a mining group with iron ore mining as the main business. One of the products is produced by refining iron ore to iron pellets, which is a quality and environmentally clever product in steel production. When iron pellets are produced by roasting green pellets the temperature is very important. The goal is to get as much oxidation as possible from hematite to magnetite and to get correct mechanical properties. To control the process it’s important to know the temperature of the green pellets specifically and not the surrounding mechanical structure, ceramics lining in the furnace and the influence from radiation. The goal of the project is to examine possibilities to measure temperature with a permanent measurement system of green pellets which are transported on grate cars trough pellet plant. The measurement system has to meet some requirements of environment, portability and operating time. Analysis of the environment has been made to get specification of what a measurement system has to withstand. Proposition about assembly location has been investigated by analysis of the environment. A thermal analysis has been made of electronic components, especially electronic components that can be used in a measurement system. A analysis has also been made of which electronic components that are suited for a measurement system and can withstand the heat. A development measurement system has been developed from the results of the analysis. The system has been constructed to measure the temperature of what a system can be exposed of on a grate car. This with wireless and data-logging support and future measurements possibilities with three thermocouples of type S. Wireless data transfer was examined to see what type is most suited for the task with knowledge of environment, transmission range, radiation and power consumption. Power sources was examined to find a power source with longest working time and highest functionality. Heat insulation and reflective materials has been investigated with the goal to get the temperature in the system enclosure as low as possible. Some different types of temperature sensors that can measure temperatures up to 1500°C and which can be mounted on a grate car has been evaluated.
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[pt] O presente trabalho apresenta possíveis incertezas envolvendo o comércio exterior
brasileiro, devido aos questionamentos levantados por alguns representantes da
União Europeia, em especial o presidente francês Emmanuel Macron, por conta dos
dados sobre o desmatamento na Amazônia e a produção de soja em locais
irregulares. Os questionamentos europeus foram respondidos pelo governo
brasileiro, que se mostrou contrário às informações divulgadas por números
oficiais. Dessa forma, o impasse foi criado e uma série de acusações foram trocadas
entre os lados, em meio a essas, parte dos governantes dos países europeus
começaram a se mostrar contrários à compra de produtos agrícolas brasileiros e o
acordo com o bloco Mercosul, sendo acompanhados por partes do setor civil de
seus países. Entretanto, apenas o discurso sobre a diminuição da compra dos
produtos e até mesmo o impacto sobre futuros acordos comerciais entre as partes,
não necessariamente irá impactar efetivamente o comércio brasileiro com a UE.
Este trabalho foca no estudo desses impactos, se eles já estão presentes, se já se
encontram em implementação ou se realmente não passa de um discurso vazio por
parte dos membros da UE. / [en] This paper presents possible uncertainty regarding the Brazilian foreign trade, due
to questions brought up by European Union representatives, especially the French
president Emmanuel Macron, on account of the official data regarding the
Amazon s deforestation and soybeans productions in irregular regions. The
European doubts were answered by the Brazilian authorities, who presented
themselves against the publicized data. The outcome was a deadlock with
accusations by both sides, where the European representatives started to feel
uneased regarding their purchases of Brazilian commodities and the accord between
European Union and Mercosur, this point of view was followed by part of their
national public. However, just discoursing about decreasing purchases and stopping
the agreement process is not necessarily the way to negative impact the commerce
between Brazil and the EU. The paper focus on studying these impacts, if they are
already in progress, in implementation or if the discourse is just a smoke screen
with empty promises by the EU representatives.
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Der historische Eisenerzbergbau im Osterzgebirge und Elbtalschiefergebirge – eine geographisch-geologische LandschaftsanalysePflug, Norbert 21 November 2013 (has links)
Im Osterzgebirge sowie im nordöstlich daran angrenzenden Elbtalschiefergebirge wurde mit Unterbrechungen über mehrere Jahrhunderte Bergbau auf Eisen betrieben. Für die Besiedlung, den Bergbau auf andere Metalle, die Landwirtschaft und das Handwerk in der Region hatte der Eisenerzbergbau eine gewisse Bedeutung. Im Gegensatz zum Silber- und Buntmetallbergbau ist über den Eisenerzbergbau allerdings nur relativ wenig bekannt.
Das Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit bestand deshalb darin, eine zusammenfassende geologisch-geographische Darstellung, die sowohl den historischen Eisenerzbergbau im Osterzgebirge als auch den historischen Eisenerzbergbau im Elbtalschiefergebirge beinhaltet, zu erarbeiten. Um ein hohes Maß an Vollständigkeit zu gewährleisten, wurden die Erkenntnisse aus Archiven, Bibliotheken und Sammlungen zusammengetragen. Überdies wurde auch auf das Fachwissen von Heimatvereinen, Bergbaumuseen und Hobbyhistorikern zurückgegriffen.
Ferner wird im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersucht, welche Typen von Eisenerzlagerstätten es im Osterzgebirge und im Elbtalschiefergebirge gab, wie diese entstanden sind, um welche Mineralisation und um welche Art von Eisenerztypen es sich dabei handelt. Mit den gegenwärtig zur Verfügung stehenden Methoden der Analytik (REM-EDX) werden zudem die Mineralparagenese und die chemische Zusammensetzung von historischen und neuen Eisenerzproben aus dem Osterz- und Elbtalschiefergebirge untersucht. Ferner wird den Fragestellungen nachgegangen, wann diese Eisenerzlagerstätten erschlossen wurden, über welchen Zeitraum sie unter Abbau standen und wie viel Eisenerz aus den jeweiligen Gruben gefördert wurde. Hierfür erfolgte eine detaillierte Dokumentation der wichtigsten ehemaligen Eisenerzlagerstätten mit den dazugehörigen Zeugnissen des historischen Eisenerzbergbaus.
Darauf aufbauend werden die Bedeutung des Eisenerzbergbaus und des daran angeschlossenen Eisenhüttenwesens für die wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Entwicklung des Gebietes untersucht. Des Weiteren werden die regionalen Beziehungen zu anderen Bergbau- und Wirtschaftszweigen aufgezeigt. Der Prozess des Aufbrechens der regionalen Wirtschaftsstrukturen im Zuge der Industrialisierung wird eingehend erläutert. Und die Gründe für den Niedergang des Eisenerzbergbaus und Eisenhüttenwesens werden ebenfalls genannt. Danach erfolgt eine Betrachtung darüber, welche bergbauhistorischen Zeugnisse heute im Gelände noch auffindbar bzw. welche Nachfolgenutzungen an den Standorten des historischen Eisenerzbergbaus und des Eisenhüttenwesens gegenwärtig vorhanden sind. Abschließend wird erläutert welche Schlussfolgerungen für die Nutzung des geotouristischen Potenzials sich daraus ergeben.
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Der historische Eisenerzbergbau im Osterzgebirge und Elbtalschiefergebirge – eine geographisch-geologische LandschaftsanalysePflug, Norbert 08 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Im Osterzgebirge sowie im nordöstlich daran angrenzenden Elbtalschiefergebirge wurde mit Unterbrechungen über mehrere Jahrhunderte Bergbau auf Eisen betrieben. Für die Besiedlung, den Bergbau auf andere Metalle, die Landwirtschaft und das Handwerk in der Region hatte der Eisenerzbergbau eine gewisse Bedeutung. Im Gegensatz zum Silber- und Buntmetallbergbau ist über den Eisenerzbergbau allerdings nur relativ wenig bekannt.
Das Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit bestand deshalb darin, eine zusammenfassende geologisch-geographische Darstellung, die sowohl den historischen Eisenerzbergbau im Osterzgebirge als auch den historischen Eisenerzbergbau im Elbtalschiefergebirge beinhaltet, zu erarbeiten. Um ein hohes Maß an Vollständigkeit zu gewährleisten, wurden die Erkenntnisse aus Archiven, Bibliotheken und Sammlungen zusammengetragen. Überdies wurde auch auf das Fachwissen von Heimatvereinen, Bergbaumuseen und Hobbyhistorikern zurückgegriffen.
Ferner wird im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersucht, welche Typen von Eisenerzlagerstätten es im Osterzgebirge und im Elbtalschiefergebirge gab, wie diese entstanden sind, um welche Mineralisation und um welche Art von Eisenerztypen es sich dabei handelt. Mit den gegenwärtig zur Verfügung stehenden Methoden der Analytik (REM-EDX) werden zudem die Mineralparagenese und die chemische Zusammensetzung von historischen und neuen Eisenerzproben aus dem Osterz- und Elbtalschiefergebirge untersucht. Ferner wird den Fragestellungen nachgegangen, wann diese Eisenerzlagerstätten erschlossen wurden, über welchen Zeitraum sie unter Abbau standen und wie viel Eisenerz aus den jeweiligen Gruben gefördert wurde. Hierfür erfolgte eine detaillierte Dokumentation der wichtigsten ehemaligen Eisenerzlagerstätten mit den dazugehörigen Zeugnissen des historischen Eisenerzbergbaus.
Darauf aufbauend werden die Bedeutung des Eisenerzbergbaus und des daran angeschlossenen Eisenhüttenwesens für die wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Entwicklung des Gebietes untersucht. Des Weiteren werden die regionalen Beziehungen zu anderen Bergbau- und Wirtschaftszweigen aufgezeigt. Der Prozess des Aufbrechens der regionalen Wirtschaftsstrukturen im Zuge der Industrialisierung wird eingehend erläutert. Und die Gründe für den Niedergang des Eisenerzbergbaus und Eisenhüttenwesens werden ebenfalls genannt. Danach erfolgt eine Betrachtung darüber, welche bergbauhistorischen Zeugnisse heute im Gelände noch auffindbar bzw. welche Nachfolgenutzungen an den Standorten des historischen Eisenerzbergbaus und des Eisenhüttenwesens gegenwärtig vorhanden sind. Abschließend wird erläutert welche Schlussfolgerungen für die Nutzung des geotouristischen Potenzials sich daraus ergeben.
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Der historische Eisenerzbergbau im Osterzgebirge und Elbtalschiefergebirge – eine geographisch-geologische LandschaftsanalysePflug, Norbert 26 February 2013 (has links)
Im Osterzgebirge sowie im nordöstlich daran angrenzenden Elbtalschiefergebirge wurde mit Unterbrechungen über mehrere Jahrhunderte Bergbau auf Eisen betrieben. Für die Besiedlung, den Bergbau auf andere Metalle, die Landwirtschaft und das Handwerk in der Region hatte der Eisenerzbergbau eine gewisse Bedeutung. Im Gegensatz zum Silber- und Buntmetallbergbau ist über den Eisenerzbergbau allerdings nur relativ wenig bekannt.
Das Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit bestand deshalb darin, eine zusammenfassende geologisch-geographische Darstellung, die sowohl den historischen Eisenerzbergbau im Osterzgebirge als auch den historischen Eisenerzbergbau im Elbtalschiefergebirge beinhaltet, zu erarbeiten. Um ein hohes Maß an Vollständigkeit zu gewährleisten, wurden die Erkenntnisse aus Archiven, Bibliotheken und Sammlungen zusammengetragen. Überdies wurde auch auf das Fachwissen von Heimatvereinen, Bergbaumuseen und Hobbyhistorikern zurückgegriffen.
Ferner wird im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersucht, welche Typen von Eisenerzlagerstätten es im Osterzgebirge und im Elbtalschiefergebirge gab, wie diese entstanden sind, um welche Mineralisation und um welche Art von Eisenerztypen es sich dabei handelt. Mit den gegenwärtig zur Verfügung stehenden Methoden der Analytik (REM-EDX) werden zudem die Mineralparagenese und die chemische Zusammensetzung von historischen und neuen Eisenerzproben aus dem Osterz- und Elbtalschiefergebirge untersucht. Ferner wird den Fragestellungen nachgegangen, wann diese Eisenerzlagerstätten erschlossen wurden, über welchen Zeitraum sie unter Abbau standen und wie viel Eisenerz aus den jeweiligen Gruben gefördert wurde. Hierfür erfolgte eine detaillierte Dokumentation der wichtigsten ehemaligen Eisenerzlagerstätten mit den dazugehörigen Zeugnissen des historischen Eisenerzbergbaus.
Darauf aufbauend werden die Bedeutung des Eisenerzbergbaus und des daran angeschlossenen Eisenhüttenwesens für die wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Entwicklung des Gebietes untersucht. Des Weiteren werden die regionalen Beziehungen zu anderen Bergbau- und Wirtschaftszweigen aufgezeigt. Der Prozess des Aufbrechens der regionalen Wirtschaftsstrukturen im Zuge der Industrialisierung wird eingehend erläutert. Und die Gründe für den Niedergang des Eisenerzbergbaus und Eisenhüttenwesens werden ebenfalls genannt. Danach erfolgt eine Betrachtung darüber, welche bergbauhistorischen Zeugnisse heute im Gelände noch auffindbar bzw. welche Nachfolgenutzungen an den Standorten des historischen Eisenerzbergbaus und des Eisenhüttenwesens gegenwärtig vorhanden sind. Abschließend wird erläutert welche Schlussfolgerungen für die Nutzung des geotouristischen Potenzials sich daraus ergeben.
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