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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Auswirkungen irregulärer Migration auf die Europäisch-Afrikanischen Beziehungen : Partnerschaft auf Augenhöhe? Anspruch und Wirklichkeit der Kooperation / The impact of irregular migration on European-African relations : Partnership on equal terms? Ambitions and reality of cooperation

Hornig, Anja January 2009 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Frage, welche Auswirkung die Zunahme irregulärer Migration aus den Gebieten Afrikas südlich der Sahara in die Europäische Union (EU) auf die politischen Beziehungen der Regionen zueinander hat. Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu internationaler und irregulärer Migration und ihrer Auswirkung auf die Internationalen Beziehungen sind bisher die Ausnahme. Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag dazu, diese Lücke zu füllen und Migration aus einer politikwissenschaftlichen Perspektive zu beleuchten. Durch eine fundierte Analyse können Politikstrategien der Afrikanischen und der Europäischen Seite aufgezeigt, die Chancen der Interessensdurchsetzung bewertet und die Wirkung der Kooperation auf die Problematik der irregulären Migration eingeschätzt werden. Die Arbeit baut auf den gängigen Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen auf, die Hypothesen beruhen auf einer Gegenüberstellung der kooperationspolitischen Annahmen des Neorealismus und des neoliberalen Institutionalismus. Die empirische Überprüfung beruht auf einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse zugänglicher Dokumente und Verträge der EU und der African Union (AU) sowie der Westafrikanischen Regionalorganisation ECOWAS. Ergänzt wird die Dokumentenstudie um Experteninterviews mit afrikanischen Botschaftern in Berlin. Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Zunahme irregulärer Migration zu einer Veränderung in der Europäisch-Afrikanischen Kooperation geführt hat. Migrationspolitik ist zu einem strategischen Bereich der EU-Außenpolitik gegenüber Afrika geworden. In der Europäischen Politik überwiegen trotz Anerkennung der entwicklungspolitischen Möglichkeiten regulärer Migration restriktive Ansätze. Diese wirken sich nachteilig auf die Afrikanischen Herkunftsländer aus und begünstigen eine weitere Zunahme irregulärer Migration. Um angemessene Politikstrategien zu entwickeln ist aufgrund einer nicht zu erwartenden Veränderung der Europäischen Politik insbesondere die Afrikanische Seite gefragt. Hier dominierte in der Vergangenheit eine kritische Haltung gegenüber Personenfreizügigkeit. Erst seit kurzem kommt es zu einer abgestimmten supranationalen Positionierung auf ECOWAS- und AU-Ebene, in der positive Wirkungen regulärer Migration anerkannt werden. Diese spiegeln sich aber bisher nicht in nationalstaatlichen Politiken wider. / The thesis deals with the question, whether the increased irregular migration from Sub-Saharan Africa to the European Union (EU) has an impact on the inter-regional relations. Papers dealing with international and irregular migration and its impact on international relations are still rare. The thesis contributes to fill this gap and to highlight migration from a political science point of view. By providing a comprehensive analysis, political strategies of the African and the European side are identified, the chances of enforcements of interests showed and the effect of cooperation on the prevention of irregular migration is assessed. The thesis is based on the established theories of international relations. The hypothesis are based on the assumptions of neorealism and neolibral institutionalism on international cooperation. The empirical testing is based on a qualitative content analysis reviewing of available documents and contracts of the EU and the African Union (AU) as well as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). In addition, data derives from expert interviews conducted with African ambassadors in Berlin. The thesis comes to the conclusion that the increase in irregular migration let to a shift in the European-African cooperation. Migration policy now is a strategic part of the European foreign policy towards Africa. The European policy mainly pursues a restrictive policy although the chances of a regular form of migration have been officially recognized. This policy approach has a negative effect on the African countries of origin. At the same time, it favors a further increase of irregular migration. In order to develop an adequate policy, the African governments are particularly challenged as the European policy cannot be expected to change its politics towards migration. Here, in the past a critical position towards freedom of movement dominated. Only recently, a supranational position at ECOWAS-level comes up, which appreciates the positive effects of migration. However, this is not yet translated into policies at the national level.

Skuggsamhällets välfärdssystem : Papperslösa som välfärdsstatens blinda fläck och den ideella sektorns byråkratisering

Thoor Juhlin, My January 2015 (has links)
This study explores undocumented migrant’s access to social welfare and income support distributed by the non-profit and public sector in Stockholm. The study is conducted through interviews with representatives from the non-profit sector whose organisations and networks come in contact with undocumented migrants. According to Swedish law the social services have a responsibility to assist everyone who temporarily resides within the county. Consequently undocumented migrants have the right to assistance in acute situations. According to the testimonies given from the non-profit sector undocumented migrants have much difficulties acquiring all forms of aid from the social services. The respondents experiences show a multi-layered complex of problems giving reason for bureaucrats representing the public authority narrowing their services to undocumented migrants. The main focal points presented in this study are bureaucrats confusion regarding their own mission in relation to the migration board as well as the services restricted resources. Since undocumented migrants have difficulties claiming their rights in regard to the public sector, many turn to the non-profit sector for support. The result in the study shows that the non- profit sector functions as an informal social service bureau without the economical or legal framework to support it.

Unintentional insecurity: the effects of the EU’s asylum regime on humanitarian migration

Cranwell, Bradley M. 31 August 2017 (has links)
This thesis assesses the unintended consequences of the European Union’ asylum regime. The structure of the asylum regime arguably burdens the Member States along the external border with responsibility of humanitarian migrants seeking international protection more than Member States to the north. As a result, the Member States on the external border pursue security measures of migration control to deter migration from their borderlands, consequently creating human insecurity. The question this thesis seeks to answer is as follows: How has the EU’s asylum regime resulted in unintended consequences of human insecurity and ultimately become a catalyst for human rights infringements? By reviewing the dimensions of insecurity, migrant immobility and rightslessness, I answer this question by arguing that migrant insecurity is a common phenomenon within the EU asylum regime as there is a tendency to pursue security measures that prevent migrants from obtaining regularized status within his or her chosen Member State. In a time when the nexus between migration and security is a prominent feature in decision-making by state actors, reviewing measures of migration control is important to see the creation of insecurity. The thesis reviews the relevant concepts of the field, the make up of the asylum regime and how it consequently creates instances of insecurity and finally reviews Spain as a case study of Member States along the external border. / Graduate

Risking it to Libya : Irregular Migration from the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana to Libya

Ntenhene, Felix January 2021 (has links)
This thesis explores the phenomenon of irregular migration from the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana to Libya. It draws on migration theories to explain the underlying drivers of the phenomenon in the region. Many studies on irregular migration in Sub-Saharan Africa have predominantly attributed it to the push/pull theory. The objective here is to go beyond this stereotypical way of theorizing irregular migration in Sub-Saharan Africa by drawing on a wide range of migration theories to explain the underlying drivers of irregular migration from the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana to Libya. The evidence suggests that the drivers of irregular migration in the area under study are complex and nested in a broad-spectrum of social, cultural, moral, economic, historical, etc. context. Therefore, a single theory is inadequate to present a comprehensive explanation for the underlying drivers of the subject. It is revealed that there is the emergence of contemporary competing factors such as sports betting and internet fraud with some of the root causes of the phenomenon in the region. Hence, some of the root causes are weakened by these contemporary factors.

Die Wahrnehmung von Menschen ohne regulären Aufenthaltsstatus: Kontextualisierung und Argumentationen zu Illegalität und Illegalisierung in deutschen und französischen Printmedien 1992 – 2001

Hunold, Dagmar 26 June 2009 (has links)
In Bezug auf irreguläre Migrationsformen, die sich den bestehenden rechtlichen Einreise- und Aufenthaltsregelungen entziehen, wird nur selten hinterfragt, inwieweit diese durch Attribution von Aufenthaltsmerkmalen konstruiert werden. Entscheidend hierfür ist die national(staatlich)e Zugehörigkeit. Die vorliegende Arbeit fokussiert die Wechselwirkungen von Illegalität und Illegalisierung. Um die Konstruktionsmechanismen besser aufzudecken, wurde ein Ländervergleich zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich gewählt. So wurden Zeitungsartikel aus jeweils zwei deutschen und französischen Zeitungen inhaltsanalytisch untersucht. Zwei zentrale Fragestellungen standen im Vordergrund. Zum einen wurde untersucht, in welchem Kontext Illegalität und Illegalisierung thematisiert werden und in welcher Gewichtung sie auftreten. Des Weiteren wurde betrachtet, welche Argumentationen im Umgang mit den Betroffenen im öffentlichen Diskurs dargestellt werden. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass stärker als angenommen Illegalisierungselemente in den Medien dargestellt werden, allerdings kaum als solche benannt werden. Illegalität und Illegalisierung werden darüber hinaus kaum in einen Zusammenhang gestellt. Argumente werden selten detailliert dargestellt, wobei in der Regel eine Rückbindung an allgemeine Zuwanderungsdiskurse zu beobachten ist. Ein diskursiver Exkurs deckt wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich auf. Die Arbeit versucht, das Bild von Migranten ohne regulären Aufenthaltsstatus zu differenzieren und Fragen im Umgang mit Fremdheitserfahrungen zu erörtern.

Performing spaces; Structures of Control and Claims of Rights in sites of ‘Irregularity’

Kullving, Linus January 2011 (has links)
In dialogue with Critical perspectives in the field of Forced migration, this thesis aims to explore the spaces of „irregularity‟ regarding unaccompanied minors living non-status in the city of Malmö. With a theoretical departure in the ontological ideas of Hanna Arendt and Giorgio Agamben, the perspective of the Autonomy of Migration, and the concepts of „Acts of Citizenship‟, the thesis argues that these spaces are structured by multiple mechanisms of control, such as deportability, racism, poverty and precarity. In addition, the thesis investigates how these structures of control are contested by the minors. As the „irregular‟ subject in its presence challenges the Nation-state „order‟, the study argues that all her or his acts must be interpreted as confrontations. Hence the study aims to highlight the claims of rights and freedoms performed, not only by the minors themselves but also by the social networks surrounding them. The research is built upon fieldwork with non-status minors, asylum rights activists and semi-grass root actors in the spring of 2011 in the city of Malmö. Influenced by Methodological and Epistemological perspectives of Critical Ethnography and Action Research, the thesis also contains a normative requisite to deconstruct and question hegemonies and marginalizing structures.

Migration et prostitution : la prostitution comme étape dans les parcours de migration de femmes d'Afrique subsaharienne vers la France et l'Allemagne / Migration and prostitution : prostitution as a stage in the migration routes of women from sub-Saharan Africa to France and Germany

Diop, Mor 12 July 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre d’une part, le parcours migratoire de femmes d’Afrique subsaharienne vers l’Europe et, d’autre part, leur entrée dans la prostitution, c’est-à-dire les raisons et les facteurs qui les poussent à prendre la décision d’exercer la prostitution. Dans ce travail, j’ai mené une étude empirique avec une méthodologie qualitative basée sur la rencontre, l’échange et la coproduction de savoirs. Des récits de vie ont été réalisés avec des femmes venant principalement de l’Afrique subsaharienne, exerçant ou ayant exercé dans le milieu de la prostitution durant leur parcours migratoire en Allemagne ou en France. Dans l'ensemble, il s'agit d'analyser les tendances qui émergent à partir de cette enquête. / The objective of this thesis is to understand, on the one hand, the migratory trajectory of women from sub-Saharan Africa to Europe and, on the other hand, their entry into prostitution, that is to say, the reasons and factors that were responsible for them making the decision go into prostitution. For this study, I carried out an empirical project using a qualitative methodology based on the encounter, exchange and co-production of knowledge. Individual life stories were shared by women mainly from sub-Saharan Africa, working or having worked in the field of prostitution during their migratory journeys to Germany or to France. Overall, the goal is to analyze the trends that emerge from this study.

La gestion de l’immigration illégale aux Etats-Unis d’Amérique et au Canada : l’amnistie comme une solution au problème de la migration irrégulière / Illegal Immigration in the United States of America and Canada : Controlling Irregular Migration by Means of Amnesty

Eppreh-Butet, Raphaël T. Yaovi 17 October 2009 (has links)
Les Etats-Unis et le Canada sont confrontés au problème de l’immigration illégale. Pour endiguer le phénomène clandestin, les deux Etats ont recours à la régularisation des sans-papiers sur leur territoire en 1973 [Programme de Rectification du Statut, au Canada] et 1986 [Immigration Reform and Control Act aux Etats-Unis d’Amérique]. Quelle est la portée de la politique de régularisation et les enjeux de l’immigration aux Etats-Unis et au Canada ? / The United States of America [Immigration Reform and Control Act, 1986] and Canada [Adjustment of Status Program, 1973] resorted to amnesty in order to curb the growing complexities of illegal immigration. What was the impact of the legalization program, and the stakes relating to immigration in the United States and Canada ?

Papperslöst motstånd : Om strategier och praktiker i post-välfärdens marginaler / Undocumented resistance : On strategies and practice in the margins of a post-welfare society

Matsdotter Henriksson, Moa January 2008 (has links)
The post-modern western city is going through two central changes in the organization of paid labour. One is the switch from production of goods to production of services, and the other is the increasing rift between well-paid labour with permanent jobs, and temporarily employed workers with low wages. Both of these processes are rasified and gendered, and strike harder against women, young persons and people of emigrant background. The flexible capitalism creates an informalization of the economy, breaking with earlier regulations of the labour markets, in which workers also need to find informal strategies in their individual and collective struggles. In this paper, I search for these “new” experiences of living and working in late capitalist society, by doing open interviews with three women of Latin-American origin, working without official permission (without documents) in the informal economy of Stockholm. Analyzing their narratives, I look for the agency and resistance that, according to my theoretical perspective, is part of everyday life of all suppressed subjects. I come to the conclusion that irregular systems of recruitment and other forms of interdependency could be useful for other groups of precarious workers. The interviewed women also use strategies such as fantasizing about a reversed world or focusing their thoughts on the future, and deceiving or avoiding the power(full), to cope with their everyday work situations and the contradictory class mobility they experienced in the migration. However, these strategies often reproduce an acceptance of power more than a resistance to it, and show us how the capitalism works as an hegemonic ideology incorporated in us all.

Déterminants des migrations de l’Afrique vers l’Europe : du court séjour à la migration durable et / ou irrégulière

Lamboni, Mateyédou 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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