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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Histoire du théorème de Jordan de la décomposition matricielle (1870-1930).<br />Formes de représentation et méthodes de décomposition.

Brechenmacher, Frederic 09 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'histoire du théorème de Jordan est abordée sous l'angle d'une question d'identité posée sur la période qui sépare la date de 1870 et l'énoncé par Camille Jordan d'une forme canonique des substitutions linéaires des années trente du vingtième siècle au cours desquelles le théorème de Jordan de la décomposition matricielle acquiert une place centrale dans la théorie des matrices canoniques. A partir d'un moment historique de référence, la controverse entre Jordan et Kronecker de 1874, le théorème de Jordan permet de jeter un regard original sur l'histoire de la période 1870-1930 en suivant le rôle joué par des savoirs tacites, des idéaux et des pratiques propres à des réseaux et des communautés. Ce regard permet notamment de mettre en évidence la dynamique d'une tension entre formes canoniques et invariants dans l'évolution de la signification de la notion de forme en mathématiques et contribue à l'histoire de l'algèbre linéaire en décrivant le rôle joué par une méthode de décomposition indissociable d'un mode particulier de représentation : la décomposition matricielle.

ARABI CRISTIANI DI TRANSGIORDANIA DALLO STATO OTTOMANO ALL'EMIRATO HASHEMITA. SPAZIO POLITICO E CULTURA TRIBALE / Arab Christians in Transjordan from the Ottoman state to the Hashemite Emirate. Political space and Tribal culture.

Il percorso di ricerca si propone di studiare la Transgiordania, le sue tribù arabe, cristiane e musulmane, e le sue unità spazio-ecologiche in cui presero forma ambienti socio-politici differenti. La tesi si propone lo studio delle differenti fasi di transizione – dalla tribù allo stato e dalla tribù alla comunità – in cui gli spazi politici e sociali vennero riconfigurandosi secondo logiche di potere antiche e nuove al tempo stesso. L’obiettivo è individuare un itinerario storico che, attraversando i differenti distretti della Transgiordania durante il XIX secolo, la Grande guerra e il Mandato britannico, racconti la realtà del cristianesimo locale, le caratteristiche dei suoi micro-cosmi politici e la nascita dell’Emirato Hashemita di Transgiordania. / The thesis aims at studying Transjordan, its Arab Christian and Muslim tribes, and its spatial-ecological units in which different socio-political dynamics took place. The thesis analyzes different transition stages, from tribes to state and from tribe to community, in which political and social spaces have been reconfigured according to power logics, which were old and new at the same time. The objective is to identify a historical journey that deals with the reality of local Christianity, the characteristics of its political micro-cosmos and the birth of the Hashemite Emirate of Transjordan. This would be done by looking at the micro-history of the Transjordanian districts during the nineteenth century, the Great War and the British Mandate.

Inverting the lens: insider photography by the Manaja’a family, Humayma, Jordan

Gordon Lanning, Robbyn Ellen Lorraine 22 December 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, I assert that photographs of Jordanian Bedouin produced by cultural insiders disrupt and challenge pan-Bedouin and romantic photographic constructions of Bedouin made by cultural outsiders. These outsiders, Western ethno-photographers and members of the Jordanian Hashemite monarchy, use photographs featuring visual symbols of Bedouin identity in order to legitimise claims to land, resources, and cultural capital. Data produced from collaborative action research (the creation of photography with a self-identifying Bedouin family from Humayma, Jordan) demonstrates an increasingly complex version of Jordanian Bedouin identity absent from outsider representations. This nuanced picture of Bedouin identity, while limited by its focus on a single family, may help contribute to further collaborative investigations of Bedouin identity in Jordan. This research has the potential to assist in the better understanding of the diverse social practices and concerns of Bedouin living in Jordan today.

A demographic analysis of Late Bronze Age Canaan : ancient population estimates and insights through archaeology

Kennedy, Titus Michael January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is a demographic analysis of Late Bronze Age Canaan (ca. 1550/1500-1200/1150 BCE), undertaken through the use of archaeological and anthropological data. The purpose is to establish estimates for the settlement population, nomadic population, nuclear family size, house size, sex ratio, and life expectancy of the people of Canaan during the Late Bronze Age. Previous studies have not addressed these issues in detail, nor had data from the entire scope of Canaan been considered, nor had a precise methodology been developed or used for estimating specific settlement populations and nomadic populations for Canaan during the Late Bronze Age. Thus, additional aspects of the thesis include the development and use of a new methodology for estimating ancient populations and a database of all of the Late Bronze Age sites in Canaan—both archaeological and textual. To accomplish these goals, the thesis uses archaeological data from excavations and surveys, texts from the Late Bronze Age, human skeletal remains from Late Bronze Age burials, demographic and ethnographic studies of various types of nomads, and methods, techniques, and observations from previous relevant studies. The primary objectives are to 1) obtain individual settlement, nomadic, and total population estimates for Canaan in the Late Bronze Age that are as accurate as possible based on the currently available data, along with additional demographic estimates of life expectancy and sex ratio, 2) propose a new methodology for estimating settlement populations in the ancient world, 3) present a catalogue and map of all of the sites in Canaan that were inhabited during the Late Bronze Age, 4) illuminate demographic trends during the Late Bronze Age in Canaan. The implications of the results may lead to a modified demographic view of Canaan and its sub-regions during the Late Bronze Age. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Biblical Archaeology)

Study of compact quantum groups with probabilistic methods : caracterization of ergodic actions and quantum analogue of Noether's isomorphisms theorems / Etude des groupes quantiques compacts avec des méthodes probabilistes : caractérisation d'actions d'action ergodiques et analogues quantiques des théorèmes d'isomorphismes de Noether

Omar hoch, Souleiman 29 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie des problèmes liés aux treillis des sous-groupes quantiques et la caractérisationdes actions ergodiques et des états idempotents d’un groupe quantique compact.Elle consiste en 3 parties. La première partie présente des résultats préliminaires sur lesgroupes quantiques localement compacts, les sous-groupes quantiques normaux ainsi queles actions ergodiques et les états idempotents. La seconde partie étudie l’analogue quantiquede la règle de modularité de Dedekind et de l’analogue quantique des théorèmesd’isomorphisme de Noether ainsi que leur conséquences comme le théorème de raffinementde Schreier, et le théorème Jordan-Hölder. Cette partie s’inspire du travail de recherche deShuzhouWang sur l’analogue quantique du troisième théorème d’isomorphisme de Noetherpour les groupes quantiques compacts ainsi que le travail récent de Kasprzak, Khosraviet Soltan sur l’analogue quantique du premier théorème d’isomorphisme de Noether pourles groupes quantiques localement compacts. Dans la troisième partie, nous caractérisonsles états idempotents du groupe quantique compact O−1(2) en s’appuyant sur la caractérisationde ses actions ergodiques plongeables. Cette troisième partie est dans la lignedes travaux fait par Franz, Skalski et Tomatsu pour les groupes quantiques compactsUq(2), SUq(2) et SOq(3). Nous classifions au préalable les actions ergodiques et les actionsergodiques plongeables du groupe quantique compact O−1(2).Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse se basent sur deux articles de l’auteur et al.Le premier s’intitule “Fundamental isomorphism theorems for quantum groups” et a étéaccepté pour publication dans Expositionae Mathematicae et le second est intitulé “Ergodicactions and idempotent states of O−1(2)” et est en cours de finalisation pour être soumis. / This thesis studies problems linked to the lattice of quantum subgroups and characterizationof ergodic actions and idempotent states of a compact quantum group. It consistsof three parts. The first part present some preliminary results about locally compactquantum groups, normal quantum subgroups, ergodic actions and idempotent states. Thesecond part studies the quantum analog of Dedekind’s modularity law, Noether’s isomorphismtheorem and their consequences as the Schreier refinement theorem and theJordan-Hölder theorem. This part completes the work of Shuzhou WANG on the quantumanalog of the third isomorphism theorem for compact quantum group and the recentwork of Kasprzak, Khosravi and Soltan on the quantum analog of the first Noether isomorphismtheorem for locally compact quantum groups. In the third part, we characterizeidempotent states of the compact quantum group O−1(2) relying on the characterizationof embeddable ergodic actions. This third part is in the sequence of the seminal works ofFranz, Skalski and Tomatsu for the compact quantum groups Uq(2), SUq(2) and SOq(3).We classify in advance the ergodic actions and embeddable ergodic actions of the compactquantum group O−1(2).This thesis is based on two papers of the author and al. The first one is entitled“Fundamental isomorphism theorems for quantum groups” which have been accepted forpublication in Expositionae Mathematicae and the second one is entitled “Ergodic actionsand idempotent states of O−1(2)” and is being finalized for submission.

Conjuntos que determinan la acotación uniforme

López Alfonso, Salvador 16 December 2016 (has links)
The classical Nykodym theorem (1933) asserts that a set H of countably additive complex measures defined on a sigma-algebra S which is bounded for each element of S, then H is uniformly bounded on S. It is well known that this theorem fails if we replace the sigma-algebra S simply by an algebra. Let A be the algebra of subsets of a nonempty set, and consider the Banach space ba(A) of all real (or complex) finitely additive measures of bounded variation defined on A. A subset B of A is said to have the N-property (Nikodym property) if every B-pointwise bounded subset M of ba(A) is uniformly bounded on A. Recall the classical Nikodym-Dieudonné-Grothendieck's theorem which says that each sigma-algebra has the N-property. Moreover B is said to have the strong N-property if for each increasing countable covering (B_{m})_{m} of B there exists B_{n} which has the N-property. Valdivia proved in 1979 that each sigma-algebra has the strong N-property. The aforementioned Valdivia's theorem motivated to prove that each sigma-algebra S of subsets of a set has web-N-property, that is, if (B_{m_1})_{m_1} is an increasing countable covering of S and if (B_{m_1},_{m_2},....,_{m_p},_{m_{p+1}})_{m_{p+1}} is an increasing countably covering of B_{m_1},_{m_2},....,_{m_p}, for each natural numbers p, mi, with i = 1, 2,..., p, then there exists a sequence (n_{r})_{r} such thatB_{n_1},_{n_2},....,_{n_r} has the N-property for every r = 1, 2, 3, ...... . In this thesis it is proved that nearly all infinite chains in the increasing web (B_{m_1},_{m_2},....,_{m_p}: m_i=1,2,... , i=1,2,...,p, and p=1,2,.....} are composed of sets that have web-N-property. In the main result in this thesis it is proved that the algebra J(K) of Jordan measurables subsets of a compact k-dimensional interval K contained in R^k has the web-N-property. This result imporves the 2013 Valdivia's theorem stating that J(K) has the strong Nikodym property, which in turns was a grest improvement of Schachermayer's result of N property of J([0; 1]). The analysis of the demonstration of this result has allowed us give a sufficient condition in an algebra of subsets of a set that implies the property **wN. This sufficient condition is verified by each sigma-algebra as well as by the algebra J(K), whence the properties wN of any sigma-algebra and of J(*K) could have been presented like corollaries of this sufficient condition. It has seemed more natural to follow the chronological order, such as it has done in the Thesis. In the chapter 5 the problem proposed by Valdivia in 2013 is considered, i.e., to prove if it is true or not that when an algebra A of subsets have the property N then it has the property sN. In the section 5.2 this problem is considered in the most general context of normed spaces, because a subset B of an algebra A has the property N if each subset M of finitely additive bounded measures pointwise bounded in the sets of B verifies that M is a bounded subset of the Banach space of bounded finitely additive measures in the algebra A endowed with the supreme norm, what carries to the study of the sets DAU that determine the uniform boundedness of a normed space. Several applications of the obtained results to problems of location of vectorial averages and of convergence of sequences as well as several open problems are presented. The limitation of number of characters prevents to comment other results. We finish this summary indicating that we have proved that the properties wN, w(sN) and w(wN) are equivalents. / El clásico teorema de Nykodym (1933) afirma que si un subconjunto H de medias complejas numerablemente aditivas definidas en una sigma-algebra S está acotado en cada elemento de S, entonces H está uniformente acotado en S. Es bien conocido que este teorema no es cierto en general si se sustituye la sigma-álgebra S por un álgebra. Sea A un álgebra de subconjuntos de un conjunto no vacío, y consideremos el espacio de Banach ba(A) de las medias reales (o complejas) finitamente aditivas de variación acotada definidas en A. Un subconjunto B of A se dice que tiene la propiedad N (propiedad de Nikodym) si para cada subconjunto M of ba(A) que sea B-puntualmente acotado se tiene que M es uniformemente acotado en A. Recordemos que el clásico teorema de Nikodym-Dieudonné-Grothendieck's dice que cada sigma-algebra tiene la propiedad N. Además se dice que B tiene la propiedad N-fuerte si cada para cada cubrimiento numerable creciente (B_{m})_{m} de B existe B_{n} que tiene la propiedad N. Valdivia demmostró en 1979 que cada sigma-algebra tiene la propiedad N-property. Este teorema de Valdivia motivó demostrar que cada sigma-algebra S de subconjuntos de un conjunto tiene la propiedad N para mallas crecientes, es decir, si (B_{m_1})_{m_1} es un cubrimiento numerable creciente de S y si (B_{m_1},_{m_2},....,_{m_p},_{m_{p+1}})_{m_{p+1}} es un cubrimiento numerable creciente de B_{m_1},_{m_2},....,_{m_p}, para cada números naturales p, mi, con i=1, 2,..., p, entonces existe una sucesión (n_{r})_{r} tal que B_{n_1},_{n_2},....,_{n_r} tiene la propiedad N para cada r = 1, 2, 3, ...... . En la tesis se prueba que casi todas las cadenas infinitas en una malla creciente (B_{m_1},_{m_2},....,_{m_p}: m_i=1,2,... , i=1,2,...,p, and p=1,2,.....} están compuestas de conjuntos que tienen la propiedad N para mallas crecientes. El resultado principal de la tesis prueba que el algebra J(K) de los subconjuntos Jordan medibles de un intervalo compacto k-dimensional K contenido en R^k tiene la propiedad N para mallas crecientes. Este resultado mejora el resultado de Valdivia de 2013 de que J (K) tiene la propiedad fuerte de Nikodym, que a su vez mejoraba un resultado anterior de Schachermayer, quien probó que J ([0; 1]) tiene la propiedad N. El análisis de la demostración de este resultado nos ha permitido dar una condición suficiente en un álgebra de subconjuntos de un conjunto que implica la propiedad wN. Esta condición suficiente la verifican tanto las sigma-álgebras como el álgebra J (K), por lo que las propiedades wN de cualquier sigma-álgebra y de J(K) se podían haber presentado como corolarios de dicha condición suficiente. Ha parecido más natural seguir el orden cronológico, tal como se ha hecho en la Tesis. En el capítulo 5 se considera el problema planteado por Valdivia en 2013. Consiste en averiguar si el que un álgebra A de conjuntos tenga la propiedad N implica o no el tener la propiedad sN. En la sección 5.2 se considera este problema en el contexto más general de los espacios normados, pues un subconjunto B de un álgebra A tiene la propiedad N si cada subconjunto M de medidas acotadas, finitamente aditivas y puntualmente acotadas en el conjunto de funciones características de los conjuntos de B verifica que M es un subconjunto acotado del espacio de Banach de dichas medias finitamente aditivas y acotadas definidas en A con la norma supremo, lo que lleva al estudio de los conjuntos DAU que determinan la acotación uniforme en un espacio normado. Se presentan varias aplicaciones de los resultados obtenidos a problemas de localización de medias vectoriales y de convergencia de sucesioens de medias y varios problemas abiertos. La limitación de número de caracteres impide comentar otros resultados. Terminamos este resumen indicando que hemos probado que las propiedades wN, w(sN) y w(wN) son equivalentes. / El clàssic teorema de Nykodym (1933) afirma que si un subconjunt H de mesures complexes numerablement aditives defiides en una sigma-àlgebra S és acotat en cada element de S, aleshores H és uniforment acotat en S. És ben conegut que aquest teorema no és cert en general si es sustitueix la sigma-àlgebra S simplement per una àlgebra. Siga A una àlgebra de subconjunts d'un conjunt no buit, i considerem l'espai de Banach ba(A) de les mesures reals (o complexes) finitament aditives de variació acotada definides en A. Un subconjunt B de A es diu que té la propietat N (propietat de Nikodym) si cada subconjunt M de ba(A) que siga B-puntualment acotat es té que M és uniformement acotat en A. Recordem que el clàssic teorema de Nikodym-Dieudonné-Grothendieck's diu que cada sigma-àlgebra té la propietat N. A més a més es diu que B té la propietat forta N si per a cada cubrimient numerable creixent (B_{m})_{m} de B existeix B_{n} que té la propietat N. Valdivia va provar en 1979 que cada sigma-àlgebra té la propietat N. L'esmentat teorema de Valdivia va motivar demostrar que cada sigma-àlgebra S de subconjunts de un conjunt té la propietat N per a malles creixents, és dir, si (B_{m_1})_{m_1} és un cubrimient numerable creixent de S i si (B_{m_1},_{m_2},....,_{m_p},_{m_{p+1}})_{m_{p+1}} és un cubrimient numerable creixent de B_{m_1},_{m_2},....,_{m_p}, per a cada nombres naturals p, mi, amb i = 1, 2,..., p, aleshores existeix una successió (n_{r})_{r} tal que B_{n_1},_{n_2},....,_{n_r} té la propietat N per a cada r = 1, 2, 3, ...... . En la tesi es prova que gairebé totes les cadenes infinites en una malla creixent (B_{m_1},_{m_2},....,_{m_p}: m_i=1,2,... , i=1,2,...,p, and p=1,2,.....} estan composades de conjunts que tenen la propietat N per a malles creixents. El resultat principal de la tesi prova que l'àlgebra J(K) dels subconjunts Jordan mesurables d'un interval compacte k-dimensional K contingut en R^k té la propietat N per a malles creixents. Aquest resultat millora el resultat de Valdivia de 2013 de que J (K) té la propietat forta de Nikodym, que alhora millorava un resultat anterior de Schachermayer, qui va provar que J([0; 1]) té la propietat N. L'anàlisi de la demostració d'aquest resultat ens ha permès donar una condició suficient en un àlgebra de subconjunts d'un conjunt que implica la propietat wN. Aquesta condició suficient la verifiquen tant les sigma-àlgebres com l'àlgebra J(K), per la qual cosa les propietats wN de qualsevol sigma-àlgebra i de J(K) es podien haver presentat com a corol·laris d'aquesta condició suficient. Ha semblat més natural seguir l'ordre cronològic, tal com s'ha fet en la Tesi. En el capítol 5 es considera el problema plantejat per Valdivia en 2013. Consisteix a esbrinar si el que un àlgebra A de conjunts tinga la propietat N implica o no el tenir la propietat sN. En la secció 5.2 es considera aquest problema en el context més general dels espais normados, doncs un subconjunt B d'un àlgebra A té la propietat N si cada subconjunt M de mesures acotades, finitament additives i puntualment acotades en el conjunt de funcions característiques dels conjunts de B verifica que M és un subconjunt acotat de l'espai de Banach d'aquestes mesure finitament additives i acotades definides en A amb la norma suprem, la qual cosa porta a l'estudi dels conjunts DAU que determinen l'acotació uniforme en un espai normat. Es presenten diverses aplicacions dels resultats obtinguts a problemes de localització de mitjanes vectorials i de convergència de **sucesioens de mitjanes i diversos problemes oberts. La limitació de nombre de caràcters impedeix comentar altres resultats. Acabem aquest resum indicant que hem provat que les propietats wN, w(sN) i w(wN) són equivalents. / López Alfonso, S. (2016). Conjuntos que determinan la acotación uniforme [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/75266 / TESIS

Koevoluce kartézských genetických algoritmů a neuronových sítí / Coevolution of Cartesian Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks

Kolář, Adam January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to verify synergy of genetic programming and neural networks. Solution is provided by set of experiments with implemented library built upon benchmark tasks. I've done experiments with directly and also indirectly encoded neural netwrok. I focused on finding robust solutions and the best calculation of configurations, overfitting detection and advanced stimulations of solution with fitness function. Generally better solutions were found using lower values of parameters n_c and n_r. These solutions tended less to be overfitted. I was able to evolve neurocontroller eliminating oscilations in pole balancing problem. In cancer detection problem, precision of provided solution was over 98%, which overcame compared techniques. I succeeded also in designing of maze model, where agent was able to perform multistep tasks.

Building the capacity for watershed governance

Edwards, Jamie Joyce 05 May 2020 (has links)
BC Hydro’s Water Use Planning (WUP) process is one of the world’s most comprehensive hydroelectric dam operational reviews and has served as a model to revise hydropower operating plans with the participation of an inclusive range of stakeholders, rights holders, and the use of up-to-date scientific information, that meets social and environmental goals alongside economic targets. In 2000, BC Hydro initiated a WUP process in the Jordan River watershed. This watershed hosts a wide diversity of water users, including active resource industry stakeholders (mining, forestry, and hydropower), Indigenous rights holders, and rural community citizens; which is representative of watersheds in British Columbia with established WUPs. BC Hydro finalized the Jordan River WUP in 2003, which focuses on establishing critical freshwater flows for fish habitat and achieving specific recreational values of the local community. However, numerous other issues still remain that were beyond the scope of the WUP process, including water quality concerns that were continually brought up by citizens during the consultative process of the WUP. In addition to these concerns, biological monitoring following the implementation of the WUP suggests that contamination from an inactive copper mine has affected and altered sensitive water quality parameters for a healthy Pacific salmon habitat in Jordan River. Yet, there has not been an extensive water quality study conducted that examines the spatial or seasonal water quality extents of the mining contamination in Jordan River, specifically copper. Consequently, fourteen years after the creation of the WUP, local advocates are still struggling to have their concerns heard by the entity responsible for freshwater flow, BC Hydro, alongside federal and provincial government agencies. Advocates are calling for the creation of a watershed-based group as a mechanism for having greater influence in water planning and governance processes. This study explores the research question: if and how has the WUP process contributed to creating watershed governance capacity? This social science thesis project employs a mixed-methods approach using both quantitative and qualitative data. The study includes a document review of relevant water governance literature and focuses on examining the freshwater quality of the Jordan River. Water quality samples were collected over a five-week period from five sites on the Jordan River beginning in September and concluding in October of 2015 during the most sensitive periods of salmon spawning activity in the lower reaches of the Jordan River. Spatial and seasonal water quality trends were identified, and analysis concluded that copper is the primary contaminate affecting the productivity of a healthy salmon habitat in the Jordan River. Acid mine drainage (AMD) processes were identified throughout the water quality data and are strongly influenced by the proximity of existing mine waste piles sourced from an abandoned copper mine, and unnatural anthropogenic flows from the three BC Hydro dams present in the Jordan River system. The final stage of the research project focuses on assessing the adaptive capacity in the watershed to address the issues of concern outlined in the WUP. There is a current movement to create watershed organizations that are formally supported through new legislation in British Columbia, but questions remain about the capacities of these watershed communities to sustain such a formal institution and if these watershed communities are ready to successfully implement a local watershed governance model. The Gupta et al. (2010) six adaptive capacity dimensions provide a logical framework to explore if these capacities are present such that it could be expected that local watershed organizations would be effective as society adapts to more watershed-based governance approaches. Thirteen semi-structured interviews were conducted from October 2016 to February 2017. Interviews and observational data focused on the WUP process and prospective and current members of the Jordan Watershed Round Table (JWRT). The research evaluated whether these six adaptive capacity dimensions are present in watershed communities that have been subjected to water management processes, specifically the WUP program. Overall, the research concluded that the WUP has contributed to some adaptive capacity for watershed governance in the Jordan River, specifically on building the adaptive capacity dimensions: variety, learning capacity, room for autonomous change, leadership, and resources within the JWRT. / Graduate

Åsiktskorridoren : Öppenhet och tolerans i den moraliska stormakten - eller? En kritisk idéanalys av det mediala, akademiska, politiska etablissemanget / The Opinion Corridor : Openness and tolerance in the moral superpower, right? A critical analysis of the medial, academic and political establishment

Gustafsson, Erik January 2020 (has links)
In 2018, when famous dissident professor Jordan Peterson visited Scandinavia he stirred up controversy when penetrating the otherwise relatively intact Swedish thought-bubble. Using J.S Mills principles of free thought to guide us through this Orwellian landscape, I will demonstrate the narrowness of the so-called opinion corridor surrounding Swedish public intellectual life.

Locked In Time?: The Hariri Assassination and the Making of a Usable Past for Lebanon

Van Melle, Jonathan Herny 15 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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