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Le cinéma analogique, entre obsolescence et résistance : l’exemple du collectif Double NégatifCoderre, Charles-André 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise se penche sur la place du cinéma analogique à l’ère du « tout-numérique », en particulier dans le domaine du cinéma d’avant-garde. Le premier chapitre se consacre, d’un point de vue historique et théorique, sur «l’air du temps cinématographique», c’est-à-dire, sur le statut de la pellicule dans un contexte où l’on assiste à la disparition du format 35mm, tout aussi bien comme support de diffusion dans les salles de cinéma qu’à l’étape du tournage et de la postproduction. Face à une industrie qui tend à rendre obsolète le travail en pellicule, tout en capitalisant sur l’attrait de celle-ci en la reproduisant par le biais de simulacres numériques, il existe des regroupements de cinéastes qui continuent de défendre l’art cinématographique sur support argentique.
Ainsi, le deuxième chapitre relève la pluralité des micros-laboratoires cinématographiques qui offrent des formes de résistance à cette domination du numérique. Nous nous intéresserons également, en amont, aux mouvements des coopératives tels que la Film-Maker’s Cooperative de New York et la London Filmmaker’s Coop afin de comprendre le changement de paradigme qui s’est opéré au sein de l’avant-garde cinématographique entre les années 50 et 70. Les mouvements de coopératives cherchaient avant tout une autonomie créative, tandis que les collectifs contemporains dédiés à la pellicule assurent la pérennité d’une pratique en voie de disparition.
Finalement, le troisième chapitre propose une étude de cas sur le collectif de cinéastes montréalais Double Négatif. Ce chapitre relate tout aussi bien l’historique du collectif (fondement du groupe lors de leur passage à l’université Concordia), les spécificités qui émanent de leur filmographie (notamment les multiples collaborations musicales) ainsi que leur dévouement pour la diffusion de films sur support pellicule, depuis bientôt dix ans, au sein de la métropole. À l’image de d’autres regroupements similaires ailleurs sur la planète (Process Reversal, l’Abominable, Filmwerplaats pour ne nommer que ceux-là) le collectif Double Négatif montre des voies à suivre pour assurer que le cinéma sur pellicule puisse se décliner au futur. / This master’s thesis reflects upon the place of analogue cinema in the new digital era of film, particularly within the avant-garde. The first chapter explores from a historical and theoretical point of view the current cinematographic trends, i.e., the status of celluloid in the context of its disappearance, whether it is as a projecting medium or at the production and postproduction stage. Facing an industry which encourages the obsolescence of celluloid (but continues to attempt to reproduce its aesthetic through digital means), there exists filmmaking collectives which continue to defend the use of film in their practice.
The second chapter reveals the pluralism of cinematographic micro-laboratories which offer a form of resistance to digital domination. In order to understand the paradigm shift which occured during the 1950s and 1970s within the avant-garde we will also examine the cooperatives movement such as the Film-Maker’s Cooperative in New York and the London Filmmaker’s Coop. The cooperatives movement was above all searching for artistic autonomy, whereas comtemporary collectives dedicated to celluloid tend to ensure the preservation of an endangered practice.
The third chapter proposes a case study on the Montreal film-collective Double Negative. This chapter relates the history of the collective (creation of the group during their studies at Concordia University), the specificities of their filmography (particularly their musical collaborations) as well as their devotion to the diffusion and projection of films on celluloid. Like other similar groups (Process Reversal, l’Abominable, Filmwerplaats, to name a few) the Double Negative collective paves the way to ensure the survival of the celluloid medium in cinema.
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Approches numériques et expérimentales pour l’étude des écoulements dans les laboratoires géologiques sur puce (GLoCs) / Numerical and experimental approches for investigating flows in geological labs on chip (GLoCs)Diouf, Abdou khadre 22 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet ANR CGS µLab, qui vise à appréhender lesmécanismes fondamentaux impliqués dans les procédés de stockage profond du CO2 à partir des laboratoiresgéologiques sur puce (GLoCs – geological labs on chip) pour reproduire les conditions depression et de température des milieux géologiques profonds. Au-delà de la compréhension expérimentale,l’apport des techniques de modélisations numériques apparaît essentiel afin de définir des modèlespermettant de prévoir notamment les capacités maximales de stockage à partir des caractéristiques duréservoir (porosité, perméabilité, température, pression, géochimie), et du procédé d’injection (débit,composition). Dans ce contexte, ce travail a principalement deux objectifs : (i) associer l’imagerie expérimentaleet la modélisation numérique pour simuler des écoulements non réactifs dans des GLoCset (ii) suivre expérimentalement les évolutions structurelles d’un milieu poreux 3D soumis à un écoulementréactif. Notre démarche comporte deux parties pour répondre à ces objectifs. Dans la premièrepartie, nous avons effectué la modélisation 3D des perméabilités des GLoCs par la prise de moyennevolumique. Pour ce faire, nous avons d’abord vérifié le comportement darcéen d’un GLoC en fonctionde son nombre de rangs de plots en étudiant un problème de diffusion sur un maillage emboîté quenous avons implémenté à partir d’une image binaire du GLoC pour réduire le temps de calcul. Puis,nous avons mis à jour notre code de perméabilité, qui résout le problème de fermeture de l’écoulement,en calculant analytiquement en 3D le critère de stabilité qui prend en compte l’anisotropie dela géométrie des GLoCs. Nous avons ensuite traité les images numériques 2D des GLoCs avant deprocéder à la génération de leurs volumes élémentaires représentatifs (VERs) 3D. Nous avons enfinsimulé les perméabilités des GLoCs avant de les confronter aux résultats expérimentaux et à ceuxobtenus avec le logiciel PHOENICS. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons développé un montage expérimentalpermettant de recréer des milieux poreux réactifs en 3D au sein d’un canal microfluidique(lit fixe de microparticules de carbonates de calcium – CaCO3). Grâce à la laminographie X de la ligneID19 de l’ESRF, nous avons pu observer sur des coupes d’image 2D reconstruites les phénomènes dedissolution lors de l’injection successive de volumes constants de solution hors équilibre. Cette preuvede concept a ouvert de nouvelles perspectives d’utilisation de cette méthodologie pour acquérir desdonnées cinétiques sur des phénomènes de fronts réactifs dans les poreux. / This thesis work is included within the ANR CGS µLab projet, which aims to understand thefundamental mechanisms involved in the deep storage processes of CO2 from on-chip geological laboratories(GLoCs - geological labs on chip) to reproduce the pressure and temperature conditionsof deep geological environments. Besides experimental understanding, the contribution of numericalmodeling approaches appears essential in order to define models allowing to predict in particularthe maximum storage capacities based on the characteristics of the reservoirs (porosity, permeability,temperature, pressure, geochemistry), and the injection process (flow rate, composition). In thiscontext, this work has two main goals : (i) to associate experimental imaging and numerical modelingto simulate non-reactive flows in model porous media on chip ; and (ii) to follow experimentally thestructural evolution of a 3D porous medium undergoing a reactive flow. In order to address to thesegoals, the approach we have proposed is divided into two parts. In the first part, we carried out the3D modeling of the permeabilities of GLoCs by taking volume averaging. To do this, we first verifiedthe behavior of a GLoC according to its number of plots rows by studying a diffusion problem ona nested mesh that we have implemented from a GLoC binary image to reduce computation time.Then, we updated our permeability code, which solves the closure problem of flow, by analyticallycalculating in 3D the stability criterion that takes into account the anisotropy of GLoC geometry. Wethen processed the 2D digital images of the GLoCs before proceeding with the generation of their3D representative elementary volumes. Finally, we have simulated the permeabilities of GLoCs beforecomparing them with the experimental results and those obtained with the PHOENICS software. In asecond part, we have developed an experimental set-up to recreate 3D reactive porous media within amicrofluidic channel (fixed packed bed of calcium carbonate - CaCO3 microparticles). Using the X-raylaminography of the ESRF line ID19, we have observed on reconstructed 2D images the dissolutionphenomena occurring during the successive injection of constant volumes of non-equilibrium solution.This proof of concept has opened new possibilities for using this methodology to acquire kinetic dataon reactive front phenomena in porous media.
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Estratégias de trabalho com blogs no ensino de geometria em turmas de 5° ano do ensino fundamentalOliveira, Janaína Fátima Sousa 17 February 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / Este texto apresenta uma pesquisa realizada por meio do trabalho colaborativo, que aconteceu em uma escola periférica da cidade de Uberlândia-MG. A pesquisa é caracterizada como estudo de caso e tem uma abordagem qualitativa. Teve como objetivo buscar estratégias diferenciadas de ensino e aprendizagem com o uso de tecnologias na prática pedagógica. Em relação à metodologia, nesta investigação, analisamos o trabalho, com o apoio de blogs, cujas páginas foram utilizadas para registros dos alunos e debates direcionados ao conteúdo de Geometria. Foram convidados para participar desse projeto os alunos que estavam cursando o 5º (quinto) ano do ensino fundamental. Contudo, foram sujeitos da pesquisa apenas aqueles alunos que, por meio de declaração assinada pelos pais, aceitaram o convite para participarem do estudo. O projeto foi desenvolvido com 30 alunos, no segundo semestre de 2014, e outros 30, no primeiro semestre de 2015. O espaço físico, na escola, onde se realizou a maior parte das atividades do projeto foi o laboratório de informática. No processo de produção dos dados, na escola, foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: notas de campo produzidas por toda a equipe do projeto, fotografias e filmagens das atividades produzidas no laboratório de informática e em sala de aula (registradas pela equipe de pesquisa), questionários, entrevistas, registros em espaço virtual: os blogs. Os resultados desta investigação centraram-se na análise das produções dos alunos do quinto ano com registros nos blogs. No que diz respeito à conclusão, a pesquisa demonstrou que blogs, softwares e dinâmicas diferenciadas de estudo atraíram a atenção dos alunos, deixando-os em sua maioria, instigados pelo desconhecido. Aos poucos, os estudantes construíram o seu próprio conhecimento com seus erros e acertos. Todo o processo de trabalho possibilitou que o laboratório de informática pudesse ser um ambiente que fosse utilizado para além de resolução de exercícios informatizados e tediosos. O trabalho de produção de blogs, em grupos, desenvolveu nos estudantes a leitura e a escrita, tanto da linguagem materna como de símbolo e nomenclatura matemática. A interação dos alunos se tornou perceptível no decorrer do projeto, uma vez que propiciou o amadurecimento pessoal dos estudantes, o respeito, a tolerância e a cooperação mútua. Nesse sentido, concluímos que o projeto contribuiu sobremaneira para o processo de alfabetização dos alunos na linguagem materna, na matemática e na alfabetização digital. / This paper presents a survey conducted through collaborative work, which took place in a suburb school in the city of Uberlandia-MG. The research is characterized as case study and has a qualitative approach. Had the objective to look for different strategies of teaching and learning through the use of technology in pedagogical practice. Regarding the methodology in this research, we analyzed the work with the support of blogs, whose pages were used for student records and discussions directed to the geometry content. The students who were attending the fifth (5th) year of elementary school were invited to participate in this project. However, the research subjects were only those students who accepted the invitation to participate in the study through statement signed by parents. The project was developed with 30 students in the second half of 2014 and another 30 in the first half of 2015. The physical space at school, where most of the project activities were done was at the computer lab. In the process of compiling the data, at school, the following instruments were used: field notes produced by the entire project team, photographs and footage of the activities produced in the computer lab and in classroom (recorded by the research team) questionnaires, interviews, virtual space records: the blogs. The results of this research mainly focused on the analysis of the fifth year student‟s productions records in blogs. Regarding the conclusion, the research has shown that blogs, software and differentiated dynamic studies attracted the student‟s attention, leaving them mostly instigated by the unknown. Gradually, students built their own knowledge from their mistakes and successes. The entire work process enabled the computer lab to be an environment that is used not just to solving computerized and tedious drills. The blogs production work in groups, developed in students the reading and writing of both the mother language as symbols and mathematical nomenclature. The interaction between students became noticeable throughout the project, since it provided the student‟s personal growth, respect, tolerance and mutual cooperation. In this sense, we concluded that the project greatly contributed to the students' literacy process in the mother language, mathematics and computer literacy. / Dissertação (Mestrado)
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Science Teacher Perceptions Toward Digital Simulations and Virtual Labs as Digital Tools in the 7-12th Science ClassroomKuehne, Teresa A. 23 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Microstructure Evolution in 304L Stainless Steel Subjected to Hot Torsion at Elevated TemperatureLu, Jian 19 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The current study focus on investigating a relationship between processing variables and microstructure evolution mechanism in 304L stainless steel subjected to hot torsion. The Gleeble 3800 with Mobile Torsion Unit (MTU) is utilized in the current study to conduct hot torsion test of 304L stainless steel. Samples are rotated at 1100℃ in the shear strain rate range of 0.02s-1 to 4.70s-1 and the shear strain range of 0.5 to 4. Orientation imaging microscopy (OIM) technique is used to collect and analyze the microstructure. At low strains (≤1) and strain rate (0.02s-1), average grain size remains relatively constant, but the lengths of DSs and LABs increase within grains. These are characteristics of the dynamic recovery (DRV). With increasing strain and strain rate, the lengths of DSs, LABs and HABs increase, accompanied by the decrease of average grain size. Subgrains with HAB segments are observed. These are characteristics of continuous dynamic recrystallization (CDRX). At strain rates greater than or equal to 0.94s-1, the fraction of deformation texture is about 3 times higher than that of rotated cube texture. The average grain size increases relative to that at a strain rate of 0.20s-1, accompanied by the increase of twin length per area. This indicates that grain growth take place after CDRX. Sigma phase is not observed in the current study due to the lack of static recrystallization (SRX) and the higher cooling rate.
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Contribución de la Red Chilena de Fab Labs al ecosistema de innovación local para alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible.Valenzuela Zubiaur, Macarena del Pilar 30 May 2022 (has links)
[ES] El presente estudio pretende establecer la importancia de la colaboración como un elemento integral para el desarrollo de la Red Chilena de Fab Labs y su vinculación con el ecosistema de innovación local. Esta noción se apoya en un marco teórico que valida la colaboración como un elemento clave al interior de la innovación abierta y su implementación en los espacios de innovación, en este caso específico, los Fab Labs. Junto con ello, surge el concepto de Cosmo-localismo, como un modelo integrador de la colaboración y la innovación, que busca el bienestar de los territorios y sus comunidades. Este se fundamenta en la cultura maker, la cual vincula el diseño abierto con las tecnologías de fabricación digital, para la generación de un nuevo conocimiento, siendo estos distribuidos globalmente. Es aquí donde los Fab Labs juegan un rol fundamental como espacios de articulación, buscando empoderar a sus comunidades mediante el acceso a herramientas, para generar un impacto positivo en lo social, económico y medioambiental. A partir de la importancia de vincular el entorno dentro de la innovación, surge la Quíntuple hélice como un elemento integrador en el proceso de innovación actual, reforzando la importancia del concepto de desarrollo sostenible.
Bajo una investigación de enfoque mixto, se analizan los Fab Labs en Chile, caracterizándolos según su ubicación, modelo de trabajo, temáticas y disciplinas. A modo de identificar la vinculación de estos laboratorios con el ecosistema de innovación, se analiza el contexto chileno según el Modelo TE-SER, el cual establece sus características basadas en los roles de cada actor. De la misma forma, se establece para la Red Chilena de Fab Labs y los laboratorios que la componen.
Como resultado de esta investigación se propone el diseño de un modelo de colaboración para el desarrollo de la Red Chilena de Fab Labs que promueva su vinculación con el ecosistema de innovación local para alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible de sus territorios, apoyándose en los principios del diseño abierto y la cultura maker.
Los hallazgos identificados se basan en la importancia del ODS 17, "Alianza para cumplir todos los objetivos", al interior de la comunidad Fab Lab. Y también en el perfilamiento de los Fab Labs chilenos, el cual puede delinear los roles y actividades de los laboratorios al interior de la red y del ecosistema de innovación local. Además, a partir del modelo propuesto, se identifican actores claves para articular instancias de colaboración de forma eficiente, lo que desarrolla una estrategia de implementación basada en el Cosmo-localismo, promoviendo la Quíntuple hélice. / [CA] Aquest estudi pretén establir la importància de la col·laboració com un element integral per al desenvolupament de la Xarxa Xilena de Fab Labs i la vinculació amb l'ecosistema d'innovació local. Aquesta noció es recolza en un marc teòric que valida la col·laboració com un element clau a l'interior de la innovació oberta i la seva implementació als espais d'innovació, en aquest cas específic, els Fab Labs. Juntament amb això, sorgeix el concepte de Cosmo- localisme, com un model integrador de la col·laboració i la innovació, que cerca el benestar dels territoris i les seves comunitats. Aquest es fonamenta en la cultura maker, la qual vincula el disseny obert amb les tecnologies de fabricació digital, per a la generació d'un nou coneixement, i aquests es distribueixen globalment. És aquí on els Fab Labs juguen un rol fonamental com a espais d'articulació, buscant empoderar les seves comunitats mitjançant l'accés a eines, per generar un impacte positiu en allò social, econòmic i mediambiental. A partir de la importància de vincular l'entorn dins de la innovació, la Quíntuple hèlix sorgeix com un element integrador en el procés d'innovació actual, reforçant la importància del concepte de desenvolupament sostenible.
Sota una investigació d'enfocament mixt, s'analitzen els Fab Labs a Xile, caracteritzant-los segons la ubicació, el model de treball, les temàtiques i les disciplines. Per identificar la vinculació d'aquests laboratoris amb l'ecosistema d'innovació, s'analitza el context xilè segons el Model TE-SER, el qual estableix les seves característiques basades en els rols de cada actor. De la mateixa manera, s'estableix per a la Xarxa Xilena de Fab Labs i els laboratoris que la componen.
Com a resultat d'aquesta investigació es proposa el disseny d'un model de col·laboració per al desenvolupament de la Xarxa Xilena de Fab Labs que promogui la seva vinculació amb l'ecosistema d'innovació local per assolir el desenvolupament sostenible dels territoris, recolzant-se en els principis del disseny obert i la cultura maker.
Les troballes identificades es basen en la importància de l'ODS 17, "Aliança per complir tots els objectius", a l'interior de la comunitat Fab Lab. I també en el perfilament dels Fab Labs xilens, el qual pot delinear els rols i activitats dels laboratoris dins de la xarxa i de l'ecosistema d'innovació local. A més, a partir del model proposat, s'identifiquen actors claus per articular instàncies de col·laboració de forma eficient, cosa que desenvolupa una estratègia d'implementació basada en el Cosmo-localisme, promovent la Quíntuple hèlix. / [EN] This study aims to establish the importance of collaboration as an integral element for the development of the Chilean Network of Fab Labs and its link with the local innovation ecosystem. This notion is supported by a theoretical framework that validates collaboration as a key element within open innovation and its implementation in innovation spaces, in this specific case, the Fab Labs. Along with this, the concept of Cosmo- localism, as an integrating model of collaboration and innovation, which seeks the well-being of the territories and their communities. This is based on the maker culture, which links open design with digital manufacturing technologies, for the generation of new knowledge, which is distributed globally. This is where the Fab Labs play a fundamental role as spaces for articulation, seeking to empower their communities through access to tools, to generate a positive social, economic and environmental impact. Based on the importance of linking the environment within innovation, the Quintuple Helix emerges as an integrating element in the current innovation process, reinforcing the importance of the concept of sustainable development.
Under a mixed approach research, the Fab Labs in Chile are analyzed, characterizing them according to their location, work model, themes and disciplines. In order to identify the link between these laboratories and the innovation ecosystem, the Chilean context is analyzed according to the TE-SER Model, which establishes its characteristics based on the roles of each actor. In the same way, it is established for the Chilean Network of Fab Labs and the laboratories that comprise it.
As a result of this research, the design of a collaborative model is proposed for the development of the Chilean Network of Fab Labs that promotes its link with the local innovation ecosystem to achieve the sustainable development of its territories, based on the principles of open design. and the maker culture.
The identified findings are based on the importance of SDG 17, "Alliance to meet all objectives", within the Fab Lab community. And also, on the profiling of Chilean Fab Labs, which can outline the roles and activities of the Fab Labs. laboratories within the network and the local innovation ecosystem. In addition, based on the proposed model, key actors are identified to efficiently articulate instances of collaboration, which develops an implementation strategy based on Cosmo-localism, promoting the Fivefold Helix. / Valenzuela Zubiaur, MDP. (2022). Contribución de la Red Chilena de Fab Labs al ecosistema de innovación local para alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183278
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<div>This dissertation presents a two-phase multiple case study conducted to investigate the faculty</div><div>beliefs regarding the integration of labs into engineering and engineering technology education</div><div>and the relationship between such beliefs and the teaching practices adopted in the labs. In the first</div><div>phase, an exploratory study grounded on a framework of beliefs was conducted to elicit the beliefs</div><div>espoused by the participants. Interviews were used to elicit the participants’ beliefs. The</div><div>transcribed interviews were analyzed through the constant comparative method. Thirteen faculty</div><div>members from the College of Engineering and Engineering Technology participated. In the second</div><div>phase, a triangulation approach was used to investigate the relationships between the participants’</div><div>beliefs and their corresponding teaching practices. The findings from phase one were triangulated</div><div>with the data from interviews, questionnaires, and documents to elicit the relationships between</div><div>beliefs and practices.</div>
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Near-capacity sphere decoder based detection schemes for MIMO wireless communication systemsKapfunde, Goodwell January 2013 (has links)
The search for the closest lattice point arises in many communication problems, and is known to be NP-hard. The Maximum Likelihood (ML) Detector is the optimal detector which yields an optimal solution to this problem, but at the expense of high computational complexity. Existing near-optimal methods used to solve the problem are based on the Sphere Decoder (SD), which searches for lattice points confined in a hyper-sphere around the received point. The SD has emerged as a powerful means of finding the solution to the ML detection problem for MIMO systems. However the bottleneck lies in the determination of the initial radius. This thesis is concerned with the detection of transmitted wireless signals in Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) digital communication systems as efficiently and effectively as possible. The main objective of this thesis is to design efficient ML detection algorithms for MIMO systems based on the depth-first search (DFS) algorithms whilst taking into account complexity and bit error rate performance requirements for advanced digital communication systems. The increased capacity and improved link reliability of MIMO systems without sacrificing bandwidth efficiency and transmit power will serve as the key motivation behind the study of MIMO detection schemes. The fundamental principles behind MIMO systems are explored in Chapter 2. A generic framework for linear and non-linear tree search based detection schemes is then presented Chapter 3. This paves way for different methods of improving the achievable performance-complexity trade-off for all SD-based detection algorithms. The suboptimal detection schemes, in particular the Minimum Mean Squared Error-Successive Interference Cancellation (MMSE-SIC), will also serve as pre-processing as well as comparison techniques whilst channel capacity approaching Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes will be employed to evaluate the performance of the proposed SD. Numerical and simulation results show that non-linear detection schemes yield better performance compared to linear detection schemes, however, at the expense of a slight increase in complexity. The first contribution in this thesis is the design of a near ML-achieving SD algorithm for MIMO digital communication systems that reduces the number of search operations within the sphere-constrained search space at reduced detection complexity in Chapter 4. In this design, the distance between the ML estimate and the received signal is used to control the lower and upper bound radii of the proposed SD to prevent NP-complete problems. The detection method is based on the DFS algorithm and the Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC). The SIC ensures that the effects of dominant signals are effectively removed. Simulation results presented in this thesis show that by employing pre-processing detection schemes, the complexity of the proposed SD can be significantly reduced, though at marginal performance penalty. The second contribution is the determination of the initial sphere radius in Chapter 5. The new initial radius proposed in this thesis is based on the variable parameter α which is commonly based on experience and is chosen to ensure that at least a lattice point exists inside the sphere with high probability. Using the variable parameter α, a new noise covariance matrix which incorporates the number of transmit antennas, the energy of the transmitted symbols and the channel matrix is defined. The new covariance matrix is then incorporated into the EMMSE model to generate an improved EMMSE estimate. The EMMSE radius is finally found by computing the distance between the sphere centre and the improved EMMSE estimate. This distance can be fine-tuned by varying the variable parameter α. The beauty of the proposed method is that it reduces the complexity of the preprocessing step of the EMMSE to that of the Zero-Forcing (ZF) detector without significant performance degradation of the SD, particularly at low Signal-to-Noise Ratios (SNR). More specifically, it will be shown through simulation results that using the EMMSE preprocessing step will substantially improve performance whenever the complexity of the tree search is fixed or upper bounded. The final contribution is the design of the LRAD-MMSE-SIC based SD detection scheme which introduces a trade-off between performance and increased computational complexity in Chapter 6. The Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz (LLL) algorithm will be utilised to orthogonalise the channel matrix H to a new near orthogonal channel matrix H ̅.The increased computational complexity introduced by the LLL algorithm will be significantly decreased by employing sorted QR decomposition of the transformed channel H ̅ into a unitary matrix and an upper triangular matrix which retains the property of the channel matrix. The SIC algorithm will ensure that the interference due to dominant signals will be minimised while the LDPC will effectively stop the propagation of errors within the entire system. Through simulations, it will be demonstrated that the proposed detector still approaches the ML performance while requiring much lower complexity compared to the conventional SD.
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Realização de prática de física em bancada e simulação computacional para promover o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem significativa e colaborativa / Realization of pratical physics bench and computer simulation to promote the development of the collaborative and meaningful learningCOSTA, Mário Jorge Nunes January 2013 (has links)
COSTA, Mário Jorge Nunes. Realização de prática de física em bancada e simulação computacional para promover o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem significativa e colaborativa. 2013. 220f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza (CE), 2013. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-10-03T13:27:40Z
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2013-DIS-MJNCOSTA.pdf: 4281051 bytes, checksum: 8bf65a221142bad44b37b78bcadd04fa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-10-03T14:22:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2013-DIS-MJNCOSTA.pdf: 4281051 bytes, checksum: 8bf65a221142bad44b37b78bcadd04fa (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / A avaliação educacional brasileira, segundo o PISA, se reflete no quadro de desigualdades econômicas e sociais vivenciadas entre os hemisférios norte e sul planetários. A presente pesquisa objetiva investigar, de que maneira, a concepção e realização de uma atividade pedagógica colaborativa de experimentação de bancada, apoiada por atividades pedagógicas de simulação e modelagem computacional, pôde contribuir para favorecer o desenvolvimento do processo de aprendizagem significativa. As atividades foram efetivadas enfatizando-se a construção e (re) significação de conceitos de física, especificamente no tema eletricidade e circuitos elétricos. Foram inicialmente verificados os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos, através da aplicação de questionários de sondagem de conhecimentos. Em seguida, se realizaram aulas teóricas, com foco na formação de organizadores prévios. Em seguida, promoveram-se atividades fazendo uso pedagógico de software educacionais de simulação e modelagem de circuitos de resistores elétricos, PhET e Crocodile, quando os alunos inter-relacionaram e/ou (re) significaram conceitos. Para tanto, vivenciaram e realizaram as medições de grandezas elétricas e demais atividades propostas, sob a mediação do presente Professor-Pesquisador. Numa etapa consecutiva, os alunos realizaram a prática de experimentação de bancada, relacionada ao mesmo tema anterior de circuitos elétricos, para (re) significar os conhecimentos dos alunos, partindo do estudo do brilho de lâmpadas. Em todas as atividades laboratoriais, foram utilizados instrumentos de coleta de dados do tipo: gravações de áudio e vídeo; respostas e relatos escritos pelos alunos nos roteiros das atividades de simulação e modelagem computacional, atividade experimental de bancada e questionários de sondagem de conhecimentos prévios e avaliação da prática pedagógica. A pesquisa classifica-se como qualitativa, exploratória e pesquisa-ação. No referencial teórico-metodológico, destacam-se, como principais contribuições, os pressupostos de: Dorneles, Araújo, Veit, no uso de software de simulação e dificuldades de aprendizagem; Ribeiro et al., nos aspectos da integração de laboratórios de experimentação e simulação, para facilitar o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem colaborativa, na qual destacam-se Ausubel, Novak e Valente; Moraes, Galiazzi e Okada, quanto ao mapeamento cognitivo da análise textual discursiva; e Almeida, Prado e Góes, quanto à análise qualitativa de dados multidimensionais, com o uso do software CHIC. Sem perda de generalidade, a análise dos dados de campo evidencia preliminarmente que: as atividades de simulação e modelagem computacional contribuíram para a formação de organizadores prévios relativos a conceitos de eletricidade, leitura e interpretação de medidas elétricas. Posteriormente, a atividade de experimentação auxiliou os alunos a (re) significarem os conhecimentos de eletricidade e circuitos elétricos, as atividades de leitura, medição e interpretação de grandezas elétricas, auxiliando o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem significativa. A análise dos resultados também revela indícios que, com a integração entre as atividades de experimentação de bancada e softwares de simulação e modelagem computacional, os alunos, de forma colaborativa e minoritariamente cooperativa, (re) significaram e reelaboraram conhecimentos relativos a circuitos elétricos de resistores, porém, em determinados momentos, caracterizavam dificuldades de aprendizagem, pois não conseguiam expressar suas concepções e argumentações, de maneira a se apropriar corretamente dos conceitos de eletricidade.
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RealizaÃÃo de PrÃtica de FÃsica em Bancada e SimulaÃÃo Computacional para Promover o Desenvolvimento da Aprendizagem Significativa e Colaborativa / Realization of Pratical Physics Bench and Computer Simulation to promote the Development of the Collaborative and Meaningful Learning.MÃrio Jorge Nunes Costa 25 January 2013 (has links)
nÃo hà / A avaliaÃÃo educacional brasileira, segundo o PISA, se reflete no quadro de desigualdades econÃmicas e sociais vivenciadas entre os hemisfÃrios norte e sul planetÃrios. A presente pesquisa objetiva investigar, de que maneira, a concepÃÃo e realizaÃÃo de uma atividade pedagÃgica colaborativa de experimentaÃÃo de bancada, apoiada por atividades pedagÃgicas de simulaÃÃo e modelagem computacional, pÃde contribuir para favorecer o desenvolvimento do processo de aprendizagem significativa. As atividades foram efetivadas enfatizando-se a construÃÃo e (re) significaÃÃo de conceitos de fÃsica, especificamente no tema eletricidade e circuitos elÃtricos. Foram inicialmente verificados os conhecimentos prÃvios dos alunos, atravÃs da aplicaÃÃo de questionÃrios de sondagem de conhecimentos. Em seguida, se realizaram aulas teÃricas, com foco na formaÃÃo de organizadores prÃvios. Em seguida, promoveram-se atividades fazendo uso pedagÃgico de software educacionais de simulaÃÃo e modelagem de circuitos de resistores elÃtricos, PhET e Crocodile, quando os alunos inter-relacionaram e/ou (re) significaram conceitos. Para tanto, vivenciaram e realizaram as mediÃÃes de grandezas elÃtricas e demais atividades propostas, sob a mediaÃÃo do presente Professor-Pesquisador. Numa etapa consecutiva, os alunos realizaram a prÃtica de experimentaÃÃo de bancada, relacionada ao mesmo tema anterior de circuitos elÃtricos, para (re) significar os conhecimentos dos alunos, partindo do estudo do brilho de lÃmpadas. Em todas as atividades laboratoriais, foram utilizados instrumentos de coleta de dados do tipo: gravaÃÃes de Ãudio e vÃdeo; respostas e relatos escritos pelos alunos nos roteiros das atividades de simulaÃÃo e modelagem computacional, atividade experimental de bancada e questionÃrios de sondagem de conhecimentos prÃvios e avaliaÃÃo da prÃtica pedagÃgica. A pesquisa classifica-se como qualitativa, exploratÃria e pesquisa-aÃÃo. No referencial teÃrico-metodolÃgico, destacam-se, como principais contribuiÃÃes, os pressupostos de: Dorneles, AraÃjo, Veit, no uso de software de simulaÃÃo e dificuldades de aprendizagem; Ribeiro et al., nos aspectos da integraÃÃo de laboratÃrios de experimentaÃÃo e simulaÃÃo, para facilitar o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem colaborativa, na qual destacam-se Ausubel, Novak e Valente; Moraes, Galiazzi e Okada, quanto ao mapeamento cognitivo da anÃlise textual discursiva; e Almeida, Prado e GÃes, quanto à anÃlise qualitativa de dados multidimensionais, com o uso do software CHIC. Sem perda de generalidade, a anÃlise dos dados de campo evidencia preliminarmente que: as atividades de simulaÃÃo e modelagem computacional contribuÃram para a formaÃÃo de organizadores prÃvios relativos a conceitos de eletricidade, leitura e interpretaÃÃo de medidas elÃtricas. Posteriormente, a atividade de experimentaÃÃo auxiliou os alunos a (re) significarem os conhecimentos de eletricidade e circuitos elÃtricos, as atividades de leitura, mediÃÃo e interpretaÃÃo de grandezas elÃtricas, auxiliando o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem significativa. A anÃlise dos resultados tambÃm revela indÃcios que, com a integraÃÃo entre as atividades de experimentaÃÃo de bancada e softwares de simulaÃÃo e modelagem computacional, os alunos, de forma colaborativa e minoritariamente cooperativa, (re) significaram e reelaboraram conhecimentos relativos a circuitos elÃtricos de resistores, porÃm, em determinados momentos, caracterizavam dificuldades de aprendizagem, pois nÃo conseguiam expressar suas concepÃÃes e argumentaÃÃes, de maneira a se apropriar corretamente dos conceitos de eletricidade.
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