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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le rôle de l’avocat dans le développement de la médiation au Liban / The role of the lawyer in the development of mediation in Lebanon

Saad, Chady 17 December 2018 (has links)
La thèse sur « Le rôle de l’avocat dans le développement de la médiation au Liban » traite un sujet innovant qui n’avait pas encore fait l’objet d’une étude systématique, surtout que jusqu'à date la médiation est une pratique naissante au Liban, et la société ne discerne pas quel rôle joue l’avocat dans ce concept de prévention ou de résolution de litige, et de plus qu’à cette étape il convient de bien définir quel apport il a dans le développement de cette nouvelle pratique. L’objectif donc de notre thèse a un double but : - Mettre en lumière si le Liban est sur le bon chemin pour développer la médiation ; - Examiner la contribution de l’avocat dans ce parcours et déterminer s’il est indispensable. Pourquoi la médiation, simplement car le pluralisme et la diversité qui se trouvent au Liban sont malheureusement première source de rivalités et de tiraillements entre les différentes communautés. Ces relations qui sont souvent au bord d’un conflit, bénéficieraient d’un mode de règlement autre que par voie judiciaire ou confessionnel. Le Liban, étant un pays multiconfessionnel, voit en la médiation une sorte de refuge, un mode de prévention pour ne plus revivre les atrocités de la guerre, essayer d’éviter de nombreux dangers internes mais aussi transfrontaliers menaçant le pays. Au fil des années nous avons remarqués l’émergence de plusieurs centres de médiation qui ont vu le jour de par le monde et que beaucoup de pays ont pris l’initiative d’institutionnaliser le concept de médiation afin que celle-ci soit régie par des règles claires et précises, par un régime juridique qui respecte son efficacité. Au Liban, cette émergence n’est apparue qu’à partir de 2006. En ce moment, nous avons trois centres de médiation, qui ne font pourtant l’objet de contrôle institutionnel. La médiation à ce niveau prendrait un caractère éthique de communication, un caractère spécifique de ce qui relève de l’humain. L’avocat y a un rôle primordial, puisqu’il convient de l’impliquer dans ce processus afin que ce concept ait le soutien nécessaire pour sa réussite. Ceci dit, la médiation est un sujet capital pour le Liban et donc elle doit bénéficier d’une politique publique s’appuyant sur une démarche qualité. Un projet de loi était en sommeil depuis 2012 jusqu'à Septembre 2018. Un regard critique sera porté ici sur sa teneur et sur la discussion au sein de la Commission Administration et Justice qui l'examine. Le plus souvent les pays du moyen orient plaquent un modèle occidental, sans se préoccuper de son acceptabilité sociologique, ou historique. Il a donc semblé de bonne méthode de présenter une réflexion sur la société libanaise. Cette réflexion donne à la thèse des dimensions sociologiques : Quels sont les éléments qui favorisent le développement de la médiation au Liban et les éléments qui freinent ce développement prévu ? La médiation doit bénéficier d’une politique publique s’appuyant sur une démarche de qualité, en but de lever le frein de la confusion terminologique, construire la confiance entre justice et médiation en impliquant les avocats dans le développement prévu de la médiation au Liban.La médiation qui ne se limite pas à la médiation judiciaire doit recevoir le soutien des acteurs judiciaires, et le support des avocats est primordial ainsi que l'attribution d'un régime spécifique cohérent au regard de sa nature en prenant soin de l’encadrer sans l’étouffer. Finalement, nous devons noter qu’à l’heure de clôture de cette présente thèse, le Liban vient de promulguer un nouveau projet de Loi en 2018 sur la médiation judiciaire et donc le projet de loi de 2012 s’est vu mis de côté. La nouvelle loi fut approuvée par le Parlement le 24 Septembre 2018. Ceci fera aussi l’œuvre d’un examen dans la partie finale. / The thesis on "The role of the lawyer in the development of mediation in Lebanon" deals with an innovative subject which has not yet been the subject of a systematic study, especially that until date mediation is a nascent practice in Lebanon, and the society does not discern what role the lawyer plays in this concept which deals with the prevention or the resolution of disputes, and in addition at this stage it is necessary to clearly define what contribution he has in the development of this new practice. The thesis has a twofold purpose: -To highlight whether Lebanon is on the right path to develop mediation-To examine the contribution of the lawyer in this course and to determine whether such is necessary. Why mediation, simply because the pluralism and diversity in Lebanon are unfortunately the first source of rivalries and struggle between the different communities. Such relationships which are often on the verge of a conflict, whether legal or personal, would benefit from a dispute settlement method other than by judicial or confessional means. Lebanon, being a multi-confessional country, sees mediation as a kind of refuge, a mode of prevention in order not to relive the atrocities of war, to try to avoid many internal and cross-border dangers threatening the country. Over the years we have noticed the emergence of several mediation centers that have spawned around the world and which prompted many countries to take the initiative to institutionalize the concept of mediation so that it is governed by clear rules and by a legal regime respectful of its effectiveness. Mediation at this level would embody an ethical character of communication, a specific character trait belonging to the human. The lawyer has a very important role to play, since it is appurtenant to implicate him in this process so that this concept has the necessary support for its success. That said, mediation is a major issue for Lebanon and therefore it must benefit from a public policy based on a quality approach. A bill had been dormant since 2012 until September 2018. A critical look will focus here on its content and on the discussion within the Administrative and Judicial Committee that is examining it. Most often the countries of the Middle East emulate a western model, without being concerned with its sociological, or historical acceptability. It therefore seemed good to reflect on this methodology within the Lebanese society. This reflection gives the thesis a sociological dimension: what are the elements that promote the development of mediation in Lebanon and the elements that hinder this planned development? Mediation must benefit from a public policy based on a qualitative approach, in order to lift any hindrance based on terminology confusion, build trust between justice and mediation by involving lawyers in the planned development of Mediation in Lebanon. Mediation, which is not confined to judicial mediation, must be supported by judicial actors, as well as the allocation of a specific regime consistent with its nature, taking care of it without hindrance. Finally, we must note that at the upon finalization of this thesis, Lebanon has just promulgated a new draft law in 2018 on judicial mediation and therefore the bill of 2012 is put aside, in favor of the new law approved by Parliament on the 24th of September 2018. This will also be subject of a review in the final part.

Does the type of legal representation affect sentencing outcomes?

Hill, Elaine Lawren January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Humilha??o social no trabalho: o caso das advogadas negras / Social humiliation at work: the case of the black lawyer women

Platero, Rosana Antoniacci 04 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rosana Antoniacci Platero.pdf: 1440243 bytes, checksum: 144414fc02f313be343f92ccf47ec506 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-04 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / The present essay, inserted on the line of Research Prevention and Psychological Intervention of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program of the Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas, aims to study how the experience of black women, lawyers, occurs at work in the law field, seeking to identify the main challenges faced and impacts on the subjectivity of labor activity concerning the daily life of these people. Using the Social Psychology of Work approach, it starts from the presupposition that work is a fundamental element on the person s constitution. Themes as race and gender, on the other hand, still exert influence over the daily experiences at work nowadays. Therefore, with this study, it is hoped to contribute for the comprehension of the experience of black lawyer women in their professional activities on the Law extent. For such, it will be adopted the Field-theme methodology, with ethnographic vision, which allows to access the issue in the several places in which it manifests. The main results obtained through this study and its following conclusion were regarding the confirmation of the prejudices lived by black lawyer women in an ambient marked since its formation by elitization and the stereotype of the white male as being the typical lawyer by default. Besides this, institutional prejudice was present in places which we considered were free of it, as in institutions and public offices where post insertions are done through public tender. Based on the reports given by the participants of this research, it was observed that social humiliation is part of the daily routine of these women, inside and outside the workplace. However, it was found that their own work was also a way of coping with the adversities and prejudices faced by these women. Being formed in law and acting as a lawyer helps these women to psychologically overcome the prejudices and exclusions. / A presente disserta??o, inserida na linha de Pesquisa Preven??o e Interven??o Psicol?gica do Programa de P?s-gradua??o Stricto Sensu em psicologia da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas, visa a estudar como se d? a viv?ncia de mulheres negras, advogadas, no trabalho na ?rea do direito, buscando identificar os principais desafios enfrentados na atividade laboral na vida cotidiana dessas pessoas. Utilizando o enfoque da Psicologia Social do Trabalho, parte-se do pressuposto de que o trabalho ? um elemento fundamental na constitui??o do sujeito. Os temas ra?a e g?nero, por sua vez, ainda exercem influ?ncia sobre as viv?ncias cotidianas no trabalho na atualidade. No presente trabalho, foi adotada a metodologia do Campo-tema , com vis?o etnogr?fica e com o apoio da etnografia virtual, que permitiu acessar o assunto tratado nos mais diversos espa?os em que ele pudesse se manifestar e, baseados nos referenciais te?ricos sobre preconceito, de Agnes Heller, e humilha??o social, defendido por Gon?alves Filho, foi poss?vel chegar a uma melhor compreens?o da viv?ncia de advogadas negras nas suas atividades profissionais no ?mbito do Direito. Os principais resultados obtidos e consequente conclus?o do estudo foram em rela??o ? confirma??o dos preconceitos vivenciados pelas advogadas negras em um ambiente marcado desde sua forma??o pela elitiza??o e o estere?tipo do homem branco detentor da imagem da profiss?o de advogado. Al?m disso, o preconceito institucional se mostrou presente inclusive em ambientes que consider?vamos isento, como em institui??es e reparti??es p?blicas, nas quais a inser??o aos cargos se d? por meio de concurso p?blicos. A partir dos relatos das participantes da pesquisa, observou-se que a humilha??o social faz parte do cotidiano dessas mulheres dentro e fora do trabalho. No entanto, ficou constatado que o pr?prio trabalho ? uma forma de enfrentamento das adversidades e preconceito encontrados pelas advogadas negras. Dizer-se formada em direito e atuante como advogada ajuda essas mulheres a superarem psicologicamente o preconceito e exclus?es.

L’écriture juridique et théâtrale de Carlo Goldoni, "Avocat Vénitien" : thèmes, rhétorique, style / The legal influence in the writing of plays by Carlo Goldoni, "Venetian lawyer" : themes, rhetoric and style

Sansa, Anna 13 June 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse de doctorat étudie les apports réciproques entre l’expérience juridique et l’expérience littéraire de Carlo Goldoni. En fait, avant de se consacrer entièrement à sa carrière de dramaturge, à l’âge de quarante et un an, l’auteur a exercé les métiers de greffier et d’avocat, après avoir suivi des études dans le domaine du droit. Cette recherche se compose de trois parties. Dans la première partie, on a restitué le contexte juridique et social dans lequel a œuvré le dramaturge : pour ce faire, on s’est attardé dans un premier temps sur le parcours juridique de Goldoni, étudiant d’abord et professionnel du droit après. Ensuite, on a traité de la singularité du système juridique vénitien, élément indispensable pour mesurer la compétence dont l’auteur fait preuve en la matière dans ses comédies. Dans la seconde partie, on a analysé les thèmes juridiques et sociaux formant une constante de l’œuvre de l’auteur. On a ainsi constaté une présence marquée du droit du commerce et des successions, ainsi que du mariage et des problèmes qui l’accompagnent. Dans chaque chapitre, on a étudié la question de droit concernée, en la replaçant dans le contexte juridique vénitien de l’époque et en mettant en évidence le lien direct existant avec les comédies choisies comme base de notre analyse. La troisième partie, enfin, est consacrée aux éléments de rhétorique judiciaire qu’on retrouve dans les répliques de certains personnages des comédies de l’auteur. Les deux chapitres, qui composent cette dernière section, proposent des exemples de représentants de la société civile, qui se servent de la loi pour revendiquer ou défendre leurs droits.L’hypothèse d’un engagement politique de Goldoni au moyen du droit, posée comme fondement de cette recherche, se trouve confirmée par l’utilisation que fait l’auteur de ses compétences dans le domaine juridique pour soumettre à ses contemporains des problèmes d’actualité, sur lesquels le dramaturge se prononce au moyen de sa création artistique. / This graduation thesis examines the mutual contribution between the legal experience and the literary experience of Carlo Goldoni. Before devoting his entire career as a playwright, when he was 41 years old, the author worked as a clerk and lawyer, after having undertaken law studies. This study consists of three parts. In the first part, the legal and social environments in which the author worked were recreated and to that end, the focus was in the first instance on Goldoni’s legal career, first as a student and later as an expert of law. Subsequently, an in-depth analysis was made on the peculiarities of the Venetian legal system, essential element necessary in order to value the abilities that the author showed on the matter in his comedies. In the second part, we examined the legal and social themes that represented a permanent feature in the work of the author. Thus, an important presence of commercial and inheritance laws were found, as well as those of marriage and related problems. In each chapter, the related legal problem was examined, setting it back in the Venetian legal context of the time and by highlighting the direct existing link with the comedies chosen as a basis of our analysis. The third part is finally focused on the elements of judicial rhetoric that can be found in the lines of certain characters of the author’s comedies. The two chapters that make up this last section suggest examples of representatives from the civil society who make use of law in order to claim or defend their rights. The hypothesis of a political commitment by Goldoni by means of the use of law, laid down as a basis of this research, can be confirmed by the use the author’s use of his abilities in the legal field in order to submit to his Contemporaries current problems over which the playwright expresses himself by means of his artistic creation.

Data venia: a linguagem ritual do Direito e a comunicação com os usuários de serviços jurídicos

Campos, Fábio Oliveira 24 July 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-11-12T19:00:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FabioOliveiraCamposDissertacaoParcial2013.pdf: 585292 bytes, checksum: 8dd972a0eadcec02bb9a1556659280be (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-11-12T19:01:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FabioOliveiraCamposDissertacaoParcial2013.pdf: 585292 bytes, checksum: 8dd972a0eadcec02bb9a1556659280be (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-12T19:01:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FabioOliveiraCamposDissertacaoParcial2013.pdf: 585292 bytes, checksum: 8dd972a0eadcec02bb9a1556659280be (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-24 / Communication always occurs mediated by languages, such as conventional signs, or body, or fashion, or music, or verbal, among others. Social institutions have specific languages. In this study, the judiciary language was investigated: the rite, the code of behavior, ceremonial, hierarchy, speech and writing. The research aims to identify and demonstrate the function and purposes of the language adopted by professional jurists with their customers. Therefore, the focus was on the judiciary verbal language (speaking and writing) used in communication interactions between lawyers and their customers. Faced with the natural language used by other social groups, a comparative analysis was promoted and the reactions of non-lawyers citizens in their relationships with the legal segment were studied in order to verify how this specific communicational process occurs. The research and analysis were guided and supported by the Semiotic Theory of Culture of the School of Tartu-Moscow (led by Yuri Lotman) and by the Pragmatic Theory of Human Communication of the School of Palo Alto (developed by Paul Watzlawick). The empirical research was needed to test the premises, and it was done with the group of individuals that were directly involved in the communication process using hypothetical-deductive methods, documents analysis and half-open interviews. To complement the theoretical and empirical analysis and to guarantee the validity of the conclusions, the characteristics of the identity and image of the judiciary were considered in this research, as well as the practices of power exercised by law professionals. Grouped thus, the constitutive elements of the social imaginary about the judiciary and the behavior of its members in communication interactions can be internalized within and beyond the mere role of acknowledging and pursuit of common sense, extending the communication process to reach a symbolic and ritual dimension, essential for the security of the law professionals and of those who demand their services. / A comunicação ocorre sempre mediada pelas linguagens, tais como: dos sinais convencionais, do corpo, da moda, da música e verbal, dentre outras. Instituições sociais possuem linguagens específicas. Neste estudo, investigou-se a linguagem do judiciário: o rito, o protocolo, o cerimonial, a hierarquia, a fala e a escrita. A pesquisa teve por objetivo conhecer e demonstrar a função e as finalidades dessa linguagem adotada profissionalmente pelos operadores do Direito com seus clientes. Portanto, o foco foi a linguagem verbal jurídica (fala e escrita) utilizada nas relações comunicacionais entre advogados e clientes. Confrontada com a língua natural utilizada pelos demais grupos sociais, promoveu-se uma análise comparativa e pesquisou-se o comportamento dos cidadãos não-advogados em suas relações com o segmento jurídico para verificar como ocorre esse processo comunicacional específico. As pesquisas e as análises foram conduzidas e amparadas pela teoria Semiótica da Cultura da Escola de Tártu-Moscou (liderada por Iuri Lótman) e pela teoria Pragmática da Comunicação Humana da Escola de Palo Alto (organizada por Paul Watzlawick). A pesquisa empírica tornou-se necessária para testar as hipóteses e foi realizada com públicos diretamente envolvidos no processo comunicacional, utilizando-se os métodos hipotético-dedutivo, análise documental e entrevista semiaberta. Para complementar as análises teórica e empírica e assegurar a validade das conclusões, foram trazidas para este estudo as características da identidade e da imagem do judiciário, bem como as práticas de poder exercidas pelos profissionais do Direito. Desse modo reunidos, os elementos constituintes do imaginário social a respeito do judiciário e do comportamento de seus integrantes nas relações comunicacionais podem ser compreendidos aquém e além da mera função do entendimento e da busca do comum, ampliando o processo da comunicação para uma dimensão simbólica e ritual, imprescindível à segurança dos profissionais operadores do Direito e daqueles que demandam seus serviços.

Obraz právníků ve filmu / Image of Lawyers in movies

Panáček, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
Image of lawyers in movies - Abstract This thesis focuses on selected legal (revolving around a legal issue or procedure) and lawyer (includes a well-established character who is a member of the legal profession) movies, that grabbed my attention and were interesting enough for me to write a short analysis of. The aim of this paper is to present these movies to the reader in two stages. First in the table, that contains their lucid list marking the branch of law which they relate to, brief summary of their plot, how realistic they are, quality assessment and country of origin. This is supposed to be used during selection of a movie to watch, so I strive to remain as objective as possible in the quality assessment and offer a summary, that does not diminish the viewing experience. Second in the analysis, that is focused on the legal side of the story and the characters of presented lawyers, who are being evaluated upon the logic and morality of their actions as well as how plausible their character is and other features. I deliberately omit storylines that are not essential to understanding the story as a whole and have little relevance to the legal side of it. In the third chapter I divide the movies in two categories: lawyer movies and legal movies, compare them together and try to present a more complex...

Melhores práticas da advocacia de negócios como instrumento de regulação de mercado

Silveira, Bruno Ely 20 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Bruno Ely Silveira (bruno_ely@hotmail.com) on 2018-07-16T17:05:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 BRUNO ELY SILVEIRA2.pdf: 439586 bytes, checksum: 547657cc4d1fc11d86f0cbddf72eae46 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Thais Oliveira (thais.oliveira@fgv.br) on 2018-07-18T17:15:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 BRUNO ELY SILVEIRA2.pdf: 439586 bytes, checksum: 547657cc4d1fc11d86f0cbddf72eae46 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br) on 2018-07-19T12:49:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 BRUNO ELY SILVEIRA2.pdf: 439586 bytes, checksum: 547657cc4d1fc11d86f0cbddf72eae46 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-19T12:49:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BRUNO ELY SILVEIRA2.pdf: 439586 bytes, checksum: 547657cc4d1fc11d86f0cbddf72eae46 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-20 / O presente estudo trata da figura do advogado de negócios e aborda o contexto econômico do qual decorre o seu surgimento. Após, analisa vetores do exercício da profissão que podem contribuir para a solidificação do contexto negocial brasileiro, notadamente a ausência de conflito de interesses, a atuação para produzir consensos e o papel como intermediário reputacional. Por fim, expõe obrigações que são impostas por legislações heterônomas e seus efeitos sobre prerrogativas da profissão, sugerindo instrumento de regulamentação privada como mecanismo de contribuição ao mundo dos negócios. / This paper addresses the business lawyer and the economic context that leaded it emergence. After that, analyze the professional practice and ways it could contribute to the consolidation of a more solid and reliable market, notably absence of conflict of interest, performance to generate agreement and the role as a reputational intermediary. It also analyzes the limitations to professional practice which are imposed by heteronomous legislation and its effects prescribing duties of conduct to lawyers, proposing private regulation mechanisms to cooperate in the business world.

The impact of anti-money laundering legislation on the legal profession in South Africa

Hamman, Abraham John January 2015 (has links)
Doctor Legum - LLD / This thesis investigates the legislative measures employed in South Africa to combat the implication of lawyers in money laundering schemes. Criminals make use of sophisticated technological means to transfer money and launderers routinely approach lawyers to assist them in their illegal endeavours. The legal profession is almost tailor-made for abuse by launderers, because lawyers work with huge amounts of money, clients are entitled to legal professional privilege and the right to legal representation is guaranteed constitutionally. The South African anti-money laundering regime, for the most part, is contained in two statutes, the Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA) and the Prevention of Organised Crime Act (POCA). Whilst FICA and POCA require the legal profession to be vigilant and accountable in the fight against money laundering, unfortunately they also infringe on hard-won rights, such as legal professional privilege, the right to legal representation and attorney-client confidentiality. The study considers South Africa’s efforts to fulfil its international anti-money laundering obligations whilst upholding the criminal procedural rights guaranteed in the Constitution. It is suggested that certain sections of FICA and POCA fail to find the required balance between protecting citizens from the harms of money laundering and protecting the fundamental rights of attorneys and their clients. Lawyers are in a unique position of trust and in some instances have access to information that may incriminate their clients. Unfortunately, in its quest to combat money laundering, Parliament did not consider seriously enough the position of lawyers and took the easy option of criminalising fees paid with tainted funds, as well as the non-submission of suspicious transaction reports (STRs) and cash transaction reports (CTRs). As a result, the South African legal profession is saddled with unacceptable constraints.

A Tuscan Lawyer, His Farms and His Family: The Ledger of Andrea di Gherardo Casoli, 1387-1412

Grover, Sean Thomas 08 1900 (has links)
This is a study of a ledger written by Andrea di Gherardo Casoli between the years 1387 and 1412. Andrea was a lawyer in the Tuscan city of Arezzo, shortly after the city lost its sovereignty to the expanding Florentine state. While Andrea associated his identity with his legal practice, he engaged in many other, diverse enterprises, such as wine making, livestock commerce, and agricultural management. This thesis systematically examines each major facet of Andrea's life, with a detailed assessment of his involvement in rural commerce. Andrea's actions revolved around a central theme of maintaining and expanding the fortunes, both financial and social, of the Casoli family.

'Catch-22'?: The Assessment of Credibility in UK Asylum Applications

Kendall, Frances January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to contribute to an understanding of how the credibility of asylum-seekers is being assessed in the UK; how narratives are valued by decision-makers and tribunal judges, how applicants’ credibility is determined, and what issues may be found with this process. I conducted interviews with seven lawyers who represent asylum-seekers, one decision-maker and one retired tribunal judge to establish their perspectives on the assessment of credibility in the UK. I then analysed these results through the theoretical framework of the sociology of law, focusing on the theories of Pierre Bourdieu and Michel Foucault. I firstly examined specific problematic areas in the practice of credibility assessment, before going on to explore broader contextual factors which may help to explain such issues. This study found that the greatest problems with credibility assessment in practice were demanding expectations of asylum-seekers and misapplication of the government guidelines on credibility, miscommunications and mistranslations, and a lack of considered reasoning in decision-making. These issues were shown to be driven by five main factors: a culture of disbelief, a lack of resources, information and communication issues, ineffective guidelines and the inherently subjective nature of credibility. The results of this study bring into question the neutrality and efficacy of the current system of credibility assessment in practice and its capacity to protect those fleeing persecution under the 1951 Refugee Convention.

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