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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hej och välkommen till Stockholm! : Uppfattningar och åsikter om Stockholm ur ett HBTQ-perspektiv / Hello, and welcome to Stockholm! : Perceptions and opinions about Stockholm from an LGBT-perspective

Svedberg, Johan, Nilsson, Lina January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie har haft som syfte att belysa hur Stockholm uppfattas utav en specifik målgrupp, i detta fall HBTQ. Detta för att skapa diskussion bland Stockholms turismproducenter för att locka mer HBTQ-turism till staden. Utifrån frågeställningen var det relevant då att titta på vilka som hade viktigast åsikter för just detta syfte och en enkät skickades ut till medlemmar hos RFSL. Studien ville undersöka HBTQ-personers åsikter på Stockholm och dess varumärke “The Capital of Scandinavia”. För detta valdes en kvantitativ metod och en enkätundersökning lades ut på Facebook på rekommendation från RFSL. Enkäten fick sammanlagt 109 svar och utgjorde av 14 frågor uppdelat på tre delar; sex sakfrågor, sju påståendefrågor och en öppen fråga. Empirin ställdes sedan mot teori och analyserades där det framkom att svenska HBTQ-personers åsikter är viktiga för Stockholms utveckling. Detta på grund av de efterfrågar en tydligare HBTQ-scen och mer kunskap om HBTQ-rättigheter generellt i staden. Staden bör tydligare lyfta fram sitt varumärke, inte enbart mot marknader utomlands men även mot en svensk marknad då svenskar, boende i Stockholm eller ej, fungerar som platsambassadörer för hela landet. Studien har även belyst hur viktigt det är med identitet och plats och det symboliska värdet som går att ta vara på och lyfta fram.

De anormalas plats i skapelsen : Religiösa teman i romanen Ensamhetens brunn

Lundmark, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine religious themes in the novel The Well of Loneliness by author Radclyffe Hall. The novel has been analysed using a hermeneutic method, with focus on the religious world picture of the novel and the faith of the lgbt characters. Conclusions regarding the religious world picture is a world where God is closely linked to nature. All humans, including lgbt people, are a natural part of his creation. The hatred towards lgbt people can be traced to humans, not God. The novel centers around the religious beliefs of lgbt people outside the realm of institutional religion. Their religious beliefs are often closely linked to their lgbt experiences, and characterized by belief in a god who does not condemn them. Their close relationship to nature can be interpreted as a part of their relationship to God.

Black Sails, Rainbow Flag: Examining Queer Representations in Film and Television

Razman, Diana Cristina January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims to present, discuss, and analyze issues relating to queer representations in film and television. The thesis focuses on existing tropes, such as queer coding, queerbaiting, and the “Bury Your Gays” trope that are prevalent in contemporary media, and applies the analysis of these tropes to a case study based on the television series Black Sails (2014-2017). The analysis explores the main research question: in what way does Black Sails subvert or reproduce existing queer tropes in film and television? This then leads to the discussion of three aspects: the way queer sexual identities are represented overall, what representational strategies are employed by the series in a number of episodes, and whether or not these representations reproduce or subvert media tropes.

Vliv kontroverzních témat na (ne)úspěch Tea party / The influence of the controversial issues on (non)success of the Tea Party

Vlčanová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the present thesis is to determine whether the Tea Party candidatesʼ attitudes towards selected controversial issues influenced their electoral success and the success of the Tea Party movement as a whole. The thesis consists of two parts, theoretical and empirical. In the theoretical part the author focuses on the historical perspective of the political and party system in the United States of America, bipartism and position of third parties in the system. It also includes a brief analysis of the Democratic and Republican parties. Next, the author examines the Tea Party phenomenon - its genesis, structure, purposes and ideals. The subsequent section deals with three controversial issues, i.e. abortion, LGBT rights, and race, which reflect an ideological cleavage among the american public. The empirical part presents a case study entitled The influence of controversial issues on the (non)success of the Tea Party candidates, which deals with attitudes of the House and Senate Tea Party candidates who won the 2010 congressional elections towards the above- mentioned controversial issues.

"Kom inte ut för att berätta vad fan jag gör i min säng" : Svenska nyhetsartiklars gestaltningar av perspektiv kring HBTQ aktivism / "I didn't come out to say what I was doing in my fucking bed" : Swedish newsarticles framing of perspectives concerning LGBT activism

Losell, Christian January 2020 (has links)
Considering the massive role that media plays in our lives, it can be interesting to wonder how different movements have adapted and become one with this new reality. A reality where most information we receive seems filtered through some form of media input, be it popular culture, social media or the news. Focusing on one of the most relevant movements of our time, the LGBT movement. This study attempts to explore the movements relationship with the Swedish news-media through a reading of Frame Theory, picking out certain Swedish news-articles published in 2019, and asking the research question: Do the selected articles tend to prioritize certain perspectives on LGBT activism, through their framing? With the perspectives analyzed and understood through queer theory, this study found that the selected articles tended to prioritize certain perspectives over others, perspectives that came with several heteronormative and other problematic tendencies.

Socionomprogrammet - kan innehålla spår av heteronormativitet : En enkätstudie / The social work program - may contain traces of heteronormativity : A survey study

Farrell, Emma, Sandberg, Ellen January 2020 (has links)
Aim. This study examines the attitudes of social work students towards LGBT-persons, and whether the students perceive that the content of the social work program provides competence on LGBT related questions. The theoretical frame of reference is based upon queer theory. Method. A quantitative method was adopted to address the aims and objectives of this study. The study is limited to comprise of social work students from 3-7 semesters, from a Swedish university. A survey based upon earlier surveys and containing 41 statements was translated from English to Swedish. The survey was emailed to 245 social work students through the university’s email system.  Results. Findings suggest that the majority of the social work students demonstrate tolerant attitudes towards LGBT-persons while a minority show negative attitudes. Further results suggest that most students do not believe that the educational content of the social work program sufficiently addresses LGBT related questions. The majority of the social work students estimates their competence in LGBT-questions as neutral or neither. The results further show a significant negative correlation between attitudes towards LGBT-persons and educational content, as well as between content and competence. Significant differences between semesters and perceived educational content was found. Conclusion. The study concludes a low level of heterosexism among social work students, a lack of competence of LGBT-related questions and an insufficient course content. The results partially confirm the study's hypotheses but also indicate other correlations. Course content offering more in-depth insights into LGBT-issues is seen as an area of improvement within the social work program. To conclude, this study is the first to investigate the subject at national level and therefore further research within this field is both suggested and recommended. / Syfte. Denna studie undersöker socionomstudenters attityder gentemot LHBT-personer och huruvida de anser att utbildningsinnehållet på socionomprogrammet ger kompetens om LHBT-frågor. Studiens teoretiska referensram är baserad på queerteori. Metod. Studien använder kvantitativ metod för att besvara studiens syfte. Studien är avgränsad till att innefatta socionomstudenter mellan termin 3–7 på ett lärosäte i Sverige. Enkäten innehåller 41 påståenden vilka är baserade på tidigare studier. Påståendena är översatta från engelska till svenska och har mailats till 245 socionomstudenter via lärosätets mailsystem. Resultat. Enkätstudiens svar fann att de flesta socionomstudenter uppvisar toleranta attityder gentemot LHBT-personer, men att det också finns studenter som uppvisar negativa attityder. Vidare framkommer att de flesta studenter upplever att utbildningsinnehållet på socionomprogrammet berör LHBT-frågor i låg utsträckning. Majoriteten av socionomstudenterna skattar sin kompetens om LHBT-frågor som varken eller. Resultaten visar att det finns ett signifikant negativt samband mellan attityder och utbildningsinnehåll samt mellan utbildningsinnehåll och upplevd kompetens. Signifikanta skillnader går att finna mellan terminer och upplevt utbildningsinnehåll. Slutsats. Sammanfattningsvis fann studien en låg grad av heterosexism bland socionomstudenter, en avsaknad av kompetens kring LHBT-frågor samt bristande utbildningsinnehåll. Resultaten bekräftar delvis studiens hypoteser men påvisar också andra samband. Kursinnehåll som mer specifikt behandlar LHBT-frågor ses som ett förbättringsområde på socionomprogrammet. Den aktuella studien är den första att undersöka ämnet på nationell nivå och vidare forskning inom ämnet föreslås och rekommenderas.

Our Bodies, Our Stories: Mental and Physical Self Connection as a Protective Factor in Sexual and Gender Minorities

Todd, Emerson A 01 August 2022 (has links)
The mind and body connection has been actively examined in neuroscience and developmental psychology backgrounds. Sociological theorists posit ways that individuals develop a sense of self through mind, body, and the social world. While research on the connection between the mind and body in disabled and aging populations is common, less is known of the everyday impact of these connections for other minority populations. The present study uses mixed-methods research to explore the relationship between mind and body and the impacts on internal and social life. The quantitative aspect of the study found significant relationships between physical and mental health for sexual and gender minorities (N = 788). The qualitative portion of the research consisted of interviews with sexual and/or gender minorities (N = 20). Interviews revealed central themes of ownership, oppression, and disconnection as a coping mechanism for external and internal body dissatisfaction.


Ilse, Paul-Baschar January 2022 (has links)
Fear of Crime remains a relevant theme in criminological research. Its associations include damage to psychological well-being, decreases in collective cohesion and trust, and populism. Located in the field of victimology, previous research found that significant predictors for Fear of Crime are: Previous Victimization, Previous Victimization with a Hate-Motive, Severity of Previous Victimization, Perceived Risk and Risk Control. This study will aim to investigate if the dynamics of Fear of Crime established by previous research are applicable in a LGBT population. Subsequently the sub-groups sexual minorities, bisexuals, and trans-people are compared, filling a literature gap. The sample consists of 353 self-identified LGBT people at Malmö University who filled out a self-report survey inquiring about previous victimization, fear of crime, perceived motives of previous victimization, perceived risk of victimization, and tactics to reduce risk of victimization. The predictors were entered into a block-wise multiple regression model as well as a path-analysis. Both Perceived Risk and Risk Control were entered after the other predictors. The results showed that Severity of Previous Victimization was significantly (p < .001) and positively (β = .267) predicting Fear of Crime. Additionally, Severity of Previous Victimization significantly (p < .01) and positively (β = .206) predicted Perceived Risk which in turn predicted (p < .001, β = .208) Fear of Crime. Risk Control did not have a statistically significant effect size (p > .05). In the sub-group comparison, Perceived Risk did not have a significant effect size (p > .05) among the trans-people. The study concludes that Severity of Previous Victimization both has a direct and indirect effect on Fear of Crime, in the LGBT population, but not among the trans-people sub-group, suggesting that future research as well as policy makers need to take such differences into account. Similar conclusions are drawn regarding Risk Control.

Conflict Duration and LGBT Vulnerability : A Comparison of Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, and Ukraine

Jormanainen, Jim January 2021 (has links)
The interest in studying the effects of armed conflict and LGBTs have increased significantly in the last decade. Mainly due to the international recognition and increased reporting of violations against said group. Moreover, previous studies have mainly been within-case studies focusing on the state or rebel groups as the main perpetrators. This paper moves beyond these and explore why LGBTs are targeted to different extents across conflicts. Thus, the paper asks the following research question: "Why is the LGBT community more vulnerable in some armed conflicts than in others?". The paper argues that armed conflict duration fuels militarisation, which increases honour ideology over time. The process results in the polarisation of masculine and feminine ideals. Finally, as LGBTs inherently challenge the gender system, they are targeted by both civilians and the state. Hence, the hypothesis is, “The longer an armed conflict continues, the more vulnerable the LGBT community becomes.”. The paper uses structured focused comparison and data from 63 reports to conduct three within-case analyses and a cross-case comparison to answer the above question. The results and analyses indicate preliminary support for the hypothesis.

Resilience in the Face of Stress: Gender Differences in the Relationship between Resilience and Stress among Lesbian and Gay Older Adults in the American South

Poché, Barton J 08 1900 (has links)
The minority stress model provides context to understand the mechanisms by which prejudicial experiences contribute to the disproportionate prevalence of adverse physical and mental health outcomes among LGBT people. The transactional model of stress and coping explains the appraisal processes through which people identify stigma-related stimuli as threatening and how they assess available coping resources to counteract these threats. The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) were used in this study to measure resilience and stress in a sample of 99 lesbian and gay older adults. Women reported statistically significantly higher levels of resilience and lower levels of perceived stress compared to older gay men. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) revealed statistically significant main effects for gender (Cohen's d = .51; ηp2 = .056; F(1,98) = 5.488, p = .021) while controlling for perceived stress (Cohen's d = 1.62; ηp2 = .375; F(1,98) = 55.840, p < .001). An interaction effect between gender and perceived stress was also statistically significant (Cohen's d = .72; ηp2 = .115; F(1,98) = 12.40, p < .001) indicating that the negative relationship between stress and resilience is stronger for older gay men. Clinical implications and relevance to future research are discussed.

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