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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att utmana strukturer och normer : En kritisk diskursanalys av normer kring kön och sexualitet i behandlingsarbetet för missbruk / Challenging norms and structures : A critical discourse analysis of norms regarding sex and sexuality in alcohol and drug addiction treatment programs

Lindhero, Petra January 2021 (has links)
I denna studie är syftet att undersöka hur personal från behandlingshem för missbruk samtalar kring kön och sexualitet. Studien utgår från behandlingshem med inriktning på enbart kvinnor eller enbart män. I Sverige har homo-, bi- och transsexuella personer sämre psykisk hälsa än heterosexuella personer. Psykisk ohälsa ökar risken för missbruk och hbtq-personer har en ökad risk för missbruk jämfört med den generella befolkningen, varför det har varit av relevans att undersöka normer gällande kön och sexualitet på behandlingshem för missbruk. Det empiriska materialet, som har analyserats genom en kritisk diskursanalytisk ansats, har samlats in genom tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med personal inom behandlingshem för missbruk. I resultatet framgår att diskurserna kring kön och sexualitet till stor del fortfarande är heteronormativa, bland annat genom att utgångspunkten är att brukarnas relationer är heterosexuella samt i diskurser kring att visa sin nakna kropp vid övervakade urinprov. Resultatet lyfter att det kan finnas en osäkerhet kring bemötande av transsexuella personer utifrån vilket pronomen som ska användas samt på vilket behandlingshem en transperson ska placeras. Slutsatsen pekar på att det kan finnas ett behov av kunskap om det heteronormativa privilegiet för att det ska bli möjligt med förändring av ojämlika maktstrukturer kring kön och sexualitet. / The aim of this study is to explore how professionals, from health and rehabilitation clinics for addiction, talk about sex and sexuality. The study includes health and rehabilitation clinics for only women or only men. In Sweden, mental illness is more prevalent among the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual population than for the heterosexual population. Mental illness increases the risk for alcohol and drug addiction and people within the LGBT community have an increased risk of addiction than the rest of the population, thus it is of relevance to explore norms regarding gender and sexuality in rehabilitation clinics. The empirical material has been collected via ten semi-structured interviews with professionals of health and rehabilitation clinics for addiction. The result indicates that the discourses regarding sex and sexuality still in many ways are heteronormative and it shows among others by the assumptions that the relationships of the clients are heterosexual. It also shows when it is assumed that the clients are cis in the discourse regarding showing the naked body when leaving monitored urine samples. The result illustrates that there could be an insecurity among the professionals when it comes to use the correct pronoun when talking about transsexual people and in which health and rehabilitation clinic a transsexual person can be accepted for treatment. The conclusion indicates that knowledge about the heteronormative privilege could be necessary to enable change of unequal power structures regarding sex and sexuality.


CARLYLE SANTOS JUNIOR 14 November 2019 (has links)
[pt] Os debates acerca de questões relativas à orientação sexual e identidade de gênero têm sido colocados na arena pública para compreender comportamentos, a relação com o corpo, os anseios e as dificuldades enfrentados por gays, lésbicas, travestis, transexuais e transgêneros (LGBT) na sociedade brasileira. São indivíduos que desafiam e desestabilizam a ordem vigente assentada na heteronormatividade e no binômio masculino e feminino e, a partir disso, buscam reconhecimento para garantir direitos e o fim de inúmeras violações. Em decorrência disso, as narrativas jornalísticas buscam captar com mais amplitude e empatia o caráter político e público de temas ligados à diversidade sexual e de gênero. Esta dissertação se debruça sobre a seção Deu na semana, abrigada no canal do YouTube Põe na Roda, que trata-se de um noticiário na plataforma de vídeos que reúne notícias sobre a população LGBT. Nesse sentido, busca-se compreender como a internet e as redes sociais reconfiguraram os modos de produção, circulação e recirculação de notícias trazendo novos atores em um contexto de jornalismo participativo e ativista. E, sob a luz de teorias do jornalismo, como a do Gatekeeping (WHITE, 1950) e do Newsmaking (TUCHMAN, 1978), investiga-se como a seleção de notícias, articulada à apreensão de critérios de noticiabilidade da grande imprensa, ajuda a construir uma nova realidade da população LGBT a partir de novos enquadramentos e recortes de temas ligados à conquista de direitos, representatividade, luta contra homofobia e apoio à causa LGBT. / [en] Discussions on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity have been put in the public arena to understand behaviors, the relationship with the body, the yearnings and the difficulties faced by gays, lesbians, transvestites, transsexuals and transgender (LGBT) people in society Brazilian. They are individuals who challenge and destabilize the prevailing order based on heteronormativity and the male and female binomial, and, from this, seek recognition to guarantee rights and the end of numerous violations. As a result, the journalistic narratives seek to capture with greater amplitude and empathy the human, political and public character of themes related to sexual and gender diversity. This dissertation looks at the Deu na Semana section, housed in the YouTube channel Põe na Roda. This is a news video on the video platform that gathers news about the LGBT population. In this sense, we seek to understand how the internet and social networks have reconfigured the ways of production, circulation and recirculation of news bringing new actors in a context of participatory and activist journalism. And, under the light of journalism theories, such as Gatekeeping (WHITE, 1950) and Newsmaking (TUCHMAN, 1978), one investigates how news selection, articulated to the seizure of noticiability criteria of the major press, helps to build a new reality of the LGBT population from the frameworks and cuts of themes related to the conquest of rights, representativeness, fight against homophobia and support for the LGBT cause.

From Chilly Climate to Warm Reception: Experiences and Good Practices for Supporting LGBTQ Students in STEM

Brinkworth, Carolyn S 01 January 2016 (has links)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning students (LGBTQ) face unique challenges during their university or college careers, and while society has generally become more accepting of sexual and gender minorities (SGM) over the past decade, students still often face chilly or outright hostile campus climates, as well as institutional and departmental policies and practices that create barriers to their learning and feeling of belonging in their classrooms and on their campuses. Research suggests that these issues are particularly pervasive in the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and there is some evidence to suggest that LGBTQ individuals are underrepresented in these fields, at least in the STEM federal agency workforce (Cech, 2015). In this work, I review the research pertaining to LGBTQ university and community college students in STEM fields, including departmental and campus climate, departmental and institutional policies, and student outcomes. I investigate the evidence for policy and intervention options, and synthesize the recommendations from the literature that can help to support SGM students in classrooms, departments, and institutions of higher education.

Live and Let Love : En kritisk studie av svensk homonationalism i en politisk manifestation i samband med de olympiska spelen i Sotji 2014

Andersson, Tova January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine how the construction of the swedish national self-image can be interpreted in relation to the protests against the russian anti-gay laws, leading up to the olympic games in Sotji 2014. I form a basis for my analysis in Jasbir K. Puars conceptual frame of homonationalism and examine the swedish political action Live and Let Love that took place at Stockholms Stadion in the fall of 2013. The analysis shows how the inclusion of a homonormative homosexuality becomes an important factor for the construction of Sweden as an open and tolerant nation in contrast to Russia as a non tolerant nation. This construction of "us" and the "Other" manifests through a discourse of tolerance. The national sense of community is formed through interaction between national symbols and symbols of the LGBT community.

I regnbågens skugga : En analys av kommuners diskurser kring våld inom hbt-relationer

Egilsson, Anna, Östlund-Blom, Madeilene January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish municipal welfare system, in their capacity as discourse makers, construct Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in the relationships of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people. A discourse analysis of their official plans of action regarding IPV and the information directed towards their citizens through their webpages showed that the discourse surrounding IPV revealed a gender dichotomy, where the victim was mainly constructed as being female and the perpetrator as male. As a consequence of this, gay and bisexual men were rendered invisible from the discourse surrounding victims of IPV, although they could be included in the construction of perpetrators of it. Lesbian and bisexual women were often included in the understanding of victims of IPV, but in the discourse surrounding perpetrators of it they were made invisible. The discourse about IPV also excluded the experiences and vulnerability of people who identify as being transgendered. Additionally, the discourse surrounding IPV was characterized by heteronormative assumptions regarding the relationships in which violence is possible. The help defined in the documents included in this study also showed a gender dichotomy in the construction of help directed towards victims and perpetrators of IPV. The relationship between them was also once more understood through heteronormative assumptions. / Denna studie syftar till att undersöka huruvida våld inom hbt-personers nära relationer, samt vem som är utsatt och förövare, synliggörs i kommuners diskurser om partnervåld. En diskursanalys har gjorts av kommuners handlingsplaner mot våld i nära relationer samt av information riktad till utsatta och förövare via deras hemsidor. Resultaten visar på att kommunernas diskurser kring våld i nära relationer karaktäriseras av en dikotom syn på kön hos utsatt och förövare, där våldsutsatt ofta förstods som att vara kvinna och förövare som man. Det gör att det våld som drabbar homo- och bisexuella män till stor del osynliggörs i diskursen. Dessa män kunde dock inkluderas i förståelsen av förövare. Homo- och bisexuella kvinnor kunde ibland inkluderas i förståelsen av våldsutsatt, men dessa kvinnor inkluderades sällan i diskursen kring förövare. Transpersoners utsatthet och upplevelser av våld i nära relationer framkom nästan aldrig i diskursen. Diskursen kring våld i nära relationer dominerandes också av heteronormativa antaganden om vilken slags relation som våld kan förekomma i. Den hjälp som definierades i kommunernas dokument utgick även från en dikotomisk förståelse av genus hos utsatt och förövare, samt heteronormativa antaganden om relationen dem emellan.

Camp and Buried : Queer perceptions of queer tropes and stereotypes in games.

Arltoft, Emma, Benkö, Agnes January 2019 (has links)
The state of queer representation in games is poor, and queer consumers are growing increasingly vocal in their demands for nuanced portrayals. This thesis investigates how queer players perceive the tropes and stereotypes commonly used to portray them in games. By sorting through existing representation and using the most common tropes found, this study created two example characters which were represented both narratively and visually. These characters were then the subject of a study of 29 participants. The comments and opinions of these 29 participants were then analysed to find a largely negative consensus which is chiefly concerned with making portrayals less tragic. From this, this study proceeds to analyse the desires of queer consumers and contextualize them in relation to a world which still actively oppresses them.

Sexual orientation and identity in diabetes health care: the experience of Type 2 diabetes among lesbian, queer, and women-loving women

Welch, Michelle Louise 22 January 2016 (has links)
This Master's Thesis reports on the experiences of Type 2 Diabetes of Lesbian, Queer, and Women-Loving Women. The thesis examines the impact of sexual orientation on experiences with diabetes, and how this chronic disease affects the way a woman views herself, her health, and her body image. Each participant presented her narrative and world views in regards to her diabetes health care and management, stress and trauma, and management of relationships. Through narrative analysis, I have revealed differing mechanisms of coping and explanatory models; the many women of this study selectively chose to be more open about her sexual orientation than her diabetes status.

En la ruta del arco iris : vivencias de personas LGBTI de la Universidad de Costa Rica dentro del mundo universitario

Acuña Rodríguez, María del Carmen January 2016 (has links)
En la ruta del arco iris (Na rota do arco-íris) é um trabalho sobre as vivências de pessoas LGBTI – estudantes, professorxs e servidorxs– da Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), a partir de suas experiências como sujeitxs com uma sexualidade dissidente dentro do mundo universitário. O arco-íris é a metáfora que representa nosso símbolo e bandeira de luta (falo em ‘nosso’ porque eu também sou uma pessoa dissidente no que diz respeito à sexualidade). Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, descritivo, sensível e escrito com metáforas; a ferramenta ético-metodológica que usei foi diálogos (tradicionalmente se chamariam de entrevistas, mas eu faço uma proposta nova). Minha intenção (objetivo geral) foi compreender as vivências que, dentro do contexto da UCR, têm pessoas que se auto-identificam com identidades não heterossexuais respeito a experiências em torno da sua sexualidade dissidente dentro do espaço universitário. Pois bem, para contextualizar as vivências, é preciso considerar que, tanto no país quanto na universidade, a religiosidade e o machismo têm uma grande influência na população, o que incide em preconceitos pelas pessoas LGBTI. De fato, a discriminação está presente com muita força na universidade; adota uma multiplicidade de formas, ou seja, se manifesta em vários níveis e sob maneiras distintas. Porém, a universidade funciona como um micro-mundo inserido na sociedade costarriquenha, e estar no seu interior também é bom, visto que oferece certa proteção e possibilita experiências positivas dentro dele. Nesse sentido, as mesmas pessoas LGBTI têm criado iniciativas de reconhecimento e afirmação, tentando fazer da UCR um lugar (ainda) melhor para nós. Como balanço geral do estado atual da universidade neste tema, certamente posso afirmar que é melhor viver dentro dela que no ‘mundo externo’; contudo, isso não significa que a universidade seja o lugar ideal para esse grupo de pessoas, pois o trabalho a fazer no assunto das dissidências sexuais e de gênero ainda é muito amplo. / En la ruta del arco iris es un trabajo sobre vivencias de personas LGBTI –estudiantes, docente y administrativxs- de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), a partir de sus experiencias como sujetxs con una sexualidad disidente dentro del mundo universitario. El arco iris es la metáfora que constituye nuestro símbolo y bandera de lucha (digo ‘nuestro’ porque yo soy también una persona disidente en cuanto a su sexualidad). Se trata de un estudio que es cualitativo, descriptivo, sensible y escrito con metáforas; la “herramienta” ético-metodológica que utilicé fueron diálogos (tradicionalmente se llamaría entrevistas, pero yo hago un planteamiento diferente, una propuesta nueva). Mi intención (objetivo general) fue comprender las vivencias que, en el contexto de la UCR, han tenido personas que se auto-identifican con identidades no heteronormativas, respecto a experiencias en torno a su sexualidad disidente dentro del espacio universitario. Ahora bien, para contextualizar las vivencias, es importante tener en consideración que –tanto en el país como en la universidad– la religiosidad y el machismo tienen una gran influencia en la población, lo cual incide en prejuicios que se tienen hacia las personas LGBTI. De hecho, la discriminación está presente con mucha fuerza en la universidad; toma una multiplicidad de formas, es decir, se manifiesta en varios niveles y bajo distintas maneras. No obstante, la universidad funciona como una burbuja inserta en la sociedad costarricense y estar en el interior de ese micro-mundo también es bueno, ya que brinda cierta protección y posibilita que se vivan experiencias positivas dentro de ella. En ese sentido, las mismas personas LGBTI han gestado iniciativas de reconocimiento y afirmación, buscando hacer de la UCR un lugar (aún) mejor para nosotrxs. A modo de balance general del estado actual de la universidad en la materia, ciertamente puedo afirmar que se vive mejor dentro de ella que en el ‘mundo fuera’; sin embargo, ello no significa que esté del todo bien. El trabajo por hacer en el tema de las disidencias sexuales y de género es muy amplio.

Avanços e limites da política de combate à homofobia : uma análise do processo de implementação das ações para a educação do Programa Brasil Sem Homofobia

Rossi, Alexandre José January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo dessa dissertação foi analisar as estratégias de implementação das ações educacionais do Programa Brasil Sem Homofobia no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, evidenciando suas principais contradições, apontando neste processo os limites e avanços – e como elas têm contribuído para a consolidação daquela política. Com base no referencial teórico metodológico materialista histórico dialético, procuramos evidenciar as condições históricas que possibilitaram a elaboração do Programa Brasil Sem Homofobia. Os dados que nos permitiram dizer dos avanços e limites da política foram buscados em relatórios produzidos pela Secretaria de Educação Continuada e Diversidade do MEC, editais para concorrência de projetos, termos de referência e nos Planos de Ações Articuladas dos sistemas de ensino. Três principais estratégias de implementação foram encontradas a partir dessa análise: parcerias com ONGs, convênio com Universidades Federais e nos Planos de Ações Articuladas. A conquista do Programa Brasil Sem Homofobia resulta da correlação de forças empreendida entre Estado e Movimento LGBT, que, ao longo de suas três décadas de existência, tiveram a relação alterada passando de oponentes a parceiros na execução de políticas voltadas para a população LGBT. Configurou-se como avanço na medida em que houve, em um primeiro momento, a participação de militantes do movimento vinculadas a ONGs LGBT na sua elaboração definindo o conteúdo da política. O envolvimento das ONGs no processo de execução foi fundamental para o início do processo de implementação do Programa, pois possibilitou a expansão da atuação do Movimento na educação através dos projetos executados para professores das redes públicas de ensino. No entanto, essas parcerias concederam um caráter fragmentário e pontual para a política na medida em que foram desenvolvidos apenas onde havia ONGs interessadas em executar projetos voltados ao combate da homofobia, deixando muitas regiões do Brasil desassistidas. Os convênios realizados com Universidades Federais também foram fundamentais para o fortalecimento da política na medida em que se envolveram através de convênios instancias que compõem o aparato estatal. No entanto, a entrada das Universidades representou um limite para a política na medida em que as ONGs foram sendo excluídas do processo de implementação. Quando a política de formação continuada de professores com temáticas voltadas para a discussão do combate ao sexismo e à homofobia na escola entrar na pauta do Plano de Desenvolvimento da Educação, a possibilidade de acesso aos professores se expandirá a todos os sistemas de ensino. Neste caso também o Estado retomará para si a responsabilidade da execução, no entanto a política a qual deveria combater a homofobia tem sido alvo de discriminação na medida em que não vem sendo solicitada pelos sistemas municipais e estaduais de educação. / The objective of this dissertation was to analyze the implementation strategies of the educational activities of the Brazil Without Homophobia Program in Rio Grande do Sul showing its main contradictions, pointing in the limits and progress and how they have contributed to consolidate the policy. Based on theoretical and methodological historical materialist dialectic we seek to show the historical conditions that enabled the creation of the Brazil Without Homophobia. The data which permitted the analyses of the advances and policy limits were reached in reports produced by the Department for Continuing Education and Diversity of the MEC, in competitive bidding of projects, terms of reference and Plan of Action Linkage of education. Three main strategies of implementation were found from this analysis: partnerships with NGOs, partnership with universities and Federal Response Plans Linked. The conquest of the Brazil Without Homophobia was a correlation of forces waged between state and LGBT movement, which over its three decades of existence had the relationship changed from an opponent's position to a partner’s position in the implementation of policies for the LGBT population. Configured as a breakthrough in that it was at first the participation of militants linked to the movement LGBT NGOs in the preparation of defining the content of the policy. The involvement of NGOs in the implementation process was essential for initiating the process of implementing the program since it allowed the expansion of the Movement's role in education through projects implemented for teachers in the public school system. However, such partnerships granted a fragmentary and timely for the policy as it is developed only where there were NGOs interested in implementing projects aimed at combating homophobia, leaving many regions of Brazil unattended. The agreements made with public universities, were also fundamental to the strengthening of policy in that it involved instances that make up the state apparatus. However, entering the universities represented a limit for the policy to the extent that NGOs were being excluded from the process of implementation. When the policy of continuing education for teachers with the topic of discussion focused on the fight against sexism and homophobia in school into the agenda of the Development Plan for Education, to gain access to teachers expands to all education systems. Here again the State takes upon itself the responsibility for implementation, however, the policy should tackle homophobia has been discriminated against in that it has not been requested by the municipal and state education.

Cowboys, “Queers,” and Community: the AIDS Crisis in Houston and Dallas, 1981-1996

Bundschuh, Molly Ellen 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the response to the AIDS crisis in Houston and Dallas, two cities in Texas with the most established gay communities highest number of AIDS incidences. Devoting particular attention to the struggles of the Texas’ gay men, this work analyzes the roadblocks to equal and compassionate care for AIDS, including access to affordable treatment, medical insurance, and the closure of the nation’s first AIDS hospital. In addition, this thesis describes the ways in which the peculiar nature of AIDS as an illness transformed the public perception of sickness and infection. This work contributes to the growing study of gay and lesbian history by exploring the transformative effects of AIDS on the gay community in Texas, a location often forgotten within the context of the AIDS epidemic.

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