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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestion publique locale et performance : les collectivités territoriales face aux défis de la nouvelle gouvernance / Local public management and performance : local authorities face the challenges of the new governance

Zahed, Mahrez 02 June 2015 (has links)
La préservation de la dépense publique, de surcroit par temps de crises financières, est un défi permanent des pouvoirs publics. Cette forte volonté politique a trouvé toute sa signification dans le large consensus politique suscité par la préparation et la mise en œuvre de la LOLF qui devait permettre une gestion publique saine et une dépense publique rationnelle. Cette nouvelle « Constitution » financière a posé les premiers jalons de la démarche de performance au niveau de l’Etat. Le lien entre la conjoncture économique et financière d’une part, et la quête vers une reforme de l’Etat pour une gestion rationnelle de la dépense publique de l’autre est ainsi clairement établie. La performance publique locales se présente à la fois comme un objectif de gestion, au vu de toutes les initiatives lancées au niveau local, mais également comme un outil de gestion du fait de ses retombées, notamment financières / The preservation of public spending, moreover in times of financial crises is an ongoing challenge for government. This strong political will has found its significance in the broad political consensus generated by the preparation and implementation of the Organic Law which would enable good governance and sound public expenditure. This new “Constitution” financial laid the groundwork for the performance process at the state level. The link between economic and financial conditions on the one hand and the quest for a reform of the state for the sound management of public expenditure and the other is clear.The local public performance is presented both as a management objective in view of all initiatives at local level, but also as a management tool because of its impact, including financial

L'interventionnisme économique public : étude de droit comparé franco-tunisien / Public economic interventionism : Franco-Tunisian comparative law study

Njehi, Amel 14 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le périmètre de l’intervention publique dans l’économie en droit français et en droit tunisien. L’intervention de l’État dans l’économie vise à améliorer les conditions du développement des activités économiques sur un territoire donné. Saisir les mutations juridiques de l’action économique des personnes publiques requiert d’abord la description des moyens de l’intervention étatique tels qu’ils furent utilisés en période d’économie dirigée. Discrétionnaires, ils s’appuyaient sur la nationalisation, la planification, le contrôle des entreprises et la réglementation étatique des prix. Ensuite, il est montré comment la crise économique des années soixante-dix, l’union européenne, les institutions financières internationales, le poids croissant des collectivités locales ont détruit la légitimité du monopole d’action de l’État. Ce sont globalement les facteurs qui expliquent le déclin des prétentions de l’État à diriger l’économie et agir globalement sur le territoire national pour favoriser ledéveloppement économique. La nouvelle action économique participe plus largement à un nouveau type de régulation publique de l’économie.L’intervention de l’État dans l’économie questionne aussi sur la façon dont l'État peut ou doitil intervenir par le biais de sa Constitution, vis à vis des acteurs économiques, vis à vis du marché, vis à vis de l'État. Il s'agit de savoir en quoi ce principe a-t-il ou non un rôle un jouer dans l'économie de marché et dans l'interventionnisme étatique.À travers notre analyse, nous pouvons conclure que l'efficacité de l'État dans le développement économique résulte de son intervention pour améliorer l'efficacité organisationnelle du marché. C'est ainsi que l'économie française a réussi à minimiser la possibilité de l'aléa moral et desactivités de « rent-seeking » en orientant les ressources vers les secteurs plus productifs. EnTunisie, l'intervention de l'État qui ne se conformait pas aux règles de la mondialisation a été une cause importante de la révolution de 2011 par son action négative sur l'efficacité organisationnelle du marché. Il est impératif aujourd’hui d’introduire des réformes fondamentales au niveau de l’État et ses organisations, encourager l’initiative privée, assurer une restriction des anciennes institutions et de promouvoir la participation de tous citoyens à l’édification de la nouvelle Tunisie sans exclusive ni marginalisation. / This thesis focuses on the scope of public intervention in the economy under French law and Tunisian law. State intervention in the economy aims to improve the conditions for the development of economic activities in a given territory. To grasp the legal changes in the economic action of public persons first of all requires the description of the means of state intervention as they were used in a controlled economy. Discretionary, they relied on nationalization, planning, corporate control and state regulation of prices. Then, it is shown how the economic crisis of the seventies, the European Union, the international financial institutions,the increasing weight of the local authorities destroyed the legitimacy of the monopoly of action of the State. These are the factors that explain the decline of the state's claims to lead the economy and act globally on the national territory to promote economic development. The new economic action participates more widely in a new type of public regulation of the economy.State intervention in the economy also questions how the State can or should it intervene through its Constitution, vis-à-vis the economic actors, vis-à-vis the market, vis-à-vis the state. It is a matter of knowing in what way this principle does or does not have a role to play in the market economy and in state interventionism.Through our analysis, we can conclude that the effectiveness of the state in economic development results from its intervention to improve the organizational efficiency of the market. Thus, the French economy has managed to minimize the possibility of moral hazard and rent-seeking activities by channeling resources towards the more productive sectors. In Tunisia, state intervention that did not conform to the rules of globalization was an important cause of the 2011 revolution because of its negative effect on the organizational efficiency of the market. It is imperative today to introduce fundamental reforms at the level of the state and its organizations, to encourage private initiative, to ensure a restriction of the old institutions and to promote the participation of all citizens in the construction of the new Tunisia. Without exclusiveness or marginalization.

Collaboration between local authorities and Renewable Energy Cooperatives

Luyts, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Addressing climate change has become a major challenge. To keep the rise in temperature below 2°C, by 2050, the carbon emissions should be reduced to 80% of their levels compared to 1990. In order to achieve the targets, all levels of society need to be engaged. But even if the targets are realized, there is a real concern in how they are realized. The many crises, society is facing now, are a symptom of a failing world view. Fighting the symptoms without addressing the underlining causes is merely postponing the problem. Business as usual will not be sufficient to tackle the problem at the roots. Everywhere in the world, local authorities commit themselves to undertake climate action but often lack the capacity to implement these changes. They need partners for successful collaboration. Renewable Energy Cooperatives (REScoops) are identified as a great potential partner to address these challenges. This thesis addresses the following research questions: 1. What are the challenges local governments face in realizing their climate action commitment? And what do REScoops have to offer? 2. What are the challenges cooperatives are facing? And what can municipalities do to facilitate cooperative entrepreneurship? 3. What are successful examples of collaborations between local governments and REScoops and which factors made the collaboration successful? Case studies are used to gather insights and resulted in recommendations for local authorities to facilitate future collaborations. Evidence from the case studies illustrates that cooperatives provide an ample opportunity to implement local authorities’ climate action plan through the implementation of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency projects, while generating multiple other benefits such as unburdening the local authorities’ administration but also addressing the wider context of engaging citizens in the energy transition, fostering a long term behavioral change and fostering positive impact on the local economy through their mission-oriented business. REScoops and municipalities have great potential in collaborating when vision is aligned and mutual benefits are clear. Local authorities can strengthen -3- REScoops in achieving their shared goals in the energy transition in multiple ways, such as the adding specific criteria in the call for tender, advocating the cooperative model, facilitate networking and others. / Att ta itu med klimatförändringen är en stor utmaning. För att hålla temperaturökningen under 2° C och minskas koldioxidutsläppen till 80 % av deras nivåer jämfört med 1990 fram till 2050. För att uppnå dessa måste samhället i alla nivåer vara engagerat. Men även om målen realiseras, finns det ett verkligt problem i hur de realiseras. De många kriserna som det mänskliga samhället nu står inför, är ett symptom för en misslyckad världsbild. Bekämpa symptomen utan att åtgärda underliggande är bara att skjuta upp problemet framöver. ”Business as usual” räcker inte längre för att angripa problemet vid roten. Överallt i världen bestämmer lokala myndigheter sig för att genomföra klimatåtgärder men de ofta saknar kapacitet att genomföra dessa förändringar. De behöver partners för ett framgångsrikt samarbete. Förnybar energikooperativ (REScoops) identifieras som en stor potentiell partner för att möta dessa utmaningar. Denna avhandling behandlar de följande forskningsfrågorna: 1. Vilka är de utmaningar för lokala regeringar för att förverkliga deras klimat engagemang? Och vad REScoops har att erbjuda? 2. Vilka är de utmaningar kooperativen står inför? Och vad kan kommuner göra för att underlätta kooperativt företagande? 3. Vad är framgångsrika exempel på samarbeten mellan lokala regeringar och REScoops och vilka faktorer gjort samarbetet framgångsrikt? Fallstudier används för att samla statistik. Det resulterade i rekommendationer för lokala myndigheter för att underlätta framtida samarbeten. Bevis från Fallstudierna visar att kooperativ ger stora möjligheter att genomföra handlingsplanen för kommunernas klimat politik och genomförande av projekt för förnybar energi och energieffektivitet, samtidigt som de skapar flera andra förmåner såsom avlastas kommunernas administration. kooperativ kan också engagera medborgarna i energiomställningen i större sammanhang, och främja en l... REScoops och kommuner har stor potential att samarbeta när vision är ömsesidiga och tydliga. Lokala myndigheter kan stärka REScoops att uppnå sina gemensamma mål i energiomställningen på flera sätt, såsom att lägga till specifika kriterierna i samtalet för anbudet, förespråkar den kooperativa modellen, underlätta nätverkande och andra.

Проблемы взаимодействия органов местного самоуправления с субъектами занятости и трудовой миграции на территории муниципального образования : магистерская диссертация / Problems between local authorities with the subjects of employment and labor migration in the municipality

Pozharskaya, T. R., Пожарская, Т. Р. January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation research is to analyze the problems of interaction between local authorities with the subjects of employment and labor migration in the territory of the municipality, as well as the project development to improve the state of the interaction between the local government of city district "Zarechniy" and the subjects of employment and labor migration. The subject of the study is the mechanisms and forms of cooperation of local governments with the subjects of employment and labor migration in the territory of the municipality. The scientific novelty of the dissertation research in general is to develop conceptual approaches and practical recommendations to improve the interaction between local authorities with the subjects of employment and labor migration in the territory of the municipality. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the developed project "Improvement of the state of the interaction between the local government of city district" Zarechniy" and the subjects of employment and labor migration" can also be used by other local authorities. Dissertation materials can be used to develop training courses for students enrolled in "State and municipal management." / Целью диссертационного исследования является анализ проблем взаимодействия органов местного самоуправления с субъектами занятости и трудовой миграции на территории муниципального образования, а также разработка проекта по совершенствованию состояния взаимодействия органа местного самоуправления городского округа «Заречный» с субъектами занятости и трудовой миграции. Предметом исследования являются механизмы и формы взаимодействия органов местного самоуправления с субъектами занятости и трудовой миграции на территории муниципального образования. Научная новизна диссертационного исследования в целом заключается в разработке концептуальных подходов и практических рекомендаций по совершенствованию взаимодействия органов местного самоуправления с субъектами занятости и трудовой миграции на территории муниципального образования. Практическая значимость исследования состоит в том, что разработанный проект «Совершенствование состояния взаимодействия органа местного самоуправления городского округа «Заречный» с субъектами занятости и трудовой миграции» может быть использован и иными органами местного самоуправления. Материалы диссертации могут быть использованы для разработки учебных курсов для студентов, обучающихся по направлению «Государственное и муниципальное управление».

Совершенствование взаимодействия некоммерческих организаций с органами местного самоуправления : магистерская диссертация / Improving the interaction between non-profit organizations with local authorities

Неркарарян, А. С., Nerkararian, A. S. January 2015 (has links)
Целью диссертационного исследования является анализ совершенствования взаимодействия некоммерческих организаций с органами местного самоуправления, разработка рекомендаций по совершенствованию взаимодействия некоммерческих организаций города Екатеринбурга с органами местного самоуправления. Предметом исследования являются формы взаимодействия некоммерческих организаций с органами местного самоуправления. Новизна исследования заключается в следующем: – выявлении основных факторов, негативно влияющих на характер отношений; – систематизации существующих проблем, характерных для взаимодействия НКО с органами местного самоуправления; – разработке рекомендаций по совершенствованию разных форм взаимодействия некоммерческих организаций с органами местного самоуправления. Практическая значимость исследования состоит в том, что органы местного самоуправления и НКО других муниципальных образований России могут применить разработанные рекомендации на практике для совершенствования взаимодействия друг с другом. / The aim of the research is to analyze the improvement of interaction between non-profit organizations with local authorities, to develop recommendations for improving the interaction between non-profit organizations of Yekaterinburg and local authorities. The subject of research is forms of interaction between non-profit organizations and local authorities. The newness of the research is as follows: - Identifying the main factors negatively affecting the nature of the interaction; - Systematization of the problems which are typical for the interaction between non-profit organizations and local authorities; - Development of recommendations to improve the different forms of interaction between non-profit organizations and local authorities. The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that local authorities and non-profit organizations of other Russian municipalities can apply developed recommendations in practice to improve the interaction with each other.

Methods for local energy and climate planning : A Case stuudy on the Urban Community of Dunkirk

Thibault, Sacha January 2023 (has links)
Energy management concerns were raised in France after the oil crisis in the 1970s. From then, the local actors developed policies to better control the energy production and consumption on the territories. Climate considerations and the need to limit greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions were then added to these energy issues in the early 2000s. The Climate Plans first appeared in France in 2004, in the National Climate Plan. This regulatory document outlined the desire to apply national and European energy and climate objectives at the territorial level. This initiative laid the foundations for the principle of territorial climate-air-energy planning, which became statutory in 2015 for Public Establishment of Intercommunal Cooperation with over 50,000 inhabitants. A regulatory framework has defined the ins and outs of this planning exercise, but the first results have shown that not all local authorities have fully taken up these planning issues, due to a lack of internal competence, means and method to answer the formal exercise. Tot heir credit, the regulatory objectives imposed by the National Low Carbon Strategy were quickly judged to be out of touch and disconnected from local reality, particularly for industrial territories. More recently, a growing number of local authorities have chosen to flesh out their territorial strategy by drawing up an Energy Master Plan, a roadmap that outlines a comprehensive and integrated approach to managing energy resources. Based on a case study of the Urban Community of Dunkirk, this thesis investigates how local authorities have taken up these energy and climate planning challenges, the difficulties they face, and how the Plan Climat-Air-Energie Territoriaux (Local Climate Air Energy Plan) could become essential monitoring tools for the low-carbon transition of territories if they were equipped with real decision-support tools. The case of the Urban Community of Dunkirk is emblematic. Responsible for 4% of France's GHG emissions due to its port and industrial activities, the urban area has committed itself to implementing accelerated decarbonisation. An exploratory study is carried out based on a comparative analysis of the 2022 revised climate plan of the Urban Community of Dunkirk and the Energy Master Plan developed by the Greater Lyon Metropolis in 2019, as well as a series of interviews with the departments and researchers specialising in environmental and territorial planning. On the one hand, results identified approximations in the calculations of emissions reduction, and in particular on the formulation of the working and calculation hypotheses for energy and carbon trends by 2050 in the revised climate plan of the Urban Community of Dunkirk. They led to a lack of clarity in the presentation of the territorial strategy defined by the community. On the other hand, results showed that the Energy Master Plan of Grand Lyon allows to build a more robust action plan, whose strength lies in integrating economic, temporal, technical and governance issues. However, a number of limitations have been identified, related to the cumbersome nature of implementing integrated tools for local authorities and the rapid obsolescence of the energy diagnoses carried out on territories resulting from a difficult updating process. Finally, results showed that the decision-support tools that will be developed must meet the technical needs of fine-tuned modelling of territories, the practical needs of coordinating actions over time and measuring their impact, and the cross-sectoral needs of organising governance between all the players involved. / Energifrågorna aktualiserades i Frankrike efter oljekrisen på 1970-talet. Därefter utvecklade de lokala aktörerna strategier för att hantera energiförbrukningen på sina territorier. Klimathänsyn och behovet av att begränsa utsläppen av växthusgaser lades sedan till dessa energifrågor i början av 2000-talet. Klimatplanerna dök först upp i Frankrike 2004, i den nationella klimatplanen. I detta lagstiftningsdokument beskrevs önskan att tillämpa nationella och europeiska energi- och klimatmål på territoriell nivå. Detta initiativ lade grunden till principen om lokal klimat-, luft- och energiplanering, som 2015 blev lagstadgad för offentliga inrättningar för interkommunalt samarbete med över 50 000 invånare. Ett regelverk har definierat hur denna planering ska gå till, men de första resultaten har visat att inte alla lokala myndigheter har tagit sig an dessa planeringsfrågor fullt ut, på grund av brist på intern kompetens, medel och metoder för att svara på den formella uppgiften. De lagstadgade mål som infördes genom den nationella strategin för låga koldioxidutsläpp bedömdes snabbt vara verklighetsfrämmande och inte kopplade till den lokala verkligheten, särskilt för industriområden. På senare tid har ett växande antal lokala myndigheter valt att konkretisera sin territoriella strategi genom att utarbeta en energiplan, en färdplan som beskriver en omfattande och integrerad strategi för att hantera energiresurser. Med utgångspunkt i en fallstudie av stadsregionen Dunkerque undersöker denna avhandling hur lokala myndigheter har tagit sig av dessa utmaningar inom energi- och klimatplanering, vilka svårigheter de möter och hur den lokala klimat- och energiplanen (Plan Climat-Air-Energie Territoriaux) skulle kunna bli viktiga övervakningsverktyg för den koldioxidsnåla omställningen av territorier om de utrustades med verkliga beslutsstödsverktyg. Fallet med den urbana gemenskapen i Dunkerque är emblematiskt. Stadsområdet står för 4% av Frankrikes utsläpp av växthusgaser på grund av sin hamn- och industriverksamhet, och har åtagit sig att genomföra en snabbare utfasning av fossila bränslen. En explorativ studie genomförs baserad på en jämförande analys av den reviderade klimatplanen 2022 för Dunkerque och Energy Master Plan som utvecklades av Greater Lyon Metropolis 2019, samt en serie intervjuer med avdelningar och forskare som är specialiserade på miljö- och territoriell planering. Å ena sidan identifierar resultaten approximationer i beräkningarna av utsläppsminskningar, och i synnerhet i formuleringen av arbets- och beräkningshypoteser för energi- och koldioxidtrender fram till 2050 i den reviderade klimatplanen för Dunkerques stadsgemenskap. De leder till en brist på tydlighet i presentationen av den territoriella strategi som fastställts av kommunen. Å andra sidan visar resultaten att Grand Lyons energimasterplan gör det möjligt att bygga en mer robust handlingsplan, vars styrka ligger i att integrera ekonomiska, tidsmässiga, tekniska och styrningsfrågor. Vi har dock identifierat ett antal begränsningar som rör den besvärliga implementeringen av integrerade verktyg för lokala myndigheter och den snabba föråldringen av de energidiagnoser som utförts på territorier till följd av en svår uppdateringsprocess. Slutligen visade sig att det behövs utveckla beslutsverktyg som måste uppfylla de tekniska behoven av finjusterad modellering av territorier, de praktiska behoven av att samordna åtgärder över tid och mäta deras effekter, samt de sektorsövergripande behoven av att organisera styrning mellan alla aktörer som är involverade.

La commune nouvelle, enjeux et perspectives d'un nouveau régime de fusion des communes / The «commune nouvelle», challenges and prospects for a new merger regime

Lenfant, Thibaut 20 December 2018 (has links)
La politique de réforme et de modernisation de l’État engagée par les gouvernements français successifs a visé à mettre l’organisation territoriale de la République aux standards des grandes démocraties occidentales comme l’indique l’avant-propos du dernier projet de loi de décentralisation. La question du nombre de communes en France est partie prenante de cette réflexion. C’est ainsi que la loi du 16 décembre 2010, sous l’influence du rapport rendu par le comité Balladur en mars 2009 et qui s’intitulait «il est temps de décider » a eu pour ambition d’engager la création d’un nouveau dispositif de fusion de communes : «la commune nouvelle». L’objectif est de poser les fondements de la commune du 21ème siècle en facilitant les fusions de communes par l'amélioration du système né de la loi Marcellin du 16 juillet 1971 qui avait connu un succès limité. La récente proposition de loi déposée par le député maire de Lons le Saunier Jacques Pélissard vise à « consolider, améliorer et rendre plus attractif le dispositif de commune nouvelle dans un contexte de nécessaire optimisation de notre organisation territoriale. » 3) Les enjeux : La France et l’Europe font face à une métamorphose économique qui les oblige à s’interroger sur leur organisation administrative. La construction européenne, la mondialisation, et le contexte de crise généralisée auquel la France est confrontée l’oblige à s’interroger sur l’efficacité de ses structures publiques. L’organisation territoriale de la France est-elle à même de répondre aux exigences d’action publiques que le 21ème siècle exige ? Une structure pluriséculaires comme la commune peut elle se moderniser pour faire face ? Bon nombre de pays voisins de la France ont drastiquement réduit le nombre de leurs communes. Le Royaume uni possède 4000 seulement pour une population comparable à celle de la France. Mais s’arrêter à la dimension financière ou structurelle de la commune cacherait le fait que la décentralisation est d’abord et avant tout un processus démocratique et historique. La commune occupe une place centrale dans ce dispositif démocratique français. 4) La problématique :Ce tableau général de la France du début du 21ème siècle nous amène à nous interroger sur la nature de ce nouveau régime. Quels sont les ressorts, les enjeux et les perspectives du régime des « communes nouvelles » et que nous dit-il sur l’avenir de la commune en France? Par la commune nouvelle, assiste-t-on au renforcement de la commune? Ou assiste-t-on au contraire à une dynamique de disparition progressive de la commune au profit d’ensembles plus larges, le régime de commune nouvelles étant un outil de plus de la transformation des structures territoriales historiques par la recherche d’un optimum de l’efficacité. Cette approche nous amènera nécessairement à nous interroger sur le rapport entre la commune nouvelle et l'intercommunalité. La commune nouvelle est-elle la forme la plus aboutie de l’intercommunalité? / The communal fragmentation is at the origin of the communal crisis. The size of the communal perimeters is indeed inadequate to the needs of the citizens and leads to the marginalization of French municipalities. The merger of municipalities is a response to this situation. The latter has not, for the time, substantially reduce the number of municipalities. Created in 2010, the "commune nouvelle" aims to revive the process of fusion. It is therefore a question of defining the impact of this new fusion regime on the municipality. If the "commune nouvelle" first allows the strengthening of municipalities in their means of action, it also endorses a renewal of their institutions. These two dynamics must be assessed in view of the growing importance of intercommunality. It has long appeared as a competitor of the merger of municipalities. However, the law now imposes inter-municipal cooperation to ail municipalities including "communes nouvelles". This obligation does not condemn the latter to marginality. Indeed, the increase of intermunicipal perimeters recorded in 2015, promotes the emergence of a need of proximity that the majority of municipalities are not able to assume given their size. The development of the "commune nouvelle" is therefore useful to the good govemance of the municipal bloc. It can contain the continuous growth of intercommunality and thus mark the great return of the municipality in the French territorial architecture.

La rationalisation de l'organisation territoriale de la République. / The rationalisation of the territorial organisation of the French Republic

Baubonne, Mickaël 05 February 2015 (has links)
L’abondance des propositions de redécoupage de la carte des collectivités territoriales témoigne du décalage persistant entre leur taille et leur rôle. Leur territoire ne permet plus à certaines collectivités d’exercer efficacement leurs compétences. La première solution consisterait à redécouper le territoire des collectivités territoriales ; la seconde consisterait à modifier le rôle de chaque niveau de collectivités territoriales. Dans les deux cas, c’est l’organisation territoriale de la République qu’il faudrait réformer. Il appartient alors au juriste de déterminer si le législateur est compétent, à droit constitutionnel constant, pour mener seul ces réformes. Le droit constitutionnel, s’il ne prévoit pas toujours la compétence de l’État pour réformer l’organisation territoriale de la République, ne s’oppose pas à ce que l’État engage seul de telles réformes. Pourtant le législateur s’est montré soucieux des intérêts des collectivités territoriales existantes en évitant d’en supprimer des unités et en ne mettant pas en place une hiérarchie normative entre elles. En conséquence, les réformes menées par l’État n’ont pas permis de résorber le décalage entre la taille des collectivités et leur rôle. Cet échec ne saurait témoigner de contraintes constitutionnelles contrairement à ce qui est parfois soutenu dans le discours politique. Il révèle en revanche le poids des contraintes politiques qui s’exercent sur le législateur, notamment par le biais du cumul des mandats. La fin de cette originalité française viendra peut-être confirmer cette affirmation. / The abundance of proposals aiming to redraw the map of the local authorities reflects the remaining gap between their size and their role. Some authorities cannot effectively exercise their powers anymore. The first solution would be to redraw the boundaries of the local authorities; the second one would be to change the role of each level of local authorities. In both case, it is the territorial organisation of the Republic which should be reformed. It is then up to legal experts to determine whether the legislative power is allowed by the Constitution to carry out alone those reforms. If the Constitution does not always assert the jurisdiction of the State to reform the territorial organisation of the Republic, it does not forbid the State to engage alone such reforms. However, the attitude of the legislative power was to protect the interests of the existing local authorities by avoiding to remove units and by not setting a normative hierarchy between them. Consequently, the reforms carried out by the State have failed to resorb the gap between the size and the role of the local authorities. This failure does not give proof of constitutional constraints, contrary to what is argued in the political discourse. It reveals by contrast the weight of the political constraints which the legislative power has to face with, especially because of the combination of elective offices. The end of this French peculiarity will maybe confirm this assert.

Strategies to build the governance capacity of school governing bodies in previously disadvantaged communities

Mashele, Murray Elleck 08 1900 (has links)
In this study, a literature review and qualitative research design are used in an attempt to establish the obstacles to the effective governance of schools in previously disadvantaged communities. From the research, it emerges that the SGBs govern their schools intuitively. This is because they lack knowledge of how schools should be governed. Various strategies to build the governance capacity of these SGBs are formulated in this study to assist them to govern their schools effectively. Effective governance is an important instrument that can restore order, protect the rights of both learners and educators, prevent discipline problems amongst learners and establish the provision of quality education in these communities. / Teacher Education / M.Ed. (Education Management)

L’Union européenne et les collectivités locales / The European Union and the local authorities

Noureau, Aurélie 02 April 2011 (has links)
Ignorées à l’origine par le droit de l’Union européenne, les collectivités locales s’inscrivent pourtant dans les enjeux de l’intégration européenne et s’imposent en qualité de « quasi-sujet » du droit de l’Union européenne.A l’échelle de l’Union européenne, les collectivités locales sont associées de plus en plus à l’élaboration et à la mise en oeuvre des politiques de l’UE. Cependant, leur action reste dépendante des cadres étatiques qui édifient des limites institutionnelles à une participation plus accrue. L’Etat demeure l’acteur institutionnel par excellence.En dépit de ces obstacles, les collectivités locales parviennent à élaborer des stratégies pour influer sur le processus décisionnel en utilisant une diversité de canaux formels et informels.Enfin, elles participent directement à la mise en évidence d’un territoire de l’Union européenne. L’ingénierie locale constitue alors un atout pour l’avenir de l’Union, qui consciente des différences et de la diversité de son territoire, adapte ses politiques et ancre de plus en plus sa démarche dans les préceptes de la Multi level governance (ou gouvernance multi-niveaux). L’émergence de ce modèle de gouvernance est censée pérenniser les acquis et la poursuite de la construction européenne, tout en respectant les traditions constitutionnelles nationales.Ainsi, l’objet de cette thèse est d’envisager les rapports complexes entre l’Union européenne et les collectivités locales. Cette étude ouvre alors sur des perspectives territoriales nouvelles intéressant directement l’Union européenne et inspire une réflexion sur le rôle de ces pouvoirs infra-étatiques dans une Union qui s’inscrit aussi dans un monde globalisé. / For a long time, the European Union has not known about the local and regional authorities.However, local and regional level is a real asset to the Union. They become some almost subject of the European Union.Indeed, local and regional authorities currently have significant powers in key sectors such as education, environment, economic development, land use planning, public services and social policies. They implement the European legislation. Therefore, they also help ensure the exercise of European democracy and citizenship.Despite some significant advances in terms of recognizing their role in the European process, their actions are controlled by their national’s institutional architecture. And as the Union respects the constitutional autonomy of the Member States, which order their relations with regional and local authorities in different ways, it is really complicated to organize relations between European level and local and regional level.In spite of these impediments, the local authorities succeed in establishing strategies in order to be closely involved in shaping and implementing European strategies.Finally, the local authorities also take part into the construction of a European territory.Indeed, the diversity of the local and regional situations shows that it could be a chance. European policies have to be set up to the disparities and the local level is involved into the European decision making process.By another way, the recognition of the key role played by local and regional authorities in the European Union is developing a multilevel vision in the relations between the European actors. If the member States stay the institutional speaker of the European process, their local authorities succeed in integrating the European level. The multi level governance (MLG) has attracted the European Union. The MLG should coordinate action by the European level, the member states and local and regional authorities.This thesis shows the complicated relations between the European Union and the local authorities. Territorial perspectives and new objectives and tools should drive the European Union towards a better democratic integration

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