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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inställda förrättningar : Orsaker till inställande i Gävleborg, Dalarna och Jämtlands län 2013-2017

Östlund, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Sometimes obstacles arise in cadastral procedures that make it impossible to carry out the party's claim. An obstacle may be that property formation does not meet the conditions in chapter 3. or 5 chap. property formation (SFS 1970: 988). According to a press release issued by the Government Chancellor on January 19, 2017 (Regeringskansliet, 2017), the average processing time for an cadastral procedures is approximately 47.1 weeks at the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (based on the last five years). The Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority was commissioned to work towards shorten cases queues. By detecting obstacles in cadastral proceedings earlier, those cases that are not possible to be implemented can be removed from the case queue and help shorten the processing time. By examin cases that have been canceled due to a material barrier, a basis has been provided for reasons of resignation. During the period from 1 January to 31 december 2017, 74 cadastral procedurs were canceled in Gävleborg, Dalarna and Jämtland on due to material barriers. In view of the outcome of Klang (Klang, 2010) and the result of this work it can be concluded that the section of the law that most often cause barriers to cadastral procedurs are found in chapter 3 of the Property Formation Act. An examination of the property formation at an earlier stage would facilitate the work of the establishment. If obvious defects of appropriateness and conditions that are significantly contrary to the applicable land rules are discovered and can be resolved already at the first examination of the application, it could help reduce the processing time for that case. If not, the case would even be considered impracticable already there. However, in order to be able to make such an assessment at first examination, there is a certain kind of competence that is already lacking today. / Ibland uppkommer hinder i förrättningar som omöjliggör ett genomförande av sakägarens yrkande. Ett hinder kan vara att fastighetsbildningen inte uppfyller villkoren i 3 kap. eller 5 kap. fastighetsbildningslagen (SFS 1970:988). Enligt ett pressmeddelande från Regeringskansliet den 19 januari 2017 (Regeringskansliet, 2017) är den genomsnittliga handläggningstiden för ett förrättningsärende ca 47,1 veckor hos det Statliga Lantmäteriet (baserat på de senaste fem åren). Lantmäteriet fick i uppdrag att jobba för att korta ner ärendekön. Genom att upptäcka hinder i förrättningsärenden tidigare kan dessa ärenden som inte är möjliga att genomföra tas ur ärendekön och bidra till att korta handläggningstiden. Genom att kvalitativt granska förrättningar som har blivit inställda på grund av ett materiellt hinder har ett underlag tagits fram för orsaker till inställande. Under tidsperioden 2013-01-01 till 2017-12-31 inställdes 74 stycken förrättningar i Gävleborg, Dalarna och Jämtlands län på grund av materiella hinder. Med tanke på resultatet som Klang (Klang, 2010) fick fram gällande förrättningar enligt fastighetsbildningslagen och resultatet i detta arbete kan slutsatsen dras att de lagrum som oftast orsakar hinder för att genomföra förrättningar finns i fastighetsbildningslagens 3 kapitel. En prövning av fastighetsbildningslagen i ett tidigare skede skulle underlätta arbetet med förrättningen. Om uppenbara lämplighetsbrister och förhållanden som påtagligt strider emot gällande markbestämmelser upptäckts och kan åtgärdas redan vid första granskning av ansökan skulle det kunna bidra till att handläggningstiden för det ärendet kortades ned. Om inte ärendet till och med skulle anses vara ogenomförbart redan där. För att kunna göra en sådan bedömning vid första granskning krävs det dock en viss typ av kompetens som det idag redan är brist på.

Aggressionsbegreppet : En komparativ studie av Förenta nationernas stadgas och Romstadgan för den Internationella brottsmålsdomstolens aggressionsbegrepp / The Definition of Aggression : A comparative study of the definition of aggression in the United Nations Charter and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Alendal, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
I och med Romstadgan för den internationella brottmålsdomstolen (nedan Romstadgan) finns nu, för första gången, en juridiskt bindande definition av begreppet aggression, vilken baseras på Förenta Nationernas stadga (nedan FN-stadgan) artikel 2(4). Romstadgan utgör grunden för att Internationella brottmålsdomstolen (nedan ICC), i efterhand, ska kunna utkräva ansvar av en fysisk person för aggressionsbrott. Förenta Nationerna (nedan FN) har till uppgift att bevara freden, genom att agera mot staters aggressionshandlingar, framför allt i preventivt syfte och efter beslut av säkerhetsrådet. Det är intressant att jämföra FN-stadgan och Romstadgans aggressionsbegrepp för att på så sätt förstå hur begreppet aggression behandlas i internationell rätt, både i relationer mellan stater och då fysiska personer ska hållas rättsligt ansvariga för aggressionsbrott. Det är också värdefullt att förstå hur de två definitionerna kan påverka varandra och vad det kan föra med sig för fördelar och nackdelar.                       I denna uppsats behandlas FN-stadgans och Romstadgans aggressionsbegrepp i en komparativ studie, en viktig slutsats är att det finns skillnader mellan  de båda stadgorna.                       I uppsatsen ges inledningsvis en historisk inblick i aggressionsbegreppets utveckling, som underlag för den efterföljande behandlingen, där FN-stadgans och Romstadgans begrepp aggressionshandling utreds.                       Därefter behandlas begreppet aggressionshandling enligt FN-stadgan. Utredningen följer Wienkonventionen om traktaträttens allmänna tolkningsregel. Först görs en tolkning av begreppet aggressionshandlings ordalydelse, i enlighet med FN-stadgans systematik. Sedan redogörs för hur begreppet tolkats av relevanta FN-organ och i staters praxis. Generalförsamlingens aggressionsdefinition, i resolution 3314, gås igenom och kritiseras till viss del, då den inte ger en tydlig avgränsning av vad aggressionsbegreppet innefattar. Generalförsamlingens resolution 3314 är dock central och används därmed, som grund för vidare behandling i uppsatsen där resolutionen också jämförs kritiskt med andra FN-organs praxis och med FN-stadgans lydelse. Uppsatsen visar att begreppet aggressionshandling har givits en vag formulering i FN-stadgan och att vad som anses innefattat i begreppet också skiljer sig något mellan de olika FN-organen. Hos FN-organen finns dock den gemensamma kärnan att, som aggressionshandling anses den första våldsanvändningen i en stats internationella relationer genomförd med ett specifikt aggressivt uppsåt.                        Uppsatsen utreder sedan kritiskt Romstadgans aggressionsbegrepp och dess olika delar varvid viktiga skillnader mot FN-stadgan behandlas. Ett specifikt aggressivt uppsåt saknas i Romstadgan och kan inte heller läsas in i denna, då det skulle gå emot Romstadgans ordalydelse och systematik. Romstadgan ser därmed inte heller ett specifikt aggressivt uppsåt, som en försvårande omständighet, utan Romstadgan ser enbart till det använda våldets allvar och omfattning. Vidare så innehåller Romstadgan en tröskel, i syfte att utesluta en legal gråzon från ICCs jurisdiktion, vilken saknar motsvarighet i FN-stadgan. Romstadgan utesluter därmed genom sin lydelse våldshandlingar, som inom delar av den folkrättsliga doktrinen, anses befinna sig inom en gråzon av jus ad bellum.                       I slutsatserna sammanställs sedan de huvudsakliga skillnaderna mellan aggressionsbegreppen enligt FN-stadgan, FN-organen och Romstadgan och en utredning görs av de fördelar respektive nackdelar och risker, som dessa skillnader medför samt hur skillnaderna påverkar varandra. Författaren finner att det föreligger betydande skillnader då specifikt aggressivt uppsåt saknas i Romstadgan samt då Romstadgans tröskelvärde syftar till att utesluta den legala gråzonen inom jus ad bellum. Vidare anser författaren att dessa skillnader riskerar att urholka FN-stadgans våldsförbud och således i framtiden riskera att gynna starka våldsbenägna stater på svaga staters bekostnad. / The Rome Statute for The International Criminal Court (henceforth The Rome Statute) now provides, for the first time, a legally binding definition of the concept of Aggression. The definition is based on the United Nations Charter (henceforth The UN Charter) article 2(4). The Rome Statute is the foundation on which the International Criminal Court (henceforth ICC) can prosecute individuals on crimes of aggression post the events. The United Nations (henceforth UN) has the charter to sustain the peace through acting against the acts of aggression of nations, primarily preventively and based on resolutions by the Security Council. It is interesting to compare the UN Charter and the Rome Statute definition to understand how the concept of aggression is used in international law, both in relations between nations and when individuals shall be held accountable for crimes of aggression. In addition, it’s valuable to understand how the two definitions can impact each other and what the implications might be of similarities and differences.   Hence, this thesis is a comparative study of the concept of aggression in the UN Charter and the Rome Statute. One key conclusion is that there are significant differences in how the aggression is defined in the two documents.   The use and development of the concept Aggression is first accounted for in a historic context as a foundation for the comparative study.   Then, acts of aggression in the UN Charter is thoroughly investigated in three steps. The investigation is carried out in accordance with the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Firstly, through an interpretation of acts of aggression in accordance with the ordinary meaning of the term in the context of the UN Charter. Secondly through an investigation of the interpretation in relevant UN bodies and in the practice of nations. Thirdly, the definition of the UN General Assembly, resolution 3314, is investigated and criticised as it does not offer a sufficiently clear delimitation of the concept of aggression.  Resolution 3314 is, however, of key importance and is used subsequently as an element of comparison. The resolution is also compared with the practice of other UN bodies and the wording of the UN Charter. The thesis proves the that aggression has a vague definition in the UN Charter and that the scope of the concept is different in different UN bodies. However, common to all UN Bodies is to define aggression as the first use of force with a specific aggressive intent in international relations.    Following on UN, the thesis provides a critical investigation of the concept of aggression in the Rome Statute where key differences relative to the UN Charter are accounted for. The Rome Statute lacks specific aggressive intent and such cannot be made part of the interpretation as it would the statutes wording and systematics. Thus, the Rome Statute does not regard a specific aggressive intent aggravating but looks solely to the gravity and scale of the force used. In addition, the Rome Statute includes a threshold with the purpose of excluding a grey zone from the jurisdiction of ICC. Such grey zone does not exist in the UN Charter. The implication of this is that the Rome Statute excludes acts of violence that, among some international lawyers, are regarded to be in a grey zone of jus ad bellum.   The conclusions include a summary of the main differences across the UN Charter, different UN Bodies and the Rome Statute. That leads into a discussion on the potential advantages and drawbacks that come out of these differences plus potential effects of the reciprocal influence. The key element of this discussion is that aggressive intent is missing in the Rome Statute and that the statute’s threshold aims to exclude the legal grey zone in jus ad bellum. The thesis concludes that these differences risk to weaken the prohibition of the use of force in the UN Charter and, as a consequence, that this may favour strong and aggressive nations at the expense of smaller and weaker nations.

Blockkedjeteknologin på finansiella marknader : Kan blockkedjeteknologin effektivisera handeln med finansiella instrument? / Blockchain technology in the financial markets : Can blockchain technology provide for more efficient trading in securities?

Cerneckis, Gvidas January 2018 (has links)
Handeln med finansiella instrument har effektiviserats avsevärt under de senaste decennierna tack vare den tekniska utvecklingen och internationaliseringen. Pappersbaserade värdepapper har ersatts av digitala finansiella instrument och investerare kan numera på ett enkelt sätt skapa värdepappersportföljer innehållande komplexa värdepapper från hela världen. En välfungerande och effektiv handel med finansiella instrument förutsätter att förtroendet existerar mellan aktörer på finansiella marknader. Idag säkerställs förtroendet inom finansiella marknader av ett antal olika finansiella intermediärer, vilka ansvarar för olika funktioner såsom clearing, avveckling och kontoföring. Transaktionskedjan avseende finansiella instrument består därmed av flera nivåer och varje enskild transaktion måste genomgå samtliga nivåer. Den finansiella handeln har ökat betydligt i omfattningen och ett betydande antal transaktioner är numera gränsöverskridande. Detta har resulterat i ett tämligen komplext, sammanlänkat och sårbart system, vilket bland annat har synliggjorts under den senaste finanskrisen år 2008.     Blockkedjeteknologi, vilken är en typ av Distributed Ledger Technology, kan något förenklat ses som en databas eller ett transaktionsregister. Till skillnad från traditionella transaktionsregister, vilka i regel är centraliserade och förvaltas av olika intermediärer, bygger den nya teknologin på ett decentraliserat nätverk av aktörer utan att någon tredje part är ansvarig för verifiering av transaktioner. Blockkedjeteknologin introducerar därmed ett nytt sätt att genomföra transaktioner med digitala tillgångar, genom att förtroendet säkerställs med hjälp av kryptografiska lösningar och ett decentraliserat nätverk. Blockkedjeteknologin anses av många ha en betydande potential att effektivisera transaktionskedjan avseende finansiella instrument genom att exempelvis automatisera förandet av transaktionsregister samt integrera de olika nivåerna inom transaktionskedjan. Tekniken är dock fortfarande i en utvecklingsfas och många olika utmaningar återstår innan tekniken kan komma till användning. I Sverige präglas transaktionskedjan avseende finansiella instrument dessutom av strikta regleringar, varför frågan uppstår om huruvida lösningar baserade på blockkedjetekniken är förenliga med dagens rättsliga ramar.   I denna uppsats diskuteras huruvida och på vilket sätt blockkedjeteknologin skulle kunna effektivisera vissa funktioner inom transaktionskedjan avseende finansiella instrument samt vilka rättsliga frågeställningar som uppstår i samband med tillämpning av den nya tekniken utifrån dagens rättsläge i Sverige.

Profiling through Ultrasound Technoogy, the Right to Privacy and the Right to Data Protection

Lonka, Anna January 2018 (has links)
The right to private and family life and the right to the protection of personal data are two fundamental rights of the EU. The protection of these rights is addressed in the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications (ePrivacyDirective) and the upcoming new Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications (draft ePrivacy Regulation). In this thesis these three legal acts are evaluated in light of profiling through ultrasound tracking technology. Their technology neutrality and their functioning as safeguards of the two fundamental rights against the use of profiling through ultrasound tracking technology is tested. The GDPR is found to differentiate between profiling in the context of automatic decision-making and profiling in other contexts. The process of profiling is described in general terms. It is shown how tracking technologies in general and ultrasound tracking technology in particular have a central role in the profiling process.It is found that ultrasound tracking technology enables far wider tracking and data collection than the other tracking technologies. Differences and similarities between ultrasound tracking technology and other tracking technologies are described. According to the findings, the three legal instruments, the GDPR, the ePrivacy Directive and the draft ePrivacy Regulation, all live up to their aim of technology neutrality on theoretical level, since profiling through ultrasound tracking technology is within the material scope of all of them. An exemption is Article 8(2) of the draft ePrivacy Regulation that, unlike Article 9 of the ePrivacyDirective, does not stretch to cover location tracking through ultrasound technology. However, as will be shown, there are risks related to the practical implementation of these legal frameworks.

SOFTWARE PATENTS : A study on the patentability of software inventions

Achieng, Spance Joy January 2017 (has links)
The primary objective of the thesis will be to focus on patent protection of software under the European Patent Convention, by analyzing the different approaches that the European Patent Office has taken into consideration since the mid-1980s. These approaches are derived from the different decisions that emanate from the Technical Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office. The thesis will examine the most relevant decisions illustrating the juridical tendencies and basis that have been utilized to decide over the patentability of computer programs. The analysis will conclude with the latest approach taken by the Technical Board of the European Patent Office. The study will examine the patentability requirements of inventions in general established within the European Patent Convention. Sources that will be utilized to carry out this research will include case law, legislation, specialized legal commentary; journals and books. The present study sustains that computer programs may be patented as long as they comply with all the general requirements of an invention prescribed under the European Patent Convention together with the condition established by case law called the technical character requirement. Nevertheless, due to the fact that the Technical Boards of Appeal are not bound by previous case law, the current position could keep evolving as it relies on the stance of  the European Patent Office on patentability of computer programs which is seems to be influenced by the changes in the technological world

Investeringsrådgivning och portföljförvaltning enligt MiFID II : – ett orosmoln på en klar finansmarknadshimmel? / Financial advisory and portfolio management due to MiFID II : A storm approaching a clear financial sky?

Hallborg, Adam, Haidarova, Arya January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: I och med den globala finansiella kris som utbröt år 2008 påvisades ett flertal brister i den befintliga lagstiftningen på finansmarknadsområdet. Den rådande EU-lagstiftningen behövde uppdateras och anpassas efter en mer komplex finansmarknad. Därmed antogs av Europaparlamentet och rådet år 2014 två nya rättsakter, MiFID II och MiFIR, i syfte att täcka rådande brister och vidareutveckla den befintliga regleringen i det gällande direktivet MiFID.   Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda och analysera de effekter som införandet av MiFID II får för finansiella rådgivare såväl som för portföljförvaltare i deras löpande verksamhet.   Genomförande: Studien har genomförts med ett rättsdogmatiskt angreppssätt i referensramen. Vidare används ett rättsekonomiskt angreppssätt i analysen där det även förs en etisk diskussion. Underliggande direktiv ”Europaparlamentets och rådets direktiv 2014/65/EU av den 15 maj 2014 om marknader för finansiella instrument och om ändring av direktiv 2002/92/EG och av direktiv 2011/61/EU” har legat till grund för studien där störst vikt har lagts vid regeringens proposition 2016/17:162: “Nya regler om marknader för finansiella instrument”.                                                                  Slutsats: Studiens resultat av de analyserade ändringarna visar på att regleringen kring tillståndspliktiga värdepappersbolag kommer att bli mer omfattande samt att det kommer att ställas högre krav på dokumentation vid investeringssammanhang. Dessa ökade krav torde medföra att kostnaderna, för såväl tillståndspliktiga bolag som tillsynsmyndigheter, kommer att öka samtidigt som fler bolag kommer att bli tvungna att underkasta sig tillståndsplikt. Ur en konkurrenssynpunkt riskerar ändringarna att gynna stora och/eller kapitalstarka aktörer och därigenom snedvrida konkurrensen på marknaden. Det föreslagna provisionsförbudet torde å sin sida verka för att kapital omallokeras från bolag som tidigare levt på höga avgifter och incitamentsstrukturer till att istället förflyttas till bolag vilka levererar en bra tjänst och produkt. / Background: Due to the global financial crisis that occurred in 2008, multiple deficiencies in existing financial market legislation were identified. The current EU legislation was in need of update and to be adapted to a more complex financial market. Therefore, the European Parliament and the Council adopted two new legal acts in 2014, MiFID II and MiFIR, to overcome current shortcomings and further develop the existing regulation in the current MiFID Directive. Aim: The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze the effects of the introduction of MiFID II for financial advisors as well as for asset managers in their ongoing operations. Completion: The study has been conducted with a legal-judicial approach in the theoretical part, whereas we in the analysis part we use law and economics. In the analysis the ethical impact of the changes in legislation is also discussed. “Directive 2014/65/EU of the European parliament and of the council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending Directive 2002/92/EC and Directive 2011/61/EU” as well as the Swedish bill “2016/17:162: “Nya regler om marknader för finansiella instrument” has provided the basis for the study. Conclusion: The results of the study indicate that the regulation of licensed securities companies will increase and become more extensive, and that there will be more requirements for documentation in investment context. These increased requirements will lead to a rise in costs, both for licensed companies and regulators, as more companies will need to be subject to a license requirement. From a competitive point of view, the changes tend to benefit large and/or capital-strong players, thereby distorting competition in the market. The prohibition of commission, on the other hand, should result in a re-allocation of capital from companies that previously received their incomes from high fees and incentive structures to instead be re-allocated to companies that deliver a good service and a good product.

Rättegångskostnader : Om kostnadsbördan i dispositiva tvistemål

Bellander, Henrik January 2017 (has links)
Rättegångskostnader – Costs in Civil Procedure The rules on costs in Chapter 18 of the Swedish Code of Legal Procedure (Sw: Rättegångsbalken) have an impact on several procedural questions but have rarely been thoroughly discussed in legal practice or theory since their adoption in 1942. On the other hand, since the Code was adopted civil procecedure scholars have considerably focused on the development and changes in society and how they affect civil procedure. This thesis aims at examining both these lines of development. The impact of the theoretical discussions during the 20th century is critically addressed, with special attention to cost-related questions, and the application of rules on costs in some current and actual situations are examined and evaluated from a pragmatic perspective. The inquiry shows that costs have been of indirect relevance for the theoretical discussion in procedural law and that this theoretical development in turn has had effects on cost rules. Changing views on civil procedure have led to altered framings of cost problems and to shifts in how the rules have been comprehended and applied. The inquiry covers questions on cost assessment and cost shifting between the parties, as well as problems connected to possibilities to spread costs and risk on legal representatives, funders and others. It is argued that a more compromising and pluralistic application of the rules combined with more explicit communication in cost issues between the parties and the court during early stages of the proceedings may facilitate and lead to more nuanced cost decisions without burdening the final stages of the proceedings with extensive legal argumentation.

Integralteori och rättsfilosofi

Frimodt, Staffan January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to analyze four of the most commonly applied theories in jurisprudence by means of using the philosophical framework of in-tegral theory. Natural law, legal positivism, legal realism and critical legal theory were analyzed to find out how they relate to each other and to see what their strengths and weaknesses are in an integral perspective. The integral theory was created by the American philosopher Ken Wilber (1949-). Two of the main com-ponents of the theory are the four quadrants and the levels of development. The quadrants describe dimensions and perspectives of reality, and consists of the inner individual (subjective) quadrant, the outer individual (objective) quadrant, the inner collective (intersubjective) quadrant and the outer collective (interob-jective) quadrant. Individual values develop through different levels in a specific order, as is described in the second component of the integral theory. Different adult individuals can therefore be on different levels of development. This devel-opment is not only seen in individuals, but is also seen in historical and collective development. The levels that both individuals and societies develop through in-cludes (but are not limited to): the absolutistic (traditional) level, the rational (modern) level and the relativistic (postmodern) level.When using the integral theory to analyze the four theories in jurisprudence it became apparent that they can be mapped onto the integral framework. Natural law, which focuses on morality, can be placed in the intersubjective quadrant, and is mostly associated with the traditional level of development. Legal positiv-ism stems mostly from the interobjective quadrant where law is first and fore-most a system of rules that are enforced by different societal institutions. Legal positivism is typically associated with the modern level of development. Legal realism is also typically associated with the modern level of development and focuses a lot on the objective quadrant: on empiricism and on what judges actu-ally do. Critical legal theory is strongly associated with the postmodern level of development. It emphasizes different kinds of oppression in the intersubjective and in the interobjective quadrant. This thesis presents further examples of how the integral theory can be applied in legal theory and practice.

Norm Conflicts in Public International Law : The Relationship Between Obligations Under the ECHR and Under the UN Charter

Berggren, Theo January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Tiggeridomen och lokala ordningsföreskrifter : i ljuset av regeringsformen och EKMR / The begging verdict and local ordinances : in the light of the form of government and the ECHR

Fakhry, Rêbwar January 2020 (has links)
This thesis focuses on chapter 3 articles 8 and 12 of the Ordinance Act, whichdeal with local ordinances issued by the municipalities. It was Vellinge municipality's local ordinances on the prohibition of begging that triggered an extensivedebate about preconditions for local ordinances and the relationship between themunicipal self-government and the normative power. In addition, it raises thequestions of whether local regulations on the prohibition of begging restrict freedom of expression and whether they are discriminatory. Vellinge's local ordinances were submitted to the Supreme Administrative Court (HFD) to decidethe case as the highest instance.HFD states in the case 2018 ref. 75 that local ordinances issued by the municipalities take into account the principle of municipal self-government. This statement has been criticized on the ground that local ordinances should not be considered as a municipal activity. The principle of municipal self-government therefore should not be actualized in local ordinances. But HFDs statement is compatible with the bill to the law, which states that with regard to municipal selfgovernment, the authority to issue local ordinances are given to the municipalitiesand not to the county administrative board. However the county administrativeboard should be able to review all the prerequisites for adopting local regulations.Furthermore, HFD has not dealt with this issue whether local ordinances onthe prohibition of begging conflict with regulations of a higher value or apply toissues that must be regulated by law. HFD has thus not dealt with whether theban on begging restricts freedom of expression and whether it is discriminatory. Begging can be considered as an expression in the Form of Government (RF)and is protected by freedom of expression. The ban on begging therefore violatesfreedom of speech and it must, however, be regulated by law and not by localregulations.Furthermore, given that the ECHR is considered a law in Sweden and theEuropean Court of Human Rights refers to the US judicial precedent on freedomof expression, the American law on freedom of speech and begging has also beenstudied in this thesis in the comparative method.According to the widespread case law in the United States, begging is protected by freedom of expression and regulations prohibiting begging violate beggar’s freedom of expression. There is also no legitimate ground to ban beggingon the streets. The ban on begging can also be considered discriminatory, as it is the peoplefrom Romania and Bulgaria who make up the majority of the beggars in Swedenand it is them who are disadvantaged by these rules.

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