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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Исследование мотивов к изучению иностранных языков у студентов направления «Лингвистика» : магистерская диссертация / The study of motives for foreign language learning among students of linguistics faculty

Горлатова, Д. А., Gorlatova, D. A. January 2023 (has links)
Работа посвящена исследованию мотивов, которые побуждают студентов направления "Лингвистика" к изучению второго иностранного языка (испанский, французский, немецкий, китайский, итальянский, турецкий, арабский, корейский) и поддерживают их мотивацию к учебной деятельности. Объектом исследования процесс мотивации к изучению иностранных языков у студентов высшей школы, предметом – выраженность мотивов студентов направления «Лингвистика». Цель исследования: выявление и анализ ведущих и второстепенных мотивов, входящих в мотивационную сферу и оказывающих влияние на процесс обучения иностранному языку у студентов данного направления подготовки. Анализ показал, что к ведущим мотивам учебной деятельности студентов относится группа познавательных мотивов, которые также тесно связаны с второстепенными прагматическими, коммуникативными и эмоционально-эстетическими мотивами. Исходя из полученных данных по двум разделам анкетирования, было также определено, что у студентов данного направления подготовки прослеживается положительная мотивация к учебной деятельности. Основываясь на исследовании мотивов групп от первого до четвертого курса бакалавриата, и учитывая ответы студентов магистратуры, отмечена тенденция постепенной смены внутренней интегративной мотивации на внешнюю инструментальную мотивацию в процессе обучения. Результаты исследования позволяют выделить несколько основных мотивационных факторов, которые оказывают наибольшее влияние на студентов. Среди них выделяются факторы, связанные с будущей профессиональной деятельностью, интересом к иностранным культурам и языкам, стремление к личностному развитию, а также внешние стимулы, такие как социальное признание и возможности путешествий. / The work is devoted to the study of learning motives that encourage students of Linguistics Department to learn a second foreign language (Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Italian, Turkish, Arabic, and Korean) and support their motivation for learning activities. The object of the study is the process of motivation for foreign language learning among university students, the subject is the representation of motives of students of linguistics faculty. The purpose of the study: to identify and analyze the inductive and consequential motives that belong to the motivational sphere and influence the process of foreign language learning among students. The analysis showed that the inductive motives of students' learning activities include the group of cognitive motives, which are also closely related to the consequential pragmatic, communicative and emotional-aesthetic motives. According to the obtained data, it has also been found out that the students of this educational specialty have a positive type of motivation towards the process of study. Based on the study of the motives of the groups from the first to the fourth year of the Bachelor's degree students and taking into account the answers of the Master's degree students, the tendency of a gradual change from intrinsic integrative motivation to extrinsic instrumental motivation in the learning process was determined. The results of the research allowed us to identify several major motivational factors that have the greatest impact on students. These include factors related to future employment, interest in foreign cultures and languages, desire for personal development, and external incentives such as social recognition and travel.

Kritiska aspekter för att urskilja en del-helhetsstruktur : Ett undervisningsutvecklande forskningsprojekt i grundskolan

Tuominen, Jane January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med licentiatuppsatsen är att bidra med kunskap om vilka aspekter som kan vara nödvändiga för elever att urskilja för att identifiera och analysera en del-helhetsstruktur och i förlängningen bemästra ekvationer. I forskningsprojektet medverkade lärare och forskare i ett kollaborativt och intervenerande arbete. Elever i årskurserna 3, 8 och 9 deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer och forskningslektioner för att producera data. Forskningslektionerna genomfördes med learning study som forskningsansats, vilken erbjuder iterativa processer. De teoretiska ramverken utgjordes av fenomenografi, variationsteori och lärandeverksamhet. Ansatsen fenomenografi utgjorde ett analysverktyg när intervjuerna analyserades. Variationsteori och lärandeverksamhet utgjorde kompletterande ramverk när forskningslektioner designades och analyserades. Resultatet i Artikel 1 påvisar en kritisk aspekt, vilken formulerades som: två kvantiteter tillsammans (två delar) bildar en tredje kvantitet (en helhet) med samma ”värde” som de två delarna tillsammans. Resultatet i Artikel 2 påvisar fem kritiska aspekter, vilka formulerades som (1) det är en relation mellan alla tal i en ekvation, (2) två delar tillsammans är ekvivalenta med en helhet med samma värde, (3) vad som utgör en helhet respektive delar, (4) samma relation kan formuleras på fyra olika sätt och (5) helheten kan anta ett lägre värde än delarna. En slutsats är att det kan vara en fördel redan för unga elever att delta i undervisning med utgångspunkt i early algebra och lärandeverksamhet där generella matematiska strukturer fokuseras. En ytterligare slutsats är att det kan vara gynnsamt att delta i teoretiska resonemang där ekvationer med negativa tal inkluderade utforskas med stöd av en lärandemodell. / The aim of the licentiate thesis is to contribute with knowledge concerning which aspects may be necessary for students to discern in order to identify and analyze a part-whole structure and in the long term master equations. In the research project, teachers and researchers participated in a collaborative and intervening work. Students in grades 3, 8 and 9 participated in semi-structured interviews and research lessons in order to produce data. The research lessons were conducted with learning study as research approach, which offers iterative processes.The theoretical frameworks consisted of phenomenography, variation theory and learning activity. The phenomenography approach was an analysis tool when the interviews were analyzed. Variation theory and learning activity constituted complementary frameworks when research lessons were designed and analyzed. The finding in Article 1 demonstrates a critical aspect, which was formulated as two quantities together (two parts) build up a third quantity (the whole) with the same “value” as the two parts together. The finding in Article 2 demonstrates five critical aspects, which wereformulated as (1) there is a relationship between all numbers in an equation, (2) two parts together are equivalent to a whole with the same value, (3) what constitutes a whole and parts, (4) the same relationship can be formulated in four different ways and (5) the whole can assume a lower value than the parts. One conclusion is that it may be an advantage already for young students to participate in teaching based on early algebra and learning activity where general mathematical structures are focused. A furtherconclusion is that it may be beneficial to participate in theoretical reasoning where equations with negative numbers included are explored with support by a learning model.

Modelagem e arquitetura de sistemas para monitoração e acompanhamento da aprendizagem eletrônica. / Modeling and system architecture for eletronic learning monitoring and tracking.

Vaz, Maria Fernanda Rodrigues 14 May 2007 (has links)
Esta tese propõe conceitos, processos e uma arquitetura de sistemas para Monitoração e Acompanhamento da Aprendizagem Eletrônica (MAAE). A arquitetura é definida pelo seu modelo conceitual, pela interação com os serviços externos e pela representação XML dos conceitos e dos serviços. Ela independe de abordagem pedagógica específica. O Ponto de Observação é inserido em vários locais do Conteúdo da Aprendizagem Eletrônica. Um Elemento de Observação é associado ao Ponto de Observação, e é o responsável pela captura das interações do Processo de Aprendizagem Eletrônica. O Agenciador de Observação (Agenciador de Monitoração e Acompanhamento da Aprendizagem Eletrônica) recebe os eventos e solicitações dos Elementos de Observação e interage com os serviços externos. Os eventos são gravados no Repositório de Observação. A definição dos Processos de Aprendizagem Eletrônica é útil para a definição da estratégia de monitoração (Modelagem do Processo da Aprendizagem Eletrônica). Através da inserção dos mecanismos de observação nas Atividades de Aprendizagem (Processo da Produção do Conteúdo de Aprendizagem Eletrônica) é feita a monitoração do aprendiz (Processo da Aprendizagem Eletrônica) e se obtém as informações para análise (Avaliação e Análise da Aprendizagem Eletrônica). / This thesis proposes concepts, processes and a system architecture for Monitoring and Tracking E-Learning. The architecture is defined by a conceptual model, the interaction with external services and representation XML of the concepts and the services. It does not depend on any specific pedagogical boarding. The Monitoring Point is inserted in some places of the E-Learning Content. A Monitoring Element is associated to the Monitoring Point and it is for responsible of one of the interactions of the E-Learning Process. The Monitoring Service (E-Learning Monitoring and Following Service) receives the events and requests from the Monitoring Elements and it interacts with the external services. The events are recorded in the Monitoring Repository. The E-Learning Processes definition is useful to modeling the monitoring strategy (Learning Process Modeling), and insert to the monitoring mechanisms in the E-Learning Activities (Learning Content Production Process). The learner interaction monitoring occurs by getting the information according to the previous planning (Learning Process), and the generated information (Learning Analysis and Evaluation Process) is used in the analysis of learning tracking.

Modelagem e arquitetura de sistemas para monitoração e acompanhamento da aprendizagem eletrônica. / Modeling and system architecture for eletronic learning monitoring and tracking.

Maria Fernanda Rodrigues Vaz 14 May 2007 (has links)
Esta tese propõe conceitos, processos e uma arquitetura de sistemas para Monitoração e Acompanhamento da Aprendizagem Eletrônica (MAAE). A arquitetura é definida pelo seu modelo conceitual, pela interação com os serviços externos e pela representação XML dos conceitos e dos serviços. Ela independe de abordagem pedagógica específica. O Ponto de Observação é inserido em vários locais do Conteúdo da Aprendizagem Eletrônica. Um Elemento de Observação é associado ao Ponto de Observação, e é o responsável pela captura das interações do Processo de Aprendizagem Eletrônica. O Agenciador de Observação (Agenciador de Monitoração e Acompanhamento da Aprendizagem Eletrônica) recebe os eventos e solicitações dos Elementos de Observação e interage com os serviços externos. Os eventos são gravados no Repositório de Observação. A definição dos Processos de Aprendizagem Eletrônica é útil para a definição da estratégia de monitoração (Modelagem do Processo da Aprendizagem Eletrônica). Através da inserção dos mecanismos de observação nas Atividades de Aprendizagem (Processo da Produção do Conteúdo de Aprendizagem Eletrônica) é feita a monitoração do aprendiz (Processo da Aprendizagem Eletrônica) e se obtém as informações para análise (Avaliação e Análise da Aprendizagem Eletrônica). / This thesis proposes concepts, processes and a system architecture for Monitoring and Tracking E-Learning. The architecture is defined by a conceptual model, the interaction with external services and representation XML of the concepts and the services. It does not depend on any specific pedagogical boarding. The Monitoring Point is inserted in some places of the E-Learning Content. A Monitoring Element is associated to the Monitoring Point and it is for responsible of one of the interactions of the E-Learning Process. The Monitoring Service (E-Learning Monitoring and Following Service) receives the events and requests from the Monitoring Elements and it interacts with the external services. The events are recorded in the Monitoring Repository. The E-Learning Processes definition is useful to modeling the monitoring strategy (Learning Process Modeling), and insert to the monitoring mechanisms in the E-Learning Activities (Learning Content Production Process). The learner interaction monitoring occurs by getting the information according to the previous planning (Learning Process), and the generated information (Learning Analysis and Evaluation Process) is used in the analysis of learning tracking.

En studie i elevmotivation genom självreglerande lärande som metod för inlärning i moderna språk / A study on Learner Motivation by means of Learner Autonomy as Studying Technique in Modern Language Learning

Gehrke, Karina Wiebke January 2022 (has links)
Onödiga språkvalsbyten i moderna språk kan anses vara resultat av motivationsbrist kopplat till intrycket att glädje i språkvalsstudier inte leder till gymnasiebehörighet.  Denna studie ämnar undersöka och fördjupa kunskap om   a) samband mellan självreglering och elevmotivation, samt b) samband mellan glädje och motivation.   Hattie och Zierer (2019) konstaterar att mer självreglering leder till ökad elevmotivation. För att pröva om denna slutsats kan verifieras, genomfördes en empirisk studie med lärarintervjuer som besvarade följande fråga: Vad anser lärare är en bra återkoppling till eleverna? För att kunna nå en slutsats i frågan om samband mellan självreglering och elevmotivation etablerades först en definition av begreppet självreglering. I detta syfte användes en teori som står för uppsatsens analytiska ramverk. Ramverket baseras på författare som arbetar i linje med Richard M. Ryans och Edward L. Decis Self-Determination Theory (SDT). Då slutsatsen att mer självreglerande lärande leder till ökad elevmotivation inte kunde verifieras i min empiriska studie, genomfördes en noggrann litteraturstudie. Utifrån denna kunde jag sedan göra en analys av mina frågeställningar med anslutande diskussion. Resultatet antyder att lärare bör fokusera på elevmotivationens kvalitet, med den prototypiska  intrinsiska motivationen som mål, för att kunna motverka motivationsbristen i skolan. I detta forskningsarbete kom jag dessutom fram till slutsatsen att en högre motivation i allra högsta grad kan leda till ett mer effektivt lärande i allmänhet.     Nyckelord: effektivt lärande, elevmotivation, intrinsisk motivation, motivationsbrist, Self-Determination Theory, självreglering, återkoppling

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