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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Andersson, Mika January 2012 (has links)
Fildelning av upphovsrättsskyddad egendom har ökat i stor utsträckning efter inträdet av ny media och nya kommunikationskanaler. Målet med denna studie är att undersöka om företag behandlas enligt samma normativa standard som vanliga individer när de utsätts för ett brott. Christies teori om det ideala offret används för att analysera brottsmål rörande fildelning i Sverige mellan 2005 och 2011. Resultatet har, i flera bemärkelser, omformulerat hur offerskapet i sig konstitueras; den individ som är det ideala offret är inte svag och försvarslös utan en person med hög social status och inflytande. Företagen i studien behandlas således som objektiva agenter och deras status som offer ifrågasätts inte av domstolarna. / Piracy in intellectual property has grown extensively by the entrance of new media and communication channels. The aim of the present study is to examine if the companies are treated by the same normative standards as regular individuals when they are exposed to a crime. Christie’s theory of the ideal victim has been used in order to analyze legal the company as a victim cases concerning piracy in Sweden between 2005 and 2011. The findings have, in many respects, reformulated how victimhood itself is constituted; the individual who is the ideal victim is not weak and defenseless but a person who enjoys a high social status and influence. The companies in the study are consequently treated as objective agents and their status as victims is not questioned by the courts.

Интерактивно састављање машински читљивих и разумљивих судских писмена базирано на знању / Interaktivno sastavljanje mašinski čitljivih i razumljivih sudskih pismena bazirano na znanju / Knowledge-based Interactive Assembly ofMachine-readable and Machine-understandable Judicial Documents

Marković Marko 20 December 2018 (has links)
<p>Овом докторском дисертацијом предложен је<br />систем за састављање докумената у правосуђу<br />базиран на знању. Састављање судских писмена<br />је препознато као један од изазова с којим се<br />сусрећу правници на почетку своје каријере у чему<br />им помоћ најчешће пружају старије колеге, док је<br />правно неуким странкама у састављању<br />поднесака најчешће неопходна помоћ искусних<br />правника. За представљање знања на којем се<br />базира вештина састављања ових докумената<br />коришћена су два облика правног знања,<br />експлицитно које је садржано у правним нормама<br />и имплицитно које се стиче искуством у<br />састављању правних докумената. Предложени су<br />модели машински читљивог и разумљивог<br />формата правних норми, машински читљивог и<br />разумљивог формата докумената у правосуђу и<br />систем за састављање докумената у правосуђу.<br />Систем је погодан за коришћење у образовању<br />правника јер су кориснику објашњене везе између<br />унетих чињеница и навода у генерисаном<br />документу. Документи сачињени на овај начин су<br />машински читљиви и разумљиви чиме се<br />доприноси квалитету отворених података при<br />њиховом објављивању. У циљу повећања<br />транспарентности правосуђа предложене су и<br />смернице за превазилажење најчешћих<br />недостатака отворених судских података. Такође,<br />предложен систем представља један корак ка<br />аутоматизацији рада судске писарнице.</p> / <p>Ovom doktorskom disertacijom predložen je<br />sistem za sastavljanje dokumenata u pravosuđu<br />baziran na znanju. Sastavljanje sudskih pismena<br />je prepoznato kao jedan od izazova s kojim se<br />susreću pravnici na početku svoje karijere u čemu<br />im pomoć najčešće pružaju starije kolege, dok je<br />pravno neukim strankama u sastavljanju<br />podnesaka najčešće neophodna pomoć iskusnih<br />pravnika. Za predstavljanje znanja na kojem se<br />bazira veština sastavljanja ovih dokumenata<br />korišćena su dva oblika pravnog znanja,<br />eksplicitno koje je sadržano u pravnim normama<br />i implicitno koje se stiče iskustvom u<br />sastavljanju pravnih dokumenata. Predloženi su<br />modeli mašinski čitljivog i razumljivog<br />formata pravnih normi, mašinski čitljivog i<br />razumljivog formata dokumenata u pravosuđu i<br />sistem za sastavljanje dokumenata u pravosuđu.<br />Sistem je pogodan za korišćenje u obrazovanju<br />pravnika jer su korisniku objašnjene veze između<br />unetih činjenica i navoda u generisanom<br />dokumentu. Dokumenti sačinjeni na ovaj način su<br />mašinski čitljivi i razumljivi čime se<br />doprinosi kvalitetu otvorenih podataka pri<br />njihovom objavljivanju. U cilju povećanja<br />transparentnosti pravosuđa predložene su i<br />smernice za prevazilaženje najčešćih<br />nedostataka otvorenih sudskih podataka. Takođe,<br />predložen sistem predstavlja jedan korak ka<br />automatizaciji rada sudske pisarnice.</p> / <p>This thesis proposes a knowledge-based judicial<br />document assembly system. Document assembly is<br />recognized as one of the issues facing junior lawyers<br />at the beginning of their professional career causing<br />them to rely on their senior colleague&#39;s experience.<br />Also, filings&rsquo; preparation is a challenging task for nonlayers.<br />Therefore they usually need to hire a lawyer.<br />Knowledge required for document assembly can be<br />divided into stated knowledge found in regulations and<br />legal textbooks and tacit knowledge gained through<br />experience. This thesis introduces a machine-readable<br />and machine-understandable format of legal norms, a<br />machine-readable and machine-understandable<br />format of judicial documents, and a system for judicial<br />document assembly. The assembly system has its<br />potential in the education of law students providing<br />them explanations how fragments of generated<br />document relates to case facts. Also, this approach<br />improves quality of open judicial data and increases<br />transparency of judiciary because generated<br />documents are machine-readable and machineunderstandable<br />by default. In addition, a set of<br />guidelines for opening judicial data is proposed.<br />Finally, a machine-readable and machineunderstandable<br />format of generated documents is a<br />step toward automatic document processing at court<br />clerk&#39;s office.</p>

Právní otázky ochrany zvukových záznamů hudebních děl / Legal issues of protection of sound recordings of musical compositions

Grishina, Marina January 2013 (has links)
In my diploma thesis i deal with legal aspects of the protection of sound recordings of musical compositions in the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation. In connection with the development of modern technoligies that facilitate access to copyright works, for example the internet, protection of copyright and rights related to copyright is becoming a very important and should be corresponding. The first chapter deals with the definition of the basic concepts of copyright. The second chapter focuses on the issue of copyright infringement and infringement of related rights in the Czech Republic and Russia. In the following section copyright's international treaties (TRIPS, ACTA and others) are analyzed and liabilities, which arise from them. The fourth chapter deals with the issue of enforcement of copyright. In the last chapter, I compare effectiveness of Czech and Russian legal norms for the protection of copyright, based on anonymous sociological research among university students relatively to the origin of audio recordings of musical compositions.


Seifried, Michael Matthew 11 May 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Interpretação da isenção tributária relacionada aos direitos humanos

Libonati Júnior, Ageu 16 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ageu Libonati Junior.pdf: 1491313 bytes, checksum: 6538878ff3c8597ea2f029b85b469926 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-16 / The tax exemption when related to human rights, must admit ample means of investigation, not restricted to the literal plane or grammar. Thus, it examined the international and domestic legislation of the Brazilian state, noting to national and foreign doctrine, and the study of judgments of Brazilian courts. Was researched and analyzed the relevant case law under the higher courts, involving the environment, hospital services, and the exemptions related to serious illness and labor income earned by diplomatic servers from foreign governments and international organizations that Brazil is a member or have by treaty or convention. Thus, the objective of this doctoral thesis is to demonstrate that the tax exemption related to the effectiveness of human rights admit large research methods, not limited to the literal or grammatical method. Thus, traditional methods of interpretation of the legal rule in the Brazilian doctrine were investigated, not running out on them, since the present work is to study the interpretation of tax exemption related to human rights. The objective is of paramount importance because the fiscalist character of national legislation related to the exemption, requiring a restrictive interpretation of the exemption rule. And that it is unacceptable because human rights are positivized in the Brazilian constitutional system, as fundamental rights, as is observed Article 5 of the Federal Constitution. Moreover, the Constitution, in Articles 1 to 4, ruled that the Federative Republic of Brazil is founded on the dignity of the human person and social work values and goals to eradicate poverty and marginalization, the prevalence of human rights all closely related to human rights. Thus, the interpretation of tax exemptions related to human rights should be focused on the fundamentals, objectives, principles that lead the Federative Republic of Brazil, and invalidated the norm that restricts the methods of interpretation. We concluded in the end that the interpretation of tax exemptions related human rights can not ignore the legal reality that those won special mention in the Constitution, becoming the standards of the most important in the system. Thus, we demonstrate satisfactorily and with support in elite doctrine that the tax exemption when related to human rights, allow ample means of investigation, because there is a deep relationship between the Constitution and human rights, which authorizes us to conclude that all interpretation and assertiveness of law must take into account the Universal Declaration of Human Rights / A isenção tributária, quando relacionada aos direitos humanos, deve admitir amplos meios de investigação, não se restringido ao plano de literalidade ou gramatical. Dessa forma, o objetivo da presente tese é demonstrar que a isenção tributária relacionada à efetividade dos direitos humanos admite amplos métodos de investigação. Neste sentido por meio de pesquisa documental e bibliográfica examinamos legislação internacional e interna do estado brasileiro, anotando-se a doutrina nacional e estrangeira, bem como o estudo de decisões judiciais dos tribunais brasileiro. Pesquisamos e analisamos ainda a jurisprudência de relevo, no âmbito dos tribunais superiores, envolvendo o meio ambiente, os serviços hospitalares, as isenções relacionadas a doenças graves e os rendimentos do trabalho auferidos por servidores diplomáticos de governos estrangeiros e de organismos internacionais de que o Brasil faz parte ou se tenha por tratado ou convênio. Utilizamos os métodos tradicionais de interpretação da norma jurídica na doutrina brasileira, não nos atendo somente a esses, uma vez que este trabalho tem por estudo a interpretação da isenção tributária relacionada aos direitos humanos. A relevância científica e social deste tema denota que o caráter fiscalista da legislação nacional, relacionado à desoneração, impõe uma interpretação restritiva da norma de isenção. Dentre os resultados encontrados, isso não é aceitável, pois os direitos humanos estão positivados no sistema constitucional brasileiro, como direitos fundamentais, consoante observamos no artigo 5º da Constituição Federal. Ademais, a Carta Magna, em seus artigos 1º a 4º, determinou que a República Federativa do Brasil tem como fundamentos a dignidade da pessoa humana e os valores sociais do trabalho e, como escopo, erradicar a pobreza e a marginalização, todos intimamente relacionados com os direitos humanos. Assim, a interpretação das isenções tributárias deve estar focada nos fundamentos, objetivos e princípios que conduzem a República Federativa do Brasil, sendo invalidada a norma que restringe os métodos de interpretação. Concluímos que a interpretação das isenções tributárias não pode ignorar a realidade jurídica de que aqueles ganharam especial destaque no texto constitucional, constituindo-se nas normas das mais importantes no sistema. Demonstramos, então, com amparo na doutrina de escol, que a isenção tributária, quando voltada aos direitos humanos, admite amplos meios de investigação, pois existe profunda relação entre o texto constitucional e os direitos humanos, o que nos autoriza deduzir que toda a interpretação e a positivação do direito tem que levar em consideração a Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem

La contribution du tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie au développement des sources du droit international public : le dilemme normatif entre droit international classique et droit international pénal

Deshaies, Mélanie 09 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit - option recherche(LL.M)" / Ce mémoire traite de la contribution du Tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie (« TPIY ») au développement des sources formelles du droit international public. Il considère, plus précisément, le dilemme normatif entre le droit international classique, polarisé sur l'État et « résorbé» dans une juridicité formelle, et le «droit de l'unité substantiel », codifiant le mythe kantien de la paix par le droit et associant juridicité et légitimité par une intégration de l'éthique dans le droit. L'analyse postule la rétroaction du droit sur ses sources et étudie les courants idéologiques du droit international contemporain à partir de la jurisprudence du TPIY. Le mémoire conclut à une rupture entre le discours rhétorique du TPIY sur les sources, se réclamant du droit international classique, davantage compatible avec le principe de légalité, et les pratiques normatives effectives du Tribunal, ressemblant à un jusnaturalisme moderne, fondé sur des valeurs morales et éthiques. / This thesis studies the contribution by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former- Yugoslavia ("ICTY") to the development of Public International Law. Specifically, it analyses the normative dilemma between sources ofClassic International Law - correlated to the will ofStates, as wel/ as legal formalism - and the "International law ofsubstantial unity" - which codifies the Kantian myth of ''peace by law" and moves the classic idea of legality from formalism to legitimacy by using ethical references. The analysis assumes Law's retroactive effect on its sources and considers ideological movements of Contemporary International Law in the jurisprudence of the ICTY. The thesis concludes to a clash between ICTYabstractfindings related to sources ofInternationallaw and the actual "day-by-day" normative practices ofthe Tribunal. While the first brings into play Classic International Law and the rule of law, the second looks more like a neo-naturalism, fashioned by moral and ethical values.

Pessoa jurídica consumidora: um problema de interpretação

Rocha, Luciano Velasque 11 August 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:29:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciano Velasque Rocha.pdf: 2184775 bytes, checksum: fd75231b91987fe4dc87e50625f35cc5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-11 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / For the reason that legal persons are entitled to judicial relief within Brazil s Consumer Code whenever they act as consumers, this essay outlines (i) the extension of such judicial relief and (ii) the conditions for obtaining such legal protection. As a result, this essay takes for granted that investigating (i) and (ii) fundamentally depends on (but not limited to) interpreting article 2 of Federal Law no. 8,078 (Brazil s Consumer Code). Ever since the questions arising from the legal person acting as a consumer deal with interpretation, the essay adopts a position with respect to the nature of the interpretation process and applies it to legal norms governing the legal person when it acts as a consumer. The essay is split in three parts. The first one deals with analyzing the ideas of interpretation , person in legal sense , man , right holder and legal person . Following that, on the second part the so-called hermeneutical vectors deemed applicable are enumerated (a hermeneutical vector stands for a line of reasoning which points hence vector to a specific interpretative choice). In the third and last section, interpretation of judicial norms dealing with the legal person as a consumer takes place, as well as an analysis of relevant Brazilian jurisprudence / A tese de doutorado ora apresentada tem por objetivo o estudo da pessoa jurídica consumidora, especificamente no que diz respeito (i) à exata extensão da tutela que lhe proporciona o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e (ii) às condições exigidas para que esta tutela seja prestada. Para tanto, a tese assume como dado que a resposta às questões (i) e (ii) depende fundamentalmente (mas não somente) da interpretação que se der ao art. 2º da Lei 8.078/90 (CDC). Identificado o problema da pessoa jurídica consumidora como uma questão de interpretação, o trabalho assume posição quanto à natureza do processo interpretativo e aplica-a à interpretação das disposições legais que se ocupam da pessoa jurídica consumidora. A tese divide-se em três partes: na primeira delas analisamse as noções de interpretação , pessoa , homem , sujeito de direitos e pessoa jurídica . Na segunda enumera-se aquilo que no trabalho se chama de setas ou vetores hermenêuticos , cuja função é a de apontar a direção que no trabalho se entende como correta rumo à construção de sentido do art. 2º da Lei 8.078/90 (CDC). Na terceira e última parte lançamo-nos à tarefa de interpretar a disciplina jurídico-normativa a que está submetida a pessoa jurídica consumidora e paralelamente analisamos como a jurisprudência e a doutrina brasileiras têm enfrentado a questão

Integração regional: Mercosul e o direito da integração / Integração regional: Mercosul e o direito da integração

Junior, Erick Menezes de Oliveira 09 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:22:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Erick Menezes de Oliveira Junior.pdf: 1229644 bytes, checksum: a5c545b4a7b8a9d0a1fd18a0be83498e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-09 / The process of globalization and regional integration are directly related, which have been given greater importance from the neoliberal model of rule implemented by the end of the last century. It will demonstrate, that Brazil and Argentina the most delayed the integration process because of mutual distrust and a model of development toward the reality of inner states. Thus, only started the construction of a regional integration from 1985, when they realized the need to strengthen in the international arena. With this objective was formed Mercosur in 1991, which despite its audacious goals, establishment of a Common Market, presents a simplistic legal structure. So, will consider the main legal instruments that guided the formation of Mercosur, notably, the Treaty of Asuncion and the Protocol of Ouro Preto, and the organs that are part of that organization. It will examine how it is carried out the relationship between the domestic and international standards, noting the main theories of matter, and the positioning of Argentina and Brazil in the face of that issue. There will be specifically the reality of Mercosur, looking as if it handles the incorporation of legal rules arising from derivatives and the economic bloc by States Parties, notably by Brazil. In addition, there will be the current stage of the process of regional integration, from the analysis of the Law of Integration and the necessity of carrying out change the rules of Mercosur and the National Law of States Parties with the aim to deepen the process regional integration / O processo de globalização e da integração regional são institutos diretamente relacionados, que passaram a ter maior importância a partir do modelo de Estado neoliberal implantado no final do século passado. Demonstrar-se-á, que o Brasil e a Argentina retardaram ao máximo o processo de integração em virtude das desconfianças recíprocas e por um modelo de desenvolvimento voltado para a realidade interna dos Estados. Assim, só iniciaram a construção de uma integração regional a partir de 1985, quando perceberam a necessidade de se fortalecerem no cenário internacional. Com esse objetivo fora constituído o Mercosul em 1991, que apesar de seus objetivos audaciosos, constituição de um Mercado Comum, apresenta uma estrutura jurídica simplista. Assim, serão analisados os principais instrumentos jurídicos que nortearam a constituição do Mercosul, notadamente, o Tratado de Assunção e do Protocolo de Ouro Preto, bem como, os órgãos que fazem parte dessa Organização. Analisar-se-á como se processa o relacionamento entre as normas internacionais e as internas, verificando as principais teorias acerca da matéria, bem como, o posicionamento da Argentina e do Brasil em face dessa temática. Observar-se-á especificamente a realidade do Mercosul, analisando como se processa a incorporação das normas jurídicas originárias e derivadas advindas dessa Bloco Econômico pelos Estados-Partes, notadamente, pelo Brasil. Ademais, verificar-se-á o atual estágio do processo de integração regional, a partir da análise do Direito da Integração e a necessidade da realização de mudança das normas do Mercosul e do Direito Interno dos Estados-Partes com o fito de se aprofundar o processo de integração regional

Integração regional: Mercosul e o direito da integração

Oliveira Junior, Erick Menezes de 09 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:57:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Erick Menezes de Oliveira Junior.pdf: 1229644 bytes, checksum: a5c545b4a7b8a9d0a1fd18a0be83498e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-09 / The process of globalization and regional integration are directly related, which have been given greater importance from the neoliberal model of rule implemented by the end of the last century. It will demonstrate, that Brazil and Argentina the most delayed the integration process because of mutual distrust and a model of development toward the reality of inner states. Thus, only started the construction of a regional integration from 1985, when they realized the need to strengthen in the international arena. With this objective was formed Mercosur in 1991, which despite its audacious goals, establishment of a Common Market, presents a simplistic legal structure. So, will consider the main legal instruments that guided the formation of Mercosur, notably, the Treaty of Asuncion and the Protocol of Ouro Preto, and the organs that are part of that organization. It will examine how it is carried out the relationship between the domestic and international standards, noting the main theories of matter, and the positioning of Argentina and Brazil in the face of that issue. There will be specifically the reality of Mercosur, looking as if it handles the incorporation of legal rules arising from derivatives and the economic bloc by States Parties, notably by Brazil. In addition, there will be the current stage of the process of regional integration, from the analysis of the Law of Integration and the necessity of carrying out change the rules of Mercosur and the National Law of States Parties with the aim to deepen the process regional integration / O processo de globalização e da integração regional são institutos diretamente relacionados, que passaram a ter maior importância a partir do modelo de Estado neoliberal implantado no final do século passado. Demonstrar-se-á, que o Brasil e a Argentina retardaram ao máximo o processo de integração em virtude das desconfianças recíprocas e por um modelo de desenvolvimento voltado para a realidade interna dos Estados. Assim, só iniciaram a construção de uma integração regional a partir de 1985, quando perceberam a necessidade de se fortalecerem no cenário internacional. Com esse objetivo fora constituído o Mercosul em 1991, que apesar de seus objetivos audaciosos, constituição de um Mercado Comum, apresenta uma estrutura jurídica simplista. Assim, serão analisados os principais instrumentos jurídicos que nortearam a constituição do Mercosul, notadamente, o Tratado de Assunção e do Protocolo de Ouro Preto, bem como, os órgãos que fazem parte dessa Organização. Analisar-se-á como se processa o relacionamento entre as normas internacionais e as internas, verificando as principais teorias acerca da matéria, bem como, o posicionamento da Argentina e do Brasil em face dessa temática. Observar-se-á especificamente a realidade do Mercosul, analisando como se processa a incorporação das normas jurídicas originárias e derivadas advindas dessa Bloco Econômico pelos Estados-Partes, notadamente, pelo Brasil. Ademais, verificar-se-á o atual estágio do processo de integração regional, a partir da análise do Direito da Integração e a necessidade da realização de mudança das normas do Mercosul e do Direito Interno dos Estados-Partes com o fito de se aprofundar o processo de integração regional

La contribution du tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie au développement des sources du droit international public : le dilemme normatif entre droit international classique et droit international pénal

Deshaies, Mélanie 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire traite de la contribution du Tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie (« TPIY ») au développement des sources formelles du droit international public. Il considère, plus précisément, le dilemme normatif entre le droit international classique, polarisé sur l'État et « résorbé» dans une juridicité formelle, et le «droit de l'unité substantiel », codifiant le mythe kantien de la paix par le droit et associant juridicité et légitimité par une intégration de l'éthique dans le droit. L'analyse postule la rétroaction du droit sur ses sources et étudie les courants idéologiques du droit international contemporain à partir de la jurisprudence du TPIY. Le mémoire conclut à une rupture entre le discours rhétorique du TPIY sur les sources, se réclamant du droit international classique, davantage compatible avec le principe de légalité, et les pratiques normatives effectives du Tribunal, ressemblant à un jusnaturalisme moderne, fondé sur des valeurs morales et éthiques. / This thesis studies the contribution by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former- Yugoslavia ("ICTY") to the development of Public International Law. Specifically, it analyses the normative dilemma between sources ofClassic International Law - correlated to the will ofStates, as wel/ as legal formalism - and the "International law ofsubstantial unity" - which codifies the Kantian myth of ''peace by law" and moves the classic idea of legality from formalism to legitimacy by using ethical references. The analysis assumes Law's retroactive effect on its sources and considers ideological movements of Contemporary International Law in the jurisprudence of the ICTY. The thesis concludes to a clash between ICTYabstractfindings related to sources ofInternationallaw and the actual "day-by-day" normative practices ofthe Tribunal. While the first brings into play Classic International Law and the rule of law, the second looks more like a neo-naturalism, fashioned by moral and ethical values. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit - option recherche(LL.M)"

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