Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lieferkette"" "subject:"lieferketten""
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A Theory of Intermediation in Supply Chains Based on Inventory ControlQu, Zhan, Raff, Horst, Schmitt, Nicolas 25 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The paper shows that taking inventory control out of the hands of retailers and assigning it to an intermediary increases the value of a supply chain when demand volatility is high. This is because an intermediary can help solve two incentive problems associated with retailers\' inventory control and thereby improve the intertemporal allocation of inventory. Adding an intermediary as a new link in a supply chain is also shown to reduce total inventory, to make shipments from the manufacturer less frequent and more variable in size, as well as to reduce social welfare.
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Centralized versus Decentralized Inventory Control in Supply Chains and the Bullwhip EffectQu, Zhan, Raff, Horst 20 October 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This paper constructs a model of a supply chain to examine how demand volatility is passed upstream through the chain. In particular, we seek to determine how likely it is that the chain experiences a bullwhip effect, where the variance of the upstream firm’s production exceeds the variance of the downstream firm’s sales. We show that the bullwhip effect is more likely to occur and is greater in size in supply chains in which inventory control is centralized rather than decentralized, that is, exercised by the downstream firm.
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A Theory of Intermediation in Supply Chains Based on Inventory ControlQu, Zhan, Raff, Horst, Schmitt, Nicolas 25 October 2016 (has links)
The paper shows that taking inventory control out of the hands of retailers and assigning it to an intermediary increases the value of a supply chain when demand volatility is high. This is because an intermediary can help solve two incentive problems associated with retailers\' inventory control and thereby improve the intertemporal allocation of inventory. Adding an intermediary as a new link in a supply chain is also shown to reduce total inventory, to make shipments from the manufacturer less frequent and more variable in size, as well as to reduce social welfare.
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Centralized versus Decentralized Inventory Control in Supply Chains and the Bullwhip EffectQu, Zhan, Raff, Horst 20 October 2017 (has links)
This paper constructs a model of a supply chain to examine how demand volatility is passed upstream through the chain. In particular, we seek to determine how likely it is that the chain experiences a bullwhip effect, where the variance of the upstream firm’s production exceeds the variance of the downstream firm’s sales. We show that the bullwhip effect is more likely to occur and is greater in size in supply chains in which inventory control is centralized rather than decentralized, that is, exercised by the downstream firm.
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Organizing the 'Unorganized' Indian Craf Industry - Systemic Issues in Scarling-up Social Impact to Produce Craft-based 'Sustainable' FashionChirravuru, Laya 30 June 2022 (has links)
from the content:
„The global discourse of sustainability critically challenges fashion as a sys-tem today and encourages organic ways of making as one of the primary mediums to address the three pillars of sustainability. In this regard, crafts and hand-making play key roles in achieving India’s sustainable de-velopment goals, suitable to its socio-economic context. The growing awareness of this subject points to an advantage the country has in its generational textile knowledge, which presents the opportunity to create employment for the vast communities of artisans. ...
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An Evaluation of Optimal Biogas Plant Configurations in GermanyMöst, Dominik, Heffels, Tobias, McKenna, Russell, Balussou, David, Fichtner, Wolf 17 September 2024 (has links)
Against the background of a rapidly developing German biogas to electricity sector, this paper identifies the most profitable biogas plant configurations under the current energy–political framework conditions, by considering variable biomass inputs and prices. The paper addresses the following research question: what is the optimal biomass input to be valorized, in order to maximize the specific net operating profit of the considered plants? For the considered supply chains, i.e. energy crops with manure and biowaste valorization, kinetics as well as biological reactions are considered in order to model the biogas production. In a further step, an economic assessment for the two biogas plant types is realized by determining the annual costs, as well as by considering subsidies for the electricity generation from biogas based on the German Renewable Energy Sources Act 2012. For each of the two considered supply chains, an optimal economic operation point is determined, regarding the valorized biomass input quantity. In the case of a co-digestion from energy crops and manure, 4.32 ct/kWhel are reached for an optimal installed capacity of about 1.2 MWel. Biowaste plants show a theoretical maximal specific net operating profit of 4.97 ct/kWhel at about 4.0 MWel with biowaste subsidies at 50 €/t and for 120,000 t/a valorized substrate. Whilst agricultural plants are generally more economically attractive they exhibit a higher greenhouse gas potential, which means a trade-off. The successful future development of the German biogas sector will thus rely on overcoming several technical, social and political barriers.
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Digitale Lieferantennetzwerke – Einblicke in die Digitalisierungsfortschritte der BeschaffungHoffmann, Marcel André, Wetsch, Laura, Lasch, Rainer 19 March 2024 (has links)
Der Anteil der Wertschöpfung an Produkten durch Lieferanten hat in den vergangenen Jahren stetig zugenommen. Dies bedingt eine hohe Komplexität von Lieferketten und stellt das strategische und operative Beschaffungswesen vor große Herausforderungen. Gleichzeitig steht heute eine Vielzahl an Technologien zur Verfügung, um diese Komplexität zu bewältigen, Informationsasymmetrien abzubauen und transparente, fehlersichere Prozesse zu ermöglichen. Während die Potenziale digitaler Lieferantennetzwerke weitgehend evident sind, sind digitale Technologien wie Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain oder künstliche Intelligenz (KI) bisher kaum praktisch in Unternehmen implementiert. Mit Hilfe einer empirischen Fallstudie wurde untersucht, inwieweit die Digitalisierung als strategisches Unternehmensziel verfolgt wird und welche Hindernisse bei der Einführung digitaler Lieferantennetzwerke bestehen. Dazu wurden elf Experten aus der strategischen und operativen Beschaffung von acht Unternehmen des produzierenden Gewerbes in Form einer leitfadengestützten Interviewstudie befragt und deren Erfahrungen ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse implizieren, dass in vielen Fällen grundlegende Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche digitale Transformation fehlen und in vielen Unternehmen keine ausreichenden Ressourcen dafür zur Verfügung stehen. Weiterhin wurde festgestellt, dass der Nutzen digitaler Technologien in der Beschaffung häufig sehr einseitig ist und bisher nur selten Netzwerkvorteile genutzt werden. Um dieser zögerlichen Entwicklung entgegenzuwirken, werden Handlungsempfehlungen für eine erfolgreiche Implementierung und stärkere Kooperation in der Lieferkette aufgestellt und weiterer Forschungsbedarf identifiziert. / The amount of value generated by suppliers for products has increased continuously over the past few years. This results in highly complex supply chains and poses major challenges for strategic and operational procurement. At the same time, a variety of technologies are available today to manage this complexity, reduce information asymmetries and enable transparent, failsafe processes. While the potential of digital supplier networks is largely evident, digital technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain or artificial intelligence (AI) have hardly been practically implemented in companies so far. An empirical case study was used to investigate the extent to which digitization is pursued as a strategic corporate goal and what obstacles exist in the introduction of digital supplier networks. To this end, eleven experts from strategic and operational purchasing at eight companies in the manufacturing sector were interviewed in the form of a semi-structured interview study and their experiences were evaluated. The results imply that fundamental prerequisites for a successful digital transformation are lacking in many cases and that many companies do not have sufficient resources available for this. Furthermore, it was found that the benefits of digital technologies in procurement are often very unilateral and that only a few practitioners have so far taken advantage of the network benefits. To counteract this hesitant development, recommendations for a successful implementation and stronger cooperation in the supply chain are established and further research needs are identified.
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Review of postharvest rice straw use: change in use and the need for sustainable management policies in VietnamNguyen, Trung Dung 14 May 2020 (has links)
Annually, about 40-60 million tons of postharvest straw are generated in Vietnam. Although considered as renewable resources and economic goods, straw is still burned in the field because there is no longer needed for cooking, roofing and fodder as before 1990s. The general economic development of the country and the rural area changed all the previous practices of using straw. This paper analyzes the socio-economic and technical causes of this phenomenon and summarizes the economic and environmentally friendly uses of rice straw in the future. In addition, it points out that policy failures in the management of straw currently exist and that policies for integrated straw management are needed to improve the value chain in the supply and consumption of straw products; to enhance the effectively use of this resource and minimize environmental pollution. / Hàng năm phát sinh khoảng 40-60 triệu tấn rơm sau thu hoạch ở Việt Nam. Mặc dù được coi là tài nguyên tái tạo và hàng hóa kinh tế, song rơm vẫn bị đốt bỏ ở ngoài ruộng do không còn nhu cầu nhiều cho đun nấu, lợp mái nhà và chăn nuôi như trước những năm 1990. Tình hình phát triển kinh tế chung của đất nước và khu vực nông thôn đã làm thay đổi tất cả thói quen dùng rơm rạ trước đây. Bài báo này phân tích một cảnh tổng quan những nguyên nhân kinh tế - xã hội và kỹ thuật dẫn đến hiện tượng này, tổng hợp những khả năng sử dụng kinh tế và thân thiện môi trường của rơm rạ trong tương lai. Ngoài ra chỉ ra những thất bại về chính sách trong quản lý rơm rạ hiện nay và cần có các chính sách quản lý tổng hợp rơm rạ để nâng cao chuỗi giá trị trong cung ứng và tiêu thụ các sản phẩm rơm rạ, tăng cường việc sử dụng có hiệu quả tài nguyên này và giảm thiểu ô nhiễm môi trường.
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Technology-based transformation in automotive supply chain: Role of organizational developmentYakoob, Rahima 10 February 2022 (has links)
Innovation, digitalization, technology disruption, fast to market are commonly used terms in the technology industry. However, in today’s world, these terms are used to define the state of art of the automotive industry. The onset of innovative vehicle models and the technology-driven vehicle manufacturing in the automotive industry offers many opportunities and an equivalent amount of challenges. Therefore, how an organization reacts to the ongoing technology discontinuities and how an organization transforms its business model to adapt to the changes to
sustain in the industry are becoming significant factors in evaluating its strategic value and determining its success. This doctoral research titled ‘Technology-Based Transformation in Automotive Supply Chain – Role of Organizational Development aims to investigate the critical factors of technology-based transformation in the automotive industry using the automotive supply chain as the research set-up to demonstrate the ongoing transformation. This doctoral research further strives to conceptualize an organizational development framework that seamlessly enables organizations to manage technology-based transformation.
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Supply Chain Event Management – Bedarf, Systemarchitektur und Nutzen aus Perspektive fokaler Unternehmen der ModeindustrieTröger, Ralph 10 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM) bezeichnet eine Teildisziplin des Supply Chain Management und ist für Unternehmen ein Ansatzpunkt, durch frühzeitige Reaktion auf kritische Ausnahmeereignisse in der Wertschöpfungskette Logistikleistung und -kosten zu optimieren.
Durch Rahmenbedingungen wie bspw. globale Logistikstrukturen, eine hohe Artikelvielfalt und volatile Geschäftsbeziehungen zählt die Modeindustrie zu den Branchen, die für kritische Störereignisse besonders anfällig ist. In diesem Sinne untersucht die vorliegende Dissertation nach einer Beleuchtung der wesentlichen Grundlagen zunächst, inwiefern es in der Modeindustrie tatsächlich einen Bedarf an SCEM-Systemen gibt.
Anknüpfend daran zeigt sie nach einer Darstellung bisheriger SCEM-Architekturkonzepte Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für eine Systemarchitektur auf, die auf den Designprinzipien der Serviceorientierung beruht. In diesem Rahmen erfolgt u. a. auch die Identifikation SCEM-relevanter Business Services. Die Vorzüge einer serviceorientierten Gestaltung werden detailliert anhand der EPCIS (EPC Information Services)-Spezifikation illustriert.
Abgerundet wird die Arbeit durch eine Betrachtung der Nutzenpotenziale von SCEM-Systemen. Nach einer Darstellung von Ansätzen, welche zur Nutzenbestimmung infrage kommen, wird der Nutzen anhand eines Praxisbeispiels aufgezeigt und fließt zusammen mit den Ergebnissen einer Literaturrecherche in eine Konsolidierung von SCEM-Nutzeffekten. Hierbei wird auch beleuchtet, welche zusätzlichen Vorteile sich für Unternehmen durch eine serviceorientierte Architekturgestaltung bieten.
In der Schlussbetrachtung werden die wesentlichen Erkenntnisse der Arbeit zusammengefasst und in einem Ausblick sowohl beleuchtet, welche Relevanz die Ergebnisse der Arbeit für die Bewältigung künftiger Herausforderungen innehaben als auch welche Anknüpfungspunkte sich für anschließende Forschungsarbeiten ergeben.
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