Spelling suggestions: "subject:"litteraturförmedling"" "subject:"litteraturförmedlingen""
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Med “bibliotekarieögon” på litteraturen : En undersökning av åtta skolbibliotekariers professionella läsning / Reading with “librarian eyes” : An examination of eight school librarians’ professional readingBjörklund, Janna, Skynäs, Jennie January 2023 (has links)
Swedish children's reading abilities are decreasing according to the PIRLS 2021 results, which puts pressure on school librarians as they have a unique position in their work when promoting literature for children. But are school librarians’ given time during their workday to actually read the books that they are promoting? The aim of this Master’s thesis is to examine the conditions of, and the expectations on, school librarians’ own professional reading, with an emphasis on reading time at work. Research questions concern how school librarians describe their conditions for reading time and the expectations school (including students, teachers, and management) have on their reading promotion. In addition, the answers are analysed from a theory of professions perspective, where the theoretical framework consists of ideas and concepts by Andrew Abbott, Thomas Brante and Jan Nolin. The empirical data consist of eight semi-structured interviews with school librarians from different parts of the country, working at different kinds of school libraries. The main conclusions are that the school librarians all must adapt to very different conditions and expectations since there is a lack of legislation regarding the operations of school libraries. Because of this, trust between the librarian and the school management is seen as a key factor in ensuring reading time. Despite most of the librarians having reading time they still spend their free time reading for work, which has implications for the professionas a whole as their work becomes invisible.
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Hbtq+ och skolbibliotek : Skolbibliotekspersonals arbete med Hbtq+ på grundskolebibliotek / LGBTQ+ and school library : School library staffs work with LGBTQ+ on primary schoolsNydahl, Ebba January 2022 (has links)
This study examines how school library staff at Swedish school libraries work with and include LGBTQ + in their work. The study examines how the LGBTQ + perspective is included in different areas of the school library and how such inclusive work benefits school libraries and it’s students. Previous research highlights the need for detailed governing documents for school libraries and their staff so that the library can be improved and adapted to the students. A web survey consisting of 16 questions was sent out and answered by 186 people with responsibility for school libraries in Swedish primary and lower secondary schools. The results of the survey were analyzed with a teorethic framework made by Valsdóttir (2021) and the result was compiled to create an overall picture of the library staff's work with LGBTQ +. The study concludes that the perspective is included to some extent in the library work, but there is a big difference in how and if it is carried out between the different school libraries. The results also show a need for regulations on school libraries in general for a functioning school library to be able to exist and benefit students in Swedish schools.
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”Personliga möten är oslagbara” : en enkätstudie om bibliotekariers läsfrämjande arbete mot ungdomar / “Personal meetings are unbeatable” : a survey study of librarians’ work to promote reading for youthsHultgren, Linda, Poucette, Ida January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to deepen the understanding of how youth librarians in public and school libraries in Sweden promote reading among young people aged 12-25 years. By use of Thorson’s literature-pedagogical strategies, it explores the various perspectives on reading that emerge in these promotional activities and additionally examines the perceptions of librarians regarding their competence and the success of their work. Despite the perceived challenges in engaging the youth, librarians show much creativity and determination in their initiatives. The study is based on a survey distributed to all main public libraries in Sweden, in all 290 libraries, which resulted in 230 answers from librarians working with youths. The study finds that involving the youths in planning, execution, and marketing of reading promotional activities is one of the keys to success. Additionally, building and maintaining relationships are crucial competencies for youth librarians. It also finds that there isn't a single dominant perspective on reading in the reading promotive activities, but rather a combination of them. However, the emancipatory perspective seems to be gaining ground, as several librarians testify that they work extensively with youths' own interests and involvement in projects, which supports such a perspective.
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Litteraturkännedom genom omvärldsbevakning : En intervjustudie om hur barnbibliotekarier skaffar information om litteratur / Literature knowledge through environmental scanning : An interview study on how children's librarians obtain information about literatureKarlsson, Erika January 2024 (has links)
Good knowledge of literature is a desirable competence among children's librarians, and it is said to require constant environmental scanning. At the same time, there is often a lack of time and opportunity for skills development in this area. The aim of this thesis is to examine how children's librarians build up their knowledge of literature, what significance it has and what factors affect them in their environmental scanning of children's literature. Empirical data were produced through interviews with five librarians working with children aged 0-12 as their target audience. The data were analyzed by employing Bates’ model of four different information-seeking modes. The results show that all four modes are vital for environmental scanning. The importance of literature knowledge is confirmed in descriptions of how they use their literature knowledge. One conclusion is that children's librarians' knowledge of literature is based more on personal and professional experience of children's literature than on literary studies. Bibliotekstjänst and colleagues are important channels for environmental scanning. Another conclusion is that children as a target audience demands more of an active – directed information seeking than adults.
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Läsa för livet : Bibliotekschefers syn på litteraturförmedling för vuxna / Reading for life : Library managers´ views on readers´ advisory and promotion of adult literatureHell Carlsson, Hedvig-Christina January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this Master´s thesis is to examine how public library managers reflect on readers´ advisory and promotion of adult literature, and how they view and discuss the governmental proposition Läsa för livet (prop. 2013/14:3). Questions posed in this study are: What matters do public library managers think fiction have on adults? How do public library managers reflect on promotion of adult literature? What are public library managers´ views on the governmental proposition Läsa för livet and how it will affect the public library?The theoretical starting-points used in this study are views on literature by Magnus Persson and Gitte Balling, and views on literature promotion by Rasmus Grøn. Method chosen was semi-structured interviews with six library managers in public libraries. This empirical material was analyzed according to the questions above. The results show strong emphasis on patron acquisition in collection management and literary promotion, according to the respondents in this study. It also shows their lack of high expectations of the governmental proposition Läsa för livet. / Program: Masterprogram: Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, Digitala bibliotek och informationstjänster
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Klassiker på barn- och ungdomsbiblioteket : Bibliotekariens arbete med barn- och ungdomslitteraturens klassiker / Classics in the Library’s Children’s and Young Adult Section : The Librarian’s Work with Children's and Young Adult Literary ClassicsJohannesson, Elsa January 2017 (has links)
Introduction. This empirical study investigates the attitudes of Swedish public librarians who work in the children’s and/or young adult departments, towards children’s literary classics. This is achieved by examining work with the Classics shelf, a genre classification located in the children’s or young adult section. Method. The empirical material consists of transcripts from interviews with seven children’s and young adult public librarians in four Swedish municipalities, the Classics shelves and the libraries’ policy documents. Analysis. The Classics shelves’ genre definition, target group and location were investigated and compared to the libraries’ policy documents. Interview transcripts were examined in regard to the explicit contents of the participants’ statements and divided in themes by perceptions of value, function and use of the literature in a library context. Magnus Persson’s concept of myths describing naturalised perceptions of literature was used to interpret attitudes. A concluding analysis was conducted using the discourse theories of Michel Foucault, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. Results. The analysis indicated both shared and conflicting attitudes to children’s and young adult literary classics, with perceptions predominantly taken for granted. Three coexisting discourses were identified: the Reading experience discourse, the Durability discourse and the Fresh discourse. These are mainly tied to different tasks and influenced by the librarians’ preconceived notions, workplace management and external influences such as media debates, with the user perspective as a prerequisite. Conclusion. The results show that the librarian accommodates contradictory and ambivalent views of children’s and young adult literary classics in the library. Literature is mediated indirectly and directly, and expresses the librarian’s personal experience rather than a professional identity. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.
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Feelgood på folkbiblioteket : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med sex bibliotekarier 2023 / Feelgood and the public library : A qualitative interview study with six librarians 2023Meissner, Karin January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Introduction. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of a relatively new genre in popular literature in Sweden called "feelgood". Feelgood, as literary genre, has quickly risen to become a beloved and frequently borrowed genre among readers. However, there is a lack of knowledge regarding how the feelgood genre is perceived and handled by public libraries. Method. Six semi-structured interviews were conducted with librarians at public libraries. The interviewees reside in different parts of Sweden and the video communication platform Zoom was used to facilitate the enquire. Analysis. The data gathered from the interviews were transcribed and analyzed using a qualitative content method. It was also compared in relation to earlier studies. The theoretical approach was retrieved from Catherine Sheldrick Ross seven models of reading and Magnus Persson’s myth elements of literature and reading. Results. The results show that feelgood as literary genre is indeed noticed and discussed among the study’s informants. The thoughts and attitudes among the librarians differ but can generally be perceived as positive. Several of Ross and Persson’s theoretical models were applicable to the arguments put forward by the informants. Conclusion. The study concludes that the feelgood genre in literature is mostly well-received among the participants. However, there are some implications of inconsistencies in rhetoric and practice. The genre is considered both a hindrance and an opportunity. Reductions in public library budgets may possibly alter the way the feelgood genre is approached and handled. The result of the study is in many ways consistent with earlier studies conducted on other genre literature. This is a two year master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.
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"Utan läsande urartar demokratin" : Det kulturpolitiska arbetet med litteraturförmedling och läsfrämjande för den vuxna läsaren mellan 2011 och 2021 / "Without reading, democracy degenerates" : The cultural policy work with literature dissemination and reading promotion for the adult reader between 2011 and 2021Nilsson, Emilia January 2022 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen undersöks den vuxna icke-läsarens plats i det kulturpolitiska arbetet rörande litteraturförmedling och läsfrämjande under åren 2011-2021. Läsforskningen och kulturpolitikens arbete med litteratur och läsning fokuserar idag till stora delar på gruppen barn och unga. För att bredda perspektiven på området riktas här därför fokus om mot en vuxen målgrupp, särskilt den grupp av vuxna som av olika skäl idag inte är aktiva läsare. För undersökningen har ett ramverk plockats ihop av verktyg från litteraturdidaktiken utanför skolforskningen, axiologin och litteratursociologin. Detta gör att uppsatsen angränsar till samtliga dessa forskningsområden. I uppsatsen undersöks dokument från de tidiga leden av de kulturpolitiska lagstiftningskedjorna. Dokumenten kommer ifrån Litteraturutredningen, arbetet med den nya bibliotekslagen samt Läsdelegationens arbete. Inledningsvis undersöks vilka värden man i dokumenten tillskriver litteratur och -läsning. Till exempel undersöks detta utifrån vilka argument för läsning som lyfts fram, samt hur man motiverar att kulturpolitiskt ägna sig åt befolkningens läsvanor med hänvisning till de värden litteraturen anses bidra med. Vidare undersöks vilka idéer och insatser för läsfrämjande arbete som beskrivs, med fokus på vuxna icke-läsare. Detta följs av en undersökning av vilka samhällsarenor och politiska områden som lyfts fram som relevanta för det litteraturförmedlande arbetet, vilket till delar hänger samman med det läsfärmjande arbetet. Sammanfattningsvis konstateras att den vuxna icke-läsaren till stor del saknas i det undersökta materialet. Huvudsakligen lyfts den vuxna fram som en viktig läsande förebild för barn och unga. Utifrån resultatet av undersökningen diskuteras i avslutningen avsaknaden av perspektiv på lässituationen och en tydligare bro mellan forskarsamhället och kulturpolitiken på detta område.
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"Vi går in i en bok" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om bibliotekariers tillämpning av metoden barnlitterära vandringar för barn och ungdomar på folkbibliotek / “We enter a book” : A qualitative interview study on librarians’ application of the method “barnlitterära vandringar” (children literary walks, editor´s translation) for children and youth at the public libraryDahl Barre, Lova, Sundström, Sofia January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study is to increase knowledge on how librarians in Sweden can use the method “barnlitterära vandringar” (children literary walks, editor’s translation) for literacy and reading promotion for children and youth. The method hasn’t earlier been investigated in a library context. The study explores the experiences of librarians participating in a method workshop and their planning and application of the method at the libraries with children and youth. The study also includes an interview with Maria Nikolajeva, the creator of the method, to explain the scientific background and content of the method. The theoretical framework is based on concepts of fantasy and dramatizing, multimodality, literacy practices and three approaches to reading. The empirical material was col-lected with semi-structured interviews and the analysis was conducted with thematic analysis. The results show how the informants can implement the method when working with children and how the method workshop has changed their perspective and way to work with reading promotion. The study's conclusion is that the method complies with the library's mission, it is a method that is adaptable for children. The study also shows that the method requires a lot of resources in terms of time and staffing when implemented with children. The study high-lights the advantages and disadvantages of organizing children's literary walks as a reading promotional activity in an outdoor environment. It shows an insecurity connected to the method's name and how to market it to partic-ipants. The method includes multimodal elements that enable different literacy practices and can promote reading in different ways, such as increased book lending and an enhanced reading experience. Through adaptations the method can be used for all three approaches to reading. This is a two years master´s thesis in Library and Information Science.
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