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Tryckt vs digitalt : Materialitetens roll i läsning av tidskrifter / Print vs digital : The role of materiality in reading magazinesWallin Rundqvist, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
To digitally read books, newspapers and magazines on a tablet, computer or smartphone is constantly increasing in popularity and the number of users of digital magazine subscriptions is increasing every year. The difference in the content between printed and digital magazines in the application Readly is minimal, but the materiality of the medium that holds the content has a significant difference. This bachelor's thesis therefore aims to answer the question: How does materiality affect the reading of digital and printed magazines regarding paratext, document properties and reading experience? The materiality is analyzed based on three aspects: paratext, document properties and reading experience. Using previous theories about the three aspects, a phenomenological approach is used to make the comparison with a focus on observations, experiences and emotions. The comparison is made on the printed and digital version of the magazine Nya rum. The results of the analysis show that digital habits play a major role in how the content is experienced on the tablet. It also appears that the homogeneous design of the tablet creates a distance between the content and the reader, while the printed magazine seems to extend the content all the way out. Other results include that the tablet's navigating functions enable a greater immersion in the text but can also be perceived as disturbing. And finally, that the reader experiences a greater commitment to the printed magazine. The conclusion is that the materiality is important for how the magazine is experienced even though the content is equivalent, but that there are advantages and disadvantages with both the printed and the digital version.
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Mystery of Matter and Magic of PresenceJohannesson, Miriam January 2023 (has links)
This paper investigates metaphorical and phenomenological aspects of shimmer, reflection, membrane and movement. By exploring the interface of knowledge through the lens of materiality, the aim is to examine how the plasticity of light and shadows might create animating reflections and dissolving surfaces. Of particular interest is the undefined quality of shimmer and how it can be interpreted as a transitional in-between stage of displaced and fluid boundaries. Further on, the work explores the power of portals – both visually but also in the physical and emotional engagement with materials and techniques. The installation Mystery of Matter and Magic of Presence is based upon a dialogical method where the atmosphere might be understood as a space-filling materiality itself. The work expresses the material’s state as well as the ephemeral qualities around it. It offers a counterweight to a hard, violent and narcissistic aspect of the material biographies of metals in general, and aluminum in particular. The research consists mainly of sources on Byzantine and Medieval Art history. Sources that also engage with the role of language, poetry and etymology for our understanding of material culture and history.
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Digging up memory : suppressed objects during the dictatorship in Chile 1973–1990 / Att gräva fram minnet : Undertryckta föremål under diktaturen i Chile 1973–1990Vera Oliva, Marcela January 2023 (has links)
This work deals with objects suppressed by individual people after the 1973 coup in Chile, due to the repression exerted by the installed civic-military dictatorship. It collects the memories of those who had to get rid of compromising objects to save their lives, pointing out the strategies chosen for this purpose, as well as the places to carry them out. It shows that the strategies varied and depended on different circumstances. This work is also about the value given to objects and the way in which the functions of objects change according to political circumstances. It highlights the memories created in contrast to the discourses of official history and to forced oblivion. / Detta arbete handlar om de föremål som förtrycktes av enskilda människor efter statskuppen i Chile 1973, på grund av förtrycket som den installerade civil-militära diktaturen utövade. Det samlar in minnen av de som var tvungna att göra sig av med kmpromissande föremål för att rädda sina liv, och pekar ut de strategier som valdes för detta ändamål, såväl som platserna för att utföra dem. Det visar att strategierna varierade och berodde på olika omständigheter. Dat här arbetet handlar även om de värderingar som ges till föremål och hur föremålens funktioner förändras beroende på politiska omständigheter. Det lyfter fram minnet som skapats i kontrast till den officiella historiens diskurser och till påtvingad glömska.
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[pt] Esta dissertação tem por propósito investigar a violência no Complexo da Maré
em sua relação com a Escola Municipal da Paz. Tomando a referida escola como
epicentro, busca-se analisar de que forma os objetos ou coisas, em sua agência,
se afirmam como marcadores de um estado de paz ou violência, mediante um
engajamento de percepção dos sujeitos envolvidos nesse contexto. A fim de
considerarmos as ações em rede, pensamos em como coisas e pessoas se articulam
nessa relação. Na primeira parte do trabalho, encontra-se a discussão sobre as
favelas em seu percurso de criação e afirmação no espaço da cidade, focalizando,
em seguida, a Maré em suas múltiplas potências. Discute-se ainda de que forma as
vivências da pesquisadora se entrecruzam com a história do referido espaço. A
segunda parte da dissertação traz ao plano central um debate sobre o diálogo entre
Antropologia e Educação, com especial ênfase à educação da atenção, realizando
ainda uma apresentação da Escola Municipal da Paz. O terceiro capítulo discute a
noção de violência, com posterior investigação etnográfica das coisas,
apontando um saber da violência feito e refeito no fluxo entre coisas e pessoas. / [en] This dissertation aims to investigate violence in Maré Complex of favelas
considering its relationship with Escola Municipal da Paz. It focuses on this
school as an epicenter of discussion and tries to analyze how objects or things,
in their agency, assert themselves as markers of peace or violence states,
through the engagement of the perception of the subjects involved in this context.
In order to examine network actions, we take into consideration how things and
people evolve in this relationship. In the first part of the work, there is a
discussion about the journey of favelas creation and their affirmation inside the
urban space. Then, it focuses on the multiple powers of the Maré complex. It also
discusses how the experiences of the researcher dialogue with the history of that
territory. The second part of the paper highlights the debate between
Anthropology and Education, with special emphasis on the education of care. We
also have a presentation of Escola Municipal da Pazin this chapter. The third
chapter discusses the notion of violence, with subsequent ethnographic research of
things, pointing out the knowledge of violence, which is done and redone in the
flow of things and people.
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‘In the Flesh’: Skeletal Embodiment and Subjectivities in PracticeCampeau-Bouthillier, Cassandre 23 August 2022 (has links)
This dissertation presents the results of a two-year ethnographic study among individuals who practice yoga and/or chiropractic care in Victoria, British Columbia, focusing on their experiences of their musculoskeletal systems. Anthropological research has examined the ways in which we live and experience our bodies as part of how we are in the world (cf. Csordas 1994, 1990; Merleau-Ponty 2007). In comparison with fleshed bodies, skeletons, as foundational aspects of living, breathing corporeality, have remained under-theorised and under-examined as essential aspects of how we perceive our everyday lives. I approach the skeleton as a critical space of bodies, a part of the internal material world that shapes not only the body as an object, but how we are in the world as subjects. Observations at two yoga studios and interviews with 21 individuals enable me to explore the skeleton’s space and place in the lived experiences of embodied selves. My analysis of interview narratives draws principally from theories of materiality and material(s) (Sofaer 2012; Ingold 2007), Mol’s “the body multiple” (2002) and Taylor’s notion of “surfacing” (2005). I argue that skeletal embodiment is deeply material, sensory and sensorial, personal, and critical in the formation of what I am calling the “skeletal subjectivity” of an individual. Specifically, I suggest how, skeletally, bodily-ness is experienced by participants as a means to se prendre en main, that is, ‘taking hold’, ‘taking care of one’s self’, ‘taking one’s self in one’s hands.’ I argue that, among these yoga and chiropractic practitioners, skeletal embodiment and subjectivity is navigated through materiality—that bodies “surface” in various ways through participants experiences and stories (Taylor 2005). My analysis contributes to the anthropology of the body by including skeletal lives as part of our embodiment without discounting previous notions of embodiment or of bodies in general. My idea of se prennent en main is a novel addition to conceptualizing embodiment, encouraging researchers to consider closely how individuals may respond to their sensorial and material body in living their lives. / Graduate
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Bildämnet som nomad? : En posthumanistisk studie om bildämnets nomadiska funktion i skolan / Visual arts as a nomad? : A posthumanistic study on visual artsnomadic functions in schoolArvidsson, Ellen, Corneliusson, Ida January 2022 (has links)
Hur fungerar bildämnet i dagens skola? I relation till skolämnenas snarlika strukturer, där ett slutresultat bedöms, särskiljer sig bildämnets metoder och lärande som mer processorienterat. Traditionella, hantverksmässiga arbetssätt kompletteras med nya digitala medier och arbetssätt, som resulterar i urvalsproblem och stoffträngsel. Dessa faktorer bidrar till stora klyftor mellan kunskapsnivå, betygssättning och en likvärdig bildundervisning. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur bildämnet påverkar och påverkas av att samexistera i skolan. Genom att analysera formulärsvar från tolv bildlärare dels utifrån våra egna erfarenheter och dels mot bakgrund av en posthumanistisk teoretisk ansats fick vi syn på bildämnets nomadiska funktioner. Bildämnet, liksom bildlärare, fungerar likt en kil i skolans kontext, både förenande och separerande. I bildämnet kan det genom friktion skapas rörelse mot olika typer av tillblivelser som möjliggör för nya arbetssätt. Slutsatsen visar på att en målinriktad undervisningsstruktur och seglivade traditioner i skolan riskerar att kila fast bildämnet i ofördelaktiga normer, där friktion behövs allra mest för att bildämnet ska utvecklas och dess status höjas.
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Trapped in a Glass House: No Stones to ThrowShowalter, Claire Marie 26 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Goose Butt, Grandma Glasses, And Other Ordinary ThingsNaples, Jessica R. 17 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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(Attempts at) Discerning ImmaterialityBuss, Elaine M. 12 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Being of Transit: Central American and Mexican Migrants’ Experiences of (Dis)PossessionOrtega, Ricardo Alberto January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is based on the ethnographic fieldwork done during February 2015 in a place where aspects of transitory life are configured in an effort to (re)humanize those migrants that have been exposed to harm and (dis)possession, and thus entangled within an undesirable physical reality. Empirical attention is dedicated to the ways and means in which a particular migrant shelter located in the border region of Mexico-US operates and fulfills its purpose. The theoretical framework relates to being of transit as the composition of the migrants’ emergent state of uncertainty and instability within their continuous transitory experience. This is juxtaposed with Karen Barad’s (2007) posthumanist performativity analysis of how discourse and the material markers that make up transitory Mexico-US are a composition of assembled actions of (dis)possession processes of social, political, and historical power relations constantly becoming in practice. Additionally, the focus expands on how more-than-human elements and material possessions are intra-acting with the migrants that became part of the study. Therefore, through the politics of mobility and violence, the thesis explores how the people, places and things that assemble transitory Mexico-US evidence such undesirable physical reality. That is to say, a ceaseless diffracting ebb and flow of co-constituted intra- acting humans and non-humans in constant momentum and positionality conceptualizing the phenomenon of being a migrant, thing, or place of transit.
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