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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude du caractère automatique du processus de contrôle en ligne lors de tâche de pointage manuel

Veyrat-Masson, Marie 03 1900 (has links)
Lors d’une tâche de pointage manuel, la présence de corrections rapides, adaptées, automatiques et même réflexes (Franklin et Wolpert, 2008) suite à une perturbation par saut de curseur a pu être observée dans de nombreuses études. Ici, nous avons souhaité déterminer si ces corrections étaient purement réflexes où si elles étaient amorcées seulement lorsque la perturbation mettait en péril l’atteinte de la cible ; ces corrections ont-elles aussi un aspect fonctionnel ? Dans une première expérience nous avons fait varier la taille des cibles (5 ou 30 mm de diamètre) et des sauts du curseur (5, 15 ou 25 mm) de manière à obtenir certaines combinaisons où la cible pourrait être atteinte sans qu’aucune correction du mouvement pour contrecarrer l’effet du saut du curseur ne soit nécessaire. Des corrections réduisant l’erreur d’environ 65% ont été observées dans toutes les conditions. Dans une seconde expérience, les participants devaient atteindre une très grande cible (arc de 30°) et un saut de curseur de 15 mm était introduit pour certains essais peu de temps après l’amorce du mouvement. Les participants ont modifié leur mouvement dans le sens opposé à celui de la perturbation, et cela même s’ils n’avaient pas détecté consciemment le saut. Cependant, ces corrections étaient moins rapides et plus petites (42% de l’amplitude du saut de curseur) que celles observées lors de la première expérience. Nos résultats supportent le fait que l’amorce des corrections pour des erreurs de trajectoire induites expérimentalement soit de nature réflexe. Un deuxième processus serait alors responsable du déroulement de ces corrections ; ce deuxième processus est basé, entre autres, sur les caractéristiques de la cible. / Cursor-jump experiments have suggested the existence of quick, efficient, automatic and even reflexive (Franklin and Wolpert, 2008) online correction processes in manual aiming movements. In the present study, we wanted to determine whether corrections for a cursor jump are purely automatic/reflexive or whether they are functional in that they occur only when they are required for the target to be reached. In a first experiment, we used different target sizes (5 mm to 30 mm) and cursor-jump amplitudes (5 mm to 25 mm) so that for some target size/cursor-jump combinations, no correction would be needed to reach the target. In all cases, we observed a correction for the cursor-jump. This correction reduced the error induced by the cursor jump by 60-70%, regardless of target size. In a second experiment, we asked participants to point at a large wedge (30° of circular arc). For some trials, a cursor-jump translated the location of the cursor laterally by 15 mm soon after movement initiation. Participants never consciously detected the cursor-jump but clearly modified the trajectory of their movement in the direction opposite to that of the cursor-jump. These corrections were smaller than those observed in the first experiment (42% of the cursor-jump). Our results indicate that the initiation of a correction for a cursor-jump is more reflexive than it is functional. A second correction process would tailor the movement's initial impulse based on the target characteristics.

Les représentations de l'Orient méditerranéen dans les manuels de lecture québécois (1875-1945)

Larochelle, Catherine 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Depuis des siècles, l'Occident représente et étudie l'Orient. La fascination pour cette forme d'altérité était majeure aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Or, quelles fonctions cette représentation collective de l'Orient a-t-elle eues dans la construction de l'identité de l'Occident? À ce sujet, le rapport entre le Québec et l'Orient méditerranéen constitue un domaine d'étude encore jeune. Jusqu'à maintenant, les recherches n'ont pas utilisé l'approche historique pour étudier ce rapport altéritaire. Le présent projet de mémoire se veut une incursion inédite dans le regard québécois sur l'Orient. Nous proposons d'interroger les manuels de lecture approuvés par le Conseil de l'instruction publique du Québec entre 1875 et 1945 pour saisir cette représentation québécoise de l'Orient méditerranéen transmise dès leur plus jeune âge aux petits Canadiens français. La démarche à la base de ce mémoire de maîtrise vise à découvrir quelles représentations de l'Orient étaient véhiculées par les manuels scolaires. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous étudierons d'abord la présence et la représentation de différentes figures d'altérité dans le corpus de manuels. Cette première analyse tentera de faire ressortir la particularité de l'altérité orientale dans le portrait du monde présenté aux écoliers. Puis, nous nous intéresserons à trois premières formes d'évocation de l'Orient: l'Orient géographique, l'Orient ancien et l'Orient chrétien. Finalement, nous étudierons l'utilisation de la littérature, historique et romantique, dans les manuels. La présence de l'orientalisme littéraire développé par les écrivains européens du XIXe siècle sera alors discutée. En somme, cette analyse, ainsi que l'étude des thèmes récurrents, permettront de saisir quel imaginaire oriental on a tenté de cultiver chez les jeunes Canadiens français. Notre recherche visera, au final, à comprendre que la fonction qu'a eue la représentation de l'Orient dans la construction de l'identité canadienne-française est d'avoir mis en exergue le caractère définitivement occidental de cette identité. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Identité/Altérité, Québec, XIXe-XXe siècle, Orientalisme, Manuel de lecture, Imaginaire collectif.

La mémoire en mouvance

Kruggel, Björn 12 1900 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, il s’agit de développer et d’appliquer une méthode qui peut saisir le manuel scolaire comme objet de l’analyse historique et de l’analyse du discours. La méthode cible le livre seulement et combine des outils littéraires et historiques, quantitatifs et qualitatifs, en essayant de tenir compte de l’expérience du livre. L’analyse porte sur la narration de la guerre de Corée dans les manuels de six pays (Allemagne RDA et RFA, la Chine RPC, les États-Unis, le Chili et l’Argentine) de deux moments différents (1962 et 1992). La guerre de Corée a été un événement majeur de la Guerre froide entre les mondes capitalistes et communistes et a contribué à la course aux armements nucléaires. Elle a installé le modèle de la guerre par procuration comme solution de conflits entre les deux idéologies. Une comparaison large d’un événement précis peut nous donner des indications sur le fonctionnement des différents niveaux de la mémoire d’une société et expliquer des éléments du fonctionnement des cycles historiographiques. / This master’s thesis develops and tests a methodology that tries to understand the textbook as an object of historical and discourse analysis. The method centers primarily on the textbook and combines tools of literary criticism and historical research, using quantitative and qualitative analysis, while trying to capture the reader’s experience of the narrated history. We analyze the narration of the Korean war in the textbooks from six different coun- tries (East and West Germany, mainland China, the United States, Chile and Argentina) at two different times (1962 and 1992). The Korean war has been a major event of the cold war between capitalist and communist world and lead to the nuclear arms race. It introduced the model of the proxy war as a means of conflict resolution between the two ideologies. A larger comparison of a precise event can yield indications about how the different levels of social memory work and can explain elements of of the cycles of historiograph- ical paradigms.

La coalición pedracista : elecciones y rebeliones para una re-definición de la participación política en México (1826-1828)

Romero-Valderrama, Ana January 2011 (has links)
The pedracista electoral coalition that was formed in Mexico during the 1828 presidential elections was deliberately ignored by the traditional historiography of the early national period. Instead it concentrated on the leaders of the liberal struggle, deeming this alliance unworthy of study. There were essentially two key reasons why this happened. On the one hand, General Manuel Gómez Pedraza (1789-1851) was not an archetypal liberal patriot in the mould of those heroes that were exalted and written about by Mexico’s Porfirian and PRIísta historians. His politics were associated with a certain ideological indeterminateness as a result of his moderate stance, proving problematic to historians who were intent on developing a liberal and subsequently post-revolutionary historia patria. On the other hand, the official historiography accepted, unquestioningly, the critical version of his actions that his opponents circulated at the time. As a result of this, the yorkino version of the events is the one that prevailed, casting Pedraza in the role of staunch anti-yorkino in a simplistic bipartisan vision of Mexican politics that depicted the political tensions of the time as a clear-cut confrontation between the pedracista aristocrats and the democratic yorkino followers of mulatto hero of the War of Independence, General Vicente Guerrero (1783-1831). This two-dimensional dichotomy has only recently started to be nuanced by the revisionist historiography of the last thirty years. This has been due, in great measure, to the fact that the traditional interpretation of the pedracista coalition posed a number of significant problems when attempting to understand the political behaviour of the people involved. Above all, it was an interpretation that proved incapable of explaining how such a variety of political tendencies, represented by those individuals who joined the alliance that backed Pedraza’s presidential candidacy, could have come together; i.e., anti-masonic groups, the imparciales, certain yorkinos and former escoceses. This thesis aims to explain what brought these individuals, whose political ideas were ostensibly incompatible, together, in what resulted in a particularly resourceful and successful electoral force. The pedracista coalition represented the first political formation in Mexico that came together specifically to win a presidential election. It was one which set out to bring an end to the political interference of Masonic societies in Mexico, and in particular, that of the Rite of York lodges. It also challenged the yorkinos’ electoral campaign by criticising their leader, Guerrero, and, by highlighting the negative aspects of their Masonic faction. It pointed out, moreover, the dangers inherent in a central administration led by guerrerista yorkinos and, in so doing, made clear the problems that were to be found in the political ideas these individuals stood for, depicting them as partisan, ignorant, and representative of the popular classes. The pedracista coalition argued that the presidency needed to go to someone who did not belong to any particular party, who was virtuous, who was renowned for being hard-working and energetic in government, and who belonged to the exclusive circles frequented by the “hombres de bien”. Given that Pedraza won the elections, it is evident that his coalition benefited from a constitutional structure that favoured his candidacy, gaining, at the same time, the public validation of the governmental authorities in place at the time. However, Pedraza’s candidacy was defeated by the armed mobilizations that ensued in the pronunciamientos pro-yorkino followers launched from October to November 1828, and was consequently eliminated from the political scene until late 1832 given that the leaders of the imparciales as well as Pedraza himself chose not to fight back or support a counter-revolution. During the electoral campaign, the pedracista coalition displayed, with astounding clarity, what it thought were the essential qualities a president needed to possess and, likewise presented a distinctive appreciation of how it thought the Mexican political class should behave. In this sense, the coalition’s views, captured in its votes, networks and press articles, offer a fascinating snapshot of what were the fundamental themes of the Mexican republic during its formative years as a nation-state, and how this ignored political grouping interpreted them. Of particular interest is the manner in which the pedracista coalition explored the ways in which political legitimacy, participation and representation were to be understood, defended, and systematised. By studying the pedracista coalition this thesis offers, for the first time, a detailed analysis of the nature and dynamics of Mexican politics in the mid-late 1820s, as experienced, discussed, and represented by the short-lasting yet effective alliance that was forged around the candidacy of Manuel Gómez Pedraza.

El Salvador : modern technology and poverty

Pike, Elizabeth G. January 2007 (has links)
The school, Centro Escolar Dr. Manuel Parada Salgaco, in Santa Ana, El Salvador, has been given a second chance. The Organization of Developing States funded a Solar Panel Net Project for the school, allotting it 36 solar panels to power 10 computers and a high-speed satellite Internet connection on the school campus. I became curious to learn, through documented interviews, how much this computer lab has contributed to the education of the poor, rural children. In this particular situation it appears that no longer are the developed world and the developing world separated due to lack of access to information.This exploration of computer and media use in impoverished areas explain and examine how the Internet and media are having positive effects on the students and teachers. This technology has opened the student's eyes to higher aspirations for themselves, as well as furthering their education. This documentary hopefully will be used as a tool to gain more funds, grants and volunteers to help the children select another type of life than just poverty.The principal, four students, four teachers, as well as Peace Corps volunteers, were interviewed. All interviews were documented on videotape. It was clear after this process that access to Internet technology does have positive effects on young students. And although the documentary does not suggest too many negatives, I cover those in this paper. I also hope the documentary can be used to help the school and future schools become as fortunate. / Department of Telecommunications

Painting Puertorriqueñidad: The Jíbaro as a Symbol of Creole Nationalism in Puerto Rican Art before and after 1898

Boe, Jeffrey L. 01 January 2012 (has links)
In the three decades surrounding the Spanish-American war (1880-1910), three prominent Puerto Rican artists, Francisco Oller (1833-1917), Manuel E. Jordan (1853-1919), and Ramón Frade (1875-1954) created a group of paintings depicting "el jíbaro," the rural Puerto Rican farm worker, in a way that can be appropriately labeled "nationalistic." Using a set of motifs involving clothes, customs, domestic architecture and agricultural practices unique to rural Puerto Rico, they contributed to the imagination of a communal identity for creoles at the turn of the century. ("Creole" here refers to individuals of Spanish heritage, born on the island of Puerto Rico.) This set of shared symbols provided a visual dimension to the aspirational nationalism that had been growing within the creole community since the mid- 1800s. This creollismo mythified the agrarian laborer as a prototypical icon of Puerto Rican identity. By identifying themselves as jíbaros, Puerto Rican creoles used jíbaro self-fashioning as a way to define their community as unique vis a vis the colonial metropolis (first Spain, later the United States). In this thesis, I will examine works by Oller, Jordan and Frade which employ jíbaro motifs to engage this creollismo. They do so by painting the jíbaro himself, his culture and surroundings, the fields in which he worked, and the bohío hut which was his home. Together, these paintings form a body of jíbaro imagery which I will contextualize, taking into account both the historical circumstances of jíbaro life, as well as the ways in which signifiers of jibarismo began to gain resonance amongst creoles who did not strictly belong to the jíbaro class. The resulting study demonstrates the importance of the mythified jíbaro figure to the project of imagining Puerto Rican creole society as a nation, and the extent to which visual culture participated in this creative process.

Montaje en Variaciones ornamentales de Ronald Kay, La nueva novela de Juan Luis Martínez y Boquitas pintadas de Manuel Puig

Negrón Marambio, Carolina January 2010 (has links)
Esta tesis se propone analizar el uso del montaje como mecanismo de producción literaria en tres textos específicos elaborados a fines de la década del 60 y principios del 70. Estos son: Variaciones Ornamentales del poeta y crítico chileno, Ronald Kay, La Nueva Novela del poeta y artista visual Juan Luis Martínez y Boquitas Pintadas del reconocido novelista argentino, Manuel Puig. Textos que tienen en común la incorporación de elementos de los medios masivos de comunicación como el periódico, en el caso de Variaciones Ornamentales, la imagen icónica y publicitaria, en La Nueva Novela y el folletín y el cine comercial en Boquitas Pintadas. La reflexión se centrará en el concepto de montaje entendido como principio de producción artística que hace uso de un conjunto heterogéneo de elementos preexistentes en la construcción de una obra. La hipótesis que sustenta este trabajo radica en que sus características permiten, en los tres textos que conforman el corpus, la incorporación de la cultura masiva desde un punto de vista crítico.

A letra, o corpo e o desejo : uma leitura comparada de Puig, Abreu e Bayly / Letter, body and desire : a comparative reading of Puig, Abreu and Bayly / La letra, el cuerpo y el deseo : una lectura comparativa de Puig, Abreu y Bayly / La lettre, le corps et le désir : une lecture comparée de Puig, Abreu et Bayly

Alos, Anselmo Peres January 2007 (has links)
La lettre, le corps et le désir: une lecture comparée de Puig, Abreu et Bayly a pour but de réaliser une analyse contrastive de trois récits qui représentent la problématisation de l´identité homosexuelle masculine dans le continent latinoam éricain : El beso de la mujer araña (Argentine, 1976), de Manuel Puig ; Onde andará Dulce Veiga? (Brésil, 1990), de Caio Fernando Abreu ; et No se lo digas a nadie (Pérou, 1994), de Jaime Bayly. L´articulation d´une épistémologie queer permet de penser la textualité comme le lieu de mise en scène d´une fiction politique qui met en question les démarches hétéronormatifs du sexe et du genre, et propose une stratégie de résistance fondée autant sur les corps et sur les plaisirs que sur les politiques de représentation et de réinvention des masculinités et des féminités. En prenant les présupposés féministes, la narratologie et la théorie/épistemologie queer comme appui théorique, on mène une lecture critique de ces récits, qui s´élèvent contre la démarche hétéronormatif et s´investent dans le potentiel subversif d´un lieu d´énonciation du discours littéraire marqué par la différence et par la résistance aux dispositifs hétéronormatifs de régulation des identités sexuelles. À partir d´une reprise des principes de narratologie, on recherche aussi la façon (ou façons) dans laquelle le texte narratif s´ébauche comme l´espace de négociation d´une perspective queer sur la nationalité, la sexualité et le genre dans l´énonciation des ces récits. Dans ce sens, la littérature réécrit autant le corps sexuel, pris comme le lieu de la subjectivité individuelle, que le corps social/national, compris comme une fiction régulatrice des sociabilités corporelles et sexuelles. À la fin, avec l´intention de visibiliser autant que de compprendre cette poétique queer, on cherche de souligner les contradictions et les impasses qui émergent dans les récits, surtout en ce qui concerne les questions de race, classe et genre, aussi bien que les potentialités et les points problématiques de la poétique queer en tant que lieu d´intervention culturelle, dans lequel se projètent de manière performative des nouveaux arrangements de legibilité sociale. / A letra, o corpo e o desejo: uma leitura comparada de Puig, Abreu e Bayly tem por objetivo a realização de uma análise contrastiva de três romances representativos da problematização da identidade homossexual masculina no continente latino-americano: El beso de la mujer araña (Argentina, 1976), de Manuel Puig; Onde andará Dulce Veiga? (Brasil, 1990), de Caio Fernando Abreu e No se lo digas a nadie (Peru, 1994), de Jaime Bayly. A articulação de uma epistemologia queer permite pensar a textualidade como o lugar de encenação de uma ficção política que questiona os regimes heteronomativos do sexo e do gênero, e propõe uma estratégia de resistência baseada tanto nos corpos e nos prazeres quanto nas políticas de representação e reinvenção das masculinidades e das feminilidades. Tomando os pressupostos feministas, os estudos narratológicos e a teoria/epistemologia queer como sustentação teórica, realiza-se uma leitura crítica desses romances, os quais questionam o regime heteronormativo e investem no potencial subversivo de um lugar de enunciação do discurso literário marcado pela diferença e pela resistência aos dispositivos heteronormativos de regulação das identidades sexuais. A partir de uma retomada dos princípios da narratologia, investiga-se também de que forma (ou formas) o texto narrativo configura-se como espaço de negociação de uma perspectiva queer sobre a nacionalidade, a sexualidade e o gênero na enunciação dos referidos romances. Neste sentido, a literatura reescreve tanto o corpo sexual, tido como o lugar da subjetividade individual, quanto o corpo social/nacional, entendido como uma ficção reguladora das sociabilidades corporais e sexuais. Com vistas a uma poética queer, busca-se evidenciar as contradições e impasses que emergem nos romances, particularmente em relação a questões de raça, classe e gênero, bem como as potencialidades e os pontos problemáticos da poética queer como lugar de intervenção cultural, no qual são performativamente projetados novos arranjos de legibilidade social. / Letter, body and desire : a comparative reading of Puig, Abreu and Bayly aims at analyzing in a contrastive way three representative novels of the problematic of the male homosexual identity in Latin America: Manuel Puig´s El beso de la mujer araña (Argentine, 1976), Caio Fernando Abreu´s Onde andará Dulce Veiga? (Brazil, 1990) and Jaime Bayly´s No se lo digas a nadie (Peru, 1994). The articulation of a queer epistemology allows us to think about textuality as a place of dramatization of a politic fiction that questions the heteronormative patterns of sex and gender, and proposes a strategy of resistance based both on bodies and pleasures and on politics of representation and reinvention of masculinities and femininities. Taking feminist assumptions, narratology and queer theory/epistemology as theoretical basis, it is made a critical reading of these novels, which are presented against the heteronormative model and invest in the subversive potential of a place of enunciation in the literary discourse marked by difference and resistance to the heteronormative disposals of regulation of sexual identities. Through the principles of narratology, it is also studied in which way (or ways) the narrative is configured as a space of negotiation, from a queer perspective, of nationality, sexuality and gender in the enunciation of these novels. In this sense, literature rewrites both the sexual body, seen as the place of individual subjectivity, and the social/national body, understood as a fiction that balances body and sexual sociabilities. At last, the contradictions and impasses that emerge from the novels are analyzed, particularly in which concerns questions of race, class and gender, as well as the potentialities and problematic points of a queer poetics as a place of cultural intervention, intending the construction and the comprehension of this queer poetics, where new arranges of social legibility are projected in a performative way. / La letra, el cuerpo y el deseo: una lectura comparativa de Puig, Abreu y Bayly tiene por objetivo la realización de un análisis contrastivo de tres novelas representativas de la problematización de la identidad homosexual masculina en el continente latinoamericano: El beso de la mujer araña (Argentina, 1976), de Manuel Puig; Onde andará Dulce Veiga? (Brasil, 1990), de Caio Fernando Abreu, y No se lo digas a nadie (Perú, 1994), de Jaime Bayly. La articulación de una epistemología queer posibilita pensar la textualidad como escena de una ficción política que cuestiona las políticas heteronormativas del sexo y del género, sugiriendo una estrategia de resistencia calcada en los cuerpos, en los placeres, en las políticas de representación y en la reinvención de las masculinidades y de las feminidades a la vez. Tomándose como base los presupuestos feministas, la narratología y la teoría/epistemología queer, se enuncia una lectura crítica de esas novelas, las cuales cuestionan la lógica heteronormativa y invierten en la potencia subversiva de un locus de enunciación del discurso literario señalado por la diferencia y por la resistencia a los dispositivos heteronormativos de la regulación de las identidades sexuales. A partir de una retomada de los principios de la narratología, se investiga también de qué forma (o formas) el texto narrativo se impone como espacio de negociación de una perspectiva queer acerca de la nacionalidad, de la sexualidad y de los géneros en la enunciación de las novelas en cuestión. En ese sentido, la literatura reinscribe tanto el cuerpo sexual, pensado como ubicación de la subjetividad individual, como el cuerpo social/nacional, comprendido como ficción reguladora de las sociabilidades corpóreas y sexuales. Finalmente, con vistas a una poética queer, búscase destacar las contradicciones y los conflictos emergentes en las novelas, en particular lo que se relaciona con cuestiones de raza, clase y género. Mientras tanto, las potencialidades y los puntos problemáticos de la poética queer son pensados como sitio de intervención cultural, en el cual hay la performance de la proyección de nuevos arreglos de legibilidad social.

A remediation and sustainable rehabilitation strategy for Manuel Street Park, Johannesburg Gauteng : microbial treatment, landscaping and public needs assessment

Maphorogo, Alusani Adzifheli Emmanuel 21 January 2016 (has links)
Introduction Run-off from Johannesburg mine dumps is a source of environmental pollution and a public health concern. This study focussed on assessing and developing remediation strategies for Manuel Street Park (MSP) that has been affected by run-off from the Princess Mine dump. Study objectives were threefold: to use a survey involving residents living around MSP to determine community use and perception of rehabilitation of the Park; to determine the impact of the addition of a preparation known as “Effective Micro-organisms” (EM®) to polluted Park soil and; to prepare a remediation plan for this Park. Methodology A qualitative survey was conducted amongst users of the park as to their use and perceptions of rehabilitation of the park and their understanding of mine-related pollution and acid mine drainage. Controlled greenhouse trials were conducted to determine optimal germination and growth of Pennisetum clandestinum (Kikuyu grass) in Park soil, with and without EM® or compost. A landscaper was consulted to collate research results to facilitate park rehabilitation. Results Survey participants understood the risks of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) and other mine pollution and gave valuable information which assisted in understanding local issues concerning the park. Tests with soil polluted with AMD showed that it promoted seed germination while treatment of park soil with fertiliser, compost and enhanced microorganisms improved plant development and growth. Practically, it was determined that the use of EM1 at the park would be difficult because of on-going flooding of the park with contaminated water. For this reason, an improved drainage plan was suggested, along with raised walkways. Conclusion A remediation plan can be implemented on site involving installation of French drains, raised walkways, and soil remediation involving EM® / Agriculture, Animal Health and Human Ecology / M. Sc. (Environmental Management Ornamental Horticulture)

Capacidades para a paz : estudo comparativo dos processos de paz entre o governo colombiano e as FARC nas gestões Andrés Pastrana (1998-2002) e Juan Manuel Santos (2010-2016)

Antunes, Diego Felipe Barbosa January 2018 (has links)
O conflito intraestatal colombiano acumulou tentativas de pacificação negociada com diferentes grupos guerrilheiros. Enquanto o processo de paz de Andrés Pastrana (1998-2002) fracassou em acordar a paz com as FARC, os diálogos do presidente atual, Manuel Juan Santos (2010-2018), lograram firmar inédito acordo de paz com a guerrilha. Por que um acordo com as FARC foi possível em 2016, e não em 2002? Para responder tal questão, a pesquisa se vale do método comparativo de Sistemas Mais Similares para examinar a hipótese de que a Colômbia do presidente Santos dispôs de maiores capacidades estatais para empreender um bem-sucedido processo de paz do que na época de Andrés Pastrana. Através de levantamento bibliográfico ligado à literatura de Capacidade Estatal, bem como à literatura histórica sobre o conflito colombiano, elenca-se 12 variáveis agrupadas em três grupos para serem testadas em ambos os processos de paz. Para além da introdução, referencial teórico e referencial metodológico, esta dissertação se divide em quatro capítulos: (i) histórico do conflito colombiano, (ii) análise de variáveis socioeconômicas, (iii) análise de variáveis estratégico-militares, (iiii) análise dos principais atores envolvidos no conflito. Como conclusão, encontrou-se que melhores indicadores econômicos e militares, bem como maior coesão institucional, foram cruciais na garantia do acordo de paz de 2016. Contudo, compreender como se deu a relação causal entre esses aspectos e o desfecho positivo de 2016 demandará novas pesquisas mais aprofundadas em aspectos específicos. / The intrastate Colombian conflict has accumulated attempts of negotiated pacification with several guerrilla groups. If, in one hand, there is Andrés Pastrana’s (1998-2002) failure to achieve peace with the FARC, in the other hand, the current president’s attempt, Juan Manuel Santos (2010-2018) managed to stablish an unprecedented peace accord with the guerrilla. Why such accord was possible in 2016 but not in 2002? To answer this question, this research uses the Most Similar Systems comparative method in order to examine the hypothesis that the Colombia of current president Santos enjoyed better state capacities to undergo a well-succeeded peace process than during Andrés Pastrana’s years. Through literature review related to the State Capacity theory as well as the historic literature of the Colombian conflict, this research lists 12 variables grouped in three groups so that they can be tested in both peace processes. Besides an introduction, theoretical framework and methodological framework, this dissertation divides itself in four chapters: (i) history of the Colombian conflict, (ii) analysis of socioeconomic variables, (iii) analysis of strategic-military variables, (iiii) analysis of the main actors related to the conflict. As a conclusion, the research finds that better economic and military aspects, as well as better institutional cohesion, were crucial in achieving the peace agreement of 2016. However, understanding how such causal relation worked between these aspects and the positive outcome of 2016 will demand new deeper research on specific aspects.

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