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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Planavimo proceso organizavimo praktika Lietuvoje / Practice of planning process organization in Lithuania

Sukova, Tatjana 27 June 2005 (has links)
In parallel with more active planning of territories and regional planning in particular, the problem of drawing up of plans and organization of this process becomes more and more relevant. Though there are good experts in this field in Lithuania, planning experience under market conditions is in high want. This field has been poorly surveyed so far both in practical and theoretical terms. This paper analyses the organization of the process of territorial planning in Lithuania. More attention is paid to the methodological aspects of project making, i.e., analysis of the correlation between the objectives of planning and the results of different stages of the planning. The paper offers a theoretical model for project making. It is thoroughly analyzed and assessed in compliance with the legislative provisions and studied scientific literature. The comparative analysis of the practical and theoretical model was carried out on the basis of three samples of the processes of drawing up comprehensive planning schemes. Consequently, likely problems of application of the theoretical model in practice were identified and the trends for optimization of the methodology for elaboration of territorial planning documentation were recommended. A special questionnaire of territorial planning professionals was carried out with the view of more extensive analysis of the problem. The analysis of the questionnaire results was used in assessment of results derived, as well as findings and... [to full text]

The improvement of technological innovativeness' evaluation under aspect of influencing factors / Technologinio inovatyvumo vertinimo tobulinimas įtakojančių veiksnių aspektu

Toločka, Eligijus 10 April 2006 (has links)
The researched topic of technological innovativeness has shown that most researchers choose for their subject of research innovations in general, whereas the technological innovativeness they research is just fragmentary and a part of overall innovative activity. The research of innovative technologies adaptation evolution has revealed that the proportion manufacturing of Lithuanian enterprises adapting innovative technologies is declining. It raises worries as to the competitive capabilities of the national enterprises in the international and the EU market. The analysis of scientific literature on evolution of innovations, technologies and technological innovativeness has shown that quantitative estimation techniques of innovative manufacturing technologies mostly are meant to any areas of human activities, but while researching organizations belonging to one particular sector or area this universality has a deficiency – it diminishes the deepness and exactness of the research. While researching manufacturing enterprises of Lithuania by questionnaire method, factors influencing innovative technologies formation and adaptation are identified, also the defining indexes which influence technological innovativeness of enterprises were identified. Realized in practice created evaluation model of technological innovativeness researching national manufacturing enterprises. Taken data using in created model for technological innovativeness evaluation was got result that biggest... [to full text] / Pramonės sektorius daro didelę įtaką visai šalies ekonomikai, todėl šio sektoriaus sugebėjimas sėkmingai konkuruoti tarptautiniu mastu apskritai apsprendžia ir valstybės geresnes vystymosi galimybes. Pramonės įmonių konkurencingumui didelę įtaką daro naudojamos inovatyvios technologijos, todėl gilesnis inovatyvių technologijų formavimo ir jų adaptavimo veikiančių veiksnių pažinimas, geresnė jų vadyba bei tobulesnis technologinio inovatyvumo vertinimas kaip tik ir apibrėžia svarbią, tačiau mažai tyrinėtą, vadybos ir administravimo mokslo ir praktikos problematiką. Ilgalaikei ir sėkmingai apdirbamosios pramonės sektoriaus plėtrai būtina aktyvesnė inovatyvių technologijų plėtra, kuri periodiškai gerintų gaminamos produkcijos įvairias savybes bei pozityviai įtakotų įvairius organizacijos struktūrinius elementus, skatindama jų tobulėjimą. Šie siekiai įgyja ypatingą reikšmingumą suvokiant, jog be efektyvaus inovatyvių technologijų formavimo ir jų adaptavimo, taip pat tobulesnio technologinio inovatyvumo įvertinimo, neįmanomas kryptingas pramonės įmonių, o kartu ir viso šio šalies sektoriaus konkurencingumo didinimas tarptautiniame lygmenyje. Tuo būdu galima būtų konstatuoti, jog dabar egzistuoja gana didelis patikimo modelio poreikis, kuris padėtų didžiajai daugumai pramonės įmonių atlikti technologinio inovatyvumo kiekybinį vertinimą, paremtą inovatyvių technologijų formavimą ir jų adaptavimą veikiančių veiksnių analize.

Strateginės analizės instrumentarijaus modeliavimas mažose ir vidutinėse įmonėse / Modelling of Strategic Analysis Instrumentarium at Small and Medium - sized Enterprises

Vaitkevičius, Sigitas 19 April 2006 (has links)
The doctoral thesis is concerned with the issues that are faced when selecting strategic analysis tools to be used in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in the process of strategic management. The paper comprises three parts. The first part presents a discussion on the methodology of strategic analysis and the application of its tools in SME. As a result, the taxonomy of 40 strategic analysis tools applied in business organizations (including SME) was designed. In addition, the „model of strategic tune“, defining the correlation of „a dominating strategy type“, „the size of an enterprise“, and „the nature of strategic analysis“, was formed in this part. The second part describes the methodologies to study the application of strategic analysis tools. In the course of research project, two individual empirical studies were conducted: 1) expert evaluation study of strategic analysis tools, during which the criteria for expert evaluation of 40 strategic analysis tools were prepared; 2) SME owners, executives and specialists‘ testing and survey. The third part of the thesis indicates the results of the study into the application of strategic analysis tools. While combining theoretical and empirical methods and using various classification criteria, four typologies of strategic analysis tools were designed. Factual material reflecting SME executives‘ scope of knowledge and their perceptions and attitudes towards strategic analysis was collected by means of testing and... [to full text]

VIDURINIO LYGMENS VADOVŲ NEFINANSINIS ATLYGINIMAS LIETUVOS ĮMONĖSE / Non-financial Compensation of Middle Level Managers in Lithuanian Companies

Maciulevičius, Raimondas 10 May 2006 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to define motivational role of non-financial compensation means used in the foreign countries and the utilization of non-financial means for the middle level managers motivation in Lithuanian companies. The thesis gives answers to the following questions: what are the non-financial means used mostly in the foreign countries, what are the main purposes and motivational effect of it for the managers’ motivation. Thesis answers as well what are the most commonly used non-financial compensation means for middle level managers in large Lithuanian companies, what was the main reason to start this type of compensation and what are the main tasks of it. Information provided about non-financial compensation efficiency assessment and further perspectives within Lithuanian companies. The thesis consist of an introduction, formulation of the problem, review of literature, description of an empiric research and analysis of received data, summary, conclusion and practical interpretation for companies’ managers. The status of the non-financial means’ utilization in large Lithuanian companies was defined based on the survey of 94 companies. There was chosen method of primal data collection via internet for the survey. Collected answers were analyzed utilizing Statistical Package for the Social Sciences [SPSS]. There was defined based on the review of literature that non-financial compensation is utilized for the motivation of managers very frequently and by various... [to full text]

Sporto renginių ekonominio poveikio vertinimas / Economic impact evaluation of sports events

Mėlynienė, Šarūnė 15 May 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY Key words: sporting event, economic impact and evaluation methods. The object of the work: sporting event’s economic impact’s evaluation methods analysis. Problem (research) question: Is cost – benefit analysis more effective than economic impact analysis evaluating event’s economic impact? Research hypothesis: cost – benefit analysis is more effective than economic impact analysis evaluating event’s economic impact. The purpose of the work: To evaluate sporting event’s economic impact by accomplishing sporting event’s economic impact’s evaluation methods analysis. Tasks of the work: a. To analyze the theoretical aspects of the sporting event’s economic impact’s evaluation. b. To educe sporting event’s economic impact’s evaluation methods. c. To define factors influencing the sporting event’s input and benefit. d. To substantiate sporting event’s economic impact’s evaluation methodology analyzing the European junior track-and-field athletics championship. Conclusions: 1. Sporting event’s economic impact is evaluated by its benefit. According to scientific literature there can be tangible (in terms of money) and intangible benefit. The tangible benefit of sporting event’s economic impact is evaluated using mathematical methods. Intangible benefit isn’t included as denominate in terms of money. 2. There are various economic impact evaluation methods presented in scientific literature. The economic impact analysis methods or cost – benefit analysis is mostly used for... [to full text]

AB „Audimas“ vidurinio lygio vadovų motyvacijos pasireiškimo lygio nustatymas / Ltd “Audimas” determination of motivation manifestation level of middle level managers

Gečionis, Romualdas 16 May 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY of Master’s final research by Romualdas Gečionis “Ltd “Audimas” determination of motivation manifestation level of middle level managers” Key words: demand, motive, motivation, organization, manager. The object of the research - determination of motivation manifestation level. Investigative problem of the research. The essence of investigative problem of research is based on the fact that common mechanism of motivation exists and if it is mastered, the flow of events can be turned to the right direction. For this reason natural question is asked: what is the mechanism of motivation, what is the level of motivation manifestation in order the energy would appear form purposive and instinctive actions which could influence an individual or his work results? The aim of the research – to define determination of motivation manifestation level of middle level managers in Ltd “Audimas”. In order to achieve the aims of the research, the following tasks are heightened: 1. To analyze the conception of motivation fulfilling the survey of motivation theories. 2. To define determination of motivation manifestation level of middle level managers. 3. To determine external motivation manifestation level of middle level managers. Conclusions The analysis of literature showed that motivation is a complex phenomenon and in order to explain it a group of theories are created though none of them is accepted unanimously. Choice of employees motives between “to do” and “to behave”... [to full text]

Švietimo įstaigų nekilnojamojo turto valdymo ypatybės / The Features of the Real Estate Management of Educational Institutions

Kiudulaitė, Indrė 06 June 2006 (has links)
This master‘s final paper formulates theoretical and practical features of the real estate management of educational institutions. Comprehensive school networks, buildings, and state of hygiene is analysed. A lot of attention is payed to the analyses of Lieporiai and „Saulėtekis“ high schools, their real estate and property management, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the state of the school buildings themselves. During the research the opinion of students about the state of the buildings was studied. Acknowledged hypothesis is that the real estate management of the educational institutions and their differences depend on the educational institutions themselves (on their popularity, initiative).

Mažeikių rajono mokyklų tinklo pertvarkos programos ekspertinis vertinimas / Expert evaluation on the reorganisation programme of the school system in Mažeikiai district

Kleinauskaitė, Kristina 09 June 2006 (has links)
This master`s research analyses reorganisation programme of the school system in Mažeikiai district. It reveals the essence and the expression of the reorganisation of the school system. It theoretically focuses on the situation of the education reform in Lithuania and involves a review on the reorganization of the foreign school system. Also, there are identified the determinants of the reorganization of the school system in Mažeikiai district and in the country. The main method of this research has been an oral interrogation as well as a qualitative interview. Obviously, the Protocol (the questionnaire of the qualitative interview) has been prepared for the research. Seventeen experts of education from Mažeikiai district has taken part in the interrogation. The content method of analysis has been applied for processing the research data as well as for the analysing data there was applied the logical – inductive method. Thus, the results of the interrogation permitted to define the weaknesses and strengths of the reorganisation programme of the school system in Mažeikiai district. In addition, the hypothetical premises (which were raised in the beginning of the research) confirmed only partly because the reorganization programme of the school system in Mažeikiai district is appraised quite propitious. Though, it has a lot of imperfections. The opinion of the education experts confirms the second hypothetical premise that there is a shortage of modern... [to full text]

Pirminės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų veiklos vertinimo sistemos analizė ir tobulinimas / Analysis of the assessment system of primary health care organizations performance and ways for improvement

Giedraitienė, Aistė 13 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the paper: to analyze performance peculiarities of primary health care organizations (PHCO) and to propose possible ways for improvement. Methods: the analysis of scientific literature of Lithuanian and foreign authors, analysis of legal regulating documents, analysis of the results of the questionnaire of managers of PHCO, analysis of the results of the interview with experts. The object of research: performance assessment of primary health care organizations. Results: PHCO quality assessment and assessment performed by administrative organizations are the most often types of PHCO assessment in Lithuania. The results of the research show that data evaluating PHCO performance are fragmented and reflect only certain areas of PHCO activities. The quantity of the data does not correspond to the needs of PHCP managers in the strategic planning and implementation process. The assessment of PHCO performance is not dynamic and adjusted to the changing environment conditions. Experts unanimously pointed the need for the development of present PHCO performance assessment system and the need for its unification. Conclusions and practical recommendations: 1. Having done the analysis of scientific literature, we may conclude that problems of performance assessment are most often analyzed in business than in public sectors. The complex view to organization activities allows to analyze not only results of the organization, quality of performance but also to identify areas for... [to full text]

Piniginės socialinės paramos mažas pajamas gaunančioms šeimoms teikimo veiksmingumas / Efficacy of the Financial Social Support to Families with Low Income

Šukienė, Lina 29 June 2006 (has links)
The goal of the present paper towards the Master‘s degree is to analyse whether the practice of applying the Law on Financial Social Support to Families (Lone Persons) with Low Income assures implementation of the objectives contained in it. The following objectives were set to attain the goal: 1. To study the theoretical grounds for rendering financial social support in Lithuania. 2. To study the methods for establishing the level of financial social support. 3. To study how the persons getting the financial social support evaluate Law on Financial Social Support to Families (Lone Persons) with Low Income. The paper includes the analysis of scientific references, laws, articles, reports delivered at conferences, Decisions of the Government on financial social support and poverty issues. The interviewing of the recipients of social support, those who have not received or receiving financial social support was carried out. The evaluation of efficiency of the support provided following the Law on Financial Social Support to Families (Lone Persons) with Low Income was also analysed. The theme is topical as the reforms in the sphere of the financial social support had taken place – the Law on Financial Social Support to Families (Lone Persons) with Low Income, regulating assignment of support based on the principle of revenue and property evaluation, came into force. So, it is very important to find out whether the financial social support rendered in such a way permits... [to full text]

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