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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

嘻哈、故事、與廣告效果 / Hip Hop, Storytelling, and Advertising Effect

劉思劭 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以廣告嘻哈性與故事性為自變數、消費者的嘻哈偏好為調節變數對廣告效果進行研究。研究方式以台北市高中生為受測對象,透過自製廣告影片的播放、然後請受測者填答問卷。問卷分析的結果發現: 1. 消費者認知的廣告嘻哈性或故事性愈強時,對應的廣告態度、品牌態度、購買意願皆愈佳。且當消費者認知的廣告故事性愈弱時,廣告嘻哈性與廣告態度之正向關係愈強。亦即當廣告的嘻哈性或故事性同時增強時,對廣告態度的正向影響會有飽和的效果。 2. 廣告嘻哈性與故事性對廣告效果的影響,會受到消費者嘻哈偏好的干擾。消費者的嘻哈偏好程度愈高時,廣告嘻哈性與品牌態度、購買意願的正向關係愈強。而當產品傾向於感性時,消費者的嘻哈偏好程度愈高,廣告故事性與廣告態度之正向關係愈強。此外,消費者的嘻哈偏好程度愈高,廣告故事性與消費者對產品回憶的正確程度的正向關係反而愈弱。 3. 廣告態度不具有廣告嘻哈性與品牌態度關係間的中介影響力,亦即提高廣告嘻哈性,可直接對品牌態度產生正向影響。此外,當消費者的嘻哈偏好低時,廣告態度會扮演廣告嘻哈性與購買意願的中介角色,但是當消費者嘻哈偏好高時則否。表示嘻哈性強的廣告,可以打動嘻哈偏好高的消費者,讓他跳過廣告態度而直接提高購買意願。 4. 廣告態度在消費者的嘻哈偏好程度低時,是廣告故事性與品牌態度的中介變數。表示只有在消費者的嘻哈偏好程度高時,提高廣告故事性才能直接對品牌態度產生正向影響。此外,廣告態度也是廣告故事性與購買意願的中介變數,表示提高廣告故事性對購買意願產生的正向影響,其實是先影響廣告態度而後才影響購買意願的「兩段式」影響,作用有限。 關鍵字:嘻哈、故事、廣告效果、中介效果、品牌態度、購買意願、次文化

Aspirations scolaires des parents et décrochage scolaire : le rôle du soutien des parents et des aspirations des adolescents

Castaing-Jordan, Hélène 06 1900 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur le rôle des attitudes et des comportements parentaux dans le processus de décrochage scolaire au travers de deux objectifs. Le premier consiste à vérifier le rôle médiateur des aspirations scolaires de l’adolescent sur le lien entre les aspirations scolaires parentales pour leur enfant et le décrochage scolaire. Le second objectif vise à valider le rôle protecteur du soutien scolaire parental vis-à-vis du décrochage lorsque les aspirations scolaires des parents pour leur adolescent sont peu élevées. Les résultats ont été obtenus à partir de données longitudinales recueillies auprès de 4630 élèves québécois de secondaire pendant cinq ans. Ils mettent en évidence par l’emploi de régressions logistiques que les aspirations scolaires de l’adolescent médiatisent partiellement le lien entre les aspirations scolaires des parents et le décrochage scolaire. Comme attendu, le nombre de décrocheurs s’avère moins important dans la situation où les parents aux aspirations scolaires peu élevées soutiennent scolairement leur enfant. En revanche, les résultats n’ont pas permis de démontrer statistiquement le rôle protecteur du soutien scolaire parental car, contre toute attente, le nombre de décrocheurs s’est avéré également plus important lorsque des parents aux aspirations scolaires élevées soutiennent scolairement leur enfant. Quelques hypothèses sont avancées pour expliquer ce résultat contre intuitif. Les conclusions de cette étude laissent penser qu’accompagner les parents et leur enfant sur le niveau de leurs aspirations scolaires, permettrait de réduire le risque de décrochage scolaire. Elles ouvrent également sur de nouvelles perspectives quant au rôle modérateur du style parental et des difficultés scolaires de l’adolescent sur l’influence du soutien scolaire parental dans le processus de décrochage scolaire. / This study focuses on the role of parental attitudes and behaviours in the process of school dropout through addressing two objectives. The first objective consists in verifying the mediator role of educational aspirations of the adolescent on the relationship between parental educational aspirations for their child and school dropout. The second objective aims at validating the protective role of parental support against school dropout when parental educational aspirations for their adolescent are low. The results were derived from data gathered annually among 4630 Quebec high school students from 7th to 11th grade. The results demonstrate through the use of logistic regressions that educational aspirations of the adolescent mediate partially the relationship between the parental educational aspirations and school dropout. As observed, dropout were less frequent when the parents with low educational aspirations supported their child in its education. Nonetheless the results could not prove the protective role of parental educational support. Indeed, the number of dropouts appeared surprisingly also higher when parents expressed high educational aspirations and high support. Several explanations are proposed to explain those results. This study suggests that working with both parents and their child on their educational aspirations may help decrease the risk of school dropout. They also bring new perspectives on the moderating role of parenting style and academic difficulties of the adolescent on the influence of parental educational support in the school dropout process.

Modèle novateur de conception d’interface humain-ordinateur centrée sur l’utilisateur : le designer en tant que médiateur

Zahedi, Mithra 03 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur des questions relatives à la conception des interfaces humain-ordinateur. Elle s’inscrit dans le courant des recherches sur l’utilisabilité et elle s’intéresse particulièrement aux approches centrées sur l’utilisateur. Nous avons été très souvent témoin des difficultés éprouvées par les utilisateurs dans l’usage de certaines interfaces interactives et nous considérons que ces difficultés découlent d’un problème de design. Le design d’interface doit être basé sur les besoins de l’utilisateur dans le cadre de ses activités, dont les caractéristiques devaient être bien comprises et bien prises en considération pour mener à la conception d’interfaces qui respectent les critères d’utilisabilité. De plus, la communauté des chercheurs ainsi que l’industrie admettent maintenant que pour améliorer le design, il est crucial de développer les interfaces humain-ordinateur au sein d’une équipe multidisciplinaire. Malgré les avancées significatives dans le domaine du design centrées sur l’utilisateur, les visées annoncées sont rarement réalisées. La problématique étudiée nous a conduit à poser la question suivante : En tant que designer d’une équipe multidisciplinaire de conception, comment modifier la dynamique de collaboration et créer les conditions d’une conception véritablement centrée sur l’interaction humain-ordinateur ? Notre démarche de recherche a été guidée par l’hypothèse voulant que l’activité de design puisse être le moyen de faciliter la création d’un langage commun, des échanges constructifs entre les disciplines, et une réflexion commune centrée sur l’utilisateur. La formulation de cette hypothèse nous a mené à réfléchir sur le rôle du designer. Pour mener cette recherche, nous avons adopté une méthodologie mixte. Dans un premier temps, nous avons utilisé une approche de recherche par projet (recherche-projet) et notre fonction était celle de designer-chercheur. La recherche-projet est particulièrement appropriée pour les recherches en design. Elle privilégie les méthodes qualitatives et interprétatives ; elle étudie la situation dans sa complexité et de façon engagée. Nous avons effectué trois études de cas successives. L’objectif de la première étude était d’observer notre propre rôle et nos interactions avec les autres membres de l’équipe de projet pendant le processus de design. Dans la seconde étude, notre attention a été portée sur les interactions et la collaboration de l’équipe. Nous avons utilisé le processus de design comme méthode pour la construction d’un langage commun entre les intervenants, pour enrichir les réflexions et pour favoriser leur collaboration menant à redéfinir les objectifs du projet. Les limites de ces deux cas nous ont conduit à une intervention différente que nous avons mise en œuvre dans la troisième étude de cas. Cette intervention est constituée par la mise en place d’un atelier intensif de conception où les intervenants au projet se sont engagés à développer une attitude interdisciplinaire permettant la copratique réflexive pour atteindre les objectifs d’un projet de construction d’un site web complexe centré sur l’utilisateur. L’analyse et l’interprétation des données collectées de ces trois études de cas nous ont conduit à créer un modèle théorique de conception d’interface humain-ordinateur. Ce modèle qui informe et structure le processus de design impliquant une équipe multidisciplinaire a pour objectif d’améliorer l’approche centrée sur l’utilisateur. Dans le cadre de ce modèle, le designer endosse le rôle de médiateur en assurant l’efficacité de la collaboration de l’équipe. Dans un deuxième temps, afin de valider le modèle et éventuellement le perfectionner, nous avons utilisé une approche ethnographique comportant des entrevues avec trois experts dans le domaine. Les données des entrevues confirment la validité du modèle ainsi que son potentiel de transférabilité à d’autres contextes. L’application de ce modèle de conception permet d’obtenir des résultats plus performants, plus durables, et dans un délai plus court. / In complex design projects, problems typically arise when the design process is undertaken by multi-disciplinary groups of experts as well as non-experts because they do not share a common vision about the user’s needs, do not have identical goals related to the task, and do not have a common language to have productive dialogues as the design process progresses. This research addressed issues related to the human-centered design approach within the context of human-computer interfaces (HCI). It explored ways in which a designer can create conditions whereby various contributors involved in the design process can benefit from the potential that the multi-disciplinary context afford to enrich their personal knowledge and reflection and at the same time work efficiently and collaboratively to design an interface that is user centered. The research used a mixed methodology. In the first instance, a project-grounded research (research through design) was used in three successive case studies with increasing degrees of intervention and control by the researcher. Project-grounded research involves the development of knowledge and theory related to the design activity in an authentic design project. The focus of the first case was for the designer/researcher to observe her role and interaction with others during the design process. In the second case, the focus shifted to the collaborative interactions. The design process was used as a method to foster consensus building and the adoption of a common language to communicate and mutual goals to aim for. Limitations identified in these two cases led to the design of an intervention that was implemented in the third case. This intervention comprised an intensive workshop whereby team members engaged in an interdisciplinary attitude building exercise leading to joint-reflective practice toward achieving the goal which was to create a website. Data generated from these three cases informed the development of a theoretical model that represents steps of “optimal” collaborative design process, focusing on user-centeredness. In this model, the designer is attributed the additional and central role of mediator (designer as mediator) that facilitates the convergence of disparate foci and ways of thinking. In the second instance, the model was presented to three design experts individually for validation purposes. Interview data collected from this process affirmed the validity of the concepts and relations depicted in the model as well as its transferability potential to other complex contexts. The proposed model has the promise of structuring design activities to unfold in a more efficient and timely manner while being sustainable.

Une perspective wébérienne sur l'influence du droit dans le contexte du divorce selon les pratiques des avocats et des médiateurs

Gendreau, Caroline 07 1900 (has links)
Dans cette thèse de sociologie du droit, nous étudions l'influence du droit de l'État sur les sujets de droit. Notre hypothèse générale est que les intermédiaires du droit de l'État contribuent de façon importante à façonner le« rapport au droit» des sujets de droit. C'est-à-dire qu'ils auraient une incidence sur la construction de la relation d'influence du droit sur ces acteurs sociaux et, par là, un effet marqué sur la « légitimité empirique » du droit. Par leurs pratiques professionnelles les intermédiaires du droit auraient une incidence notable, quoique non exclusive, sur les formes concrètes de «rapports au droit» des sujets de droit. Dans l'étude de ce phénomène, nous comparons empiriquement les liens existant entre différents « rapports au droit » des sujets de droit et un droit caractérisé par une rationalité juridique fort différente selon qu'il aurait été porté par un avocat ou un médiateur. Ces deux groupes de professionnels sont les intermédiaires du droit qui font 1’objet de notre observation, laquelle n'est ni générale, ni globale, mais spécifique au divorce, géographiquement localisée à Montréal et historiquement située au début des années 1990. L'intérêt de cette période pour une étude de l'influence du droit sur les sujets de droit est qu'elle constitue un moment unique de l'histoire à Montréal. À cette époque, les différences entre les pratiques professionnelles des avocats et des médiateurs auraient été les plus extrêmes, ce qui favorise un travail de comparaison d'autant plus éclairant. En effet, au début des années 1990, après une dizaine d'années d'expérience, le Service de médiation à la famille de Montréal avait réussi à assurer une solide pratique professionnelle. Par ailleurs, la pratique professionnelle des avocats dans le domaine du divorce était déjà fort « modernisée », mais elle demeurait encore très peu influencée par la médiation familiale. Puisque le « rapport au droit » des personnes qui ont consulté ces intermédiaires du droit en vue de leur divorce est au cœur de 1 'étude, c'est auprès d'eux que nous avons réalisé des entretiens, et c'est l'analyse de ces entretiens qui permet de comprendre leur « rapport au droit». La sociologie de Max Weber est la perspective scientifique dans laquelle nous avons inscrit notre recherche. Une telle ambition exigeait que nous ne restions pas confinée aux seuls concepts les plus populaires. Par conséquent, une partie importante de cette thèse est consacrée à une présentation substantielle de la sociologie wébérienne. Sur cette base, nous avons construit notre stratégie d'enquête et nos instruments d'analyse idéal typiques. Non seulement il n'y a pas, chez Weber, de théorie systémique générale composée de lois explicatives des relations sociales, mais il n'y a pas non plus de modèle de cadre d'analyse particulier préfabriqué qui serait constitué comme un «prêt-à-porter» applicable en vue de réaliser des recherches empiriques, que ce soit dans le domaine du droit ou dans n'importe quel autre domaine d'activité humaine. En revanche, la sociologie wébérienne fournit plusieurs séries de repères conceptuels. Ils permettent d'organiser la recherche empirique sans jamais limiter les objets d'enquêtes possibles, ni l'imagination du chercheur, en autant que celui-ci a pour but de comprendre l'action sociale en l'interprétant et, par-là, de l'expliquer causalement dans son déroulement et ses effets. C'est là le projet de connaissance que Weber désigne par « sociologie ». Il vise ce projet de connaissance, non pas de manière générale et globale, mais toujours de manière particulière selon les domaines d'activité, les lieux, les époques, les sphères de valeurs, etc. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un cadre d'analyse qui peut servir à poser et à approfondir toutes sortes de questions sur le droit et son influence, sans jamais qu'il soit considéré comme un système de lois à la manière du droit positif. Ce cadre d'analyse vise à appréhender le droit comme une sorte de relation sociale que l'on peut comprendre sociologiquement en considérant, notamment, les représentations juridiques des différentes catégories d'acteurs sociaux. C'est là la première, non pas la seule, condition à rencontrer en vue de respecter les exigences de la connaissance empirique du droit parce que le « droit empirique » ne se trouve pas dans la règle de droit positif. Il se trouve là où il est « porté » par des êtres humains et, en particulier, par des groupes d'humains qui détiennent une importante dose d'influence sociale. Nous souhaitons que cette étude, grâce à 1 'immense apport de la sociologie de Max Weber, contribue à la compréhension sociologique d'un aspect du « droit empirique» de l’État contemporain. / In this sociology of law thesis, we study the influence of State generated law on legal actors. Our general hypothesis is that the State's legal intermediaries significantly contribute to shape legal actors' "relationship to law". This implies that they would have an impact on the construction of the law's influential relationship with these social actors and, therefore, an undeniable effect on law's "empirical legitimacy". Through their professional practice legal intermediaries should have a noticeable- yet non exclusive impact on the concrete forms of legal actors' "relationship to law". In studying this phenomena, we make an empirical comparison between the links which exist between legal actors' different "relationships to law" and a Law characterized by a very different legal rationality whether it be "carried" by a lawyer or mediator. These two groups of professionals are the legal intermediaries at the center of our study, which is neither general nor global, but specific to divorce cases, geographically located in Montreal, and historically situated in the early 1990's. This period is interesting to conduct a study on the impact of the law on legal actors since it constitutes a unique moment in the history of Montreal. That is when the professional practices of lawyers and mediators were the furthest apart, which sets the table for comparative work which should prove enlightening. In the early 1990's, after operating for close to ten years, Montreal’s Service de médiation à la famille had succeeded in establishing a solid professional practice. Furthermore, lawyers' professional practice in relation to divorce cases was already "modern", but remained relatively uninfluenced by family mediation. Since the "relationship to law" of those who have consulted these legal intermediaries in relation to their divorce proceedings is at the heart of our study, we interviewed said individuals. The analysis of these interviews will allow us to understand our subjects' "relationship to law". Our research is based upon the scientific perspective of Max Weber's sociology. Such an ambitious project demanded that we not confine ourselves to popular concepts. Therefore, an important part of this thesis is dedicated to presenting a substantial part of weberian sociology. This served as the foundation on which we built our investigative strategy and our ideal-typical analytical instruments. Not only is there no general systems theory made up of laws aimed at explaining social relationships in weberian sociology, but there is no prefabricated "ready-to-wear" analytical framework model which could be applied in order to perform empirical studies, whether it be in law or any other area of human activity. However, weberian sociology gives us many conceptual references which allow us to organize empirical research without limiting the number of subjects or the investigator’s imagination if the researcher wishes to understand social action through its interpretation, the re by, explaining its causality through its development and its effects. Such is the knowledge project which Weber calls "sociology". He doesn't view this knowledge project in a general and global manner, but rather as being particular to each field of work, place, period, spheres of values, etc. In this thesis, we propose an analytical framework which can help identify and further study many questions relating to Law and its influence, without limiting it to a system of rules as in positive law. This analytical framework aims at presenting law as a kind of social relationship which can be sociologically understood if you consider the legal representations put forth by the different categories of social actors. That is the first, but not the only, condition that must be met in order to comply with the demands of empirical knowledge of law since "empirical law" cannot be found in positive law rules. It can be found where it is "carried" by human beings, particularly those with greater social influence. We hope that this study, which is influenced by Max Weber's immense contribution to the field of sociology, adds to the sociological comprehension of one aspect of the contemporary State's "empirical law".

Comprendre la contribution de la dépression dans le processus du décrochage scolaire : une investigation empirique sur les effets de médiation et de modération

Quiroga, Cintia January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Occupational self-efficacy as a mediator between strength- and deficiency-based approaches and work engagement in a sample of South African employees / Lani van der Merwe.

Van der Merwe, Lani January 2012 (has links)
To stay competitive organisations need to harness and develop their human potential. Traditionally, a deficiency-based approach (DBA) was followed i.e. the focus was set on the development of employees’ deficiencies and weaknesses. However, focusing on an employee’s weaknesses and deficiencies was not sufficient. Consequently, a positive approach was developed that focuses on an individual’s strengths and talents. Unfortunately, exclusively focusing on only strengths or on weaknesses is not sufficient for optimum human functioning. Therefore, it is suggested that South African organisations make use of a balanced approach (i.e. a balanced focus on both the development and use of strengths and weaknesses). This will assist employees to be more positive and engaged in terms of their work. However, there seems to be a lack of research regarding the use of a balanced approach in organisations. The general objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between job resources, a strength-based approach (SBA), a DBA, occupational self-efficacy (OSE), and work engagement. This study was further aimed at determining whether OSE mediated the relationship between these variables among South African employees. An availability sample (N = 699) was taken from various South African organisations. This study made use of a quantitative, cross-sectional design to collect data; a biographical questionnaire; a job resources questionnaire (VBBA); an organisational SBA and DBA questionnaire; a OSE questionnaire and a work engagement questionnaire (UWES). Structural equation modelling was chosen as the method to test the hypothesised model. Mediating effects were tested by using the bootstrapping method. The research results have indicated that there is a positive correlation between autonomy, SBA, DBA, OSE and work engagement. This research found that no correlations existed between relationship with supervisor, information sharing and participation in decision-making and work engagement. There seems to be a significant relationship between autonomy, relationship with colleagues and OSE. From the results OSE can only be seen as the mediator between autonomy and work engagement. From this one can assume that using SBA and DBA in a balanced approach can lead to higher work engagement. Recommendations were made for the organisation and future research. / Thesis (MCom (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Occupational self-efficacy as a mediator between strength- and deficiency-based approaches and work engagement in a sample of South African employees / Lani van der Merwe.

Van der Merwe, Lani January 2012 (has links)
To stay competitive organisations need to harness and develop their human potential. Traditionally, a deficiency-based approach (DBA) was followed i.e. the focus was set on the development of employees’ deficiencies and weaknesses. However, focusing on an employee’s weaknesses and deficiencies was not sufficient. Consequently, a positive approach was developed that focuses on an individual’s strengths and talents. Unfortunately, exclusively focusing on only strengths or on weaknesses is not sufficient for optimum human functioning. Therefore, it is suggested that South African organisations make use of a balanced approach (i.e. a balanced focus on both the development and use of strengths and weaknesses). This will assist employees to be more positive and engaged in terms of their work. However, there seems to be a lack of research regarding the use of a balanced approach in organisations. The general objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between job resources, a strength-based approach (SBA), a DBA, occupational self-efficacy (OSE), and work engagement. This study was further aimed at determining whether OSE mediated the relationship between these variables among South African employees. An availability sample (N = 699) was taken from various South African organisations. This study made use of a quantitative, cross-sectional design to collect data; a biographical questionnaire; a job resources questionnaire (VBBA); an organisational SBA and DBA questionnaire; a OSE questionnaire and a work engagement questionnaire (UWES). Structural equation modelling was chosen as the method to test the hypothesised model. Mediating effects were tested by using the bootstrapping method. The research results have indicated that there is a positive correlation between autonomy, SBA, DBA, OSE and work engagement. This research found that no correlations existed between relationship with supervisor, information sharing and participation in decision-making and work engagement. There seems to be a significant relationship between autonomy, relationship with colleagues and OSE. From the results OSE can only be seen as the mediator between autonomy and work engagement. From this one can assume that using SBA and DBA in a balanced approach can lead to higher work engagement. Recommendations were made for the organisation and future research. / Thesis (MCom (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Novas configurações do trabalho docente na rede estadual paulista: o caso do professor mediador escolar e comunitário / New teaching job settings on the state network São Paulo: the case of school and community facilitator

Galdino, Rita de Cássia Arruda [UNIFESP] 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Submitted by Diogo Misoguti (diogo.misoguti@gmail.com) on 2016-06-20T13:52:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 rita-de-cassia-arruda-galdino.pdf: 1275123 bytes, checksum: 1a0700a0a453656ac1384cfc2dccded8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diogo Misoguti (diogo.misoguti@gmail.com) on 2016-06-20T13:53:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 rita-de-cassia-arruda-galdino.pdf: 1275123 bytes, checksum: 1a0700a0a453656ac1384cfc2dccded8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-20T13:53:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 rita-de-cassia-arruda-galdino.pdf: 1275123 bytes, checksum: 1a0700a0a453656ac1384cfc2dccded8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02 / Diante de pesquisas que apontam os crescentes índices de violência, indisciplina e conflitos no ambiente escolar, o Governo do Estado de São Paulo criou o programa intitulado “Sistema de Proteção Escolar”, com o objetivo de combater a indisciplina e a violência no interior das escolas e garantir a integridade física e patrimonial dos alunos, funcionários e servidores da rede estadual paulista. No conjunto de medidas pensadas no âmbito do referido programa, a Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo – SEE/SP criou uma nova função para o professor da educação básica, qual seja, a de Professor Mediador Escolar e Comunitário, doravante denominado PMEC. Com essa pesquisa, interessou-nos investigar o contexto de surgimento deste “novo profissional” no âmbito da rede estadual paulista, desde a concepção acerca desta nova função, apresentada pela Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo (SEE/SP), bem como as questões relativas ao processo de seleção e de atuação nas unidades escolares. Para tanto, foi realizada análise documental (textos legais, normativos, planos de trabalho do PMEC e livros de ocorrências na unidade escolar), observação do trabalho realizado pelo PMEC em uma escola estadual, durante um semestre e entrevistas semiestruturadas com as PMEC da escola selecionada e com PMEC que atuam em escolas localizadas em regiões com índices de vulnerabilidades parecidos ao da escola selecionada. Ao final da investigação comprovamos nossa hipótese de que essa nova função seja mais uma forma de reconfiguração do trabalho docente, dentre as já existentes, que altera profundamente o papel do professor no âmbito escolar e descaracteriza a profissão. Para subsidiar a nossa análise recorremos a autores que discutem temáticas como controle, intolerância, indisciplina e conflitos (ABRAMOVAY, 2005; CHARLOT, 2002; 2005; DUBET, 2004; FOUCAULT, 1996, 1997; JARES, 1997), trabalho e profissão docente (TARDIF, 2002; TARDIF, LESSARD e LAHAYE, 1991; TENTI FANFANI, 2000), bem como de pesquisadores que vêm se dedicando às temáticas apresentadas pelo programa “Sistema de Proteção Escolar”, a partir de diferentes perspectivas teóricas. / On research that link rising levels of violence, indiscipline and conflicts in the school environment, the State Government of São Paulo created the program entitled "School System Protection" in order to combat indiscipline and violence within schools and guarantee the physical integrity and property of students, staff and servants of the state public network. In the set of measures designed under the said program, the Department of São Paulo State Education - SEE / SP created a new role for the teacher of basic education, namely, Professor of School Mediator and Community, hereinafter called the PMEC. With this research, we became interested in investigating the appearance of the context of this "new professional" under the state public network, since the conception of this new role, presented by the São Paulo State Education (SEE / SP) and matters relating to the selection process and performance in school units. For this purpose, document analysis was carried out (legal, regulatory texts, work plans of the PMEC and occurrences of books at schools), work observation conducted by PMEC in a state school for a semester and semi-structured interviews with PMEC the selected school and PMEC working in schools located in regions with similar levels of vulnerability to the selected school. At the end of the investigation we proved our hypothesis that this new function is another way of reconfiguration of the teaching profession, among the existing ones, which profoundly changes the teacher's role in schools and mischaracterizes the profession. To support our analysis we turn to authors who discuss issues such as control, intolerance, indiscipline and conflicts (ABRAMOVAY, 2005; CHARLOT, 2002; 2005; DUBET, 2004; FOUCAULT, 1996, 1997; JARES, 1997), work and teaching profession (TARDIF, 2002; TARDIF, LESSARD e LAHAYE, 1991; TENTI FANFANI, 2000), as well as researchers who have dedicated themselves to the themes presented by the "School System Protection" program from different theoretical perspectives.

A interação entre mediador e mediado em situações de dificuldades de aprendizagem em língua portuguesa.

Souza, Mérice de Lourdes de 30 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:42:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Arquivototal.pdf: 916020 bytes, checksum: 179d66fbbcb2c3a215acb2a1ae9f8edc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research study focuses on student-student interaction in the context of Portuguese Language classes. We want to know if the interactive process, consisting of a mediator - the student most competent - by directing a mediated learner - less competent - favors those who have difficulty learning in school grammatical contests. Whereas, in the classroom we find the existence of "gaps" in knowledge internalized and accumulated, resulting in an uneven learning. For the theoretical foundation in Interactional Sociolinguistics, We base in JJ Gumperz and Jenny Cook-Gumperz, Erwing Goffman and Stella Maris Bortoni-Ricardo. In Conversation Analysis Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni, beyond the dimensions of learning and Zone of Proximal Development, Lev Vygotsky Semenovitch, among others. The research environment it is a state educational institution in João Pessoa. The analysis methodology is based on the Ethnography of Communication, essentially interpretive, which focuses on investigating the problems in schools, such as learning difficulties of the students. The data analysis confirms the learning difficulties of students in school grammatical contests, because they consist of minute details to be recognized. It was evident that the orientation of a student more competent can beneficially influence a student less competent in the construction of meaningful learning, to a lesser or greater degrees, making them also come to the resolution of school activities. / A presente investigação centraliza o estudo na interação entre aluno-aluno em contexto de Língua Portuguesa. Pretendemos saber se o processo interativo, constituído de um mediador - aluno mais competente - orientando um mediado - aluno menos competente - favorece os que possuem dificuldade de aprendizagem em conteúdos escolares gramaticais. Consideramos que em sala de aula encontramos a existência de lacunas em saberes escolares internalizados, resultando, assim, em desnivelamentos de aprendizagens. Para a fundamentação teórica, nos pautamos na Sociolinguística Interacional, de J. Gumperz e Jenny Cook-Gumperz, Erwing Goffman e Stella Maris Bortoni-Ricardo; na Análise da Conversação, de Catherine Kerbrat- Orecchioni; e, nas noções de Dimensões do aprendizado e Zona de desenvolvimento Proximal, de Lev Semenovitch Vygotsky, entre outros. O ambiente de pesquisa trata-se de uma instituição escolar estadual, em João Pessoa - PB. A análise metodológica é fundamentada em uma perspectiva interpretativista, que permite uma investigação sobre os problemas educacionais, como as dificuldades de aprendizagem de alunos. A análise de dados confirma as referidas dificuldades de alunos em conteúdos escolares gramaticais, por se constituírem de detalhes minuciosos a serem reconhecidos. Evidenciou-se que a orientação de um aluno mais competente - o mediador - pode influenciar beneficamente um aluno menos competente - o mediado - na construção de saberes escolares de modo significativo, em menor ou maior grau, fazendo-os também chegarem à resolução de atividades escolares.

Mécanismes de réparation de l'ADN et de maintien de la stabilité génomique lors de la diversification des immunoglobulines / DNA repair and maintenance of genome stability during immunoglobulin diversification

Gaudot, Léa 25 November 2016 (has links)
L’enzyme Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) initie la diversification des immunoglobulines (Ig) par l’induction de dommages à l’ADN. Alors que les lésions induites aux gènes des Ig sont cruciales pour l’établissement de réponses immunes hautement spécifiques et adaptées, ce même type de lésions provoquées ailleurs dans le génome contribue à la transformation cellulaire et à l’apparition de cancer. Les mécanismes impliqués dans la protection de l’intégrité génomique des cellules B restent à définir. D’une part, nous avons développé une approche de protéomique locus-unique en couplant une technique d’identification de protéine par biotinylation de proximité avec l’outil d’édition du génome CRISPR/Cas9. Cette technique innovante, dont nous avons fait la preuve de principe pour des loci abondants, pourra être utilisée pour identifier le protéome des différentes cibles génomiques d’AID. D’autre part, nous avons caractérisé le rôle de Parp3, Parp9 et Med1, identifiées comme partenaires d’AID, éclairant ainsi les mécanismes qui contrôlent l’activité d’AID et la réparation des lésions induites par AID lors de la diversification des Ig. / Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) initiates immunoglobulin (Ig) diversification by inducing DNA damage. While on-target lesions are crucial for mounting highly specific and adaptive immune responses, off-target lesions contribute to malignant cell transformation. Despite its implications, the events following AID recruitment that enforce genome integrity in B cells remain poorly defined. It is not understood why multiple non-Ig loci bound by AID are not mutated or why AID-induced DNA lesions may lead to mutations or DNA breaks. To address this question, we developed a single-locus proteomic approach coupling proximity-dependent protein identification and genome editing (CRISPR/Cas9) to identify and compare the proteins recruited at individual genomic loci bound by AID. We performed the proof of principle of this innovative tool by identifying the proteome of abundant genomic loci. On the other hand, we functionally characterized Parp3, Parp9 and Med1, identified as AID partners, revealing novel mechanisms that tightly control AID activity and DNA repair during Ig diversification.

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