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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbetsmotivation och psykisk hälsa bland sjuksköterskor inom psykiatrin : En jämförande studie mellan yngre och äldre sjukksöterskor

Garell, Moa January 2015 (has links)
Background: The relation between work motivation and well-being are relatively well theoretically entrenched, but few studies have been conducted on nurses within psychiatry. Objective: The aim of the present study was to examine the differences in intrinsic work motivation (autonomy, competence, relatedness), mental health and burnout between young (≤40 years) and older (>40 years) nurses employed in psychiatry. Method: The study was an observational study with a cross-sectional design and group comparisons, conducted as a survey. The sample constituted of 60 employed nurses. Chi2 analysis, ANOVA, t-test and linear regression analyses were conducted in SPSS (22,0). Result: Nurses had a relatively high intrinsic work motivation. Autonomy (M = 4,73) was estimated significantly lowest. Moreover, autonomy was estimated significantly higher in the younger (M = 5,02, SD = 0,77) than in the older (M = 4,55, SD = 0,81) group. There was a significant relationship between competence and mental well-being in both groups and a significant relationship between competence and burnout in the older group. Conclusion: The study showed that there were differences in how older and younger nurses reported motivation. Thus, in order to improve mental health among nurses it is necessary to focus on competence development in the work.

Gör arbetet att livet blir roligt? : - en sociologisk studie om individer som stått utanför arbetsmarknaden men som idag arbetar i ett socialt företag

Vindelöv, Louise, Dahlgren, Pernilla January 2015 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har visat att arbetet i olika aspekter har stor betydelse för människans psykiska välmående. Vi valde att undersöka hur det är att ha varit utanför arbetsmarknaden och att sedan arbeta i ett socialt företag. Syftet med studien var att skapa en förståelse kring vilka behov arbetet uppfyller samt vilken betydelse ett socialt företag har för en individ. Hur upplever individer den period de var arbetslösa? Uppfyller det sociala företaget något särskilt behov för individen? Det teoretiska ramverk vi använde oss av i studien var; den latenta deprivationsmodellen, humanitärt arbete samt inklusion/exklusion. Vårt empiriska material samlades in genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med individer som varit utan arbete men som idag arbetar i ett socialt företag. Här har informanternas upplevelser varit i fokus för att fånga deras unika berättelser. Resultatet visar att informanterna mådde psykiskt dåligt tiden de var utan arbete men att de idag mår bättre som en effekt av att arbetet uppfyller flera väsentliga behov för att en individ ska känna ett psykiskt välmående. Det framgick även att medbestämmande och delaktighet, som är ledord för arbetsförhållandena på det sociala företaget, spelar en stor roll för individens mående i positiv bemärkelse. / Previous research has shown that the work in various aspects is of great importance for human mental well-being. We have chosen to examine how it is to have been unemployed and then to get a job in a social enterprise. The purpose of the study was to create an understanding of the needs that work contributes to and what the importance of social enterprise is for an individual. How have individuals experienced their unemployment? Do social enterprises fulfill any particular needs for the individual? The theoretical framework we use in the study is; the latent deprivation model, humanitarian work and inclusion/exclusion. Our empirical material was gathered through seven semi-structured interviews with individuals who have been unemployed but are currently working in a social enterprise. Through these interviews, we have been able to capture the experiences of the seven individuals and focused on their unique stories. The result have shown that the informants felt mentally ill at the time they were without work, but because work satisfies several essential needs they feel much better today. Co-determination and involvement are key words for the working conditions in social enterprises, which played a major role for the individuals’ positive well-being.

Vliv stresových faktorů na životní spokojenost / Influence of Stress Factors on Life Satisfaction

Oborná, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
 This diploma thesis deals with whether and, if so, what influence the stress factors have on the life satisfaction of adults. It also focuses on what other aspects are important during the evaluation. The thesis is based on a qualitative research, in which the individuals have given authentic testimonies when evaluating their life satisfaction and conditions, which significantly affect the evaluation. Attention was paid to both negative and positive effects and strategies when coping with difficult situations, trying to find similarities and differences and evaluate substantial factors. The goal also is to show possibilities of achieving a higher level of satisfaction. The merit of the thesis is in honest and comprehensive testimonies of the individuals on this topic and in the possibility to think about one's own life attitude and about the level and limits for reaching life satisfaction in general. KEYWORDS
 Life satisfaction, stress factors, adaptation, resistance, mental balance, mental well-being.

Early attachment, mental well-being and development of Finnish children at preschool age:twinship – risk or opportunity?

Tirkkonen, T. (Tiina) 24 November 2015 (has links)
Abstract This study focuses on early attachment and its effects on later cognitive development and mental well-being in Finnish twins and singletons. Altogether 84 infants, including both singletons (N = 27) and twins (N = 57), were assessed at 18 months of age to determine their infant–mother and infant–father attachment using the Preschool Assessment of Attachment (PAA), a modification of the Ainsworth infant classification system. In the whole sample, approximately one third (37%) of the children were assessed as using avoidant/defended insecure (Type A), one third (35%) secure/balanced (Type B), one fifth (20%) resistant/coercive insecure (Type C) and the rest insecure other (IO, 8%) attachment strategy with their mothers, while the corresponding percentages of attachment strategies with fathers were 36%, 33%, 28% and 3%, respectively. The results yielded a difference in the maternal attachment between twins and singletons; the twins were more often Type B attached than the singletons. At 36 months the children were tested with the Stanford-Binet test for measuring their intelligence level. Children with Type A or Type B attachment pattern attained the highest IQ. High socio-economic status of the family and mature pregnancy (≥ 37 weeks) were also significantly linked with higher intelligence levels. At the age of 48 months, the children’s mental well-being was assessed by using CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist, Achenbach) questionnaires completed by the mothers of 22 singletons and 51 twins and the fathers of 20 singletons and 60 twins. Type A attachment strategy with the mother among singleton toddlers was significantly associated with higher CBCL scores reported by mothers, concerning withdrawal, somatic problems and total internalizing symptoms, whereas among twins there were no such correlations. In addition, on the basis of the parental reports singletons had significantly more behavioural and emotional symptoms than the twins. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan suomalaisten yksös- ja kaksoslasten varhaisen kiintymyssuhteen vaikutusta myöhempään lapsuusiän kehitykseen ja psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin. Yhteensä 84 lapsen, 27 yksösen ja 57 kaksosen, kiintymyssuhdestrategia arviointiin 18 kuukauden iässä äitiin ja isään PAA – menetelmällä (Pre¬school Assessment of Attachment), joka on modifikaatio Ainsworthin pikkulasten kiintymyssuhteen luokitusjärjestelmästä. Lapsista noin kolmanneksella (37%) oli suhteessa äitiin välttelevä kiintymyssuhdestrategia (A-tyyppi), toisella kolmanneksella (35%) turvallinen (B-tyyppi), viidenneksellä (20%) vastustava (C-tyyppi) ja loppuosalla muu turvaton (IO, 8%). Vastaavat osuudet lasten ja isien välisissä kiintymyssuhteissa ryhmittäin (A, B, C ja IO) olivat 36%, 33%, 28% ja 3%. Kaksosten kiintymyssuhdestrategia suhteessa äitiin oli yksösiä useammin turvallinen. Lasten kognitiivinen taso arvioitiin Stanford-Binet –testillä 36 kuukauden iässä. Lapset, joiden kiintymyssuhde äitiin tai isään oli joko A- tai B-tyyppinen, menestyivät testissä parhaiten. Korkea sosioekonominen status ja täysiaikaisuus (≥ 37 raskausviikkoa) olivat yhteydessä merkitsevästi parempaan suoriutumiseen testissä. Lasten psyykkistä hyvinvointia arvioitiin 48 kuukauden iässä CBCL-lomakkeella (Child Behavior Checklist), jonka täytti 51 kaksosen ja 22 yksösen äitiä sekä 60 kaksosen ja 20 yksösen isää. Yksösillä, joilla oli A-tyyppinen kiintymyssuhde äitiin, oli äitien raportoimana merkitsevästi enemmän vetäytymistä, somaattisia oireita ja ylipäätään internalisoivia (tunne-elämän) oireita. Lisäksi vanhemmat raportoivat yksösillä olevan merkitsevästi enemmän sekä käyttäytymisen että tunne-elämän oireita kaksosiin verrattuna.

Mental Health Service Delivery Systems and Perceived Qualifications of Mental Health Service Providers in School Settings

Dixon, Decia Nicole 20 April 2009 (has links)
Latest research on the mental health status of children indicates that schools are key providers of mental health services (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2003). The push for school mental health services has only increased as stakeholders have begun to recognize the significance of sound mental health as an essential part of academic success (Adelman & Taylor, 2002). However, while schools are recognized as playing an important role in the delivery of mental health services, it is not well understood about the types of mental health services provided, qualifications of providers, and the link to student outcomes (United States Department of Health and Human Services, 2003). The present study examined Florida school mental health service providers' perceptions about the types of mental health services provided in schools and school mental health service providers' qualifications to provide such services. Additionally, the study investigated the agreement about providers' qualifications to provide mental health services between providers, supervisors, and directors. Finally, this study investigated the perceptions of providers regarding the impact of mental health services on student outcomes. Results revealed that school mental health service providers considered several services, such as family counseling and mental health consultation, to be school mental health services. Services typically not viewed as mental health services were assessments, consultation improving academic concerns, early-intervention, universal screenings, and specialized intervention. School psychologists were the only mental health professional to receive a unanimous agreement from school mental health providers that they were most qualified of the three professionals to deliver a service (e.g., assessment). Additionally, with the exception of school psychologists, there was no consistency reported between administrators and school mental health service providers about providers' qualifications to deliver services. The following variables moderated perceptions about the qualifications of school mental health service providers: school level, SES status of school, and degree level. Lastly, school level and SES status of the school did not moderate perceptions about the impact of mental health services on academic and behavioral outcomes.

Using Student-Athlete Experience To Predict Mental Well-being

Hesson, Chet 24 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Growing Resilience through Interaction with Nature (GRIN)

Marselle, Melissa January 2013 (has links)
Well-being is fundamental for health. However, health and well-being are under threat by increased prevalence of depression and physical inactivity. Interaction with the natural environment may prevent these critical health issues, as research has shown that walking outdoors contributes to better well-being than walking indoors. The aim of this thesis was to investigate outdoor group walks as a potential public health intervention to enhance positive mental and emotional well-being, reduce stress, and foster resilience. This thesis evaluated Walking for Health, a national group walking programme in England using a nonexperimental, longitudinal design. Individuals who did (Group Walkers) and did not (Non-Group Walkers) take part in outdoor group walks completed two online questionnaires about their mental and emotional well-being, and covariates. To gain a broader understanding of how outdoor group walks may contribute to positive well-being, integrations were proposed between the Attention Restoration Theory and the psycho-evolutionary model, and the theories of coping and resilience. Findings show that Group Walkers had greater mental well-being and positive affect, and less negative affect, depression and perceived stress than Non-Group Walkers. Group walking had no affect on social well-being, connectedness to nature or resiliency. Outdoor group walk participation affected positive well-being through a decrease in perceived stress, and an increase in physical activity. Group Walkers demonstrated resilience against adversity on negative affect. No evidence of resilience from outdoor group walks was found for mental well-being, positive affect or depression. Group walks in farmland and green corridor environments may further boost mental well-being, and reduce negative affect and perceived stress, when compared to group walks in the urban environment. This research suggests that outdoor group walks are effective at improving mental and emotional well-being, and could be a useful public health intervention to reduce stress and foster resilience. Implications for theory are discussed.

Psykisk hälsa och LCHF : Kvantitativ enkätundersökning av psykiskt välbefinnande och psykiskt hälsotillstånd i en grupp som äter LCHF.

Andersson, Linda, Björklund Johansson, Åsa January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka psykisk hälsa och välbefinnande i en grupp som äter LCHF (Low Carb High Fat). I studien deltog 246 personer, rekryterade från intressegrupper om LCHF på Facebook. Deltagarna delades in i två grupper efter hur strikt och hur länge de ätit LCHF. Studien genomfördes som en enkätundersökning. Psykiskt välbefinnande och nedsatt psykiskt välbefinnande undersöktes med GHQ-12. Psykiskt hälsotillstånd undersöktes med en självskattad retrospektiv före- och eftermätning. Resultaten av nedsatt psykiskt välbefinnande jämfördes med Folkhälsomyndighetens nationella populationsvärde. Resultaten visade att båda LCHF-grupperna skattade sitt psykiska hälsotillstånd signifikant bättre efter LCHF diet än före. Hela LCHF gruppen skattade nedsatt psykiskt välbefinnande signifikant bättre än den svenska populationen. Resultaten tyder på att LCHF diet har en positiv inverkan på den psykiska hälsan och välbefinnandet. / The purpose of the study was to investigate mental health and mental well-being in a group eating LCHF (Low Carb High Fat). In the study, 246 people recruited from interest groups about LCHF on Facebook participated. The participants were divided into two groups by how strictly and how long they had eaten LCHF. The study was conducted as a questionnaire survey. Mental well-being and impaired mental well-being were investigated with GHQ-12. Mental health status was investigated with self-assessed retrospective pre- and post-measurement. The results of impaired mental well-being were compared with the The Public Health Agency of Swedens national population value. The results showed that both LCHF groups estimated their mental health status significantly better after LCHF diet than before. The entire LCHF group estimated its impaired mental well-being significantly better than the Swedish population. The results indicate that LCHF diet has a positive impact on mental health and well-being.

Palvelutaloon muuttaneiden ikääntyneiden fyysinen toimintakyky, sen muutos ja toimintakykyyn yhteydessä olevat tekijät ensimmäisen asumisvuoden aikana

Lotvonen, S. (Sinikka) 19 July 2019 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of the study was to describe and evaluate the measured and self-reported physical performance of the elderly people who relocated to senior housing and their change 3 and 12 months after the relocation. Besides, the association of self-reported physical performance, social environment and psychological well-being with measured physical performance changes was examined. The objective of the research was to provide information that can be used in the design and management of practices that aim to assess and support the physical performance of those living in senior housing. Data were collected from elderly (n = 81) who moved to senior housing in northern Finland (n = 11) in 2014, and 70% of them were women. The indicators that were used were the Oldwellactive Questionnaire, the Environmental Support instrument and the Short Physical Performance Battery [SPPB]. The data were analyzed with statistical methods. Physical performance of those who relocated to senior housing was weak. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living [IADL], walking speed, right hand grip strength and self-reported IADL significantly decreased during their first year of residence. Besides, self-reported IADL performance became more difficult but muscle strength training, as well as participation in hobby groups increased. Residents estimated that they can do what they want, and they can sufficiently meet their loved ones in the senior housing. Self-reported physical performance was associated with the deterioration of performing IADL and the slowdown of walking speed. Social environment and psychological well-being were associated with the deterioration of performing IADL, the slowdown of walking speed and the weakening of the dominant hand´s grip strength. This research provides more information about the physical performance, the social environment and the psychological well-being of the elderly who relocated to senior housing. Research results will help service providers to improve the procedures that aim to the physical performance assessment and support of the residents, paying attention to the impact of the elderly’s individuality in requirements associated with the realization of the services. Research results show that organizations maintaining senior housing must organize exercise areas suitable for the residents and the means for indoors and outdoors muscle training and balance exercise. Individual factors related to physical performance, social environment and psychological well-being of the residents should be considered in the design, implementation and management of these services. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja selittää palvelutaloon muuttaneiden ikääntyneiden mitattua ja itsearvioitua fyysistä toimintakykyä ja niiden muutosta 3 ja 12 kuukautta muuton jälkeen. Lisäksi kuvattiin itsearvioidun fyysisen toimintakyvyn, sosiaalisen ympäristön ja psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin yhteyttä mitatun fyysisen toimintakyvyn muutoksiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa, jota voidaan hyödyntää palvelutalojen asukkaiden fyysisen toimintakyvyn arvioimiseen ja tukemiseen tähtäävien käytäntöjen suunnittelussa ja johtamisessa. Aineisto kerättiin pohjoissuomalaisessa kaupungissa palvelutaloihin (n = 11) vuonna 2014 muuttaneilta ikääntyneiltä (n=81), joista 70 % oli naisia. Mittareina käytettiin Hyvinvointiprofiili-kyselylomaketta, Ympäristöhyvinvointimittaria ja SPPB- toimintatestiä (Short Physical Performance Battery). Aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisin menetelmin. Palvelutaloon muuttaneiden fyysinen toimintakyky oli heikko. Päivittäisistä toiminnoista suoriutuminen [IADL], kävelynopeus, oikean käden puristusvoima ja itsearvioitu arkiaskareista suoriutuminen heikkenivät ensimmäisen asumisvuoden aikana. Lisäksi itsearvioitu IADL-suoriutuminen vaikeutui mutta lihaskuntoharjoittelu sekä harrastusryhmiin osallistuminen lisääntyivät. Asukkaat arvioivat voivansa tehdä, mitä haluavat ja tapaavansa riittävästi läheisiä ihmisiä palvelutalossa. Itsearvioitu fyysinen toimintakyky oli yhteydessä IADL-suoriutumisen vaikeutumiseen ja kävelynopeuden hidastumiseen. Sosiaalinen ympäristö ja psyykkinen hyvinvointi olivat yhteydessä IADL-suoriutumisen vaikeutumiseen, kävelynopeuden hidastumiseen ja oikean käden puristusvoiman heikkenemiseen. Tämä tutkimus lisää tietoa palvelutaloihin muuttaneiden ikääntyneiden fyysisestä toimintakyvystä, sosiaalisesta ympäristöstä ja psyykkisestä hyvinvoinnista. Tutkimustulokset auttavat ikääntyneiden asumispalveluiden tuottajia kehittämään asukkaiden fyysisen toimintakyvyn arviointiin ja toimintakyvyn ylläpitämiseen tähtääviä toimintamalleja, joissa huomioidaan ikääntyneiden yksilöllisyyden vaikutus palveluiden toteuttamiseen liittyviin vaatimuksiin. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että palvelutaloja ylläpitävien organisaatioiden tulee järjestää asukkaille soveltuvat liikuntatilat ja välineet sisä- ja ulkotiloihin lihaskunto- ja tasapainoharjoittelua varten. Asukkaiden yksilölliset fyysiseen toimintakykyyn, sosiaaliseen ympäristöön ja psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin liittyvät tekijät tulee ottaa huomioon palveluiden suunnittelussa, toteutuksessa ja johtamisessa.

Sambanden mellan schemalagd undervisningstid, sömn och psykiskt välbefinnande bland högskolestudenter. / The correlation between scheduled tuition time, sleep and mental well-being among college students.

Schultzén, Patrik, Aaltonen, Anette January 2009 (has links)
<p>De senaste åren har sömnproblemen ökat i Sverige. Detta gäller även för studenter i åldern 20-24 år. Sömnbesvär hör samman med psykisk ohälsa i en ömsesidig påverkan och en av orsakerna kan vara en oregelbunden och stressfylld livsstil. Studenter är en riskgrupp för detta.Syftet med denna enkätstudie var att se om det fanns något samband mellan hur studenters dagar är strukturerade i form av schemabunden undervisning och hur deras sömnvanor ser ut. Ett annat syfte var att se om det fanns ett samband mellan studenternas självrapporterade sömnkvalitet, sömnkvantitet och deras psykiska välbefinnande. Resultatet visade att studenter som hade fler än 10 lektionstimmar i veckan oftare svarade att de hade lätt att somna och hade en god sömn men inte sov tillräckligt jämfört med studenter som hade färre lektionstimmar. De med få lektionstimmar hade svårare att somna jämfört med övriga studenter. Studenter som sov dåligt och för lite hade också känt mer stress, ängslan, oro och ångest än de som sov gott och tillräckligt.</p> / <p>In recent years, sleep deprivation has been increasing in Sweden. This phenomenon has become quite apparent in the student category aged between 20-24 years old. Insomnia, which is correlated with mental well-being, has many causes some of which include an irregular and hectic lifestyle. Students particularly fall into this group and are becoming more and more vulnerable to this condition. The purpose of this study was to find and identify the links between the students’ busy academic schedules and the apparent inability to get a full and restful night sleep. This paper will also profile the psychological aspects of a carefully selected target group for the purpose of this research. Students with more than 10 academic tuition hours reported that they were able to fall asleep and slept well, but also indicated that the duration was insufficient for their need which is in direct contrast to students who had less than 10 tuition hours. This paper also identified that students with poor sleeping or insufficient sleep were more stressed, agitated and suffered from raised levels of anxiety as opposed to other students.</p>

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