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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Синдром сагоревања код здравствених радника који се баве лечењем болесника оболелих од респираторних болести / Sindrom sagorevanja kod zdravstvenih radnika koji se bave lečenjem bolesnika obolelih od respiratornih bolesti / Burnout syndrome in healthcare professionals involved in the caring for patients with respiratory diseases

Kovačević Tomi 16 October 2020 (has links)
<p>Sindrom sagorevanja, eng. Burnout Syndrome (BOS) je oblik profesionalnog stresa koji se najče&scaron;će javlja u zanimanjima koja podrazumevaju direktan kontakt sa ljudima, a nastaje kao odgovor na hroničan stres. Ogleda se kroz aspekte: emocionalne iscrpljenosti eng. Emotional Exhaustion (EE), depersonalizacije eng. Depersonalisation (DP) i osećaja smanjenog ličnog postignića eng. Personal Accomplishment (PA). Sprovedena istraživanja ukazuju na visoku zastupljenost BOS-a kod zdravstvenih radnika i njegovu zavisnost ne samo od ličnih karakteristika nego i od mnogobrojnih faktora na poslu. Dokazano je da BOS dovodi do posledica kako na individualnom, tako i na organizacionom nivou. Usled o&scaron;tećenja fizičkog i psihičkog zdravlja lekara i medicinskih sestara/tehničara indirektno dolazi i do smanjenja nivoa zdravstvene usluge sa svim svojim posledicama po zdravstveni sistem i zdravlje pacijenata. Ovo istraživanje imalo je za cilj da ispita zastupljenost BOS-a kod zdravstvenih radnika koji se bave lečenjem obolelih od respiratornih bolesti, utvrdi da li postoji razlika u zastupljenosti BOS-a u odnosu na nivo edukacije (lekari i medicinske sestre/tehničari) i u odnosu na radno mesto (zbrinjavanje bolesnika koji boluju od neizlečivih (terminalnih) u odnosu na zbrinjavanje bolesnika koji boluju od izlečivih (kurabilnih). plućnih bolesti. Istraživanje je sprovedeno među zaposlenim zdravstvenim radnicima u Institutu za plućne bolesti Vojvodine u Sremskoj Кamenici u periodu april-jun 2019. godine kao studija poprečnog preseka. Podaci istraživanja su prikupljeni pomoću sledećih upitnika: Upitnik o socio-demografskim karakteristikama ispitanika, Maslač inventar izgaranja (MBI), Skala izgaranja izvedene iz Kopenhagen inventara izgaranja &ndash; srpska verzija (SI), Upitnik op&scaron;teg zdravlja (UOZ-12) i Upitnik o stresorima na radnom mestu, zadovoljstvu na poslu i motivaciji i opu&scaron;tanju nakon posla. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 165 zdravstvena radnika: 64 (38.8%) lekara i 101 (61.2%) medicinskih sestara/tehničara. BOS je utvrđen kod 47% ispitanika. Visoki stepen EE potvrđen je kod 43.0%, visok stepen DP kod 21.8%, a nizak stepen PA kod 32.1% ispitanih. Statistički značajna razlika u zastupljenosti nije dokazana u odnosu na stepen stručne spreme (40.6% vs. 51.5%) niti u odnosu na radno mesto (45.3% vs. 48.2%). Nema statistički značajne razlike u zastupljenosti BOS-a u odnosu na socio-demografske karakteristike ispitanika. Psihički distres prisutan je kod 30.8% zdravstvenih radnika sa potvrđenim BOS-om. Pokazana je statistički značajna razlika u povezanosti BOS-a i psihičkog distresa i u odnosu na stepen stručne spreme (p=0.000) i u odnosu na radno mesto (p=0.000), a ova povezanost je izraženija kod medicinskih sestara/tehničara (p=0.000). Značajna korelacija nije nađena samo između dva pretpostavljena stresora i BOS-a: prekovremenog rada i nedostatka odgovarajuće kontinuirane edukacije. Statistički značajna je i korelacija između svih domena BOS-a i ukupnog zadovoljstva radnim okruženjem. (EE p=0.000, DP p=0.000 i PA p=0.000). Trećina ispitanika sa potvrđenim BOS-om razmi&scaron;lja o promeni zanimanja, a njih 41% o promeni radnog mesta. Sindrom sagorevanja kod zdravstvenih zdravstvenih radnika koji se bave lečenjem obolelih od respiratornih bolesti zastupljen je u visokom procentu. BOS značajno korelira sa psihičkim distresom, a ova povezanost je izraženija u populaciji medicinskih sestara. Nema statistički značajne razlike u zastupljenosti BOS-a u odnosu na nivo edukacije, niti u odnosu na radno mesto. Izražena je kompleksnost, varijabilnost i različitost u zastupljenosti pretpostavljenih stresora na poslu. Neophodnost otkrivanja stresogenih faktora i dono&scaron;enje mera sa ciljem njihovog sprečavanja i/ili ublažavanja je nesumnjiva. Unapređenje edukacije radi prepoznavanja BOS-a i prevazilaženju stresogenih faktora kao i iznalaženje novih organizacionih &scaron;ema u cilju eliminacije stresora na poslu trebalo bi da budu jedni od prioriteta svake zdravstvene institucije.</p> / <p>Sindrom sagorevanja, eng. Burnout Syndrome (BOS) je oblik profesionalnog stresa koji se najče&scaron;će javlja u zanimanjima koja podrazumevaju direktan kontakt sa ljudima, a nastaje kao odgovor na hroničan stres. Ogleda se kroz aspekte: emocionalne iscrpljenosti eng. Emotional Exhaustion (EE), depersonalizacije eng. Depersonalisation (DP) i osećaja smanjenog ličnog postignića eng. Personal Accomplishment (PA). Sprovedena istraživanja ukazuju na visoku zastupljenost BOS-a kod zdravstvenih radnika i njegovu zavisnost ne samo od ličnih karakteristika nego i od mnogobrojnih faktora na poslu. Dokazano je da BOS dovodi do posledica kako na individualnom, tako i na organizacionom nivou. Usled o&scaron;tećenja fizičkog i psihičkog zdravlja lekara i medicinskih sestara/tehničara indirektno dolazi i do smanjenja nivoa zdravstvene usluge sa svim svojim posledicama po zdravstveni sistem i zdravlje pacijenata. Ovo istraživanje imalo je za cilj da ispita zastupljenost BOS-a kod zdravstvenih radnika koji se bave lečenjem obolelih od respiratornih bolesti, utvrdi da li postoji razlika u zastupljenosti BOS-a u odnosu na nivo edukacije (lekari i medicinske sestre/tehničari) i u odnosu na radno mesto (zbrinjavanje bolesnika koji boluju od neizlečivih (terminalnih) u odnosu na zbrinjavanje bolesnika koji boluju od izlečivih (kurabilnih). plućnih bolesti. Istraživanje je sprovedeno među zaposlenim zdravstvenim radnicima u Institutu za plućne bolesti Vojvodine u Sremskoj Kamenici u periodu april-jun 2019. godine kao studija poprečnog preseka. Podaci istraživanja su prikupljeni pomoću sledećih upitnika: Upitnik o socio-demografskim karakteristikama ispitanika, Maslač inventar izgaranja (MBI), Skala izgaranja izvedene iz Kopenhagen inventara izgaranja &ndash; srpska verzija (SI), Upitnik op&scaron;teg zdravlja (UOZ-12) i Upitnik o stresorima na radnom mestu, zadovoljstvu na poslu i motivaciji i opu&scaron;tanju nakon posla. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 165 zdravstvena radnika: 64 (38.8%) lekara i 101 (61.2%) medicinskih sestara/tehničara. BOS je utvrđen kod 47% ispitanika. Visoki stepen EE potvrđen je kod 43.0%, visok stepen DP kod 21.8%, a nizak stepen PA kod 32.1% ispitanih. Statistički značajna razlika u zastupljenosti nije dokazana u odnosu na stepen stručne spreme (40.6% vs. 51.5%) niti u odnosu na radno mesto (45.3% vs. 48.2%). Nema statistički značajne razlike u zastupljenosti BOS-a u odnosu na socio-demografske karakteristike ispitanika. Psihički distres prisutan je kod 30.8% zdravstvenih radnika sa potvrđenim BOS-om. Pokazana je statistički značajna razlika u povezanosti BOS-a i psihičkog distresa i u odnosu na stepen stručne spreme (p=0.000) i u odnosu na radno mesto (p=0.000), a ova povezanost je izraženija kod medicinskih sestara/tehničara (p=0.000). Značajna korelacija nije nađena samo između dva pretpostavljena stresora i BOS-a: prekovremenog rada i nedostatka odgovarajuće kontinuirane edukacije. Statistički značajna je i korelacija između svih domena BOS-a i ukupnog zadovoljstva radnim okruženjem. (EE p=0.000, DP p=0.000 i PA p=0.000). Trećina ispitanika sa potvrđenim BOS-om razmi&scaron;lja o promeni zanimanja, a njih 41% o promeni radnog mesta. Sindrom sagorevanja kod zdravstvenih zdravstvenih radnika koji se bave lečenjem obolelih od respiratornih bolesti zastupljen je u visokom procentu. BOS značajno korelira sa psihičkim distresom, a ova povezanost je izraženija u populaciji medicinskih sestara. Nema statistički značajne razlike u zastupljenosti BOS-a u odnosu na nivo edukacije, niti u odnosu na radno mesto. Izražena je kompleksnost, varijabilnost i različitost u zastupljenosti pretpostavljenih stresora na poslu. Neophodnost otkrivanja stresogenih faktora i dono&scaron;enje mera sa ciljem njihovog sprečavanja i/ili ublažavanja je nesumnjiva. Unapređenje edukacije radi prepoznavanja BOS-a i prevazilaženju stresogenih faktora kao i iznalaženje novih organizacionih &scaron;ema u cilju eliminacije stresora na poslu trebalo bi da budu jedni od prioriteta svake zdravstvene institucije.</p> / <p>Burnout syndrome (BOS) is a form of occupational stress as a response to chronic stress. It occures most commonly in occupations that involve direct contact with people and manifests as: emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (DP) and feelings of diminished personal achievement (PA). Large numbers of research indicates a high prevalence of BOS in healthcare professionals and its dependence on work related stressors. BOS has been proven to lead to consequences on individual and organizational levels. The level of health care can be reduced due to the decreased physical and mental health of helathcare providers caused by BOS. It is possible consequences on the patient health and healthcare system raises the need for further investigation. The aim of this research was to examine the prevalence of BOS among healthcare providers treating patients with respiratory diseases, to determine difference in the prevalnce of BOS regarding to education level (physicians vs. nurses), and regarding workplace (terminal vs. curable respiratory diseases). This exploratory study was conducted among healthcare providers at the Institute for Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodina in Sremska Kamenica in the period April-June 2019 as a cross-sectional study Quantitative and qualitative data were collectedtrough survey using the following questionnaires: Questionnaire on sociodemographic characteristics, Maslach burnout inventory (MBI), Work burnout scale from the Copenhagen burnout inventory &ndash; serbian version (SI), General health questionnaire (GHQ-12) and Questionnaire on workplace stressors, job satisfaction, motivation and after work relaxation. Out of total 165 healthcare professionals 64 (38.8%) were physicians and 101 (61.2%) nurses. Prevalence of BOS was 47%. High level of EE was confirmed in 43.0%, of DP in 21.8%, and low level of PA in 32.1%. No statistically significant difference was observed in relation to the education (40.6% vs. 51.5%) nor the workplace (45.3% vs. 48.2%). There were no statistically significant difference in socio-demographic characteristics. Psychological distress was present in 30.8% of healthcare professionals with BOS. Statistically significant difference was observed between BOS and psychological distress in terms of educational level (p = 0.000) and workplace (p = 0.000) This correlation was more accentuated in nurses (p = 0.000). Significant correlation was not confirmed only between two perceived stressors and BOS: job overtime and lack of appropriate education. A statistically significant correlation was observed between all domains of BOS and overall job satisfaction. (EE p = 0.000, DP p = 0.000 and PA p = 0.000). One third of respondents with observed BOS are thinking about changing occupation, and 41% of them changing workplace. Prevalence of burnout syndrome among physicians and nurses caring for patients with respiratory diseases is high regardless of education level or workplace. It significantly correlates with level of psychological distress which is is more accentuated among nurses. There is no diference in BOS prevalence regarding neither educational level nor workplace. The complexity, variability and diversity of assumed work stressors is undoubtley related to BOS. The need for determination of job stressor and actions in order to prevent and/or mitigate them is beyond doubt. Improvement of recognition and overcoming stress factors and finding new organizational charts to eliminate potential stressors at work should be one of the priorities of any healthcare institution.</p>

Stresshanteringsmetoder för att minska arbetsrelaterad stress hos sjuksköterskor : En systematisk litteraturstudie / Stress management methods to reduce nurses occupational stress : A systematic review

Josefsson, Amanda, Mattsson Grundström, Lovisa January 2018 (has links)
Stress hos sjuksköterskor är vanligt förekommande vilket kan påverka arbetsförmågan och leda till en försämring i omvårdandskvalitén. Arbetsklimatet gör att sjuksköterskor oavsett arbetslängd funderar över att lämna yrket alternativt valt att lämna. Samtidigt är det brist på sjuksköterskor i Sverige och majoriteten av arbetsgivare är i behov av att anställa sjuksköterskor på grund- och specialistnivå. Syftet med studien var att beskriva stresshanteringsmetoder för att minska arbetsrelaterad stress hos sjuksköterskor. Studien var en systematisk litteraturöversikt som inkluderat 24 studier som publicerats på engelska mellan 2010–2018 med hög och medel vetenskaplig kvalité. Resultatet identifierade tio stresshanteringsmetoder som kunde minska arbetsrelaterad stress och tre tillvägagångssätt påvisades. Reducera stressorer på arbetsplatsen; Organisationförändringar och utbildning i vård av äldre. Hitta metoder för att anpassa sig till stressfulla miljöer; Coping strategier. Interventioner med stresshanteringsmetoder; Avslappningsövningar, BREATHE, Mindfulness, PAR, Resilience training program, Self-help through mobile phone och Stressmanagement program. Sjuksköterskor kan möjligtvis stärka sitt empowerment med välvalda coping strategier där sjuksköterskan tar kontroll över sina handlingar och känslor. Förstärkning av begriplighet och hanterbarhet enligt Antonovskys teori om KASAM kan eventuellt stärkas med sex av stresshanteringsmetoder från resultatet. I syfte att stärka sjuksköterskors meningsfullhet bör gemensamma värderingar stärkas bland sjuksköterskor i olika arbetsgrupper. Meningsfullhet bidrar till motivation och engagemang samt gör att stress tolkas som utmaningar värda att investera energi i.

Workplace violence and its association with sleep disturbances in the Swedish working population

Heming, Meike January 2020 (has links)
Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate associations between workplace violence and sleep disturbances in the Swedish working population, and to estimate potential dose-response relationships. Methods: Data were derived from two waves (2014 and 2016) of the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health (n=9364). Sleep disturbances were measured with four items of the Karolinska Sleep Questionnaire and one question asked whether the participants were exposed to violence or threats of at the workplace in the past six months. Multiple logistic regression analyses were performed. Results: Exposure to workplace violence was associated with higher odds of concurrent sleep disturbances (cross-sectional approach). Workplace violence was also associated with higher odds of subsequent sleep disturbances, but only when covariates were not adjusted for (prospective approach). Sleep disturbances were associated with higher odds of subsequent workplace violence (reverse approach). A dose-response relationship was found in the cross-sectional approach but not in the prospective and reverse approach. Conclusion: The findings suggested that there was a cross-sectional association between workplace violence and sleep disturbances, and that sleep disturbances were prospectively associated with exposure to workplace violence, but the results did not support a statistically significant prospective association between workplace violence and sleep disturbances.

Skolkuratorers yrkesstress - kartläggning, konsekvenser och coping : En kvalitativ studie

Lindberg, Adrian January 2021 (has links)
Forskning visar att skolkuratorsyrket bär på stora risker för stressrelaterad ohälsa. Det viktiga yrket beskrivs i denna studie utifrån hur yrkesstress påverkar skolkuratorers välbefinnande, och i relation till hur stressutmaningarna kan hanteras. Studien har genom djupintervjuer av verksamma skolkuratorer försökt finna förståelse i deras yrkesverklighet. Deras upplevelser har tolkats utifrån krav-kontroll-stödmodellen och coping-strategier. Studien har analyserats med hjälp av den tematiska analysen, där sex centrala teman avseende stress och coping har presenterats. Resultatet visar en ständigt närvarande yrkesstress vars effekter har visat sig kunna ha negativ påverkan för välbefinnandet. Samtidigt visar även studien hur skolkuratorerna upplever stolthet i att hjälpa människor till ett bättre liv, vilket visat sig kunna öka välbefinnande. Studien redogör även för hur skolkuratorsyrket upplevs som ständigt ofärdigt, vilket leder till en känsla av otillräcklighet. Känslan visade sig utgöra en stor stressfaktor, där både kuratorerna själva och deras arbetsplats hantera stressutmaningen. Att aktivt använda coping-strategier har enligt studien tolkats vara av stor vikt utifrån kuratorsyrkets oförutsägbarhet. Vidare fann studien att skolkuratorer hanterar yrkesstress med hjälp av både emotionsfokuserad- och problemfokuserad coping. Resultatet visade dock att emotionsfokuserade coping-strategier utgjorde en något viktigare nyckel till stresshantering, då strategierna bidrog till motivation och styrka i relation till arbetsbelastningen. Sammanfattningsvis fördjupar studien förståelsen kring skolkuratorers yrkesstress och coping-strategiers roll.

”Sjukhuset stressar mig!” : En litteraturstudie om orsaker till sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetsrelaterad stress / “The hospital stresses me out!” : A literature study on causes of nurses' experience of workrelated stress

Celso, Christine Nicole, Guzman Velasquez, Sol Melodi January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor har stort ansvar när det kommer till patientens hälsa och säkerhet på sjukhus. Utmaningar och större krav leder till stressiga förhållanden, vilket visat ge negativa effekter på hälsan. Arbetsrelaterad stress är hög bland sjuksköterskor som arbetar på sjukhus, det påverkar inte endast sjuksköterskorna utan även patienternas vård. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva orsaker till sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetsrelaterad stress på sjukhus.  Metod: En litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats som följer Polit och Becks niostegsmodell samt Braun och Clarkes tematiska analys. Original artiklar hämtades i databaserna: PubMed och CINAHL.  Resultat: Fem huvudteman identifierades och presenterades i resultatet: Multitasking, Brist på samspel mellan medarbetare, Brist på personal, Otillräcklig stöd och vägledning från chefer samt Missnöje och våld Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor upplever arbetsrelaterad stress som kan resultera i fysiska och psykiska sjukdomar. Dessutom har det visat att arbetsrelaterad stress minskar sjuksköterskor arbetsprestation, arbetstillfredsställelse och vårdkvalitén. / Background: Nurses have a responsibility when it comes to patients’ health and safety in the hospital. Challenges and greater demands lead to stressful conditions, which have shown to have negative effects on health. Work-related stress is high among nurses who work in hospitals, this affects not only the nurses but also the patients care.  Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the causes of nurses' experience of work-related stress in hospitals Method: A literature study with a qualitative approach that follows Polit and Beck’s nine-step model and Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis. Original articles were retrieved from the following databases: PubMed and Cinahl.  Results: Five main themes were identified and presented in the results: Multitasking, Lack of interaction between employees, Lack of staff, Insufficient support and guidance from managers and dissatisfaction and violence Conclusions: Nurses experience work-related stress which can result in physical and mental illness. In addition, it has been shown that work-related stress reduces nurses' work performance, job satisfaction and quality of care.

Qualitative study exploring Maternity Ward Attendants’ perceptions of occupational (work related) stress and the coping methods they adopted within maternity care settings (hospital) in Nigeria

Kuforiji, Oluwatoyosi A. January 2017 (has links)
Background: Occupational stress is a global and complex phenomenon, and workers in developing countries can be affected by it (International Labour Organisation 2001). Staff within maternity settings have been identified as being at risk of suffering from stress, resulting in adverse health outcomes (Evenden and Sharpe, 2002). However, MWAs’ perceptions of stress have not been captured and are not reflected in the literature. Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore MWAs’ perceptions of occupational stress, possible cause(s), the impact and support available and the coping methods they adopted within maternity care settings (hospital) in Nigeria. Methodology: This study adopted a qualitative methodology. Husserl’s (1962) phenomenological approach was chosen as it enabled the researcher to collect rich, in-depth, descriptive accounts of the MWAs’ perceptions of the phenomenon under study through the use of semi-structured interviews. Findings: The major sources of stress for MWAs included work overload, long working hours, staff shortages, work exploitation and intensification and lack of support from senior staff. The stress levels MWAs experienced impacted on their health and well-being and resulted in related behavioural and physical reactions. Conclusion: This study confirmed that MWAs were exposed to similar stress factors experienced by other health workers and reported in the research literature. Additionally, it demonstrated the need for more qualitative studies to explore the perceptions of occupational stress among under-represented groups of healthcare workers. Importantly, this study created an opportunity to explore the experience of dedicated women facing challenging employment practices in hospital settings in Nigeria. Equally, it gave a voice to these unrecognised, almost invisible women, who were the MWAs that played a key role within the maternity services.

Sjuksköterskors arbetsrelaterade stress och dess påverkan på omvårdnaden : En litteraturstudie / Nurses’ Work-related Stress and Its Impact On the Nursing Care : A literature review

Christensen, Olga January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vård och omsorg står inför stora utmaningar med hög arbetsbelastning, vilket bidrar till ökad stress bland sjuksköterskor. Sjuksköterskor är utsatta dagligen för en psykisk och fysisk påfrestande arbetsmiljö. Ogynnsam arbetsmiljö leder till upplevelse av stress, men samtidigt påverkar den negativt omvårdnadskvalitet och riskerar patientsäkerhet. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att belysa sjuksköterskors arbetsrelaterade stress och dess påverkan på omvårdnaden. Metod: Denna litteraturstudie baseras på 11 kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar upphämtade från databaser Cinhal och PubMed. Systematisk litteraturöversikt användes för precisering av forskningsproblemet, sökstrategi och urvalsprocessen. Artiklar kvalitetsgranskades. Analysen av resultatet baserades på generell litteraturöversikt, med användning av induktiv analysmetod. Resultat: Analysen av artiklar resulterade i två huvudkategorier med tillhörande fem subkategorier: Stress skapat av stressorer inom den organisatoriska och fysiska arbetsmiljön medför försämrad omvårdnad (Arbetsbelastning och tidsbrist, Kompetens och personalbrist, Materialbrist och vårdmiljö), Stress skapat av stressorer inom den social och psykosocial arbetsmiljö medför försämrad omvårdnad (Brist på stöd och samarbete, Emotionell påfrestning). Konklusion: Resultatet av analysen påvisade en tydlig koppling mellan sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetsstressen och minskad omvårdnadskvalitet. Arbetsstressorer som existerar i ogynnsam arbetsmiljö, leder till en obalans mellan krav och resurser, sänker sjuksköterskors arbetsmotivation, skapar hög arbetsstress och korrelerade negativt med sjuksköterskors känsla av sammanhang, KASAM. Det skapar ofördelaktiga förutsättningar för att utföra omvårdnadsarbete enligt sjuksköterskans kärnkompetenser och samtidigt minskar patientsäkerheten. / Background: Healthcare is facing major challenges with a high workload, which contributes to increased stress among nurses. Nurses are exposed daily to a mentally and physically stressful work environment. An inadequate work environment leads to the experience of stress, but at the same time it negatively affects nursing care quality and risks patient safety. Aim: The aim of this literature study is to shed light on nurses' work-related stress and its impact on the nursing care. Method: This literature study is based on 11 qualitative scientific articles retrieved from databases Cinhal and PubMed. Systematic literature review was used to specify the research problem, search strategy and selection process. Articles’ quality were reviewed. The analysis of the results was based on a general literature review, using an inductive analysis method. Results: The analysis of articles resulted in two main categories with associated five subcategories: Stress created by stressors within the organizational and physical work environment leads to impaired nursing care (Workload and lack of time, Competence and staff shortage, Material shortage and care environment), Stress created by stressors within the social and psychosocial work environment leads to impaired nursing care (Lack of support and cooperation, Emotional strain). Conclusion: The result of the analysis showed a clear connection between nurses’ work-related stress and reduced nursing care quality. Work stressors that exist in an inadequate work environment, leads to an imbalance between demands and resources, lower nurses' work motivation, create high work stress and negatively affect nurses' sense of coherence, SOC. It creates unfavourable conditions for carrying out nursing care accordingly to the nurse's core competencies and at the same time reduces patient safety.

Bestuur van gesondheidskwessies by `n welsynsorganisasie met spesifieke verwysing na die hantering van stres / The management of health issues at a welfare organisation with specific reference to dealing with stress

Gouws, Yolanda 30 November 2006 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The purpose of the research was to determine the extent to which health issues, and particularly work stress, are managed at a welfare organization. The group investigated consisted of 49 registered social workers employed at nine welfare organizations in the Nelson Mandela Metropole. The research process was directed by quantitative research, the research information being obtained through a literature study and structured questionnaire. A number of health issues were identified in the workplace. Based on the empirical investigation it was concluded that health management does not enjoy a high priority at welfare organisations. The health issues that have the most impact on the respondents' work ability are work stress and burnout. It is recommended that organisations compile a holistic policy for health management. There is a need for implementation of employee assistance and wellness programmes for health management. Such programmes promote the productivity and general wellbeing of social workers. / Die doel van die navorsingstudie was om te bepaal tot watter mate gesondheidskwessies, in die besonder werkstres, by 'n welsynsorganisasie bestuur word. Die ondersoekgroep het bestaan uit 49 geregistreerde maatskaplike werkers werksaam by nege welsynsorganisasies in die Nelson Mandela Metropool. Die navorsingsproses is deur kwantitatiewe navorsing gerig en die navorsingsinligting is met behulp van 'n literatuurstudie en gestruktureerde vraelys bekom. Daar word tans 'n aantal gesondheidskwessies in die werkplek geidentifiseer. Na aanleiding van die empiriese ondersoek is daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat gesondheidbestuur nie 'n hoe prioriteit geniet by welsynsorgnisasies nie. Die gesondheidskwessies wat die mees beduidende impak op die respondente se werkvermoe het, is werkstres en uitbranding. Daar word aanbeveel dat organisasies 'n holistiese beleid ten opsigte van gesondheidsbestuur opstel. Daar is 'n behoefie aan die implementering van werknemerhulp- en werknemerwelstandprogramme vir gesondheidsbestuur omdat sulke programme die produktiwiteit en algemene welstand van maatskaplike werkers kan bevorder. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Social Work)

Burnout, coping and sense of coherence in an engineering organisation

Viljoen, Alana 09 May 2013 (has links)
Burnout can occur in any occupation and is a risk in the modern world of work. The objective of the study was to investigate how burnout, coping and sense of coherence are related and influence each other in an engineering environment. A Cross-sectional survey design was used in this descriptive study. The convenience sample consisted of 118 engineers and scientists at various levels in a global engineering organisation that is based in South Africa. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), Coping Orientations to the Problems Experienced (COPE) and Sense of Coherence (SOC) questionnaires were administered for this quantitative study. A theoretical relationship was proved by means of a literature study and an empirical relationship proved that there is indeed a relationship between the constructs and that focus and venting of emotions as well as SOC are predictors of emotional exhaustion and cynicism. SOC also proved to be a predictor of professional efficacy. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Le stress professionnel et le burnout chez les chirurgiens-dentistes : rôle de certaines caractéristiques personnelles et contextuelles dans l'ajustement au stress professionnel : une étude longitudinale et comparative entre la France et le Brésil / Occupational stress and burnout in the dentists : the role of certain personal and contextual characteristics in the stress adaptation : a longitudinal and comparative study among brazilian and french dentists / Estresse ocupacional e burnout nos cirurgiões-dentistas : o papel de determinadas características pessoais e contextuais na adaptação ao estresse : um estudo longitudinal e comparativo entre França e Brasil

Inocente, Janine 01 October 2010 (has links)
Introduction : L’Odontologie est considérée comme une profession stressante, fréquemment associée à des problèmes de santé, tant d’ordre physique que psychique. L’objectif de cette étude est d’élucider le rôle de certains facteurs psychosociaux chez les Chirurgiens Dentistes Français et Brésiliens.Méthode : Nous avons mené une étude longitudinale auprès de 322 Chirurgiens-Dentistes (161 Français et 161 Brésiliens) au premier temps et au deuxième temps sur une cohorte de 179 (94 Français et 85 Brésiliens). Des mesures relatives à certaines caractéristiques socio-démographiques, psychosociales et transactionnelles ont été ont été administrées aux Chirurgiens-Dentistes. Les critères retenus étaient le burnout, la dépression, les troubles musculo-squelettiques et les troubles du sommeil évaluées à T2 ainsi que des stratégies de coping. Nous avons construit une échelle de stress spécifique à notre population. L’analyse factorielle a permis d’obtenir 1 facteur. Dans une perspective prédictive, des analyses en équation structurales nous ont permis, pour chacun le burnout et la dépression, de tester l’adéquation d’un modèle théorique aux données observées.Résultats : L’influence des scores obtenus sur le burnout, les troubles musculo-squelettiques et les troubles du sommeil) est confirmée par des analyses typologiques identifiant trois profils des dentistes : les dentistes en bonne santé, moins accomplis et en mauvaise santé. Les profils des dentistes Français et Brésiliens sont similaires. Les profils des dentistes moins accomplis et en mauvaise santé liés à certains facteurs psychosociaux, semblent particulièrement à risque de développer une mauvaise santé. Nous avons mis en évidence plusieurs modèles intégratifs témoignant d’effets directs et indirects des antécédents sur les critères, médiatisés par certaines variables transactionnelles. Les variables ratio effort/récompense et le coping de réévaluation du problème ont des effets médiateurs sur : le perfectionnisme et l’épuisement émotionnel, la solitude et l’épuisement émotionnel, le sentiment de solitude et la dépression. Le perfectionnisme prédit la dépression, cet effet passe par le ratio effort/récompense. Conclusion : Ces résultats montrent l’intérêt d’appliquer le modèle transactionnel à la santé des Chirurgiens-Dentistes et suggèrent des pistes de réflexion concernant les perspectives appliquées que ce soit en terme de prévention ou de prise en charge. / Introduction: The Dentistry is considered a stressful profession, being frequently associated with health problems, physical as much mental. The objective of this study is to elucidate the role of psychosomatic factors that affect French and Brazilian dentists.Method: Was made a longitudinal study in 322 dentists (161 French and 161 Brazilians), at a first turn, and 179 dentists at a second turn (when 94 was French and 85 was Brazilians). Measures related to certain socio demographic characteristics (psychosomatic and transactional) were administered for the dentists. The study’s criterions at the second turn were: burnout, depression, muscle-skeleton’s disturbances and sleep disturbances and copping strategies. We construct a specific stress scale for our sample. The factorial analysis resulted in only one factor. Through a perspective predictive, analysis of structural equations allowed to burnout and to depression to test a theoretical model across the observed data.Results: The score analysis obtained from burnout, depression, muscle-skeleton’s disturbances and sleep disturbance, allowed to identify, by cluster analysis, three dentists’ profiles: “with good health”; “with minor personal accomplishment”; “with health at risk”. The French and Brazilian dentist profiles were similar. The psychosomatic factors that influence the adhesion to a one of these profiles are different between the two groups (French and Brazilians). At France, above all, are the context variables and from stress processes (imbalance of effort and reward, specific stress of dentists and copping strategies) that are risk factors to the health. At Brazil, this is the dispositional variables (age, perfectionism and over commitment). We tested an integrator model which showed direct and indirect effects on criterions of our study, mediated by some transactional variables. The variables imbalance between effort and reward and copping, in the revaluation of the problem, has mediation’s effects between perfectionism and emotional exhaustion, between the solitude and emotional exhaustion, between the solitude and depression and between perfectionism and depression.Conclusions: These results showed the interest of application of the transactional model to the health of the surgeons dentists in two different cultures and suggests ways to a reflection about the applied perspectives, in terms of prevention as much as care. / Introdução - A Odontologia é considerada uma profissão estressante, frequentemente associada a problemas de saúde tanto física quanto mental. O objetivo deste estudo é elucidar o papel dos fatores psicossociais em Cirurgiões-Dentistas franceses e brasileiros. Método - Realizou-se um estudo de corte longitudinal em dois tempos. No primeiro tempo com 322 dentistas, sendo 161 franceses e 161 brasileiros, e no segundo tempo com 94 franceses e 85 brasileiros, totalizando 179 dentistas. Medidas relacionadas a determinadas características sociodemográficas, psicossociais e transacionais foram administradas nos dentistas. Os critérios do estudo foram: burnout, depressão, distúrbios músculo-esqueléticos e do sono em T2 e estratégias de coping. Construiu-se uma escala de estresse específico para essa população, e a análise fatorial resultou em um fator. Por meio de uma perspectiva preditiva as análises de equações estruturais permitiram, tanto para o burnout quanto para a depressão, testar um modelo teórico a partir dos dados observados.Resultados - A análise dos escores obtidos do burnout e dos distúrbios músculo-esquelético e do sono permitiu identificar, pelas análises de cluster, três perfis de dentistas: com boa saúde, com menor realização pessoal e com saúde precária. Os perfis dos dentistas franceses e brasileiros são semelhantes, mas os fatores psicossociais que influenciam a adesão a um desses perfis são diferentes entre os dois países. Na França são, sobretudo, as variáveis de contexto e do processo de estresse: desequilíbrio esforço/ recompensa, estresse específico dos dentistas e estratégias de coping, que são fatores de risco para a saúde. No Brasil são as variáveis disposicionais, como idade, perfeccionismo e supercomprometimento. Testou-se um modelo integrador que mostra efeitos diretos e indiretos sobre os critérios deste estudo, mediados por certas variáveis transacionais. As variáveis desequilíbrio e esforço-recompensa e coping reavaliação do problema têm efeitos de mediação entre: perfeccionismo e exaustão emocional; solidão e exaustão emocional; solidão e depressão; e perfeccionismo e depressão. Conclusão – Os resultados mostram o interesse da aplicação do modelo transacional à saúde dos Cirurgiões-Dentistas em duas culturas diferentes, e sugerem caminhos para a reflexão em relação às perspectivas aplicadas tanto em termos de prevenção quanto de cuidados.

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