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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le complexe d'Oedipe dans le cycle de Thérèse Desqueyroux /

Nieto Churruca, María. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.

Creating Emotions by Characters Design for Computer Games.

You, F., Palmer, Ian J., Godfrey, William I., Zheng, Z.B. January 2006 (has links)
No / Firstly, the methodology for characters development in computer games was analyzed from both aspects of art-sourced character development and story-sourced character development separately from the different views of various research fields. In the second section, four different techniques relating to character design and the creation of emotion has been deeply discussed. At the end, the four diverse designs for character OEDIPUS were given according to the plot development based on the background of tragical fable of the ancient Greece.

Το οιδιπόδειο σύμπλεγμα στην ψυχαναλυτική θεωρία της λογοτεχνίας και η πρόσληψη του Μύθου του Οιδίποδα στη νεότερη δραματουργία και τον κινηματογράφο : Jean Cocteau "Καταχθόνια μηχανή" και Pier Paolo Pasolini "Οιδίπους τύραννος"

Μιχαλοπούλου, Αικατερίνη 31 May 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα εργασία κινείται σε δύο θεματικούς άξονες που συγκλίνουν σε έναν κοινό παρονομαστή: στον μύθο του Οιδίποδα. Στο πρώτο μέρος αναλύεται ο τρόπος με τον οποίο ο μύθος αυτός και το παράγωγό του οιδιπόδειο σύμπλεγμα αποτέλεσαν την αφορμή και το πρωτογενές υλικό στην σύσταση της ψυχαναλυτικής θεωρίας της λογοτεχνίας, παρουσιάζοντας διεξοδικά τις απόψεις των κυριότερων θεωρητικών της, αλλά και αναλύοντας ένα πολύτιμο φροϋδικό δοκίμιο που εφαρμόζει τους καρπούς της στον ήρωα – αρχέτυπο του ελισαβετιανού θεάτρου, στον Άμλετ του William Shakespeare. Στο δεύτερο μέρος, αφού παρουσιαστεί ο πρωτογενής μύθος και ερευνηθούν οι καταβολές του, επιχειρείται μία βαθύτερη προσέγγιση στην πρόσληψή του στην νεότερη δραματουργία και τον κινηματογράφο, αναλύοντας την Καταχθόνια Μηχανή του Γάλλου Jean Cocteau και το κινηματογραφικό έργο Οιδίπους Τύραννος του Ιταλού Pier Paolo Pasolini, έργα που έχουν προφανή συνάφεια με τις φροϋδικές προεκτάσεις του οιδιπόδειου μύθου. / The present thesis moves in two themes with a common parameter: Oedipus myth. The first part refers to the way in which this myth and its product, Oedipus’ complex, have been the motive and the primal material for the construction of the psychoanalytic theory of literature, extensively presenting the views of its most important theoreticians, but also analyzing a precious Freudian essay which puts in practice its outcomes on the archetype-hero of the Elizabethan theater, Shakespeare’s Hamlet. In the second part, after presenting the primal myth and investigating its origins, we will penetrate into its perception in recent dramaturgy and in the cinema analyzing ‘The sinister machine’ of the French Jean Cocteau and the film Oedipus Tyrant by the Italian Pier Paolo Pasolini, which both have an obvious relevance with the Freudian extensions of the Oedipus myth.


RONALDO SOUSA SAMPAIO 28 March 2005 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho visa a discutir a concepção psicanalítica do amor masculino numa sociedade patriarcal falocêntrica. Partindo do argumento freudiano que se baseia na explicação edípica, discutimos a seguir a contribuição de Badinter, Ribeiro e Chodorow, que apontam para o lugar central do pré-édipo, e, principalmente, da identificação primária com a mãe na constituição da masculinidade, sempre secundária, de acordo com estes autores. Concluímos então que, em sociedades falocêntricas, tornar-se homem implica em afastar-se radicalmente da mãe e apagar do psiquismo os resquícios femininos adquiridos na relação com o objeto materno. Assim, constatamos que, em sociedades falocêntricas, os homens têm o amor como uma situação de risco e, por conta disto, constroem defesas contra este sentimento, sendo a cisão do objeto amoroso, apontada por Freud, apenas uma dentre muitas possíveis. / [en] This work aims to discuss the psychoanalytic notion of male love in a patriarchal phalocentric society. Starting with Freudian ideas based on the Oedipus complex we then discussed Badinter, Ribeiro and Chodorow`s contributions that consider pre-Oedipus identifications, and specially the primary identification with mother fundamental in the constitution of masculinity, which in their views is always secondary. Finally we concluded that in phalocentric societies becoming a man signifies to be radically separated from the mother and to delete from the mind the feminine traces acquired in the relation with the maternal object. Therefore, in phalocentric societies love is a dangerous feeling for men who protect themselves from it in different ways, splitting being one of them according to Freud.

Isänsä surmannut poika - psykiatrinen tutkimus

Säävälä, H. (Hannu) 13 November 2001 (has links)
Abstract This study focuses on a son's violence against his father. It consists of three substudies. The first substudy examines the incidence of patricide in Finland. The incidence was essentially the same in the beginning and in the end of 20th century: 0.07 and 0.06 cases of patricide per 100 000 per year respectively. At the same time the incidence of matricide increased from 0.01 to 0.07 per 100 000 respectively. The proportion of patricide and matricide of all homicides increased due to the decrease of all homicides in Finland during the study period. The incidences of parricides seem to be of the order of other western countries. In the second substudy, all the reports of 107 serious violent offences by a son against his father were extracted from among all the forensic psychiatric examination reports made in Finland in 1973-96. These index cases were compared to 107 control cases of homicide against other people. Various statistically significant differences were found between the groups. The controls had the following characteristics more commonly than the indexes: developmental problems (especially conduct disorders) in childhood, personality disorders, dependence on alcohol or drugs and criminal histories as adults. They were also married and left their childhood home before the crime more commonly than the indexes. The indexes had psychotic diseases and dependence on parents more commonly, but also better educational and professional success. The indexes were more commonly diagnosed as 'without legal responsibility' (33% vs. 12%) and the controls more commonly 'with diminished legal responsibility'. In the third substudy, five major predisposing factors for a son's violence against his father were identified (incidence in parenthesis): A son's dependence on his parents (70%), a son's tendency to violence (65%), psychotic disease of the son (31%), the fathers oppressive and violent behaviour against the son (36%), protection of the mother against the father's violence by the son (21%). One or more of these factors could be involved in any single case. It was found that oedipality could not explain the violence of a son against his father. Distant and aggressive fathering and close and caring mothering can be seen as predisposing factors both to violence against the father and to the claimed general high prevalence of oedipality in our culture. / Tiivistelmä Tämä työ koostuu kolmesta osatutkimuksesta. Ensimmäisessä tutkittiin pojan tekemän patrisidin eli isän surmaamisen esiintyvyyttä Suomessa. Patrisidin esiintyvyys pysyi suunnilleen samana, 0.07 ja 0.06 tapausta 100 000 asukasta kohti vuodessa, 1900-luvun alussa ja lopussa. Sen sijaan matrisidin eli äidin surmaamisen esiintyvyys kasvoi 0.01:stä 0.07:ään tapaukseen 100 000 asukasta kohti vuodessa. Patrisidien ja matrisidien osuus kaikista henkirikoksista Suomessa kasvoi 1900-luvun aikana, koska yleinen henkirikoskuolleisuus aleni kyseisen jakson aikana. Patrisidin ja matrisidin esiintyvyys vastaa muissa länsimaissa havaittuja esiintyvyyslukuja. Työn toisessa osassa tutkittiin mielentutkimuksessa vuosina 1973-96 olleiden 107 isänsä surmanneen tai pahoinpidelleen pojan ja heidän 107 verrokkinsa teon taustalla olleita tekijöitä. Useita tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja havaittiin: verrokit kärsivät indeksejä yleisemmin lapsuudessa kehitysongelmista, etenkin käytöshäiriöistä, ja aikuisena persoonallisuushäiriöistä ja päihderiippuvuudesta sekä tekivät yleisemmin rikoksia. He myös solmivat parisuhteen ja lähtivät kotoa ennen väkivallantekoaan yleisemmin kuin indeksit Indeksit olivat yleisemmin psykoottisia ja riippuvaisia vanhemmistaan, mutta menestyivät paremmin koulussa ja työelämässä kuin verrokit. Indeksit todettiin mielentilatutkimuksessa yleisemmin syyntakeettomiksi kuin verrokit ja verrokit taas yleisemmin alentuneesti syyntakeiseksi kuin indeksit. Tutkimuksen kolmannessa osassa isään kohdistuneelle väkivallalle todettiin viisi keskeistä altistavaa tekijää (tekijöiden esiintyvyys 107 indeksin joukossa suluissa prosentteina): Pojan riippuvuus vanhemmistaan (70%), pojan väkivaltataipumus (65%), pojan psykoottinen sairaus (31%), isän alistava ja väkivaltainen käytös poikaa kohtaan (36%), äidin suojelu isän väkivallalta (21%). Kuhunkin tapaukseen saattoi liittyä samanaikaisesti yksi tai useampia tekijöitä. Oidipaalisuuden ei havaittu olevan keskeinen altistava tekijä pojan väkivallalle isää kohtaan. Etäinen ja väkivaltainen isyys ja suojaava ja huolehtiva äitiys voivat olla altistavia tekijöitä paitsi isään kohdistuvalle väkivallalle myös aiemmissa tutkimuksissa havaitulle oidipaalisuuden yleisyydelle kulttuurissamme.

Freud, Lacan, and the Oedipus complex

Van der Merwe, Petrus Lodewikus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: “Freud, Lacan, and the Oedipus Complex” examines the Oedipus complex as found in the writing of Sigmund Freud and re-evaluated in the works of Jacques Lacan. Lacan‟s critical reappraisal of the Oedipus complex is captured in his 1969-1971 Seminars, published as The Other Side of Psychoanalysis(2007). This thesis examines Freud‟s overemphasis of the Oedipus complex, the myth of the primal horde and the consequent depiction of the father. Lacan doesn‟t dismiss the Oedipus complex completely, but treats it as a dream, and reinterprets it in light of Freud‟s The Interpretation of Dreams (1900). Lacan focuses on Freud‟s overemphasis on the father in both the Oedipus complex and the myth of the primal horde and illustrates how Freud is protecting the image of the father by depicting him as strong, whereas clinical experience shows that the father can be weak and fallible. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: “Freud, Lacan, and the Oedipus Complex” ondersoek die Oedipus kompleks, soos beskryf in die werk van Sigmund Freud en die beskrywing daarvan in die werk van Jacques Lacan. Lacan se kritiese herevaluasie van die Oedipus kompleks verskyn in sy 1969-1971 Seminare, gepubliseer as The Other Side of Psychoanalysis(2007). Die tesis studeer Freud se oorbeklemtoning van die Oedipus kompleks, die oer-miete en die rol van die vader, ten spyte van die ongerymdhede en kliniese tekortkominge in sy uitbeelding van die vader-figuur. Lacan verwerp nie die Oedipus kompleks ten volle nie, maar kontekstualiseer dit in terme van ʼn droom en herinterpreteer dit in lig van Freud se The Interpretation of Dreams (1900). Lacan fokus op Freud se oorbeklemtoning van die vader in beide die Oedipus kompleks en die oer-miete en illustreer hoe Freud die beeld van die vader probeer beskerm deur hom as sterk uit te beeld, veral wanneer kliniese ervaring wys dat die vader swak en feilbaar is.


JULIA FLAVIA DUAILIBE THOME 26 June 2006 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar o lugar ocupado pela interpretação na técnica psicanalítica clássica. A fim de que isto fosse possível, abordamos alguns pontos da teoria e da prática de Sigmund Freud e Donald W. Winnicott, nos detendo principalmente no exame da técnica destes dois autores. Devido à vastidão e à complexidade do conceito de interpretação na psicanálise, uma tentativa de definição do mesmo também revelou-se necessária, além da apresentação de algumas razões que levaram à prioridade concedida a este instrumento na técnica psicanalítica clássica. Tentamos também demonstrar como a interpretação, na prática e na teoria psicanalíticas, recai prioritariamente sobre o complexo de Édipo e apontamos para algumas das conseqüências que isto gera no que diz respeito ao processo de subjetivação do indivíduo. Recorremos às idéias pertinentes de Sándor Ferenczi, Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, mostrando como o pensamento destes autores e as inovações que propõem podem se aproximar menos ou mais das teorias freudianas e winnicottianas, além de apontarem para novos caminhos no que concerne à clínica psicanalítica. / [en] The present study investigates in which way classical psychoanalytic technique positions interpretation. Some of the points of the theory, the practice and, in particular, the technique of Sigmund Freud and Donald W. Winnicott are examined herein. An attempt was deemed necessary to define interpretation - given its complexity and amplitude within the psychoanalytic theory and practice. We also provide some of the reasons which have led to the priority granted to this instrument within the classical psychoanalytic technique. We have also attempted to demonstrate in which way interpretation primarily leads to the Oedipus complex within both the theory and the practice of psychoanalysis. Some of the consequences of it on the process of subjectivation of the individual are also considered herein. We allude to the relevant ideas of Sándor Ferenczi, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, trying to pinpoint in which way their thoughts as well as innovative contributions approximate or drift away from the Freudian and the Winnicottian theories. As far as the psychoanalytic technique is concerned, some new paths also arise from those thoughts.

Édipo rei: as relações entre édipo e Jocasta / Édipo rei: as relações entre édipo e Jocasta

Goulart, Rildo Rodrigues 10 March 2009 (has links)
O texto da tragédia grega Édipo Rei de Sófocles, do século V a.C., permite até os dias de hoje inúmeros estudos sobre seu mito, face a tamanha riqueza existente em seu mitologema. Pressuposto a tantas pesquisas existentes, elaboramos uma visão inerente aos estudos realizados, compondo uma dissertação comparativa, revisitando o texto de Sófocles e incluindo uma nova ótica sobre a tragédia do rei de Tebas. Porém, antes de mergulharmos na essência do mito, procuramos entender a tragédia grega e seu período de existência. Da mesma forma, investigamos o homem Sófocles, artista e poeta na sociedade em que viveu, e suas relações sociais e políticas com seu amigo e estrategista Péricles. Ponto imprescindível da dissertação é a constatação de que Sófocles fundiu em um só personagem feminino a figura das duas esposas de Laio, condensadas em Jocasta. Tornada mãe e esposa de Édipo, o personagem de Jocasta aumentou profundamente o efeito dramático desejado pelo autor grego, criando um dos maiores textos trágicos da antiguidade que chegaram até hoje. Sem perder a essência do texto sofocliano, decodificamos o mito em suas diversas vertentes, situamos as condições sociais nas relações da mulher no século V a.C., e, assim, estabelecemos as relações que envolveram Édipo e Jocasta no conjunto poético da tragédia reelaborada por Sófocles. / The text of the Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles, 5th century BC, allows us, until the present days, to make innumerous studies about its myth, due to the immense richness of its mythologem. Considering so many existing researches, we have elaborated a vision inherent to the studies already done, writing a comparative dissertation, revisiting Sophoclestext and throwing some new light upon the tragedy of the King of Thebes. However, before plunging into the essence of the myth, we have tried to understand the Greek tragedy and its existing context. In the same way, we have investigated the man Sophocles, artist and poet in the society he lived in, and his social and political relationship with his friend and strategist Pericles. The essential point of the dissertation is the thesis that Sophocles has melted, in a single feminine character, the profiles of the two wives of Laius, condensed in Jocasta. Transformed into mother and wife of Edipo, the character Jocasta deeply increased the dramatic effect desired by the Greek author, creating one of the greatest tragic text of antiquity that have arrived to present days. Without losing the essence of the sophoclean text, we have decoded the myth in its various aspects, contextualized the social conditions of the womens relations in the 5th century BC, and, finally, we have established the relations that involved Edipo and Jocasta in the poetic set of the tragedy re-elaborated by Sophocles.

Complexo de Edipo, hoje?

Miguelez, Nora Beatriz Susmanscky de 23 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:39:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nora Beatriz Susmanscky de Miguelez.pdf: 1006359 bytes, checksum: f4e7c393ca4febe5dc9f8f090603d389 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-23 / This thesis central subject is the validity of the Complex of Oedipus in the present. In the current psychoanalytical literature- in particular some Lacanian French authors- the insistence on the paternal function decadence and its consequences are noticeable: the incest prohibition law lacks support and consequently the oedipian normative, the classic ways of subjectivation and, eventually, culture itself would sink. There is no doubt that the patriarchate decline somewhat affects the paternal function concept. However, it does not necessary imply in the grave consequences predicted by this widespread current psychoanytical trend. In fact, this study, partially supported by Foucault´s hyphotheses, underlines that one tipe of power decays in society whenever it is displaced by another one. Therefore there would be no normative, axiological or political emptiness in the space yielded by the patriachate under extinction threat. New powers other than patriarchal, typical of disciplinary and control societies would pervade the socio-cultural environment and give support the incest prohibition law, even in the lack of the paternal-exclusive fuel. The hypothesis of this study is that the current agents of these new powers (school, enterprise, media, propaganda, etc.), would inherit the paternal power, therefore continuing to support the oedipian interdiction, which is the guarantee of the subjectivation processes and the choice of gender and pathology / Esta tese tem como tema central o questionamento da vigência do Complexo de Édipo no presente. Na literatura psicanalítica atual em especial em alguns autores franceses, de cunho lacaniano pode-se constatar a insistência no tema da decadência da função paterna e suas conseqüências: a lei de proibição do incesto não mais se sustentaria e junto com ela naufragariam a normativa edipiana, os modos de subjetivação clássicos e até a cultura. Não há dúvidas a respeito do declínio do patriarcado, que afeta o conceito de função paterna. No entanto, não é necessário deduzir, a partir disso, as conseqüências funestas que daí extrai essa difundida corrente psicanalítica. Com efeito, com apoio em hipóteses de Foucault, nesta pesquisa se sustenta que um tipo de poder decai na sociedade apenas quando outro o desloca. Portanto, não existiria vazio normativo, axiológico, político, no espaço cedido pelo patriarcado em extinção. Novos poderes, não patriarcais, próprios das sociedades disciplinares e de controle, ocupariam o campo sócio-cultural e sustentariam ainda a lei de proibição do incesto, sem o combustível exclusivo do pai. A hipótese desta pesquisa é que os atuais agentes desses novos poderes (a escola, a empresa, a mídia, a propaganda etc.), que herdaram a potência paterna, continuam a determinar a vigência da interdição edipiana, a qual é garantia dos processos de subjetivação, sexuação e escolha de psicopatologia

O visível e o sonoro em Édipo-Rei: uma análise foucaultiana

Incerti, Fabiano 16 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:27:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabiano Incerti.pdf: 1157907 bytes, checksum: 59797543fc6157fd37405ab6cea01af2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The goal of this paper is to analyze, from the interpretations made by Michel Foucault, how visual and sound are crucial for the discovery of truth (manifestation de la vérité) tragedy Oedipus the King by Sophocles. These elements are problematized, first of all, on what the French thinker understands, it is one of the central themes of the play: the plot involving Oedipus develops in terms of a legal process. In this sense, looking and listening become key elements of the outcome of the issues involving the play: the investigation and discovery of the perpetrator of a crime and the punishment of the criminal. There is no revelation of truth in the story of the hero of the Greek poet despite the different and complementary ways of seeing and listening. And second, with regards to the figure of Oedipus. For Foucault, it is the subject of power-knowledge, over knowledge and over power. And it is precisely for this Power-Knowledge in excess, for that rude awakening and denial to hear the truth that is presented before him, he falls into the trap of his own destiny. Oedipus, the subject of knowledge and power, but also the subject of looking and listening / O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa é analisar, a partir das interpretações realizadas por Michel Foucault, de que forma o visual e o sonoro são decisivos para a descoberta da verdade (manifestation de vérité) na tragédia Édipo-Rei de Sófocles. Esses elementos são problematizados, em primeiro lugar, no que o pensador francês compreende ser um dos eixos centrais da peça: a trama que envolve Édipo se desenvolve em termos de um processo jurídico. Nesse sentido, olhar e escuta se tornam elementos primordiais para o desfecho dos pontos que envolvem a peça: a investigação e a descoberta do autor de um crime e a punição do criminoso. Não há revelação da verdade, na história do herói do poeta grego, que não esteja atravessada por maneiras diferentes e complementares de ver e de escutar. E, num segundo momento, no que diz respeito à própria figura de Édipo. Para Foucault, ele é o sujeito do saber-poder; do saber em excesso e do poder em excesso. E é precisamente por esse saber-poder em demasia, por esse abrir os olhos ao que está acontecendo e se recusar a escutar a verdade que se apresenta a sua frente, que ele cai na armadilha de seu próprio destino. Édipo, sujeito do saber e do poder, mas também sujeito do olhar e da escuta

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