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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évaluation des effets physiologiques d'un nouveau programme de reconditionnement physique en endurance sur ergocycle chez des sujets de plus de 70 ans avec recherche d'une action spécifique sur le vieillissement cardio-vasculaire et cognitif / Evaluation of the physiological effects of a new endurance training program on an ergocycle in adults over 70 with research of a specific action on cardio-vascular and cognitive aging

Bouaziz, Walid 13 December 2017 (has links)
Contexte : Les sujets âgés représentent un groupe d’âge dont la proportion ne cesse d’augmenter. Ainsi, la lutte contre la sédentarité et la pratique d’une activité physique régulière demeure l’une des principales mesures qui devrait être privilégiée chez les seniors. L’objectif principal de ce travail était de déterminer les effets d’un nouveau protocole de réentraînement en endurance sur ergocycle alternatif « le Programme d’Entraînement Personnalisé sur Cycle à charge constante avec Récupération intermittente » (PEP’C-R) sur les paramètres d’endurance et cardio-respiratoires maximaux chez des seniors de plus de 70 ans. Les objectifs secondaires étaient de déterminer les effets du PEP’C-R sur la fonction vasculaire et les performances cognitives. Résultats : le PEP’C-R permet une amélioration significative des paramètres d’endurance et cardio-respiratoires maximaux et permet aussi d’améliorer la fonction vasculaire et les performances cognitives. Conclusion : Les résultats apportés par ce travail permettront de diffuser le PEP’C-R chez les seniors en bonne santé et ceci dans le cadre de la prescription de programmes de réentraînement à l’effort. / Background: Older adults constitute one of the most rapidly growing population groups. Consequently, avoiding an inactive lifestyle and encouraging regular physical activity remains one of the main measures that should be promoted for older adults. The main objective of our study was to determine the effects of a new lightweight protocol including recovery bouts called: “The Intermittent Aerobic Training Program with Recovery bouts” (IATP-R - PEP’C-R in French) for seniors over 70 on maximal cardiorespiratory and endurance parameters. The secondary objectives were to determine the effects of IATP-R on vascular function and cognitive performances. Results: Our results showed that this new “IATP-R” training protocol permits to achieve a significant improvement in both endurance parameters and maximal cardio-respiratory parameters. In addition, the IATP-R permits to improve the vascular function and cognitive performances. Conclusion: The results of this study could be useful to implement this new IATP-R protocol for healthy older adults over 70. This would also be within the framework of prescribing training programs.

Mobile Payment Use and Mobile Payment Transactions by Older Adults : A Qualitative Study

Kolaki, Maria January 2017 (has links)
The research outlined in this thesis focuses on the effects of implementation and use of mobile payments as experienced by older adults aged 55-75, as qualitatively examined through research interviewees (hereafter participants of this study) made up of individuals with varying cultural and technological backgrounds, who are acclimated to Greece’s culture and have lived within the country for at least a decade. Their own perception and reception of the practice allows for a more comprehensive look into the practical application of the technology within the country. No empirical studies are available on the aforementioned topic, despite the high importance and need for such study. Therefore, this research is carried out through a literature review. It then analyzes two models namely technology acceptance model (TAM) and unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model. It applies a phenomenological research method and provides us with a more concise, contextualized background into the widespread application of m-payment and m-commerce within the country. This research contributes new knowledge to m-payment and m-commerce through theoretical and empirical research and benefits the interpretation of a recently emerging phenomenon. The research results are useful to various groups associated with mpayments and m-commerce. Future research directions concerning this phenomenon involve the reception and enhancement of m-payment methods by older adults.

Äldre personers erfarenheter av depressiva tillstånd i ålderdomen: En systematisk litteraturstudie

Pettersson, Joel, Kornhall, Sunna January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Depressioner hos äldre kan vara svårupptäckta till följd av en diffus symtombild samt då diagnossystemen DSM-5 och ICD-11 inte är anpassade för äldre. Många sjuksköterskor har svårigheter i att korrekt identifiera depressioner hos äldre personer. Mer kunskap och förståelse kring depressiva tillstånd hos äldre kan underlätta för psykiatrisjuksköterskor och andra specialistsjuksköterskor att identifiera dessa tillstånd samt leda till en förbättrad psykiatrisk omvårdnad av äldre personer. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa äldre personers erfarenheter av depressiva tillstånd i ålderdomen. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie baserad på nio kvalitativa studier genomfördes med Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärderings [SBU] metod som grundstruktur. Syntes av de kvalitativa studiernas resultat genomfördes enligt Howell Major och Savin-Baden. Resultat: Två tredje nivåns tema framkom: Det första tredje nivåns temat Att befinna sig på botten speglade den psykiska och existentiella förtvivlan de äldre befann sig i; en situation präglad av orkeslöshet, hopplöshet, självnedvärdering, skuld, skam, stigma, brist på stöd, ensamhet och alienation. Det andra tredje nivåns temat Att ta sig uppåt genom coping och andras stöd återgav de copingstrategier de äldre upplevde hjälpsamma samt betydelsen av andra människors stöd. Slutsats: Äldre personer som lider av depressiva tillstånd i ålderdomen bär erfarenheter av djup förtvivlan ur flera hänseenden och finner kraft i copingstrategier och stöd från andra. Nyckelord: depressiva tillstånd, erfarenheter, psykiatrisk omvårdnad, systematisk litteraturstudie, äldre / Background: Depressions in the elderly can be difficult to detect due to a diffuse symptomatology and because the diagnostic manuals DSM-5 and ICD-11 are not adapted for the elderly. Many nurses have difficulties in correctly identifying depressions in older people. More knowledge and understanding of depressive conditions in the elderly may facilitate for psychiatric-mental health nurses and other advanced practice nurses to identify these conditions and may conduce to an improved psychiatric-mental health nursing care for the elderly. Aim: To shed light on elderly persons’ experiences of depressive conditions in old age. Method: A systematic literature review based on nine qualitative studies was conducted, using Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services [SBU] as basic structure. Synthesis of the qualitative studies was carried out according to Howell Major and Savin-Baden. Result: Two third order themes emerged: The first third order theme, Being at rock bottom, reflected the existential and mental despair the elderly was in; a situation characterized by decrepitude, hopelessness, self-deprecating, guilt, shame, stigma, lack of support, loneliness and alienation. The second third order theme, Moving forward through coping and support from others, portrayed the coping strategies the elderly experienced as helpful and the importance of support from others. Conclusion: Elderly persons suffering from depressive conditions in old age experience different aspects of despair and find their path forward through coping strategies and support from others. Keywords: depressive conditions, elderly, experiences, psychiatric-mental health nursing, systematic literature review

Evidencias psicométricas de la prueba Brief Self-Control Scale en adultos de Lima y Arequipa / Psychometric evidence of the Brief Self-Control Scale test in adults from Lima and Arequipa

Ladd Portugal, Kevin 09 July 2021 (has links)
El objetivo del presente estudio fue evidenciar propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de Autocontrol Breve (BSCS) en adultos de la provincia de Lima y Arequipa, Perú. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 280 adultos jóvenes entre las edades de 20 a 40 años de los cuales fueron de Lima (58%) de Arequipa (42%) de forma no probabilística del tipo intencional. Se aplicó el Cuestionario de Autocontrol breve (Tangney, Baumeister y Luzio, 2004) y el cuestionario de Agresividad (Matalinares, Yaringaño, Uceda, Fernández, Huari, Campos y Villavicencio, 2012). Se realizó un AFC, el cual dio como resultado 4 dimensiones con χ²/gl = 3.16(< 3), p < .001 el CFI = .95 (>.95), SRMR = .05, la RMSEA = 0.088 (0.068, 0.109) (<.08) y el TLI = .93 (>.95). Se calculó la consistencia interna omega que oscila entre .49 y 73. Se utilizó la prueba no paramétrica de Spearman para el análisis de validez discriminante. El análisis de correlaciones entre BSCS y el cuestionario de Agresividad dio como resultado que todas son negativas y significativas (p < .05), con magnitud entre moderada (rs > .62) y baja (rs >.18). Concluyen que el BSCS brinda evidencias suficientes para seguir siendo estudiado en la población. / The objective of this study was to demonstrate psychometric properties of the Brief Self-Control Questionnaire (BSCS) in adults from the province of Lima and Arequipa, Peru. The sample consisted of 280 young adults between the ages of 20 to 40 years of which were from Lima (58%) of Arequipa (42%) in a non-probabilistic way of the intentional type. The brief Self-Control Questionnaire (Tangney, Baumeister and Luzio, 2004) and the Aggression questionnaire (Matalinares, Yaringaño, Uceda, Fernández, Huari, Campos and Villavicencio, 2012) were applied. An AFC was performed, which resulted in 4 dimensions with χ² / gl = 3.16 (<3), p <.001 the CFI = .95 (> .95), SRMR = .05, the RMSEA = 0.088 (0.068, 0.109) (<.08) and the TLI = .93 (> .95). The omega internal consistency ranging between .49 and 73 was calculated. Spearman's non-parametric test was used for the discriminant validity analysis. The correlation analysis between BSCS and the Aggression questionnaire showed that all of them are negative and significant (p <.05), with a magnitude between moderate (rs> .62) and low (rs> .18). They conclude that the BSCS provides sufficient evidence to continue being studied in the population. / Tesis

Acclimatation aux appareils auditifs par les personnes âgées avec perte auditive

Wright, Dominique 08 1900 (has links)
Les aides auditives (AA) sont les principaux outils d’intervention de réadaptation recommandés aux personnes âgées ayant une perte auditive, car elles offrent un large éventail d’avantages. Cependant, beaucoup de personnes qui possèdent des AA ne les utilisent pas ou les sous-utilisent. La raison la plus récurrente exprimée par ces non-utilisateurs d’AA est la difficulté persistante à comprendre les conversations dans des environnements bruyants. Il n’est pas mentionné si ces personnes ont essayé de porter leurs AA pendant un certain temps avant de décider de ne plus les porter. Dans l’éventualité où elles auraient abandonné peu de temps après l’obtention de leurs AA, il est possible que ces individus n’aient pas bénéficié d’une adaptation optimale à l’environnement sonore, appelée acclimatation auditive. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’évaluer l’apport de l’expérience avec les AA sur l’acclimatation auditive. La première étude visait à déterminer, au moyen d'une revue systématique, si un effet d’acclimatation se produit après l’utilisation d’AA et, le cas échéant, à établir l’amplitude et l’évolution dans le temps de cet effet. Quatorze articles évaluant l’acclimatation via des mesures comportementales, d’auto-évaluation et électrophysiologiques répondaient aux critères d’inclusion et d’exclusion. Bien que leur qualité scientifique générale soit faible ou très faible, les résultats de la revue systématique appuient l’hypothèse qu’un effet d'acclimatation est présent, tel que documenté par les trois types de mesures. Pour la reconnaissance de la parole dans le bruit, l’amélioration varie entre 2 et 3 dB en termes de rapport signal sur bruit (RSB) sur une période minimale d'un mois. Cette étude met en évidence l'importance d’utiliser les AA après l’appareillage afin d’optimiser les bénéfices que celles-ci peuvent procurer. L’objectif du deuxième article était de rapporter les résultats d’une étude longitudinale pour déterminer si l’acclimatation aux AA des personnes âgées peut être évaluée par leurs performances à des tâches de reconnaissance de la parole dans le bruit ainsi que par des mesures d’effort auditif. Trente-deux nouveaux utilisateurs d’AA et 15 utilisateurs expérimentés ont été évalués sur une période de 38 semaines en utilisant un paradigme de double tâche. Pour les nouveaux utilisateurs, les résultats ont révélé une amélioration significative de 2 dB RSB sur un test de reconnaissance de la parole dans le bruit après quatre semaines d’utilisation des AA, et aucune diminution de l’effort auditif, tel que mesuré par le coût proportionnel de la double tâche et par le temps de réponse à la tâche secondaire. Chez les utilisateurs expérimentés, les résultats n’ont dévoilé aucune amélioration de leur performance de reconnaissance de la parole dans le bruit suite à l’utilisation des AA. En conclusion, les résultats confirment la présence d’un effet d’acclimatation tel qu’évalué par des mesures comportementales, d’auto-évaluation et électrophysiologiques suite à une utilisation régulière d’AA. Plus précisément, les nouveaux utilisateurs présentaient une amélioration cliniquement significative de 2 à 3 dB en termes de RSB après une utilisation régulière de leurs AA. Par conséquent, les nouveaux utilisateurs d’AA devraient être informés de cette possible amélioration au fil du temps, car cela pourrait les inciter à continuer de s’adapter à leurs AA plus longtemps avant de décider de les utiliser ou non. / Hearing aids (HAs) are the primary rehabilitation intervention recommended for older adults with hearing loss, as they provide a wide range of benefits. However, a large proportion of individuals who own HAs does not use or underuse them. The most recurring reason reported by non-HA users is their difficulty to understand conversations in noisy environments even when they use HAs. It is unclear if these individuals tried to use their HAs for an extended period of time before abandoning their use. If they gave up too soon after being fitted with their HAs they may not have benefited from an auditory adaptation to the new auditory stimulation, referred to as auditory acclimatization. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the contribution of HA experience on auditory acclimatization. The first study aimed to determine, by means of a systematic review, if an acclimatization effect occurs after HA use and if so, to establish the magnitude and time-course of this effect. Fourteen articles that assessed acclimatization through behavioural, self-reported and physiological outcomes met the inclusion and the exclusion criteria. Although their general scientific quality was low or very low, the results of systematic review support the existence of an acclimatization effect as calculated by all three types of outcome measures. For speechrecognition- in-noise performance, improvement ranged from 2 to 3 dB in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) over a minimum period of 1-month. This study highlights the importance of using the HAs on a regular basis after being fitted with HAs. The goal of the second study was to conduct a longitudinal investigation in order to determine whether acclimatization to HAs by older adults can be assessed data obtained on a speech-recognition-in-noise task and by measures of listening effort. Thirty-two new HA users and 15 experienced HA users were tested over a 38-week period using a dual-task paradigm. For new HA users, the results showed a significant improvement of 2 dB SNR on a speech-recognitionin- noise task after 4 weeks of using the HAs post fitting. Based on the proportional dual-task cost data and by the response time measures recorded on the secondary task. No improvement of speech perception performance in noise was observed for the experienced HA users. 8 The general findings from this thesis support the presence of an acclimatization effect as measured by behavioural, self-reported and physiological measures following regular HA use. Specifically, new HA users show a clinically significant change of 2 and 3 dB SNR on speechrecognition- in noise tasks following their initial fitting. Therefore, new HA users should be informed of the possible improvement in speech recognition over time, as it could entice them to pursue the use of their HAs for a longer period of time before deciding to abandon them.

Home Delivered Meals II : older Adults Sensory Perceptions and Satisfaction from Assistant Nurses Perspective / Hemlevererade måltider II : äldres sensoriska upplevelser och nöjdhet från undersköterskornas perspektiv.

Forsberg, Sarah January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: Overall meal satisfaction and sensory properties of the food have been seen to impact the nutritional status in older adults living in residential care homes. However, there is a lack of studies focusing on home-dwelling older adults’ perceptions and satisfaction of home delivered meals. Objective: The purpose was to examine home-dwelling older adults’ sensory perceptions and satisfaction of home-delivered meals from the assistant nurses’ perspective. Method: The present study was the quantitative follow-up phase of a mixed method study with an exploratory sequential design. Data was collected through an online survey regarding assistant nurses’ (N=74) experiences of their care recipients satisfaction and perceptions of appearance, odor, flavor and texture of the meals. Result: The nurses reported that most care recipients appreciate the sensory properties of the meals. However, the perceptions of texture and flavor varied considerably as the texture of vegetables were perceived as either hard or soft, and the meat was perceived as either chewy or easy to chew. Moreover, the flavor of the meals were perceived as either tasty or tasteless. Sensory properties were important for the care recipients’ meal experience, and odor (OR= 6.15, p= 0,03,) and flavor (OR= 5.71, p= 0,05) were significant predictors for meal satisfaction. However, satisfaction could not be correlated to type of delivery system. Conclusion: Chewing difficulties and deteriorating smell and taste senses could be a reason for the great variation of the reported perceptions of texture and flavor. To increase older adults’ acceptability, more focus on choice of products and cooking techniques might be a way to improve the texture and flavor of the meals. Furthermore, due to selection bias the result cannot be generalized. / Introduktion: Nöjdhet och måltidens sensoriska egenskaper påverkar äldres nutritionsstatus i särskilt boende. Det finns dock brist på studier om hemmaboende äldres sensoriska uppfattningar och acceptans. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka hemmaboende äldres sensoriska perceptioner och acceptans av hemlevererade måltider från undersköterskornas perspektiv. Metod: Studien är den andra uppföljande fasen av en mixed method studie med en exploratory sequential design. Kvantitativ data samlades in genom en online enkät med både slutna och öppna frågor om undersköterskors (N=74) erfarenhet av vårdtagarnas nöjdhet samt upplevelser av måltidernas smak, doft, utseende och textur. Resultat: Undersköterskorna rapporterade att de flesta vårdtagarna uppskattar de sensoriska egenskaperna av måltiderna men att upplevelsen av textur och smak varierade betydligt. Texturen på grönsakerna upplevdes antingen som hårda eller mjuka och texturen på köttet upplevdes antingen som segt eller lättuggat. Smaken på måltiderna upplevdes också antingen som god eller inte god. Vidare var sensorisk kvalitet viktig för vårdtagarnas måltidsupplevelse, och doft (OR= 6.15, p= 0,03,) och smak (OR= 5.71, p= 0,05) var signifikanta prediktorer för måltidsnöjdhet, däremot kunde inte nöjdhet korreleras till typ av leveranssystem. Slutsatser: Tuggsvårigheter och försämrade lukt och smaksinnen skulle kunna vara en anledning till den rapporterade variationen i upplevelsen av textur och smak. Mer fokus på råvaror och tillagningsmetoder skulle kunna vara ett sätt förbättra texturen och smaken. Till följd av selektionsbias är inte resultatet generaliserbart.

Senior Dance Experience, Cognitive Performance, and Brain Volume in Older Women

Niemann, Claudia, Godde, Ben, Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia 13 October 2016 (has links)
Physical activity is positively related to cognitive functioning and brain volume in older adults. Interestingly, different types of physical activity vary in their effects on cognition and on the brain. For example, dancing has become an interesting topic in aging research, as it is a popular leisure activity among older adults, involving cardiovascular and motor fitness dimensions that can be positively related to cognition. However, studies on brain structure are missing. In this study, we tested the association of long-term senior dance experience with cognitive performance and gray matter brain volume in older women aged 65 to 82 years. We compared nonprofessional senior dancers (n=28) with nonsedentary control group participants without any dancing experience (n=29), who were similar in age, education, IQ score, lifestyle and health factors, and fitness level. Differences neither in the four tested cognitive domains (executive control, perceptual speed, episodic memory, and long-term memory) nor in brain volume (VBM whole-brain analysis, region-of-interest analysis of the hippocampus) were observed. Results indicate that moderate dancing activity (1-2 times per week, on average) has no additional effects on gray matter volume and cognitive functioning when a certain lifestyle or physical activity and fitness level are reached.

Solución de Telehomecare que brinda atención médica para adultos mayores diagnosticados con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 / Telehomecare solution that provides medical attention to older adults diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Díaz Marcos, Dora Vanesa, Huaman Romero, Jhezsenia 01 December 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto nace de la búsqueda de una solución que brinde atención médica remota a los adultos mayores diagnosticados con Diabetes tipo 2, con el fin de mantener un control periódico de su enfermedad y poder reducir las complicaciones presentadas por el incumplimiento del tratamiento médico y control glucémico. La solución consiste en una plataforma tecnológica que soporta una aplicación móvil para el paciente que controla de forma autónoma su enfermedad a través de información sobre la Diabetes, medicamentos, detalle del tratamiento recomendado por el médico y el control periódico del nivel de glucosa. Y una página web permite al endocrinólogo realizar el seguimiento del paciente y videollamadas periódicas. El proyecto se validó en una casa de reposo para adultos mayores y con un médico endocrinólogo en Lima, Perú. Para medir la efectividad del proyecto se evaluó lo siguiente: Constancia del registro del nivel de glucosa Tiempo promedio de respuesta ante emergencias e indicadores fuera de rango, por parte del médico Porcentaje de reducción de las complicaciones de la enfermedad Nivel de satisfacción, de los adultos mayores, sobre la solución de Telehomecare Los resultados demuestran que la frecuencia del uso de la aplicación se incrementó conforme adoptaron la solución como parte de su rutina. El tiempo de respuesta promedio del endocrinólogo fue 4,13 minutos aproximadamente desde su registro, el porcentaje de complicaciones se redujo en un 14% y el nivel de satisfacción de la solución se concentró en las dimensiones de tiempo de respuesta y comprensión de la necesidad del usuario / This project begins to seek a solution that provides remote medical care to older adults diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, in order to maintain periodic control of their disease and to reduce the complications presented by non-compliance medical treatment and glycemic control. The solution consists in a mobile application for the patient that controls his disease through information related to diabetes, medications, details of the treatment recommended by the doctor and the periodic monitoring of glucose level. Another application allows the endocrinologist to monitor the patient and make periodic video calls. The project was validated in a nursing home for the elderly and with an endocrinologist in Lima, Peru. To measure the effectiveness of the project, the following was evaluated: Record of glucose level record Average response time to emergencies and indicators out of range, by the doctor Percentage reduction in complications of the disease Level of satisfaction, of the elderly, about the Telehomecare solution The results show that the frequency of use of the application increased as they adopted the solution as part of their routine. The average response time of the endocrinologist was approximately 4.13 minutes from its registration, the percentage of complications was reduced by 14% and the level of satisfaction with the solution was concentrated in the dimensions of response time and understanding of patient need. / Tesis

A Qualitative Investigation of the Collaborative Lifestyle Intervention Program for Knee Osteoarthritis Patients (CLIP-OA) Virtual Intervention Delivery during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Hohn, Stephanie R. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Hur uppfattas och används Facebook av användare som är 65 plus? : Examensarbete inom Människa Datorinteraktion (MDI) för magisterexamen

Görndt, Berit January 2016 (has links)
The older generation now have plenty of time for daily use of their computers. (1) Nordicom´s Mediabarometer from March 2014 shows that among daily users of the Internet, the age group 65-79 look for more information and digital companionship. On the average day in 2014 they spend 101 minutes on the Net, to be compared with 69 minutes in 2011, an increase of 68 %. Statistics available on the web in 2011 showed the 2009 figures relating to the interest of older adults in using (2) Facebook. Only 4 % of the Swedish users were in the interest group 65 plus, and there was no maximum age. The study intends to find out how potential Facebook users over 65 on sociala media perceive and use Facebook. • How, in wich way, does the older generation use Facebook? • With whom and why? • How use they their social interaction? • Covers Facebook user´s daily needs for information and communication on social media? To have my questions about Facebook answered, I had a questionnare compiled and laid it out on the Web, hoping for replies from potential users. SeniorNet in Sweden is an association of about 50 clubs across the country with 8 500 members. Through contact with SeniorNet in Stockholm area, who mediated my link to their area members, I received answers to my questions. The link to the questionnarie was available for about a month. Of the 90 induviduals who responded, 60 already used Facebook and 30 were not interested in using Facebook. Of the respondents most were woman; 58 woman (64 %) and 32 men (36 %) between 65 and 90. The most frequent use was watching on pictures and status resports of children and grandchildren, and also chatting with old friends and the family. Being able to get quick information about close relatives abroad in the event of natural disasters and not having to worry about them was very important. Being able to follow development of family members with pictures and status reports for those who were living abroad was also important. Availability and having quick answers from Facebook users was the most positive aspect, according to the study. / Den äldre generationen har nu gott om tid att använda datorn dagligen. [1] Nordicoms mediebarometer från mars 2014 visar att åldersgruppen 65-79 år söker mer information och digital gemenskap på nätet dagligen bland dem som använder internet. Användartiden på internet har ökat från 69 minuter 2011, till 101 minuter en genomsnittlig dag 2014, en ökning med 68 %. Statistik som fanns på webben 2011 visade 2009 års siffror, när det gällde äldre vuxnas intresse att använda [2] Facebook. Endast 4 % av Sveriges användare fanns med i intressegruppen 65 plus och det fanns inte någon maximiålder. Avsikten med studien är att få veta hur de som är potentiella användare av Facebook på sociala medier och är 65 plus uppfattar och använder Facebook. • Hur, på vilket vis använder den äldre generationen Facebook? • Med vem, vilka och varför? • Hur använder de sin sociala interaktion? • Täcker Facebook användarnas dagliga behov om information och kommunikation på sociala medier? För att få svar på mina frågor om Facebook lät jag sammanställa en enkät och lade ut den på webben för att få svar från potentiella användare. SeniorNet i Sverige har en sammanslutning av ett 50-tal klubbar i hela landet med 8 500 medlemmar. Genom kontakter med SeniorNet i Stockholms-området, som förmedlade min länk till sina medlemmar i deras områden fick jag svar på mina frågor. Länken med frågeformuläret fanns tillgängligt på webben i ungefär en månad. Av de 90 respondenterna jag fick respons från var 60 redan Facebookanvändare och 30 respondenter hade inte något som helst intresse av att använda Facebook. Det var mest kvinnliga användare 58 kvinnor (64 %) och 32 män (36 %) mellan 65-90 år, som svarade på enkäten. Mest frekvent var att titta på barn och barnbarns bilder och statusrapporter, men även att chatta med gamla vänner och inom familjerna. Att kunna få en snabb information av nära anhöriga utomlands i händelse av naturkatastrofer och att slippa oroa sig för dem var viktigt. Även att kunna följa utvecklingen av anhöriga med bilder och statusrapporter för dem som var bosatta utomlands. Tillgängligheten och att få snabba svar från användare på Facebook var den mest positiva aspekten enligt studien.

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