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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Ett ljus i tunneln, att ha nån sorts planhärifrån” : En kvalitativ studie om individer med ohälsa som byter karriär mitt i livet / “A light at the end of the tunnel, a plan out of here” : A qualitative research of individuals with ill health changing careers midlife

Bengtsson, Jessica, Hesslegård, Linn January 2024 (has links)
One in three employees in Sweden experiences work-related health problems due to stress, high workload etc. This can result in ill health with problems such as anxiety and sleep problems. An increasing number of adults are changing careers due to these circumstances. This study examines which factors can impact a decision of changing careers, how the decision-making process is carried out and how a midlife career change can affect the individual’s well-being for the better. The study was based on aqualitative method with seven respondents, who had all made a career change. The study aims to answer the following questions:- Which influencing factors can lead to a career change?- What does the process of decision-making within career change look like for individuals experiencing ill health?- Can a career-change result in a better well-being, health and self-esteem?The following theories have been applied in the study: Hodkinson and Sparkes Careership theory, Albert Bandura's Theory of Self-efficacy and Work-life balance. The results of the study show that the main factors leading to a career change are mental health issues, stress and general well-being. Other common factors have been the desire to find a more meaningful job and achieve better balance in life. The result of the study also shows that the decision-making process for individuals with ill health changing careers can vary, where some underwent voluntarily and others involuntarily breaking points. The result also shows that individuals often make choices based on their action-horizon and well-known fields, but that logic, reason and emotions all come to play when changing careers. In the result it has emerged that support from relatives such as family and friends has been a significant part, but also that study and career-counselors had an important part. In terms of well-being, health and self-esteem, the results show that all respondents experience an improved overall-health after their career change.

The Effect of Fall Prevention Exercise Programmes on Fall Induced Injuries in Community-Dwelling Older Adults / La prévention des chutes et des blessures dues aux chutes par l’exercice physique chez les personnes âgées

El-Khoury, Fabienne 15 May 2015 (has links)
IntroductionLes chutes et les blessures dues aux chutes représentent un véritable enjeu de santé publique. Les programmes d’exercices physiques axés sur l’équilibre permettent de réduire de 30 à 40% le taux de chutes chez les personnes âgées vivant à leur domicile. Cependant, leur efficacité sur la prévention des traumatismes dus aux chutes n’a pas été établie.Ce travail comporte 2 parties :- Une revue systématique de la littérature et méta-analyse des résultats d’essais contrôlés randomisés (ECR) qui évaluent l’efficacité de l’exercice sur différents types de chutes traumatiques chez les personnes âgées en milieu communautaire. - L’analyse des données de l’ECR multicentrique ‘Ossébo’, qui évalue l’efficacité d’un programme d’exercice physique de prévention de chutes traumatiques chez des femmes âgées.MéthodesRevue systématiqueDes recherches bibliographiques ont été effectuées pour repérer les ECR de prévention des chutes par l’exercice physique, réalisés chez des personnes âgées vivant à leur domicile, et présentant des données sur les chutes traumatiques.Ensuite, on a regroupé les définitions des chutes traumatiques trouvées dans les études sélectionnées en 4 catégories :A/ avec conséquence.B/ avec recours à des soins médicaux. C/ ayant entraîné un traumatisme grave.D/ avec fracture.On a réalisé une méta-analyse (MA) pour chaque catégorie, donc on a calculé un effet global (effet poolé) de l’exercice correspondant au ratio des taux d’incidence dans les 2 groupes par un modèle à effet aléatoire.L’essai OsséboLes participantes à l’essai sont des femmes âgées de 75 à 85 ans, vivant à leur domicile, et ayant des capacités physiques diminuées. Au total, 706 femmes, dans 20 centres en France, ont été randomisées en 2 groupes : le groupe intervention (GI), et le groupe contrôle (GC).L’intervention comprend des ateliers hebdomadaires d’exercice en petits groupes pendant 2 ans, et des exercices au domicile.La survenue de chutes a été enregistrée à l’aide des cartes-calendriers. Les circonstances et les conséquences de la chute étaient demandées en cas de signalement d’une chute, afin de classer la chute (sans conséquence, traumatisme modéré, traumatisme grave).Des bilans ont été effectués à 1 an et 2 ans après l’inclusion, selon le même protocole que le bilan initial, qui comprenait notamment des tests fonctionnels simples.Le critère principal est le taux d’incidence des ‘chutes traumatiques’ (modérée et graves). Des modèles à fragilité (modèles de survie avec un effet aléatoire) ont été utilisés pour modéliser ce taux dans les 2 groupes.L’évolution au cours du temps des capacités physiques, et d’autres facteurs ont été comparés grâce à un modèle marginal avec un effet aléatoire au niveau du centre.RésultatsRevue systématique17 essais totalisant 4305 participants ont été sélectionnés. Toutes les interventions évaluées comprenaient des exercices de l’équilibre. Les résultats de la MA montrent que l’exercice est associé à une réduction du taux de chutes traumatiques dans chacune des catégories considérées, avec un effet poolé de 0.63 (IC95% : 0.51-0.77) pour la catégorie A(10 essais). Le RaR poolé était de 0.70 (0.54-0.92) pour la catégorie B (8 essais), de 0.57 (0.36-0.90) pour la catégorie C (7 essais), et de 0.39 (IC 95% : 0.22-0.66) pour la catégorie C (6 essais). L’essai OsséboOn a recensé 397 chutes traumatiques dans le GC, et 305 dans le GI, correspondant à une réduction significative de 19% du taux de chutes traumatiques (‘hazard ratios’ HR= 0.81 IC95% : (0.67 - 0.99). A 2 ans, les femmes du GI ont des performances significativement meilleures que les femmes du GC sur l’ensemble des tests physiquesDiscussionLes programmes d’exercice destinés à prévenir les chutes sont également efficaces pour réduire les traumatismes dus à la chute, y compris les plus graves. Aussi, il est possible de mettre en place à large échelle un programme efficace d’exercice de prévention des chutes traumatiques de longue durée chez des personnes âgées / Context: Exercise programmes can prevent falls in older community-dwellers. However, evidence that these programmes can also prevent injurious falls was poor.Objectives : Systematic review of evidence of the effect of exercise interventions on injurious fall prevention from randomised controlled trials (RCT).Evaluate the effectiveness of ‘Ossébo’, a multi-centre RCT assessing the effectiveness of a 2-year injurious fall prevention balance training programme.Methods:Systematic reviewThe definitions of injurious falls from included studies were classified into more homogeneous categories. This allowed the estimation of a pooled rate ratio for each injurious falls category based on random effects models. Ossébo trial706 women aged 75-85 years ; home-living with diminished functional capacities were included. The 2 groups were compared for rates of injurious falls with a frailty model. Other outcomes included physical functional capacities, and quality of life indicators. Results:Systematic review17 trials involving 4305 participants were included. Four categories were identified: all injurious falls, falls resulting in medical care, severe injurious falls, and falls resulting in fractures. Exercise had a significant preventive effect in all categories.OsséboThere were 305 injurious falls in the intervention group and 397 in the control group, for a HR of 0.81 (0.67 to 0.99). At 2 years, women in the intervention group had significantly better performances on all physical tests and a better perception of their overall physical function. Conclusion:Fall prevention exercise programmes are effective in preventing injurious falls, and are feasible for long-term, wide-spread dissemination

An evaluation of the role of the university of the third age in the provision of lifelong learning

Hebestreit, Lydia Karola 30 November 2006 (has links)
During the past thirty years several models for lifelong education after retirement have been developed worldwide, one of them being the University of the Third Age (U3A). This study explored the contributions of the U3A to the educational needs of older adults and evaluated the benefits they perceived from their participation in U3A by means of a literature study and an empirical investigation. The latter used a survey to explore the experiences of U3A members of two U 3As and presidents of 68 U3As in Victoria, Australia by means of two different questionnaires. As only 1.47 percent of the over-55 population of Victoria are U3A members, the survey also investigated barriers to U3A participation in general and with special reference to the male population. The findings indicated that member respondents were very satisfied with their U3A experiences which had made substantial differences in their lives. Both male and female respondents saw personal, mental, social, and physical improvement as a result of U3A participation. The majority indicated that participation had improved their intellectual development. Significant differences in the perceptions of male and female participants emerged: female members outnumbered males by three to one. Both the presidents and the members expressed some programmatic concerns, primarily obtaining tutors and classroom availability. The subject areas covered by courses presented were extensive. There was a difference in the subjects desired by males and female respondents; very few courses are offered in science and economics. Some barriers to participation identified are a lack of awareness of U3A, the stereotypical attitudinal barrier of `I am too old' and negative past educational experiences. Moreover, U3As should increase marketing endeavours. Although most U3As advertise, almost a third of the respondents indicated that they would have joined earlier if aware of U3As. A contributing factor appears to be a virtual lack of research and information provided in educational academic journals and other media about lifelong education after retirement. Based on the findings, recommendations were made for future research and for improved practice in the U3A environment as a means to enhance the quality of life for older adults. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Comparative Education)

User characteristics and the effectiveness of inclusive design for older users of public access systems

Sengpiel, Michael 29 May 2015 (has links)
Computer haben fast jeden Lebensbereich durchdrungen, was viele Vorteile - aber auch Herausforderungen - für ihre Nutzer mit sich bringt. Dies wird vor allem bei der Benutzung von Fahrkartenautomaten (FKA) oder anderer Technik im öffentlichen Raum deutlich, denn diese sollten spontan benutzbar sein, stellen gerade ältere Benutzer aber oft vor Probleme. Sind sie zu alt, um Technik zu benutzen? Diese Dissertation verfolgt zwei Ziele: Zum einen soll die Gebrauchstauglichkeit eines Fahrkartenautomaten (FKA) verbessert werden, indem zwei einander ergänzende Ansätze angewandt werden und die daraus entstehenden drei FKA-Varianten (Original, Video, Wizard) hinsichtlich der Kriterien der Gebrauchstauglichkeit Effektivität, Effizienz und Zufriedenstellung verglichen werden. Zum anderen wird der Einfluß des Alters und alterskorrelierter Benutzermerkmale auf die erfolgreiche Benutzung dieser funktional equivalenten FKA-Gestaltungsvarianten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Merkmals Computerwissen geschätzt. In einem zweifaktoriellen quasi-experimentellen Versuchsplan mit zwei (Alter: jung, alt) mal drei (experimentelle Bedingung: Kontrolle, Video, Wizard) Faktorstufen lösten 62 ältere (M=68 Jahre) und 62 jüngere (M=25 Jahre) Versuchsteilnehmer die selben elf Aufgaben: Die Kontrollgruppe nutzte einen simulierten FKA der BVG (Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe), die Videogruppe sah ein kurzes Instruktionsvideo bevor sie den selben FKA nutzte und die Wizardgruppe nutzte statt dessen eine umgestaltete graphische Benutzungsschnittstelle. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, daß Technik im öffentlichen Raum durch die Integration einer minimalen Videoinstruktion oder eines aufgabenorientierten Wizards mit angemessenem Aufwand universell nutzbar gestaltet werden kann und daß nicht das chronologische Alter die erfolgreiche Nutzung des FKA beeinflußt, sondern altersbezogene Nutzermerkmale, welche gemessen werden können und sollten, um eine nutzungsgerechte Gestaltung zu ermöglichen. / Computer technology has permeated almost every sphere of daily living, bringing about many advantages - and challenges - for its users. This becomes particularly apparent for older people’s use of public access systems like ticket vending machines (TVM), which should be „walk-up and use systems“ but often pose challenging problems for them. Are they too old to use IT? This thesis aims to (a) improve the usability of a ticket vending machine (TVM) following two different approaches (teach or design) and to compare the resulting three TVM designs (original, video, wizard) regarding the usability criteria effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction, and to (b) estimate the impact of age and age-correlated user characteristics on the successful use of these functionally equivalent TVM designs with a special focus on computer literacy. In a two (young, old) by three (control, video, wizard) factorial quasi experimental research design, 62 older (M=68 years) and 62 younger (M=25 years) participants solved the same eleven tasks: The control group used a simulated TVM of the BVG (public transportation in Berlin, Germany), the video group watched a brief instructional video integrated into the same TVM before using it and the wizard group used a redesigned wizard interface instead. MANOVA indicates that video and wizard substantially improved TVM usability, increasing effectiveness for the older groups from 52% to 80% and 88% respectively. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that user characteristics had a strong effect on effectiveness of BVG-TVM use, but a weaker effect in the video (36%) and wizard (5%) conditions (universal usability). Results suggest that integration of minimal video instruction or a task oriented wizard design can make public access systems truly universally usable with reasonable effort and that not chronological age itself predicts successful TVM use, but age related user characteristics, which can - and should - be measured and designed for.

Effets et implantation d’un programme communautaire de marche avec bâtons destiné aux aînés

Fournier, Baptiste 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.


Jones, Kim Malveo 01 June 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to gather the perceive strategies and substance treatment needs of adults 60 and over. To examine what recovery treatment models and strategies could be most effective for the age-related complex needs of the 60 and over population who are at risk for substance misuse, use or abuse. In the coming years, there will be a substantial increase in the numbers of older adults with substance misuse and abuse problems. Even though one in five individuals who experience substance abuse are older adults many clinicians remain ill equipped to serve older clientele, and particularly those who face substance abuse. Furthermore, the diagnosis and treatment of substance abuse among older adults is complicated by assumptions about aging and the complex physical and cognitive changes in late life, each of which can make the manifestation of symptoms difficult to identify. The results indicate that participates has some definitive values that could increase their participation in engaging with substance treatments tailored to their specific age and belief systems.

Emotion and motion: age-related differences in recognizing virtual agent facial expressions

Smarr, Cory-Ann 05 October 2011 (has links)
Technological advances will allow virtual agents to increasingly help individuals with daily activities. As such, virtual agents will interact with users of various ages and experience levels. Facial expressions are often used to facilitate social interaction between agents and humans. However, older and younger adults do not label human or virtual agent facial expressions in the same way, with older adults commonly mislabeling certain expressions. The dynamic formation of facial expression, or motion, may provide additional facial information potentially making emotions less ambiguous. This study examined how motion affects younger and older adults in recognizing various intensities of emotion displayed by a virtual agent. Contrary to the dynamic advantage found in emotion recognition for human faces, older adults had higher emotion recognition for static virtual agent faces than dynamic ones. Motion condition did not influence younger adults' emotion recognition. Younger adults had higher emotion recognition than older adults for the emotions of anger, disgust, fear, happiness, and sadness. Low intensities of expression had lower emotion recognition than medium to high expression intensities.

Redirection: Using Career Development Theory to Interpret the Volunteer Activities of Retirees

Cook, Suzanne L. 30 August 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine formal volunteering among retirees in order to explore whether their volunteer experiences represent an extension of their career in the paid workforce or whether their volunteer activities represent a completely new direction, and how this influences their career self-concept, as interpreted through Donald Super’s life-span, life-space theory of career development. This study employed a developmental mixed-method design. In Phase 1, qualitative interviews were conducted with 12 participants to better understand retirees’ volunteer experiences. Phase 1 informed the design of an instrument for the Phase 2 survey which examined the issues among a larger sample of 214 retirees. The Phase 2 results supported the Phase 1 findings and indicated that many retirees sought an extension of career in volunteer activities in that they used similar skills and knowledge. Study participants also displayed a desire for lifelong learning. Retirees relinquished their paid-work career, took on the retiree and volunteer roles, and integrated these roles within their career self-concept to create a new sense of self. These results indicated that the retirees had entered a new stage of life, qualitatively different from ‘retirement’. To better reflect the experiences of these retirees, it was proposed that Donald Super’s life-span, life-space theory of career development be extended to include Redirection. This theorizing is consistent with the finding that retirees both wanted to and are able to integrate previous paid work elements as well as seek out lifelong learning opportunities within their volunteer activities. This study demonstrates that the volunteer role in the lives of retirees can lead to personal renewal and reshaping of the career self-concept, or what is labeled as the stage of Redirection. This study also has implications for volunteer management, retirement planning and social policy, and may be of interest to volunteer managers, nonprofit organizations, career counsellors, financial planners, retirement planning consultants, life coaches and policy planners.

A narrative inquiry of older adults' stories of choosing to not share information with health care professionals

Brennan, Shelagh Marie 22 December 2008 (has links)
This study used narrative inquiry to answer the question “What are the stories of older adults who choose not to share information with health care professionals?” The study explored the experiences of older adults who did not share information with health care professionals (HCPs), who they defined as doctors. A thematic analysis of five participants’ stories revealed three themes: Illusions of Care, describing the participants’ experiences with doctors before they chose not to share information; The Last Straw, revealing the final incident that caused participants to choose not to share information; and The Mask of the Non-sharing Older Adult, describing how participants interacted with their doctors after they decided not to share information. Relationship development between older adults and their doctors, sensitive topics, issues and perceptions of ageing, and structure of the health care system contribute to the complex issue of older adults not sharing information. The decision not to share information with health care professionals may adversely affect the health and health care of older adults.

The Importance of Social Capital in Later Life : Mental Health Promotion and Mental Disorder Prevention among Older Adults

Forsman, Anna K January 2012 (has links)
Background Mental health problems among older adults are a central public health problem. Depressive disorders are among the most prevalent mental disorders in later life. Maintaining good health and experiencing well-being in later life are important for the growing population of older adults, enabling them to enjoy life and participate in society for longer. Aims The overall aim of the thesis is to examine how mental health and mental well-being can be promoted and how the incidence and prevalence of depressive symptoms and disorders can be prevented among older adults. The specific aims of the included studies are to examine the associations between mental ill-health (depression and psychological distress) and social capital among older adults, as well as to collect and evaluate the effect of psychosocial interventions for the primary prevention of depressive disorders. Another specific aim is to provide a better understanding of how social capital influences the experienced mental well-being among older adults. Methods Population-based survey data collected in Finland and Sweden in 2008 and 2010 were used and logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine the associations between depression and psychological distress among older adults (65+) and various social capital components. A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted to evaluate the effect of psychosocial interventions on depressive symptoms, functional level and quality of life. Furthermore, two independent sets of qualitative data material – collected through two focus group interviews and an open-ended question included in a Finnish population-based survey from 2008 – were used in order to identify views on the causal mechanisms between mental well-being and social capital in later life (60+). Results Restricted social networks with regard to both quantity and quality aspects were found to associate with depression and psychological distress in later life as defined in this thesis. Low structural and cognitive social capital are both significant depression covariates in older adults, although the findings were somewhat inconclusive from the association studies. Low frequency of social contacts with friends and neighbours and experienced mistrust in friends were all significantly related to depression, while no statistically significant connection was found between depression and experienced mistrust in neighbours. Further, restricted access to instrumental social support was statistically significantly associated with depression, while other cognitive components of social capital, such as experienced general mistrust, as well as having a limited number of people to count on or who are concerned about you were significantly associated with psychological distress. In addition, based on both quantitative and qualitative data the findings of this thesis highlight the effectiveness and subjective importance of social activities for the maintenance of mental health and well-being among older adults. The social activities are an important mental health resource among older adults because of the accompanied sense of belonging to a social group, as well as feelings of purpose with regard to everyday life and hope for the future. The social activities evaluated in the systematic review and meta-analysis significantly reduced depressive symptoms when compared to no-intervention controls. However, the systematic review also revealed the scarce research base of psychosocial interventions, as only a small number of studies were included and many were characterised by a small or no effect. Conclusions The findings illustrate the need to actively maintain the social networks and interactions of older people in order to promote mental health and prevent mental ill-health. Older people experiencing low-level social capital are more likely to suffer from mental ill-health and this risk group should have access to initiatives that empower social networking and a maintained rich social life. In addition, the findings highlight the significant potential of psychosocial interventions as they support active and healthy ageing when appropriately implemented / Bakgrund Psykisk ohälsa hos äldre är ett viktigt folkhälsoproblem. Depressiva syndrom utgör ett av de vanligast förekommande psykiska funktionshindren. Det blir allt viktigare att hälsan och välbefinnandet upprätthålls i den växande äldre befolkningen, eftersom det möjliggör för de äldre att längre upp i åldrarna njuta av livet och att vara delaktiga i samhället. Syfte Avhandlingens övergripande syfteär att studera hur psykisk hälsa och psykiskt välbefinnande kan befrämjas och hur uppkomsten och förekomsten av depressiva symptom och sjukdomar kan förebyggas hos äldre. De specifika syftena för studierna inkluderade i avhandlingen är att undersöka sambanden mellan psykisk ohälsa (depression och psykisk belastning) och socialt kapital hos äldre personer, samt att samla in och utvärdera effekten av olika psykosociala interventioner för primärprevention av depressiva syndrom. Ett annat specifikt syfte är att ge en bättre förståelse för på vilket sätt socialt kapital påverkar det upplevda psykiska välbefinnandet hos äldre. Metod Befolkningsbaserade enkätdata insamlade i Finland och i Sverige år 2008 och 2010 användes och logistiska regressionsanalyser utfördes för att undersöka sambanden mellan depression och psykisk belastning hos äldre personer (65+) och olika komponenter av socialt kapital. En systematisk litteraturöversikt och meta-analys sammanställdes för att utvärdera effekten av olika psykosociala interventioner på depressiva symptom, funktionsförmåga och livskvalitet. För att identifiera kausala mekanismer mellan socialt kapital och psykiskt välbefinnande hos äldre (60+) användes dessutom två oberoende kvalitativa datamaterial – insamlade med hjälp av två fokusgruppintervjuer och en öppen fråga som ingick i den finländska befolkningsenkäten från 2008. Resultat Kvantitativt och kvalitativtbegränsadesociala nätverk står i samband med depression och psykisk belastning bland äldre så som dessa definieras i avhandlingen. Lågt strukturellt och kognitivt socialt kapital står båda signifikant i samband med depression hos äldre, även om forskningsresultaten från sambandsstudierna var något osamstämmiga. Låg frekvens av social kontakt med vänner och grannar och upplevd misstro till vänner hade alla ett statistiskt signifikant samband med depression, medan man inte kunde hitta något signifikant samband mellan depression och upplevd misstro till grannar. Dessutom hittades ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan begränsad tillgång till instrumentellt socialt stöd och depression, medan andra komponenter av kognitivt social kapital – så som att uppleva generell misstro, att ha få personer man kan lita på, samt att uppleva ett begränsat intresse från omgivningen för vad man gör – kunde kopplas till psykisk belastning. I tillägg betonar avhandlingsresultaten, som är baserade på både kvantitativa och kvalitativa data, effekten och den subjektiva nyttan av sociala aktiviteter för upprätthållandet av den psykiska hälsan och välbefinnandet hos äldre personer. De sociala aktiviteterna är en viktig resurs för den psykiska hälsan bland äldre därför att de ger en känsla av tillhörighet till en social grupp, samtidigt som de ger mening till vardagslivet och en känsla av hopp för framtiden. De sociala aktiviteter som utvärderades i den sytematiska översikten och meta-analysen minskade signifikant de depressiva symptomen, jämfört med kontrollgrupperna. Den systematiska översikten pekar emellertid också på bristen på forskning om psykosociala interventioner, eftersom få studier kunde inkluderas och dessa kännetecknades dessutom av en liten eller av avsaknad av effekt. Slutsatser Avhandlingens resultat illustrerar behovet av att aktivt upprätthålla de äldres sociala nätverk och interaktion för att främja deras psykiska hälsa och förebygga psykisk ohälsa.Äldre som har ett begränsat socialt kapital löper större risk för att lida av psykisk ohälsa och därför bör denna riskgrupp ha tillgång till insatser som stöder uppbyggandet och upprätthållandet av sociala nätverk och ett rikt socialt liv. I tillägg visar avhandlingen på den stora potential som psykosociala interventioner har med tanke på att de kan stödja ett aktivt och hälsosamt åldrande om de används på rätt sätt / Tausta Ikäihmistenmielenterveysongelmat ovat keskeisiä kansanterveysongelmia. Masennus on iäkkäiden yleisimpiä mielenterveyden häiriöitä. Hyvän terveyden ja koetun hyvinvoinnin säilyttäminen myöhemmällä iällä ovat tärkeitä yhä suurenevalle ikääntyvälle väestölle, koska ne mahdollistavat elämästä nauttimisen ja yhteiskuntaelämään osallistumisen pidempään. Tavoitteet Tämän väitöskirjan päätavoitteena on tutkia miten mielenterveyttä ja psyykkistä hyvinvointia voidaan edistää ja miten ikäihmisten masennusoireiden ja -häiriöiden ilmenemistä ja esiintyvyyttä voidaan ehkäistä. Väitöskirjaan sisältyvän tutkimuksen erityinen tavoite on tarkastella iäkkäiden aikuisten mielenterveysongelmien (masennus ja psyykkinen kuormittuneisuus) ja sosiaalisen pääoman välistä suhdetta sekä kerätä ja arvioida psykososiaalisten interventioiden vaikutuksia ikääntyneiden masennushäiriöiden primaarissa ehkäisyssä. Toinen tutkimuksen erityinen tavoite on lisätä ymmärrystä siitä, miten sosiaalinen pääoma vaikuttaa ikäihmisten koettuun psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin. Menetelmät Tutkimuksessa käytettiin Suomessa ja Ruotsissa vuosina 2008 ja 2010 väestökyselyllä kerättyä aineistoa, johon tehtyjen logististen regressioanalyysien tarkoituksena oli tutkia yhteyksiä ikäihmisten (65+) masennuksen ja psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden ja sosiaalisen pääoman eri komponenttien välillä. Systemaattisella kirjallisuuskatsauksella ja meta-analyysillä arvioitiin psykososiaalisten interventioiden vaikutusta masennusoireisiin, toimintakykyyn ja elämänlaatuun. Tämän lisäksi käytettiin kahta toisistaan riippumatonta laadullista aineistoa, joiden perusteella tunnistettiin sosiaalisen pääoman vaikutuksia psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin vanhuusiässä(60+). Nämä aineistot kerättiin kahdesta fokusryhmähaastattelusta ja Suomessa vuonna 2008 toteutuneen väestökyselyn avoimesta kysymyksestä. Tulokset Tutkimuksen mukaan myöhemmällä iällä niin määrällisesti kuin laadullisestikin rajalliset sosiaaliset verkostot ovat tässä väitöskirjassa käytetyn määritelmän mukaan voimakkaasti yhteydessä masennukseen ja psyykkiseen kuormittuneisuuteen. Matala rakenteellinen ja kognitiivinen sosiaalinen pääoma ovat molemmat merkittäviä ikäihmisten masennuksen ennustekijöitä, joskaannämä tulokset eivät ole täysin yhdenmukaisia tutkimuksessa käytettyjen aineistojen perusteella. Ikäihmisten vähäiset sosiaaliset kontaktiystäviin ja naapureihin sekä koettu epäluottamus ystäviä kohtaan liittyivät kaikki merkittävästi masennukseen, vaikkakaan tilastollisesti merkitsevää yhteyttä masennuksen ja naapureihin kohdistuvan epäluottamuksen välillä ei löytynyt. Sen sijaan vähäisen käytännössä saadun sosiaalisen tuen ja masennuksen välillä oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä yhteys. Samoin psyykkinen kuormittuneisuus oli merkitsevästi yhteydessä sosiaalisen pääoman kognitiivisiin komponentteihin, kuten koettuun yleiseen epäluottamukseen ja myös vain vähäiseen määrään sellaisia ihmisiä, joihin voi luottaa ja jotka välittävät. Tämän lisäksi väitöskirjan määrälliseen ja laadulliseen aineistoon perustuvat tulokset korostavat sitä, että ikäihmisten mielenterveyden ja psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin säilyttämiseksi sosiaaliset aktiviteetit ovat sekä yksilöllisesti merkittäviä että tehokkaita. Sosiaaliset aktiviteetit ovat tärkeä iäkkäiden mielenterveyden resurssi, koska ne luovat tunteen sosiaaliseen ryhmään kuulumisesta, jokapäiväisen elämän merkityksellisyydestä ja toivosta tulevaisuudessa. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja meta-analyysin perusteella sosiaaliset aktiviteetit vähensivät merkittävästi masennusoireilua vertailuryhmiin nähden. Systemaattinen katsaus kuitenkin osoittaa, että psykososiaalisista menetelmistä on olemassa vain niukasti näyttöön perustuvaa tutkimusta. Tästä syystä tämä aineisto jäi pieneksi myös tässä tutkimuksessa – lisäksi systemaattisen katsauksen aineisto osoitti psykososiaalisten interventioiden vaikuttavan ikääntyneiden mielenterveyteenvain vähän tai ei lainkaan. Johtopäätökset Väitöskirjan tulokset osoittavat, että mielenterveyden edistämiseksi ja mielenterveysongelmien ehkäisemiseksi on tarpeellista aktiivisesti ylläpitää ikäihmisten sosiaalisia verkostoja ja vuorovaikutusta. Ne iäkkäät, joilla on vähäinen sosiaalinen pääoma kärsivät muita todennäköisemmin mielenterveysongelmista. Tälle riskiryhmälle tulee löytää keinoja, joilla vahvistetaan sen sosiaalista verkostoitumista ja rikastutetaan sen sosiaalista elämää. Tämän lisäksi tulokset korostavat niitä merkittäviä mahdollisuuksia, joita oikealla tavalla toteutetuilla psykososiaalisilla interventioilla on tukea aktiivista ja tervettä ikääntymistä.

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