Spelling suggestions: "subject:"last"" "subject:"past""
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The Coming Past: A social psychological approach of the uses of historical analogies and their effects in political contextsGhilani, Djouaria 20 February 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour but d’examiner comment les individus utilisent des comparaisons entre des situations actuelles et des situations passées dans des contextes politiques. L’utilisation de telles analogies historiques a longtemps été documentée, en particulier au sein des sciences politiques, en histoire et dans les champs concernés par l’argumentation. Ces littératures ont mis en évidence la fréquence avec laquelle les responsables politiques et autres personnages publics utilisent les analogies dans des buts de délibération et de persuasion. Malgré leur omniprésence supposée, peu d’études en psychologie sociale se sont penchées sur ce processus. Les trois volets de cette thèse ont tenté de combler cette lacune en recourant à diverses méthodologies. Plusieurs études expérimentales nous ont d’abord permis d’investiguer si l’exposition à des analogies historiques influence les prédictions que posent les participants concernant des situations réelles incertaines. Les résultats montrent que l’effet, bien que de faible taille, tend à devenir plus fort à mesure que diminuent les connaissances actuelles des individus. Dans un second volet, au lieu de sélectionner a priori les analogies historiques, nous avons donné la possibilité aux répondant.e.s de générer leurs propres analogies et d’expliquer leurs choix dans des questionnaires récoltés en France, en Belgique et en Allemagne à la suite des deux attaques de 2015 en France. L’analyse des réponses ouvertes montre non seulement une grande diversité dans les manières de mettre en correspondance le présent et le passé – même lorsqu’il s’agit d’analogies avec le « même » événement (e.g. l’attaque du 11 septembre 2001) ;mais les participant.e.s utilisent de plus ces analogies pour formuler des arguments, plus ou moins implicites, par rapport à des débats actuels. Cette dimension argumentative dans l’usage des analogies historiques a été explorée plus avant dans un 3e volet. En analysant les articles du mois de mars 2014 relatifs à la crise de Crimée au sein de quatre journaux belges, nous avons relevé comment les individus s’y prennent pour établir des liens entre le passé et le présent, et comment ils procèdent pour les contester. Ensemble, les trois volets de cette thèse suggèrent que les personnes ordinaires, tout comme leurs homologues plus « experts », ne sont pas passives en utilisant les analogies historiques, mais participent activement, par leur biais, au processus éminemment politique de construction et de contestation des passé(s), présent(s) et futur(s). / Doctorat en Sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Les Commissions Vérité et Réconciliation comme mécanisme de justice transitionnelle : La question de la justice, de la vérité et de la réconciliation dans les sociétés en transition démocratique / Truth and Reconciliation Commission as transitional justice mechanismIssa, Fehima 20 December 2013 (has links)
La question de la justice dans les sociétés en transition est systématiquement soulevée après un conflit ou une période répressive ou autoritaire. En effet, les violations flagrantes du droit international des droits de l’homme et les violations graves du droit international humanitaire perpétrées sous les précédents régimes ne sauraient laisser aux institutions politiques nouvelles le choix de l’inaction face au passé. Les commissions vérité et réconciliation constituent un des mécanismes de la justice transitionnelle qui place la victime au cœur de ses préoccupations notamment parce que l’incrimination du bourreau n’est pas le seul objectif de la justice et que, comme le remarquait Hannah Arendt, il faut bien constater qu’il y a « des crimes qu’on ne peut ni punir, ni pardonner ». Parfois présentées comme une solution alternative à la justice pénale, ces commissions ont pour objectif d’établir les méfaits des anciens régimes. Le possible choix entre les commissions vérité et la justice répressive interne ou internationale est écarté dans cette étude qui entend accorder une place importante à la complémentarité des commissions vérité et réconciliation avec les autres mécanismes de la justice transitionnelle, notamment les poursuites judiciaires contre les auteurs des crimes de droit international les plus graves et les réparations pour les victimes. De fait, le but de cette étude n’est pas d’analyser de manière isolée ces commissions mais de constater que les normes internationales et la situation propre à chaque pays en transition limitent les options disponibles du traitement du passé. La recherche est fondée sur la méthode d'étude de cas de plusieurs pays dans une démarche comparative afin d’en tirer des conclusions aboutissant à démontrer la légitimité des commissions vérité et réconciliation en période de transition ainsi que leur fonctionnement. / The issue of justice in societies in transition is systematically raised after a conflict, a repressive period or an authoritarian period. Gross violations of international human rights law and grave breaches of international humanitarian law perpetrated under previous regimes cannot let the choice of inaction concerning the past to the new political institutions.Truth and reconciliation commissions constitute one of the mechanisms of transitional justice, which place the victim at the middle of its concerns especially because the criminalization of perpetrators is not the only goal of justice and, as noted by Hannah Arendt, “men are unable to forgive what they cannot punish and are unable to punish what turns out to be unforgivable”. Sometimes presented as an alternative mean to criminal justice, these commissions aim to establish the misdeeds committed by former regimes. The possible choice between truth commissions and international or internal criminal Justice is avoided in this study, which aims to highlight the important role of the complementarity of truth and reconciliation commissions with other transitional justice mechanisms, notably legal prosecutions against the perpetrators of crimes against international law and reparations for victims. In this regard, the aim of this study is not to analyze these commissions in an isolated manner, but to notice that international standards as well as situations in each country restrict the options available for dealing with the past. This research is based on a comparative approach presenting a case study on different countries for demonstrate the legitimacy of truth and reconciliation commissions and their functioning in period of transition.
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A importância dos fatores ambientais na reutilização de imóveis industriais em São Paulo. / Considering soil quality in industrial sites redevelopment in São Paulo.Ayres da Silva, Anna Carolina Marques 30 September 2002 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda uma questão ainda relativamente nova, mas de urgente reflexão: a reutilização de imóveis industriais, considerados hoje, áreas potencialmente contaminadas (AP) por atividades não industriais. Objetiva documentar a postura mais freqüentemente utilizada no Brasil quando da reocupação da implantação de novos usos em imóveis industriais desativados, adotando-se como parâmetro o município de São Paulo. Busca averiguar se, em algum momento deste processo, há qualquer consideração sobre a possibilidade da existência de passivo ambiental, dada a natureza industrial da atividade anteriormente desenvolvida no imóvel. Parte da hipótese que os agentes envolvidos nesse processo de mudança de uso (incorporadoras, construtoras, etc) ignoram ou desconsideram a possível existência de contaminação no imóvel. A metodologia consistiu na seleção dos imóveis, a partir de uma base cartográfica (4 cartas escala 1: 25.000 da EMPLASA) que registrava o uso do solo em 1980. Posterior visita ao campo e registro do uso atual destes imóveis. Os que apresentaram um novo uso não industrial foram analisados e se dentro dos parâmetros desejados, sujeitos a uma entrevista. O resultado das entrevistas comprovou a hipótese inicial. Conclui-se que, a reincorporação destes imóveis ao tecido urbano dá-se sem qualquer preocupação quanto à existência de uma possível contaminação do solo, dos aqüíferos ou das instalações se reaproveitadas. Mesmo se, durante a construção do novo empreendimento, tenham sido observados indícios de uma provável contaminação. Não há qualquer interesse na investigação da qualidade do solo e água, além do usual, para execução das fundações. Do ponto de vista dos agentes envolvidos, somente a exigência de um órgão público justificaria tal atitude. / This research refers to a very new problem, which needs urgent reflection and response: the new land uses in industrial areas, considered potentially contaminated. The research intends to define which is the more common attitude in Brazil for redevelopment of decommissioning industrial plants areas, focused on São Paulo city. It aims to examine the process of redevelopment projects, in order to discover if there is any consideration about the environment quality during the land uses changes. It takes as hypothesis that the agent involved in land uses changes process ignore completely the existence of contaminated sites. The methodology was grounded and developed by using charts (4 charts- scale 1:25.000 .EMPLASA), which indicated the industrial plants in 1980. Later visit on land to verify their current uses. The agents involved in the installation of new non-industrial establishments were interviewed about the process. In summary, one can say that the reintegration of these decommissioning industrial areas is done without any kind of deeply concerns about the contaminated sites, or the impact of the past industrial activities on the groundwater quality, or in the abandoned installations. There isnt any further interest in order to investigate the possibility of environmental liabilities and consequent risks and hazards.
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L’acquisition des temps verbaux du passé chez les apprenants chinois du français première langue et seconde langue étrangères : une analyse portant sur un corpus de récits écrits / Acquisition of French past tense by Chinese learners of French as first foreign language (FL2) and second foreign language (FL3) : an analysis based on a corpus of written narrativesZhang, Xingzi 28 September 2017 (has links)
Cette étude comparative porte sur un corpus de récits écrits d’apprenants chinois du français première langue (FL2) et seconde langue étrangères (FL3) en milieu scolaire. Elle a trait à deux groupes d’apprenants de même L1 (le chinois) ayant des accès différents à la langue cible, le français (avec ou sans anglais L2). L’analyse tient compte des différences entre les trois langues, une langue romane (le français), une langue germanique (l’anglais) et une L1 qui ne leur est pas typologiquement apparentée (le chinois). La thèse vise à répondre aux questions suivantes : comment les apprenants chinois en FL2 et FL3 utilisent-ils les temps verbaux du passé à différents niveaux d’apprentissage ? Quels rôles jouent respectivement la L1 et de la L2 dans l’apprentissage de la L3? L’analyse des données s’exerce au niveau sémantique (l’hypothèse de l’aspect, Andersen & Shirai 1994) et fonctionnel (l’hypothèse du discours, Hopper 1979). Les résultats montrent que l’emploi de l’imparfait chez les deux groupes d’apprenants ne suit pas l’hypothèse de l’aspect. Ils montrent aussi que les apprenants ont des difficultés à distinguer trame et arrière-plan du récit. Par ailleurs, on montre quel type d’influence l’acquisition de la L2 exerce sur celle de la L3. / This comparative study deals with a corpus of written narratives of Chinese FL2 and FL3 learners in school settings. The two groups of learners have the same L1 (Chinese), but different access to the target language, French (with or without English L2). The analysis takes into account the differences between the three languages, a Romance language (French), a Germanic language (English), and a typologically different L1 (Chinese). The thesis deals with the following research questions : how do Chinese FL2 and FL3 learners use past verbal tense at the beginner and intermediate levels. What are the roles of L1 and L2 for FL3 learners ? The data are analysed from a semantic (aspect hypothesis, Andersen & Shirai 1994) and a functional (discourse hypothesis, Hopper 1979) point of view. The results show that the use of the imparfait in both groups of learners does not follow the AH. They also show that learners have difficulties distinguishing the foreground from the background of the narrative. Moreover, both L1 and L2 exert influence over L3 acquisition.
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Modelos univariados e multivariados para cálculo do Valor-em-Risco de um portifólio / Multivariate and Univariate Models for Forecasting a Portfolio\'s Value-at-RiskRenato Fadel Fava 19 April 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste em um estudo comparativo de diversos modelos para cálculo do Valor em Risco de um portifólio. São comparados modelos que consideram a série univariada de log-retornos do portifólio versus mo- delos multivariados, que consideram as séries de log-retornos de cada ativo que compõe o portifólio e suas correlações condicionais. Além disso, são testados modelo propostos recentemente, que possuem pouca literatura a respeito, como o PS-GARCH e o VARMA-GARCH. Também propomos um novo modelo, que utiliza o resultado acumulado do portifólio nos últimos dias como variável exógena. Os diferentes modelos são avaliados em termos de sua adequação às exigëncias do Acordo de Basileia e seu impacto financeiro, em um período que inclui épocas de alta volatilidade. De forma geral, não foram notadas grandes diferenças de performance entre modelos univariados e multivariados. Os modelos mais complexos mostraram-se mais eficientes, produzindo resultados satisfatórios inclusive em tempos de crise. / The present work consists of a comparative study of several portfolio Value-at-Risk models. Univariate models, which consider only the portfolio log-returns series, are compared to multivariate models, which consider the log-returns series of each asset individually and their conditional correlations. Additionally, recently proposed models such as PS-GARCH and VARMA-GARCH are tested. We also propose a new model that uses past cumulative returns as exogenous variables. All models are evaluated in terms of their compliance to Basel Accord and financial impact, in period that includes high volatility times. In general, univariate and multivariate models performed similarly. More complex models yielded more accurate results, with satisfactory performance including in crisis periods.
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Exploring the potential of an inventory based on social cognitive career theory to assess preparedness for the postsecondary transitionDouglas, Walter January 2016 (has links)
Background. The study was prompted by observation that failure to obtain a positive postsecondary destination is significantly more prevalent in young people living in areas of greater social deprivation, and in males rather than females. Previous studies have shown that this could be linked to differences in social cognitive factors. However, these studies have been mainly correlational and no comprehensive assessment instrument was found to assess preparedness for the postsecondary transition. Aims. The present study examines senior high school student’s perceptions of the personal, behavioural and environmental factors that affect them as they prepare to leave school. It reveals the structure of these factors and how they vary with regard to social deprivation and gender. Sample. The participants were 1044 senior high school students (573 males and 471 females) who attended six urban high schools. Method. A pre-empirical, 50-item assessment instrument was constructed based on the literature review to identify the wide range of factors previously shown to be relevant to achievement of a positive postsecondary destination. This was then administered to participants. Results. Factor analysis indicated that young people’s perceptions about leaving school were best represented by thirteen factors. An ANOVA model indicated that young people living in areas of higher deprivation reported significantly lower levels of positive postsecondary destination self-efficacy belief, less experience of vicarious career success, less performance of career development tasks, greater perception of career barriers, greater endorsement of a fixed career mindset, and fewer career scaffolding attachments. Males, compared to females, reported less experience of past career success, and fewer career scaffolding attachments. However, despite being at greater risk of a negative postsecondary destination, males reported higher levels of positive postsecondary destination self-efficacy belief, greater experience of positive career-related emotional arousal, greater ability to set career goals, and greater levels of career optimism. Conclusion. Twelve significant main effects on the measured social cognitive factors have the potential to contribute to an explanation of why failure to obtain a positive postsecondary destination is more prevalent in young people living in areas of greater social deprivation, and in males rather than females. A new assessment instrument has been produced to inform an ongoing exploratory process to design, target and evaluate educational interventions to improve postsecondary destinations for all. Increasing internal consistency, external validity and generalisability of findings are all desirable. Some future interventions are proposed on the basis of the results, including greater use of positive career role models in career development programmes, career mindset retraining for high school students, and psycho-education on attachment-fostering behaviours for parents and professionals.
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Identity-Based Cultural Paradigms, Trauma, and Interethnic Conflict in South SudanYak, John Maluk 01 January 2016 (has links)
In 2011, South Sudan became independent through the agreement and implementation of the comprehensive peace agreement (CPA). However, interethnic conflict also escalated. This cycle of violence impacts the psychological and physical health of local society. When violence between ethnic groups escalates, civilians may be forced to flee their homes. This study employed a phenomenological research approach that examined the views and experiences of the recruited 13 members from the state of Jonglei; 5 members of the Dinka, 3 members of the Murle, and 5 members of the Nuer ethnic groups residing in the United States. In an attempt to understand the root causes of the conflict between ethnic groups, this research used a qualitative study plan that examined interethnic politics, perceptions, and beliefs among South Sudanese ethnic groups: Dinka, Murle, and Nuer. In addition, this study examined the presence of armed ethnic groups, the use of guns, and the relationship between trauma caused by past exposure or experience of violence and subsequent interethnic groups conflict. Data were analyzed with descriptive and patterned coding. The 5 identified themes from analysis of the collected data were: roles of ethnic identity, lack of trust in the system of the distribution of resources, roles of ethnic politicians, uncontrollable use of guns and defense of ethnic territory. In addition, the past war incidents between ethnic groups have a negative impact on the present relationship. The findings of this research may create positive social change for ethnic groups and for communities who may use it as an opportunity to understand their own problems and to establish an ethnic advocacy type of conflict resolution in South Sudan.
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Traduire un article de recherche français en suédois : Les challenges du style elliptique du français / Translating a french scientific article into swedish : The challenges of the french elliptical styleJohansson, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate the translation stategies chosen by the translator when translating present and past participles in contracted sentences in a French scientific article into Swedish. Previous research shows that the French language has a predilection for an elliptical sentences structure, whereas the Swedish language prefers complete clauses. This difference could eventually cause problems during the translation process when translating the French present and past participles in contracted sentences into Swedish. The source text has been translated into Swedish. The translation of the participles has then been categorized according to the strategy chosen by the translator and then analyzed according to the theoretical models by Eriksson (1997, 2015) and Ingo (2007). Our study shows that the majority of the present and past participles in contracted sentences in the source text has been translated into complete causes in the target text. The relative clause seems to be the most common choice by the translator. However, other strategies have sometimes been chosen, often as a consequence of an already complicated sentence structure in the target text or due to stylistic choices.
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History From the Heart: Difficult Pasts and Possible Futures in the Heterogeneous Doukhobor Community in CanadaWhite, Sonya 31 May 2011 (has links)
This thesis shares the results of oral history interviews with members of the heterogeneous Doukhobor community in Canada. The stories and memories of fifteen different voices highlight the influence of intersecting demographic variables (age, gender, ideological affiliation, and geographic location) on the experience of Doukhobor life in Canada during times of sensationalized conflict. The interviews are framed and analyzed through broader questions of history and cultural sustainability. What considerations influence the representation of difficult Doukhobor pasts in Canada? In the contemporary context of unification and reconciliation, how does one speak of conflict?
This thesis shows that discussions of the past surface considerable contradiction in the collective memory of the Doukhobor community; the results outline various individual and community strategies that are used to manage the past in favour of the present. Ultimately, this thesis locates memory as a social and cultural anchor that must support a history for the future.
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History From the Heart: Difficult Pasts and Possible Futures in the Heterogeneous Doukhobor Community in CanadaWhite, Sonya 31 May 2011 (has links)
This thesis shares the results of oral history interviews with members of the heterogeneous Doukhobor community in Canada. The stories and memories of fifteen different voices highlight the influence of intersecting demographic variables (age, gender, ideological affiliation, and geographic location) on the experience of Doukhobor life in Canada during times of sensationalized conflict. The interviews are framed and analyzed through broader questions of history and cultural sustainability. What considerations influence the representation of difficult Doukhobor pasts in Canada? In the contemporary context of unification and reconciliation, how does one speak of conflict?
This thesis shows that discussions of the past surface considerable contradiction in the collective memory of the Doukhobor community; the results outline various individual and community strategies that are used to manage the past in favour of the present. Ultimately, this thesis locates memory as a social and cultural anchor that must support a history for the future.
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