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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plato Exits the Pharmacy: An Answer to the Derridean Critique of the Phaedrus and Timaeus

Tsantsoulas, Tiffany January 2014 (has links)
By framing his deconstruction of Plato’s Phaedrus and Timaeus as a response to Platonism, Jacques Derrida overlooks the possibility of a Platonic philosophy beyond dogma and doctrine. This thesis argues that Derrida’s deconstructions target a particularly Platonist abstraction of the dialogues, and thus, his critique relies on the underlying assumption that Plato defends the metaphysics of presence. Derrida attempts to show how the thesis that Being is presence undermines itself in both dialogues through hints of différance like pharmakon and khôra. To answer the Derridean critique, I analyze the hermeneutics of Derrida’s deconstruction of Plato and identify what in the dialogues lies beyond the limits Derrida’s reading, for example Derrida’s notable exclusion of ἔρως.

L'épreuve : La « prison-pharmakon » : remède et poison

Lécu, Anne 02 October 2010 (has links)
Ce qui arrive à l’homme du XXIe siècle en prison est en partie analogue à ce qui arrive àl’homme tout court. Nous avons perdu l’innocence (seuls les enfants ne l’ont pas encore perdue), ettentons de la récupérer en nous revendiquant victimes. Présumés coupables, isolés, observés, voilà ceque nous sommes devenus. L’homo carceralus est une sorte de type qui hante notre cultureoccidentale. Fruit du nihilisme et de la gnose. C’est pourquoi il est pertinent de chercher à penser sonépreuve, non de l’extérieur, mais comme ce qui peut nous arriver à chacun, et d’en repérer ce quil’empoisonne ou ce qui la libère. Car la gnose, qui est peut-être sophisme ou nihilisme, est menteuselorsqu’elle fait croire que l’on sort de l’épreuve par “en haut”, par la fuite hors des conditions de viehumaines, dans le scientisme naturaliste, le savoir statistique ou la technique. La résignation et la fuiteen avant ont le même visage, celui de la fatalité : ni l’une et ni l’autre n’aiment ce monde, ni ce temps.Or, ce n’est pas ailleurs que du sens peut advenir. Si la prison est un pharmakon, remède etpoison, c’est qu’elle reste une institution humaine. La grandeur de l’homme est d’être puissance descontraires, capacité de surmonter tout déterminisme, capacité de ne pas se résigner à la fatalité, aucoeur même de sa misère. Encore faut-il ne pas être abandonné seul dans l’épreuve, tant il est vrai quec’est l’autre, et particulièrement l’autre ébranlé, grâce à qui la traversée est possible, par “en bas”. Lesoin en prison s’enracine dans cette « solidarité des ébranlés ». Pour naviguer entre les différentsdispositifs pénitentiaires et sanitaires qui visent à contrôler et à prévoir le comportement des captifs, lemédecin doit faire preuve de mêtis, cette intelligence des interstices, au service de son patient. Et enmême temps, il doit garder de façon catégorique le secret médical, au nom de ce que l’homme restetoujours opaque à toutes les sciences et les techniques, plus grand que lui-même, en sa fragilité. Cesavoir « de nuit » n’est autre que le savoir socratique : « je sais que je ne sais pas ». / That which is happening to XXIst century man in prison is, in part, similar to what ishappening to all of us. Our innocence lost, (innocence is retained only by the child), we try to regain itby claiming to be the victim. We are presumed guilty, isolated, observed. Homo carceralus hauntsour Western culture; fruit of nihilism and gnosis. It is the reason we should reflect on his ordeal, notfrom the outside, but as something that could happen to each and every one of us, and in which todiscover where the poison lies and what the remedy could be. For gnosis, (either sophism ornihilism), is false when we are led to believe that we exit an ordeal by escaping our human conditionin the ‘upward’ direction of the natural sciences, statistical knowledge or technique. Resignation andheadlong pursuit share a characteristic, that of a predestined tendency towards disaster. Neither theone nor the other sits comfortably in this world or our times.But meaning does not have to come from elsewhere. If prison is pharmakon, both remedy andpoison, it is because it is a human institution. Man’s greatness is his conflicting authority : having thecapacity to overcome determinism, the ability not to resign himself to his fate, even at his lowestpoint. But it is imperative not to be left alone through this ordeal, for it is true that it is the other,particularly the ‘weakened other’, thanks to whom the crossing is possible from ‘below’. Care inprison is rooted in this ‘solidarity of the weak’. To navigate the different penitentiary and healthsystems, which seek to control and foresee the captives’ behaviour, the medical doctor must exertmêtis, become complicit with the patient in order to serve the patient. And at the same timecategorical medical confidentiality must be maintained, in the name of which the patient in his or herfragility, remains invisible to all sciences and techniques which are yet greater than he or she is. This‘secret’ knowledge is none other than Socratic knowledge: ‘I know that I do not know’.

Mulheres que sabem demais: o phármakon das feiticeiras brasileiras no entresséculos

Rocha, Waldyr Imbroisi 14 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-01-27T14:18:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 waldyrimbroisirocha.pdf: 1564026 bytes, checksum: 1f7dd20c183514848c554cfa1eb3fb54 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-01-28T10:36:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 waldyrimbroisirocha.pdf: 1564026 bytes, checksum: 1f7dd20c183514848c554cfa1eb3fb54 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-28T10:36:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 waldyrimbroisirocha.pdf: 1564026 bytes, checksum: 1f7dd20c183514848c554cfa1eb3fb54 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-14 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho tem como objetivo um exame da presença da feiticeira na literatura brasileira do entresséculos, focando-nos no período entre 1881 e 1904. Levando em consideração as mudanças políticas e sociais do período, buscamos analisar a relevância que essa figura ganha na literatura nacional entre os anos de 1865 e 1920. Nossa análise leva em conta, em perspectiva histórica, a evolução do conceito e da figura da bruxa na Europa e no Brasil, a delimitação do estereótipo de feitiçaria como predominantemente feminino e a presença mais ou menos proeminente da bruxa ao longo da história da literatura, demandando-nos uma abordagem interdisciplinar que se apoia na discussão sobre a própria constituição da história, nas reflexões sobre a presença de culturas populares e eruditas, no pensamento feminista contemporâneo e na crítica literária que se debruça sobre as personagens do texto como amálgamas de elementos sociais, históricos e psicológicos atuando dentro da economia narrativa de cada obra. Após territorializarmos nossa discussão nos termos expostos, dedicamos os capítulos finais deste trabalho à análise aprofundada das duas personagens feiticeiras mais relevantes do período: Paula, a bruxa de O Cortiço, e Bárbara, a cabocla vidente de Esaú e Jacó, tomando como princípio de análise a presença de um phármakon que, antes de ser bom ou mau, é o elemento que faz fugir às leis gerais. / This paper aims at presenting an examination of the witch’s presence in Brazilian literature during the turn of the centuries, focusing on the period between 1884 and 1904. Taking into account the political and social changes of the period, we analyze the importance that this figure gains in the national literature between 1865 and 1920. Our analysis takes into account, in a historical perspective, the evolution of the concept and figure of the witch in Europe and Brazil, the definition of the stereotype of witchcraft as predominantly female, and some significant occurrences of witches throughout the history of literature, requiring us an interdisciplinary approach that is built on the discussion of the constitution of the historical narrative, on the reflections about the existance of popular and scholarly cultures, on the contemporary feminist thought and on literary criticism that focuses on the characters of the text as amalgams of social, historical and psychological elements functioning within the narrative economy of each work. After territorializing our discussion under the exposed terms, we dedicate the final chapters of this work to in-depth analysis of the two most important characters of the witches period: Paula, the witch of The Slum, and Barbara, the seer of Esau and Jacob, taking as a principle of analysis the presence of a pharmakon that, before being good or bad, is the element that escapes from the general law.

Technics and Music : some remarks on the process of exteriorization in music

Hejl, Matouš January 2017 (has links)
The delegating of thought, memory and action outside of the human body, inseparable from the process of individuation and identity formation, and the following implications for music establish an underlying theme of this text. It is a reflection on the process of "supplementation," of prosthetization or exteriorization in the recent and contemporary milieu of music making, in which nothing is any longer immediately at hand, where everything is found mediated and instrumentalized, technicized, unbalanced.

The Impact of a Digital Regime on Academic Knowledge Production : Implications of learning and practicing knowledge production through a digital regime in Work-integrated Political Studies (WIPS) 2019-2021

Aryal, Sarad January 2023 (has links)
This autoethnographic case study explores the experience of the digital regime on learning and knowledge production brought about by merging university study and research practice within a single digital regime in Work Integrated Political Studies (WIPS) during 2019-2021. The study provides a detailed account of the nature of learning and producing knowledge through this common digital regime, and its political implications. To explain the possibility and impacts of the digital regime, the study employed the concept of digital pharmakon by French philosopher Bernard Stiegler. In the analysis, I have operationalized the concept to the empirical materials I generated in the form of autoethnographic notes taken during the internship in the political science unit of University West, Trollhättan. Based on the analysis of these notes, the study postulates three features of the digital regime in learning knowledge production, which is: 1) to supplement human memory without memorization, 2) the provision of tools with various powerful technics, and 3) as a medium for communication and individuation. Additionally, the regime brought forthsome consequences for learning and practice, for instance, the dangers of forgetting, accelerating dependence on the computational memory and process, weakening thinking for oneself, and short-circuiting the process of individuation. The political implications would be eliminating diverse, negentropic, improbable, and incalculable parts of knowledge, so the knowledge left to be produced is based on computational reasoning, universal, data-driven, negotium, entropic nature of knowledge, lacking the local specialties, and subjective experiences

La crise de l’exil chez Linda Lê : l’itinéraire du deuil dans la trilogie consacrée à la mort du père / The crisis of exile in Linda Lê’s Trilogy : The grief process following the death of the father

Bui, Thi Thu Thuy 11 May 2012 (has links)
L’exil et le deuil, en relation dialectique, sont très présents dans l’œuvre sombre et peuplée de personnages misanthropes de Linda Lê. La trilogie est nourrie par le traumatisme de la perte du père, du pays et de la langue. La question de la langue affecte profondément l’écrivaine. En effet, son abandon voulu de la langue natale pour celle du pays d’adoption engendre un sentiment de trahison. A partir de son exil du langage, Linda Lê construit un langage de l’exil : celui de l’obscurité, du trouble, de la crise, aggravée par la mort du père abandonné. L’écriture lui est une nécessité pour faire le deuil et un pharmakon contre la folie. Hétérogène dans leur forme, chacun des livres de la trilogie correspond à une étape du deuil. Homogène dans le fond, ils représentent différents aspects de la quête du père. Imprégnée du vécu de l’auteure, la trilogie est néanmoins une œuvre de fiction avec une part d’extravagance et d’onirisme. La construction du récit reflète donc une indécision générique, marquée par la cohérence entre mémoire et imagination, conscient et inconscient. De plus, la trilogie témoigne d’une dualité culturelle : un pan tourné vers le passé vietnamien et l’autre vers le présent européen. Enfin, la dualité sentimentale entre amour et colère fait apparaître une idéologie très lêesque, apparemment paradoxale mais en réalité logique et philosophique : la vie naît de la mort, la mort est cachée au sein de la vie. / Exile and mourning, in dialectical relation, are of paramount importance in Linda Lê’s books which are populated by misanthropic characters. The trilogy is nourished by the traumatic loss of the father, the country and the language. The writer is deeply affected by the issue of the language. In fact, she deliberately abandoned her native tongue for that of her adopted country thus generating a feeling of betrayal. From her “exile of language”, Linda Lê constructs a “language of exile”: one of obscurity, of confusion, of crisis, aggravated by the death of her abandoned father. Writing is necessary for her in order to go through mourning and is a pharmakon against madness. Heterogeneous in their form, each book of the trilogy corresponds to one stage of grief. Homogeneous in their substance, they represent the different aspects of the father’s quest. Steeped in the personal experience of the author, the trilogy is nevertheless a work of fiction with a part of extravagance and onirism. The construction of the story also reflects the generic indecision, marked by the coherence between memory and imagination, conscious and unconscious. In addition, the trilogy is a testimony to a cultural duality with the Vietnamese past on the one hand and the European present on the other. Finally, the sentimental duality between love and anger is a mark of the “lê-esque” ideology: paradoxical in appearance but logical and philosophical in reality: life is born from death and death is hidden within life.

Jacques Derrida et le problème de la technique / Jacques Derrida and the problem of technics

Ertugrul, Tacettin 26 September 2016 (has links)
La tâche de notre travail est de penser la question de la technique dans sa relation profonde et complexe avec celle de l’écriture chez Derrida. Les quasi-concepts du pharmakon et du supplément nous permettent de dire que la technique est pharmaco-supplémentaire. Mais il faut avancer et dire que l’archi-technicité est déjà la techno-graphie pharmaco-supplémentaire. L’œuvre de Derrida nous permet aussi de penser les télétechnologies à partir de l’écriture qui est déjà télé-technique. Les télétechnologies vont bien au delà d’une certaine conception courante de « média » ou de « télécommunication», car le concept de télé-technique atteint le coeur du mouvement de la différance. Il faut penser la télé-technique avec l’extériorisation, l’ex-appropriation, la trace, l’archive etc. Et dans le coeur de la différance, l’itération comme répétition en différence nous pousse à penser d’une nouvelle manière le même ou l’autos. Le même n’est pas stable, toujours en distance à soi-même et ouvert à l’autre. Il faudrait chercher l’archi-technicité dans cette ouverture à l’autre qui est liée à l’itérabilité différancielle. Une technicité comme ouverture à l’incalculable. / The task of our work is to think the question of technique in its profound and complex relation with the question of writing in Derrida’s work. The quasi-conceptsof pharmakon and of supplement allow us to say that the technique is pharmaco-supplementary. But we must move forward and say that thearchi-technicity is pharmaco-supplementary techno-graphy. Derrida’s workalso allows us to think the teletechnologies from writing that is already teletechnical.The teletechnologies go well beyond a certain current conception of« media » or « tele-communication », because the concept of teletechnology reach the heart of the movement of différance. We try to think the teletechnique with exteriorisation, ex-appropriation, trace, archive, etc. And in the heart of différance, the iteration as repetition in difference leads us to think newly the same (le même). The same is not stable, is in distance with it self and open to the other. We should search the archi-technicity in this opening to the other that is related to differential iterability. It has to be noted that the archi-technicity is a technicity which remains open to the incalculable, to the event (l’événement).

Deconstructing and restoring photography as an embodiment of memory

Naude, Irene 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation considers whether photography as a language translates a transient moment into an embodied image. This is considered to be a mimesis of the moment as an aid for memory. By following a dialectic approach I posit a thesis based on the common sense perception of photography which states that photography is an artefactual mimesis aiding memory. After reflecting on Plato’s concept of writing as a pharmakon and Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction theory I establish an antithesis which proclaims that a photograph aids memory but also leads to the illusion of remembering past experiences. The synthesis is then presented which resolves the opposing ideas. This component argues that a photograph is a mimetic device that aids memory by presenting embodied fragmented reflections of time which can be used to create new meanings and memories. The dissertation concludes with a discussion that supports and integrates this argument with visual research. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

Deconstructing and restoring photography as an embodiment of memory

Naude, Irene 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation considers whether photography as a language translates a transient moment into an embodied image. This is considered to be a mimesis of the moment as an aid for memory. By following a dialectic approach I posit a thesis based on the common sense perception of photography which states that photography is an artefactual mimesis aiding memory. After reflecting on Plato’s concept of writing as a pharmakon and Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction theory I establish an antithesis which proclaims that a photograph aids memory but also leads to the illusion of remembering past experiences. The synthesis is then presented which resolves the opposing ideas. This component argues that a photograph is a mimetic device that aids memory by presenting embodied fragmented reflections of time which can be used to create new meanings and memories. The dissertation concludes with a discussion that supports and integrates this argument with visual research. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

De l'économie de la mélancolie du scholar : figures du pharmakon chez Robert Burton

Vinet, Marie-Christine 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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