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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urban open space : user perceptions of the Avis dam environment

Harper, Sally Anne 16 January 2012 (has links)
From its infancy, environmental psychology [which concerns itself with the coinfluencing interface between people and places] has required attention to actual context, and attention to social relevance. There has always been an emphasis on research into real problems within a context of meaningful theory, and on results which have potential not only for individuals, but also for policy-makers and those who execute that policy. This environmental psychology study is about the potential role of green open space in contributing towards quality of life in the city generally. It is also about a specific, wellloved urban open space in Namibia's capital city, Windhoek, the Avis dam environment, which is often the contentious target of proposed commercial development. At the moment, the Windhoek Municipality has no well-structured urban open space policy, and possibly also no full understanding of the meanings of the Avis dam for its users. This study hopes to make contributions to both these areas of policy-making. As the applicability of research findings to the development of public policies and community interventions depends very much on the suitability of the methodology and theories chosen (Stokols, 19911), this study begins with a discussion of systemic and ecosystemic thinking [Chapter Two]. They were chosen as the guiding metatheory for this study, not only because of their recognition of the inescapable connectedness between person and environment, but because of their personal appeal too. Chapter Three examines theories and models which are compatible with systems thinking, and which help understand the potentially positive psycho-social and socio-economic roles of urban open space generally, and how the extent of that potential in a specific open space may be appreciated and described. The implications of systemic/ecosystemic metatheory for the study's methodology and research design are discussed in Chapter Four, and the data collection methods, which comprised observation and interviewing, in Chapter Five. Ecosystemic thinkers do not believe that facts can be "found" [they are not there objectively, but co-emerge subjectively from people's individual and collective experience in a place], so Chapter Six deals with a co-emergent interpretation of the data gathered. Based on that interpretation, recommendations for urban open space policy generally, and the Avis dam environment specifically, are made in Chapter Seven. AFRIKAANS : Omgewingssielkunde (wat gemoeid is met die mede-beinvloedings tussen mense en plekke) het van sy vroegste jeug aandag benodig ten opsigte van werklike verband asook maatskaplike toepaslikheid. Daar was nog altyd klem op navorsing ten opsigte van daadwerklike probleme binne die verband van ‘n betekenisvolle teorie asook op die uitslae wat potensiaal het vir die individualis sowel as die beleidsbepalers en beleidsuitvoerders. Hierdie omgewingssielkundestudie gaan oor hoe groen oop spasies moontlik kan bydra tot kwaliteit van lewensgehalte in die stad oor die algemeen. Dit gaan ook oor ‘n besondere, geliefde stedelike oop ruimte in Namibia se hoofstad, Windhoek, nl. die Avisdamomgewing, wat voortdurend ‘n teiken is vir bedryfsontwikkeling. Tans beskik die Munisipaliteit van Windhoek nie oor ‘n welsaamgestelde beleid oor oop ruimtes nie en moontlik ontbreek ook by hulle die nodige begrip van die betekenis van die dam vir sy verbruikers. Hierdie studie be-oog om ‘n bydrae in die beleidsbepalings van altwee leemtes te lewer. Die toepaslikheid van navorsingsbevindings in die ontwikkeling van openbare beleid en gemeenskapsbemiddeling hang baie van die gepastheid van die metodologie en teorië (Stokols, 1991)2 af. Hierdie studie begin met ‘n bespreking oor sistemiese en ekosistemiese denke (Hoofstuk Twee). Hulle is as die leidende metateorieë gekies, nie alleen vir hul erkenning van die onontkombare verband tussen persone en hul omgewing nie, maar ook vir hulle persoonlike aantrekkingskrag. In Hoofstuk Drie word teorië en voorbeelde bestudeer wat verenigbaar is met sistemiese denke en wat help om die potensiële positiewe psigo-sosiale en sosio-ekonomiese rolle van stedelike oop ruimtes oor die algemeen te verstaan, asook hoe om die omvang van die potensiaal van ‘n spesifieke oop ruimte te kan waardeer en te kan beskryf. In Hoofstuk Vier word die implikasies van die sistemiese/eko-sistemiese metateorie vir hierdie studie se metodologie en navorsingsplan bespreek. Die dataversamelingsmetodes wat uit waarneming en onderhoude bestaan, word in Hoofstuk Vyf hanteer. Ekosistemiese denkers glo nie dat feite “gevind” word nie (dit is nie objektiewelik daar nie maar ontstaan subjektiewelik deur persone se individuele en gesamentlike ondervindinge van ‘n plek), dus word die vertolking van die saamgestelde data in Hoofstuk Ses bespreek. In die lig van dié vertolking word aanbevelings 2 Stokols, D. (1991). Conceptual strategies of environmental psychology. In D. Stokols& I. Altman (Eds), Handbook of environmental psychology, Vol. 1 (pp. 41-70). New York: John Wiley. vir stedelike oopruimtebeleid in die algemeen asook spesifiek vir die Avisdam omgewing in Hoofstuk Sewe hanteer. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1998. / Psychology / unrestricted

How Serrinha Came to Be: Place and Identity in the Brazilian Periphery

Ryu, Sue-Yeon January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

"Bring the Water Back" : En studie om hur en förstärkt platskänsla kan hedra ett kulturarv i en offentlig miljö.

Lucena Wallin, Yasmina January 2023 (has links)
This study is a degree project in Information Design with a focus on Spatial Design. The aim has been to gain an understanding of the residents' relationship to the city of Fuengirola through methods and theories. This with the goal of developing a public environment that leads to an increased sense of place while respecting and informing about a culture that is de-prioritized in favor of fast-growing tourism. The work inspects, from a perspective of Critical Regionalism and Sense of Place, the meaning of an authentic cultural experience and how it can be communicated through a spatial design.   Methodical work has been carried out where interviews, photo studies, site analyses and an analysis of these have led to answers regarding which factors the residents of Fuengirola feel most attached to and which aspects have been lost over time. The results concluded that the attachment to place and the place identity that Fuengirola generates are based on interactions, traditions, and social gatherings, where the beach and tourism play a leading role. The sense of place is also strengthened through materials from a former room, as they still have a cultural importance today. The collected empirical evidence in combination with the theories has been the basis for a design proposal. The proposal involves a concept of different passages that reflects the activities and interactions that have characterized a room of the past and the factors that created an attachment to the place among the inhabitants. This degree project only visualizes part of a selected street to give an example of how these streets can potentially benefit an increased sense of place, place identity and connection to place in the city of Fuengirola. / Denna studie är ett examensarbete inom Informationsdesign med inriktning Rumslig Gestaltning. Syftet har varit att genom metoder och teorier få en förståelse för invånarnas relation till staden Fuengirola. Detta med målet att utveckla en offentlig miljö som leder till en ökad platskänsla samtidigt som den respekterar och informerar om en kultur som bortprioriteras till förmån för en snabbväxande turism. Arbetet inspekterar, ur ett perspektiv av Kritisk Regionalism och Sense of Place, innebörden av en autentisk kulturell upplevelse och hur den kan kommuniceras genom en rumslig utformning. Ett metodiskt arbete har bedrivits där intervjuer, fotostudier, platsanalyser samt en analys av dessa har lett till svar inom vilka faktorer som Fuengirolas invånare känner mest anknytning för samt vilka aspekter som förlorats genom tiden. Resultaten kommer fram till att den platsanknytningen samt den platsidentitet som Fuengirola genererar har sin grund i interaktioner, traditioner och sociala sammankomster, där strand och turism bär en ledande roll. Platskänslan stärks även genom material från ett dåtida rum, då de har fortfarande en kulturell vikt idag. Den insamlade empirin i kombination med teorierna har legat som grund för ett gestaltningsförslag. Förslaget innebär ett koncept av olika stråk som reflekterar de aktiviteter och interaktioner som har präglat ett dåtida rum och de faktorer som skapat en platsanknytning hos invånarna. Detta examensarbete visualiserar endast del av en utvald gata för att ge ett exempel på hur dessa stråk kan eventuellt gynna en ökad platskänsla, platsidentitet och platsanknytning i staden Fuengirola. / <p>En del bilder har inför publicering suddats ut på grund av upphovsrättsliga skäl. </p>

Studenters intention att bosätta sig i Luleå efter avslutad examen : En kvalitativ studie om effekten av platskommunikation

Engström, Ida, Bergman, Nike January 2023 (has links)
Forskningsproblem -  Hur kan kommunikationen av Luleås platsvarumärke utformas för att öka möjligheten att behålla flera studenter i kommunen efter avslutad examen för att öka kompetensförsörjningen? Metod - En litteratursammanställning genomfördes i syfte att undersöka tidigare skriven litteratur inom ämnet. Ett teoretiskt ramverk sammanställdes därefter och har fungerat som en grund för intervjuguiden men också för upplägget på empiri- och analyskapitlen. Datainsamlingen genomfördes i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med studenter från två olika utbildningskategorier vid Luleå tekniska universitet, civilekonomer och civilingenjörer.   Resultat - Studenter från utbildningskategorierna civilekonom och civilingenjör har en relativt gemensam syn på Luleå som en plats att bo och jobba på. Majoriteten av respondenterna  kan inte tänka sig bo kvar i Luleå efter avslutad examen. För att förmedla Luleås platsvarumärke till studenter föredrar majoriteten av båda utbildningskategorierna, civilekonom och civilingenjör, Instagram som den huvudsakliga kommunikationskanalen men även Facebook. Teoretiska implikationer - Denna studie har bidragit till kunskap om hur invånare ur ett intressentperspektiv kan användas för att öka förståelsen mellan kopplingen platsimage och avsedda målgrupper. Studien bidrar även med kunskap inom place branding och miljömässig hållbarhet.  Praktiska implikationer - Studiens resultat är användbart vid utformningen och utvecklingen av kommunikationen för Luleås platsvarumärke i syfte att öka möjligheten att behålla fler studenter i kommunen efter avslutad examen för att öka kompetensförsörjningen. Mer specifikt ett utökat samarbete mellan Luleå tekniska universitet, Luleå kommun och Luleå näringsliv med fokus att skapa en gemensam, ärlig och kreativ platskommunikation av Luleå som stad. / Research problem - How can the communication of Luleå's place brand be designed to increase the possibility of retaining more students in the municipality after graduation in order to increase the supply of skills? Method - A literature review was carried out with the aim of examining previously written literature within the subject. A theoretical framework was then compiled and has served as a basis for the interview guide but also for the layout of the empirical and analysis chapters. The data collection was carried out in the form of semi-structured interviews with students from two different educational categories at Luleå University of Technology, students in business and economics and civil engineers. Results - Students from the education categories business and economics and engineering have a relatively common view of Luleå as a place to live and work. The majority of respondents cannot imagine staying in Luleå after completing their degree. To convey Luleå's place brand to students, the majority of both education categories, business and economics and civil engineers prefer Instagram as the main communication channel but also Facebook.  Theoretical implications - This study has contributed to knowledge about how residents from a stakeholder perspective can be used to increase understanding between the connection between place image and intended target groups. The study also contributes knowledge in place branding and environmental sustainability. Practical implications - The results of the study are useful in the design and development of the communication for Luleå's place brand in order to increase the possibility of retaining more students in the municipality after completing the degree in order to increase the supply of skills. More specifically, an expanded collaboration between Luleå University of Technology, Luleå municipality and Luleå business with a focus on creating a common, honest and creative place communication of Luleå as a city.

Vems är kulturen? : Därför är resurssvaga unga underrepresenterade i den offentliga kulturens rum / Whose is the culture? : An exploration of how young adults are less represented in the public cultural institutions

Bäckström, Vilma January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to understand the lack of inclusion of young adults from resource-poor areas when it comes to public cultural institutions, e.g., visits to art exhibitions, theaters and libraries. Previous research has shown that the Swedish culture is socioeconomically divided when it comes to the cultural participation (Lundquist 2017; Myndigheten för kulturanalys 2019; Magnusson &amp; Wärnlöf Bové 2019). There are still inequalities – not all residents have the same opportunity to participate in cultural contexts. With the help from six young adults from resource-poor areas in the city of Gothenburg, semi-structured interviews are held to evaluate the reasons of why the cultural participation is low. By applying key concepts from Pierre Bourdieu's (Bourdieu 1962 see Broady 1988) theory such as cultural capital and habitus, the findings suggests that there is a place-bound identity creation of the informants that not only creates their identity, but also limits them as individuals. Another key finding is that the multiethnic environment in these areas are also sociocultural conditions for participations in new contexts. Additionally, the informants cultural capital turned out to be low, yet different for every informant of why their cultural participation is low.

Hodnocení průmyslového dědictví / Evaluation of industrial heritage

Navrátil, Oldřich January 2014 (has links)
The main subject is evaluation of effective use in terms of care (not only within protection of monuments) in order to save and protect industrial heritage. Pointing out on critical issues connected with the end of production of traditional branches which played the key role in historical development of our cities. Nowadays abandoned buildings and sites are represented by memory of the place or its prosperity. New owners often don't share the positive approach to the industrial heritage, developers are seeking new sites, cities and inhabitants have developed new needs through the time. The work will demonstrate examples within European context and will make recommendations in monitoring and classification of industrial heritage to prevent undo able losses.

I en vaken vila : En studie om hur rumsligheter kan informera om valfria aktiviteter i en offentlig exteriör sjukhusmiljö

Zetterstrand, Frida January 2024 (has links)
This thesis for the Bachelor of Arts in Information Design with a focus on Spatial Design has examined and identified exterior places and their characteristics that contribute to a strong sense of place among residents in Katrineholm Municipality. The aim has been to create a design proposal for a hospital park, which currently functions as a walkway and has several shortcomings relative to its potential and the needs and criticisms of the residents. The study is based on theories and previous research on place attachment and topophilia. Through interviews, site observations and notations, as well as a survey, types of exterior spaces, materials, and activities that promote mental well-being and the factors that contribute to a sense of place and place attachment have been identified. The findings show that both place attachment and topophilic values have subjective qualities and that more factors than a place's aesthetics affect the experience. The empirical data has identified specific characteristics that recreational exterior places should consider and implement in their design. The design proposal presents a conceptual hospital park with the aim of informing about optional activities that users can engage in to promote mental well-being and recovery through spatialities. This is achieved by illustrating how spatial designs through spatial organization, form, and disposition can be perceived and used.

Transformation or Tragedy?A Retrospective Phenomenological Study of School Closure

Glenda, Toneff-Cotner E. 03 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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