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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

LA LEGGE APPLICABILE AL DANNO DA PRODOTTO NELL'UNIONE EUROPEA / The law applicable to product liability in the European Union.

MARENGHI, CHIARA 22 April 2010 (has links)
La tesi è dedicata ai profili di diritto internazionale privato del danno da prodotto, con particolare riguardo agli sviluppi normativi che hanno interessato i Paesi membri dell’Unione europea. Nella prima parte della trattazione vengono analizzate le vicende più significative connesse alla nascita della fattispecie sia da un punto di vista sostanziale che internazionalprivatistico. In tale ambito, viene riservata peculiare attenzione all’esperienza degli stati Uniti (Cap. 1), che come noto hanno rappresentato la culla della responsabilità del produttore, e viene esaminata la Convenzione dell’Aja del 2 ottobre 1973 (Cap. 2), prima disciplina speciale della materia sul piano del diritto internazionale privato. La seconda parte dell’elaborato si concentra invece sugli interventi legislativi predisposti a livello comunitario (direttiva 85/374/CEE, come modificata dalla direttiva 1999/34/CE, e regolamento 864/2007/CE) al fine di ricostruire i rapporti intercorrenti tra le diverse fonti (nazionali, comunitarie e internazionali) che oggi concorrono a disciplinare la questione della legge applicabile alla responsabilità da prodotto negli Stati membri dell’Unione europea (Cap. 3). / The thesis examines the conflict of laws aspects of product liability, with particular regard to recent developments of EU Member States’ legislation. Product liability law as a distinct body of law – at least partially independent from general tort law – is a relatively new phenomenon. It arose during the 1960s in the Unites States of America. In that period US courts and scholars started to deal with choice-of-law issues in product liability cases. Chapter 1 gives an overview of the most significant events relating to product liability history, from both a domestic and international point of view. The need for a special conflicts rule – pointed out first by the US commentator Albert Ehrenzweig – led to the adoption of the 1973 Hague Convention on the law applicable to product liability, the first regulation of the topic in private international law, which is analysed in Chapter 2. Finally, Chapter 3 examines European Community legislative interventions in the field of product liability (Council Directive 85/374/EEC, amended by Directive 1999/34/EC, and Regulation 864/2007/EC) with the aim of assessing the present state of the law in EU Member States. Different sources are currently competing to regulate the issue of the law applicable to product liability in the EU context and this chapter analyses the relationships between them.

Odpovědnost za škodu způsobenou vadou výrobku - srovnání české a britské úpravy se zaměřením na britské case law / Liability for damage caused by a defective product - comparison of Czech and British legal regulation with a focus on British case law

Černá, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of liability for damage caused by a defect in a product, i.e. liability of a producer (but also of another entity, such as the supplier or importer) for damage caused by the defective product to the health or property of the user (consumer) or other third persons. The primary area of this issue that the thesis has examined is the legal regulation in the UK (liability for damage caused by a defect in a product is in the UK usually expressed as "Product liability"). The main reason why I have chosen to describe the British legal regulation is my study experience in the UK at Northumbria University, where I studied within the program Erasmus+. In the UK, I had the opportunity to find all the resources, experience and incentives necessary in order to analyze the topic of Product liability and therefore, to write this thesis. The aim of this thesis is not only the description of the British Product liability, but also its comparison with the Czech regulation. This thesis then draws a clear conclusion that Product liability in the UK is as compared to the Czech Republic an institute much more frequently used and British regulation is compared to the Czech one more sophisticated and detailed. On the other hand, for the British consumers the British regulation may be, due...

企業對產品責任保險需求因素之分析-以我國上市公司為例 / On the Corporate Demand for Product Liability Insurance: Evidence from Listed Compaines in Taiwan

黃慧琳, Huang,Hui Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討我國企業對產品責任保險需求之原因,分別以四個構面來分析企業對產品責任保險的需求。包括企業經營動機、公司背景資料、產品安全風險管理與上市公司財務特性等四方面來探討企業的投保動機。本研究以我國上市公司為樣本,共計發放440份問卷,並以回收的90份問卷進行Logistic迴歸及複迴歸之實證分析。 研究結果發現,企業交易對象(買方)的要求、產品風險理財因素和產品市場行銷因素為影響上市公司投保產品責任保險之決定因素,呈顯著正向關係。另外,當上市公司過去曾發生過產品損害事件時,對產品責任保險之需求愈高;而且當公司的產品銷售本國地區、美加地區或同時銷售國內外地區時,對產品責任保險需求愈高。至於產品安全風險管理與產品責任保險需求之間的關係,實證結果顯示二者為互補關係,此與Ehrilich and Becker(1972)的理論假設一致。除此之外,本研究發現當公司規模愈大、產品銷售量愈大、負債對業主權益比率愈高以及公司無長期負債時,其對於產品責任保險的需求愈高。此外,當上市公司的財務危機成本愈高以及所面臨的損失頻率與幅度愈大時,其對於產品責任保險需求愈高。 / This paper investigates the corporate demand for product liability insurance in Taiwan. The motivations to purchase product liability insurance can be categorized into four groups, business operation incentive, features of the firm, product safety management, and financial management. The decision of insurance is analyzed based on the logistic model and multivariate regression models with a sample of 90 publicly traded companies in Taiwan. The empirical results of this study indicate that customers’ requests, product risk financing, and product marketing are the determinants for companies to buy product liability insurance. Further, the companies with previous experience of product liability losses have higher product liability insurance demand. Those companies selling their products to North America and Taiwan will purchase more product liability insurance. Moreover, the empirical evidences suggest significantly positive correlation between product safety management and product liability insurance demand, which is consistent with Ehrilich and Becker (1972) that market insurance and self-protection are complements. The results also show that the firm will purchase more product liability insurance when it has larger firm size, greater product sales, higher debt to equity ratio, and no long term debt.

Responsabilidade civil e nascimento indesejado: prejuízos reparáveis / Tort law and wrongful conception : recoverable damages

Carnaúba, Daniel Amaral 15 April 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda o tema da responsabilidade civil pelo nascimento indesejado no Direito Brasileiro. Trata-se de um conflito que emerge nos casos em que a falha de um método contraceptivo redunda no nascimento de uma criança, contra a vontade de seus genitores. A primeira parte do trabalho é dedicada ao fato gerador da responsabilidade nessa espécie de litígio, a saber, a culpa médica e o defeito do produto ou serviço de contracepção. Os métodos anticoncepcionais são agrupados em duas categorias: de um lado, os métodos cirúrgicos de esterilização, que envolvem a prestação de um serviço médico; e, de outro, os métodos que empregam dispositivos anticoncepcionais fabricados industrialmente, isto é, os produtos contraceptivos. A segunda parte do trabalho discorre sobre as implicações éticas da reparação do nascimento indesejado. De fato, a indenização fundada no nascimento de um filho traz à tona uma série de considerações relativas à dignidade da criança e ao valor das relações parentais. O trabalho procura apontar em que medida o nascimento de uma criança pode ser interpretado como um prejuízo legítimo experimentado por seus pais. Conclui-se que a reparação integral do nascimento indesejado é necessária para a afirmação da autonomia reprodutiva das vítimas de contraceptivos defeituosos. A análise das soluções controversas adotadas no Reino Unido e na França onde os tribunais afirmaram que apenas o nascimento de uma criança deficiente pode ser considerado um prejuízo reparável revela que o direito dos pais à reparação não pode ser subordinado às condições de saúde da criança nascida / This thesis is an inquiry into wrongful conception claims under Brazilian Tort Law. This type of lawsuit arises out of cases involving failure of contraceptive methods, causing the birth of a child against the parents desire. The first part of the thesis addresses the basis of liability in wrongful conception claims, namely, medical malpractice and defect of products or services. Contraceptive methods are grouped into two categories: on one side, surgical methods of sterilization, that rely upon the supply of medical services; on the other, contraception methods that employ manufactured devices, that is, contraceptive products. The second part of the thesis discusses the ethical implications of awarding damages in wrongful conception claims. Compensation based on the birth of a child raises a series of issues concerning the child\'s dignity and the value of parental relationships. It is argued that full compensation is necessary in order to reaffirm the reproductive autonomy of the victims of defective contraceptive methods. The analysis of controversial solutions adopted in United Kingdom and France where courts have stated that only the birth of a disabled child is a recoverable damage leads to the conclusion that the chillds health condition cannot be a requirement for his parents right to compensation.

La répartition des responsabilités dans les chaînes translatives de propriété / Contract chains’ liability cases

Hiriart, Hélène 12 December 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse est de réévaluer de façon globale la pertinence et la cohérence de la construction légale et jurisprudentielle actuelle organisant les recours dans les chaînes translatives de propriété. En dépit de contributions doctrinales nombreuses, les solutions se sont accumulées sans que leur articulation soit précisément examinée. L’enjeu de cet examen est d’autant plus important que le contexte général a changé (responsabilité du fait des produits, remise en cause des actions contractuelles, projets de réforme du droit de la responsabilité). L’étude est organisée autour de deux types de dommages : le dommage strictement contractuel et le dommage non strictement contractuel. La première partie évalue le droit positif et ses incertitudes (fondement de l’action directe, opposabilité des clauses de responsabilité au sous-acquéreur, recours en contribution etc.), au regard du manquement strictement contractuel (atteinte à l’utilité du contrat). La seconde partie permet de mettre en lumière les difficultés d’articulation des diverses actions désignées pour réparer le dommage non strictement contractuel, ces difficultés nous conduisant à nous interroger sur la nature de la responsabilité qui doit présider, dans les chaînes translatives de propriété, à la réparation des atteintes au contractant. L’ensemble de ces questions permet enfin d’identifier les grands critères et les logiques communes de répartition des responsabilités dans les chaînes translatives de propriété. / The purpose of this thesis is to reexamine on a global scale the adequacy and consistency of the current jurisprudential and legal framework related to the contract chains’ liability cases. Despite a large number of doctrinal contributions, the solutions have indeed been aggregated without any underlying logical implication being further investigated. This type of considerations is becoming all the more impactful that the legal environment has evolved. The goal of the first part is to assess the current state of the law and its uncertainties (the direct action ground, enforceability of limitation clause to consumer, contribution to the debt among co-debtors) when it comes to the pure contractual injury, that is when the usefulness of the contract is to be jeopardized. The second part is focuses on how it is hard to articulate the different actions in order to repair non-pure contractual injury. The assessment of those difficulties will bring us to wonder which nature of liability should prevail to repair injuries within property chains. Finally, answering those questions will lead us to identify the major criteria and the common rationales used to spread liability within property chains.

Újma způsobená vadou výrobku - Analýza unijní úpravy ve světle její české a francouzské transpozice / Damage caused by a defective product - Analysis of the European union regulation in the light of its Czech and French transposition

Mocek, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis quite thoroughly deals with - at present a very topical - theme "liability for damage caused by a defective product"; thus, with an obligation to compensate for the damage caused by the defective product to its user (or third party), generally imposed on the person who is designated as the "producer" of the product, originally based on the Council Directive of 25 July 1985 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning liability for defective products (85/374/EEC) (hereinafter 'Directive 85/374/EEC'). However, this work is not limited only to the (thorough) description of the currently valid and effective Czech implementing legislation. The thesis also compares the Czech legislation with the French implementing regulation, which is of a significantly higher legislative quality and much more faithful to its Union model. In fact, it was specifically France which shaped the final form of this responsibility regime, since it was the French transposition, and the French decision-making (judicial) practice, which was most often the subject of the Court of Justice's, as it ruled on the interpretation of the individual provisions and principles in the text of the previously mentioned directive contained. Nevertheless, France,...

Odpovědnost za škodu způsobenou vadou výrobku / Liability for Damage Caused by a Defective Product

Šťovíček, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Dissertation Thesis Abstract - Liability for Damage Caused by A Defective Product JUDr. Petr Šťovíček The subject-matter of the dissertation thesis is the relationship of legal liability for damage inflicted upon a consumer by a defective product. The paper describes the statutory definition of the relationship, in particular, without limitation, the preconditions to the establishment of liability of the individual entities on the part of entrepreneurs participating in all phases of the product distribution from the moment of its manufacturing, or, as the case may be, it import to the Czech Republic, to the moment of its sale to the end consumer; limits of the liability and possibilities through which the consumer may claim compensation of the caused damage. The first part of the paper focuses on the above mentioned issued of general legal regulation applicable to liability, its historical development and types; it has a rather generally descriptive nature. Special civil law regulation of liability is provided for also in a number of special Acts, in particular in Act No. 59/1998 Coll., on Liability for Damage Caused by A Product Defect. The second part of the thesis provides an outline of the legal regulation covering the sphere of consumer protection with respect to liability relationships incurring in...

La sécurité des médicaments. Législation pharmaceutique européenne et indemnisation des risques médicamenteux. / Drug safety. European pharmaceutical legislation and compensation for the risks linked to medication.

Bortoluzzi, Chiara 06 July 2017 (has links)
Un niveau élevé de protection de la santé humaine est assuré dans la définition et la mise en oeuvre de toutes les politiques et actions de l’Union européenne. L’une des politiques les plus importantes, conformément aux enjeux de santé et au développement économique, est celle des médicaments. Leur sécurité est garantie par un cadre juridique donné par une législation pharmaceutique d’envergure présidant à l’octroi de l’autorisation de mise sur le marché et au suivi post-autorisation. Ce cadre juridique est supporté par un dispositif institutionnel d’exception, caractérisé par une interaction étroite entre l’Agence européenne des médicaments, la Commission européenne et les autorités nationales compétentes. Il a récemment été réformé à travers la nouvelle législation de pharmacovigilance. Le concept de sécurité sanitaire est ainsi devenu le principe directeur de la gestion du risque pharmaceutique. Toutefois, lorsque le risque inhérent à tout produit pharmaceutique se manifeste, le dommage médicamenteux se produit ainsi que la demande de réparation. Face à la nécessité d’indemniser les victimes de tels accidents, les réponses nationales des systèmes juridiques français et italien, par les biais de la responsabilité civile de droit commun et de la responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux issue de la directive 85/374/CEE, se révèlent inefficaces, car peu respectueuses de la spécificité du médicament. Ce constat conduit à plaider en faveur d’une dissociation entre responsabilité et indemnisation, en garantissant cette dernière à travers la création d’un fonds d’indemnisation général pour les dommages médicamenteux à participation mixte public-privé. Cette solution garantit une socialisation des risques justifiée par le caractère social du risque thérapeutique. Cela constitue le contrepoids aux dangers inhérents aux innovations de la science, tout en faisant profiter les malades des bénéfices thérapeutiques de demain. En prônant une approche holistique de la politique du médicament, la proposition de ce fonds constitue un instrument d’une politique de santé publique qui ne voit dans l’indemnisation des risques médicamenteux qu’un complément et un prolongement de la garantie de sécurité à la base de la législation pharmaceutique européenne. / The definition and implementation of the European Union’s policies and activities guarantee a very high level of human health protection. One of its most important policies, in accordance with the relative health and economic development issues, is that on medicinal products. Drug safety is guaranteed by a legal framework, constructed on the pharmaceutical legislation laying down rules and procedures for obtaining marketing authorisation and for post authorisation monitoring. This legal framework is supported by a special institutional system,which in particular ensures close interaction between the European Medicines Agency, the European Commission and the national competent authorities. This legal framework has recently been revised as a result of the new pharmacovigilance legislation. As such, health safety has become a key directive in managing pharmaceutical risk. Yet, whenever a risk relating directly to a particular pharmaceutical product becomes apparent, medical damages and compensation claims arise. The response of the national French and Italian legal systems to the application for compensation of the victims of such accidents, by way of the ordinary rules of civil liability and the liability for defective products as defined in Council Directive85/374/EEC, has proven ineffective: they fail to take into account the specific nature ofpharmaceutical products. Based on this observation, there is a sound case for separating liability from compensation: the latter can be guaranteed by setting up a general compensationfund for medical damages, with both public and private sector participation. This solutionwould guarantee a socialisation of risks that is justified by the social nature of therapeutic risk. It would provide a counterbalance to the dangers inherent in scientific innovation, whilst simultaneously allowing patients to benefit from future therapeutic developments. By advocating a holistic approach to drug policy, this proposed compensation fund would act as apublic health policy instrument, in the context of which compensation for medical risks would only be considered an addition to, and extension of, the security guarantee that constitutes the cornerstone of the European pharmaceutical legislation.

Privatrechtliche Regulierung digitaler Vermittlungsplattformen

Arntz, Arvid 06 October 2023 (has links)
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit drei konkreten Problemstellungen digitaler Vermittlungsplattformen (Amazon, ebay, etc.) im allgemeinen Privatrecht: die Haftung für die Erfüllung des Vertrages zwischen Anbieter und Käufer; die Haftung für Integritätsschäden des Käufers, die durch das erworbene Produkt verursacht werden; und die Zulässigkeit von Selbstbegünstigungspraktiken der Plattform gegenüber den Anbietern. Dabei werden aus methodischer Perspektive von law and economics Voraussetzungen eines effizienten gesetzlichen Rahmens ermittelt. Dieser wird der aktuellen Gesetzeslage bzw. anstehenden gesetzlichen Reformvorhaben gegenübergestellt. Die erste Frage der Erfüllungshaftung stellt sich vor dem Hintergrund, dass Plattformen im Vermittlungsprozess zwischen Anbieter und Käufer eine aktive, steuernde Rolle spielen und damit auf die Erfüllung erheblichen Einfluss nehmen können. Gleichzeitig weisen die AGB der Plattform dieser keine Haftung zu, weil sie nicht Vertragspartei sei. Mit dieser vertraglichen Gestaltung will die Plattform auch einer Haftung für Integritätsschäden entgehen. Bei der Selbstbegünstigung schließlich tritt die Plattform selbst als Anbieter auf. Mit ihrer Doppelrolle als Anbieter und Marktorganisator kann sie andere Anbieter besonders lukrativer Produkte von der Plattform ausschließen und selbst an deren Stelle treten. Trotz ihrer vermeintlichen Schiedsrichterrolle greift die Plattform damit in das Marktgeschehen ein und leitet die Gewinnaussichten mancher Anbieter auf sich selbst um. Die ökonomische Analyse legt für das allgemeine Privatrecht nahe, dass – anders als marktbeherrschende oder gatekeeper Plattformen – „normale“ Plattformen nicht mit zwingendem Recht reguliert werden sollten, sondern vielmehr Transparenzregeln der zielführende Ansatz sind. Diese sind bereits im geltenden Privatrecht im Wesentlichen vorhanden. / This thesis deals with three private law problems of digital intermediary platforms (amazon, ebay, etc.): liability for the fulfilment of the seller-buyer-contract; liability for damages caused by the purchased product; and the legitimacy of self-preferencing practices of the platform against the sellers. Using the methodology of law and economics, an efficient legal framework for these phenomena is identified. The current legal situation and projects of legal reform are reflected on the basis of these normative results. The first question whether platforms should be liable for the fulfilment of the seller-buyer-contract is discussed against the background that platforms play an active, controlling role in the matching process between seller and buyer and can thus influence fulfilment. In contrast, the platforms’ terms 2 3 and conditions consider the platform not a party to the contract and thus not liable. With its terms the platform tries to evade product liability, too. Finally, in the case of self-preferencing, the platform itself acts as a seller. With its dual role as seller and market organiser, it can exclude sellers of particularly lucrative products from the platform and itself take their place. Despite its supposed role as referee, the platform intervenes in its own market and diverts the profit prospects of some sellers to itself. Economic analysis of general private law suggests that – unlike market dominating or gatekeeper platforms – “normal” platforms and their contractual framework should not be regulated with mandatory rules. Rather, rules of transparency prove to be expedient. In essence, such rules are already existing in current private law.

L'anormalité en droit de la responsabilité civile / The concept of abnormality in civil liability

Ménard, Benjamin 14 November 2016 (has links)
Parce qu’elle est une clé de compréhension du déclenchement de la responsabilité civile, l’anormalité est une notion centrale de l’institution. Elle s’identifie d’abord à travers le dommage, qui est une anomalie, une déviation par rapport au cours normal des choses. L’anormalité est ici intrinsèque au dommage et se définit comme le déséquilibre patrimonial et extrapatrimonial subi par la victime. La notion se découvre ensuite à l’extérieur du dommage, elle caractérise ce qu’il faut en plus du dommage pour engager une responsabilité. Cette anormalité, dite extrinsèque au dommage, tient son origine dans la faute civile : est en faute l’individu ayant adopté un comportement anormal.Classiquement cantonnée à l’élément objectif de la faute, avant qu’elle n’en épuise entièrement la définition, l’évolution montre que l’anormalité s’est diversifiée pour devenir un critère aux multiples visages. La notion se rencontre ainsi, par exemple, dans la responsabilité du fait des choses (anormalité de la chose), dans la responsabilité du fait d’autrui (anormalité du fait d’autrui) ou encore en matière de trouble du voisinage. De manière plus latente, l’anormalité peut également être mobilisée pour expliquer le risque sélectionné par le législateur pour faire l’objet d’un régime spécial (ex : accidents de la circulation, fait des produits défectueux). En définitive, l’anormalité est un critère juridique de discrimination qui peut, pour faire naître une obligation de réparation, être associé au fait générateur, au dommage ou au risque. Cette vision est forte de potentialités ; elle permet une présentation renouvelée de la matière autour des trois fondements que sont l’anormalité du fait générateur, l’anormalité du dommage et l’anormalité du risque. En délimitant le périmètre de la responsabilité civile, cette tripartition permet finalement une relecture de la matière à la lumière des trois fondements proposés. / Because it is key in understanding how it is triggered, the concept of abnormality is a notion of great importance in relation to civil liability. This concept is first of all found in relation to the notion of injury, which is an anomaly, a deviation from the normal course of things. The abnormality is an intrinsic part of an injury and is defined as a patrimonial and non-patrimonial disturbance suffered by a victim. The concept is then applied outside of the notion of injury, as it then characterises the elements additional to the injury that are needed in order for liability to arise. This aspect of the abnormality, the extrinsic side, originates from the tort principle: that one is liable for one’s own abnormal behaviour.Although classically confined to the objective element of fault, the notion of abnormality has outgrown its original definition and developed into a criterion with many applications. The concept is used, for instance, in relation to product liability (abnormality of an object/product), vicarious liability, or even in relation to nuisance neighbours. There is perhaps also a latent possibility for the concept of abnormality to be used by the legislator for derivative special liability regimes (e.g. defective products, traffic accidents). Ultimately, the concept of abnormality is a form of legal criterion that, in order to give rise to compensation, can be associated to a triggering event, an injury, or a risk. This vision opens up many possibilities: it enables a new way of presenting this subject matter around the three principles that are the abnormality of the triggering event, the abnormality of the injury and the abnormality of the risk. By defining the perimeter of civil liability, this tripartition actually enables a new understanding of the subject matter through these three proposed principles.

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