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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SOCIALT ARBETE OCH AKTIVITETSBASERADE ARBETSPLATSER - POSITIVT ELLER NEGATIVT FÖR SOCIALSEKRETERARE? : En litteraturstudie om aktivitetsbaserade arbetsplatser inverkan på socialsekreterares yrkesroll

McCluskie, Eric January 2022 (has links)
Socialsekreterare förväntas alltmer interagera med andra organisationer för att utföra effektivt socialt arbete. En lösning har blivit att introducera mer flexibla arbetsplatser i form av aktivitetsbaserade arbetsplatser (ABW) för att förbättra interaktion och kommunikation mellan anställda. Denna studie strävar efter att identifiera positiva och negativa aspekter med ABW i relation till socialsekreterares yrkesroll. Syftet är att kunna presentera resultat som är relevanta för praktikers övervägning av att introducera ABW i Socialtjänsten. En litteraturstudie i form av en ”interactive review” har genomförts med syfte att identifiera positiva och negativa aspekter inom tillgänglig forskning om ABW. De identifierade aspekterna av ABW jämfördes med tidigare forskning i relation till socialsekreterares yrkesroll. Ett rollteoretiskt ramverk har använts för att få en djupförståelse för de förväntningar socialsekreterare har i sin yrkesroll och hur de potentiellt kan förändras inom en ABW. Resultatet av analysen visar att ABW kan stärka socialsekreterare i deras samspel och samverkan med andra organisationer men påverkas av tidigare upplevelser och arbetsuppgifter. Samtidigt som samverkan förstärks med andra organisationer har det visats att samverkan inom organisationen försämrats då anställda minskar kommunikationen med sina medarbetare i jämförelse med tidigare arbetsplats. ABW:s betydelse för socialsekreterare behöver däremot värderas i relation till flera faktorer. / Social workers are increasingly expected to integrate with other organizations to produce efficient work. One solution is the introduction of flexible working spaces knows as activity-based workplaces (ABW) to improve interaction and communication between employees. This study intends to identify positive and negative aspects with ABW in relation to social workers professional role. The purpose is to present relevant results for practitioners considering introducing ABW in Social Services' workplaces. A literature review in the form of an interactive review has been conducted with the purpose of identifying positive and negative aspects of ABW in previous literature. The identified aspects of ABW were then compared to previous literature of the professional role of the social worker. Using role theory as a framework, the study analysed the expectations social workers experience in the work and how the expectations are affected by an ABW. Results show that ABW could strengthen the social worker's teamwork and cooperation with other organizations, however this is affected by the social worker's previous experience and work obligations. While cooperation might increase with other organizations, the opposite is true for cooperation within the organization after transitioning to an ABW compared to the previous workplace. Thus, the evaluation of ABW among social workers need to consider multiple factors.

"Vi socialsekreterare porträtteras bara som de onda som tar andras barn" : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av medias betydelse för den egna yrkesrollen och yrkesstatusen / "We socialworkers are only portayed as the bad guys who take other people's children" : A qualitative study on social workers' experiences of the importance of the media for their own professional role and professional status

Johansson, Lovisa, Tauber, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Summary: This study aims to describe how social workers experience media and its significance in relation to the professional role and the professional status. The media holds a position of power since they choose what is published and thus have a significant influence on the public’s thoughts and opinions. Previous research shows that media reporting about the social service often consists of criticism of their work and actions. It also shows that negative coverage from media may have a negative impact on the status of social workers. The method in this study is qualitative and based on interviews from nine social workers, all of whom are active within the children and family-unit. The collected material is analyzed from the theoretical framework: profession theory and emotion sociology. Findings: The result given from the interviews shows that media coverage about the social services and social workers is predominantly negative. The social workers experience that the media coverage does not affect how they perceive their own professional status, but they feel that it affects how the public and clients view the status of social workers. The social workers also experience that the media coverage affects the client work since the social workers receives additional work and higher workload due to the preconceptions that clients bring into the meeting.

"I jobbet accepterar man det lite mer, det är ju förståeligt att de är upprörda". : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares syn på hot och våld. / "You accept it a little more in your work, it's understandable that they are upset" : - A qualitative interview study about social workers' view on client violence and threats in the workplace.

Andersson, Emelie, Szabo, Zselyke January 2023 (has links)
Every third social worker is exposed to client violence and threats. The recent protest against the LVU-legislation has contributed to a debate that has increased the vulnerability of social workers. The aim of this qualitative study is to examine the effects that threats and violence has on social work. The research questions of this study concern the professional role and discretion of social workers, the strategies for managing violence, and attitudes toward safety procedures. A semi-structured interview approach is utilized, involving six social workers from three municipalities. The findings of this study suggest that threats and violence have an impact on the work of social workers and can have consequences for both investigations and decisions. Social workers utilize various strategies to manage obvious violence and threats, whereas unspoken threats are difficult to define and handle. The trust and knowledge of safety procedures varies, while the support of colleagues is crucial. Based on this, the role of mentalization in the normalization process is discussed, and how threats and violence are expected to be accepted as a part of the job. The impact on discretion is discussed in terms of authority and how it influences clients, as well as discussions regarding the consequences of excessive safety procedures. / Var tredje socialsekreterare utsätts för hot och våld på sin arbetsplats.Socialsekreterare som arbetar med utredning för barn och unga löper risk attbli utsatta. Den senaste tidens debatt kring LVU-lagstiftningen kan ha ökatsocialsekreterarnas utsatthet. I denna kvalitativa intervjustudie är syftet attundersöka vilken effekt hot och våld kan få för socialsekreterares arbete,som innefattar utredning för barn och unga. Frågeställningarna somundersöks berör yrkesroll och handlingsutrymme, strategier för att hanteravåldet samt förhållningssätt till säkerhetsrutiner på arbetsplatsen. I dettaarbete genomförs en semistrukturerad intervjustudie som omfattar sexsocialsekreterare från tre olika kommuner. Det som framkommer iintervjustudien är att hot och våld kan påverka socialsekreterarnas arbete,vilket skulle kunna få konsekvenser för både utredningar och beslut.Socialsekreterare har många strategier för att hantera våld och konkreta hot,medan förtäckta och outtalade hot är svårt att definiera och hantera. Tilltrontill och kunskapen om säkerhetsrutiner varierar, medan det kollegiala stödetlyfts fram som den viktigaste trygghetsaspekten. Utifrån detta diskuteras hurmentalisering bidrar till en normaliseringsprocess, där hot och våldaccepteras som en del av yrket. Påverkan på handlingsutrymmet diskuterasutifrån makt och påverkan på utredningsarbetet, medan diskussioner förskring konsekvenser av bristfälliga säkerhetsrutiner.

Instrumentalpedagogers syn på musikalisk bredd och dess betydelse för undervisning

Lagg, Edvin January 2023 (has links)
I detta arbete undersöks instrumentalpedagogers syn på musikalisk bredd och dess betydelse för undervisningen. Genom intervjuer med yrkesverksamma instrumentalpedagoger och musiker utforskas frågor kring yrkesidentitet och yrkesroll med fokus på hur pedagogerna uppfattar sig själva som både pedagoger och musiker på sina huvud- och biinstrument, och hur detta påverkar deras undervisning. Resultaten från intervjuerna visade att en gemensam grundidé var att läraren bör behärska instrumenten de undervisar på, samtidigt som det är viktigt att förebilda och utstråla självförtroende på instrumenten för att skapa positiva upplevelser för eleverna. / This work examines instrumental educators views on musical breadth of musical knowledge and skills and its significance for teaching. Through interviews with professional instrumental pedagogues and musicians, questions regarding professional identity and role are explored, with a focus on how pedagogues perceive themselves as both educators and musicians on their main- and secondary instruments, and how it affects their teaching. Results from the interviews indicate a common idea: that pedagogues should be skilled on their instruments, but put more emphasis on the idea that you should be a role model and show self-confidence on the instruments to create positive experiences for their students.

Förflyttning - en grundläggande rättighet : Fysioterapeuters erfarenheter och upplevelser av sin roll i förskrivningsprocessen av elrullstolar till barn / ”Locomotion – a fundamental right” – Physioterapists’ experiences working in the prescription process of powered mobility for children

Forsell, Jenny, Öhlander, Tove January 2020 (has links)
Introduktion: Elrullstolen anses idag vara en viktig terapeutisk insats som optimalt introduceras i ett tidigt skede. Elrullstolen ger ett barn möjlighet att ta sig från punkt A till punkt B, men kan även bidra till att uppnå milstolpar i barnets utveckling samt öka dess delaktighetsgrad. I Sverige tillhandahålls dessa hjälpmedel genom förskrivningsprocessen, där målet är att öka brukarens upplevda livskvalité. Flera olika professioner kan ingå i denna process som ett team där bland annat fysioterapeuten ofta ingår. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats var att belysa fysioterapeuters erfarenheter och upplevelser av sin roll i förskrivningsprocessen av elrullstolar till barn.  Metod: Metoden för uppsatsen var kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Totalt har fem fysioterapeuter som arbetar på habiliteringsverksamhet eller hjälpmedelscentral i Västerbotten och Hälsinglands län intervjuats. Data insamlades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med frågor som berörde fysioterapeutens arbete med förskrivningsprocessen.  Resultat: Alla informanter var tydliga med att de inte var förskrivningsansvariga. De såg dock sin kompetens som värdefull och upplevde att de som fysioterapeuter fyller en viktig funktion i förskrivningsprocessen, i synnerhet vad gällde sittbedömningar. Informanterna såg en tidigt initierad förskrivning som positivt för barnet. För att detta ska bli möjligt ansågs ett välfungerande teamarbete samt en förtroendefull relation till barnets familj och nätverk som viktiga faktorer. Dessa personer blir även viktiga för att stödja barnet i att köra på ett säkert och effektivt sätt. Analysen av materialet resulterade i temat “Fysioterapeuten arbetar för att skapa självständig förflyttning hos barnet och ser detta som en grundläggande rättighet” samt fem stycken kategorier med 10 underkategorier. Kategorierna var “Fysioterapeuten har en viktig roll och bidrar med unik kunskap, fysioterapeuten har sitt fokus på barnets fysiska behov och förmåga att ta eget ansvar, Fysioterapeuten ser personer i barnets närhet som en viktig del i teamet, Barnet får en chans att vara som andra, Skapa allians med föräldrar krävs för tidig initiering. Konklusion: Fysioterapeuten bidrar med unik kunskap och har en självklar roll i förskrivningsprocessen. Att våga ta plats i processen har i denna studie kopplats till erfarenhetslängd. Det kan därför finnas anledning att inom fysioterapeutprogrammet tydligare lyfta vikten av att våga ta plats.

”Men nu har vi haft det så här i så många år och ingenting händer, ingenting blir bättre” : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av klientutövat hot och våld. / ”Now we have had it like this for so many years and nothing happens, nothing gets better” : An qualitative study on social workers’ experiences of client-initiated threats and violence.

Mujanovic, Elma, Persson, Sara January 2024 (has links)
Client-initiated threats and violence towards social workers is a widespread problem, nationally as well as internationally, where every third social worker is at risk. Social workers' vulnerability can, according to previous studies, conceivably be derived from the dual role of authority personnel, where they need to balance functions of support and control when facing clients. It appears from previous studies that social workers operating within children and young people are particularly exposed. The study aims to examine the experiences of client-initiated threats and violence of social workers in an authority position within children and young people. Through the study’s framing of questions, the study intends to examine how client-initiated threats and violence affect social workers’ professional role and possibilities for action, social workers’ strategies in dealing with client-initiated threats and violence, and to examine how the workplace views this problem. The empirical material was collected through semi-structured interviews with professionals. The selection of interviewees has been targeted and includes seven social workers in southern Sweden. A thematic analysis was used to identify key aspects considering the study’s framing of questions and the social workers’ experiences. Lipsky’s professionalism theory and Lazarus and Folkman’s coping theory have been applied to analyze the empirical material. The result shows that social workers’ professional role contains complex considerations between a helping role and setting boundaries in the meeting with clients, which can alter the possibilities for action. Consequently, this can threaten legal certainty and change the social workers’ democratic role in society. Furthermore, the result also shows different strategies being used both preemptively as well as remediatively in the meeting with a client. The strategies are individual and affected by the workplace’s resources. Thus, there is no unequivocal understanding of which strategies that can and should be used regarding client-initiated threats and violence. The workplace’s support is portrayed differently between the respondents, where the workplace’s safety climate affects how the social worker perceives client-initiated threats and violence. In light of this, there is a demand for an increased commitment from the management of the workplace, together with the social workers, to carry out a discussion regarding guidelines, support and policy for the organization to develop continuously. / Klientutövat hot och våld mot socialsekreterare är ett utbrett problem, såväl nationellt som internationellt, där var tredje socialsekreterare är utsatt. Socialsekreterares utsatthet kan enligt den tidigare forskningen härledas till den dubbla rollen hos myndighetsutövare, där de behöver balansera funktioner av stöd och kontroll i mötet med klienter. Det framgår av tidigare forskning att socialsekreterare som är verksamma i barn och ungdomsenheter är särskilt utsatta. Studien syftar till att undersökta erfarenheter av klientutövat hot och våld hos myndighetsutövande socialsekreterare inom barn och unga. Genom studiens frågeställningar ämnar studien att undersöka hur klientutövat hot och våld inverkar på socialsekreterares yrkesroll och handlingsutrymme, socialsekreterares strategier i mötet med klientutövat hot och våld och att undersöka hur arbetsplatsen betraktar detta problem. Det empiriska materialet samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma. Urvalet har varit målstyrt och omfattat sju socialsekreterare i södra Sverige. En tematisk analys användes för att identifiera centrala aspekter med utgångspunkt från studiens forskningsfrågor, utifrån socialsekreterarnas erfarenheter. Lipskys professionsteori och Lazarus och Folkmans copingteori har använts för att analysera det inhämtade empiriska materialet. Resultatet visar att socialsekreterares yrkesroll innehåller komplexa avvägningar mellan en hjälpande roll och gränssättning i mötet med klienter, vilket kan förändra handlingsutrymmet. Följaktligen kan detta hota rättssäkerheten och förändra socialsekreterares demokratiska roll i samhället. Resultatet visar även olika strategier som används både förebyggande samt avhjälpande i mötet med klient. Strategierna är individuella och påverkansbara av arbetsplatsens resurser. Därigenom finns det ingen entydig uppfattning om vilka strategier som kan och bör användas beträffande klientutövat hot och våld. Arbetsplatsens stöd skildras olika mellan respondenterna där arbetsplatsens säkerhetsklimat påverkar hur socialsekreteraren uppfattar klientutövat hot och våld. Mot bakgrund av detta finns en efterfrågan till ökat engagemang från arbetsplatsens ledning att tillsammans med socialsekreterarna föra en öppen diskussion gällande riktlinjer, stöd och policy för att verksamheten ska utvecklas fortlöpande.

Analyse de l’implantation d’un plan d’action pour le renforcement du rôle professionnel de la sage-femme dans le Royaume du Maroc

Abou- Malham, Sabina 03 1900 (has links)
Dans le cadre d’une stratégie nationale visant les objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement 4 et 5 au Maroc - réduire la mortalité maternelle et infantile -, un plan d’action a été développé au sein des trois systèmes (socioculturel, éducationnel, disciplinaire) dans lesquels évolue un rôle professionnel de la santé et ce, pour renforcer le rôle professionnel de la sage-femme. La présente thèse vise à évaluer le niveau d’implantation du plan d’action et à comprendre les facteurs contextuels ayant affecté son implantation et susceptibles d’empêcher l’atteinte de ses effets. Le cadre conceptuel adopté dérive du modèle de Hatem-Asmar (1997) concernant l’interaction entre les systèmes éducationnel, disciplinaire et socioculturel pour changer un rôle professionnel de la santé; et le cadre de Damschroder et al. (2009) pour l’analyse de l’implantation d’une intervention en santé. Le devis est une étude de cas unique à trois niveaux d’analyse. Les données sont recueillies à partir de multiples sources de données : 11 entrevues individuelles semi-structurées, 20 groupes de discussion, observations d’activités de formation, analyse de documents. Les résultats ont montré des déficits notables au niveau de l’implantation. Seize barrières et sept facilitateurs ont été catégorisés sous les construits du cadre de Damschroder et al. (2009) et sous les dimensions des trois systèmes. Un alignement inadéquat entre les dimensions (valeurs, méthodes, acteurs et finalités) du système socioculturel et celles (valeurs, méthodes, acteurs) des systèmes éducationnel et disciplinaire d’une part, avec le plan d’action d’autre part empêche son implantation globale. La structure bureaucratique et le manque de préparation du système socioculturel ont constitué les barrières les plus influentes sur: la diffusion de l’information; l’implication des acteurs du terrain dans le processus; et l’état de préparation du système éducationnel. Les principaux facilitateurs étaient : les valeurs promues à l’égard des droits humains et le mouvement politique pour renforcer le rôle professionnel de la sage-femme et réduire la mortalité maternelle. Quant au plan, il a été perçu comme étant bénéfique mais complexe et émanant d’une source externe. Les résultats mettent l’accent sur la nécessité de contourner les barrières identifiées dans les trois systèmes afin d’obtenir des contextes propices à la production des effets. Par ailleurs, les résultats ont soulevé aussi sept barrières qui risquent de compromettre l’atteinte des effets désirés. Elles concernent: le cadre légal, les représentations sociales et le support médiatique au niveau du système socioculturel; le réseautage et les mécanismes de communication, les caractéristiques liées au rôle, à l’environnement de pratique, et le niveau de préparation du système disciplinaire. Notre recherche confirme qu’un changement visant le système éducationnel isolément représente une vision réductrice pour le renforcement du rôle des sages-femmes. Une combinaison des conditions contextuelles favorables au niveau des dimensions des trois systèmes est requise pour atteindre le but de la stratégie gouvernementale, soit fournir des sages-femmes qualifiées selon les normes globales de la Confédération Internationale des sages-femmes, capables d’offrir des soins de qualité en santé de la reproduction qui permettront de contribuer à réduire la mortalité maternelle et néonatale. / As part of a national strategy for reaching the Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 in Morocco – to reduce maternal and infant mortality - an action plan covering the three systems (socio-cultural, educational, disciplinary) in which evolves a health professional role was developed in order to strengthen the midwifery professional role. This thesis aims to assess the level of implementation of the action plan and to understand the contextual factors affecting its implementation and that may prevent reaching the targeted outcomes. We used a conceptual framework that builds on Hatem-Asmar’s model regarding the interaction between the socio-cultural, educational and disciplinary systems to change a health professional role; and on the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) for the implementation analysis of a health intervention. A single case study design with three levels of analysis was chosen for this thesis. The data were collected through multiple data sources: 11 individual semi-structured interviews, 20 focus groups, observations of training activities, analysis of documents. The results showed a significant deficit in the implementation. Sixteen barriers and seven facilitators encountered during the implementation were categorized into the four system’s dimensions. Misalignment between the dimensions (values, methods, actors and targets) of the socio-cultural system and those (values, methods, actors) of the educational and disciplinary systems on the one hand, and with the action plan on the other hand, prevent its global implementation. The bureaucratic structure and lack of readiness of the socio-cultural system were among the most influential barriers on: diffusion of information; involvement of key actors in the process, readiness of the educational system. The main facilitators were the values promoted with respect to human rights, and the political movement to strengthen midwives’ professional role and to reduce maternal mortality. The plan was perceived as beneficial but complex and externally driven. The results emphasize the need to overcome the barriers identified in the three systems in order to obtain contextual conditions favorable to achieve outcomes. In addition, seven barriers were identified in the analysis that may compromise the achievement of the targeted outcomes. They relate to the: legal framework, social representations and media support at the socio-cultural system; and the practice environment, networks and communication mechanisms, characteristics related to the role and the readiness of the disciplinary system. Our research confirms that conducting a change in the educational system represents a partially focused view for strengthening the midwives’ role. A combination of favorable contextual conditions at the dimensions of the three systems is required to achieve the goal of the government's strategy which is to provide qualified midwives according to the International Confederation of Midwives global standards for midwifery, able to provide quality reproductive health care, and to contribute to reducing maternal and neonatal mortality.

Os significados e sentidos atribuídos ao papel do psicólogo escolar, por parte daqueles que atuam na APAE: uma construção cercada de equívocos / Significant and sense attributed by the educational psychologist who works at the Associations for the Helping Exceptional Children (APAE): a role that is built surrounded by mistakes

Saquetto, Danielle Juvat 10 June 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:57:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Danielle Juvat Saquetto.pdf: 608469 bytes, checksum: f5bad7f18c3ee52a77c446572b4f4096 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-06-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of the present research is to identify the sense and significant attributed to the role of educational psychologists by those working at APAEs, institutions which offer educational services for people who carry mental or multiple deficiencies. The theory which oriented such study was the socio-historical one, followed by a qualitative research method. Two psychologists who work at one APAE located in a city of the state of São Paulo were invited to participate in the systematic investigation answering a questionnaire in order to identify their social, cultural and economical level, as well as an interview whose goal was to identify the sense and significant that they attributed to their professional activity. Also, both participants were observed during a one whole working day, in order to be better acquainted with the context they were to talk about. The results pointed out that the academic training received by psychologists who are willing to work in the educational field does not prepare them to deal with handicapped people. For this reason, their performance has been based mostly in their empirical experiences, without support of any theoretical thought. As a consequence, APAEs psychologists professional practices are full of mistakes and misconceptions, some of which lead them to believe that they have to exert a clinical role in educational institutions, to evaluate children, to label them and even to act as magicians, in transforming the children. In this context, many psychologists become vulnerable professionals, who end up adopting distorted roles and postures, often pathological and fragmented ones, which only lead to inefficiency and frustration, since they are in constant conflict with the desired professional performance, which can be highlighted as follow: a) to stimulate a critical mindset about APAEs reality, therefore to identify its restrictions and advantages; b) to see handicapped people as humans beings that are socio-culturally constructed, who deserve to have their pedagogical needs better fulfilled through an interdisciplinary and holistic perspective / A presente pesquisa busca identificar os significados e sentidos atribuídos à atuação do psicólogo escolar na APAE, instituição que oferece atendimento especializado a pessoas com deficiência mental ou múltipla, por parte dos próprios psicólogos que nela atuam. Para tanto, o referencial teórico-metodológico adotado foi o da Psicologia Sócio-histórica, fazendo-se uso de uma abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa. Para tanto, duas psicólogas que atuavam em uma APAE situada em uma cidade do interior do estado de São Paulo (SP) foram convidadas para participar da pesquisa, respondendo a um questionário que buscava identificar seus respectivos níveis sócio-econômicos e culturais e a uma entrevista, cuja meta era apreender os significados e sentidos que atribuíam a sua prática profissional. Além disso, ambas foram observadas durante um dia de trabalho, a fim de conhecer melhor a realidade sobre a qual falavam. A análise dos dados revelou que a formação acadêmica do psicólogo que atua nesta área não parece fornecer as devidas informações acerca da temática relativa às pessoas com deficiências. Por isso, a atuação desses profissionais tem sido baseada em suas experiências cotidianas, sem ser acompanhada da devida reflexão teórica. A conseqüência disso tem sido a de que a prática dos psicólogos apeanos é marcada por constantes equívocos, sendo ora entendida como uma prática médica-clínica, ora como avaliativa, ora como rotuladora ou até mesmo como algo mágicos, para transformarem as crianças. Neste contexto, muitos psicólogos tornam-se vulneráveis e acabam assumindo papéis e posturas distorcidas, por vezes patologizantes, fragmentadas, ineficazes e frustrantes, que se chocam frontalmente com a que almeja: a) estimular uma consciência crítica acerca da realidade vivida nas APAEs, identificando suas restrições e seus méritos; b) encarar os indivíduos com deficiências enquanto seres sócio-históricos, que serão mais bem atendidos em suas necessidades a partir de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar e integral

Pós-graduação stricto sensu: busca de qualificação profissional ou suporte frente às vicissitudes do mundo do trabalho / Stricto sensu postgraduation: search for professional qualification or support for vicissitudes of the world of work

Bujdoso, Yasmin Lilla Veronica 13 April 2009 (has links)
Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter quantitativo e qualitativo, composta de um levantamento da pós-graduação brasileira com foco na comparação das áreas Direito, Engenharia Civil e Medicina e por 24 entrevistas semi-estruturadas individuais gravadas com 18 mestrandos e seis orientadores da Faculdade de Direito, da Escola Politécnica e da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é comparar como se desenvolve o processo de pós-graduação das três profissões mais tradicionais em uma universidade pública de destaque, relacionando o processo de elaboração da dissertação com a concomitante inserção do aluno na atividade profissional. Como resultado destaca-se que os mestrandos seguiriam a carreira acadêmica, mas simultaneamente à carreira profissional. Enquanto os mestrandos de Direito e Engenharia civil acreditavam no mestrado como facilitador para uma melhor inserção no mercado de trabalho, os de Medicina referiam a busca pelo mestrado como conseqüência natural pela sua proximidade com a universidade. Nas três áreas a universidade se defronta com contradições entre a formação de uma elite pensante, a real vocação do curso de pós-graduação stricto sensu na formação de pesquisadores, e sua qualificação profissional segundo um perfil demandado pelo mercado global. / This is a quantitative and qualitative approach research, consisting of a survey of Brazilian postgraduation focused in the comparison of Law, Civil Engineering and Medicine areas and composed by 24 semi-structured recorded individual interviews with 18 Masters students and six advisors of the Faculty of Law, the School of Engineering and the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of São Paulo. The general objective of the research was compare the postgraduation developing process of the three most traditional professions in a distinct public university, relating the dissertation elaboration process with the concomitant insertion of the student in the professional activity. As result, was emphasized that Masters students would follow the academic career, but simultaneously to the professional career. While Law and civil Engineering Masters students considered Master Course as facilitative for a better insertion in the job market, Medicine ones related the seek for Master Course as natural consequence by their proximity to the university. In the three areas the university confronts with contradictions between the elite think tank formation, the real vocation of the postgraduation stricto sensu course in the researchers education, and their professional qualification according to a profile demanded by the global market.

Psychosocial aspects of living with congenital heart disease : child, family, and professional perspectives

Birkeland, Anna-Lena January 2012 (has links)
Background: The vast majority of infants born with congenital heart disease (CHD) reach adulthood because of the developments in cardiology in recent decades. This thesis aims to describe the psychosocial situation of child/adolescent cardiac patients and their families, investigate the situation faced by parents and siblings initially and over time, investigate the approaches paediatric cardiologists use in encountering the family, and describe the teamwork occurring in paediatric cardiology teams (PCTs) in Sweden. Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework was based on a quality of life model applied to children, a stress-coping model, and a psychosocial approach including support, profession, and teamwork. Methods: The research combines quantitative data collection/analysis and qualitative research interviews/content analysis. Results: Complexity: The three grades of medical complexity differed regarding the number and severity of psychosocial symptoms, the children with the most complex CHD having the most severe symptoms. The most frequent symptoms in the whole patient group regarding various spheres were: healthcare and treatment-related needs in the external sphere, family symptoms in the interpersonal sphere, and mental/psychosomatic symptoms in the personal sphere. Coping: Being informed of a child’s/sibling’s heart disease has emotional consequences, so information, communication, and support are essential. Breaking the news of a child’s disease can be described as a turning point still significant after ten years. The professionalism of the doctor’s approach in breaking the news is crucial. Profession: Among paediatric cardiologists, how to break bad news to a family is an important concern, evident in findings regarding the significance of trust and confidence and the use of various emotional positions. Paediatric cardiologists commonly wish to be skilled at handling this situation, and attaining the needed skills calls for reflection, education, and sharing experience. Team: PCTs in Sweden aim and try to work in a structured way. In PCTs, there is a need for leadership, resource coordination, coaching, and a forum for joint reflection. Dependence on the physician on the team was identified in all PCTs. The challenge of managing increasing complexity at both the family and system levels requires interprofessional teams. Conclusions: These studies illustrate the psychosocial complexity and the need of psychosocial support. Emotional consequences, communication, information and support are essential both for the children, parents/families and for the professionals. To manage this complexity organizational alteration action plans are required. There is a need for a forum to stimulate dialogue and common reflection in the local PCT and at the regional and national centres.

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