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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řešení nových zastávek MHD v oblasti ulic Kounicovy a Veveří v Brně / New public transport stations at Kounicova, Veveří area in Brno

Odstrčilová, Anna Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis solves construction of new public transport stops and relocation of tramway tracks route which follows new traffic organization in the area of Veveří, Šumavská, Kounicova and Nerudova streets in the city Brno. The project aims for an improvement of the public transportation level of service and of the quality of pedestrian routes in the area. The focus also lies on adjusting of routes of the private motorised transport with the goal of traffic calming in the Veveří street, on including cycling infrastructure into the plan and finally the emphasis is put on the overall improvement of the value of the area through urban planning. Part of the project are to one side public transport stops and tramway tracks and to the other side a planning of a park, defining of an area for building public amenities and planning a new underground car park on Akademické square. At the same time, the preservation of green space and of the character of tree avenues with their expansion is taken into consideration.

An analysis of whether a level four autonomous vehicle can contribute to a more sustainable public transportation system : A review of the 5G-ride project from the perspective of sustainability

Glaas, David, Bjering, Gustaf January 2022 (has links)
Autonomous vehicles or self-driving vehicles is an emerging concept, supported by the latest technological achievements. In the last decade, the interest has increased tremendously, leading to extensive research on the subject of automation. Today almost all major automotive manufacturers are looking at the adaptation of self-driving vehicles and the benefits they may possess. Potential benefits such as decreasing the number of traffic accidents and enhancing the traffic flow make it an interesting prospect for combating traffic issues related to urbanisation. As a ripple effect, the 5G ride initiative was taken to investigate the performance of a level 4 autonomous vehicle in the environment of Stockholm, Sweden. The vehicle features technologies such as 5G, Edge-Node, AI, SGX, vehicular protocols and a remote traffic tower. To understand the impact of the vehicle, this thesis sought to evaluate the 5G ride in regard to current sustainable indicators and measurements. The focal point was set to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11.2. A model for evaluating the sustainability of technological solutions was applied to the 5G ride. It takes both the negative and positive outcomes, as well as the perception of time and the magnitude of the impact into account when assessing a technological solution. Conclusively, the results reveal several promising factors for sustainable development. However, this comes at the expense of the current system standards and its resources. / Autonoma fordon eller självkörande-fordon är ett framväxande koncept, möjliggjort av de senaste teknologiska framgångarna. Under det senaste årtiondet har intresset för självkörande fordon ökat oerhört mycket, vilket har lett till omfattande studier inom området. I dag undersöker nästan alla stora biltillverkare möjligheten till att adaptera självkörande teknik samt undersöka vilka förmågor de besitter. Detta inkluderar minskningen av trafikolyckor samt möjligheten till ett mer effektivt trafikflöde på vägar. Utifrån detta anses autonoma fordon vara ett intressant prospekt för att motarbeta trafikrelaterade problem som uppstått som följd av urbaniseringen. Som en kedjeeffekt utav detta togs ett initiativ som heter 5G ride, där ett självkörande fordon med nivå 4 färdigheter testades i Stockholms miljö. Fordonet är utrustat med tekniker som 5G, Edge-Node, AI, SGX, fordons protokoll samt ett avlägset trafiktorn. För att bygga upp en förståelse för fordonets påverkningsmöjligheter har vår studie utvärderat 5G-riden utifrån samhällsenliga hållbarhetsindikatorer. Den centrala utgångspunkten har varit United Nations hållbarhetsmål 11.2. En hållbarhetsmodell för att evaluera tekniska lösningar applicerades på 5G-riden. Modellen tar både hänsyn till positiva och negativa faktorer, tidsperspektiv samt magnituden utav impakten, när en teknisk lösning utvärderas. Sammanfattningsvis kunde flera lovande indikatorer identifieras, dock på bekostnad utav det nuvarande systemet och dess resurser.

Barn ombord : Barnperspektiv inom Stockholms regionala planering av kollektivtrafik / Children on board : Child perspective in Stockholm’s regional planning of public transportation

Axelson, Linn January 2022 (has links)
År 2020 blev FN:s barnkonvention svensk lag och därmed behöver svenska myndigheter beaktabarnets rättigheter vid myndighetsutövning. Det inkluderar Sveriges regioner och deras arbete medatt tillhandahålla kollektivtrafik. En samhällelig betoning på barnets rättigheter tillsammans medönskan om en hållbar utveckling har ökat uppmärksamheten på barns behov i samhällsutvecklingen. Med utgångspunkt i barnkonventionen som svensk lag och kollektivtrafikens argumenteradebetydelse för social hållbarhet syftar denna studie till att undersöka den omfattning ett barnperspektivinkluderas i den regionala planeringen av kollektivtrafik i Stockholmsregionen. Utifrån det undersöksäven hur barnperspektivet inom kollektivtrafikplaneringen påverkar barnens tillgänglighet att resakollektivt i regionen. Studien består av en fallstudie över Stockholmsregionen inom vilket RegionStockholms planeringsdokument undersöks och regionala planerare intervjuas. Syftet uppnås genomen tematisk analys utefter teoretiska koncept om synsätt på barn som aktör samt tillgänglighet. I studien observeras att barnen anses vara en viktig målgrupp att inkludera, höra och ta hänsyn till iplaneringen av kollektivtrafik i Stockholmsregionen, synsättet att barn är medmänniskor framträder.Dock framkommer att barnperspektivet inom kollektivtrafikplaneringen är starkt beroende av devuxnas analys, tolkning och förståelse för barn, vilket påvisar ett synsätt att de vuxna vet bättre.Dessutom påträffas ett ifrågasättande för barns kapacitet att bidra till planeringen av kollektivtrafikhos vissa planerare, barnen ses som irrationella. Slutsatsen från studien är att synsättet på barn inomplaneringen av regionens kollektivtrafik varierar, även om det råder en stark samsyn att barnen ärviktiga resenärer i kollektivtrafiken. Barns aktörskap och möjlighet till påverkan och inflytelse i samhällsutvecklingen är beroende av attvuxenvärlden skapar utrymme för barnen att delta. I studien observeras ett brett stödmaterial ochflertal arbetssätt för att inkludera både barnperspektivet och barns egna perspektiv inom RegionStockholms kollektivtrafikplanering. Därmed framträder barns påverkan på planeringen av regionenskollektivtrafik som stor. Vilket inflytande barnen sedan får är mindre tydligt. Denna aspekt av arbetetmed barnperspektivet förklarar regionen bör förbättras och utökas. Riktlinjer förklarar att barnen skaaktivt inkluderas och ges hänsyn i planeringsprocesser men det praktiska arbetet med detta beskriverplanerarna som svårt, även om barnperspektivet anses vara betydelsefullt. Planerarna menar atttydliga arbetssätt och kunskap kring barnperspektivet saknas inom regionens kollektivtrafikplanering.Detta motsäger den beskrivning av ett integrerat och systematiskt arbete med barnperspektivet samtär anmärkningsvärt då utbildning inom barnperspektivet är obligatoriskt inom regionen. En slutsatsinom studien är att en brist på kunskap och metoder begränsa både barns möjlighet till påverkan ochinflytande samt planerarnas möjlighet till hänsynstagande för barnperspektivet. Resenärernas olika behov och förutsättningar är utgångspunkten för kollektivtrafikplaneringen iStockholmsregionen. Med andra förutsättningar har barn som resenärer andra behov för attåstadkomma tillgänglighet till och med kollektivtrafiken. För tillgänglighet till systemet framförregionen att användbarhet och trygghet är särskilt viktiga aspekter inom barnperspektivet. Därför skakollektivtrafikens miljöer anpassas efter barns förutsättningar. Ur ett rumsligt perspektiv ärkollektivtrafiken viktig för många barn för att kunna ta sig till skola och aktiviteter. Dock ärkollektivtrafiksystemet planerat efter arbetsresor vilket gör att barns tillgänglighet medkollektivtrafiken kan missgynnas av att systemet inte är anpassat till att försörja deras resebehov. Istudien observeras att barns särskilda behov är en central del inom barnperspektivet i regionenskollektivtrafikplanering där fokus är på barns användbarhet av systemet. Med målsättning om en inkluderande och tillgänglig kollektivtrafik för alla i regionen blirbarnperspektivet en viktig aspekt. Med ambitionen att utöka arbetet med barnperspektivet inomkollektivtrafikplaneringen i Stockholmsregionen är en förståelse för dagens arbete och utmaningarmeningsfull. Utökade möjligheter inom regionen i form av kunskap för barnperspektivet samtvärdeskapande metoder för att inkludera barnperspektivet och barns egna perspektiv konstateras istudien som viktiga utvecklingsaspekter inom regionens kollektivtrafikplanering. Barnen presenterassom en viktig målgrupp för att öka det kollektiva resandet i regionen, både i dag och i framtiden. Attplanera kollektivtrafiken med barnen som resenärer i centrum bör därför vara högst relevant. / In 2020, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child became Swedish law. Thus, Swedishauthorities need to consider the children’s rights in exercise of authority. This includes the Swedishregions and their responsibility to provide public transportation. This study is based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child as Swedish law and the arguedsignificance of public transport for social sustainability. The study aims to investigate to what extentchildren are considered in the regional planning of public transportation in the Stockholm region.Based on this, it is further examined how the planning of public transportation affects the children’saccessibility to travel publicly in the region. A case study of the Stockholm region is performed, inwhich the region’s planning documents are examined and regional planners are interviewed. The aimof the study is achieved through a thematic analysis based on theoretical concepts regarding views onchildren as actors and accessibility. The study observes that children are considered an important group to include and hear whenplanning for public transportation in the Stockholm region; children are presented as fellowinhabitants. However, it appears that the consideration of children within the public transportationplanning is strongly dependent on the adults’ analysis and interpretation of children. This showcasesthe perspective that adults know better. Additionally, the children’s capacity to contribute to theplanning of the public transportation is questioned by some planners, children are seen as irrational.It is concluded that the view of children in the planning of the region’s public transportation varies,although there is a strong consensus about children being important travellers of publictransportation. Children’s opportunity to impact and influence societal development depends on adults creating spacefor child participation. The study encounters many opportunities for the children to impact publictransportation planning, with a wide support material and several methods to include both the childperspective and children’s own perspectives within the regional public transportation planning. Therelative influence of children is less clear. Guidelines explain that children should actively be includedand given influence in the planning processes, but the planners explain the practical work to bedifficult. The planners are experiencing a lack of clear working methods and knowledge regardingchildren. This challenges the description of an integrated and systematic work to consider children inthe regional planning and is noteworthy as education about children in public transportation ismandatory for the planners. A conclusion is that a lack of knowledge and methods limit both thechildren’s opportunities to impact and influence, as well as the opportunities for the planners toconsider the children in the planning of public transportation in Region Stockholm. The needs and preconditions of the travellers form the basis for the planning of public transportationin Region Stockholm. Children as travellers have other needs to accommodate to achieve accessibilitywithin and by public transportation. For accessibility within the system, usability together with safetyand security are presented as particularly important aspects for children. The public transportationenvironment must therefore be adapted to the abilities of children. In a spatial perspective, publicmodes provide many children accessibility to school and activities. However, since the system hasbeen designed for work travel, children’s accessibility with public transportation is disadvantaged by alack of adaptation to their travel needs. The individual needs of children are concluded a centralaspect of the child perspective within the planning of Region Stockholm’s public transportation. With the goal of inclusive and accessible public transportation for everyone in the region, aconsideration of children becomes an important aspect. With the ambition to widen the considerationfor children in the public transportation planning, an understanding of the current work andchallenges are meaningful. To fulfil this ambition, this study found that increased opportunities withinthe region in the form of knowledge regarding children and value-creating methods for including thechild perspective and the children’s own perspective are important aspects to further develop in theregion’s planning of the public transportation. The children are presented as important for increasingpublic travelling in the region, both today and in the future. Planning public transportation with thechildren at the centre should therefore be highly valuable.

Delineation of Traffic Analysis Zone for Public Transportation OD Matrix Estimation Based on Socio-spatial Practices

Moghaddam, S. M. Hassan Mahdavi, Ameli, Mostafa, Rao, K. Ramachandra, Tiwari, Geetam 23 June 2023 (has links)
This paper aims to develop and validate an efficient method for delineation of public transit analysis zones (PTTAZ), particularly for origin-destination (OD) matrix prediction for transit operation planning. Existing methods have a problem in reflecting the level of spatial precision, travel characteristics, travel demand growth, access to transit stations, and most importantly, the direction of transit routes. This study proposes a new methodology to redelineate existing traffic analysis zones (TAZ) to create PTTAZ in order to allocate travel demand to transit stops. We aim to achieve an accurate prediction of the OD matrix for public transportation (PT). The matrix should reflect the passenger accessibility in the socioeconomic and socio-spatial characterization of PTTAZ and minimize intrazonal trips. The proposed methodology transforms TAZ-based to PTTAZ-based data with sequential steps through multiple statistical methods. In short, the generation of PTTAZ establishes homogeneous sub-zones representing the relationship between passenger flow, network structure, land use, population, socio-economic characteristics, and, most importantly, existing bus transit infrastructure. To validate the proposed scheme, we implement the framework for India’s Vishakhapatnam bus network and compare the results with the household survey. The results show that the PTTAZ-based OD matrix represents a realistic scenario for PT demand.

Gendered Modes of Travelling After Dark and Their Relationship to Momen’s Safety : An Ethnographic Study of Bus 4 in Stockholm to Facilitate the Transition Towards Autonomous Mobility

Moncaut, Emilie Diane January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Improving accessibility to the bus service : Building an accessibility measurement tool in QGIS

Lindén, Philip January 2021 (has links)
Satisfactory public transportation (PT) should enable people to reach attractive destinations and desired activities fast, comfortably, safely, and affordably. When PT fails to do so it will have negative effects on the overall accessibility in a society. Evaluating a PT system essentially means measuring to what extent the demand from the users is met, and for such an analysis understanding the concept of accessibility is paramount. Whether an individual will experience a high or a low level of accessibility will likely depend on their personal capabilities, as well as on the surrounding environment. Barriers obstructing an individual from using PT could for example be of physical of phycological nature or come in the shape of public space management disproportionally favoring certain groups of society. Low accessibility can thus be linked to social exclusion, since when a person cannot reach important destinations, their chances to participate in society will be subdued. To measure the accessibility of a PT system, and how a PT system affects the overall accessibility of a destination, it is common practice to use indicators that can represent different categories of social exclusion. This approach was the basis for constructing the performance measurement tool called Bus Stop Ranking Algorithm (BSRA) which was created in the QGIS application Graphical Modeler. BSRA calculates the usefulness of bus stops by counting the number of vulnerable groups, the number of workplaces, and the total population within comfortable walking distance from bus stops, as well as comparing travel times by car and bicycle from residential areas to important locations. The tool was ordered by a private PT company which will use it to make decisions regarding e.g., creating new bus stops, or for relocating, removing, or redesigning existing bus stops or bus routes. The Swedish municipality Lidingö was used as the study area to demonstrate how to use BSRA and how to interpret its output. Using equal weights for all indicators, it was discovered that 9 bus stops in the southern part of Lidingö could be regarded as particularly useful compared to the other 207 bus stops in the municipality. Variables such as the space-temporal component, i.e., changes during the day were not used. Socio economic factors such as segregation were also not highlighted, since all indicators had the same effect on the total scores. Adjusting the weights for some indicators could expose underlying dynamics affecting the total scores for the bus stops and help the PT company make design changes where they will be needed the most.

A Light Booster metro car for the commuting work force : Human Centric Lighting in underground transportation

Wawrzyniak, Anna January 2019 (has links)
People at northern latitudes lack an effective portion of daylight, especially in winter time, to entrain their circadian rhythm. If one belongs to the group of employees who have no time for daylight exposure and are not supplied by Human Centric Lighting (HCL) in their office, the only chance to get circadian light may be the daily commute. The mega trend of urbanisation increases time of commute, with on average 20-60 minutes spent daily in public transportation in European cities. By introducing HCL to public transport, especially metro vehicles, this time frame can be used to provide the commuting work force with circadian lighting. A LIGHT BOOSTER metro car is proposed to provide the right intensity, spectral distribution, directionality and timing of light to regulate the human inner clock and support health. The LIGHT BOOSTER metro car is very efficient as light is best used due to a high person per square meter ratio. This ratio is higher than in any office building. The energy consumption equals that of an conventional single household. Besides expected health benefits, the LIGHT BOOSTER metro car works as an educative tool, raising awareness for the beneficial effects of light on human health and well-being.

A Framework for Evaluation and Design of an Integrated Public Transport System

Häll, Carl Henrik January 2006 (has links)
Operators of public transport always try to make their service as attractive as possible, to as many persons as possible and in a so cost effective way as possible. One way to make the service more attractive, especially to elderly and disabled, is to offer door-to-door transportation. The cost for the local authorities to provide this service is very high and increases every year. To better serve the needs of the population and to reduce the cost for transportation of elderly and disabled, public transportation systems are evolving towards more flexible solutions. One such flexible solution is a demand responsive service integrated with a fixed route service, together giving a form of flexible public transport system. The demand responsive service can in such a system be used to carry passengers from their origin to a transfer location to the fixed route network, and/or from the fixed route network to their destination. This thesis concerns the development of a framework for evaluation and design of such an integrated public transport service. The framework includes a geographic information system, optimization tools and simulation tools. This framework describes how these tools can be used in combination to aid the operators in the planning process of an integrated service. The thesis also presents simulations made in order to find guidelines of how an integrated service should be designed. The guidelines are intended to help operators of public transport to implement integrated services and are found by evaluating the effects on availability, travel time, cost and other service indicators for variations in the design and structure of the service. In a planning system for an integrated public transport service, individual journeys must in some way be scheduled. For this reason the thesis also presents an exact optimization model of how journeys should be scheduled in this kind of service. / <p>Report code: LiU-TEK-LIC- 2006:38</p>

Elite Athletes’ Travel Behaviour to/from Sport Events : A Case Study of Biathlon

Lerho, Marie January 2024 (has links)
This thesis analyses how elite athletes travel to/from sport events and which barriers prevent them from engaging in a more sustainable travel behaviour. For this purpose, unstructured interviews with elite athletes were conducted to gain an in-depth understanding about travel experiences and decision-making from elite athletes’ perspective. The sport of biathlon, which combines cross-country skiing with rifle shooting, was used as a case study. The analysis revealed that biathletes engage in frequent and extensive travelling, and that their most-used modes of transportation are road and air transportation. Travel arrangements were found to be usually taken care of by national federations and not by biathletes themselves. Moreover, the analysis demonstrated that while biathletes generally seem to be concerned about the environment, their environmental concern does not seem to translate into pro-environmental travel behaviour, which can be explained by the fact that sustainable transportation represents a high-cost situation. Furthermore, some barriers were found to prevent elite athletes from travelling more sustainably. The barriers are related to individuality (other priorities – performance), responsibility (not athletes’ responsibility) and practicality (national regulations regarding rifle transport in public transportation (PT)). However, many barriers were found to lie on a continuum between individuality and practicality. The most important of these barriers include travel time, equipment, exposure to other people or inconvenient PT system. Based on the findings, it was recommended to optimize schedules, which was found to be to be overall highly appreciated by biathletes. Some other recommendations include, for example, reservation of train compartments and/or special buses for biathletes and teams, communal equipment transportation between competition venues, vehicle provision at venues, or clear and updated information about regulations regarding rifle transport. These and other recommendations are believed to help biathletes to overcome some of their barriers and, thereby, encourage a more sustainable travel behaviour. Thereby, it is hoped that the knowledge gained in this thesis can help sport organizations and athletes to reduce the emissions from travelling to/from sport events. / <p>2024-01-19</p>

Mobility Services and Accessibility to Public and Local Services in Swedish Rural Areas / Mobilitetstjänster och tillgänglighet till offentlig och lokal service på langdbygderna i Sverige

Rätväg, Eli January 2022 (has links)
This report aims to study the difficulties when approaching accessibility and mobility challenges in rural areas and explore how rural areas might have been approached with urban methods. Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) is a renowned concept when addressing accessibility and mobility development in both rural and urban areas. Car ownership and habitual car use are topics that are relevant in the research fields of sustainable transportation and urban development and has shaped the development of MaaS methods. One question is if rural MaaS methods can be developed to fit an unique rural context more specifically.  To add knowledge about this a theoretical thematic analysis was made, based on four semi-structured interviews about how the interviewees perceive their accessibility, and reflections about their current situation in their settlement regarding accessibility. The results show that the settlements have both differences and resemblances regarding accessibility by bicycling, walking, car travel, and feeling of belongingness to their local community. One unexpected discovery is that the sense of belongingness and identity is correlated with the perceived accessibility to public and local services.  Finally, a suggestion for how to adapt MaaS to a rural area by using the data collected from the interviewees is presented with an example. The suggested method could be a tool to identify objectives and services that can be applied for every rural area by using Local Accessibility Index in combination with a categorization of the studied municipality. / Den här rapporten kommer studera utmaningarna med tillgänglighet och mobilitet på landsbygderna samt undersöka om det har tillämpats metoder på landsbygderna som från början var framtagna för stadsmiljöer. Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) är en erkänd metod för att angripa utmaningar med tillgänglighet och mobilitet i både land och stad. Bilägande och vardaglig bilanvändning är ämnesområden som är relevanta kring forskning om hållbart resande och stadsutveckling – och vilket har präglat utformningen av MaaS. Frågan uppstår huruvida tillämpningen av MaaS på landsbygderna kan utvecklas för att på ett mer specifikt sätt kunna anpassas till ett unikt område.  För att fylla kunskapsluckan genomfördes en teoretisk tematisk analys av fyra semi-strukturerade intervjuer för att undersöka hur de tillfrågade upplevde sin tillgänglighet samt för att höra deras reflektioner kring deras situation med avseende på tillgängligheten i sitt område. Resultatet visar på att de fyra olika personerna delar både likheter och olikheter när det kommer till tillgänglighet med cykel, via gång, och känsla av samhällsinkludering. Ett oväntat resultat var hur ens känsla av tillhörighet till regionen och till det offentliga hörde ihop med tillgänglighet till offentlig och lokal service.  Slutligen, presenteras ett förslag till metod med ett exempel för hur MaaS kan anpassas till ett landsbygdsområde genom att använda data från intervjuer. Den föreslagna metoden kan bli ett verktyg för att identifiera målsättningar och tjänster oavsett vilken plats det är som undersöks. Till detta används ett lokalt tillgänglighetsindex samt en kommunindelning.

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