Spelling suggestions: "subject:"breading anda writing"" "subject:"breading ando writing""
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Neuro vadå? Ungen kan ju inte läsa! : Finns det skillnader i tankar kring och arbete med läs- och skrivsvårigheter när lärare utöver sin lärarutbildning även har kunskaper inom neurovetenskap? / Neuro What? The Kid Can’t Read! : Are there differences in ideas and work with reading and writing difficulties when a teacher in addition to their teacher training also has knowledge in neuroscience?Bergdahl, Sophie, Hultman, Helena January 2011 (has links)
Vår avsikt med denna uppsats var att undersöka huruvida det finns skillnader i tankar kring och arbete med läs- och skrivsvårigheter, om utbildade lärare även har kunskaper i neurovetenskap utifrån vidare utbildning. För att undersöka detta har vi valt att använda oss av ett frågeformulär bestående av kvalitativa intervjufrågor som metod för insamlig av data. Sex lärare deltar i undersökningen varav hälften av dessa även har en utbildning inom funktionsinriktad musikterapi, vilken har sin grund i neurovetenskap. Forskningsbakgrunden visar på vad forskare anser inom området neurovetenskap kopplat till pedagogik och läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Vi har även redogjort för den funktionsinriktade musikterapin som metod. Resultatet visar att det finns en skillnad mellan lärarna i definitionen av läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Lärare med neurovetenskapliga kunskaper ser till bakomliggande orsaker till barns läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Resultatet visar även på skillnader i hur lärare med olika bakgrund möter barns behov i arbetet med läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Lärare med kunskaper inom neurovetenskap ser barnets utveckling ur ett helhetsperspektiv, vilket ligger till grund för deras arbete med läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Det handlar om att skapa förutsättningar för barnets utveckling snarare än att träna själva svårigheten. För detta ser vi lärarkompetens som viktigaste resurs. Därför bör lärare redan under utbildningen få kunskaper i neurovetenskap och dess betydelse i arbetet med läs- och skrivsvårigheter.
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ICT as a pedagogical aid for supporting students with difficulties in their acquisition of English : An interview study and an action research studyBorg, Erika January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstract </strong></p><p>The aim of this study is to investigate some uses of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a pedagogical aid for supporting students with difficulties in reaching the curricular goals in the school subject English. Special focus is on students with reading and writing difficulties and on students with a foreign background in the ninth grade of the compulsory school and in upper secondary school. The method of investigation consisted of two parts: (a) interviews with eleven regular English teachers and with four remedial teachers about their experiences of using ICT as a pedagogical aid, and (b) an action study in which ICT-based activities were tested in a group of six students with difficulties in English. The results of the interviews showed that in the remedial classes ICT-based support was rather limited. The exceptions were students with severe reading and writing difficulties and other grave learning disabilities. These students were offered greater access to various technical aids and systematic support. For dyslexic students various ICT tools often proved to be an effective and indispensable support in their learning. In non-remedial English lessons, the use of ICT was somewhat greater. Here teachers used ICT as a pedagogical aid for the benefit of all students. The computer was considered to be a good support for project writing as it provided the students with a huge database, with online dictionaries and with a spell checker. The results of the action research showed that students were positive about communicating in English via ICT and they showed great interest in other activities facilitated by technology, such as training grammar, vocabulary, and reading. In conclusion, these surveys generated results similar to those of other studies, showing that although ICT can be an effective pedagogical aid in supporting students with difficulties learning English, it is not presently being used to its full potential.</p>
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De viktiga proven : Elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter berättar om sina erfarenheter av förberedelser, anpassningar och genomförande av nationella läsprov i svenska i årskurs 6 / The important tests : Students in reading and writing difficulties share their experiences of preparations, adjustments and conducting of national reading tests in grade 6Hofvander, Marie January 2015 (has links)
Hur policyförändringar, som fler nationella prov och tidigare betyg, kan komma till uttryck i verksamheten utforskas i denna studie. Syftet är att undersöka hur några elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter/dyslexi beskriver sina erfarenheter av att göra nationella läsprov i svenska i årskurs 6. Det empiriska materialet har inhämtats genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer med fyra elever i årskurs 6, som nyligen har genomfört proven. Resultatet, som har analyserats ur ett policy enactment perspektiv, visar att eleverna beskriver proven som mycket viktiga, då de tror att proven har en stor betydelse för deras betyg i svenska. Eleverna har förberetts inför proven i skolan genom undervisning i läsförståelsestrategier, genom att öva på gamla prov och genom att titta på bedömningsexempel. De har också förberett sig själva inför provsituationen på olika sätt. Eleverna har olika erfarenheter av anpassningar vid proven och de som har haft anpassningar ställer sig positiva till det. Eleverna upplevde stress och nervositet i varierande grad, främst innan proven. Skilda specialpedagogiska perspektiv framträder i hur skolor hanterar frågor om förberedelser och anpassningar av de nationella proven. Hur lärare och elever tolkar policy får betydelse för eleverna i samband proven. / How changes in policy, as more national tests and earlier grades, can be expressed in school settings are explored in this study. The aim is to examine how some students in reading and writing difficulties/dyslexia describe their experiences of doing national reading tests in Swedish in Grade 6. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured interviews with four students in Grade 6, who recently have conducted the tests. The results have been analyzed from a policy enactment perspective and show that students describe the tests as very important, since they believe that the tests have a significant impact on their grades in Swedish. Students have been prepared for the tests in school by teaching of reading comprehension strategies, by practicing on old tests and by looking at assessment examples. Students have also prepared themselves for the test situation in different ways. They have different experiences regarding adjustments during the tests and the students who have had adjustments express positive feelings about them. The students experienced stress and anxiety in varying degrees, mostly before the tests. Separate perspectives of special education emerge in how schools deal with issues as preparation and adjustments of the national tests. How teachers and students interpret policy seems to be an important factor in students’ situations associated to the tests.
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Math lessons for the thinking classroomsVăcăreţu, Ariana-Stanca 11 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Teaching mathematics means teaching learners to think – wrote Polya in How to Solve It? 1957. This paper intends to offer mathematics teachers suggestions for incorporating reading, writing, and speaking practices in the teaching of mathematics. Through explicit examples and explanations we intend to share ways of engaging students in
deep learning of mathematics, especially using and producing written and oral texts. More specifically, we plan to broaden and deepen teachers’ understanding of strategies for guiding students’ thinking so that they grasp mathematical concepts and processes, and also bridge the divide between mathematical processes, and written and oral communication. This paper presents a core math lessons which provides numerous opportunities for the students to get actively engaged in the lesson and think about the new concepts, algorithms
and ways of solving problems/ exercises. The lesson was designed for the 7th graders (13 year-olds). It was chosen to illustrate teaching
by using reading and writing for understanding math processes. The teacher’s reflections after the lesson and some samples of the students’ work and feedback are included in the paper. The material in this paper is based on the author’s own extensive teaching experience; and her work in the Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking project in Romania.
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Bra stöd vid läs- och skrivsvårigheter? : En jämförelse av elevers och lärares uppfattningar av effektivt stöd.Eriksson, Rosita January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine some secondary school pupils´ and teachers´ opinions about good support when having reading and writing difficulties and if there is a difference between their point of view in this issue. The study is based upon semi-structured interviews with both pupils and teachers. The result shows both similarities and differences in what they consider as good support. To read texts aloud to pupils is something that the teachers in the study use as a way of support and it is much appreciated by the pupils too. The possibility to get the teacher´s notes is another thing that both pupils and teachers think are useful and further on to have an opportunity to do oral tests. Sometimes it can even be a crucial reason for the pupil to get higher scores. This does not happen as a daily routine, but the pupils have to ask for both oral tests and teachers´ notes. Several of the informants among the pupils say they would prefer one-to-one tuition or to be taught in small groups. None of the teachers mention this as a good way of supporting pupils with special needs. Instead they want to spend more time with each pupil and also they would like the opportunity of an extra teacher in the classroom. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka några högstadieelevers och lärares uppfattningar om bra stöd vid läs- och skrivsvårigheter samt se om det finns en skillnad i deras uppfattning kring denna fråga. Studien är baserad på semi-strukturerade intervjuer med både elever och lärare. Resultatet visar på både likheter och skillnader i deras uppfattningar om bra stöd. Att få text uppläst av en lärare uppskattas mycket av eleverna och är också något som lärarna i studien använder sig av. Likaså ses anteckningar och muntliga prov gemensamt som underlättande och ibland högst avgörande på hur pass väl man som elev kan lyckas. Detta sker inte alltid på rutin, utan eleverna får själva be om den hjälpen. Flera informanter bland eleverna önskar en-till-en undervisning eller undervisning i liten grupp. Ingen av lärarna nämner detta som ett önskemål på hur de vill att stöd ska ges. Istället önskar de sig mera tid med varje elev och en extra lärare på sina lektioner.
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Drama v didaktice literární výchovy na 2. stupni ZŠ / Drama in the Didactics of Literary Education at the Upper Primary SchoolRAICHLOVÁ, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
The presented dissertation deals with education of drama in literary lessons on the second grade of primary schools. The theoretic part is dedicated to the definition of literary and dramatic education, what their goals in education are in general and how to achieve these goals. Secondly, it describes drama, its elements and history. The second part is practical. We focus on reading-books and how the discussed topic is reflected in them. We present the "By Reading and Writing to Critical Thinking" programme methods which we then use in concrete preparations for lessons. We afterwards evaluate these lessons based on the extent to which the lessons were successful within the education itself.
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Letramentos acadêmicos : projetos de trabalho na universidadeJuchum, Maristela January 2016 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta uma pesquisa de doutorado desenvolvida com o objetivo de compreender como uma prática pedagógica que toma os projetos de trabalho como fio condutor do planejamento para o ensino e a aprendizagem de leitura e escrita na universidade atende aos princípios do modelo dos letramentos acadêmicos. A reprodução do discurso do déficit do letramento de alunos ingressos nessa esfera social é a problemática que desencadeia a realização desta pesquisa. O estudo é resultado de uma pesquisa-ação, realizada no Centro Universitário UNIVATES, localizado na cidade de Lajeado – RS, durante o ano de 2013. O foco de investigação baseou-se no estudo das práticas de letramento e das aprendizagens de 42 alunos matriculados na disciplina de Leitura e Produção de Texto I, oriundos de 15 cursos diferentes, organizados em 11 grupos de trabalho. Investiguei as ações dos participantes dos projetos de trabalho, do ponto de vista das relações que estabeleciam com os materiais escritos e referenciados pela escrita no desenvolvimento do projeto. Para geração de dados lancei mão de métodos inspirados na área da etnografia, obtendo o seguinte conjunto: diários de campo, notas de campo, entrevistas semiestruturadas, fotografias, documentos referentes à disciplina e produções orais e escritas dos participantes dos projetos de trabalho. Parti, portanto, do estudo de letramento como prática social e de estudos que se debruçam sobre o conceito de projetos de trabalho para compreender se essa prática pedagógica atende aos princípios do modelo dos letramentos acadêmicos. Além disso, considerei os estudos dos letramentos acadêmicos, a fim de compreender como os estudantes se engajam nas práticas de leitura e escrita no contexto acadêmico. Ao final desta pesquisa, considero que: a) os textos lidos e escritos pelos participantes se tornaram relevantes; b) nos projetos de trabalho, o percurso não é fixo, mas serve de fio condutor para o planejamento e o (re)planejamento das ações; c) o trabalho em grupo reconfigura os papéis dos participantes e do professor; d) os participantes dos projetos adquirem vocabulário para falar de textos; e) os princípios definidos para o desenho da disciplina de Leitura e Produção de Texto I com base no modelo dos letramentos acadêmicos negam o discurso do déficit; f) os projetos possibilitam tratar os alunos como colaboradores no desenvolvimento dos letramentos acadêmicos. Desse modo, é possível afirmar que os estudantes se engajaram nas práticas de letramento acadêmico valendo-se especialmente do diálogo, do fazer juntos, do negociar as decisões, impondo novos modos de fazer e de dizer na universidade. / This thesis presents a doctoral research aiming to understand how a pedagogical practice that considers working projects as a planning guideline for reading and writing teaching and learning at the University meets academic literacy model principles. The reproduction of students literacy deficit in this social field is the trouble that triggers the development of the research. The study results from an action-research carried out at UNIVATES - University Center in Lajeado/RS in 2013. Research was based on literacy practice and learning of 42 students from 15 different programs that were enrolled in the Text Reading and Production I Course organized in 11 work groups. Work project participants actions were investigated regarding associations established with written materials and referenced by writing in the project development. Ethnography methods were used for data collection ensuing in field journals, field notes, semi-structured interviews, photographs, papers concerning the course, and work project participants oral and written production. Literacy as a social practice and studies focusing on the concept of working projects were taking into consideration in order to understand if such pedagogical practice meets the academic literacy model principles. In addition academic literacy studies were taken into account in order to understand how students engage in academic context reading and writing practice. At the end of the research it is believed that a) written and read texts by participants were relevant; b) route is not fixed in work projects, but it works as a guideline for planning and (re) planning actions; c) group work reconfigures the roles of participants and professor; d) participants acquire vocabulary for text discussion; e) principles for planning Text Reading and Production Course refuse deficit; and f) projects regard students as collaborators in academic literacy development. Therefore it is possible to conclude that students got involved in academic literacy practices mainly through dialoguing, working together, discussing decisions, and introducing new ways of working and stating in the university. / Esta tesis presenta una investigación de doctorado desarrollada con el objetivo de comprender cómo una práctica pedagógica que tiene los proyectos de trabajo como hilo conductor del planeamiento para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de lectura y escritura en la universidad atiende a los principios del modelo de los letramientos académicos. La reproducción del discurso del déficit del letramiento de alumnos que llegan a la universidad es la problemática que desencadena la realización de este estudio. El trabajo es resultado de una investigación-acción llevada a cabo en el Centro Universitário UNIVATES, ubicado en la ciudad de Lajeado – RS, durante el año 2013. El foco de la investigación fue el estudio de las prácticas de letramiento y de los aprendizajes de 42 alumnos matriculados en la asignatura de Leitura e Produção de Texto I, provenientes de 15 diferentes cursos, organizados en 11 grupos de trabajo. Investigué las acciones de los participantes de los proyectos de trabajo desde el punto de vista de las relaciones que establecían con los materiales escritos y referenciados por la escritura en el desarrollo del proyecto. Para generar los datos, eché mano de métodos inspirados en el área de la etnografía, obteniendo el siguiente conjunto: diarios de campo, notas de campo, entrevistas semiestructuradas, fotografías, documentos referentes a la asignatura y producciones orales y escritas de los participantes de los proyectos de trabajo. Partí, por lo tanto, del estudio de letramiento como práctica social y de estudios que discuten el concepto de proyectos de trabajo para comprender si esa práctica pedagógica atiende a los principios del modelo de los letramientos académicos. Además de eso, consideré los Estudios de los letramientos académicos, a fin de comprender cómo los estudiantes se involucran en las prácticas de lectura y escritura en el contexto académico. Al final de esta investigación, considero que: a) los textos leídos y escritos por los participantes se hicieron relevantes. b) en los proyectos de trabajo, el recorrido no es fijo, sino sirve de hilo conductor para el planeamiento y el (re) planeamiento de las acciones. c) el trabajo en grupo reconfigura los papeles de los participantes y del profesor. d) los participantes de los proyectos adquieren vocabulario para hablar de textos. e) los principios definidos para el diseño de la asignatura de Leitura e Produção de Texto I niegan el discurso del déficit. f) los proyectos hacen posible tratar a los alumnos como colaboradores en el desarrollo del letramiento académico. Por lo tanto, se puede afirmar que los estudiantes se involucraron en las prácticas de letramiento valiéndose sobre todo del diálogo, del hacer juntos, del negociar las decisiones, imponiendo nuevos modos de hacer y de decir en la universidad.
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O leitor contemporâneo e a obra de Machado de Assis: uma análise discursiva da crítica amadora em blogs / The contemporary reader and the work of Machado de Assis: a discourse analysis of amateur critique in blogsAndretta, Pedro Ivo Silveira 27 May 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-05-27 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / In this study, we attempt to analyze the readings of a contemporary, peculiar community of Brazilian readers consisting of those who are at the same time new readers and new critics of Machado de Assis. To this end, our analysis investigated reviews posted by readers on their personal and/or public blogs, about works they read. We turn to French Discourse Analysis starting from its concern about the description and analysis of the forms of text production and interpretation, in particular, from its attention to constraints that act on each and every statement, as discussed in the oeuvre of Michel Foucault and Michel Pecheux. Additionally, we resort to Cultural History and to the notions of representation and appropriation, as presented by Roger Chartier in his works of historical viewpoint on the reader and reading. Such theories guided the analysis of a corpus consisting of blog posts dedicated to the review of classic works of Machado de Assis, namely "The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas", Dom Casmurro" and "Counselor Aires's Memoirs . Such reviews were produced and published between the years 2000 and 2010 by readers native to the digital age who, although occupying the position of apprentices with regard to commenting / criticizing literary works, assume the role of amateur critics" and post their comments based on their reading of those works. The analysis of this corpus seeks to raise some common traces of this reading community s profile that shares, among other characteristics, its relative familiarity with the world of production and circulation of texts on the Internet. More specifically, we seek those traits by analyzing the manner these readers formulate and lay down in their comments their reading of such works which, originally, where not aimed at them. The hypothesis that guided our investigation was that based on the Discourse Analysis assumption that every statement is regulated by a discursive order that operates at the moment of its production and interpretation, controlling it, limiting it it is prevented that anyone makes a statement, or interprets one, on his or her own terms. As it is proper, therefore, of the discursive functioning, those readers comments are generally governed by two orders of statement two sources of coercion that to some extent impose what and how to enunciate from this position of commentator of classic works of Brazilian literature. The first one concerns the regulation of these comments by the universe of authorized and prestigious criticism. The second relates to the constraints arising from the operation of the genres of digital origin, as the blog, and from the computer support itself. Those define specific ways to make a statement, given the new possibilities of production / circulation of texts (syncretic, brief, available / transmitted quickly and massively) and the audience to whom they are addressed. Thus, throughout this thesis we seek to note probable continuities and / or discontinuities in the discursive representations of the professional reader / critic and the amateur reader / critic of Brazilian canonical works of literature, with an emphasis on the characterization of the latter from the discourse analysis of what and how such works are commented. This analysis allowed us to confirm our hypothesis about these amateur readers / critics: producing a critical review appropriate to the medium and the genre of digital origin, those are presented in fairly autonomous, personal and even irreverent, desecrating ways about classics of literature. These do not match, thus, the style of official criticism. But, interestingly enough, such reader / critic says what he/she says, and in the way he/she says it, guided and limited by parameters of the latter order, as we will demonstrate. / Nesta pesquisa, procuramos apreender o modo como lê uma comunidade de leitores brasileiros contemporâneos, bem peculiar, composta daqueles que atuam, ao mesmo tempo, como novos leitores e novos críticos da obra de Machado de Assis. Para esse fim, nossa análise recaiu sobre comentários, que são postados por esses leitores em blogs pessoais ou em blogs públicos, sobre suas leituras. Para tanto, recorremos à Análise de Discurso de orientação francesa, partindo de sua preocupação quanto à descrição e análise das formas de produção e de interpretação de um texto, em especial, de sua atenção às coerções que atuam sobre todo e qualquer enunciado, discutidas em trabalhos de Michel Foucault e de Michel Pêcheux. Recorremos ainda à História Cultural, e às noções de representação e de apropriação, conforme apresentadas por Roger Chartier em seus trabalhos, de viés histórico, sobre o leitor e a leitura. Essas teorias nortearam a análise de um corpus constituído por posts de blogs dedicados ao comentário de obras clássicas de Machado de Assis, a saber, Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas , Dom Casmurro e Memorial de Aires , produzidos e publicados entre os anos 2000 e 2010, por leitores nativos da era digital os quais, embora ocupem a posição de leigos, no que diz respeito à prática profissional de exercício do comentário/da crítica de obras literárias, assumem o papel de críticos amadores e postam seus comentários com base na leitura que realizaram dessas obras. A partir da análise desse corpus, buscamos levantar alguns traços do perfil dessa comunidade leitora que compartilha, entre outras características, uma relativa familiaridade com o universo de produção e circulação de textos pela internet. Mais especificamente, buscamos esses traços a partir da análise da maneira como esses leitores formulam e enunciam, em seus comentários, a leitura que fizeram destes textos que originalmente não lhes foram destinados. A hipótese que norteou nossa pesquisa foi a de que, partindo do pressuposto da AD de que todo dizer é regulado por uma ordem discursiva que atua quando de sua produção e quando de sua interpretação, controlando-as, limitando-as, evitando assim que qualquer um enuncie e leia o que se enunciou de qualquer jeito. Como é próprio, portanto, do funcionamento discursivo, os comentários desses leitores são regidos, de modo geral, por duas ordens do dizer, por duas fontes de coerção que impõem, até certo ponto, o que enunciar e como enunciar desse lugar de comentador de obras clássicas da literatura brasileira. A primeira diz respeito à regulação desses comentários pela ordem do universo da crítica autorizada e de prestígio. A segunda diz respeito às coerções oriundas do funcionamento dos gêneros de origem digital, como o blog, e do próprio suporte, o computador, que definem modos de dizer específicos, dadas as novas possibilidades de produção/circulação dos textos (sincréticos, breves, disponibilizados/transmitidos rápida e massivamente) e do público para o qual se dirigem. Assim, buscamos, ao longo desta dissertação, assinalar prováveis continuidades e/ou descontinuidades nas representações discursivas do leitor/crítico profissional e do leitor/crítico amador de obras da literatura canônica brasileira, com ênfase na caracterização desse último a partir da análise discursiva do o quê e do como ele comenta as obras lidas. Essa análise nos permitiu confirmar nossa hipótese, segundo a qual esses leitores/críticos amadores - apesar de aparentemente produzirem um comentário crítico que, adequado ao meio e ao gênero de origem digital, se apresenta de forma bastante autônoma, pessoal e até mesmo irreverente e dessacralizante acerca de clássicos da literatura, destoando, assim, do estilo da crítica oficial - dizem o que dizem, da forma como dizem, orientados e limitados pelos parâmetros do dizer dessa última ordem, como demonstraremos.
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Um estudo sobre a proposta para formação continuada de professores de leitura e escrita no Programa Pró-Letramento: 2005-2009Martins, Leoneide Maria Brito [UNESP] 07 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2010-12-07Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:45:07Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
martins_lmb_dr_mar.pdf: 1801038 bytes, checksum: a0c301263d1ad69d6d6d9a0cffa02fef (MD5) / Esta pesquisa de doutorado está vinculada às linhas “Formação de professores” e “Alfabetização”, do Grupo de Pesquisa e dos Projetos Integrados de Pesquisa em “História do Ensino de Língua e Literatura no Brasil” e “Bibliografia Brasileira sobre História do Ensino de Língua e Literatura no Brasil”, coordenados pela Profª. Drª. Maria do Rosário Longo Mortatti. Aborda a formação continuada de professores para o ensino da leitura e escrita no “Programa de Formação Continuada de Professores dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental – Pró-Letramento”, coordenado pelo Ministério da Educação (MEC) e Secretaria de Educação Básica (SEB), em desenvolvimento desde o ano de 2006 em escolas das redes públicas, municipal e estadual de ensino, em várias regiões do país. Apresenta-se como objetivo geral contribuir para a compreensão de um importante momento da história do ensino de língua e literatura no Brasil que contribua também para a compreensão dos problemas educacionais da atualidade e para possíveis avanços em relação ao tema proposto. E como objetivos específicos: compreender um importante momento da história do ensino de leitura e escrita e da formação de professores no Brasil; compreender a proposta de formação continuada de professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental contida no programa Pró-Letramento, bem como seus fundamentos teóricos; identificar e analisar os princípios norteadores e conteúdos que orientam a proposta de formação continuada de professores para o ensino da leitura e escrita do programa Pró-Letramento; e, contribuir para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas correlatas. Mediante abordagem histórica, centrada em pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, desenvolvida por meio da utilização dos procedimentos de localização, recuperação, reunião, seleção, ordenação de fontes documentais e de bibliografia... / This doctoral research is tied to the lines Teacher and Literacy, Research Group of the Integrated Projects and Research History of Teaching Language and Literature in Brazil and Bibliography on Brazilian History of Teaching Language and Literature in Brazil , coordinated by Prof. Dr. Maria do Rosário Longo Mortatti. Discusses the continuing education of teachers for teaching reading and writing in a Programme of Continuing Education of Teachers in the first years of primary school - Pro-Literacy, coordinated by the Ministry of Education (MEC) and Office of Basic Education (SEB) under development since 2006 in schools of public networks, municipal and state schools in various regions of the country. It is presented as general objective to contribute to the understanding of an important moment in the history of literature and language teaching in Brazil, which also contributes to the understanding of today's educational problems and possible improvements in relation to the proposed theme. The specific objectives are: to understand an important moment in the history of teaching reading and writing and teacher training in Brazil; understand the proposed continuing education of teachers in the early years of primary education in the program Pro-Literacy, as well as its fundamentals theorists, identify and analyze the content and guiding principles underlying the proposal for continuing education of teachers for teaching reading and writing Pro-Literacy; and contribute to the development of related research. Through a historical approach, focusing on documentary research and literature, developed by Through the use of placement procedures, recovery, collection, selection, sort of documentary sources and professional literature on the subject of research, we proceeded to analyze the textual configuration of the seven issues that compose the set of teaching materials... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Conception d'un dispositif d'aide à la rédaction en FLE par incitations et socialisation / Designing a Set of Writing Aids for French as a Foreign Language using Prompting and SocialisationPhoungsub, Montiya 25 November 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche, qui relève du domaine de l'apprentissage des langues assisté par ordinateur, se penche sur diverses aides logicielles pouvant faciliter l'activité scripturale en Français Langue Étrangère. Le cadre théorique s'inspire de la linguistique textuelle (Adam, notamment), des travaux portant sur les processus rédactionnels des apprentis-scripteurs, particulièrement en L2 et de l'approche par tâches dans la didactique des langues. Le terrain est constitué d'étudiants thaïlandais de la Section de Français à l'Université de Chiang Maï en Thaïlande, dont le niveau en français se situe entre B1 et B2. Le dispositif d'écriture a été organisé à partir d'une plateforme d'apprentissage en ligne Moodle permettant, d'une part, la présentation de contenus et, d'autre part, la pratique du feedback entre pairs via le forum de la plateforme. Nous avons également expérimenté, dans notre recherche, une aide logicielle à la rédaction, ScribPlus. Cette application, version Internet de logiciels hors-ligne des années 1990 (Scrivere con Word Prof, Gammes d'écriture), vise à développer des compétences de production textuelle chez les apprentis scripteurs par une série d'incitations débouchant sur la génération d'une ébauche de texte. L'ensemble du dispositif (Moodle, ScribPlus, consignes, textes supports) a fait l'objet d'une première mise œuvre et d'un recueil de données; celles-ci ont été analysées dans le but d'améliorer le dispositif. Il a ainsi été possible de faire une seconde expérience en modifiant certains paramètres, notamment les incitations de ScribPlus et le lien lecture-écriture. Les analyses, de nature essentiellement qualitative, se sont fondées sur le système d'incitations de ScribPlus, sur des entretiens semi-directifs avec les étudiants, sur les productions écrites et les feedbacks laissés sur le forum de ces derniers. Leur but était de dégager les apports et les limites du dispositif d'écriture afin de proposer un certain nombre d'améliorations. Cette recherche relève donc de la recherche-action, voire de la recherche développement. / This study falls within the field of computer-assisted language learning and examines various software aids that can facilitate writing activities in French as a Foreign Language. The theoretical framework draws on both textual linguistics (in particular, Adam) and work focusing on learners' writing processes, particularly among second-year undergraduates, as well as on the task-based approach in language learning theory. The research field is composed of Thai students in the French Section at Chiang Mai University in Thailand, with a B1 to B2 level in French. The set of writing aids was organised using the online learning platform Moodle, allowing, on the one hand, the presentation of content and, on the other, peer feedback via the platform's forum. Within this study, the writing aid software Scribplus was also tested. This application, which is an Internet version of 1990s off-line software programs (Scrivere con Word Prof, Gammes d'écriture), aims to develop learners' competence in textual production by using a series of prompts that lead to the generation of a draft text. During an initial phase, the whole set of aids (Moodle, Scribplus, instructions, textual materials) was implemented and data was collected; these data were then analyzed with a view to improving the system. A second experiment was then possible, in which certain parameters were changed, in particular Scribplus's prompts and the reading-writing link. These analyses were mainly qualitative and based on Scribplus's prompting system and on semi-structured interviews with the students, as well as on their written productions and the feedback that they left on the forum. The aim was to identify the benefits and limitations of the set of writing aids in order to suggest a certain number of improvements. This research can therefore be qualified as action research, or even as development research.
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