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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manifestações sintomáticas na escrita e a clínica de linguagem

Fongaro, Anna Eliza Mattos 25 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:24:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Anna Eliza Mattos Fongaro.pdf: 852604 bytes, checksum: b8a241723e44bd5f56845659f9d61d72 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Based on written work of children undergoing phonological therapy, the discussion about the symptom aims to stand away from the language conception as object of knowledge. Such a distance is justified by considering that the language is not consisted of positive units which could be apprehended by the individual through his or her perception and cognition (ANDRADE, 2003) Functioning of language (SAUSSURE. 1916), former to individual and element of the triadic relation: individual language-the other, is responsible for the capture of the individual, placing him in the function of the language and promoting its division into the writing and reading instance. Implying this individual of Psychoanalysis demands to approach the subjectification issue also under the sexualization view (DE LEMOS, 1998, 1999, 2002). In the accomplished analysis, the materialness of writing is highlighted; segmentation and trace are fundamental elements. The hypo segmentations in the analyzed writing pieces are understood as speech elements that are present at writing (ABAURRE, 2002), they are the outcome of blending orality and writing under Language control (BORGES, 2006) a well as the forgotten possibilities of such function (CARVALHO,1995). In regard to the trace of the letters, it is underlined the homographic mistakes which brings the child s name latent under the manifest chains of writing (BOSCO, 1995). These mistakes are the outcome of the Language and demonstrate the child s alienation. The reflection about the symptom implied in considering the particular way of interweavement of an individual with/by the Language. The individual s unawareness of the reason for the occurrences of his writing and the impossibility of change point out the implication of the hypothesis of unconscious introduced by Freud (LIER DEVITTO, 2006). The operations of repression focus on the (visual and sound) image of the letters, indicated by Pommier (1996) allowed thinking about the symptom as an interweavement point of the subjectification with the language and by the language throughout the Oedipus complex passage / Este trabalho aborda a escrita de crianças encaminhadas para terapia fonoaudiológica. O objetivo desta dissertação é discutir a natureza do sintoma, a partir de uma perspectiva teórica que toma distância da concepção de que a linguagem é objeto de conhecimento sobre o qual a criança atua. Para operar tal deslocamento foi encaminhada uma reflexão que considera a ordem própria da língua (SAUSSURE, 1916), e entende que a linguagem é anterior ao sujeito e responsável por sua captura e, conseqüentemente, por sua entrada no universo simbólico. A concepção de sujeito compatível com tal perspectiva é a de sujeito dividido entre a instância que escreve e a que lê. Implicar este sujeito da Psicanálise exige abordar a questão da subjetivação também do ponto de vista da sexuação (DE LEMOS, 1998,1999,2002). Na análise empreendida foram eleitos aspectos relativos à materialidade da escrita, a saber: segmentação e traçado. As hipossegmentações na escrita analisada são entendidas como elementos da fala que comparecem na escrita (ABAURRE, 2002), são efeitos do cruzamento oralidade e escrita sob o comando da Língua (BORGES, 2006) e possibilidades esquecidas deste funcionamento (CARVALHO,1995). Em relação ao traçado das letras, destacam-se os equívocos homográficos que trazem o nome da criança latente sob as cadeias manifestas da escrita (BOSCO, 1995). Estes equívocos são produtos da Língua e mostram a alienação da criança. A reflexão sobre o sintoma implicou considerar o modo particular de enlaçamento de um sujeito na/pela linguagem. O desconhecimento do sujeito sobre o porquê dos acontecimentos da sua escrita e a impossibilidade de mudança apontam para a implicação da hipótese do inconsciente introduzida por Freud (LIER DEVITTO, 2006). As operação de recalcamento que incidem sobre a imagem (visual e sonora) das letras, indicadas por Pommier (1996), permitiram pensar no sintoma como ponto de entrelaçamento do processo de subjetivação na linguagem e pela linguagem na passagem pelo complexo edipiano

Saberes matem?ticos: continuidade ou descontinuidade entre Educa??o Infantil e Ensino Fundamental / Mathematical knowledge: continuity or discontinuity between kindergarten and elementary school

Fonseca, Ana Cristina 04 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Cristina Fonseca.pdf: 1411916 bytes, checksum: 430c126b2ad1fac0272c3fa9e10e205c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-04 / This study aims to analyze and understand the pedagogical practices of early childhood education related to the development of mathematical concepts to children five years of a municipal public school Campinas and reflections and approximations of these practices in the 1st year of elementary school . We present first a theoretical approach on child development , conceptions of childhood and play. Also our studies on mathematics in early childhood and the difficulties encountered in working on mathematical literacy and inclusion of meaningful activities that allow the construction of the concept of number by children . This study attempts to print meaning to the knowledge needed for school children , in the relations of learning mathematical concepts and implications for the continuity of the same in the early years of elementary school. Participated as research subjects a teacher Cluster III Childhood Education and her students , a teacher of 1st year of elementary school and curriculum coordinator of the Municipal Education Campinas . Observed episodes of the work of a group of cluster III School of Early Childhood Education . The research problem thus announces : How knowledge / knowledge related to mathematics are developed in early childhood education rooms and how they are perceived by elementary school teachers ? The methodology was qualitative , which were used as methodological resources : 1 ) interviews about the participants' understanding of the work with mathematics in kindergarten , about the contributions of this work for the students of 1st year of elementary school and prospects that such work offers classes for 1st year . ; 2 ) observations of episodes of work with mathematics classroom grouping III . The analysis is given from three categories : Working with mathematics in kindergarten - conceptualization and planning ; Playing in Early Childhood Education - contributions to literacy ; Initial and continuing the teachers of kindergarten and the early years of elementary school - the challenges of mathematics . As a result of this investigation it is possible to say that the actions developed in early childhood education , specifically those related to mathematics , are still poorly considered in the work of the early years of elementary school and that there is still a lot to make efforts with regard to training teachers of kindergarten and the early years of elementary school in order to better prepare them to work with mathematics in these stages of basic education. / Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar e compreender as pr?ticas pedag?gicas da educa??o infantil relacionadas ao desenvolvimento de conceitos matem?ticos com crian?as de cinco anos de uma escola publica municipal de Campinas e os reflexos e aproxima??es dessas pr?ticas no 1? ano do Ensino Fundamental. Apresentamos inicialmente uma revis?o te?rica da abordagem sobre o desenvolvimento infantil, as concep??es de inf?ncia e do brincar. Tamb?m nossos estudos sobre ? matem?tica na inf?ncia e as dificuldades encontradas no trabalho relacionado ao letramento matem?tico e ? inser??o de atividades significativas que possibilitem a constru??o do conceito de n?mero pelas crian?as. Este trabalho buscou imprimir significado aos saberes necess?rios para a escolariza??o infantil, nas rela??es de aprendizagem de conceitos matem?ticos e as implica??es para a continuidade do mesmo nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Participaram como sujeitos da pesquisa uma professora de Agrupamento III da Educa??o Infantil e seus alunos, uma professora de 1? ano do Ensino Fundamental e o coordenador de Curr?culo da Secretaria Municipal de Educa??o de Campinas. Observamos epis?dios dos trabalhos de uma turma de agrupamento III da escola de Educa??o Infantil. O problema de pesquisa assim se anuncia: Como os conhecimentos/saberes relacionados ? matem?tica s?o desenvolvidos em salas de Educa??o Infantil e de que maneira s?o considerados pelos professores do Ensino Fundamental? A metodologia utilizada foi de car?ter qualitativo, onde foram utilizados, como recursos metodol?gicos: 1) entrevistas a respeito da compreens?o dos participantes sobre o trabalho com a matem?tica na Educa??o Infantil; sobre as contribui??es desse trabalho para os alunos do 1? ano do Ensino Fundamental e as perspectivas que tal trabalho oferece para as turmas de 1? ano.; 2) observa??es de epis?dios de trabalho com a matem?tica em sala de agrupamento III. As an?lises se deram a partir de tr?s categorias: O trabalho com matem?tica na Educa??o Infantil concep??es e planejamento; O brincar na Educa??o Infantil contribui??es para a alfabetiza??o; Forma??o inicial e continuada das professoras da Educa??o Infantil e anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental- os desafios da matem?tica. Como resultados desta investiga??o ? poss?vel dizer que as a??es desenvolvidas na Educa??o Infantil, de maneira espec?fica aquelas relacionadas ? matem?tica, ainda s?o pouco consideradas no trabalho dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental e que h? ainda muito o que empreender esfor?os no que se refere ? forma??o de professores da Educa??o Infantil e dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental no sentido de melhor prepara-los para atuar com a matem?tica nestas etapas da educa??o b?sica.

Ranní zpráva jako nástroj rozvoje čtenářské gramotnosti / Morning letter as a tool for promoting reading and literacy

Jelínková, Eliška January 2018 (has links)
This Master's Thesis deals with the Morning Letter from the program Step by Step as a possible tool for developing reading literacy. The theoretical part deals with the definition of reading literacy, the individual components and its anchoring in the Framework Education Program for Elementary Education. Thesis compares the key competences set out in the Framework Education Program for Elementary Education with reading literacy and explains their relationship and the importance of their equal development. It also describes one of the key program in this area, the program Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking, and its methods of developing reading literacy. It also deals with program Step by Step and the development of reading literacy as its component. Thesis focuses mainly on the Morning Letter as a possible reading strategy. The practical part is based on observations and interviews with teachers from the program Step by Step and their experience with Morning Letters and which forms of them are confirmed to be useful and how is perceived its overlap in reading literacy. It also includes a set of Morning Letters applied in mainstream class and their analysis and reflection in terms of reading literacy. Based on this analysis thesis it also contains a few designs of Morning Letters emerging...

Letramentos acadêmicos : projetos de trabalho na universidade

Juchum, Maristela January 2016 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta uma pesquisa de doutorado desenvolvida com o objetivo de compreender como uma prática pedagógica que toma os projetos de trabalho como fio condutor do planejamento para o ensino e a aprendizagem de leitura e escrita na universidade atende aos princípios do modelo dos letramentos acadêmicos. A reprodução do discurso do déficit do letramento de alunos ingressos nessa esfera social é a problemática que desencadeia a realização desta pesquisa. O estudo é resultado de uma pesquisa-ação, realizada no Centro Universitário UNIVATES, localizado na cidade de Lajeado – RS, durante o ano de 2013. O foco de investigação baseou-se no estudo das práticas de letramento e das aprendizagens de 42 alunos matriculados na disciplina de Leitura e Produção de Texto I, oriundos de 15 cursos diferentes, organizados em 11 grupos de trabalho. Investiguei as ações dos participantes dos projetos de trabalho, do ponto de vista das relações que estabeleciam com os materiais escritos e referenciados pela escrita no desenvolvimento do projeto. Para geração de dados lancei mão de métodos inspirados na área da etnografia, obtendo o seguinte conjunto: diários de campo, notas de campo, entrevistas semiestruturadas, fotografias, documentos referentes à disciplina e produções orais e escritas dos participantes dos projetos de trabalho. Parti, portanto, do estudo de letramento como prática social e de estudos que se debruçam sobre o conceito de projetos de trabalho para compreender se essa prática pedagógica atende aos princípios do modelo dos letramentos acadêmicos. Além disso, considerei os estudos dos letramentos acadêmicos, a fim de compreender como os estudantes se engajam nas práticas de leitura e escrita no contexto acadêmico. Ao final desta pesquisa, considero que: a) os textos lidos e escritos pelos participantes se tornaram relevantes; b) nos projetos de trabalho, o percurso não é fixo, mas serve de fio condutor para o planejamento e o (re)planejamento das ações; c) o trabalho em grupo reconfigura os papéis dos participantes e do professor; d) os participantes dos projetos adquirem vocabulário para falar de textos; e) os princípios definidos para o desenho da disciplina de Leitura e Produção de Texto I com base no modelo dos letramentos acadêmicos negam o discurso do déficit; f) os projetos possibilitam tratar os alunos como colaboradores no desenvolvimento dos letramentos acadêmicos. Desse modo, é possível afirmar que os estudantes se engajaram nas práticas de letramento acadêmico valendo-se especialmente do diálogo, do fazer juntos, do negociar as decisões, impondo novos modos de fazer e de dizer na universidade. / This thesis presents a doctoral research aiming to understand how a pedagogical practice that considers working projects as a planning guideline for reading and writing teaching and learning at the University meets academic literacy model principles. The reproduction of students literacy deficit in this social field is the trouble that triggers the development of the research. The study results from an action-research carried out at UNIVATES - University Center in Lajeado/RS in 2013. Research was based on literacy practice and learning of 42 students from 15 different programs that were enrolled in the Text Reading and Production I Course organized in 11 work groups. Work project participants actions were investigated regarding associations established with written materials and referenced by writing in the project development. Ethnography methods were used for data collection ensuing in field journals, field notes, semi-structured interviews, photographs, papers concerning the course, and work project participants oral and written production. Literacy as a social practice and studies focusing on the concept of working projects were taking into consideration in order to understand if such pedagogical practice meets the academic literacy model principles. In addition academic literacy studies were taken into account in order to understand how students engage in academic context reading and writing practice. At the end of the research it is believed that a) written and read texts by participants were relevant; b) route is not fixed in work projects, but it works as a guideline for planning and (re) planning actions; c) group work reconfigures the roles of participants and professor; d) participants acquire vocabulary for text discussion; e) principles for planning Text Reading and Production Course refuse deficit; and f) projects regard students as collaborators in academic literacy development. Therefore it is possible to conclude that students got involved in academic literacy practices mainly through dialoguing, working together, discussing decisions, and introducing new ways of working and stating in the university. / Esta tesis presenta una investigación de doctorado desarrollada con el objetivo de comprender cómo una práctica pedagógica que tiene los proyectos de trabajo como hilo conductor del planeamiento para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de lectura y escritura en la universidad atiende a los principios del modelo de los letramientos académicos. La reproducción del discurso del déficit del letramiento de alumnos que llegan a la universidad es la problemática que desencadena la realización de este estudio. El trabajo es resultado de una investigación-acción llevada a cabo en el Centro Universitário UNIVATES, ubicado en la ciudad de Lajeado – RS, durante el año 2013. El foco de la investigación fue el estudio de las prácticas de letramiento y de los aprendizajes de 42 alumnos matriculados en la asignatura de Leitura e Produção de Texto I, provenientes de 15 diferentes cursos, organizados en 11 grupos de trabajo. Investigué las acciones de los participantes de los proyectos de trabajo desde el punto de vista de las relaciones que establecían con los materiales escritos y referenciados por la escritura en el desarrollo del proyecto. Para generar los datos, eché mano de métodos inspirados en el área de la etnografía, obteniendo el siguiente conjunto: diarios de campo, notas de campo, entrevistas semiestructuradas, fotografías, documentos referentes a la asignatura y producciones orales y escritas de los participantes de los proyectos de trabajo. Partí, por lo tanto, del estudio de letramiento como práctica social y de estudios que discuten el concepto de proyectos de trabajo para comprender si esa práctica pedagógica atiende a los principios del modelo de los letramientos académicos. Además de eso, consideré los Estudios de los letramientos académicos, a fin de comprender cómo los estudiantes se involucran en las prácticas de lectura y escritura en el contexto académico. Al final de esta investigación, considero que: a) los textos leídos y escritos por los participantes se hicieron relevantes. b) en los proyectos de trabajo, el recorrido no es fijo, sino sirve de hilo conductor para el planeamiento y el (re) planeamiento de las acciones. c) el trabajo en grupo reconfigura los papeles de los participantes y del profesor. d) los participantes de los proyectos adquieren vocabulario para hablar de textos. e) los principios definidos para el diseño de la asignatura de Leitura e Produção de Texto I niegan el discurso del déficit. f) los proyectos hacen posible tratar a los alumnos como colaboradores en el desarrollo del letramiento académico. Por lo tanto, se puede afirmar que los estudiantes se involucraron en las prácticas de letramiento valiéndose sobre todo del diálogo, del hacer juntos, del negociar las decisiones, imponiendo nuevos modos de hacer y de decir en la universidad.

Läs- och skrivsvårigheter och engelska som främmande språk : Åtgärdsprogram i engelska för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter

Olsson, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

L’entrée dans l’écrit en langues étrangères (L2 & L3) d’écoliers et d’étudiants coréens : aspects phonétiques et orthographiques / Entry in written language in foreign language (L2 & L3) of Korean schoolchildren and university students : phonetic and orthographic aspects

Rim, Joung Eun 18 December 2018 (has links)
La lecture-écriture en langues étrangères est souvent rendue difficile en premier lieu à cause du changement des codes graphiques et linguistiques. L’objectif de cette recherche consiste à analyser qualitativement des difficultés et des erreurs observées lors de la lecture-écriture en langues étrangères - anglais L2 & français L3 - chez le public d’apprenants en Corée du sud. En m’intéressant surtout aux opérations de bas niveau de la lecture-écriture et à l’influence des langues déjà connues/acquises dans l’apprentissage d’une nouvelle langue, dans un premier temps, j’essaie d’explorer les caractéristiques du développement de l’écrit en anglais L2 des écoliers coréens de 4ème année d’école élémentaire qui se trouvent au tout début de l’apprentissage de l’écrit en alphabet latin : Comment les écoliers coréens aborderont-ils la lecture-écriture dans un système d’écriture distinctement différent du leur ? Le public d’apprenants du français L3 en Corée du sud concerne pour la plupart du temps, des adultes, notamment les étudiants d’université. Ces derniers ont suivi au moins 10 ans d’apprentissage de l’anglais. Cela signifie que lors de l’apprentissage du français L3, ils disposent - au moins - de deux systèmes linguistiques (le coréen L1 & l’anglais L2) qui peuvent y intervenir. Dans cette perspective, je m’efforce surtout de connaître le rôle que joue l’anglais L2 dans l’apprentissage du français L3 : A-t-il le rôle de facilitateur ou est-ce un obstacle ? A l’aide de l’analyse qualitative des difficultés et des erreurs dans la lecture-écriture en anglais L2 et en français L3 et des témoignages d’apprentissage des apprenants coréens, quelques propositions didactiques seront présentées. / Reading & writing in foreign languages is often made difficult mostly because of the change of graphic and linguistic codes. The aim of this research is to qualitatively analyze difficulties and errors made by English L2 & French L3 learners in South Korea, in reading & writing. By focusing mainly on the low-level operations of reading & writing and the influence of languages that has been previously known/acquired in learning a new language, I first try to explore the characteristics of the development of literacy in English L2 of 4th grade Korean elementary schoolchildren who are at the very beginning of learning to read and write in the Latin alphabet: How will Korean schoolchildren approach reading & writing in a writing system which is clearly different from theirs ? The most of French L3 learners in South Korea are adults, especially university students. They have learned English at least for 10 years. This means that when they start learning French L3, they have - at least - two language systems (Korean L1 & English L2) that can intervene. In this perspective, I am particularly interested in knowing the role of English L2 in learning French L3: Is it a facilitator or an obstacle? By means of the qualitative analysis of the results obtained and the learning testimonies of Korean learners, some didactic proposals will be presented.

När, hur och varför? : En studie om synen på stavning

Bjerges, Veronica, Haglund, Åsa January 2007 (has links)
<p>Stavning handlar ej enbart om att stava rätt! Att lära sig stava kan vara en hjälp i en individs läs- och skrivutveckling. Genom att lära sig stava kan det bli lättare att lära sig läsa, samtidigt som läsningen kan bidra till att lära sig stava. Genom att skriva kan en elev lära sig stava bättre samtidigt som goda stavningskunskaper kan skapa en känsla av trygghet och säkerhet i skriftspråket som gör att han/hon vill skriva. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på när, hur och varför lärare arbetar med stavning i de tidiga skolåren och att skapa en överblick över olika synsätt på stavning samt hur dessa kan påverka undervisningen. Studien tar upp stavning ur olika perspektiv, från det teoretiska till det praktiska samt hur elever uppfattar stavning. Studien har en tvärsnittsdesign med både kvalitativa och kvantitativa inslag. Datainsamlingsmetoder som använts har bestått av intervjuer, enkätförfrågningar samt dokumentstudier. Studien har visat att synen på stavning delvis har förändrats de senaste decennierna. Gemensamt för lärare och elever är att det är viktigt att kunna stava rätt. Skillnader mellan lärarna framkom genom att de har olika syn på hur den bästa vägen till korrekt stavning går. Trots dessa skillnader har eleverna väldigt lika uppfattningar i synen på stavning. Dessutom har studien visat ett samband mellan lärares arbetssätt, deras respektive lärarutbildning och styrdokumenten för grundskolan. Synen på stavning har förändrats både inom styrdokument samt lärarutbildning. Gemensamt för lärarna är att de verkar behålla grunden de får med sig från sin utbildning. Äldre lärare fick enligt vår studie lära sig mer om metoder för stavning medan detta uteblivit hos de yngre lärarna. I studien har också berörts vilka konsekvenser lärares olika syn på hur de bäst lär elever stava kan få för det praktiska arbetet och eleverna. Nyckelord stavning, stavningsutveckling, stavfel, stavningsundervisning, läs- och skrivutveckling, läsning, skrivning, styrdokument, lärarutbildning, elevers tankar</p><p>Spelling involves more than spelling correctly! Learning to spell could be useful for an individual’s reading and writing development. The ability to spell could facilitate learning to read, as well as reading could facilitate learning to spell. By writing children become better spellers, at the same time as good spelling ability can create a feeling of confidence in written language that impels children’s will to write. The purpose with our study is to investigate when, how and why teachers work with spelling in the early grades. Different views on spelling and how these can effect the teaching are also examined. Our study includes spelling in different perspectives, from the theoretical to the practical and also pupils’ thoughts on spelling. The study has a cross-sectional design with both qualitative and quantitative parts. The methods that have been used are interviews, questionnaire and document studies. The study has shown that the views on spelling have changed the last decades. The ability to spell correctly is considered to be important by both teachers and pupils. The teachers have different views on what the best way of learning correct spelling looks like. Despite these differences their pupils share common views. This study has also shown a connection between ways of teaching, different periods within the Swedish teachers’ education system and curriculum standards for compulsory grades. The views on spelling have changed both within curriculum standards and teachers education. The teachers seem to keep the foundation from their education. The older teachers learned, according to our study, more teaching methods in relation to spelling while this was not the case regarding the younger teachers. This study has also shown what consequences different views on spelling and teaching techniques may lead to when learning pupils to spell. Keywords spelling, spelling development, spelling mistakes, teaching spelling, reading and writing development, reading, writing, curriculum standards, teacher education, pupils’ thoughts</p>

När, hur och varför? : En studie om synen på stavning

Bjerges, Veronica, Haglund, Åsa January 2007 (has links)
Stavning handlar ej enbart om att stava rätt! Att lära sig stava kan vara en hjälp i en individs läs- och skrivutveckling. Genom att lära sig stava kan det bli lättare att lära sig läsa, samtidigt som läsningen kan bidra till att lära sig stava. Genom att skriva kan en elev lära sig stava bättre samtidigt som goda stavningskunskaper kan skapa en känsla av trygghet och säkerhet i skriftspråket som gör att han/hon vill skriva. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på när, hur och varför lärare arbetar med stavning i de tidiga skolåren och att skapa en överblick över olika synsätt på stavning samt hur dessa kan påverka undervisningen. Studien tar upp stavning ur olika perspektiv, från det teoretiska till det praktiska samt hur elever uppfattar stavning. Studien har en tvärsnittsdesign med både kvalitativa och kvantitativa inslag. Datainsamlingsmetoder som använts har bestått av intervjuer, enkätförfrågningar samt dokumentstudier. Studien har visat att synen på stavning delvis har förändrats de senaste decennierna. Gemensamt för lärare och elever är att det är viktigt att kunna stava rätt. Skillnader mellan lärarna framkom genom att de har olika syn på hur den bästa vägen till korrekt stavning går. Trots dessa skillnader har eleverna väldigt lika uppfattningar i synen på stavning. Dessutom har studien visat ett samband mellan lärares arbetssätt, deras respektive lärarutbildning och styrdokumenten för grundskolan. Synen på stavning har förändrats både inom styrdokument samt lärarutbildning. Gemensamt för lärarna är att de verkar behålla grunden de får med sig från sin utbildning. Äldre lärare fick enligt vår studie lära sig mer om metoder för stavning medan detta uteblivit hos de yngre lärarna. I studien har också berörts vilka konsekvenser lärares olika syn på hur de bäst lär elever stava kan få för det praktiska arbetet och eleverna. Nyckelord stavning, stavningsutveckling, stavfel, stavningsundervisning, läs- och skrivutveckling, läsning, skrivning, styrdokument, lärarutbildning, elevers tankar Spelling involves more than spelling correctly! Learning to spell could be useful for an individual’s reading and writing development. The ability to spell could facilitate learning to read, as well as reading could facilitate learning to spell. By writing children become better spellers, at the same time as good spelling ability can create a feeling of confidence in written language that impels children’s will to write. The purpose with our study is to investigate when, how and why teachers work with spelling in the early grades. Different views on spelling and how these can effect the teaching are also examined. Our study includes spelling in different perspectives, from the theoretical to the practical and also pupils’ thoughts on spelling. The study has a cross-sectional design with both qualitative and quantitative parts. The methods that have been used are interviews, questionnaire and document studies. The study has shown that the views on spelling have changed the last decades. The ability to spell correctly is considered to be important by both teachers and pupils. The teachers have different views on what the best way of learning correct spelling looks like. Despite these differences their pupils share common views. This study has also shown a connection between ways of teaching, different periods within the Swedish teachers’ education system and curriculum standards for compulsory grades. The views on spelling have changed both within curriculum standards and teachers education. The teachers seem to keep the foundation from their education. The older teachers learned, according to our study, more teaching methods in relation to spelling while this was not the case regarding the younger teachers. This study has also shown what consequences different views on spelling and teaching techniques may lead to when learning pupils to spell. Keywords spelling, spelling development, spelling mistakes, teaching spelling, reading and writing development, reading, writing, curriculum standards, teacher education, pupils’ thoughts

Att bedöma på basis av alternativa verktyg : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av hur ämneslärare i svenska beaktar användandet av alternativa verktyg vid bedömning av kunskaper hos elever i dyslektiska svårigheter / Assessing using assistive technology : A qualitative interview study of Swedish teachers' perception of the use of assistive technology for assessing dyslexic student's knowledge

Holmgren, Catharina January 2011 (has links)
This study aims to examine the regard paid to the use of Assistive Technology (AT) when assessing the knowledge of Year 9 pupils with dyslexia in the subject Swedish. A starting point was to examine the knowledge of a group of teachers in the areas of dyslexia and AT. The issues then developed as to which AT a dyslexic pupil is allowed to use in an assessment situation and how the use of these tools affects the assessment. There was an examination of the guidelines that the teacher group can use as support when assessing the knowledge of dyslexic pupils on the basis of AT. The method used was qualitative semi-structured interviews. The group examined was made up of four subject teachers in Swedish. The results showed that the teacher group had limited knowledge of both dyslexia and AT. It also emerged that computers were the most common form of compensatory aid in assessment situations. The use of AT did not affect the assessments. The curriculum contained no guidelines for assessing knowledge on the basis of AT and left a lot of room for interpretation by individual teachers. The conclusions drawn were that there is a need for teacher training to include courses on dyslexia and the areas of application of AT. Greater knowledge would better ensure that the correct compensatory aid is chosen for each pupil in each assessment situation. Clear guidelines are also needed so that assessments can be regarded as fair and of equivalent value.

ICT as a pedagogical aid for supporting students with difficulties in their acquisition of English : An interview study and an action research study

Borg, Erika January 2009 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate some uses of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a pedagogical aid for supporting students with difficulties in reaching the curricular goals in the school subject English. Special focus is on students with reading and writing difficulties and on students with a foreign background in the ninth grade of the compulsory school and in upper secondary school. The method of investigation consisted of two parts: (a) interviews with eleven regular English teachers and with four remedial teachers about their experiences of using ICT as a pedagogical aid, and (b) an action study in which ICT-based activities were tested in a group of six students with difficulties in English. The results of the interviews showed that in the remedial classes ICT-based support was rather limited. The exceptions were students with severe reading and writing difficulties and other grave learning disabilities. These students were offered greater access to various technical aids and systematic support. For dyslexic students various ICT tools often proved to be an effective and indispensable support in their learning. In non-remedial English lessons, the use of ICT was somewhat greater. Here teachers used ICT as a pedagogical aid for the benefit of all students. The computer was considered to be a good support for project writing as it provided the students with a huge database, with online dictionaries and with a spell checker. The results of the action research showed that students were positive about communicating in English via ICT and they showed great interest in other activities facilitated by technology, such as training grammar, vocabulary, and reading. In conclusion, these surveys generated results similar to those of other studies, showing that although ICT can be an effective pedagogical aid in supporting students with difficulties learning English, it is not presently being used to its full potential.

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