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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays on Firm’s Dynamics, Asset Pricing and Uncertainty

Yu, Lizi January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation contains three chapters. The first chapter, Strategic Alliance and Endogenous Production Network, examines how U.S. firms’ involvement in strategic alliances interacts with their endogenous choice of production networks. The results reveal that the alliance firm is more likely to actively create and break supply chains, especially with customers or suppliers from the industries within the alliance-related industrial scope. Moreover, such interactions are stronger when the updated customers and suppliers have closer proximity to the alliance-related industries. To rationalize these stylized findings, we develop a model featured with the firm’s endogenous searching of supplier candidates and endogenous input sourcing strategy. Furthermore, strategic alliance is introduced as a mitigation of friction in candidate searching. The model implies that the strategic alliance could encourage the firm’s search for supplier candidates and boost the adding and dropping of production networks simultaneously. The second chapter, R&D, Risk Premia, and Credit Spreads, is motivated by the empirical evidence that among the U.S. firms with both publicly traded equity and bonds, the R&D-intensive ones tend to show higher expected equity returns, but lower leverage, default rates and credit spreads than R&D-non-intensive ones. To provide a unified explanation for these cross-sectional differences, we propose a production-based dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model featured with long-run risk and disaster risk. Specifically, we assume that the economy consists of an R&D and non-R&D sector. When involved in innovation, the R&D sector is assumed to face a rare disaster shock in the accumulation of the intangible R&D capital. The model implies that the high monopolistic rent increases the market value of R&D sector and generates a lower default rate and credit spread compared to the non-R&D sector. Besides, despite the low leverage capacity restricted by the non-collateralizable intangible capital, the business risk underlying the innovative activities plays a dominant role and results in an overall higher equity return of the R&D sector. Moreover, the model generates sizable heterogeneity in the quantities of interest between the R&D and non-R&D sector as observed from the data, and fits the aggregate macroeconomic and asset pricing moments reasonably well. The third chapter, Measuring Common and Industry-Specific Uncertainty: A Bayesian Approach, estimates the measures of the common and industry-specific uncertainty from U.S. quarterly industry-level financial characteristics by a Bayesian dynamic factor model. In this model, we assume that the industrial financial characteristics are driven by common and industry-specific factors that evolve by VAR processes, where the time-varying standard deviation of the corresponding innovation terms are considered as proxies of common and industrial uncertainty. Then, we compare the estimated common uncertainty measure with three existing aggregate uncertainty measures. The results suggest that our measure interacts with real economy and tracks the business cycles like the other three measures. Moreover, we test if these uncertainty measures could forecast the stock returns of industrial portfolios together with other moments estimated from the model. The results suggest that a time-varying linear forecasting model of the uncertainty measures performs well in return forecasting both in short and long run for most of the industries.

Vad krävs för att bolag ska investera i nyproduktion i Malmö? : Hyressättningssystem & incitament att bygga / What is required for companies to invest in new development in Malmö? : The rent-setting system & incentives to build

Bagher, André, Sandberg, Eric January 2023 (has links)
Detta arbete grundar sig på att undersöka vad som krävs för att bolag ska investera i nyproduktion av hyresrätter. Vi går in på olika hyressättningssystem som används vid befintliga hyreslägenheter och hur staten med hjälp av presumtionshyror och investeringsstöd har försökt stimulera nyproduktionen av hyreslägenheter. Ämnet fri hyressättning eller marknadshyror har varit ett hett debattämne som till och med fått regeringen att avgå år 2021. Arbetet fortsätter därför att undersöka om det strikta hyressättningssystem som finns i Sverige hindrar nyproduktionen av hyresrätter samt om just en fri hyressättning hade kunnat ändra på detta.  Arbetet har utgått från en kvalitativ metod för att uppnå syftet. Arbetet utgår från vetenskapliga artiklar, litteratur samt intervjuer med personer från olika fastighetsbolag. Resultatet som vi kommit fram till är att detta är en känslig fråga där åsikterna varierar mellan privata och kommunala bolag. Det går att konstatera att nybyggnationen har minskat och priserna för nybyggnation har stigit kraftigt till följd av inflationen och det höjda ränteläget. För att öka incitamentet till nybyggnation av hyreslägenheter krävs en tydligare struktur och handlingsplan från kommunerna samt mer beviljande av bygglov, men i ett långtidsperspektiv krävs en ny reform av hyressättningssystemet. / This paper examines the requirements that are needed for companies to invest in new development. We go into different rental compensation systems that are used in existing rental apartments and how the state has tried to stimulate the production of rental apartments with the help of presumptive rents and investment support. The subject of no rent regulations or market rents has been a hot topic of debate that even caused the government to resign in 2021. Therefore, the paper continues to investigate whether the strict rent setting system that exists in Sweden prevents the new production of rental properties and whether a free rent setting could have changed this. A qualitative method has been used to fulfil the purpose of the paper. The paper is based on scientific articles, literature and interviews with people from various real estate companies. The result of the study is that this is a sensitive issue where opinions vary between private and municipal companies. It can be stated that new developments have decreased and prices for new construction have risen sharply as a result of inflation and the increased interest rate. In order to increase the incentive for new construction of rental apartments, a clearer structure and action plan from the municipalities is required, as well as more granting of building permits, but in the long term, a new reform of the rent compensation system is required.

A discrete choice model of housing selection by low-income urban renters

Murray, Margaret S. 04 May 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to (1) develop a statistical model that classifies the housing problems of affordability, quality and crowding as elements in a choice set facing low-income urban renters, (2) identify the demographic, socioeconomic and regional factors which influence housing outcomes, (3) use the resulting model to estimate the probability that an individual household faces a particular combination of housing problems, and (4) consider how the receipt of housing assistance alters those probabilities by addressing the question of targeting assistance. The study used data from the American Housing Survey of 1989 to estimate the model. These were low-income renters who both lived in an urban area and moved from one residence to another during the prior twelve month period. The mean income level of the final sample was $14,336. Sixty-one percent of the sample had affordability problems, twenty-eight percent had quality problems and six percent had crowding problems. The theoretical framework for the study is discrete choice analysis based on a random utility function. The conceptual framework included the development of seven, binary, logit models. These models represent a sequence of choices which the low-income renter makes when finding housing. The assumed choice hierarchy was affordability decisions followed by quality decisions and finally crowding decisions. The affordability and crowding models performed well; however, the quality model was somewhat disappointing. It appears that either quality is not easily modeled using a binary variable or households perceive quality differently than do the policy makers who establish quality guidelines. The models clearly show that affordability problems constitute the biggest hurdle for the low-income renter. Regional location is a significant factor in estimating the probability of having housing problems. Households in the western region of the United States are most likely to have multiple problems. A major contribution of this study is the focus on housing assistance and how receiving assistance alters the probability of low-income households finding basic shelter. / Ph. D.

Tomträttens brister och möjligheter : En studie om kommuners syn på tomträttsinstitutionen och de största fördelarna och utmaningarna med nyttjanderätten / Challenges and Opportunities of Site Leaseholds : A Study on Municipalities' Views on the Site Leasehold Institution and the Major Advantages and Challenges of this Right of Use

Skog Åkerlind, Märta January 2024 (has links)
Tomträtten är en speciell form av nyttjanderätt som ger innehavaren rätt att använda en fastighet under obegränsad tid mot en årlig avgift, medan marken ägs av staten, kommunen eller annan allmän ägo. Vid införandet i svensk lagstiftning 1907 var syftet att motverka bostadsbrist i storstäderna och att samhället skulle kunna dra nytta av värdestegringar från investeringar i infrastruktur. Tomträttshavaren har nästan samma rättigheter som en fastighetsägare, vilket ökar kreditvärde och trygghet.Syftet med denna uppsats är att identifiera brister och problem med tomträtt som upplåtelseform samt att undersöka dess styrkor och framtida möjligheter. Uppsatsen undersöker om dessa utmaningar och fördelar skiljer sig mellan tomträtter för småhus, flerbostadshus och kommersiella fastigheter. För att undersöka detta har intervjuer genomförts med representanter från olika kommuner i Stockholmsområdet.Resultaten visar att de långvariga avtalen och de komplexa omvärderingsprocesserna är stora utmaningar för kommunerna. Trots detta uppskattar kommunerna tomträtten som en stabil intäktskälla och ett verktyg för att styra markanvändning och främja byggandet av viktiga samhällsfunktioner. Utmaningarna och styrkorna varierar dock mellan småhus, flerbostadshus och kommersiella fastigheter. Småhus kräver mer administrativt arbete, medan flerbostadshus och kommersiella fastigheter generellt innebär högre intäkter och mindre administrativt arbete, men där det istället finns risker för långdragna domstolsprocesser.För att förbättra tomträttssystemet föreslår kommunerna flera förändringar, bland annat tydligare lagstiftning för beräkning av avgälder, möjligheten att indexera avgälder och bättre informationsöverföring från mäklare till köpare. Dessa förändringar syftar till att skapa större tydlighet och förutsägbarhet, minska rättsliga tvister och administrativ börda samt öka den ekonomiska säkerheten för både kommuner och tomträttshavare. / Site leasehold is a special form of usufruct that grants the holder the right to use a property for an indefinite period in exchange for an annual fee, while the land is owned by the state, municipality, or other public entity. When it was introduced into Swedish legislation in 1907, the aim was to alleviate housing shortages in major cities and enable society to benefit from land value increases resulting from infrastructure investments. The site leaseholder has almost the same rights as a property owner, which enhances credit value and security. The purpose of this thesis is to identify deficiencies and problems with site leasehold as a form of tenure, as well as to examine its strengths and future opportunities. The thesis investigates whether these challenges and benefits differ between site leaseholds for single-family homes, multi-family housing, and commercial properties. To explore this, interviews were conducted with representatives from various municipalities in the Stockholm area.The findings reveal that long-term contracts and complex revaluation processes are significant challenges for municipalities. Despite these challenges, municipalities appreciate site leasehold as a stable source of income and a tool for controlling land use and promoting the construction of essential public services. The challenges and strengths, however, vary between single-family homes, multi-family dwellings, and commercial properties. Single-family homes require more administrative work, whereas multi-family dwellings and commercial properties generally generate higher revenues and involve less administrative work, though they carry the risk of prolonged court proceedings.To improve the site leasehold system, municipalities propose several changes, including clearer legislation for calculating ground rents, the possibility of indexing ground rents, and better information transfer from real estate agents to buyers. These changes aim to create greater clarity and predictability, reduce legal disputes and administrative burdens, and increase economic security for both municipalities and site leaseholders.

Tomträtters ekonomiska lönsamhet för kommuner : En studie angående tomträtter i Nacka kommun

Samuelsson, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Tomträtt är en nyttjanderätt som bara kan upplåtas av stat, kommun eller om marken i övrigt är i allmän ägo. Upplåtelse av tomträtt måste ske i hel fastighet och kommer att omfatta alla befogenheter som fastigheten har. Tomträttsavgälden fastställs genom ett tomträttsavtal mellan tomträttshavaren och fastighetsägaren. Den avtalade avgälden kommer gälla för en avgäldsperiod om tio eller tjugo år. Friköp av tomträtt innebär att tomträttshavaren förvärvar fastigheten av fastighetsägaren och bildar en småhusfastighet. Hur avgälden och friköpspriset bestäms varierar beroende av vilken kommun som upplåter marken. Syftet med studien var att undersöka den ekonomiska aspekten som friköp av tomträtter medför samt att se under vilken förutsättning det är lönsamt att tomträtten friköps. Studiens syfte kommer besvaras genom att undersöka vilken ekonomisk lönsamhet som en överlåtarsituation kontra innehavarsituation medför ur ett kommunalt perspektiv. Studien avgränsas till att beröra småhustomträtter av typen radhus inom tre geografiska områden i Nacka kommun. Den ekonomiska lönsamheten som tomträtter medför ur en överlåtarsituation respektive en innehavarsituation kommer bedömas med hjälp av det principbeslut gällande tomträttsavgäld och friköpspriser som gäller i Nacka kommun idag. Metoder som används för att besvara forskningsfrågorna utgjordes av en juridisk metod. Beräkningsmetod efter värdeteori samt semistrukturerade intervjuer. Utifrån studiens resultat kan det konstateras att den ekonomiska lönsamheten är störst vid en överlåtelsesituation jämfört med en innehavssituation där skillnaden mellan situationerna är påtaglig. Resultatet påvisar även att kommuner tillämpar olika metoder vid fastställande av tomträttsavgäld och friköpspris vilket medför att den ekonomiska lönsamheten skiljer sig åt mellan kommuner beroende av vilken metod som tillämpas för avgäld och friköp.


楊鴻謙, Yang Hong-Chein Unknown Date (has links)
台灣原住民族有平埔原住民族(簡稱平埔族)及高山原住民族(簡稱高山族)二大族群,西拉雅族為平埔族群之一,鳳山八社為西拉雅族之支系。從財產權的制度變遷得知,自然資源權屬是從開放性共用資源、共有財產以迄私有財產制度之形成,人類經濟活動從狩獵採集轉變為定居農業時,正式形成私有財產的產權型態。荷蘭據臺以前,臺灣島上全屬番地,而分布於臺灣南部屏東平原的鳳山八社,以狩獵、漁撈及游耕為其主要之經濟活動,對於土地並無所有權的觀念,土地是共有的,頗為類似「封閉的共用資源」,已略具排他性質。在清治以後,由於漢移民不斷湧入,荒埔地逐漸減少,為提高番地之生產效能及維持社番基本生計,鳳山八社傳統之經濟活動,當須配合改變,然而,生產型態及技術之改變,不僅形成水田稻作農業,亦導致番社土地由共有型態轉變為地權私有化。 清治時期,分割地權或一田二主制為屏東平原傳統地權制度之一,分割地權是將所有權區分為業主權(大租權)與田主權(小租權),清廷為保護社番之地權,禁止漢人私墾荒埔地,鼓勵社番自行墾耕番地,如社番不自墾,准許番社或社番將番地租與〈給墾或佃批〉漢人,漢人以「代番輸餉」方式合法取得番地小租權,而番社仍保有大租權,爾後並形成在同一番地上存有大租權與小租權,而且可以各自分別處分其權利。另者,部分番地大小租權皆屬社番所有,社番因乏銀費用而典賣小租權,番業主僅剩收租權。因社番在經濟上屬於弱勢者,如以番租做擔保,向漢銀主典押或借貸,當期限期滿時,社番常無法清償,番租則繼續歸漢銀主收租,形成社番「地權虛有化」,本研究將以自行繪製之「清治時期鳳山八社番租分布圖」及「清朝晚期鳳山八社社番人口分布圖」予以驗證番業主地權虛有化的事實。 質言之,本文係從制度變遷理論,配合西拉雅族番契,探討西拉雅族番社地權從傳統共有地權、私有地權形成至虛有地權之變遷過程。本文共分六章,第一章為緒論,第二章文獻評述及建立分析之理論基礎。第三章從清康熙及乾隆年間臺灣輿圖與日據初期之調查圖中,說明鳳山八社之傳統領域範圍,並以文獻史料、部分番契內容,探討鳳山八社傳統地權制度。第四章是以誘發性技術變遷及強致性制度變遷,探討鳳山八社共有地權變遷為私有地權之過程。第五章從番契內容分析地權結構之演變,以實際案例計算番大小租權價格差距,並證明地權虛有化的事實。第六章為結論與建議。 / In Taiwan aborigines have Pingpu people and Mountain people. Siraya is one of Pingpu people, Feng-Shan eight tribes are branches of it. The property-rights configuration of natural resources had transited from open access common resources into closed access common property, and then from latter into private ownership from the view of institutional change of property rights. It had formed common property into private ownership, when people’s livelihood changed from hunting and gathering into settled agriculture. Before Dutch occupying, all Taiwan was aborigines’ land, Feng-Shan eight tribes’ population spread in Pingtung Plain of southern Taiwan. Hunting, fishing and farming were Siraya’s livelihood mostly, there was no concept of ownership, and land was used in common. As the land area was used only by village man, it was similar to “the closed–access common resources” which had the feature of exclusive communal property. After Ching Dynasty, owing to Han Chinese had moved into the southwestern Taiwan, wild plains decreased gradually. To improve the productivity efficiency of tribal land and sustain basic needs of living, Feng-Shan eight tribes’ people must change their traditional livelihood. As rapid growth of Han Chinese and Siraya people, and the diffusion of technology for paddy rice farming, the tribal land rights had transited from common property into private ownership. Split ownership or two tiers of owners was one of the traditional system of land tenure in Pingtung Plain in Ching era, it distinguished what were called large-rent and small-rent rights. In order to protect tribal land rights and encourage village aborigines to plant their land, Ching Government prohibited Han Chinese from developing wild plains illegally. However, if aborigines did not need to develop the tribal land, Ching Government permitted Han Chinese to rent tribal land. Han Chinese obtained small-rent rights of tribal land by paying the tribal tax, the tribe only kept residual large-rent rights. Therefore, the tribal land rights were divided into split ownership which was called large-rent and small-rent rights. Any owner of those rights could either manage them by themselves or sold them out. Otherwise, large-rent and small-rent rights of some tribal lands belong to village aborigines, some of them sale small-rent right for lack of money. Village aborigines had left nothing but right for collecting rent. Because village aborigines were very poor, they had to borrow some money from Han lender and mortgage their rent to lender. Village aborigines could not amortise the debt usually, if the appointed pay off date reached. As a result, the right of collecting rent belonged to Han lender continually. Formally village aborigines had the large-rent rights, but they were deprived gradually, the large-rent rights turned out empty. This research will prove that by the spread drawing of tribal rent in Ching era and spread drawing of tribes’ population in late Ching period. In short, the purpose of this research is to explore institutional change of land rights of Feng-Shan eight tribes by institutional change theory. Through deliberation of Siraya private documents, we can conclude the property rights of village aborigines were transited from communal right into private ownership and turned out to be emptiness or only face right. This research is divided into six chapters. Chapter one is introduction. Chapter two is literature review and theory deliberation. Chapter three explains the traditional territory of Feng-Shan eight tribes by Taiwan maps of K’ang-hsi and Ch’ien-lung period and investigation map in early period of Japanese occupation, and explores the traditional land right system of them to utilize historical article and folk contract. Chapter four explores their land rights had transited from common property into private ownership from induced institutional change and imposed institutional change theory. Chapter five analyzes evolution of tribal land rights, calculates difference of values between large-rent and small-rent rights and proves that the large-rent rights were turned out empty from folk contracts. Chapter six is conclusion and suggestion.

Essais sur des questions internationales en économie des ressources naturelles

Keutiben Njopmouo, Octave 07 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s'articule autour de trois essais portant sur des questions internationales en économie des ressources naturelles. Le premier essai examine la production et l'échange des ressources non-renouvelables dans un modèle spatial et souligne le rôle de la superficie des pays et du coût des transports dans la détermination du sens de l'échange. Le deuxième essai considère le tarif d'extraction de la rente de rareté liée aux ressources naturelles non-renouvelables avec le modèle spatial développé dans premier essai. Le cadre spatial (plus général) permet de représenter des pays qui sont à la fois importateurs et producteurs de la ressource, ce qui n'est pas possible dans les modèles traditionnels de commerce international où les pays sont traités comme des points (sans dimension). Le troisième essai aborde la question des droits de propriétés sur les zones maritimes et examine l'allocation d'une population de pêcheurs entre les activités productives et non-productives dans une communauté côtière. Le premier chapitre propose un modèle spatial de commerce international des ressources non-renouvelables. Le cadre spatial considère explicitement la différence de taille géographique (superficie) entre les pays et permet ainsi de tenir compte du fait que les gisements naturels et leurs utilisateurs soient dispersés dans l'espace, même à l'intérieur d'un pays. En utilisant un modèle spatial à la Hotelling, nous examinons l'évolution dans le temps du sens de l'échange entre deux pays (ou régions) qui diffèrent du point de vue de leur technologie de production, de leur superficie et de leur dotation en gisement d'une ressource naturelle non-renouvelable. Le chapitre met en évidence le rôle de la taille géographique dans la détermination du sens de l'échange, à côté des explications traditionnelles que sont l'avantage comparatif et les dotations des facteurs. Notre analyse est fondamentalement différente des autres contributions dans la littérature sur le commerce international des ressources naturelles parce qu'elle souligne l'importance de la taille géographique et du coût de transport par rapport à d'autres facteurs dans la détermination des flux de ressource à l'équilibre. Le coût unitaire de transport joue un rôle capital pour déterminer si la différence de superficie entre les pays influence le sens de l'échange à l'équilibre plus que les autres facteurs. Le chapitre discute aussi du caractère régional des échanges qui a été observé pour certaines ressources telles que le minerai de fer et la bauxite. Le chapitre deux aborde la question de la répartition de la rente de rareté liée aux ressources naturelles non-renouvelables entre les pays producteurs et les pays consommateurs. Cette question a été abordée dans la littérature sous une hypothèse quelque peu restrictive. En effet, dans la plupart des travaux portant sur ce sujet le pays importateur est automatiquement considéré comme dépourvu de gisement et donc non producteur de la ressource. Pourtant la réalité est qu'il existe des ressources pour lesquelles un pays est à la fois producteur et importateur. Le cadre d'analyse de ce second essai est le modèle spatial développé dans le premier essai, qui permet justement qu'un pays puisse être à la fois importateur et producteur de la ressource. Le pays importateur détermine alors simultanément le tarif optimal et le taux d'extraction de son propre stock. Nous montrons que le tarif optimal croît au taux d'intérêt et de ce fait, ne crée aucune distorsion sur le sentier d'extraction de la ressource. Le tarif optimal permet de récupérer toute la rente lorsque le pays exportateur ne consomme pas la ressource. Néanmoins, la possibilité pour le pays exportateur de consommer une partie de son stock limite la capacité du pays importateur à récupérer la rente chez le pays exportateur. La présence de gisements de la ressource dans le pays importateur réduit la rente du pays exportateur et de ce fait renforce la capacité du pays importateur à récupérer la rente chez le pays exportateur. Le tarif initial est une fonction décroissante du stock de ressource dans le pays importateur. Cet essai aborde également la question de la cohérence dynamique du tarif obtenu avec la stratégie en boucle ouverte. Le troisième chapitre examine un problème d'allocation de l'effort entre les activités productives (par exemple la pêche) et les activités non productives (par exemple la piraterie maritime) dans une population de pêcheurs. La répartition de la population entre les activités de pêche et la piraterie est déterminée de façon endogène comme une conséquence du choix d'occupation. Nous établissons l'existence d'une multiplicité d'équilibres et mettons en évidence la possibilité d'une trappe de piraterie, c'est-à-dire un équilibre stable où une partie de la population est engagée dans les actes de piraterie. Le modèle permet d'expliquer l'augmentation significative des attaques de piraterie dans le Golfe d'Aden au cours des dernières années. Le chapitre discute aussi des différents mécanismes pour combattre la piraterie et souligne le rôle crucial des droits de propriété. / This thesis consists of three essays on international issues in natural resource economics. The first essay proposes a spatial model of trade in exhaustible resources and emphasizes the role of geographical size and transport costs in the determination of trade patterns. The second essay considers the rent-extracting tariff in a spatial (more general) framework in which the importing country can be simultaneously a producer and an importer of the resource, a feature which is not possible in the traditional trade model, where countries are assumed dimensionless. The third essay tackles the issue of property rights in maritime zones and examines the allocation of a population of fishermen between productive and unproductive activities in a coastal community. The first chapter proposes a model of trade in exhaustible resources that explicitly accounts for the fact that countries have different geographical sizes while resource sites and their users are spatially distributed, even within a country. Using a spatial model à la Hotelling, we examine the evolution over time of the pattern of trade between two countries (or regions) which differ in terms of their technology, their geographical size, and their endowment of some nonrenewable natural resource. The model emphasizes the importance of geographical size in determining trade patterns besides the traditional explanations of comparative advantage and factor endowments. Indeed, three forces influence the direction of international trade in the presence of transport costs. The analysis fundamentally differs from other contributions in the natural resource literature because it emphasizes the importance of geographical size and of transport cost relative to other factors in the determination of the equilibrium resource flows. The unit cost of transport is shown to play a decisive role in determining whether the international asymmetry in terms of geographical sizes of countries has a greater influence than other factors on the equilibrium pattern of trade. The chapter also discusses the regional character of trade which has been observed for some resources such as iron ore and bauxite. Most findings in the literature on tariff and exhaustible resources have been derived under a serious abstraction. Indeed, virtually all contributions on that issue have assumed that no stocks of the resource are available within the importing country's borders and therefore the importing country is not itself a producer. Reality is in fact quite different: there are many instances of countries that are simultaneously importers and producers of a natural resource. The second chapter makes use of the spatial trade model of chapter one to depart from the usual assumption and allow the importing country to have access to a stock of the resource of its own and to determine simultaneously the optimal tariff and the rate of depletion of its own stock. The optimal tariff is shown to increase at the rate of interest and is therefore nondistortionary. Moreover, the optimal tariff captures all the rent if the exporting country gets no utility from consuming the resource. Allowing the exporting country to consume the resource restricts the ability of the importer to capture all of the foreign rent. The presence of resource deposits in the importing country reduces the available rent to foreign producers and, in essence, reinforces the ability of the importer to capture the foreign rent. In effect, the initial tariff is shown to be a decreasing function of the initial resource stock in the importing country. The essay also discusses the time consistency of the open-loop tariff. The third chapter examines how agents in a coastal community allocate effort between productive (fishing) and unproductive (piracy) activities. The allocation of population between fishing activity and piracy attacks is determined endogenously as a consequence of the occupation choice. We prove the existence of multiple equilibria and emphasize the possibility of a piracy trap, that is a steady state equilibrium where part of the population is engaged in piracy acts. The chapter offers an explanation for the significant increase in piracy attacks in the Gulf of Aden in the recent years. The chapter also discusses different schemes in combating piracy and highlights the crucial role of property rights.

Rational Reform of Housing Access Policy in Ontario

Ries, Benjamin Carter 19 December 2011 (has links)
Ontario’s current regulatory approach to low-income housing lies between two primary challenges: the human right to housing, and political/fiscal constraints. This thesis draws on legal theory and economic analysis of law to articulate the proper goals of housing access policy. A structural theory is proposed to explain the normative relationship between efficiency, communitarianism and justice in housing. An array of regulatory options are compared and considered in light of the features that characterize Ontario’s low-income rental housing markets. This analysis favours demand-side housing subsidies to low-income households, combined with supply-side tax expenditures to improve elasticity in the low-income rental market. Further reform of rent and covenant controls, social and affordable housing supply, and land use planning is recommended to ensure an efficient residential tenancy market. These reforms are offered as a framework for the implementation of the human right to housing in Ontario.

Rational Reform of Housing Access Policy in Ontario

Ries, Benjamin Carter 19 December 2011 (has links)
Ontario’s current regulatory approach to low-income housing lies between two primary challenges: the human right to housing, and political/fiscal constraints. This thesis draws on legal theory and economic analysis of law to articulate the proper goals of housing access policy. A structural theory is proposed to explain the normative relationship between efficiency, communitarianism and justice in housing. An array of regulatory options are compared and considered in light of the features that characterize Ontario’s low-income rental housing markets. This analysis favours demand-side housing subsidies to low-income households, combined with supply-side tax expenditures to improve elasticity in the low-income rental market. Further reform of rent and covenant controls, social and affordable housing supply, and land use planning is recommended to ensure an efficient residential tenancy market. These reforms are offered as a framework for the implementation of the human right to housing in Ontario.

Essais sur des questions internationales en économie des ressources naturelles

Keutiben Njopmouo, Octave 07 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s'articule autour de trois essais portant sur des questions internationales en économie des ressources naturelles. Le premier essai examine la production et l'échange des ressources non-renouvelables dans un modèle spatial et souligne le rôle de la superficie des pays et du coût des transports dans la détermination du sens de l'échange. Le deuxième essai considère le tarif d'extraction de la rente de rareté liée aux ressources naturelles non-renouvelables avec le modèle spatial développé dans premier essai. Le cadre spatial (plus général) permet de représenter des pays qui sont à la fois importateurs et producteurs de la ressource, ce qui n'est pas possible dans les modèles traditionnels de commerce international où les pays sont traités comme des points (sans dimension). Le troisième essai aborde la question des droits de propriétés sur les zones maritimes et examine l'allocation d'une population de pêcheurs entre les activités productives et non-productives dans une communauté côtière. Le premier chapitre propose un modèle spatial de commerce international des ressources non-renouvelables. Le cadre spatial considère explicitement la différence de taille géographique (superficie) entre les pays et permet ainsi de tenir compte du fait que les gisements naturels et leurs utilisateurs soient dispersés dans l'espace, même à l'intérieur d'un pays. En utilisant un modèle spatial à la Hotelling, nous examinons l'évolution dans le temps du sens de l'échange entre deux pays (ou régions) qui diffèrent du point de vue de leur technologie de production, de leur superficie et de leur dotation en gisement d'une ressource naturelle non-renouvelable. Le chapitre met en évidence le rôle de la taille géographique dans la détermination du sens de l'échange, à côté des explications traditionnelles que sont l'avantage comparatif et les dotations des facteurs. Notre analyse est fondamentalement différente des autres contributions dans la littérature sur le commerce international des ressources naturelles parce qu'elle souligne l'importance de la taille géographique et du coût de transport par rapport à d'autres facteurs dans la détermination des flux de ressource à l'équilibre. Le coût unitaire de transport joue un rôle capital pour déterminer si la différence de superficie entre les pays influence le sens de l'échange à l'équilibre plus que les autres facteurs. Le chapitre discute aussi du caractère régional des échanges qui a été observé pour certaines ressources telles que le minerai de fer et la bauxite. Le chapitre deux aborde la question de la répartition de la rente de rareté liée aux ressources naturelles non-renouvelables entre les pays producteurs et les pays consommateurs. Cette question a été abordée dans la littérature sous une hypothèse quelque peu restrictive. En effet, dans la plupart des travaux portant sur ce sujet le pays importateur est automatiquement considéré comme dépourvu de gisement et donc non producteur de la ressource. Pourtant la réalité est qu'il existe des ressources pour lesquelles un pays est à la fois producteur et importateur. Le cadre d'analyse de ce second essai est le modèle spatial développé dans le premier essai, qui permet justement qu'un pays puisse être à la fois importateur et producteur de la ressource. Le pays importateur détermine alors simultanément le tarif optimal et le taux d'extraction de son propre stock. Nous montrons que le tarif optimal croît au taux d'intérêt et de ce fait, ne crée aucune distorsion sur le sentier d'extraction de la ressource. Le tarif optimal permet de récupérer toute la rente lorsque le pays exportateur ne consomme pas la ressource. Néanmoins, la possibilité pour le pays exportateur de consommer une partie de son stock limite la capacité du pays importateur à récupérer la rente chez le pays exportateur. La présence de gisements de la ressource dans le pays importateur réduit la rente du pays exportateur et de ce fait renforce la capacité du pays importateur à récupérer la rente chez le pays exportateur. Le tarif initial est une fonction décroissante du stock de ressource dans le pays importateur. Cet essai aborde également la question de la cohérence dynamique du tarif obtenu avec la stratégie en boucle ouverte. Le troisième chapitre examine un problème d'allocation de l'effort entre les activités productives (par exemple la pêche) et les activités non productives (par exemple la piraterie maritime) dans une population de pêcheurs. La répartition de la population entre les activités de pêche et la piraterie est déterminée de façon endogène comme une conséquence du choix d'occupation. Nous établissons l'existence d'une multiplicité d'équilibres et mettons en évidence la possibilité d'une trappe de piraterie, c'est-à-dire un équilibre stable où une partie de la population est engagée dans les actes de piraterie. Le modèle permet d'expliquer l'augmentation significative des attaques de piraterie dans le Golfe d'Aden au cours des dernières années. Le chapitre discute aussi des différents mécanismes pour combattre la piraterie et souligne le rôle crucial des droits de propriété. / This thesis consists of three essays on international issues in natural resource economics. The first essay proposes a spatial model of trade in exhaustible resources and emphasizes the role of geographical size and transport costs in the determination of trade patterns. The second essay considers the rent-extracting tariff in a spatial (more general) framework in which the importing country can be simultaneously a producer and an importer of the resource, a feature which is not possible in the traditional trade model, where countries are assumed dimensionless. The third essay tackles the issue of property rights in maritime zones and examines the allocation of a population of fishermen between productive and unproductive activities in a coastal community. The first chapter proposes a model of trade in exhaustible resources that explicitly accounts for the fact that countries have different geographical sizes while resource sites and their users are spatially distributed, even within a country. Using a spatial model à la Hotelling, we examine the evolution over time of the pattern of trade between two countries (or regions) which differ in terms of their technology, their geographical size, and their endowment of some nonrenewable natural resource. The model emphasizes the importance of geographical size in determining trade patterns besides the traditional explanations of comparative advantage and factor endowments. Indeed, three forces influence the direction of international trade in the presence of transport costs. The analysis fundamentally differs from other contributions in the natural resource literature because it emphasizes the importance of geographical size and of transport cost relative to other factors in the determination of the equilibrium resource flows. The unit cost of transport is shown to play a decisive role in determining whether the international asymmetry in terms of geographical sizes of countries has a greater influence than other factors on the equilibrium pattern of trade. The chapter also discusses the regional character of trade which has been observed for some resources such as iron ore and bauxite. Most findings in the literature on tariff and exhaustible resources have been derived under a serious abstraction. Indeed, virtually all contributions on that issue have assumed that no stocks of the resource are available within the importing country's borders and therefore the importing country is not itself a producer. Reality is in fact quite different: there are many instances of countries that are simultaneously importers and producers of a natural resource. The second chapter makes use of the spatial trade model of chapter one to depart from the usual assumption and allow the importing country to have access to a stock of the resource of its own and to determine simultaneously the optimal tariff and the rate of depletion of its own stock. The optimal tariff is shown to increase at the rate of interest and is therefore nondistortionary. Moreover, the optimal tariff captures all the rent if the exporting country gets no utility from consuming the resource. Allowing the exporting country to consume the resource restricts the ability of the importer to capture all of the foreign rent. The presence of resource deposits in the importing country reduces the available rent to foreign producers and, in essence, reinforces the ability of the importer to capture the foreign rent. In effect, the initial tariff is shown to be a decreasing function of the initial resource stock in the importing country. The essay also discusses the time consistency of the open-loop tariff. The third chapter examines how agents in a coastal community allocate effort between productive (fishing) and unproductive (piracy) activities. The allocation of population between fishing activity and piracy attacks is determined endogenously as a consequence of the occupation choice. We prove the existence of multiple equilibria and emphasize the possibility of a piracy trap, that is a steady state equilibrium where part of the population is engaged in piracy acts. The chapter offers an explanation for the significant increase in piracy attacks in the Gulf of Aden in the recent years. The chapter also discusses different schemes in combating piracy and highlights the crucial role of property rights.

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