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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'organisation des instances de représentation du personnel : essai sur un cadre évolutif / The organization of the employee representation bodies : essay on an evolutive framework

Lemettre, Aurélie 22 September 2012 (has links)
Si le législateur se préoccupe de l’organisation des instances de représentation du personnel, parfois de leur disparition, il n’envisage guère leur évolution. De celle-ci les opérations de restructuration constituent l’un des principaux facteurs. Elles affectent souvent l’organisation des instances de représentation du personnel, ne serait-ce qu’en provoquant une modification de leur cadre d’organisation. Le législateur ne s’en est que faiblement préoccupé laissant aux partenaires sociaux, par voie d’accord, et au juge, au fil de ses arrêts, le soin d’apporter réponse aux questions apparues. Si ce mode de traitement des interrogations que suscite le devenir des instances de représentation du personnel n’est pas dépourvu de mérites, il présente aussi des inconvénients, singulièrement sur le terrain, toujours sensible, de la sécurité juridique. A une intervention du législateur, il est permis d’appeler. Elle pourrait, au demeurant, être l’occasion de repenser le droit de la représentation du personnel afin d’en épurer les lignes et d’en simplifier l’architecture. Les empilements d’instances ne sont pas nécessairement utiles à la défense des intérêts des salariés … et peuvent compliquer à l’excès la gestion de l’entreprise ou du groupe. / If the legislator gives active consideration to the organization of the employee representation bodies, sometimes to their disappearance, he hardly considers their evolution. Restructuring operations are one of its main factors. They often have effect on the organization of the employee representation bodies, at least by causing a change of their organizational framework. The legislator has hardly considered it, leaving to the social partners, by agreement, and to the judge, throughout its judgments, the task of providing answers to the occurred questions. If this way of solving the questions coming from the evolution of the employee representation bodies is not devoid of merits, it also has disadvantages, particularly in the area, always sensitive, of legal certainty. It is arguable to call for a legislative intervention. It could, moreover, be an opportunity to rethink the employee representation law in order to refine its lines and to simplify its architecture. The stackings of bodies are not necessarily helpful to the defense of the interests of employees… and can overly complicate the management of company and of group.

Devenir femme politique. La socialisation et la professionnalisation politiques des femmes à l'aune de la domination masculine / Becoming a political woman. The political socialization and professionalization of women in the light of the male domination

Benchikh, Mérabha 29 June 2011 (has links)
Il est d’actualité de parler de l’engagement politique des femmes en France dans un contexte qui se voudrait paritaire. A travers leurs biographies, leurs trajectoires militantes et électives, leurs carrières ainsi que l’exercice de leurs pratiques s’inscrivant dans ce champ particulier : qu’est-ce qui détermine une femme à se professionnaliser en politique ?Ainsi, pourquoi y a-t-il encore trop peu de femmes en France à briguer des mandats électifs alors que ces dernières se montrent sensibilisées aux problèmes que connaît notre société et, ont la volonté d’apporter des modifications à l’évolution sociale, tant par le biais de leurs actions qu’à travers leurs votes pour lesquels elles se mobilisent en nommant des représentants garants d’une politique déterminée. De toute évidence, les femmes sont totalement ancrées dans la politique puisqu’elles en débattent et en font comme n’importe quel-le citoyen-ne. Leur participation aux élections en témoigne. Dans ce cas, pourquoi sont-elles aussi peu intégrées dans le système politique ? Qu’est-ce qui freine alors leur participation publique ?Pour ce faire, notre étude traitera de la socialisation et de la professionnalisation des femmes dans le champ politique si particulier où pouvoir est synonyme de virilité, à travers une comparaison genrée des carrières féminines et masculines. / It is timely to talk about the political involvement of women in France in a context that would be equally represented. Through their biographies, their paths activists and elected office, their careers and the exercise of their practices undertaken in this particular field : what determines a woman to become professional in politics ?Thus, why there are still too few women in France to run for elective office while the latter show themselves aware of the problems facing our society and are willing to make changes to social evolution, both through their actions and through their votes for which they are mobilized by appointing representatives to guarantee a given policy. Clearly, women are totally entrenched in politics as they debate the issue and make it like any other citizen. Their turnout attests. In that case, why are they so poorly integrated into the political system ? What will lock their public participation ?To do, our survey will deal with the women’s socialization and professionalization in the peculiar political universe where the power is synonymous with manliness, through a gendered comparison of the feminine and masculine careers

La liberté d'expression des salariés / The freedom of expression of employees

Befre, Pierre 22 October 2011 (has links)
Salariat et liberté d'expression : la contradiction apparaît irréductible. La subordination inhérente à la relation de travail semble en effet exclure l’exercice de cette liberté. Le salarié, parce qu’il demeure citoyen, doit toutefois en jouir de façon effective. Le représentant élu et désigné, parce que le mécanisme de la représentation collective l’exige, doit également le pouvoir. Accorder au salarié une telle liberté peut s’avérer dangereux pour l’autorité de l’employeur ou la survie de l’entreprise. Des notions floues, complexes à circonscrire, telles que l’obligation de confidentialité ou l’abus, peuvent autoriser l’employeur à restreindre l’exercice par le salarié de la liberté d'expression et à le sanctionner. Face au mutisme du législateur et à l’indécision du juge, l’insécurité règne. S’impose alors de dégager une définition plus précise et une articulation plus cohérente des règles légitimant tant l’exercice par le salarié de cette liberté que sa limitation par l’employeur. Bien que périlleuse, cette quête d’équilibre mérite d’être entreprise afin que le caractère nécessaire de cette liberté au monde du travail se révèle. Salariat et liberté d'expression : la contradiction n’apparaîtra qu’apparente. / The employee status and freedom of expression : the contradiction appears to be irreducible. The subordination, which is inherent to the employment relationship, seems indeed to exclude the exercice of such freedom. The employee, because he remains a citizen, must however enjoy it in an effective way. The elected and designated representative, because the collective representation mecanism commands it, must enjoy it as well. Granting the employee with such freedom may prove dangerous for the authority of the employer and the survival of the company. Vague notions, that are hard to define, such as the duty of confidentiality or the abuse of right, authorize the employer to restrict the exercice of this freedom by his employee and to sanction him. Given the legislative mutism and the judge's indecision, insecurity is prevailing. It therefore becomes essential to draw a more precise definition and a more coherent articulation of the rules legitimating the exercise of this freedom by the employee, as well as its limitation by the employer. Althought it is jeopardous, this search for balance deserves to be attempted, so that it is revealed that such freedom is essential to the world of work. The employee status and freedom of expression : the contradiction will eventually reveal to be only apparent.

Essays on Market Microstructure and Pathwise Directional Derivatives

Bielagk, Jana 23 February 2018 (has links)
Wir befassen uns mit Gleichgewichtsproblemen, die bei dem Zusammentreffen von Märkten und Marktteilnehmern entstehen, zuerst in einem Modell mit konkurrierenden Märkten mit Feedback und asymmetrischer Information und dann mit strategisch interagierenden Händlern. Zudem untersuchen wir spezielle Richtungsableitung im Kontext des pfadweisen Malliavinkalküls. Im ersten Kapitel analysieren wir ein Prinzipal-Agenten-Problem mit einem monopolistischen Dealer, der mit einem Crossing-Netzwerk (CN) um den Handel mit Agenten mit privater Information konkurriert. Wir untersuchen die gewinnmaximierenden Angebote des Dealers für unterschiedliche Outside-Optionen und formulieren hinreichende Bedingungen für die Existenz und Eindeutigkeit einer optimalen Lösung. In unserem Modell ist die Einführung des CN für die Agenten vorteilhaft und ein Gleichgewichtspreis existiert. Im zweiten Kapitel analysieren wir den Einfluss vergleichender Leistungsbewertung von Händlern auf die Preisfindung im Marktgleichgewicht. Ein Derivat soll einen markträumenden Preis bekommen unter Beachtung der strategisch handelnden Agenten. Das Risiko eines Händlers setzt sich aus dem eigenen Risikoprofil und dem Erfolg des Handelns relativ zum durchschnittlichen Handelserfolg aller zusammen und er wird durch eine BSDE gemessen. Wir bestimmen einen repräsentativen Agenten und zeigen so die Existenz und Eindeutigkeit eines Gleichgewichtspreises. Weiterhin können wir diesen charakterisieren und im Spezialfall von entropischen Risikomaßen konkret berechnen. In diesem Spezialfall führen wir auch eine Parameteranalyse durch. Das dritte Kapitel verknüpft klassischen und pfadweisen Malliavinkalkül. Wir definieren und analysieren pfadweise Richtungsableitungen mit Hilfe von Perturbationen mit Cameron-Martin-Funktionen, mit (Hölder-)stetigen Funktionen, mit unstetigen Funktionen und mit Maßen. Somit sind sowohl die klassische Malliavin-Ableitung als auch Dupires vertikale Ableitung als Spezialfälle enthalten. / We analyze equilibrium problems arising from interacting markets and market participants, first competing markets with feedback and asymmetric information, then strategically interacting traders; moreover we analyze a new notion of a pathwise directional derivative in the context of pathwise Malliavin calculus. The first chapter analyzes a principal-agent game in which a monopolistic profit-maximizing dealer competes with a crossing network (CN) for trading with privately informed agents. We analyze the structure of the dealer’s offered pricing schedules for different outside options. We give sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the dealer’s problem and show that in our setting the introduction of the CN is beneficial for the agents. Additionally, we discuss existence and uniqueness of an equilibrium price for the feedback between dealer and CN. In the second chapter we analyze the impact of performance concerns on a problem of equilibrium pricing. A derivative is priced such that the market clears, given strategically behaving agents. Their risk stems from a risky position in the future and the relative trading gains compared to all other agents. The risk measure of each agent is specified by a BSDE. In spite of the strategic interaction, we are able to apply a representative agent approach to obtain existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium market price of external risk. In the special case of entropic risk measures, we perform a parameter analysis. The third chapter provides a link between classical and pathwise Malliavin calculus. We define and analyze pathwise directional derivatives via perturbations with Cameron-Martin functions, (Hölder-)continuous functions, discontinuous functions and measures, thereby including both the traditional Malliavin derivative and the vertical derivative from Dupire’s work.

La naissance d'une diplomatie européenne : vers la mise en place du Service européen pour l'action extérieure : le regard polonais / The birth of a European diplomacy : towards the establishment of the European external action Service : the Polish approach

Kulczyk, Marcin 30 September 2014 (has links)
La présente étude est consacrée à la naissance d'une diplomatie européenne sous le regard polonais. À travers l'histoire de la construction européenne, il s'agit d'analyser la marche vers la mise en place du Service européen pour l'action extérieure (SEAE). Lancé en 2010 sous l'autorité du Haut Représentant de l'Union pour les affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité, il devait réformer en profondeur les relations extérieures de l'Union européenne et lui permettre de s'affirmer en tant qu'acteur sur la scène internationale. Le regard de la Pologne permet de saisir plus concrètement les enjeux politiques et stratégiques liés à la création d'une diplomatie commune de l'UE. Deux aspects de cette diplomatie européenne sont étudiés : son visage et son appareil. Cette étude s'intéresse aux développements successifs de la représentation extérieure de l'UE dans la perspective de l'émergence d'une diplomatie européenne de réseaux. Elle démontre que la création du SEAE a provoqué des mouvements tectoniques dans l'architecture institutionnelle européenne et à l'intérieur des appareils diplomatiques nationaux. / The present study deals with the birth of a European diplomacy from the Polish point of view. Throughout the history of the European construction, the aim is to analyze the progress towards the establishment of the European External Action Service (EEAS). Launched in 2010 under the authority of the High Représentative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and the Security Policy, it had to reform in depth the external relations of the European Union (EU) and allow it to assert itself as an actor on the international stage. The Polish approach enables to grasp more concretely the political and stratégie issues related to the création of a common EU diplomacy. Two aspects of this European diplomacy are studied : its face and its apparatus. This study examines the successive developments of the EU external représentation in the context of the emergence of European diplomacy networks. It demonstrates that the EEAS has caused tectonic movements in the European institutional architecture and within national diplomatie services.

Multiscale Continuum Modeling of Piezoelectric Smart Structures

Ernesto Camarena (5929553) 10 June 2019 (has links)
Among the many active materials in use today, piezoelectric composite patches have enabled notable advances in emerging technologies such as disturbance sensing, control of flexible structures, and energy harvesting. The macro fiber composite (MFC), in particular, is well known for its outstanding performance. Multiscale models are typically required for smart-structure design with MFCs. This is due to the need for predicting the macroscopic response (such as tip deflection under a transverse load or applied voltage) while accounting for the fact that the MFC has microscale details. Current multiscale models of the MFC exclusively focus on predicting the macroscopic response with homogenized material properties. There are a limited number of homogenized properties available from physical experiments and various aspects of existing homogenization techniques for the MFC are shown here to be inadequate. Thus, new homogenized models of the MFC are proposed to improve smart-structure predictions and therefore improve device design. It is notable that current multiscale modeling efforts for MFCs are incomplete since, after homogenization, the local fields such as stresses and electric fields have not been recovered. Existing methods for obtaining local fields are not applicable since the electrodes of the MFC are embedded among passive layers. Therefore, another objective of this work was to find the local fields of the MFC without having the computational burden of fully modeling the microscopic features of the MFC over a macroscale area. This should enable smart-structure designs with improved reliability because failure studies of MFCs will be enabled. Large-scale 3D finite element (FE) models that included microscale features were constructed throughout this work to verify the multiscale methodologies. Note that after creating a free account on cdmhub.org, many files used to create the results in this work can be downloaded from https://cdmhub.org/projects/ernestocamarena.<br><br>First, the Mechanics of Structure Genome (MSG) was extended to provide a rigorous analytical homogenization method. The MFC was idealized to consist of a stack of homogeneous layers where some of the layers were homogenized with existing rules of mixtures. For the analytical model, the electrical behavior caused by the interdigitated electrodes (IDEs) was approximated with uniform poling and uniform electrodes. All other assumptions on the field variables were avoided; thus an exact solution for a stack of homogeneous layers was found with MSG. In doing so, it was proved that in any such multi-layered composite, the in-plane strains and the transverse stresses are equal in each layer and the in-plane electric fields and transverse electric displacement are constant between the electrodes. Using this knowledge, a hybrid rule of mixtures was developed to homogenize the entire MFC layup so as to obtain the complete set of effective device properties. Since various assumptions were avoided and since the property set is now complete, it is expected that greater energy equivalence between reality and the homogenized model has been made possible. The derivation clarified what the electrical behavior of a homogenized solid with internal electrodes should be—an issue that has not been well understood. The behavior was verified by large-scale FE models of an isolated MFC patch.<br> <br>Increased geometrical fidelity for homogenization was achieved with an FE-based RVE analysis that accounted for finite-thickness effects. The presented theory also rectifies numerous issues in the literature with the use of the periodic boundary conditions. The procedure was first developed without regard to the internal electrodes (ie a homogenization of the active layer). At this level, the boundary conditions were shown to satisfy a piezoelectric macrohomogeneity condition. The methodology was then applied to the full MFC layup, and modifications were implemented so that both types of MFC electrodes would be accounted for. The IDE case considered nonuniform poling and electric fields, but fully poled material was assumed. The inherent challenges associated with these nonuniformities are explored, and a solution is proposed. Based on the homogenization boundary conditions, a dehomogenization procedure was proposed that enables the recovery of local fields. The RVE analysis results for the effective properties revealed that the homogenization procedure yields an unsymmetric constitutive relation; which suggests that the MFC cannot be homogenized as rigorously as expected. Nonetheless, the obtained properties were verified to yield favorable results when compared to a large-scale 3D FE model.<br> <br>As a final test of the obtained effective properties, large-scale 3D FE models of MFCs acting in a static unimorph configuration were considered. The most critical case to test was the smallest MFC available. Since none of the homogenized models account for the passive MFC regions that surround the piezoelectric fiber array, some of the test models were constructed with and without the passive regions. Studying the deflection of the host substrate revealed that ignoring the passive area in smaller MFCs can overpredict the response by up to 20%. Satisfactory agreement between the homogenized models and a direct numerical simulation were obtained with a larger MFC (about a 5% difference for the tip deflection). Furthermore, the uniform polarization assumption (in the analytical model) for the IDE case was found to be inadequate. Lastly, the recovery of the local fields was found to need improvement.<br><br><br>

Constituição e responsabilidade: a articulação de mecanismos para controlar os atos ministeriais pela Assembleia Geral Legislativa do Império do Brasil (1826-1829) / Constitution and Responsibility: the development of mechanisms to control the ministerial acts by the Legislative General Assembly of the Empire of Brazil (1826-1829)

Rechdan, Luís Henrique Junqueira de Almeida 07 November 2016 (has links)
A tese tem por objeto a articulação político-institucional de mecanismos de controle dos atos ministeriais - os pedidos de informações e solicitações de esclarecimentos e a responsabilidade penal com efeitos políticos dos ministros e secretários de Estado -, durante a Primeira Legislatura (1826-1829), com o objetivo de consolidar o sistema de governo monárquico hereditário constitucional representativo proclamado pela Carta de 1824, de modo a estabelecer limites às amplas atribuições conferidas pelo texto constitucional ao imperador, e tornar seu papel possível e viável, tendo em vista as aspirações dos diversos segmentos econômico-sociais das províncias representados na Assembleia Geral Legislativa. A partir da reflexão sobre a relação existente entre constituição e responsabilidade, na teoria política e nas experiências legislativo-constitucionais inglesa, norte-americana, francesa e portuguesa, de modo a possibilitar a compreensão do significado do conceito de responsabilidade na década de 1820, debruça-se sobre a estratégia articulada pelos membros do Corpo Legislativo, em especial os deputados da oposição, para atingir seus objetivos e as conquistas político-institucionais obtidas no decorrer das quatro primeiras sessões anuais legislativas. Com a presente tese, pretende-se contribuir para a compreensão da forma como estabeleceu na prática político-institucional o diálogo entre os membros dos Poderes Legislativo, Executivo e Moderador, o qual teve no conceito de responsabilidade um de seus principais componentes. / This thesis aims to analyse the political articulation of measures of control over the ministers\' decisions - parliamentary proceedings to obtain informations about ministerials\' decisions, and to promote ministers\' accountability - during the First Legislature (1826-1829) with the aim to consolidate the representative constitutional hereditary monarchy system proclaimed by the Charter of 1824, in order to establish limits to the royal prerrogatives established by the constitutional text and to construct a possible and feasible role to the emperor, in view aspirations of the various economic and social sectors of the provinces represented in the General Assembly. From the reflection on the relationship between constitution and accountability in political theory and in the legal and constitutional experiments made in England, in North America, in France and in Portugal to enable the understanding of the meaning of the concept of responsive and accountable government in the 1820s, this thesis shows how the Chambers\' members - especially the opposition\'s members - had achieved their purposes, as well the political and institutional achievements had accomplished during the four first legislative annual sessions. With this thesis is intended to contribute to the understanding about how has established, in the political and institutional practice, a dialogue between the members of the Legislative, Executive and Moderator Powers to which the concept of responsive and accountable government had a central role.


Marinheski, Vanderlei 21 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T18:13:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vanderlei Marinheski.pdf: 3407638 bytes, checksum: c104e9f29ac3ce677f207d687852e310 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-21 / This study sought to evaluate the contribution of different sources producing in sediment on a representative property in river basin of the shortcut, Cruz Machado, PR, and through utility survey of the physical environment in the basin was proposed map a capacity of land use to basin and a in specific for property in representative. The property has a representative system of family farms with low technological level and with the use of rudimentary tools (sickle, hoe use and animals to till the soil), relief is characterized by the constant presence of blocks and boulders of igneous rocks, beyond the steep slopes of the slopes, features that predominate in other properties of the basin and the region as a whole. To measure the erosion were installed plots with erosion pins in a crop of corn, mate, pasture, an area near the house and four snippets of rural roads inside the property, and two stretches of road outside a property on the road general of the basin and the other with access from the house of a farmer in general road, these two have paved with gravel. With the monitoring of parcels and profiles of roads for a year, there were levels of soil removal at each pin or mediated profile road. The results indicate the removal of soil above the tolerance levels for soil characteristics, especially on roads and crop areas. The maps of land use capacity of the basin and representative of the property indicate that more than half of the areas have no aptitude for agriculture and should be used for permanent crops or preserving the flora and fauna.. / O presente estudo buscou avaliar a contribuição das diferentes fontes produtoras de sedimentos em uma propriedade representativa na Bacia do Rio do Atalho em Cruz Machado no Paraná. Através de levantamento utilitário do meio físico na bacia, foi proposto um mapa de capacidade de uso da terra para a bacia e um em específico para a propriedade representativa. Esta propriedade possui um sistema de agricultura familiar com baixo nível tecnológico, com uso de ferramentas rudimentares (foice, enxada e o uso de animais para cultivar o solo). O relevo é caracterizado pela constante presença de blocos e matacões de rochas ígneas, além das declividades acentuadas das vertentes, características que predominam em outras propriedades da bacia e região. Para mensuração da erosão foram instaladas parcelas com pinos de erosão em áreas de lavoura com milho, erva-mate, pastagem, quintal e 4 trechos de estradas rurais internas da propriedade, além de 2 trechos de estrada (pavimentadas com cascalho), fora da propriedade, um na estrada geral da bacia e outro que liga a casa de um agricultor à estrada geral. Com o monitoramento das parcelas e trechos de estradas durante um ano, verificaram-se os níveis de remoção de solo em cada pino ou mediada de perfil de estrada. Os resultados indicaram a remoção acima dos níveis de tolerância para as características do solo, principalmente nas estradas e áreas de cultivo. Os mapas de capacidade de uso da terra da bacia e da propriedade representativa apontam que mais da metade das áreas, não apresentam aptidão para agricultura e devem ser usadas para culturas permanentes ou preservação da flora e fauna.

La représentation du personnel dans l'entreprise : Du regroupement à la fusion. / Workplace representation : From gathering to merging

Rioche, Steven 01 December 2018 (has links)
Assurer l’efficacité du processus décisionnel tout en y associant les salariés : telle est l’équation que s’attache à résoudre le système français de représentation du personnel. Les réformes successives qu’il a connues traduisent bien des incertitudes quant au meilleur moyen d’y parvenir. Fruit d’une lente maturation, la création d’une instance unique, le comité social et économique, est de nature à affecter durablement les relations sociales. Parce qu’elle concentre des pouvoirs jusque-là disséminés, dans les entreprises d’au moins cinquante salariés, entre les délégués du personnel, le comité d’entreprise et le comité d’hygiène, de sécurité et des conditions de travail, cette instance nouvelle constitue a priori un vecteur de simplification des procédures de participation. Favorisant le dialogue, le « nouveau » droit de la représentation du personnel est susceptible d’entraîner de profonds bouleversements. Laissant une large place au contrat collectif, il comporte de multiples facettes. Une analyse systémique est possible, à condition d’identifier les traits saillants d’un déploiement susceptible de remettre en cause, lorsque l’instance est métamorphosée en conseil d’entreprise, la place accordée à la représentation syndicale. / Combining an effective decision-making process with worker participation: such an issue is central in the French representation system. A series of reforms emphasized a state of doubt when it comes to the best way to resolve it. Resulting from a slow maturation, the creation of a single representative body, the economic and social council, shall significantly affect labour relations. Concentrating powers previously spread, within companies having at least fifty employees, among staff delegates, the works council and the health and safety committee, this new representative body shall at first glance be a medium of simplification. Stimulating cooperation, the “new” staff representation law will likely produce radical changes. Encouraging collective bargaining, it carries various aspects. A systemic analysis is feasible provided that the key points of its implementation are identified. If this body is transformed into a company council, the situation of the union representation may be challenged.

Methodology to estimate building energy consumption using artificial intelligence / Méthodologie pour estimer la consommation d’énergie dans les bâtiments en utilisant des techniques d’intelligence artificielle

Paudel, Subodh 22 September 2016 (has links)
Les normes de construction pour des bâtiments de plus en plus économes en énergie (BBC) nécessitent une attention particulière. Ces normes reposent sur l’amélioration des performances thermiques de l’enveloppe du bâtiment associé à un effet capacitif des murs augmentant la constante de temps du bâtiment. La prévision de la demande en énergie de bâtiments BBC est plutôt complexe. Ce travail aborde cette question par la mise en œuvre d’intelligence artificielle(IA). Deux approches de mise en œuvre ont été proposées : « all data » et « relevant data ». L’approche « all data » utilise la totalité de la base de données. L’approche « relevant data » consiste à extraire de la base de données un jeu de données représentant le mieux possible les prévisions météorologiques en incluant les phénomènes inertiels. Pour cette extraction, quatre modes de sélection ont été étudiés : le degré jour (HDD), une modification du degré jour (mHDD) et des techniques de reconnaissance de chemin : distance de Fréchet (FD) et déformation temporelle dynamique (DTW). Quatre techniques IA sont mises en œuvre : réseau de neurones (ANN), machine à support de vecteurs (SVM), arbre de décision (DT) et technique de forêt aléatoire (RF). Dans un premier temps, six bâtiments ont été numériquement simulés (de consommation entre 86 kWh/m².an à 25 kWh/m².an) : l’approche « relevant data » reposant sur le couple (DTW, SVM) donne les prévisions avec le moins d’erreur. L’approche « relevant data » (DTW, SVM) sur les mesures du bâtiment de l’Ecole des Mines de Nantes reste performante. / High-energy efficiency building standards (as Low energy building LEB) to improve building consumption have drawn significant attention. Building standards is basically focused on improving thermal performance of envelope and high heat capacity thus creating a higher thermal inertia. However, LEB concept introduces alarge time constant as well as large heat capacity resulting in a slower rate of heat transfer between interior of building and outdoor environment. Therefore, it is challenging to estimate and predict thermal energy demand for such LEBs. This work focuses on artificial intelligence (AI) models to predict energy consumptionof LEBs. We consider two kinds of AI modeling approaches: “all data” and “relevant data”. The “all data” uses all available data and “relevant data” uses a small representative day dataset and addresses the complexity of building non-linear dynamics by introducing past day climatic impacts behavior. This extraction is based on either simple physical understanding: Heating Degree Day (HDD), modified HDD or pattern recognition methods: Frechet Distance and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). Four AI techniques have been considered: Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Boosted Ensemble Decision Tree (BEDT) and Random forest (RF). In a first part, numerical simulations for six buildings (heat demand in the range [25 – 85 kWh/m².yr]) have been performed. The approach “relevant data” with (DTW, SVM) shows the best results. Real data of the building “Ecole des Mines de Nantes” proves the approach is still relevant.

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