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Análise dos parâmetros analógicos do dispositivo SOI DTMOS. / Analog performance of dynamic threshold voltage SOI MOSFET.Jefferson Oliveira Amaro 28 April 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o estudo do desempenho analógico do transistor SOI MOSFET com tensão de limiar dinamicamente variável (DTMOS). Esse dispositivo é fabricado em tecnologia SOI parcialmente depletado (PD). A tensão de limiar desta estrutura varia dinamicamente porque a porta do transistor está curto-circuitada com o canal do mesmo, melhorando significativamente suas características elétricas quando comparadas aos transistores PD SOI MOSFET convencionais. Entre as características principais desse dispositivo, pode-se citar a inclinação de sublimiar praticamente ideal (60 mV/dec), devido ao reduzido efeito de corpo, resultando num aumento significativo da corrente total que corresponde à soma da corrente do transistor principal com a corrente do transistor bipolar parasitário inerente à estrutura. Diversas simulações numéricas bidimensionais, utilizando o simulador ATLAS, foram executadas a fim de se obter um melhor entendimento do dispositivo DTMOS, quando comparado com o SOI convencional. As características elétricas analisadas através da simulação numérica bidimensional apresentam a corrente de dreno em função da polarização da porta considerando VD baixo e alto (25 mV e 1V). O canal teve uma variação de 1 até 0,15 µm. Através dessas simulações foram obtidos as principais características elétricas e parâmetros analógicos para estudo do DTMOS em comparação com o SOI convencional como: transcondutância (gm), tensão de limiar (VTH), inclinação de sublimiar (S). Considerando a polarização de dreno em 1V foi obtido a transcondutância e a inclinação de sublimiar. Na etapa seguinte foi feito simulações para obter as curvas características de IDS x VDS, onde a tensão aplicada na porta variou de 0 a 200 mV (VGT), onde se obteve a tensão Early (VEA), a condutância de saída (gD) dos dispositivos, bem como o ganho intrínseco de tensão DC (AV) e a freqüência de ganho unitário (fT). Os resultados experimentais foram realizados em duas etapas: na primeira, extraíram-se todas as curvas variando o comprimento do canal (L) de 10 à 0,15 µm e na segunda, manteve-se um valor fixo do comprimento do canal (10 µm), variando somente a largura do canal (W) entre 10 e 0,8 µm, para identificar quais seriam os impactos nos resultados. A relação da transcondutância pela corrente de dreno do DTMOS foi 40 V-1 na média, independentemente do comprimento do canal e observou-se um aumento de 14 dB no ganho intrínseco quando usado o comprimento de canal de 0,22 µm, em comparação com SOI convencional. Foi verificado uma melhora na performance dos parâmetros analógicos do DTMOS quando comparado com o PDSOI e têm sido muito utilizado em aplicações de baixa tensão e baixa potência. / This work presents the study of analog performance parameters of PDSOI (Partially-depleted) transistor in comparison with a Dynamic Threshold MOS transistor (DTMOS). The DTMOS is a partially-depleted device with dynamic threshold voltage. This variation of threshold voltage is obtained when the gate is connected to the silicon film (channel) of the PDSOI device, improving the electrical characteristics of a conventional SOI. The characteristics of this device is an ideal subthreshold slope (60mV/dec), due to the reduced body effect and improved current drive. When the gate voltage increases in DTMOS (body tied to gate), there is a body potential increase, which results in a higher drain current due to the sum of the MOS current with the bipolar transistor (BJT) one. Several two-dimensional numerical simulations were done with the ATLAS Simulator to obtain a better knowledge of DTMOS device to compare with PDSOI. The electrical characteristics analyzed through two-dimensional numerical simulations are the drain current as a function of (VGS) with drain bias fixed at 25 mV and 1 V. The channel length varied from 10 to 1 um. Through these simulations the main electrical characteristics and the analog performance parameters were obtained of DTMOS in comparison with conventional SOI, as: transconductance (gm), threshold (VTH) voltage, and subthreshold slope (S). Considering the drain bias of 1V, transconductance and subthreshold voltage were obtained. In the next step, the characteristics curves of drain current (IDS) as a function of (VDS), where the gate bias varied from 0 to 200 mV of (VGT), to obtain the Early voltage (VEA) and output conductance (gD), the intrinsic gain DC (AV) and a unit-gain frequency to both devices were simulated. The experimental results were measured in two steps: in the first step all electrical characteristics and parameters considering a channel length (L) variation were obtained and in the second step a channel length was fixed and varied the width (W) was varied to study if this variation had any effects on the results. The gm/IDS ratio of DTMOS was 40 V-1 , independent of channel length and a increase of 14 dB in intrinsic gain, when using a channel length of 0,22 µm, compared with the conventional SOI was obtained. Improvement was observed in the performance of analog parameters when compared whit conventional SOI and DTMOS has been widely used in Low-Power- Low-Voltage applications.
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Mecanismos de transferência de água entre solo, planta e atmosfera e sua relação com o estresse hídrico vegetal / Soil-plant-atmosphere water transfer mechanisms and their relation to crop water stressAngelica Durigon 09 September 2011 (has links)
Parametrizações mecanísticas descrevem fisicamente a interação das plantas com o ambiente baseando-se em processos fundamentais, como assimilação de líquida de CO2 e extração da água do solo pelas raízes, influenciados pelas condições do ambiente. O objetivo principal dessas rotinas é aumentar o entendimento do sistema estudado pela integração quantitativa e qualitativa do conhecimento em um modelo de simulação dinâmica do sistema real. Definindo estresse hídrico como a condição em que uma planta aumenta a resistência estomática em conseqüência do aumento da demanda atmosférica e/ou da redução da disponibilidade hídrica no solo, tem-se como hipótese que o déficit hídrico em plantas é causado por fatores ambientais relacionados com as interfaces solo-raiz e folha-atmosfera. O objetivo geral desse estudo é identificar quais são as variáveis do solo e da atmosfera determinantes e que devem ser consideradas na modelagem da deficiência hídrica em plantas. Os teores de água no solo e na atmosfera foram monitorados em condições de campo durante o desenvolvimento da cultura de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) entre Junho e Setembro de 2010, e correlacionados ao estresse hídrico caracterizado por medições de temperatura do dossel. As variáveis de interesse, especificamente o potencial matricial da água do solo, a temperatura e a umidade do ar e a temperatura do dossel foram medidas regularmente em intervalos de 30 minutos. A taxa de transpiração e a condutância estomática foram medidas ocasionalmente. Uma parcela foi irrigada durante todo o ciclo da cultura (tratamento totalmente irrigada), enquanto a outra foi submetida ao estresse hídrico na fase reprodutiva (tratamento com déficit de irrigação). A metodologia utilizada neste estudo deu suporte à hipótese inicial. Os principais fatores relacionados à interface solo-raiz são as propriedades hidráulicas do solo, especialmente a condutividade hidráulica e da densidade de comprimento radicular; na interface atmosfera de folhas, os fatores mais importantes são o déficit de pressão de vapor do ar atmosférico VPD. Estes fatores devem ser considerados de alguma forma na modelagem estresse hídrico em plantas. A detecção da ocorrência de estresse hídrico nas plantas no tratamento com déficit de irrigação foi feito por comparações entre o VPD e diferença de temperatura entre o dossel e o ar tdossel-ar e entre tdossel e a temperatura do bulbo úmido twb dos dois tratamentos hídricos. O início do estresse hídrico nas plantas com déficit de irrigação ocorreu em 05 de Agosto. As simulações com os modelos mecanísticos de extração da água do solo pelas raízes proposto por Jong van Lier et al. (2008) e de assimilação de CO2 proposto por Jacobs (1994) foram feitos com os dados de ambos os tratamentos. O modelo de extração foi sensível aos parâmetros hidráulicos do solo, especialmente a condutividade hidráulica e o comprimento radicular. A taxa de transpiração estimada pelo modelo de Jacobs (1994) mostrou-se dependente da temperatura do dossel utilizada para calcular o déficit de umidade específica folha-ar Ds e a condutância do mesofilo, do próprio Ds (dependente também da temperatura do ar), e do índice de área foliar. / Mechanistic parameterizations describe physically the interactions between crop and environment based on primary processes such as CO2 net assimilation and root water uptake from soil and how they are influenced by environmental conditions. An important purpose of developing mechanistic routines is to improve the understanding of a system by qualitative and quantitative integration of knowledge in a dynamic simulation model of a real system. Defining water stress as the condition in which stomatal resistance of plant leaves increases as a consequence of enhanced atmospheric demand and/or reduced soil water availability, the investigated hypothesis was that plant water stress is caused by environmental factors related to both the soilroot and leave-atmosphere interfaces. The main objective of the research was to identify which atmosphere and soil parameters are determinant and must be considered in crop water stress modeling. Soil and atmosphere water content were monitored under field conditions during the growing season of a Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) crop between June and September, 2010, and correlated to plant water stress characterized by measurements of canopy temperature. The variables of interest, specifically the soil water pressure head, air temperature and humidity and canopy temperature were measured regularly at short intervals. Transpiration rate and stomatal conductance were measured occasionally. One plot was irrigated during the whole crop cycle (fully irrigated treatment), while the other one was subject to water stress in the reproductive phase (deficit irrigated treatment). The methodology used in this study supported the initial hypothesis. The main soil-root interface related factors that determine water stress are the soil hydraulic properties, especially the hydraulic conductivity, and the root length density; at the leaf atmosphere interface, the most important factor is the vapor pressure deficit of atmospheric air VPD. These factors must be somehow considered in crop water stress modeling. The detection of water stress occurrence in the deficit irrigated plants was made by comparisons between VPD and temperature difference between canopy and air tcanopy-air and between tcanopy and wet bulb temperature twb of the two irrigation treatments. The onset of water stress in deficit irrigated plants occurred on August 5. The simulations with the mechanistic models of soil water root uptake proposed by Jong van Lier et al. (2008) and of CO2 assimilation by Jacobs (1994) were made with data from the two treatments. The soil water uptake model was sensitive to soil hydraulic parameters, especially hydraulic conductivity and root length density. The transpiration rate estimated by the Jacobs (1994) model showed to be dependent on the canopy temperature used to calculate the specific humidity deficit between leaves and air Ds and the mesophyll conductance, on Ds (on its turn also dependent on air temperature), and on the leaf area index
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Les processus psychosociaux à l'œuvre dans le développement de l'identité des écrivains migrants africains / Psychosocial processes involved in the identity development of African migrants writersEssono Tsimi, Eric 13 November 2017 (has links)
La question de l’existence de la littérature africaine n’emporte pas le sens et la valeur de cette recherche mais en constitue un enjeu essentiel. Car c’est en fonction de leurs positionnements par rapport à cette question que les travaux d’Alain Mabanckou, Léonora Miano et d’autres “enfants de la postcolonie” seront analysés comme voie d’accès à leurs identités multiples. Cette thèse est menée sous le signe de Bakhtine et du principe dialogique. Elle s’intéresse aux écrivains migrants africains et à leurs œuvres. L’approche est interdisciplinaire: elle articule recherche littéraire et psychologie sociale et culturelle. La méthodologie s’appuie sur le paradigme interprétatif, et consiste en deux corps de corpus: l’analyse littéraire d’œuvres choisies -et l’étude du fait littéraire de la migritude; et des analyses des verbatim des entretiens approfondis menés en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. En nous appuyant donc sur un corpus d'œuvres marquantes et des entretiens avec des écrivains importants, tous contemporains, nous appréhendons le Soi (self) des écrivains migrants africains comme une arène du Moi et un récit polyphonique (Bakhtine, [1987] 2013; Valsiner, 2000; Hermans et Kempen, 2010) ou comme un répertoire de Moi: les Moi-positions, lesquelles regroupent une infinité de voix narratives. Chaque voix possède un lien unique de rattachement au lieu d’accueil, une mémoire particulière de l’origine, des croyances et des poétiques propres, des convictions personnelles. Nos résultats enrichissent les débats constants au sujet de l’existence d’une littérature africaine et au sujet des positionnements identitaires des écrivains d’origine africaine. La contribution essentielle de cette thèse est la proposition d’un modèle dialogique qui reprend les étapes de la construction identitaire des écrivains migrants. Nos travaux contribuent également à la recherche sur la relation entre les œuvres et les expériences des écrivains africains en Occident. / Does African literature exist? The answer to this complex issue has been addressed in different ways. Along this research, focused on how African migrants writers negotiate and manage their muliple and often-conflicting roots in their writing worlds. In which way do they articulate different « voices » when they both live and write in countries such as France, Switzerland and the United States ? Alain Mabanckou and Leonora Miano's works for example provide contrasted narratives in terms of positionings. This dissertation goes along with the growing field of African Studies which emphasizes on identity dynamics, postcolonial and cultural matters in litterature. Drawing on a dialogical and sociocultural perspective in psychology, our findings will contribute to a better understanding of identity dynamics for people facing multiple cultural references in contexts shaped by issues of art, power, and history. This research, conducted within the framework of Bakhtin’s dialogical principle, addresses the issues of African migrant writers and their works. Its interdisciplinary approach merges literary research with social psychology. The methodology is based upon the interpretative paradigm, and consists of the literary analysis of selected works, the study of the literary fact of migritude, and an analysis of the extensive verbatim accounts recorded in Western countries.Based on a corpus of important works and of interviews with major writers, it analyzes the Dialogical Self of African migrant writers either as an “I arena” or as a “polyphonic narrative” (Bakhtine, [1987] Valsiner, 2000 ; Hermans and Kempen, 2010). The self of migrant writers is apprehended as a repertoire of “I” : I-positions that bring together an infinity of narrative voices. Each voice has a unique bond to the host country, a particular memory of origin, beliefs and poetics, personal convictions. Our results enrich the constant debates about both the existence of an African literature and the identity positions of writers of African origin living in the West. Our essential contribution is the design of a model which takes into consideration the stages of their identity construction. This work also contributes to the research on the relationship between their works and the experiences of authors, within their place of transit or establishment.
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La théorie kantienne du mal comme manière de penser : la gravité du mensonge à soi-mêmeRamirez Giraldo, Juan Pablo 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Discrimination perçue au travail et (ré)aménagements identitaires de jeunes recrues d'orientation sexuelle minoritaire / Discrimination as perceived at work and identity (re)construction in young employees of a minority sexual orientationSahin, Poyraz 28 November 2018 (has links)
L’étude conduite porte sur l’exploration de la période d’intégration des nouvelles recrues se reconnaissant une orientation sexuelle homosexuelle ou bisexuelle. A partir d’une recherche qualitative, nous posons l'hypothèse générale selon laquelle les processus d’intégration, de socialisation organisationnelle et de construction des intentions professionnelles d’avenir seraient influencés par la présence de normes hétérosexistes et d’une discrimination perçue au travail, d’une part, et par l’identité sexuelle construite antérieurement dans les différentes sphères de vie d’autre part. Nos données ont été recueilles auprès de douze jeunes se reconnaissant comme LGB, récemment intégrés dans les milieux professionnels de la justice et des transports à l’aide de deux études : l’une conduite avec des entretiens de type récit de vie pour d’étudier le sens attribué aux expériences subjectives avant et pendant la période d’intégration dans l’organisation, l’autre menée et à partir d’entretiens de type IMIS pour mieux comprendre les dynamiques identitaires en analysant les relations subjectives entre l’individu et son environnement Les résultats soulignent que les normes hétérosexistes restent dominantes et montrent la non-neutralité de la sphère professionnelle où les échanges incluent des aspects de la vie privée. Dès l’entrée dans l’organisation les jeunes LGB font face à un dilemme entre la divulgation ou la dissimulation de leur orientation sexuelle qui nécessite un aménagement de l’identité en milieu de travail. Parmi les stratégies de présentation de soi, la dissimulation fondée sur la feinte et l'évitement de l’orientation sexuelle est majoritairement utilisée pour éviter les différentes formes de discriminations et d’homophobie anticipées au travail. / The study focuses on an exploration of the integration time of recently-recruited professionals who identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual. Based on the qualitative analysis, we draw the general hypothesis that the processes of integration, organisational socialisation, and the construction of a future career path that are influenced both by the presence of heterosexist norms and perceived discrimination in the workplace as well as by sexual identity previously built in other parts of life. Our data were collected from twelve self-identified LGB young people who recently recruited in the workplace in the transportation and law using two studies: the first conducted with informal interviews to study the meaning given to subjective experience before and during the integration period in the organisation, and the second built from IMIS interviews to understand better the identity dynamics by analysing the subjective relationships between the individual and his environment. The results highlight that heterosexist norms remain dominant and show non-neutrality in the part of the professional world where the conversations include aspects of private life. From the moment of their arrival in the organisation, the young LGB people confront a dilemma between dissimulating and divulging their sexual identity, which requires identity management strategy handling to tackle different forms of discrimination and perceived homophobia. Among the identity management strategies, dissimulation based on pretending or avoiding of sexual orientation are the strategies that are used in the majority to avoid the different forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation that are anticipated in the workplace.
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Rôle de la mise à jour égocentrée dans la mémoire épisodique / Functional involvement of egocentric-updating in episodic memoryGomez, Alice 13 July 2011 (has links)
La mémoire épisodique lie différents éléments dans un contexte spatial et temporel particulier. Il a été proposé que lors de la récupération d‟un épisode, la ré-instanciation d‟une cohérence entre les éléments néocorticaux soit opérée grâce à une représentation spatiale allocentrée stockée au niveau de la structure hippocampique (i.e., codage de la position des objets entre eux, indépendamment de la position de l‟individu, Burgess, Becker, King, & O'Keefe, 2001; Nadel & Moscovitch, 1998). Ce travail de thèse propose de traiter la mémoire épisodique et le sentiment de projection dans son passé (i.e., conscience autonoétique) comme une qualité attribuée à une dextérité relative dans le traitement spatial égocentré mis à jour (i.e., la position, orientation et le déplacement de son corps dans l‟environnement). Le rôle des traitements spatiaux allocentrés et égocentrés mis à jour dans la mémoire épisodique a été évalué expérimentalement. Les résultats suggèrent l‟existence d‟un lien causal entre le traitement de la mise à jour égocentré et les performances de mémoire épisodique. De plus, les études ont mis en évidence l‟existence de spécificités cérébrales et comportementales de la mise à jour égocentrée confirmant l‟adéquation de ce traitement au modèle théorique proposé. Par ailleurs, en référence à cette dissociation entre l‟information égocentrée mis à jour et allocentrée, des études neuropsychologiques ont révélé la présence de déficits de la mise à jour égocentrée, et d‟une préservation allocentrée dans l‟amnésie bihippocampique qu‟elle soit acquise ou développementale. Enfin, l‟évaluation des conséquences cérébrales lors de la récupération épisodique d‟un encodage maximisant le traitement égocentré mis à jour a permis de révéler une implication spécifique des structures temporo-pariétales. Ce travail de thèse a été organisé autour d‟un modèle théorique original du fonctionnement de la mémoire épisodique proposant de nouvelles prédictions expérimentales. Les approches comportementale, neuropsychologique et en imagerie fonctionnelle soulèvent à leur tour de nouvelles pistes de recherche sur le lien entre conscience de son corps et mémoire épisodique. / Episodic memory binds various elements in a specific spatial and temporal context. During retrieval, disparate neocortical elements can be re-associated into a coherent episode due to an allocentric spatial context maintained within the hippocampal formation (ie, coding for object-to-object relations, independently of the individual‟s position, Burgess, Becker, King, & O‟Keefe, 2001, Nadel & Moscovitch, 1998). Phenomenological experience is characteristic of episodic memory. In this thesis, it is described as an individual‟s attribution to a fluency in processing egocentric-updating spatial information (i.e., the position, orientation and movement of one‟s body) during retrieval. The function of egocentric-updating and of allocentric spatial processing in episodic memory was assessed experimentally. Results demonstrate the presence of a causal link between egocentric-updating and episodic memory performance. Moreover, experiments showed cerebral and behavioural specificities of egocentric-updating spatial processing supporting its involvement in episodic memory. Additionally, in line with this distinction between allocentric and egocentric-updating spatial processing, neuropsychological experiments revealed deficits in egocentric-updating with a preservation of allocentric spatial processing in both acquired and developemental bi-hippocampal amnesia. Finally, the assessment of cerebral consequences of encoding an episode while maximizing egocentric-updating processes revealed a higher involvement of temporo-parietal regions during the subsequent episodic retrieval. This thesis work was structured over an original theoretical model on episodic memory functioning allowing new experimental predictions. Combining behavioural, neuropsychological and neuroimaging approaches raised in turn new questions concerning links between episodic memory and self-consciousness.
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La mise en scène du je dans l'oeuvre de José Luís Peixoto : problématiques de l'écriture de soi / The depiction of the self in the works of José Luís Peixoto : issues in the narration of the self / A encenação do eu na obra de José Luís Peixoto : problemáticas da escrita de siRego, Vânia Cecília Almeida 20 November 2015 (has links)
Le travail d'écriture de José Luís Peixoto met en valeur le Je par le biais de l'utilisation de formules inédites et d'une innovation constante au sein de l'écriture de soi, en mobilisant notamment des formes traditionnelles (contes, contes philosophiques, romans d'initiation) que l'auteur conjugue de façon à obtenir une manière nouvelle et ingénieuse d'aborder les territoires autobiographiques. Le jeu entre la fiction et le langage du Je, centré sur des récits de filiation, crée une écriture qui oscille toujours entre le domaine de l'imagination créatrice de fiction et les domaines de l'intime et de l'écriture sur soi, dans une espèce de pulsion double caractéristique de l'auteur. La force de l'œuvre de Peixoto résulte de l'alliance entre des thématiques qui découlent d'un regard idéologique sur la société portugaise contemporaine et un langage extrêmement lyrique et à forte charge symbolique, mettant en scène la ruralité par le biais d'univers tantôt réalistes tantôt oniriques et poétiques. / José Luis Peixoto's works emphasize the self by means of unique formulas and constant innovation of the writing of the self. This is achieved through the use of mainly traditional procedures which the author handles in order to obtain a result that is both imaginative and original. The relation between fiction and the language of the self, which is centered on narratives of affiliation, spawns a writing style that wavers over the fiction-creating imagination and the domains of intimacy and the writing of the self, in a kind of double urge that defines the author. The author's literary strength is a result of the interweaving of themes that emerge from an ideological view on contemporary Portuguese society and a use of language that is extremely lyrical and charged with symbolism, which accentuates rurality through the creation of universes that can be both realistic and oneiric. / A escrita de José Luís Peixoto coloca o EU em relevo através da utilização de métodos inéditos e de uma inovação constante dentro da escrita de si, mobilizando nomeadamente técnicas tradicionais (conto, conto filosófico, romance de iniciação) que o autor conjuga de forma a obter uma forma original e imaginativa de abordar o campo autobiográfico. O jogo entre a ficção e a linguagem do Eu, centrado nas narrativas de filiação, cria uma escrita que oscila sempre entre o domínio da imaginação criadora de ficção e os domínios da intimidade e da escrita sobre si, numa espécie de pulsão dupla característica do autor. A força da obra de Peixoto resulta da aliança entre temáticas que emergem de um olhar ideológico sobre a sociedade portuguesa contemporânea e uma linguagem extremamente lírica e com uma forte vertente simbólica, colocando em evidência a ruralidade através de universos tanto realistas como oníricos e poéticos.
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Mers Intérieures : Chateaubriand, la mer, et les Mémoires d’outre-tombe / Interior Seas : Chateaubriand, the sea, and the Memoirs from Beyond the GraveGirault-Fruet, Arlette 12 October 2018 (has links)
La mer a d’abord été un espace géographique bien réel dans la vie de Chateaubriand, l’immense champ libre accordé à son enfance. En ouvrant le monde grand large devant son regard, la mer autorisait une manière singulière d’en prendre possession. L’auteur des Mémoires d’outre-tombe se revendique navigateur, découvreur, voyageur. Il utilise spontanément le vocabulaire des matelots. Pourtant, il n’a vécu au bord de la mer que sept années pendant l’enfance, n’a effectué ensuite que des escales brèves, sous des cieux étrangers. Il se réfère malgré tout à la mer à chaque instant, la réinstalle sans cesse dans un texte avec lequel d’innombrables correspondances finissent par s’établir. L’écriture elle-même épouse le rythme de la mer, ses harmonies variables. On croit toujours entendre au loin comme le roulement des vagues, comme le bruit du ressac. Tout se passe comme si la sensibilité et l’imagination de l’écrivain, demeurées marquées par une sorte de paysage originel, lisaient le monde à travers un filtre, et lui conféraient instinctivement les teintes, les arrière-plans propres aux rivages quittés. Chateaubriand se demandait avec anxiété si les Mémoires resteraient lisibles à la postérité. Mais l’écriture et la mer renvoient à une même conception de l’éternité : elles écrivent en lettres temporaires des chants qui durent toujours / The sea was first a real geographical space in Chateaubriand’s life, the boundless playing field of his childhood. By unfurling the world at large under his gaze, the sea provided him with a singular mode of appropriating it. The author of the Mémoires d’outre-tombe claimed for himself the status of seaman, discoverer, and traveller. The maritime lexicon comes to him spontaneously. While he only spent seven years of his childhood by the sea, then subsequently stopped but briefly in foreign port of calls, he keeps on referring time and again to the sea, and incessantly reinstates it in his texts, thus elaborating a rich netwwork of echoes. His very style evokes the rhythm of the sea and its ever-changing harmonics. The reader always seems to hear resounding waves and backwash in the distance. It is as if the writer’s sensibility and imagination, bearing the stamp of a foundational landscape, had him perceive the world through the shades and against the backdrops peculiar to the shores he left. Chateaubriand anxiously wondered whether the Mémoires would remain readable to his posterity. But writing and the sea conjure up the same idea of eternity : they write in labile script everlasting songs
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La figure de l'artiste et le rôle de l'art dans les romans de Romain Gary / The figure of the artist and the role of art in the novels of Romain GaryKim, Hyun-hee 17 October 2013 (has links)
La conception du « roman total » proposé par Romain Gary met fin au « chef d’œuvre ». Traversant « le siècle des ténèbres », Romain Gary trouve une part de responsabilité de l’art et de l’artiste dans l’impuissance de la culture face à l’horreur existante. Pourtant, bien qu’il mette l’accent sur la fonction sociale de l’art, Romain Gary n’adhère pas à l’art engagé, ni au roman réaliste ou au Nouveau roman. Il ne cherche pas à imposer ses idées au lecteur, mais veut lui ouvrir un espace de liberté. L’art doit être une jouissance pour qu’il finisse par devenir une force éthique. Il amène une prise de conscience de ce qui manque à la réalité. L’esthétique garyenne consiste à rendre au lecteur son autonomie de pensée. Nombre de ses personnages incarnent la figure de l’artiste sous différentes formes provocatrices : picaro, dandy, clown, etc. Pour Romain Gary, créer, c’est jouir et la jouissance est une révolte métaphysique contre la condition de la vie et contre la souffrance. Les artistes dans ses romans figurent bien ceux qui mènent cette lutte. Transgresseurs des valeurs et des ordres établis, les artistes chez l’auteur tiennent à se libérer de la réalité. Cette libération s’effectue d’une part à travers la création d’un monde imaginaire, d’autre part à travers le dépassement de soi ou la création de soi. Transformant leur vie comme une œuvre de leur imagination, les artistes garyens témoignent d’une identité multiple et en « devenir ». / Néant
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"La nature de Bouddha" dans le Traité qui montre la nature de Bouddha du 3e Karmapa Rangjoung Dorjé / ["the nature of Buddha" in the Treatise which shows buddha nature, from the 3rd Karmapa Rangjoung Dorjé]Hinzelin, Sandy 12 November 2016 (has links)
Le Traité qui montre la nature de bouddha, écrit par le 3e Karmapa Rangjoung Dorjé (1284-1339), est un texte important de la lignée Karma Kagyü du bouddhisme tibétain. En effet, il indique la nature véritable de chaque être, le véritable Soi, et la pratique méditative du mahāmudrā qui est propre à cette lignée se fonde sur cette vue. Notre thèse propose une traduction en français du Traité qui montre la nature de bouddha et d’un commentaire écrit par Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Tayé (1813-1899). Cette traduction est accompagnée d’une réflexion sur le sens de la présence en tous les êtres de la nature de bouddha et des raisons pour lesquelles la pratique méditative se base sur sa compréhension. Puisque la nature de bouddha désigne un état de conscience indicible, nous proposons de l’appréhender en suivant le chemin que la conscience ordinaire doit parcourir pour reconnaître ce qu’elle est véritablement, à savoir la vacuité-luminosité. / The Treatise which shows buddha nature, written by the 3rd Karmapa Rangjoung Dorjé (1284-1339), is an important text in the Karma Kagyü lineage of tibetan buddhism. It indicates indeed the true nature of every being, the true self, and the mahāmudrā meditative practice which is specific to this lineage is grounded on that understanding. This study proposes a french translation of the Treatise which shows buddha nature and of a commentary written by Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Tayé (1813-1899). We also try to understand the meaning of Buddha nature presence and the reasons why we should know it to practice mahāmudrā meditation. Since Buddha nature points out an inexpressible state of consciousness, we propose to apprehend it by following the path that the ordinary consciousness should go through, in order to recognize what is true, which is emptiness-luminosity.
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