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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biographie et mythobiographie de soi : l'imaginaire de la souffrance dans l'écriture autobiographique / Biography and myth-biography of oneself : the imaginary of suffering in autobiographical writings

Valastro, Orazio Maria 05 April 2011 (has links)
La nouvelle géographie symbolique de la santé mentale en Italie, étayant une prise en charge du bien-être psychique et social de l’individu par lui-même et la communauté, pourvoit une recomposition de la relation du corps en souffrance avec le corps social. Le désir de la reliance nourrit ainsi la création esthétique de soi par l’art autobiographique de personnes ordinaires, dévoilant des sujets en souffrance confrontés avec une nouvelle présence à eux-mêmes, les autres et le monde. La triangulation et l’analyse d’un corpus autobiographique d’écritures déposées auprès de la Fondation Archive National Journal Intime (Pieve Santo Stefano, Arezzo-Italie), et le corpus d’images, textes et autobiographies, réalisées dans le cadres des activités des Ateliers de l’Imaginaire Autobiographique (Catania-Italie), soutiennent une compréhension approfondie du désir d’autobiographie. L’analyse des syntaxes sensibles et des formes de sensibilités et consciences poétiques et mythiques collectives, découvre un imaginaire nocturne synthétique et dramatique étayant des corps autobiographiques qui prennent sens et support métaphorique et symbolique. Une sociologie de l’écriture de soi questionne ainsi des formes spécifiques de textualisation de l’imaginaire symbolique et social, nous montrant une société souhaitant d’être révélée à elle-même par ses errances dans la quête mythobiographique, découvrant le sens de notre existence et de notre époque. L’objet social et culturel mythanalysé des écritures de soi en souffrance, nous questionne en dernière analyse au sujet des transformations du système symbolique et des mutations des valeurs sociales. / The new symbolic geography of mental health in Italy, which sustains the psychic and social well-being of the individual through himself and the community, also favors the restructuring of the relationship of the body in distress with the social body. The desire of reliance feeds the aesthetic self-creation, the art of autobiography practiced by ordinary people, revealing suffering persons in relation with a new presence to themselves, others and the world. The triangulation and analysis of a autobiographical corpus of writing stored at the Fondazione Nazionale Archivio Diaristico (Pieve Santo Stefano, Arezzo-Italia), and the corpus of images, texts and autobiographies, carried out during the activities of the Ateliers dell’Immaginario Autobiografico (Catania-Italia), support a deep comprehension of the desire of autobiography. The analysis of sensitive syntax, the forms of sensitiveness and of the poetical, mythic and collective consciousness, discovers a synthetic and dramatic nocturnal imagery, revealing autobiographic body which acquires meaning and metaphorical and symbolic support. Therefore a sociology of the self-writing questions the specific forms of textualization of the symbolic and social imagery, showing us a society which tries to show itself through its wanderings of autobiographic research, discovering the meaning of our existence and of our time. The social and cultural subject myth-analyzed of the self-writings in suffering questions us finally regards the transformation of the symbolic system and the changings of social values.

Mecanismos de transferência de água entre solo, planta e atmosfera e sua relação com o estresse hídrico vegetal / Soil-plant-atmosphere water transfer mechanisms and their relation to crop water stress

Durigon, Angelica 09 September 2011 (has links)
Parametrizações mecanísticas descrevem fisicamente a interação das plantas com o ambiente baseando-se em processos fundamentais, como assimilação de líquida de CO2 e extração da água do solo pelas raízes, influenciados pelas condições do ambiente. O objetivo principal dessas rotinas é aumentar o entendimento do sistema estudado pela integração quantitativa e qualitativa do conhecimento em um modelo de simulação dinâmica do sistema real. Definindo estresse hídrico como a condição em que uma planta aumenta a resistência estomática em conseqüência do aumento da demanda atmosférica e/ou da redução da disponibilidade hídrica no solo, tem-se como hipótese que o déficit hídrico em plantas é causado por fatores ambientais relacionados com as interfaces solo-raiz e folha-atmosfera. O objetivo geral desse estudo é identificar quais são as variáveis do solo e da atmosfera determinantes e que devem ser consideradas na modelagem da deficiência hídrica em plantas. Os teores de água no solo e na atmosfera foram monitorados em condições de campo durante o desenvolvimento da cultura de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) entre Junho e Setembro de 2010, e correlacionados ao estresse hídrico caracterizado por medições de temperatura do dossel. As variáveis de interesse, especificamente o potencial matricial da água do solo, a temperatura e a umidade do ar e a temperatura do dossel foram medidas regularmente em intervalos de 30 minutos. A taxa de transpiração e a condutância estomática foram medidas ocasionalmente. Uma parcela foi irrigada durante todo o ciclo da cultura (tratamento totalmente irrigada), enquanto a outra foi submetida ao estresse hídrico na fase reprodutiva (tratamento com déficit de irrigação). A metodologia utilizada neste estudo deu suporte à hipótese inicial. Os principais fatores relacionados à interface solo-raiz são as propriedades hidráulicas do solo, especialmente a condutividade hidráulica e da densidade de comprimento radicular; na interface atmosfera de folhas, os fatores mais importantes são o déficit de pressão de vapor do ar atmosférico VPD. Estes fatores devem ser considerados de alguma forma na modelagem estresse hídrico em plantas. A detecção da ocorrência de estresse hídrico nas plantas no tratamento com déficit de irrigação foi feito por comparações entre o VPD e diferença de temperatura entre o dossel e o ar tdossel-ar e entre tdossel e a temperatura do bulbo úmido twb dos dois tratamentos hídricos. O início do estresse hídrico nas plantas com déficit de irrigação ocorreu em 05 de Agosto. As simulações com os modelos mecanísticos de extração da água do solo pelas raízes proposto por Jong van Lier et al. (2008) e de assimilação de CO2 proposto por Jacobs (1994) foram feitos com os dados de ambos os tratamentos. O modelo de extração foi sensível aos parâmetros hidráulicos do solo, especialmente a condutividade hidráulica e o comprimento radicular. A taxa de transpiração estimada pelo modelo de Jacobs (1994) mostrou-se dependente da temperatura do dossel utilizada para calcular o déficit de umidade específica folha-ar Ds e a condutância do mesofilo, do próprio Ds (dependente também da temperatura do ar), e do índice de área foliar. / Mechanistic parameterizations describe physically the interactions between crop and environment based on primary processes such as CO2 net assimilation and root water uptake from soil and how they are influenced by environmental conditions. An important purpose of developing mechanistic routines is to improve the understanding of a system by qualitative and quantitative integration of knowledge in a dynamic simulation model of a real system. Defining water stress as the condition in which stomatal resistance of plant leaves increases as a consequence of enhanced atmospheric demand and/or reduced soil water availability, the investigated hypothesis was that plant water stress is caused by environmental factors related to both the soilroot and leave-atmosphere interfaces. The main objective of the research was to identify which atmosphere and soil parameters are determinant and must be considered in crop water stress modeling. Soil and atmosphere water content were monitored under field conditions during the growing season of a Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) crop between June and September, 2010, and correlated to plant water stress characterized by measurements of canopy temperature. The variables of interest, specifically the soil water pressure head, air temperature and humidity and canopy temperature were measured regularly at short intervals. Transpiration rate and stomatal conductance were measured occasionally. One plot was irrigated during the whole crop cycle (fully irrigated treatment), while the other one was subject to water stress in the reproductive phase (deficit irrigated treatment). The methodology used in this study supported the initial hypothesis. The main soil-root interface related factors that determine water stress are the soil hydraulic properties, especially the hydraulic conductivity, and the root length density; at the leaf atmosphere interface, the most important factor is the vapor pressure deficit of atmospheric air VPD. These factors must be somehow considered in crop water stress modeling. The detection of water stress occurrence in the deficit irrigated plants was made by comparisons between VPD and temperature difference between canopy and air tcanopy-air and between tcanopy and wet bulb temperature twb of the two irrigation treatments. The onset of water stress in deficit irrigated plants occurred on August 5. The simulations with the mechanistic models of soil water root uptake proposed by Jong van Lier et al. (2008) and of CO2 assimilation by Jacobs (1994) were made with data from the two treatments. The soil water uptake model was sensitive to soil hydraulic parameters, especially hydraulic conductivity and root length density. The transpiration rate estimated by the Jacobs (1994) model showed to be dependent on the canopy temperature used to calculate the specific humidity deficit between leaves and air Ds and the mesophyll conductance, on Ds (on its turn also dependent on air temperature), and on the leaf area index

Análise dos parâmetros analógicos do dispositivo SOI DTMOS. / Analog performance of dynamic threshold voltage SOI MOSFET.

Amaro, Jefferson Oliveira 28 April 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o estudo do desempenho analógico do transistor SOI MOSFET com tensão de limiar dinamicamente variável (DTMOS). Esse dispositivo é fabricado em tecnologia SOI parcialmente depletado (PD). A tensão de limiar desta estrutura varia dinamicamente porque a porta do transistor está curto-circuitada com o canal do mesmo, melhorando significativamente suas características elétricas quando comparadas aos transistores PD SOI MOSFET convencionais. Entre as características principais desse dispositivo, pode-se citar a inclinação de sublimiar praticamente ideal (60 mV/dec), devido ao reduzido efeito de corpo, resultando num aumento significativo da corrente total que corresponde à soma da corrente do transistor principal com a corrente do transistor bipolar parasitário inerente à estrutura. Diversas simulações numéricas bidimensionais, utilizando o simulador ATLAS, foram executadas a fim de se obter um melhor entendimento do dispositivo DTMOS, quando comparado com o SOI convencional. As características elétricas analisadas através da simulação numérica bidimensional apresentam a corrente de dreno em função da polarização da porta considerando VD baixo e alto (25 mV e 1V). O canal teve uma variação de 1 até 0,15 µm. Através dessas simulações foram obtidos as principais características elétricas e parâmetros analógicos para estudo do DTMOS em comparação com o SOI convencional como: transcondutância (gm), tensão de limiar (VTH), inclinação de sublimiar (S). Considerando a polarização de dreno em 1V foi obtido a transcondutância e a inclinação de sublimiar. Na etapa seguinte foi feito simulações para obter as curvas características de IDS x VDS, onde a tensão aplicada na porta variou de 0 a 200 mV (VGT), onde se obteve a tensão Early (VEA), a condutância de saída (gD) dos dispositivos, bem como o ganho intrínseco de tensão DC (AV) e a freqüência de ganho unitário (fT). Os resultados experimentais foram realizados em duas etapas: na primeira, extraíram-se todas as curvas variando o comprimento do canal (L) de 10 à 0,15 µm e na segunda, manteve-se um valor fixo do comprimento do canal (10 µm), variando somente a largura do canal (W) entre 10 e 0,8 µm, para identificar quais seriam os impactos nos resultados. A relação da transcondutância pela corrente de dreno do DTMOS foi 40 V-1 na média, independentemente do comprimento do canal e observou-se um aumento de 14 dB no ganho intrínseco quando usado o comprimento de canal de 0,22 µm, em comparação com SOI convencional. Foi verificado uma melhora na performance dos parâmetros analógicos do DTMOS quando comparado com o PDSOI e têm sido muito utilizado em aplicações de baixa tensão e baixa potência. / This work presents the study of analog performance parameters of PDSOI (Partially-depleted) transistor in comparison with a Dynamic Threshold MOS transistor (DTMOS). The DTMOS is a partially-depleted device with dynamic threshold voltage. This variation of threshold voltage is obtained when the gate is connected to the silicon film (channel) of the PDSOI device, improving the electrical characteristics of a conventional SOI. The characteristics of this device is an ideal subthreshold slope (60mV/dec), due to the reduced body effect and improved current drive. When the gate voltage increases in DTMOS (body tied to gate), there is a body potential increase, which results in a higher drain current due to the sum of the MOS current with the bipolar transistor (BJT) one. Several two-dimensional numerical simulations were done with the ATLAS Simulator to obtain a better knowledge of DTMOS device to compare with PDSOI. The electrical characteristics analyzed through two-dimensional numerical simulations are the drain current as a function of (VGS) with drain bias fixed at 25 mV and 1 V. The channel length varied from 10 to 1 um. Through these simulations the main electrical characteristics and the analog performance parameters were obtained of DTMOS in comparison with conventional SOI, as: transconductance (gm), threshold (VTH) voltage, and subthreshold slope (S). Considering the drain bias of 1V, transconductance and subthreshold voltage were obtained. In the next step, the characteristics curves of drain current (IDS) as a function of (VDS), where the gate bias varied from 0 to 200 mV of (VGT), to obtain the Early voltage (VEA) and output conductance (gD), the intrinsic gain DC (AV) and a unit-gain frequency to both devices were simulated. The experimental results were measured in two steps: in the first step all electrical characteristics and parameters considering a channel length (L) variation were obtained and in the second step a channel length was fixed and varied the width (W) was varied to study if this variation had any effects on the results. The gm/IDS ratio of DTMOS was 40 V-1 , independent of channel length and a increase of 14 dB in intrinsic gain, when using a channel length of 0,22 µm, compared with the conventional SOI was obtained. Improvement was observed in the performance of analog parameters when compared whit conventional SOI and DTMOS has been widely used in Low-Power- Low-Voltage applications.

Stéréotypes, représentations et identités en R.D.A. et en R.F.A. : une comparaison transnationale des discours journalistiques de Der Spiegel et de la Neue Berliner Illustrierte entre 1949 et 1989 / Stereotypes, representations and identify in West-Germany and Est-Germany : a transnational study of the journalistic speech in Der Spiegel und Neue Berliner Illustrierte between 1949 and 1989

Richter, Tina Julia 10 October 2014 (has links)
D’où vient « le mur dans les têtes » des Allemands en 1989 ? Que signifient les stéréotypes Besserwessi / Jammerossi ? Quelles sont les représentations et les identités en R.D.A. et en R.F.A. ? Existe-t-il deux identités allemandes différentes ? Avec un corpus de 312 exemplaires de Der Spiegel et de la Neue Berliner Illustrierte, cette thèse étudie la dimension sémantique des stéréotypes, elle analyse les représentations en R.F.A. et en R.D.A. et définit une double identité allemande. L’année 1989 provoque une crise identitaire et langagière que nous étudions à l’aide de sondages, d’ouvrages, de caricatures et de journaux. La guerre froide, la manipulation du discours et un contexte économique déstabilisant font naître dès 1949 des stéréotypes qui s’intensifient en 1961 et s’accumulent en 1989. Ils se transforment du stéréotype de la revendication de représenter l’Allemagne dans son ensemble (1949) en celui de la grande famille socialiste (R.D.A.) et de la grande famille américaine (R.F.A.) en 1961 et en celui de la pérennité étatique (R.D.A.) et de la terra incognita (R.F.A.) en 1989. Les stéréotypes se diffusent avec des images et un vocabulaire de la consommation et de l’individualisme en R.F.A. et de la solidarité en R.D.A. L’identité est-allemande est une identité collective, solidaire et uniforme et l’identité ouest-allemande est une identité de plaisir, de liberté, d’esprit de compétitivité et d’individualisme. Avec une perspective de recherche pluridisciplinaire, comparative et transnationale, ce travail s’insère dans les champs des recherches historiques et linguistiques et s’appuie sur l’histoire comparée, l’analyse du discours et de l’image. L’enjeu identitaire est relié aux stéréotypes et aux représentations qui sont les faces visibles des stéréotypes. Cette thèse étudie aussi les lieux de mémoire textuels, culinaires, culturels, politiques et économiques est-allemands et ouest-allemands en se basant sur les travaux de Walter Lippmann, Ruth Amossy, Pierre Nora, Etienne François, Hagen Schulze, Pierre Moscovici, Christian Delporte, Dominique Maingueneau, Laurent Gervereau, Heinz Gerhard Haupt, Henri Ménudier, Sandrine Kott, Alain Lattard. C’est ce qui nous permet d’analyser les discours d’hommes politiques et de journalistes comme Helmut Kohl, Ludwig Erhard, Konrad Adenauer, Walter Ulbricht, Rudolf Augstein, Rudolf Hernnstadt et Lilly Becher. / What is the origin of the « wall in the minds » between East-germans and West-germans in 1989 ? What is the significance of the stereotypes Besserwessi / Jammerossi ? Do we have two german identities ? Based on a corpus of 312 exemplars of Der Spiegel and Neue Berliner Illustrierte, this thesis analyses the relationship between GDR and West Germany during the cold war. It presents the social representations and defines a double german identity. In 1989, we have a crisis in german language and identity illustrated by soundings, literature, caricatures and stereotypes. Cold war, political speech and destabilizing aspects of 1989 push up stereotypes since 1949. In 1961 they grow up and in 1989 they are on the top. They transform themselves from the stereotype of sole and exclusive representation (1949) to the stereotype of the big socialiste family (GDR) and the big west family (West Germany) in 1961 and to the stereotype of endurance (GDR) and terra incognita (West Germany) in 1989. Stereotypes circulate by language, various leitmotiv and a vocabulary of consumption and egoism in West Germany and solidarity in GDR. They are the sign of a temporarily double german identity. Absence of the same identity and language markers bring up gap between Ossis and Wessis. With a interdisciplinary and comparative approach, this thesis takes place in historic and language studies. The innovation is to connect the question of german identity with stereotypes and representations by defining representations as visible faces of stereotypes. This work studies german history, est-german and west-german memory in the second half of the 20th century with the autors and journalistes Walter Lippmann, Ruth Amossy, Pierre Nora, Etienne François, Hagen Schulze, Pierre Moscovici, Christian Delporte, Dominique Maingueneau, Laurent Gervereau, Heinz-Gerhard Haupt, Henri Ménudier, Sandrine Kott, Alain Lattard and Helmut Kohl, Ludwig Erhard, Konrad Adenauer, Walter Ulbricht, Rudolf Augstein, Rudolf Hernnstadt and Lilly Becher.

A subjetividade na atividade de trabalho de operadores de uma indústria petroquímica do Rio Grande do Sul

Abreu, Geisa Cássia Romani de 23 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:11:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 23 / Nenhuma / Esta pesquisa foi motivada pela ocorrência significativa de formas verbais passivas analíticas com apagamento do agente, encontradas em relatórios escritos de passagem de serviço de operadores de uma indústria petroquímica. Os aportes teóricos são a lingüística da enunciação, de Émile Benveniste (1989, 2005) e a ergologia, de Yves Schwartz (2000). A partir dessa interlocução, procuramos observar a intervenção do sujeito como ser enigmático – o corpo-si – na atividade de trabalho. A análise das ocorrências da voz passiva sem agente, no nível intralingüístico, mostrou-se insuficiente para os objetivos da pesquisa. Buscamos, então, ultrapassar a descrição do fato lingüístico, em si, para chegar à metassemântica, dimensão apenas anunciada por Benveniste no texto Semiologia da língua. Para tanto, dois outros corpora foram considerados: a passagem de serviço homem-a-homem (oral) e a verbalização sobre a atividade. A partir daí, o que aparentemente se mostrava como apagamento do agente na análise dos relatórios foi / This research was motivated by occurring events of analytical passive forms not mentioning the performer, found in written shift break reports of workers in a petrochemical industry. Theoretical supports used are based on the theory of enunciation, by Émile Benveniste (1989, 2005) and Ergology, by Yves Schwartz (2000). Such dialogue has eventually led to an observation of the performer as an enigmatic being – the corps-soi – in working field. The intralinguistic analysis of occurring passive voice structures not mentioning the performer have shown to be ineffective to this research. Consequently, we trespass the description of linguistic fact in itself to reach a metassemantic concept – dimension proposed by Benveniste at The semiology of language. Moreover, two additional corpora were added: the man-to-man (oral) working shift break and the verbalization over the activity. From then on, what was apparently assumed as the total absence of the performer in written reports turned out to be read as forms of one´

Le rôle du construit de soi et du style de raisonnement dans les variations culturelles des consommateurs : expérimentations et mesures sur les chaînes moyens-fins / The role of self-construal and thinking style in consumers' cultural variations : experiment and measurement of the means-end chain

Choi, Byung-Joon 19 November 2014 (has links)
La théorie des chaînes moyens-fins, fusionnant les valeurs du consommateur et l’évaluation des caractéristiques du produit dans une étude du comportement du consommateur, a été développée à travers les validations empiriques principalement issues des cultures occidentales. Cette recherche s’intéresse ainsi à la généralisation interculturelle de ce modèle cognitif en examinant la relation des processus culturels qui distinguent les Occidentaux des Orientaux à la formation d’enchaînement des concepts (attributs - bénéfices recherchés - valeurs). Les travaux récents ont mis en évidence que les différences individuelles en termes de construit de soi joue un rôle sur les variations interculturelles dans les cognitions et les comportements des individus qui peuvent passer à divers cadres de référence culturels en réponse à des indicateurs sociaux correspondants. A ce titre, la recherche s’inscrit dans une approche constructiviste et dynamique de la culture en positionnant le construit de soi en tant qu’indice prédictif de la variation du style cognitif, qui sous-tend par hypothèse les différentes structures cognitives des consommateurs. Le mécanisme d’influence de la culture sur les chaînes moyens-fins a été approfondi de manière expérimentale par l’utilisation croisée des méthodes d’amorçage culturel et de l’Association-Pattern Technique (213 étudiants français et 217 étudiants coréens) à la suite d’une étude exploratoire fondée sur le Laddering (52 étudiants français et 52 étudiants coréens). Les résultats montrent que le construit de soi n’est pas seulement un facteur qui influe sur les variations culturelles des chaînes moyens-fins mais que c’est aussi un facteur indirect via le style de raisonnement. En outre, il est démontré que les effets en accord avec l’amorce de soi peuvent réduire les différences interculturelles entre les consommateurs occidentaux et orientaux. / Means-end chain theory, including both consumer values and evaluation of product’s attributes in the study of consumer behavior, has been developed through empirical validation primarily from Western cultures. This research thus focuses on the cross-cultural generalizability of such theoretical framework by examining the relation of cultural processes differentiating Westerners from Easterners with the hierarchical linkages between attributes, consequences and values. Previous researchers have demonstrated that individual differences in self-construal exert an important influence on cross-cultural variations in cognition and even behavior and also that individuals can switch between various cultural frames of reference in response to corresponding social cues. On the basis of a dynamic constructivist approach to culture and cognition, we suggest that self-construal is a predictive driver of cultural differences in thinking styles, thereby influencing consumers’ cognitive structures. To investigate the mechanism responsible for cultural variations of means-end content and structure, the salient self-construal was experimentally manipulated through the use of cultural priming methodologies, and then all possible combinations of attributes, consequences and values were measured by means of the Association-Pattern Technique matrices (213 French students and 217 Korean students) which had been previously defined through 52 in-depth laddering interviews conducted in each country. Our findings provide support for self-construal associated with different thinking style as a determinant of cultural differences in consumers’ means-end value hierarchy structure. There is also evidence that consumers’ cultural orientation can be made more accessible by situational prime, particularly that these effects of self-construal priming are able to reduce or eliminate cultural differences between western and eastern consumers.

« Lorsque le point de vente distribue une expérience identitaire... » : apport du concept d’identité à la compréhension de l’expérience de magasinage du consommateur issu de l’immigration maghrébine / « Experiencing identitiy in the store... » : a better understanding of Maghrebean immigrant’s shopping experience through the concept of identity

Hadj Hmida, Manel 05 December 2015 (has links)
Au cours de son existence, le consommateur, est amené à vivre des incidents qui génèrent des tensions identitaires. Il est engagé dans un processus de construction identitaire. Cette recherche montre que le point de vente accompagne le consommateur dans son projet identitaire. Il agit comme une ressource qui permet de gérer des dynamiques et tensions identitaires. Parmi ces tensions, nous identifions le rapport au corps, les distorsions avec le soi (avec ses composantes de l’image de soi et l’estime de soi) et les négociations en matière d’identité ethnique. Selon une approche psychologique, cette recherche montre que le magasin devient une ressource de (re)construction identitaire aux bienfaits thérapeutiques. Le consommateur, à travers ce qu’il vit dans le magasin, affronte ses fragilités et prend conscience de son état. L’intervention du magasin dans la gestion des dynamiques et tensions identitaires devient alors une expérience identitaire. Cette recherche montre que lorsque la visite au point de vente devient une démarche identitaire, elle s’apparente alors à une expérience offrant des ressources. L’approche phénoménologique que nous adoptons permet de mettre en évidence le processus d’engagement du consommateur dans l’expérience identitaire. Elle renseigne alors sur son contenu et ses caractéristiques, et éclaire sur le concept d’expérience de magasinage. / It happens that the consumer has to deal with life issues related to identity matters. He is engaged in a process of identity construction. This research shows that the store supports the consumer in his identity project. It acts as a resource allowing him to deal with all the idenity conflicts, like body issues, distortions with the self, self esteem issues and ethnic identity issues. According to a psychological approach, this research shows that the store becomes aresource for (re)constructing the self and provides the consumer with therapeutic benefits. Through what he lives in the store, the consumer will be confronting its weaknesses and become aware of his self. The way the store helps the consumer with these conflictual identity issues makes him experiencing his self.In this research, we use a phenomenological approach that helps to highlight the consumer engagement in the process of his identity experience. Then, it offers a better understanding of the shopping experience concept.

Devenir sain : morales alimentaires, pratiques de santé et écologie de soi / Becoming wholesome : food morality, health practices and ecology of self

Adamiec, Camille 27 November 2014 (has links)
Devenir sain est un cheminement dynamique traversé par les événements, les paradoxes et les contradictions du quotidien. Les normes pour prendre soin de soi et de sa santé se redéfinissent à l’aune des investissements alimentaires et, inversement, les plaisirs et les restrictions de la chair génèrent une redéfinition du corps sain, vulnérable et malade. La construction d’une alimentation-santé passe par une pensée globale de l’individu et de ses actions, la création d’une écologie de soi qui touche tous les domaines de la vie et donne l’illusion d’une maîtrise et d’un contrôle sur l’avenir. Cette recherche qualitative se fonde sur des entretiens individuels et collectifs, et des observations au long cours afin de recueillir récits et pratiques en matière d’alimentation-santé. Par une posture critique continue, les mangeurs révèlent les conséquences d’une société réflexive, où l’incertitude devient le maître mot du rapport à la connaissance et aux institutions. Leurs dissidences soulèvent le caractère à la fois conflictuel et créatif de leurs pratiques et de leurs réflexions. Ils expriment les exigences de la société orthorexique et cherchent à les transcender. / Becoming wholesome is a dynamic way crossed by events, paradoxes and contradictions of everyday life. Norms to take care of yourself and your health are redefined in terms of food investments and the pleasures and limitations of flesh generate a redefinition of healthy, vulnerable and illness bodies. The construction of a health-food requires global individual thinking, conflict and creative obligations and generate an ecology of self. It affects all areas of life and gives the illusion to control the future. This qualitative research is based on individual and group interviews, as well as observations, collected stories and eaters practices. These eaters reveal the consequences of reflexive society where uncertainty defines the relation to knowledge and institutions. They express the requirements of orthorexic society and seek to transcend them.

Meaning-making and the wilderness experience: an examination using a constructive-developmental lens

Pollock, Curtis J. 29 April 2019 (has links)
Wilderness Experience Programs (WEPs) take youth into wilderness settings in order to teach wilderness travel and leadership, expand personal capacity, and equip youth with coping skills in order to manage life’s difficulties. Though considerable research has been conducted on WEPs, no one has sought to understand the student experience these programs provide through a constructive-developmental lens (Kegan, 1982, 1994). The purpose of this case study was to explore, describe, assess, and understand–using the framework of Robert Kegan’s (1982, 1994) constructive-developmental theory–the impact a 21-day wilderness backpacking experience had on five participating youth. The researcher believed that understanding how participants in a wilderness backpacking course make sense of their experience through the lens of their constructive-developmental perspective might help inform the theories of change that underpin WEPs, the means by which desired change is facilitated, and the reasons why some youth thrive and others struggle. This exploratory study utilized a case study approach. The researcher embedded as a participant-observer for the duration on a 21-day backpacking course with Outward Bound Canada in the Ghost River Wilderness, Alberta, Canada. Nine youth participated in the expedition, with five male students volunteering as research participants. Pre-trip and post-trip administrations of the Subject-Object Interview and post-expedition semi-structured interviews were conducted with each research participant. Additionally, the researcher made field observations and wrote field notes. The subsequent analysis produced in-depth profiles of each research participant’s experience of the course, pre and post expedition scores from the Subject-Object Interviews, and a description of how each research participant’s experience might be understood through the lens of their constructive-developmental perspective. Although no significant changes to constructive-developmental perspective were realized, implications of these analyses were discussed, conclusions were drawn, and recommendations were made. / Graduate

Les déterminants de la récupération chez des patients traumatisés crâniens / The recovery factors in patients with traumatic brain injuries

Castor, Naomie 08 December 2017 (has links)
Les pathologies neurologiques sont souvent considérées comme les plus graves et provoquent régulièrement des perturbations cognitives jugées irréversibles. Cependant, certaines affections comme le traumatisme cranio-cérébral et l’accident vasculaire cérébral disposent d’un potentiel de récupération. Ces deux pathologies restent distinctes sur l’étiologie et la population affectée mais sont communes au niveau de la prise en charge et des séquelles existantes. Les différentes recherches effectuées sur la récupération des troubles phasiques et la mise en évidence de facteurs pronostics dans les perturbations langagières, nous ont conduits à effectuer une recherche longitudinale sur les variables de la récupération dans les traumatismes cranio-cérébraux. Compte tenu du potentiel de récupération des accidents vasculaires cérébraux, nous avons effectué une recherche comparative entre les deux pathologies. L’analyse des liens entre les états dépressifs, les états anxieux, l’estime de soi, le coping, la résilience, les performances cognitives, les soins dispensés et l’anosognosie nous a permis d’appréhender les facteurs de récupération présents dans les deux affections. Les résultats de cette étude révèlent des performances cognitives similaires entre les sujets cérébro-lésés ainsi que la possibilité d’une récupération pour chacune des pathologiques. Nos résultats ont également montré une récupération identique, indiquant ainsi que quelle que soit la pathologie, nos sujets récupèrent de la même manière. / Neurological pathologies are frequently considered as serious and generate cognitive disabilities irreversible. However some diseases as traumatic brain injury and stroke have a recovery potential. These pathologies are different concerning etiology and people who are suffer but similar about medical care and sequelae. The different researches related to the recovery of language disorders and prognostic variables exposure, led us to realize a longitudinal study on recovery variables on traumatic brain injury. Considering the potential recovery of stroke, we have effected a comparative research between both pathologies. Correlational analyses between depression, anxiety, self-esteem, resilience, coping, abilities cognitive, medical care and anosognosia have exposed the determinants of recovery in traumatic brain injury and stroke. The results of this study show identical cognitive performances between patients and also a recovery for both disease. Recovery was similar for patients, which means regardless pathologies, patients recover in same way.

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