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Automated system design for the efficient processing of solar satellite images : developing novel techniques and software platform for the robust feature detection and the creation of 3D anaglyphs and super-resolution images for solar satellite imagesZraqou, Jamal Sami January 2011 (has links)
The Sun is of fundamental importance to life on earth and is studied by scientists from many disciplines. It exhibits phenomena on a wide range of observable scales, timescales and wavelengths and due to technological developments there is a continuing increase in the rate at which solar data is becoming available for study which presents both opportunities and challenges. Two satellites recently launched to observe the sun are STEREO (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory), providing simultaneous views of the SUN from two different viewpoints and SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory) which aims to study the solar atmosphere on small scales and times and in many wavelengths. The STEREO and SDO missions are providing huge volumes of data at rates of about 15 GB per day (initially it was 30 GB per day) and 1.5 terabytes per day respectively. Accessing these huge data volumes efficiently at both high spatial and high time resolutions is important to support scientific discovery but requires increasingly efficient tools to browse, locate and process specific data sets. This thesis investigates the development of new technologies for processing information contained in multiple and overlapping images of the same scene to produce images of improved quality. This area in general is titled Super Resolution (SR), and offers a technique for reducing artefacts and increasing the spatial resolution. Another challenge is to generate 3D images such as Anaglyphs from uncalibrated pairs of SR images. An automated method to generate SR images is presented here. The SR technique consists of three stages: image registration, interpolation and filtration. Then a method to produce enhanced, near real-time, 3D solar images from uncalibrated pairs of images is introduced. Image registration is an essential enabling step in SR and Anaglyph processing. An accurate point-to-point mapping between views is estimated, with multiple images registered using only information contained within the images themselves. The performances of the proposed methods are evaluated using benchmark evaluation techniques. A software application called the SOLARSTUDIO has been developed to integrate and run all the methods introduced in this thesis. SOLARSTUDIO offers a number of useful image processing tools associated with activities highly focused on solar images including: Active Region (AR) segmentation, anaglyph creation, solar limb extraction, solar events tracking and video creation.
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政治文化對政治發展影響之研究-中華民國個案分析駱翠英, LUO, CUI-YING Unknown Date (has links)
二、第壹章:政治文化與政治發展理論:(一)政治文化理論著重PYE ALMOND ROSE-
NBAUM 等人對政治文化內容、類型及危機之闡述。(二)政治發展理論,係闡明各發
六、結論:包括(一)研究發現。(二)對 孫中山先生國家發展學說的省思。
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民生主義均富理論與政策之研究江文欽, JIANG, WEN-GIN Unknown Date (has links)
,其次說明近代世界均富思想的發展,最後探討 中山先生的均富理論體系。
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Le confinement magnétique de la tachocline solaireBarnabé, Roxane 10 1900 (has links)
Réalisé en co-direction avec Antoine Strugarek. / La tachocline solaire est encore aujourd’hui un important sujet de débat dans la communauté.
La compréhension de cette mince couche, à l’interface entre les zones radiative
et convective, est très importante à la compréhension globale du fonctionnement du
Soleil. En effet, l’inclusion d’une tachocline a un impact majeur dans les modèles de
dynamo générant le champ magnétique du Soleil. De plus, la rotation différentielle observée
dans la zone de convection devrait se propager dans la zone de radiation, où la
rotation est uniforme, de sorte que la tachocline devrait être beaucoup plus épaisse que
ce que les observations indiquent. Le processus menant au confinement de la tachocline
est encore incertain, bien que de nombreuses hypothèses furent apportées pour tenter de
l’expliquer. Un des ces scénarios propose que la pénétration du champ magnétique dynamo
sous la zone convective mène à la suppression de la rotation différentielle dans la
tachocline. Nous présentons ici un modèle MHD simplifié en une dimension afin de tester
ce scénario de tachocline rapide. Nous nous intéressons à deux cas particuliers : une
tachocline où le transport de moment cinétique est dû à la viscosité, puis une tachocline
où l’épaississement radiatif domine la viscosité. Nous avons analysé plusieurs simulations
dans le but de déterminer dans quelles conditions physiques le confinement de la
tachocline est possible via ce scénario. L’amplitude du champ magnétique pénétrant sous
la zone convective, la diffusivité magnétique, la viscosité et la diffusivité thermique ont
un impact majeur sur les résultats et nous concluons en déterminant selon quels régimes
de paramètres la tachocline pourrait être confinée par un tel champ dynamo. / The solar tachocline remains the subject of vigorous ongoing research efforts. Understanding
the dynamics of this thin layer at the interface between the radiative and convective
zones is important to the overall understanding the Sun’s inner workings. Indeed,
the presence of a tachocline plays a major role in most dynamo models that describe the
generation of the solar magnetic field. Moreover, the differential rotation observed in the
convection zone should spread in the radiation zone, where the rotation is uniform, so
the tachocline should be much thicker than inferred from helioseismic inversions. The
physical mechanism(s) responsible for confining the tachocline has not yet been identified
with confidence, although many promising hypotheses have been put forth. One
of these invokes the penetration of a dynamo magnetic field below the convective zone,
leading to the suppression of the differential rotation in the tachocline through the action
of magnetic stresses. We present here a simplified MHD model formulated in one
spatial dimension, in order to test this fast tachocline scenario. We focus on two specific
physical cases : one where the angular momentum transport is due to the viscosity and
the other where radiative spreading dominates over viscosity. We carry out and analyze
several simulations to determine under which physical conditions the confinement of the
tachocline is possible via this scenario. The amplitude of the magnetic field penetrating
the convective zone, the magnetic diffusivity, the viscosity and the thermal diffusivity
all have a major impact on the results, and we conclude by determining under which
parameters the tachocline could be confined by such a dynamo field.
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Modélisation de l'irradiance solaire spectrale dans le proche et moyen ultravioletBolduc, Cassandra 04 1900 (has links)
Nous présentons un modèle pour l’irradiance solaire spectrale entre 200 et 400 nm. Celui-ci est une extension d’un modèle d’irradiance solaire totale basé sur la simulation de la fragmentation et l’érosion des taches qui utilise, en entrée, les positions et aires des taches observées pour chaque pas de temps d’une journée. L’émergence des taches sur la face du Soleil opposée à la Terre est simulée par une injection stochastique. Le modèle simule ensuite leur désintégration, qui produit des taches plus petites et des facules. Par la suite, l’irradiance est calculée en sommant la contribution des taches, des facules et du Soleil inactif. Les paramètres libres du modèle sont ajustés en comparant les séquences temporelles produites avec les données provenant de divers satellites s’étalant sur trois cycles d’activité. Le modèle d’irradiance spectrale, quant à lui, a été obtenu en modifiant le calcul de la contribution des taches et des facules, ainsi que celle du Soleil inactif, afin de tenir compte de leur dépendance spectrale. Le flux de la photosphère inactive est interpolé sur un spectre synthétique non magnétisé, alors que le contraste des taches est obtenu en calculant le rapport du flux provenant d’un spectre synthétique représentatif des taches et de celui provenant du spectre représentatif du Soleil inactif. Le contraste des facules est quand à lui calculé avec une procédure simple d’inversion de corps noir. Cette dernière nécessite l’utilisation d’un profil de température des facules obtenu à l’aide de modèles d’atmosphère. Les données produites avec le modèle d’irradiance spectrale sont comparées aux observations de SOLSTICE sur UARS. L’accord étant peu satisfaisant, particulièrement concernant le niveau d’irradiance minimal ainsi que l’amplitude des variations, des corrections sont appliquées sur le flux du Soleil inactif, sur le profil de température des facules, ainsi qu’à la dépendance centre-bord du contraste des facules. Enfin, un profil de température des facules est reconstruit empiriquement en maximisant l’accord avec les observations grâce à un algorithme génétique. Il est utilisé afin de reconstruire les séquences temporelles d’irradiance jusqu’en 1874 à des longueurs d’ondes d’intérêt pour la chimie et la dynamique stratosphérique. / We present a model for spectral solar irradiance between 200 and 400 nm. It is an extension of a model for total solar irradiance based on sunspots fragmentation and erosion. This model takes the observed sunspot position and area as input for every oneday time step whereas emergences on the far side of the Sun are injected stochastically. The model simulates the spot’s disintegration and fragmentation into smaller structures such as spots and faculae and produces a magnetic structures area distribution evolving with time. The model contains many free parameters controlling the spots fragmentation, the quiet Sun irradiance, etc. They are adjusted by comparing the model outputs with observations from satellites spanning approximately three activity cycles. The model for spectral irradiance is a modified version of the model for total irradiance. More precisely, the spots and faculae contrast calculation and the quiet Sun contribution are adjusted to account for their spectral dependance. First, the quiet Sun flux is interpolated on a non magnetic synthetic spectrum, while the spots contrast is calculated with the ratio of the flux from a synthetic spectrum colder than the non magnetic photosphere, and the flux from a quiet Sun spectrum. The facular brightening is calculated with a simple procedure using the black body theory. This procedure interpolates a temperature associated with the formation height of photons from faculae on a temperature profile resulting from model atmosphere calculations. The spectral irradiance time series calculated with the model are compared to data from SOLSTICE on UARS. The two data sets do not agree very well, especially when we consider the minimum irradiance level and the amplitude variations over a complete cycle. Therefore, we apply a correction on the quiet Sun level and on the facular temperature profile. Finally, using a genetic algorithm, we reconstruct an empirical facular temperature profile by maximizing the fitness with observations. We use it to reconstruct spectral irradiance time series starting in 1874 at wavelengths of interest for stratospheric chemistry and dynamics.
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Ensino de física solar em um espaço não formal de educação / Teaching solar physics in an informal educational spaceAroca, Silvia Calbo 13 February 2009 (has links)
Planetários e observatórios oferecem a possibilidade de desenvolver um ensino contextualizado de Astronomia, permitindo a realização de atividades educativas que proporcionam acesso a uma ciência escolar mais autêntica. Com isso em vista, esta pesquisa consistiu no desenvolvimento, aplicação e análise de minicursos sobre o Sol, para o ensino fundamental e física solar, para o ensino médio em um espaço não formal de educação, o Observatório Astronômico do CDCC/USP. Tópicos como a composição química, temperatura e evolução estelar foram ensinados a partir de experimentos clássicos em uma sala totalmente dedicada ao Sol, a Sala Solar com equipamentos de baixo custo. Os cursos enfatizaram atividades práticas, observacionais e questionadoras, como discussões sobre a natureza do Sol, manchas solares e proeminências, estimativas da temperatura da fotosfera, observaçã do espectro solar na região do visível e identicação das linhas de absorção entendendo como são produzidas e que tipo de informações podem ser extraídas a partir delas. O objetivo do curso do ensino fundamental foi mostrar que o Sol e um astro dinâmico e que influencia a Terra de diversas maneiras, além de contextualizar o conteúudo ensinado com atividades práticas. O objetivo do curso do ensino médio foi compreender o papel chave desempenhado pela espectroscopia na astrofísica e permitir abordagens interdisciplinares incluíndo física moderna e química no ensino de Astronomia. A metodologia de pesquisa consistiu de uma abordagem qualitativa com a realização de questionários escritos, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e lmagens. Antes dos cursos, muitos alunos concebiam o Sol como sendo uma esfera quente de fogo, as manchas solares como sendo buracos no Sol e as proeminências como magma expelido por vulcões. Após a realizaçã dos cursos os alunos apresentaram ideias sobre o Sol e aspectos de física solar mais próximas das aceitas hoje em dia pela comunidade cientca. Esta pesquisa não ficou restrita aos ganhos cognitivos dos alunos após a realização dos minicursos, pois considerou a interação de diferentes contextos responsáveis pela aprendizagem em museus de ciências. Isso foi possível pelo referencial teórico adotado: o Modelo Contextual de Aprendizagem de Falk e Dierking. Trabalhar conteudos astronômicos de forma interdisciplinar e ao mesmo tempo de maneira ativa e questionadora traz alguns desafios para as equipes de instituições como o Observatório. As atividades elaboradas nos centros de ciências devem ter como principal objetivo despertar o interesse do aprendiz pela ciência, mas também destacamos a necessidade da oferta de minicursos para voluntários, pois a linguagem, conteúdos e metodologias em atividades mais longas podem facilitar abordagens interdisciplinares e integradoras da Astronomia com outras áreas do conhecimento científico pouco exploradas nas salas de aula. Isso pode ocorrer quando o projeto pedagógico da escola é construído coletivamente, envolvendo museus de ciências, professores, escola e alunos buscando conciliar propostas de um ensino de ciências que considere o contexto fora da escola e que ao mesmo tempo tenha relação com o que o aluno está estudando em sala de aula. / Observatories and planetariums offer the possibility of developing contextualized astronomy teaching by fostering educational activities that provide access to a more authentic school science. Thus, this research consisted in developing, applying and evaluating courses about the Sun for middle, junior high school students and solar physics for high school students in an informal educational space, the CDCC/USP Astronomical Observatory. Topics of chemical composition, temperature and stellar evolution were taught in a room totally dedicated to the study of the Sun, a Solar Room, designed with simple and inexpensive equipment. The course strongly emphasized practical, observational and inquirybased activities, such as estimation of the solar surface temperature, observation of the visible solar spectrum, identication of solar absorption lines, understanding how they are produced, and what kind of information can be extracted from the observed spectral lines. Some of the course goals were to foster the comprehension of the key role played by spectroscopy in astrophysics, to contextualize contents with practical activities, and to allow interdisciplinary approaches including modern physics and chemistry in physics teaching. The research methodology consisted of a qualitative approach by fillming the whole course and performing written questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Before the courses were applied most students conceived the Sun as a hot sphere composed of fire, sunspots as holes in the Sun and solar prominences as magma expelled by volcanoes. After the courses students presented ideas about the Sun and solar physics more closely related to the ones accepted by contemporary science. This research was not restricted to students\' cognitive gains after concluding the courses, since it considered the interaction of different contexts responsible for learning in science museums. This was possible due to the theoretical framework adopted: The Contextual Model of Learning of Falk and Dierking. Some challenges have to be faced by institutions such as the Astronomical Observatory in order to teach astronomy in an interdisciplinary form and with inquiry-based activities The activities developed at science centers must have as their main objective to motivate the public towards science, but it is also important to offer courses for volunteers, since language, contents and methodologies in longer activities can facilitate interdisciplinary approaches of Astronomy with other areas of scientic knowledge seldom explored in classrooms. This can happen when the school\'s educational project is collectively constructed including science museums, teachers, school and students by seeking to enhance teaching proposals that consider the out of school context and is related to contents taught in the classroom.
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Atividade antioxidante e fotoprotetora de bambus nativos do Sudeste brasileiro / Antioxidant and photoprotective activity of native Brazilian bamboo speciesWróblewska, Katarzyna Barbara 18 April 2019 (has links)
Os bambus nativos do Brasil, com exceção de seu uso como material de construção, têm encontrado poucas aplicações devido à falta de conhecimento abrangente sobre sua composição química e atividades biológicas. Neste projeto, foram pesquisados extratos etanólicos de colmos e folhas de cinco espécies de bambu do Sudeste brasileiro: Aulonemia aristulata (Döll) McClure., Chusquea bambusoides Rupr. Ex Döll, Chusquea capituliflora Trin. var. pubescens McClure, Chusquea meyeriana Rupr. e Merostachys pluriflora Munro ex E.G. Camus, para avaliar sua atividade antioxidante, composição química, e atividade foto-protetora. O potencial antioxidante das plantas foi avaliado através do método do sequestro do radical livre DPPH, onde os extratos apresentaram valores de CI50 entre 137 e 260 µg/mL. O teor de compostos fenólicos e flavonoides foi determinado através dos métodos com o reagente Folin-Ciocalteau e AlCl3. O conteúdo de fenólicos totais variou de 43 a 87 µg equivalentes de ácido gálico por mg de extrato seco. O extrato mais rico em flavonoides foi o de C. bambusoides, com 6,44 µg equivalentes de quercetina por mg da amostra. A análise preliminar da composição química dos extratos foi realizada por cromatografia em camada delgada, excluindo a presença de flavonoides comuns nos bambus asiáticos. A eficácia de proteção solar e a foto-estabilidade in vitro das formulações cosméticas com extratos de bambus (10%) e filtros solares comerciais foi estimada por espectrofotometria de reflectância difusa com esfera de integração em placas de polimetilmetacrilato. Os dados obtidos foram convertidos em fator de proteção solar (FPS) antes e depois da irradiação, que variaram respectivamente entre 34,52 86,15 e 14,33 44,44. A seguir, foi avaliada a citotoxicidade frente a uma linhagem de células epiteliais de retina humana (RPE) do extrato mais promissor de colmos de M. pluriflora, sendo o mesmo classificado como não-tóxico. O fracionamento desse extrato potencializou a ação antioxidante e foto-protetora, aumentando a concentração das substâncias ativas no extrato selecionado. Adicionalmente, foram realizados outros ensaios cromatográficos (CG-EM e CLAE), os quais identificaram ácidos graxos, ácidos fenólicos e produtos característicos de decomposição de ligninas como os compostos principais nas frações ativas. Uma amostra de formulação cosmética com extrato de colmos M. pluriflora (5%) e com filtros solares foi enviada para Instituto de Pesquisa IPClin, onde foram realizados testes de FPS e foto-irritação in vivo. A média de FPS in vivo da formulação foi 23, enquanto, o FPS da formulação controle, 15. Devido a sua abundância, o ácido p-cumárico, pode ser o principal responsável pela atividade observada. O produto com o extrato não causou irritação da pele dos voluntários após a irradiação. Os resultados indicam que as espécies de bambu do Brasil aumentam o FPS dos filtros solares comerciais e são seguros para o uso externo, com potencial para a produção de cosméticos fotoprotetores. / Differently of Asian species, the native Brazilian bamboo speciesare mostly used in the construction industry, with no pharmaceutical applications described, as their chemical composition and biological effects are unknown. In this project, we evaluated the chemical composition, antioxidant and photoprotective activity of ethanolic extracts from five bamboos from the South of Brazil: Aulonemia aristulata (Döll) McClure., Chusquea bambusoides Rupr. Ex Döll, Chusquea capituliflora Trin. var. pubescens McClure, Chusquea meyeriana Rupr. and Merostachys pluriflora Munro ex E.G. Camus. DPPH radical scavenging activity assay was used to estimate the antioxidant potencial of the plants, and the IC50 received varied between 137 and 260 µg/mL. Total phenolics and flavonoids contents were determined using Folin-Ciocalteau and AlCl3 reagents. The bamboo dry extracts showed between 43 - 87 µg gallic acid equivalents and up to 7 µg of quercetin equivalents per mg of the sample. Preliminary analysis of the chemical composition done by Thin Layer Chromatography in silica plates, indicated that the most common flavonoids found in Asian species were not present in the Brazilian bamboos. Photoprotective activity of the developed cosmetic formulations, containing commercial solar filters and 10% of the extracts, was evaluated by diffuse transmittance with an integrating sphere on PMMA plates. The samples presented Sun Protection Factor (SPF) from 34 86 before to 14 44 after the irradiation, and a broad spectrum of action. The most promising extract, M. pluriflora culms, was chosen for the second part of the project, which involved further studies on its composition and in vivo photoprotective activity. The selected extract had its cytotoxicity evaluated, to confirm its safety, against retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) cells. The extract was fractioned, and the fractions were evaluated for their total phenolic and flavonoid contents. Fractions separation increased the quantity of the active compounds and, consequently, their antioxidant and photoprotective effect. Additionally, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography analysis of the fractions showed the presence of fatty acids, phenolic acids and products of lignin decomposition as the main compounds. Due to its abundance, p-coumaric acid might be responsible for the antioxidant activity and photoprotection of the bamboo extract. The photoprotective formulation with 5% of the extract was sent to a clinical research center, IPClin, to have their SPF in vivo and photosensitivity effect estimated on healthy volunteers. The in vivo SPF was 23 for the extract formulation and 15 for the control with only commercial filters. These results indicated that native bamboo species can be a source of natural photoprotective substances, which would prevent the addition of high amount of synthetic solar filters, that can easily degrade and cause skin allergies and irritation.
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Um emprego da modelagem matemática sobre o tempo de exposição ao sol com o protetor solar fator 30Silva, Kattia Ferreira da 14 June 2017 (has links)
A necessidade de pensar novas metodologias para o ensino da matemática, especialmente a
partir de temas relacionados ao cotidiano dos alunos, motivou a realização deste trabalho
que, através da modelagem matemática, tem como objetivo aliar teoria e prática no contexto
da educação básica, para verificar o tempo que uma pessoa, fazendo uso adequado do
fator de proteção solar (FPS) 30, pode ficar exposta à radiação ultravioleta (UV) do Sol,
sem sofrer queimaduras. O estudo indica ainda os contributos desta pesquisa, apresenta
uma proposta para o ensino “tempo de exposição segura ao sol”, que permite ao professor
do ensino médio tratar de conceitos de função exponencial de maneira crítica e reflexiva,
para a construção de um conhecimento mais significativo e também fornece aos alunos
condições de perceber a integração da matemática com outras áreas do conhecimento
proporcionando, através da modelagem matemática, condições necessárias para que ele
possa desenvolver estudos que possibilitem maior capacidade de analisar, participar e agir
sobre o conhecimento que está sendo construído. Ao considerar os níveis de radiação, o
FPS 30 em relação ao tipo de pele, os dados remetem a uma função exponencial, que
ao se aplicar a metodologia do método dos mínimos quadrados possibilitou elaborar um
modelo matemático para cada um dos quatro tipos de pele. Os resultados mostram que
se as pessoas fizerem o uso correto do FPS 30, a depender do tipo de pele, é possível
permanecer em exposição ao sol por um período mínimo de 1h e 45 minutos, sem sofrer
queimaduras. / The necessity of thinking about new methodologies to the mathematics teaching, especially
from themes related to the student’s everyday life, motivated this project achievement
that through mathematical modelling has as purpose to ally theory and practice in
the basic education context, to verify the time that one person that makes appropriate
use of sun protection factor (SPF) 30, can be exposed to ultraviolet radiation (UR) of the
sun without suffering sunburn. The study also indicates the contributions of this research,
presents a proposal to the teaching time of safe exposure to the sun, that allow to the
high school teacher discuss concepts of exponential function in a critical and reflexive way
to a more significant knowledge construction and provides to the student’s conditions to
realize the integration of the mathematics with others knowledge areas providing through
the mathematical modelling, necessary conditions that the student can develop studies
that enable more capacity of analyzing, participate and act about the knowledge that is
being constructed. Considering the radiation levels, the SPF 30 in relation to the skin
type, the data remit to the exponential function, that applying the ordinary least squares
method makes possible elaborate a mathematical model for each one of the four types
of skin. The results show that if people make the right use of the SFP 30, depending on
the skin type, it is possible to stay in sun exposure for a minimum period of 1h and 45
minutes, without being burned.
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Protetores solares de máxima proteção: estabilidade e eficácia (OU)Protetores solares de alta proteção: estabilidade física e eficácia / High protection sunscreens: physical stability and efficacyMendonça, Vera Lúcia Maia 18 March 1998 (has links)
Protetores solares são eficientes em prevenir a produção de radicais livres, a queimadura solar, o envelhecimento precoce e câncer de pele associados com a exposição solar crônica. Neste trabalho foi investigada a estabilidade física e eficácia de uma emulsão solar de alta proteção, contendo o filtro físico dióxido de titânio transparente (Ti02) tamanho de partícula 0,02µm, em associação com filtros químicos UVB (salicilato de octila e metoxicinamato de octila) e UVA (Benzofenona-3). O produto foi estudado quanto ao envelhecimento acelerado durante 84 dias, sob várias condições de estresse. Tendo as amostras, submetidas à estresse térmico e temperatura ambiente, sido avaliadas após 5, 42 e 84 dias, em vários aspectos físico-químicos. A determinação da eficácia foi avaliada por método espectrofotométrico (por dissolução), utilizando a equação de Mansur para cálculos da determinação do Fator de Proteção Solar. Os resultados mostraram que o produto, apresenta boa estabilidade física frente à testes de envelhecimento acelerado. Igualmente leva a concluir que, o método para a determinação do fator de proteção solar, nas condições descritas é interessante e mostrou ser efetivo de acordo com o protocolo estabelecido. / Sun protectors are efficient to prevention of free-radicals, prevent sunburn, premature aging and skin cancer associated with chronic exposure to the sun. In this work, we have investigated a physical stability and efficacy of sunscreens emulsions of high protection containing physical filter titanium dioxide transparent (TiO2) 0,02µm in association with chemical filters UVB (octyl salicilate and octyl methoxycinnamate) and UVA (benzophenone-3). The product was submitted hasty aging during 84 days. The samples on thermal stress and room temperature were evaluated after 5, 42 and 84 days on some aspects physical chemical. The determination of efficacy was evaluated (by the dissolutuion) spectrofotometric method using the equation the Mansur for calculation of solar protection factor (SPF). Results pointed that product presented good physical stability front hasty aging test. Likewise leading to conclude that the method for determination of solar protection factor at the described conditions is interesting and showed to be effective according with protocol establish.
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Determinação in vitro do fator de proteção solar de preparações cosméticas usando dispositivos fotoquímicos nanoestruturados / In vitro determination of the Sun Protection Factor of cosmetic formulations using nanostructured photochemical devicesPaula, Leonardo Rodrigues de 13 December 2010 (has links)
A determinação do Fator de Proteção Solar (FPS) de protetores solares atualmente é uma exigência regulatória na grande maioria dos países e blocos econômicos mundiais. Para tal, adota-se exclusivamente o uso de métodos que requerem a irradiação UV de voluntários humanos nos procedimentos de determinação do FPS. Alguns métodos in vitro não-invasivos estão descritos na literatura, mas até o momento nenhum deles foi aceito pela comunidade internacional para a determinação do Fator de Proteção Solar de preparações cosméticas. Portanto, o desenvolvimento de métodos para a determinação do FPS in vitro, com boa correlação com os métodos in vivo, é de enorme interesse de pesquisadores e empresas do setor. Visando oferecer alternativas não-invasivas para a determinação do FPS de protetores solares, serão descritos procedimentos de preparo de um dispositivo fotoquímico nanoestruturado e sua aplicação no desenvolvimento de metodologias in vitro para a determinação do FPS de protetores solares. Todas as amostras utilizadas no desenvolvimento das metodologias foram previamente avaliadas em estudos clínicos para a determinação do Fator de Proteção Solar. Os resultados obtidos in vitro apresentaram boa correlação com os resultados in vivo, demonstrando que os dispositivos apresentam grande potencialidade e viabilidade para aprimoramento e construção de um equipamento capaz de reduzir ou até substituir os ensaios clínicos in vivo atualmente exigidos e praticados. / The determination of the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of sunscreen formulations is currently a regulatory requirement in most countries and economic blocs in the world. Strict methodologies are adopted to determine the SPF, based on the UV irradiation of human volunteers in order to induce an erythemal response in the presence and absence of sunscreen applied to the skin. Some non-invasive in vitro test methods can be found in the scientific literature but, so far, none of them have been accepted by the international community as a standard for determination of the Sun Protection Factor. Therefore, the development of in vitro methods for determination of the SPF, exhibiting good correlation with the in vivo methods, is of enormous interest for researchers and companies. Thus, a non-invasive alternative for in vitro determination of the SPF of sunscreens, based on nanostructured photochemical devices, is described. The accuracy and reprodutibility of the new methodology were verified using clinicaly evaluated samples and correlating the in vitro with the in vivo Sun Protection Factors data. The in vitro results showed good correlation with in vivo results, demonstrating that UV-dosimeters are suitable for FPS measurements, having great potentiality for the development of equipments that would reduce or even replace the in vivo clinical trials currently in use
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