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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Same eller svensk? : En läroplansteoretisk studie över den svenska synen på samer / Same eller svensk? : En läroplansteoretisk studie över den svenska synen på samer

Örsäter, Johan January 2020 (has links)
The main focus of this study has been to, with the use of a comparative curriculum analysis study the official swedish approach on the Sami people, and thereby the approach on human rights, ethnicity, national identity and citizenship. Moreover the study has aimed to compare the Swedish approach with the Norwegian and Finnish approach to se similarities and disparities on both the Sami people and above stated concepts. The results show that the countries treat the Sami people differently in their curriculums, both when it comes to quantity and quality. Sweden views the Sami as a minority amongst others, the same can be said for Finland. Norway on the other hand views the Sami as a unique group. The Swedish view on citizenship is international, the Norwegian national and the Finnish global. When it comes to national identity and ethnicity both Sweden and Finland has a rights-based approach while Norway has a culture-based approach.

Samer i socialt arbete : Socialsekreterares kunskaper och erfarenheter av samer som klienter inom socialtjänsten

Kråik, Ida-Maria, Säll Hedberg, Julia January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine social workers’ knowledge and experiences of Sámi people as clients in social services. Four qualitative interviews were conducted with social workers from scattered parts of Sápmi in Sweden. Ethnic sensitivity, anti-discriminatory and systems-theoretical perspectives are the concepts and theoretical perspectives that were used to analyze the interviews. The informants’ experience that the background to Sámi clients’ issues can differ from the general population, that the Sámi clients can carry a historical oppression and have identity difficulties. Gaining trust, being flexible and finding a balance in assessment-dialogue are challenges in the meeting with Sámi clients expressed by the informants. Even though the informants have strategies to meet clients based on their profession, it appears that Sámi culture is a widely-conducted concept and that there is a need of knowledge of Sámi people and their history to ease the work with Sámi clients. / Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka socialsekreterares kunskaper och erfarenheter av samer som klienter inom socialtjänsten. Fyra kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med socialsekreterare som arbetar i spridda delar av Sápmi i Sverige. Etnisk sensitivitet, antidiskriminering och systemteori är de begrepp och teoretiska perspektiv som har använts för att analysera intervjuernas empiri. Informanterna upplever att bakgrunden till samiska klienters problematik kan skilja sig åt från majoritetsbefolkningen, att de samiska klienterna kan bära på ett historiskt förtryck och ha identitetssvårigheter. Att få tillit, vara flexibel och att hitta en balans i utredningssamtal är utmaningar i mötet med samiska klienter som uttrycks av informanterna. Även om informanterna har strategier för att bemöta klienter utifrån sin profession, framgår det att samisk kultur är ett brett begrepp och att det finns ett behov av kunskap om samer och deras historia för att underlätta arbetet med samiska klienter.

Det stora frihetsbrevet : En studie av lappkodicillen och relationen mellan samerna och den svenska kronan

Langlott, Elin January 2022 (has links)
The native people of Sweden have in the last decade or so fallen under the spotlight when it comes to their rights. In the last few hundred years, the Sámi people have experienced what can only be described as colonization, racism, and discrimination from the Swedish state. During the 17th and 18th centuries, the Swedish crown got more invested in the land that has previously been occupied by the Sámi people. The discovery of natural resources in Lappmarkerna along with the drawing of the border between Sweden and Norway/Denmark lead to the mapping of the north. With the drawing of the border came the first legal document, Lappkodicillen, to recognize the Sámi people as an ethnic group. Lappkodicillen concluded that the Sámi had to become citizens of either Sweden or Norway and lost the land that they had held on the other side of the new border. While the intention of the document was to preserve and protect the Sámi people, with time it gave the Swedish crown the opportunity to claim more control over Lappmarkerna and its natives. In the process of colonization, the Sámis’ right to ownership of land was starting to be questioned and the Swedish crown started to claim more and more of it as theirs. This paper analyses the relationship between the Sámi people and the Swedish crown during the years 1670 to 1770,a time when the natives of Sweden lived through both recognition and oppression.

Den stereotypa bilden av samen : En granskning av samisk religion i digitala läromedel ämnade för grundskolans senare år / Stereotypification of Sami religion. : A study of Sami religion in digital teaching materials intended for secondary school.

Slettemo, Johan January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to analyse how Samí religion is portrayed in three digital teaching materials. The three teaching materials are intended for secondary school according to the latest curriculum from the year of 2011. This comparative study aims to investigate whether the Samí religion is stereotyped, and as well to present similarities and differences between the presentations of Sami religion. Therefore, a qualitative content analysis has been used to achieve the purpose of the study.   The information regarding Samí religion in the digital teaching materials has been divided into four categories. The categories have been created along the common information that the materials present, including history of religion, rituals, beliefs and comparing. Thereafter, the categories have been analysed one by one, through six converted theoretical perspectives of orientalistic stereotypifications. The study shows that the stereotypification of Samí religion is mostly shown as ‘passive’ and ‘generalized’. That means, for example, that the publishers of the teaching materials present facts about the minority group, as an unresisting group to the Christian mission. Most of the religious central parts of Samí religion are also generalized and don’t show variety within the religion or within the group of Samí people. The study also shows that the teaching materials have a similar way of generalizing the content, especially regarding the Christian evangelize and the religious division of responsibilities among the sexes. The difference though is how the content is presented and the further detailed facts are very unequal.

Är samer renskötare? : En intervjustudie om hur samer framställs i den svenskahistorieundervisningen på gymnasienivå / Are the Sami people reindeer herders? : An interview study about how the Sami people are portrayed in theSwedish history education in upper secondary school

Öhman, Johannes January 2022 (has links)
The subject of this report was to investigate how the Sami people are portrayed in the history subject in the Swedish upper secondary school. The aim was to analyse if the image portrayed was a contributor to a generalization of the heterogeneous groups of the Sami people. This study was conducted through qualitative methods where I interviewed eight teachers. The most common courses were History 1a1 and History 1b, but other advanced courses as History 2b were also represented. The theoretical framework of this study was based upon curriculum theory to analyse why, and how the teachers choose the specific content in their teaching. The result of the study confirms earlier work that shows how the Sami people are marginalized and exemplified by both the textbooks and the teachers. Furthermore this study shows that the teachers choose conflicts that happen in the present to relate their teaching so the students can relate to the content easier. When the teachers mention the Sami people it is mostly the reindeer herding ones because the conflicts regarding the rights to land and hunting are the most publicly noticed. The Sami that are not involved with reindeer herding are therefore even more marginalized because of the lack of knowledge the teachers possess. It is hard for the teachers to teach about the Sami when the curricula do not explicitly mention the Sami, in correlation to the fact that most of the teachers do not have any education about the subject. This study shows that education is necessary for the teachers if the history of the Sami people would become more present in the teaching.

Talböcker på samiska - Hållagirjieh sámiengiällije : en ANT-inspirerad studie. / Talking books in Sami - Hållagirjieh sámiengiällije : a study inspired by ANT.

Zerlauth, Helena January 2021 (has links)
Despite an increase in the number of scientific studies on talking books being done in the Library and Information Science field, there is a lack of research focusing on talking books in Sami, the language of the Swedish indigenous minority. This study aims to increase the knowledge about how access to talking books in the Sami language is being facilitated for pupils in Swedish schools. The Actor-Network Theory is used to describe and analyse how actors interact and connect with each other and how the resulting network affects students’ access to talking books. The ANT-analysis, which is based on data collected in qualitative interviews and from document analysis, showed that pupils’ access to talking books in Sami is not being facilitated by neither school librarians nor mother tongue teachers. The study identified the main challenges to be limited resources, but also steering documents omitting to mention Sami with disabilities and a lack of knowledge about talking books in other languages than Swedish. The study suggests that the Swedish Agency for Accessible Media, MTM, in their education material should encourage librarians and mother tongue teachers to mention talking books in other languages during meetings with pupils.

SAMISKA RÖSTER OM SVENSKA FOLKBIBLIOTEK : Nio samers tankar om inkludering och representation  av samisk kultur på några utav Sveriges folkbibliotek

Lunder, Magne, Saulo, Jennie January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to gain knowledge about the experiences of individuals from the Sámi community regarding the public libraries of Sweden. This was done through qualitative interviews with 9 individuals from the Sámi community living in Swedish Sápmi.  The research questions were:  In what ways do individuals from the Sámi community feel that Sámi culture is represented and included on swedish public libraries in 2020?  In what ways do individuals from the Sámi community feel that swedish public libraries could improve their work regarding  representation and inclusion of the Sámi culture?  Findings show that the general view on the public libraries among the interviewed is positive. However the level of satisfaction with the inclusion and representation of Sámi culture in the libraries varied greatly. Those among the interviewed who are living in municipalities with special responsibility regarding Sámi culture (Swe: samiska förvaltningskommuner) were more satisfied with, amongst other things, the collection of literature surrounding Sámi topics, its display and how it was arranged in the library. Findings also show that many of the interviewed were highly positive to library staff gaining more knowledge about Sámi culture. The knowledge that many interviewed requested was knowledge amongst library staff that Sámi languages is not one, but many distinct languages. If Sámi culture is to be represented by the library there has to be a certain level of competence regarding Sámi culture to make sure that this representation is made in ways that are respectful, nuanced and not in any way exotifying.

Samerna och Svenska kyrkans försoningsprocess

Uddin, Mats January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

”Ska jag vara riktigt ärlig, så är det kanske max tre minuter på fyra år” Om hur den samiska religionen framställs i ämnet religionskunskap

Delgård, Anna-Lena January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats, som utgör mitt examensarbete i utbildningen till lärare i religionskunskap, var att undersöka hur vilket utrymme den samiska religionen får i undervisningen i ämnet religionskunskap, samt att titta på vilket stoff som tas upp. Min hypotes var att det utrymme som ägnas samerna skulle vara ytterst begränsat, samt att det, om de överhuvudtagets togs upp, i så fall skulle vara en väldigt ytlig bild som gavs. För att ta reda på om detta antagande var korrekt genomfördes dels kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra lärare som undervisar i ämnet religionskunskap på grundskolans senare år, dels en läromedelsanalys av ett antal läroböcker. Resultatet av dessa båda undersökningar bekräftade min hypotes. Ingen av de intervjuade lärarna ägnar samerna något större utrymme i sin undervisning, utan de nämner oftast bara dem kort i anslutning till andra områden. Anledningarna till deras val var något varierade, men tre av dem hänvisade bland annat till bristen på utrymme inom ramen för religionskunskapen och de samhällsorienterande ämnena (SO). Av läroboksgranskningen framkom det att även om samerna berörs i böckerna, så är det i varierande form. Gemensamt för alla böckerna, med undantag för en, är dock att fokus ligger på det mystiska inom religionen, samt att få paralleller till hur samerna lever idag görs. Det kan även konstateras att det är den västerländska historieskrivningen, med ett ”vi” som skriver om ett ”dem”, som råder.

En studie om hur Sveriges ursprungsfolk representeras i läroböcker inom ämnet religion

Löfborg Pettersson, Christina January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur samerna representeras i läroböcker. Hur framställs de beträffande genus, etnicitet, religion, kultur och historia? Tolv läroböcker har valts ut till undersökningen och analyserats med hjälp av de tidigare studier som presenteras i den här uppsatsen. Anledningen till att jag valde det här ämnet är att jag innan skrivandet inte visste så mycket om samerna. Jag hade en uppfattning att det överlag är dåliga kunskaper om samer hos både lärare och elever. Jag ville se vad de läromedel som jag valde ut innehöll samt hur det framställdes. Var det så att samerna framställdes som exotiska i böckerna och på grund av detta generade i en ”vi och dem” syn.Uppsatsens undersökning utgår från tolv läroböcker för grundskolans senare år där författarna tar upp ursprungsfolket samerna. Detta ligger till grund för den läromedelsanalys på vilken jag har byggt uppsatsen.Resultatet är uppdelat i sex delar. Läroböckerna analyseras med hjälp av tidigare forskning i resultatdelen, för att kunna diskuteras senare i diskussionsdelen. Det som kommer fram i slutsatsen är att kristendomen har påverkat samerna och hur mycket det framhävs i läroböckerna. En ytterligare punkt är hur mycket fokus det läggs på nåjden, medan andra saker som till exempel kvinnorna och hur samerna lever i dagens samhälle fokuseras det inte lika mycket på.

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