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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Corporate Social Responsibility : A comparative case study of three companies

Fadel, Dennis, Dahl, Emil January 2013 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to study why the chosen case companies, Atlas Copco, Sandvik and Alfa Laval engage in CSR activities, with a secondary purpose of investigating how the aformentioned case companies has executed their engagement in CSR and what their present focus is. Our empirical findings suggest that the case companies have similar motives and approaches to CSR engagement. Whereas their main motivation for CSR engagement derives from a concern of legitimacy to their investor community, hence the case companies foremost emphasize an economic responsibility as a motivator and driver for their CSR agenda. In addition we have observed that all case companies use CSR reporting as the base-line for their CSR implementation, which our theoretical framework indicates is a systematic approach to mitigate risk and cost, as well as strengthen their reputation. Furthermore, we have observed that the case companies’ present concern in terms of their responsibility is focused on achieving a tighter implementation between a competitive business strategy and CSR activities as well as developing a better understanding of the increased complexity of social issues and human rights questions surrounding their widespread operations.

Hårdfräsning i verktygsstål : Förslitning av skäregg / Tough cutting of tool steel : Wear of cuttning edge

Johansson, Torbjörn January 2010 (has links)
This thesis work is made by Torbjörn Johansson on Karlstad University for Uddeholms AB. The assignment in this thesis work was to investigate tough cutting in three different tool steels: Vanadis 4 Extra, Vancron 40 and Sverker 21. The research was to compare the wear of the tool after cutting in each one of the tool steel alloys. The research was also made to see if the tool cutting in Vancron 40 has a better wear than the tool cutting in Vanadis 4 Extra and also compare the results with Sverker 21. All three of these alloys are a part of Uddeholms AB:s range of products, and is used in applications like forming tools and knife tools.   Vancron 40 is a powder steel with a very good combination of mechanical properties like ductility, adhesive strength and hardness. But it is difficult to cut, mill and manufacture Vancron 40, and it also has a high material cost. If it can be showed that Vancron 40 has a better ability when it comes to cutting compared with Vanadis 4 Extra it would lead to a good sales point because more savings for the customers can be made regarding their tools.   The research is made in a “Doosan VMD 600” 5-axis milling machine, the tools that have been used are from Sandvik Coromant and are a ball mill and a bull mill. Both mills have a diameter of 4 mm and they are both made of solid carbide.   The result showed that Vancron 40 has a minor wear of tool compared to Vanadis 4 Extra and in most cases also Sverker 21.   A cost example diagram was made where time against tooling-cost are presented. When the tool has cut (effective time) in about 950 hours the savings are about 800 000 SEK.   Also a research about surface finish was made but the results were pretty confusing and no pattern was found. Therefore no conclusions were made regarding surface finish.

Affärsvärldens miljöansvar : Modern technology, Owe ecology, An apology

Johansson, Sofia, Akl, Charlene, Borg, Elin January 2011 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är miljöfrågor i allra högsta grad aktuella och därför något som anammats av företag som för några år sedan började miljöredovisa. Dessa redovisningar har som syfte att avspegla verkliga förhållanden. En studie som näringsdepartementet utfört på statliga företag har dock visat att miljöredovisningen inte alltid sammanfaller med det praktiska miljöarbetet. Statliga företag är, till skillnad från privata företag, skyldiga att miljöredovisa enligt lag. Huruvida denna lag medför några egentliga skillnader mellan statliga och privata företags utförande av miljöredovisning är en av flera faktorer som tas upp i denna uppsats. Uppsatsen har som grund att undersöka huruvida miljöredovisningen i de tre valda privata företagen Axfood, H&M och Sandvik är frikopplade från företagens miljöarbete. Studien är utförd utifrån ett intressentperspektiv, med respektive företags miljöredovisning som utgångspunkt. För att komma åt utvecklingen av såväl redovisning som arbete har samtliga av företagens redovisningar studerats mellan år 2000 och 2009. Utvecklingen har sedan analyseras utifrån studiens teoretiska referensram, vilken är baserad på institutionell teori som bland annat innefattar legitimitet och frikoppling. Med detta som grund har utvecklingen, av miljöredovisningen i förhållande till utvecklingen av miljöarbetet, kunnat utläsas för de valda företagen. Studien visar att både miljöarbetet och miljöredovisningen har utvecklats för företagen under den tidsperiod som studerats. Resultatet av studien visar även att samma fenomen, till viss del, förekommer hos de valda privata företagen som hos de statliga. Miljöredovisningen har, i två av företagen, varit frikopplad från miljöarbetet. För dessa två företag har miljöredovisningen utvecklats i högre utsträckning än miljöarbetet. Det företag som kan avvika ifrån teorin om löskoppling är H&M där miljöarbetet i stort sett utvecklats i samma utsträckning som miljöredovisningen eller mer. / Environmental issues are very much in question today. This has also been adopted by companies, who a few years ago started to publish environmental reports. These reports are designed to reflect reality. A study conducted by the Swedish Ministry of Industry, performed on enterprises owned by the Swedish state, has shown that environmental reports does not always coincide with the companies’ practical environmental work done by these companies. Even if their environmental reports has to be in accordance with the law, unlike the private firms’ voluntary situation. One of the several factors inquired in this paper are whether this law creates differences between public and private companies who are performing environmental accounting. This paper aims to study whether environmental reporting in the three selected private companies Axfood, H&M and Sandvik are disconnected from the companies environmental work. The study was conducted from a stakeholder perspective with each firms’ environmental reporting as a starting point. All the corporate environmental reports have been studied between the years 2000 and 2009 in order to capture both the development of environmental accounting and environmental work. The development has then been analyzed from an institutional theory, which includes legitimacy and decoupling. On this basis, the development of environmental reporting in relation to the development of environmental performance has been deduced for the selected companies. The result of this study shows that the same phenomenon in the companies owned by the Swedish state, also occurs in two of the selected private companies. The study shows that both environmental work and reporting has developed in all of the companies during the time period that has been studied. In two of the companies the environmental accounting has been more developed than the environmental work and is then disconnected. However, H&M:s’ environmental work has developed in the same extent as the environmental accounting or more and therefore it can be deviant from the theory of decoupling.

Varumärke, kommunikation och språk / Brand, Communication and Language

Vestin, Åsa January 2003 (has links)
<p>Bakgrunden till uppsatsen ligger i den ökande betydelsen av varumärken och bristen på litteratur som behandlar språkets roll, särskilt ur ett språkvetenskapligt perspektiv, i varumärkesbyggandet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur varumärkesstrategin speglas i den språkliga utformningen av ett företags annonser. Tillvägagångssättet för undersökningen är en språkvetenskaplig textanalys av ett antal annonstexter vars resultat sedan jämförs med exempelföretagets varumärkesstrategi. Som exempelföretag används Sandvik AB. Information om Sandviks varumärkesstrategi har inhämtats främst genom sekundärdata men kompletterats med primärdata. Resultatet av undersökningen är att de undersökta texternas utformning tämligen väl speglar varumärkesstrategin. Vidare har en teoretisk diskussion kring varumärkesbyggande, kommunikation och språk, med exempel från undersökningen, lett fram till att den språkliga utformningen av kommunikationsmaterial är av betydelse då den fungerar som en förlängning av företagets identitet. Om den språkliga utformningen stödjer eller förstärker varumärkesstrategin underlättas kommunikationen vilket i förlängningen ökar företagets varumärkeskapital. Slutligen har undersökningen visat att det finns utrymme för fortsatt forskning inom detta område.</p>

Hur påverkar kulturella skillnader mellan Sverige och Kina organisationens arbetssätt? : En fallstudie på Sandvik AB

Karlsson, Johan, Byman, Erik January 2008 (has links)
It is important that organizations today focus on continuous improvements in order to face the growing competition in the world. A company needs a corporate culture that supports and encourages the employees to be creative and innovative in their work. This is necessary for the company if they are striving towards continuous learning and development within their organization. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate how the culture differences between Sweden and China affect Sandvik AB. We will also study how the company manages continuous improvements and what consequences culture differences have on their work. Our paper is a single case study at Sandvik AB in Sweden and China. We have visited Sandvik in Sandviken to conduct a series of interviews with employees of different position within the company and with dissimilar work tasks. We have chosen this procedure to get different angles from the respondents and to acquire depth in our research. After the company visit in Sandviken we had appointments with personal at Sandvik in Beijing, Langfang and Shanghai. These employees also had different position and work tasks within the company. After finished study, we can make the conclusion that there exist several culture differences between Sweden and China. Most of these differences can be connected to the national culture. Sandvik where founded in Sweden and therefore they have a Swedish corporate culture. Today the company is a multinational corporation that operates business at the Chinese market and thereby in the Chinese national culture. Because of this situation, we think that it is important that Sandvik finds a balance between the corporate and national culture. Today, a new China is emerging. The country has one of the fastest growing economies in the world, this having and will continue to have consequences on Sandvik AB: s organization. In China 20 million students are graduated from the university today and this result in harder competition on the labour market. When more people getting an education, particularly in China, price on knowledge will decrease. The consequence of this will be that the demand of creativity and innovative thinking is rising, especially in Sweden where the labour cost is significantly higher.

Investigating a change of material on turning tools with Coromant Capto ® interface : A study conducted at Sandvik Coromant in Gimo / Utredning av ett materialbyte på svarvverktyg med Coromant Capto ® gränssnitt : En studie utförd på Sandvik Coromant i Gimo

Lindbäck, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Sandvik Coromant is the leading supplier of cutting tools and solutions to the machining industry. Sandvik Coromant is the creator of the modular Coromant Capto ® tool interface which have since become an ISO-standard. The Coromant Capto ® interface, which currently is undergoing a revision is found in the machining applications turning, milling and drilling because of its unique characteristics. Sandvik Coromant's largest factory for cutting tools is located in Gimo which produces tools with the Coromant Capto ® interface for milling and turning applications. The turning tools with the Coromant Capto ® interface are currently produced from the tool steel 25CrMoS4, commonly known as SS2225 with a typical initial hardness of 28 ± 2 HRC. To achieve the required hardness of the finished tools, the turning tools are hardened by induction which results in hardness levels close to, or above 50 HRC. These induction hardening processes which are carried out after the machining operations induces geometrical distortions in the tools which impacts the quality of the finished product. Furthermore it is expected that the new revision of the Coromant Capto ® interface will be dificult to produce due to these geometrical distortions. To avoid the geometrical distortions due to induction hardening a change of material was examined. The turning tools with the Coromant Capto ® interface would instead be produced from the tool steel 34CrNiMo6, commonly known as SS2541. SS2541 is currently being used as material for the milling tools produced in Gimo. The tool steel SS2541 would imply a new process flow for the turning tools which would be hardened to 43,5 ± 2 HRC before the machining operations in a furnace thus avoiding the geometrical distortions. The purpose of the thesis was to study and predict the impacts and the changes that this new production process flow would lead to. The hypothesis of the whole study was claried as:"The change of material in Coromant Capto ® -equipped turning tools would be benecial in terms of the complete picture". To either prove or disprove the hypothesis research was conducted in three separate studies namely Quality, Time and Cost. A case study was used to compare the different process flows with each other. A sample of seven turning tools was studied within the case study. Each tool in the sample represents a portion of the real production volumes produced in Gimo. It was found that both product and process quality would increase with the material SS2541. Product quality would increase because the geometrical distortions would be avoided. This would increase value for the end customer which could expect a more predictable machining process. Process quality would also increase, mainly because control measurements will be carried out in a better way than in the current situation, and the fact that a simpler process flow with less operations will be true for SS2541. Process time increased for almost all material removal operations because the higher hardness of the material SS2541. Total process time would increase for the blanks and would decrease for the tools because the hardening operation are moved from tool to blank. The throughput rate of both blanks and tools will decrease, because the constraining operations or bottleneck operations would take longer time. Despite this it is expected that machine capacity is sufficient for producing the current production volumes from the material SS2541. The production cost for all tools in the sample will increase, one of the tools by as much as 11%. Production cost for a yearly production of turning tools (blanks included) is estimated to increase with 5%. The highest contributing factor to the increased cost is the initial cost of the material which will increase with 10%. To minimize the impact of material cost the range of blanks should be rationalized, i.e producing more tools from forged blanks instead from round blanks. To summarize and give an recommendation: The hypothesis of the thesis is confirmed. The change of material to SS2541 would seen to the complete picture prevent many problems to a relatively low cost. Therefore it is recommended that the material is changed from SS2225 to SS2541. / Sandvik Coromant är en ledande tillhandahåallare av verktyg och lösningar till bearbetningsindustrin. Sandvik Coromant uppfann det modulära verktygsgränssnittet Coromant Capto ®, vilken på senare år har blivit en ISO-standard. Coromant Capto ®-kopplingen, som för tillfället undergår en revision återfinns, tack vare sina unika egenskaper inom applikationsområdena svarvverktyg, fräsverktyg och borrverktyg. Sandvik Coromants största fabrik för skärande verktyg ligger i Gimo i vilken man tillverkar både svarvverktyg och fräsverktyg med Coromant Capto ®-koppling. Svarvverktygen med Coromant Capto ®-koppling tillverkas nuvarande från verktygsstålet 25CrMoS4, allmänt känt som SS2225, vilket har en typisk grundhårdhet på ca 28 ± 2 HRC. För att uppnå rådande hårdhetskrav induktionshärdas svarvverktygen med induktionshärdning vilketresulterar i hårdheter nära- elleröver 50 HRC. Dessa induktionshärdningsprocesser utförs efter bearbetningsoperationerna och skapar formförändringar i verktygen, vilket i sin tur påverkar kvaliteten för den slutgiltliga produkten. Dessutom förväntas det att tillkomma problem med att tillverka den nya Coromant Capto ®-revisionen på grund av formförändringarna. För att förebygga formförändringarna som tillkommer vid induktionshärdningsprocesserna studerades ett materialbyte. Svarvverktygen med Coromant Capto ®-kopplingar skulle nu produceras från verktygsstålet 34CrNiMo6, allmänt känt som SS2541 istället. SS2541 används för närvarande till fräsprodukterna som produceras i Gimo. Verktygsstålet SS2541 skulle innebära ett nytt processflöde för svarvverktygen vilka nu skulle ugnshärdas före bearbetningsoperationerna till en hårdhet av 43,5 ± 2 HRC och på så sätt undvika formförändringarna. Syftet med examensarbetet var att utreda och förutspå effekterna och förändringarna som detta nya processflöde skulle innebära. Hypotesen till hela studien sammanfattades som: Materialbytet på svarvverktyg med Coromant Capto ®-koppling skulle vara positivt sett till helheten. För attantingen bekräfta eller dementera denna hypotes utfördes en studie som innefattade tre separata utredningar inom områdena Kvalitet, Tid och Kostnad. Man använde sig av en fallstudie för att jämföra de olika processflödena med varandra. Ett urval bestående av sju produkter studerades inom denna fallstudie. Varje produkt från urvalet fick representera en delvolym av den totala årliga produktionsvolymen i Gimo. Man fann att både produktkvalitet och processkvalitet skulle öka till följd av materialbytet till SS2541. Produktkvaliteten skulle öka för att formförändringarna skulle undvikas. Detta skulleöka värdet för slutkunden, vilken kan komma att förvänta sig en bättre och mer förutsägbar bearbetningsprocess. Processkvaliteten skulle också öka, främst för att kontrollmätningar nu skulle kunna utföras på ett bättre sätt än man kan göra i det nuvarande processflödet samt att flödet skulle bli enklare och tydligare med färre processteg. Processtider skulle öka för nästan alla bearbetningsoperationer på grund av att SS2541 har en högre hårdhet. Den totala processtiden skulle öka förämnestillverkningen och minska för verktygstillverkningen för att härdningsoperationerna förflyttas från verktyg till ämne. Genomströmmningshastigheten skulle minska för både ämne och verktyg för att flaskhalsarna i produktionen skulle ta längre tid. Dock skall tilläggas att man fortfarande skulle ha kapacitet nog föratt tillverka dagens produktionsvolymer i materialet SS2541. Produktionskostnaden för alla produkterna i urvalet skulle öka, varav en produkt skulle öka med så mycket som 11%. Produktionskostnaden för en årsproduktion av svarvverktyg (ämnesproduktion inräknad) uppskattades att öka med 5%. Den största faktorn till den ökade produktionskostnadenär initialkostnaden för materialet som kommer att öka med 10%. För att minimera effekterna av materialkostnaden borde ämnesfloran rationaliseras, alltså producera fler verktyg från smidda ämnen än från försvarvade ämnen. För att sammanfatta och ge en rekommendation: Hypotesen kan bekräftas. Materialbytet till SS2541 skulle, sett till helheten förebygga många problem till en relativt låg merkostnad. Därför rekommenderas att materialbytet från SS2225 till SS2541 genomförs.

Gamle Sandvik båtbyggeri på Bankløkka : Er båtbyggeriet på Bankløkka viktig og i så fall for hvem?

Kristiansen, Heidi January 2018 (has links)
This essay examines the old Sandvik boat factory at Bankløkka in Horten in Vestfold County, Norway, through conceptions of a place based on pictures. The essay examines the culture of everyday life, what is around us, local identity, and local community and investigates what is disappearing. The essay is about our experiences and what the pictures should convey and what they convey today. The purpose is based on the questions: What do the pictures show and what do the pictures convey? Is the boat factory at Bankløkka important and if so for whom? Is there a repeating similarity between the images that indicates which dominant images are produced? Has old Sandvik boat factory created a local identity? Who has the right to create identity in the area? I have chosen to use visuality, heritage and image analysis as theoretical points of departure. The essay describes what the pictures represent, what they convey and the contemporary context to show what family pictures convey, about how boatbuilding figures in everyday life, as part, and is part of the everyday life of the people, and which carries their meanings when you look back on the images, which make sense in the present. This perspective has significance for what a place/can be/ for its significance. The pictures are used as documentation and show that old Sandvik boat factory on Bankløkka exists, and that it looks the same, and threatened by Horten havneby. Images help to create common notions that are created through the visual along with, for example, stories. We get an understanding of the space and the use of the space. What is unique about this place are properties that are not everywhere. The survey as well shows that the old Sandvik boat factory on Bankløkka is a concrete place and events where “it actually happened”. The old Sandvik boat factory has not been designated as a cultural heritage. It should have to do with value adding, what is selected for cultural heritage and important history in Horten and what is chosen away. The old Sandvik boat factory has attached itself to memory and created a local identity. We must remember what is excluded, subordinate, disregarded and forgotten.

Outdoor baths of Sandvik / Sandvik kallbadhus

Holgersson, Gerd January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis I’ve been working with a proposal for an outdoor bath complex in the village Sandvik on the north-west coast of Öland. The research questions asked in the beginning of the process were: - How can an outdoor bath complex (kallbadhus) be formed so as to match the needs of the summer tourists as well as the permanently living inhabitants of the island and a be well functioning institution all year round? - How can the baths be formed to meet and take care of the existing qualities of the site? - How can I in the working process get grip of and develope the sensual, non-visual aspects of the architecture? The working process has been a dialogue between the inner spaces of the structure and the bigger landscape. The sensual experience of specific spaces of the baths and how they relate to the landscape has been essential, both from the perspective of being inside the structure and from the outside. The baths consist of a group of buildings – some wooden and some made of concrete – placed around 60 meters from the coast. It’s, as mentioned, directed towards both summer tourists and the normal inhabitant of Öland, and it offers different kinds of sauna and bathing situations such as dry saunas, steam sauna, shower rooms, and various forms of outdoor bathing. / I detta projekt har jag arbetat med ett förslag till ett kallbadhus, beläget på Ölands nordvästra kust i byn Sandvik. De initiala frågeställningarna var: - Hur kan ett kallbadhus utformas för att möta såväl sommarturisters som permanent boendes behov och blir en fungerande verksamhet året runt? - Hur kan kallbadhuset utformas för att platsens befintliga värden ska förvaltas på bästa sätt? - Hur kan jag i arbetsprocessen fånga upp och utveckla arkitekturens icke-visuella aspekter? Förslaget har kommit till i en dialog mellan byggnadens inre rum och det omgivande landskapet. Upplevelsen av de individuella platserna inuti komplexet samt hur dessa möter och relaterar till sin omgivning har stått i centrum. Kallbadhuset består av en grupp av byggnader, vissa i trä och andra i betong, placerade cirka 60 meter från kusten. Badet är riktat till såväl sommarturister som permanent boende på Öland och erbjuder olika typer av bastu- och badmöjligheter såsom ångbastu, torrbastu, duschrum samt utomhusbad.

Bergmaterialskaraktärisering med laboratoriekross

Källström, Johan, Dautovic, Nedim January 2018 (has links)
I detta arbete krossas åtta olika stenmaterial i en laboratoriekäftkross åt Sandvik AB i Svedala. Stenmaterialen analyseras sedan och jämföras med äldre prov och simuleringar av likadant material. Storleksfördelningen av stenmaterialen före och efter krossning analyseras och även formen på stenmaterialet. Syftet är att undersöka om det går att säkerställa en tillförlitlig analysmetod för sönderdelning av stenmaterial med olika egenskaper. Målet med arbetet är att skingra oklarheter kring användandet av laboratoriekäftkrossen för uppskalning av resultat för fullskaliga krossar och krossanläggningar. Endast stenmaterial från stenbrott där Sandvik AB har kundrelationer kommer att användas och allt stenmaterial kommer att analyseras i Sandviks krosslaboratorium i Svedala. Med hjälp av Sandviks databas kommer endast den data som finns där tas hänsyn till vid valet av stenmaterial. Arbetet avgränsas även till användandet av de analysmetoder som Sandviks krosslaboratorium i Svedala har. I resultatet presenteras data för storleksfördelningen, formen, krosseffekt och simuleringar från äldre tester. Inga direkta tydliga samband konstateras för alla stenmaterial. Vissa samband mellan hårdhet, storleksfördelning före och efter krossning samt materialegenskaper upptäcks, men inga slutsatser för projektering av storleksfördelning oberoende av material konstateras. / In this paper eight different stone materials are being crushed using a laboratory jaw crusher for Sandvik Ab in Svedala. These samples are then being analyzed concerning particle size and shape of the stone material. The purpose of this paper is to examine if it is possible to ensure a method for analyzing the fragmentation of stone material with varying attributes. The goal with this work is to disperse any uncertainties regarding the use of the laboratory jaw crusher and scaling up the results to full scale crushers and crushing plants. Only stone materials from plants where Sandvik AB has good relationships with are going to be used. Other boundaries include use of the data and analyze methods that Sandvik has to its dispense. The results are being presented in the shape of diagrams regarding the particle size distribution, shape, power usage from the jaw crusher and simulations from old tests. No direct apparent connections are shown regarding the results from tests of the different stone materials. Some correlations for the hardness, particle size distribution before and after crushing together with material properties are observed. But no conclusions can be drawn for projection of particle size distribution irrespective of the stone material.

Quality evaluation of PVD coatings on cutting tools by micro-blasting

Berling, Victor January 2016 (has links)
Sandvik Coromant in Gimo is in need of a good quality evaluation method of adhesion for PVD layers; since the existing testing method is located in Sandvik Coromant’s other location in Västberga. Different micro-blasting methods were investigated in this thesis and the results show that some of the methods could potentially be used for evaluation of adhesion, more specifically the wet blasting methods, M1 and M2. The results also show that the investigated geometry received varying adhesion quality when lower etching bias in the PVD process was used and when different sides was pointing upwards in the PVD furnace. Further investigation will have to be made in order to fully implement micro-blasting as a testing method in production.

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