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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Der Literaturskandal: Symbolisches Kapital und Selbstbezug am Beispiel Thomas Bernhards

Riendeau, Vincent 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire analyse la réception de l’auteur autrichien Thomas Bernhard (1931-1989) au regard des scandales qui ont marqué sa carrière. Tantôt identifié comme l’imprécateur de l’Autriche, tantôt comme écrivain exceptionnel, il aura remis en question le rôle de son pays dans le national-socialisme et multiplié les attaques ad hominem. Il aura tenu un rôle ambigu dans l’espace public. Tout en insistant sur le caractère fictif de ses œuvres, il se mettait en scène de façon provocatrice dans le discours public ainsi que dans sa fiction. Ce mémoire s’intéresse au fonctionnement du scandale en tant qu’événement social complexe ayant lieu dans l’espace public. Les chercheurs s’entendent pour considérer le scandale comme un trouble ou une irritation résultant d’une transgression, apparente ou avérée. Il s’agit en outre d’un phénomène intégré dans l’ordre social et géré par les médias, caractérisé par l’actualisation des valeurs morales. Dans la présente étude, il est postulé que le capital symbolique (cf. Bourdieu) joue un rôle d’a priori et de catalyseur dans les scandales. Une accumulation initiale de capital symbolique assure une visibilité médiatique automatique. Le capital d’identité de Thomas Bernhard – soit la personnalisation du capital symbolique – est hybride et complexe, de sorte qu’il est difficilement appréciable. La difficile appréciation du capital de l’auteur se traduit par l’incertitude des journalistes et du public quant à son message : réactions dispro-portionnées, critique du particulier perçue comme mise en cause de l’universel. Toute dé-claration, toute œuvre de Bernhard est assujettie à ses prestations « scandaleuses » antérieu-res. Ce mémoire insiste sur le caractère autoréférentiel du scandale et s’intéresse aux actes de langage performatifs (cf. John L. Austin). Le corpus comporte des romans de Bernhard, leurs recensions, des articles de quotidiens, des lettres de lecteurs, des documents juridiques ainsi que la correspondance entre Bernhard et Siegfried Unseld. / This master’s thesis analyzes the reception of the Austrian author Thomas Bernhard (1931-1989) and focuses on the scandals that punctuated his career. Acclaimed exceptional writer, he was, however, often referred to as Austria’s injurer. He called into question the in-volvement of his country in National Socialism and proliferated ad hominem attacks on politicians. His role in the public sphere was ambiguous: whilst insisting on the fictive character of his works, he staged himself provocatively. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to show the functioning of scandals as com-plex social events taking place in the public sphere. Scholars consider scandals as public offenses resulting from real or apparent transgressions. Scandals are integrated into the so-cial order and are handled by the media. They trigger actualization of moral values. This study postulates that symbolic capital (cf. Bourdieu) plays a role in scandals. It is both the prerequisite and the catalyst for successful scandalization. An initial accumula-tion of symbolic capital insures quasi automatically media attention. The identity capital of Thomas Bernhard – i.e. the personalization of his symbolic capital – is hybrid and intricate. This renders its interpretation difficult. The complexity of the capital configuration leads to an ambivalent appreciation of the author’s message by journalists and the public. Reactions are disproportionate and Bernhard’s particular though hyperbolic criticism is perceived as a questioning of universal values. Each and every declaration or work by Bernhard is subor-dinated and appreciated in regards to his preceding “scandalous” achievements. This mas-ter’s thesis emphasizes the autorefential nature of scandals and devotes a special interest to performative speech acts (cf. John L. Austin). The corpus includes some of Bernhard’s plays and novels, book reviews, newspaper articles, letters to the editor, court transcripts and Bernhard’s correspondence with his publisher Siegfried Unseld. / Diese Magisterarbeit untersucht die Rezeption des Autors Thomas Bernhard (1931–1989) angesichts der Skandale, die seine Karriere kennzeichneten. Bernhard galt zugleich als Österreich-Beschimpfer und als außergewöhnlicher Literat. Er stellte die Rolle Österreichs im Nationalsozialismus in Frage und griff wiederholt prominente Österreicher persönlich an. Einerseits bestand er auf den fiktionalen Charakter seiner Werke, andererseits inszenier-te er sich provokativ in der Öffentlichkeit. Das Interesse der Arbeit gilt dem Funktionieren des Skandals als komplexes sozia-les Ereignis, das in der Öffentlichkeit obwaltet. Konsens herrscht in der Forschung darüber, dass ein Skandal ein auf einem realen oder vermuteten Normbruch beruhendes Ärgernis ist. Es handelt sich um ein im Gesellschaftssystem eingeschriebenes Phänomen, das von den Medien behandelt und zum Auslöser von Kontroversen über normative Fragen wird. Diese Arbeit geht von der Annahme aus, dass das symbolische Kapital (vgl. Bourdieu) eine Vorbedingung des Skandals ist. Eine ursprüngliche Akkumulation symbolischen Kapitals sichert mediale Aufmerksamkeit. Das Identitätskapital Bernhards – die Personalisierung seines Kapitals – war hybrid und komplex, sodass es nur schwierig einzuschätzen war. Diese erschwerte Einschätzung seines symbolischen Kapitals führte zur Unsicherheit der Journalisten und des Publikums bezüglich seiner Botschaft: Immer wieder kam es zu überzogenen Reaktionen. Vor allem Bernhards hyperbolische Kritik des Beson-deren wurde pauschal als Infragestellung des Allgemeinen (des Österreichischen) wahrge-nommen. Jedwede Äußerung und jedwedes Werk Bernhards wurde vor dem Hintergrund seiner vorhergehenden »skandalösen« Leistungen gedeutet. Diese Arbeit betont den selb-streferentiellen Charakter und den pragmatischen Gehalt (vgl. John L. Austin) des Skan-dals. Der Korpus erfasst Texte von Bernhard, Rezensionen, Zeitungsartikel, Leserbriefe, Gerichtsprotokolle, Rechtsprechung und Bernhards Briefwechsel mit seinem Verleger Siegfried Unseld.

Der Literaturskandal: Symbolisches Kapital und Selbstbezug am Beispiel Thomas Bernhards

Riendeau, Vincent 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire analyse la réception de l’auteur autrichien Thomas Bernhard (1931-1989) au regard des scandales qui ont marqué sa carrière. Tantôt identifié comme l’imprécateur de l’Autriche, tantôt comme écrivain exceptionnel, il aura remis en question le rôle de son pays dans le national-socialisme et multiplié les attaques ad hominem. Il aura tenu un rôle ambigu dans l’espace public. Tout en insistant sur le caractère fictif de ses œuvres, il se mettait en scène de façon provocatrice dans le discours public ainsi que dans sa fiction. Ce mémoire s’intéresse au fonctionnement du scandale en tant qu’événement social complexe ayant lieu dans l’espace public. Les chercheurs s’entendent pour considérer le scandale comme un trouble ou une irritation résultant d’une transgression, apparente ou avérée. Il s’agit en outre d’un phénomène intégré dans l’ordre social et géré par les médias, caractérisé par l’actualisation des valeurs morales. Dans la présente étude, il est postulé que le capital symbolique (cf. Bourdieu) joue un rôle d’a priori et de catalyseur dans les scandales. Une accumulation initiale de capital symbolique assure une visibilité médiatique automatique. Le capital d’identité de Thomas Bernhard – soit la personnalisation du capital symbolique – est hybride et complexe, de sorte qu’il est difficilement appréciable. La difficile appréciation du capital de l’auteur se traduit par l’incertitude des journalistes et du public quant à son message : réactions dispro-portionnées, critique du particulier perçue comme mise en cause de l’universel. Toute dé-claration, toute œuvre de Bernhard est assujettie à ses prestations « scandaleuses » antérieu-res. Ce mémoire insiste sur le caractère autoréférentiel du scandale et s’intéresse aux actes de langage performatifs (cf. John L. Austin). Le corpus comporte des romans de Bernhard, leurs recensions, des articles de quotidiens, des lettres de lecteurs, des documents juridiques ainsi que la correspondance entre Bernhard et Siegfried Unseld. / This master’s thesis analyzes the reception of the Austrian author Thomas Bernhard (1931-1989) and focuses on the scandals that punctuated his career. Acclaimed exceptional writer, he was, however, often referred to as Austria’s injurer. He called into question the in-volvement of his country in National Socialism and proliferated ad hominem attacks on politicians. His role in the public sphere was ambiguous: whilst insisting on the fictive character of his works, he staged himself provocatively. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to show the functioning of scandals as com-plex social events taking place in the public sphere. Scholars consider scandals as public offenses resulting from real or apparent transgressions. Scandals are integrated into the so-cial order and are handled by the media. They trigger actualization of moral values. This study postulates that symbolic capital (cf. Bourdieu) plays a role in scandals. It is both the prerequisite and the catalyst for successful scandalization. An initial accumula-tion of symbolic capital insures quasi automatically media attention. The identity capital of Thomas Bernhard – i.e. the personalization of his symbolic capital – is hybrid and intricate. This renders its interpretation difficult. The complexity of the capital configuration leads to an ambivalent appreciation of the author’s message by journalists and the public. Reactions are disproportionate and Bernhard’s particular though hyperbolic criticism is perceived as a questioning of universal values. Each and every declaration or work by Bernhard is subor-dinated and appreciated in regards to his preceding “scandalous” achievements. This mas-ter’s thesis emphasizes the autorefential nature of scandals and devotes a special interest to performative speech acts (cf. John L. Austin). The corpus includes some of Bernhard’s plays and novels, book reviews, newspaper articles, letters to the editor, court transcripts and Bernhard’s correspondence with his publisher Siegfried Unseld. / Diese Magisterarbeit untersucht die Rezeption des Autors Thomas Bernhard (1931–1989) angesichts der Skandale, die seine Karriere kennzeichneten. Bernhard galt zugleich als Österreich-Beschimpfer und als außergewöhnlicher Literat. Er stellte die Rolle Österreichs im Nationalsozialismus in Frage und griff wiederholt prominente Österreicher persönlich an. Einerseits bestand er auf den fiktionalen Charakter seiner Werke, andererseits inszenier-te er sich provokativ in der Öffentlichkeit. Das Interesse der Arbeit gilt dem Funktionieren des Skandals als komplexes sozia-les Ereignis, das in der Öffentlichkeit obwaltet. Konsens herrscht in der Forschung darüber, dass ein Skandal ein auf einem realen oder vermuteten Normbruch beruhendes Ärgernis ist. Es handelt sich um ein im Gesellschaftssystem eingeschriebenes Phänomen, das von den Medien behandelt und zum Auslöser von Kontroversen über normative Fragen wird. Diese Arbeit geht von der Annahme aus, dass das symbolische Kapital (vgl. Bourdieu) eine Vorbedingung des Skandals ist. Eine ursprüngliche Akkumulation symbolischen Kapitals sichert mediale Aufmerksamkeit. Das Identitätskapital Bernhards – die Personalisierung seines Kapitals – war hybrid und komplex, sodass es nur schwierig einzuschätzen war. Diese erschwerte Einschätzung seines symbolischen Kapitals führte zur Unsicherheit der Journalisten und des Publikums bezüglich seiner Botschaft: Immer wieder kam es zu überzogenen Reaktionen. Vor allem Bernhards hyperbolische Kritik des Beson-deren wurde pauschal als Infragestellung des Allgemeinen (des Österreichischen) wahrge-nommen. Jedwede Äußerung und jedwedes Werk Bernhards wurde vor dem Hintergrund seiner vorhergehenden »skandalösen« Leistungen gedeutet. Diese Arbeit betont den selb-streferentiellen Charakter und den pragmatischen Gehalt (vgl. John L. Austin) des Skan-dals. Der Korpus erfasst Texte von Bernhard, Rezensionen, Zeitungsartikel, Leserbriefe, Gerichtsprotokolle, Rechtsprechung und Bernhards Briefwechsel mit seinem Verleger Siegfried Unseld.

Verbraucherverhalten bei Lebensmittelskandalen / Ökonometrische Analysen von wesentlichen Determinanten der Nachfrage / Consumer behaviour during food scandals / Econometric analysis of relevant determinants for consumer demand patterns

Rieger, Jörg 29 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

‘Good Soldiers’, ‘Bad Apples’ and the ‘Boys’ Club’: Media Representations of Military Sex Scandals and Militarized Masculinities

Bickerton, Ashley Jennifer January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines news representations of Canadian, American and Australian military personnel involved in military 'sex scandals'. I explore what the representations of military personnel involved in well-publicized sex scandals reveal about scripts of soldiering and militarized masculinities. Despite a history of systemic violence in the military, I ask how and why the systemic nature of militarized masculinities are able to remain invisible, driving representations to focus on the ‘bad’ behaviour of individuals? By engaging with feminist scholarship in International Relations, I present the longstanding culture of misogyny, racism, homophobia and ableism in the Canadian, American and Australian militaries, focusing on the ways in which militarized masculinities are guided by these violent structures, and fundamental to the military's creation of soldiers. My dissertation uses the tools of critical discourse analysis to unpack the ways blame is individualised in cases of sexual and racist violence involving military personnel, while the military’s ableism, rape culture and imperial militarized masculinities are commonly naturalized or celebrated without regard for how they are fundamentally violent. My thesis presents an intersectional feminist project that intervenes in emerging questions in the field of transnational disability studies, tracing how militarism, hegemonic militarized masculinities and imperial soldiering (re)produce categories of ability and disability.

The two Marys: gender and power in the revolution of 1688-89

Kuester, Peter Allen January 2009 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Centered around the accounts of two women—Mary Aubry, a French Catholic midwife living in London, who was burned at the stake for murdering her abusive husband, and Queen Mary of Modena, the Italian Catholic wife of James II, who allegedly tried to pass off an imposter child as her legitimate heir in the so-called “warming pan scandal,” this is a study of murder, deceit, betrayal, paranoia, and repression in seventeenth-century England. The stories of the two Marys are both stories of palpable anxiety. Though the two women bear little resemblance at first glance, they were rumored to have conspired to guarantee a male heir for James II by any means necessary. According to the London gossips, these women were willing to betray, and even kill their husbands in the case of Mary Aubry, to protect their secret plot to perpetuate a line of Catholic princes in England. Though there was little evidence to substantiate this rumor and it quickly disappeared in media accounts, these two women continued to inspire vitriolic attacks from the London press that reveal strikingly similar public concerns. Their stories struck chords of fear within audiences in late seventeenth century England that knew their entire world was threatened. Endangered by a king, James II—who appeared determined to reinstitute Catholicism in England, who showed a penchant for absolutist policies, and who seemed to have fallen into the orbit of the domineering Louis XIV—the public’s apprehension and fear was only heightened by these stories. Just as unnerving as the fears about absolutism, Catholicism and foreign domination was the specter of internal collusion that endangered not simply the political and religious spheres of English Protestant society, but also social and familial hierarchies as well. To much of late seventeenth century English society, the two Marys represented all that was wrong with the world. They were traitors to their families, traitors to the nation, and traitors to the divine. / indefinitely

Les élites délinquantes : études de cas sur les illégalismes fiscaux suite aux révélations des ‘Panama papers’

Mailhot, Mylène 08 1900 (has links)
Les ‘Panama papers’ (2016) représentent une fuite de 11,2 millions de documents issus de la firme panaméenne Mossack Fonseca. Les révélations exposent des conduites fiscales compromettantes relevant de la finance offshore, soulignant par le fait même l’implication d’acteurs sociaux, parmi lesquels des banques, politiciens, chefs d’entreprises, responsables politiques et économiques, fortunes familiales, etc. D’une envergure internationale, les ‘Panama papers’ ont marqué l’univers médiatique de façon importante, toutefois en référence au jeu d’interprétation entourant les conduites exposées, il est possible de souligner le pluralisme des réactions sociales. S’intéressant particulièrement aux figures politiques et économiques listées, le mémoire se présente sous la forme de trois études de cas : Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, premier ministre de l’Islande (de 2013 à 2016), David Cameron, premier ministre du Royaume-Uni (de 2010 à 2016) et Malcom Turnbull, premier ministre de l’Australie (de 2015 à 2018). Le mémoire vise à dégager deux niveaux d’analyse. D’une part, détailler la couverture médiatique respective des cas, cela dans le but de saisir les réactions sociales suscitées, en particulier lors de la production et l’évolution des discours publics. D’autre part, il s’agit d’objectiver et discerner les prises de positions et de défenses à l’utilisation de comptes offshores, ce mémoire s’inscrivant dans le prolongement des études portant sur la résistance au stigmate. Afin de mener à terme la recherche, un corpus incluant treize références de la presse écrite a été constitué, représentant une analyse approfondie du contenu de plus de 671 documents écrits parus entre le 3 avril et le 30 septembre 2016. En s’appuyant sur les prémisses théoriques de la sociologie du scandale, la recherche illustre, dans les cas présents, différentes finalités possibles à l’épisode des ‘Panama papers’ : scandale, affaire ou non-scandale. / The Panama Papers (2016) represent a leak of 11,2 million documents from the Panamanian firm Mossack Fonseca. The revelations exposed compromising tax practices relating to offshore finance, and highlights by the same token, the involvement of the players : banks, politicians, business leaders, political and economic leaders, family fortunes, etc. Of an international scope, the 'Panama papers' have marked the media world in an important way. In reference to the interpretation game surrounding the exposed behaviors, it is possible to emphasize the pluralism of social reactions. Focusing on the listed political and economic figures, the document is presented in the form of three case studies : Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, Iceland’ prime minister (2013-2016), David Cameron, UK’ prime minister (2010-2016) and Malcom Turnbull, Australia’ prime minister (2015-2018). The thesis aims to identify two levels of analysis. The first level of analysis details the respective media coverage of the cases. The goal is to collect the social reactions, the production and the evolution of the discourse. The second level of analysis objectifies and discerns positions and defenses used with offshore accounts, whereas the writings of the dissertation are an extension of studies on the resistance of the stigma. In order to complete the research, a corpus including thirteen references of the written press was gathered, representing a thorough analysis of the contents of more than 671 written documents published between April 3 and September 30, 2016. Based on the theoretical premises of the sociology of scandal, the research illustrates, in the present cases, different possible outcomes to the episode of the 'Panama papers' : scandal, affair, or non-scandal.

Last Word in Art Shades: The Textual State of James Joyce's Ulysses

Tully-Needler, Kelly Lynn 06 March 2008 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / James Joyce’s Ulysses is a work of art that engendered scandal in every stage of its production, dissemination, and reception. The work is now hailed as the prose monument of modernism, a twentieth-century masterpiece, and revolutionary in its stylistic technique, its foregrounding of language and psychological drama, and its ambiguity. Ulysses is, in truth, a simple tale, about a lifetime of one day, in a world of one place, in the lives of one people, played out on a stage of pages. The telling of the tale is far from simple—it is among the greatest literary artifacts of our cultural heritage. But the text of Ulysses continues to be entangled in the tension of its status as both a literary artifact, created by an artist, and a cultural artifact, influenced by the aspects of its currency. Among the many questions the novel begs is, who controls the meaning of a work of literary art? This thesis begins to answer that question. Chapter 1 surveys available materials and outlines four waves in the history of textual scholarship of Ulysses. This chapter reads like the prose version of a library catalogue. Sorry, it is a symptom of academese. Chapter 2 outlines the history of censorship and suppression of Ulysses. Chapter 3 gives a historical context to legalizing the work and discusses the implications of the ban upon the development and reliability of the text. Chapter 4 outlines the second scandal of Ulysses, at the close of the twentieth century, now commonly referred to as the Joyce Wars. Chapter 5 discusses the influences upon Gabler’s editorial method and the resultant text. Together, these chapters tell the story of the book's creation and life in print.

Трансформации при переводе рассказа А. К. Дойля «Скандал в Богемии» на русский язык : магистерская диссертация / Transformations within the russian translation in the short story “A scandal in Bohemia” by A. C. Doyle

Рыбкин, П. Н., Rybkin, P. N. January 2021 (has links)
Эта магистерская диссертация посвящена исследованию и сопоставлению переводческих трансформаций в рамках теорий Ж.-П. Вине и Ж. Дарбельне и Л. С. Бархударова с целью выявления особенностей каждой из них на фоне друг друга. Материалом сопоставительного анализа послужили монологи доктора Уотсона в первой главе рассказа А. К. Дойла «Скандал в Богемии». / This master’s thesis studies and compares translation transformations within the theories of J.-P. Vinay, J. Darbelnet and L. S. Barkhudarov in order to find out some of the peculiarities of said theories compared to one another. The analysis is based on comparing the translation of Dr. Watson’s monologues in the first chapter of the short story «A Scandal in Bohemia» by A. C. Doyle with the English source text.

Silencing the Revelry: An Examination of the Moral Panic in 186 BCE and the Political Implications Accompanying the Persecution of the Bacchic Cult in the Roman Republic

Moser, Heather S. 28 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.

俄中軍火貿易醜聞之研究—以北方造船廠與波羅的海造船廠的競標為例 / A study on the Scandal of Russia's Arms Sales to China-A case study on the competition over tenders between Northern shipyard and Baltiyskiy Zavod shipyard

陳冠宇, Chen,Guan-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文將以北方造船廠與波羅的海造船廠競標軍售中國「現代級」驅逐艦訂單之個案為例,透過國家安全研究途徑、國際戰略研究途徑以及決策研究途徑 ,檢視俄羅斯軍售中國政策之形成,從而探討俄羅斯軍售政策在普欽鞏固政權過程中之角色,並研析該項發展對台海安全之意涵,研究1991年至2006年期間俄羅斯軍售中國政策,並且探討其對亞太暨台海安全之衝擊,本文將闡釋從政治、經濟以及戰略層面,探討1991年至2006年期間俄羅斯對中國軍售的內外在驅動因素,及其對亞太和台海安全之衝擊。 本文認為,俄羅斯對中國軍售政策,乃是普欽鞏固權力過程之重要一環,2000年普欽上台後,俄羅斯葉里欽幫與聖彼得堡幫互相角力,競逐政經資源,以本案為例,波羅的海造船廠之最後勝出,乃是俄羅斯軍售中國政策形成之主導權從葉里欽幫 (經濟優先派/葉里欽人馬/莫斯科幫:卡西亞諾夫˙佛洛申派) 轉移到聖彼得堡幫 (國安優先派/普欽人馬/聖彼得堡幫) 手中之必然結果,因此,俄羅斯對中國軍售政策之形成,顯然有其政經與安全之考量,而其政商互動關係則為政策形成之關鍵,至於該項政策之形成與執行過程,則往往產生派系之間爭奪資源交換利益之重大弊端;而該項政策之執行結果,勢將影響亞太地區之區域安全;從而,勢將影響台海安全之均衡情勢,因此俄羅斯對中國軍售政策之形成乃是由於克里姆林宮政治勢力在內外在環境環節關聯下互動形塑而成的。 上述假設命題衍生出來下列邏輯相關的子命題: (一) 俄羅斯對中國軍售政策之形成與執行過程,則往往產生派系之間爭奪資源交換利益之重大弊端。在軍售中國訂單的決策過程 (Decision-Making Process) 中,波羅的海造船廠(Baltiisky Zavod shipyard;Балтийский завод) 之最後勝出,乃是俄羅斯軍售中國政策形成之主導權從葉里欽幫轉移到聖彼得堡幫手中之必然結果。 (二) 軍售弊案中的派系與兩個造船廠之間政商互動關係則為俄羅斯對中國軍售政策形成之關鍵。 (三) 俄國軍售中國訂單的俄國決策階層在決策考量上及俄羅斯對中國軍售政策之形成,顯然有其政經與安全之考量,2000至2004年期間,俄羅斯對中國軍售的政策,主要是受到俄羅斯國內政治互動,經濟發展考量,以及戰略三角互動等內外在因素的驅動,俄羅斯對中國軍售政策,乃是普欽鞏固權力過程 (Consolidating Power Process) 之重要一環。 (四) 俄羅斯對中國軍售政策之執行結果,勢將影響亞太地區之區域安全;從而,勢將影響台海安全之均衡情勢。 / 本文將以北方造船廠 (Северная верфь; Severnaya Verf) 與波羅的海造船廠(Балтийский завод; Baltiisky Zavod shipyard) 競標軍售中國「現代級」驅逐艦訂單之個案為例,透過國家安全研究途徑 (National Security Approach) 、國際戰略研究途徑 (International Strategic Approach) 以及決策研究途徑 (decision-making Approach) ,檢視俄羅斯軍售中國政策之形成,從而探討俄羅斯軍售政策在普欽鞏固政權過程中之角色,並研析該項發展對台海安全之意涵,研究1991年至2006年期間俄羅斯軍售中國政策,並且探討其對亞太暨台海安全之衝擊,本文將闡釋從政治、經濟以及戰略層面,探討1991年至2006年期間俄羅斯對中國軍售的內外在驅動因素,及其對亞太和台海安全之衝擊。 本文認為,俄羅斯對中國軍售政策,乃是普欽鞏固權力過程之重要一環。2000年普欽上台後,俄羅斯葉里欽幫與聖彼得堡幫互相角力,競逐政經資源。以本案為例,波羅的海造船廠之最後勝出,乃是俄羅斯軍售中國政策形成之主導權從葉里欽幫 (經濟優先派/葉里欽人馬/莫斯科幫:卡西亞諾夫˙沃洛申派) 轉移到聖彼得堡幫 (國安優先派/普欽人馬/聖彼得堡幫) 手中之必然結果。因此,俄羅斯對中國軍售政策之形成,顯然有其政經與安全之考量,而其政商互動關係則為政策形成之關鍵,至於該項政策之形成與執行過程,則往往產生派系之間爭奪資源交換利益之重大弊端;而該項政策之執行結果,勢將影響亞太地區之區域安全;從而,勢將影響台海安全之均衡情勢。 / 因此,本文認為: (一) 俄羅斯對中國軍售政策之形成與執行過程,則往往產生派系之間爭奪資源交換利益之重大弊端,在軍售中國訂單的決策過程中,波羅的海造船廠之最後勝出,乃是俄羅斯軍售中國政策形成之主導權從葉里欽幫轉移到聖彼得堡幫手中之必然結果: 2001年4月,北廠把公司的控股賣給了俄羅斯國際工業銀行(Межотраслевой промышленный банк; Mezhprombank) ,進而使俄國造船局 (Российское агентство по судостроению; Russian Shipbuilding Agency) 在北方造船廠的事先運作下而受到影響,因此俄國造船局屬意由北廠得標,由於將自己的親信安插在俄國武器出口公司與國防部內且加強國防部在對外軍售與武器輸出管制上的權力,並且克里姆林宮在2001年底前就已宣布有關軍售中國訂單的醜聞的計劃,根據最早的計劃,俄克里姆林宮掌握了中國造艦案訂單的最早決議是由俄國造船局與北方造船廠之間所共同做出的決定,在2002年1月3日契約簽訂之前是由俄國造船局擔任訂單招標的決定機構,但在2002年1月3日契約簽訂之後,訂單招標的決定機構就變成俄國武器出口公司擔任訂單招標的決定機構,於是波羅的海造船廠的主張與策略是透過團結黨在國家杜馬議員別赫金 (Владимир Пехтин; Vladimir Pekhtin) 審查北廠漏繳國庫案,打擊北廠,並且透過對克列巴諾夫副總理的遊說,而使克列巴諾夫重新重啟招標,因此聖彼得堡幫與波廠獲取這次爭食訂單的勝利。 2000年普欽上台後,俄羅斯葉里欽幫與聖彼得堡幫互相角力,競逐政經資源。 俄羅斯對中國軍售政策之形成與執行過程,則往往產生聖彼得堡幫及葉里欽派(Yeltin bloc)之間爭奪資源交換利益之重大弊端,在波羅的海造船廠對聖彼得堡幫的遊說下且北方造船廠在葉里欽派的支持下,雙方相互爭奪俄國軍售中國武器的訂單,對兩大派系而言是爭取軍售及軍售決策政府單位的決策主導權,因此俄羅斯對中國軍售政策之形成與執行過程產生北方造船廠與波羅的海造船廠爭食訂單之重大弊端,葉里欽親信在葉里欽總統下台後頓失舞台,葉里欽親信為了保其殘存勢力的延續而與新寡頭結合,葉里欽親信與新舊寡頭結合後與普欽的親信派爭權奪利導致了俄中軍售弊案的發生。 / (二) 軍售弊案中的派系與兩個造船廠之間政商互動關係則為俄羅斯對中國軍售政策形成之關鍵: 俄國造船廠與克里姆林宮政治派系利益掛勾,在對中國軍售上為了贏得訂單而運用其政商關係,在軍售弊案中,沃洛申 (Волошину Александру; Alexander Voloshin) 集團與北方造船廠 (Северная верфь; Severnaya Verf) 之間的政商互動關係以及聖彼得堡幫 (St. peterburg bloc) 與波羅的海造船廠 (Балтийский завод; Baltiisky Zavod shipyard) 之間的政商互動關係則為俄羅斯對中國軍售政策形成之關鍵,沃洛申集團 (Voloshin clan;Yeltin clan; Economic Advice bloc (經濟優先派/葉里欽人馬/莫斯科幫:卡西亞諾夫(Касьянов Михаил Михайлович; Mihail Mihaylovich Kasyanov)與沃洛申派) 的形成與成員是以葉里欽時期金融寡頭及軍企寡頭等的親中勢力為主,聖彼得堡幫是普欽總統的人馬與派系,聖彼得堡幫的成員遍及軍企、媒體、俄國武器出口部門、國會及政府內閣與總統辦公廳內部,經濟顧問派的龍頭則為總理卡西亞諾夫:安全顧問派的龍頭則是克列巴諾夫 (Клебанова Ильи; Ilya Klebanova) ,在這兩大派系的背後,又都各擁有一個龐大的財團支持。與卡西亞諾夫聯盟的財團與公司則是波塔寧 (Потанин Владимир Олегович; Vladmir O.Potanin) 與謝爾蓋‧普加契夫 (Sergey Pugachev) 支持的北方造船廠;與克列巴諾夫聯盟的財團與公司是波羅的海造船廠。 / (三) 俄國軍售中國訂單的俄國決策階層在決策考量上及俄羅斯對中國軍售政策之形成,顯然有其政經與安全之考量,2000至2004年期間,俄羅斯對中國軍售的政策,主要是受到俄羅斯國內政治互動,經濟發展考量,以及戰略三角互動等內外在因素的驅動,俄羅斯對中國軍售政策,乃是普欽鞏固權力過程之重要一環: 1.經濟因素影響了俄國對中國軍售政策的形成: 在普欽的認知與觀點上,俄中戰略夥伴關係是用來賺錢的工具且是在俄中戰略夥伴關係架構下軍火貿易的平台上而有賺錢的機會,俄羅斯在經濟領域的國家利益是最主要的國家利益,只有在穩定發展經濟的基礎上才能解決與俄羅斯國家利益有關的問題, 俄羅斯軍售中國賺取外匯挹注經濟發展,才有可能達成軍事現代化且使俄羅斯賺取外匯以準備發展新一代核武器和高精尖武器裝備。 為了國防工業轉產、國內經濟大幅衰退、賺取外匯挹注經濟發展:軍售中國是為了因應俄羅斯國內政治生態與經濟發展互動的需求。普欽希望能爭取到軍事工業集團的支援,特別是軍工企業旗下的大批工人;因為軍售中國可以創造相當數量的就業機會。 因為俄國總統普欽希望能夠爭取到軍火利益團體的支持,在俄國國內政治勢力與俄國軍工企業向俄國政府的要求下,所以普欽政府大量的軍售中國,普欽的目的是要換取俄國軍工企業的支持, 扶持軍事工業以收攬軍工複合體(военно-промышленный комплекс; Military-Industrial Complex) 勢力是普欽經濟發展的策略之一,事實上,軍售中國是為了因應俄羅斯國內政治生態與經濟發展互動的需求,普欽希望能爭取到軍事工業集團的支援,特別是軍工企業旗下的大批工人;因為軍售中國可以創造相當數量的就業機會。 在政治因素上,俄羅斯國內的軍火工業從業人口佔有相當大的比例,普欽為了贏得下一屆總統選舉,勢必要為軍火工業製造利多消息,藉以換取軍火工業人口的選票,因此普欽企圖以軍售中國爭取軍工集團的支持,以爭取軍工企業工人選票,普欽企圖以軍售中國賺取外匯挹注經濟發展,才有可能達成軍事現代化的目標,以此訴求爭取軍方支持,軍售中國是俄國國內政治的要求,因為俄國總統普欽希望能夠爭取到軍火利益團體的支持,特別是軍火業雇用大批工人,對俄國經濟來說非常重要,此外,它也能資助俄國軍力的現代化,而這正是普欽的另一重要意圖, 普欽認為軍售中國能資助俄國軍力的現代化,因此普欽及其親信為了要擴大權勢以及要控制軍工領域而使普欽可以徹底而確實的推動一系列的的國防工業體制改革與軍事改革而須掌控軍工企業,俄羅斯希望經由對中國的武器出口交易及軍事科技轉移,來吸取中國在軍轉民用政策上的經驗,以有效掌握其技術和資金,積極推動俄國龐大的軍企在民用化方面的成效,從而改善人民的生活,增加俄軍財源,以補充其軍費, 緩解軍工企業困難,為其進一步發展積累啟動資金,增加外匯收入,緩解國內經濟危機。 2. 國家安全因素是俄國軍售中國訂單的俄國決策階層在決策時的考量: 普欽軍售中國的國家安全考量乃是為了挽救俄羅斯衆多的軍工企業與科研機構不致於陷入舉步維艱的境地且減少對於俄羅斯國防實力和國家安全上的直接威脅,普欽為了減低軍方在國家安全方面的疑慮,承諾軍售中國將會有所限制,中國在採購大量的俄制軍備後,有可能反噬俄羅斯,再加上中國威脅論的推波助瀾,俄羅斯未來在對中國的軍售上勢必會多加考慮。 3. 國際戰略因素是俄國軍售中國訂單的俄國決策階層在決策時的考量: 就戰略觀點來看,俄國決定銷售精密複雜的武器 (sophisticated weaponry)給中國,乃是基於俄國的國家利益 (national interests) ,及俄國的整體國家經濟 (overall economic) 和地緣政治 (Geopolitics) 等因素制約驅使所致。 俄中軍火貿易是俄中戰略協作的一環,俄羅斯當前的外交策略是東西並重,而非過去的一面倒向西方,藉由對中國的軍售來拉攏中國,以增加俄羅斯對西方世界談判的籌碼,提高國際地位,增加對國際事務的影響力,俄希望在國際軍事衝突中,交戰雙方都使用俄製武器,這樣在解決國際事務過程中手中就多了一張可討價還價的政治籌碼,有利於俄對國際事務施加影響。俄羅斯對於印度與中國兩國的軍火交易有相當大的差異,相較於印度並未與俄羅斯直接相鄰,中國與俄羅斯有相當長的國界相鄰,俄羅斯再出售武器給予中國的同時必須顧及到將來若與中國發生衝突的可能性,俄羅斯出售軍備給予中國,但不可避免的,必須去面臨日益強大的中國在俄羅斯東部所形成的威脅,因此俄羅斯在出售武器給予中國的同時也出售軍火給予印度,俄羅斯提供武器給與印度具有很大的戰略考量,俄羅斯提供給印度的武器較中國先進,對於俄羅斯來說,這樣的差異,是基於考慮到提供印度較為先進的武器可以牽制中國的勢力,俄羅斯聯合中國互為奧援,對於俄羅斯提昇國際地位的努力,不失為是一項最佳的選擇,此外,近年來俄羅斯求在經濟上有所作為,把中國視為主要的軍火銷售對象,俄中睦鄰友好合作條約 (The Russia-China Friendship and Cooperation Treaty) 的簽訂,無疑將有助於增進雙方的軍火交易, 同時由於俄國政府採取親美以削弱親中勢力的政策,2002年簽訂俄美削減攻擊性戰略武器條約 (Strategic. Offensive Reductions Treaty, STORT) ,並建立了美俄戰略夥伴關係,俄國此舉乃是為了要擺脫中國之戰略羈絆。 4.克里姆林宮政治 (Kremlin politics) 影響了俄國軍售中國訂單的俄國決策階層的決策: 俄羅斯聖彼得堡幫及葉里欽幫互相競逐俄羅斯軍售中國政策形成之主導權,雙方為了要削弱對方的勢力,普欽時期的軍企寡頭 (Arms sale oligarchy) 嚴重影響了軍售中國訂單的決策,安全體系官僚 (National Security bloc) 與經濟體系官僚 (Economic Advice bloc) 兩個派系與軍企寡頭在軍售弊案中的政商關係及利益交換影響了俄羅斯對中國軍售政策之形成,普欽整肅葉里欽遺留下來的軍企寡頭勢力,建立以國家安全團隊為主幹的軍售中國的決策執政團隊,以鞏固其政權基礎,普欽上任後有計劃得為了擴大鞏固權勢而整頓國防體制與整肅寡頭,因此將自己的親信安插在俄國武器出口公司 (Рособоронэкспортом; Rosoboronexport) 與國防部 (Министерство обороны, РФ; Ministerstvo oborony, RF) 內且加強國防部在對外軍售與武器輸出管制上的權力,在普欽於西元2000年當選俄國總統後,克里姆林宮政治勢力與新興的財團勢力相結合,成為主導莫斯科決策動向的新寡頭,普欽作為一個成功的權力平衡者,必須隨時掌握派系政治的動向,以合縱連橫的政治藝術,來鞏固其政權,普欽上任後有計劃得為了擴大鞏固權勢而整頓國防體制與整肅寡頭,因此將自己的親信安插在俄國武器出口公司與國防部內且加強國防部在對外軍售與武器輸出管制上的權力:普欽的親信人馬正在積極搶奪葉里欽派系人馬所控制的政經資源,雙方鬥爭激烈,與中國的驅逐艦合約也變成了這場鬥爭中的一個籌碼。 普欽在2000年高票當選俄國總統,普欽高票當選,地位鞏固;普欽手腕靈活,讓國家杜馬 (Gosudarstvennaya Duma;Государственная Дума) 形成親政府的穩定多數派,並使其人馬進駐國家安全強力部門;從而普欽可以順利推動對外政策方針與對中國軍售決策,兩家造船廠後面的財閥集團和官方幫助兩家造船廠積極對承辦軍售案的相關人員進行關說活動,俄羅斯對中國軍售政策之形成與執行過程,則往往產生派系之間爭奪資源交換利益之重大弊端。 俄國出售先進武器給中國似是違反俄國國家安全,但是普欽的主要目的是藉此取得國內軍火利益團體的政治支持,因為軍火業可製造較多的就業機會,有助於強化俄國的經濟以及軍事現代化, 對外軍售對於普欽 (Путин Владимир Владимирович; Vladimir Putin) 而言,也是振興經濟的選項之一,出售軍火具有經濟以及政治上的利益,在經濟上可以藉由出售軍火快速獲得大量的外匯,以此便可以暫時舒緩經濟上的困境,而在政治上,普欽以軍售挽救俄羅斯軍火工業將可以贏得軍火工廠員工的支持,而支持也將會在選舉中化為選票,同樣的,提振了經濟也有助於普欽及團結黨 (Unity) 在大選時的支持度,但是出售軍火給予中國首先必須面對軍方的強烈反彈,為此,普欽進行一連串的軍事改革及經改與軍企改革,進而普欽可以用軍售中國賺取外匯挹注經濟發展,才有可能達成軍事現代化的目標,來爭取以此訴求爭取軍方支持,普欽藉俄羅斯對中國軍售政策以鞏固政權 (Consolidating Power) 。 / (四) 俄羅斯對中國軍售政策之執行結果,勢將影響亞太地區之區域安全;從而,勢將影響台海安全之均衡情勢: 由於俄國決定軍售給中國高科技武器的決策,並且在普欽政府的控制下,包括該訂單在內的所有高科技武器將引起亞太各國的不安與影響台海安全,從而使兩岸關係進入軍備競賽且使俄國得以藉由軍售中國制衡美中關係,從而牽制中美兩國。我國的因應必須是加強我國在國防軍購上加強對美國及他國的武器購買,同時要求各國對俄國大量軍售中國一事的重視。 / The main first purpose of this study is to explore, through National Security Approach ,International Strategic Approach and decision-making Approach explore Russian arms sales scandal. The main level of The thesis is to explore and study scandal on sino-Russia arms sales by International politics system level of analysis, National system level of analysis and Decision-making level of analysis.The method of The thesis is to explore and study scandal on sino-Russia arms sales with a case study which Northern shipyard and Baltiisky Zavod shipyard struggle for order of tender for arms sales Sovremenny Class destroyers--Project 956 toward P.R.C in 2002 and the main second purpose of this study is to explore pro-China clan and pro-USA clan of Russia struggle for leading right of formation of decision-making in Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C. and explore formation of decision-making in Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C.. the main third purpose of this study is to explore inner-extra cause and Context of Vladimir Putin’s arms sales policy toward P.R.C. and explore what role and funcation of Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C. is in Consolidating Power process of Russia president Vladimir Putin. the main fourth purpose of this study is to explore the impact on Taiwan Strait security by Russia–Chain’s military exchange. It is hypothesized in this study that Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C. is a part of Consolidating Power process of Russia president Vladimir Putin, pro-China clan and pro-USA clan of Russia struggle for leading right and resource of process of decision-making of politics and economy and each public policy,in the case study that Northern shipyard and Baltiisky Zavod shipyard struggle for order of tender for arms sales Sovremenny Class destroyers--Project 956 toward P.R.C in 2002, That Baltiisky Zavod shipyard final get the tender is leading right of formation of decision-making in Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C. transfer to pro-USA clan (National Security bloc/ Putin Bloc/ St. Petersburg Bloc) from pro-China clan (Economic Advice bloc/ Yeltin bloc/ Moscow bloc: Kasyanov and Voloshin Bloc),therefore, Considerations on formation of decision-making of Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C. is including of politics, economy and strategic and relations between business, oligarchy and politican in process of decision-making of Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C. is the key-point, formation of decision-making and process of activity of Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C. gives rise to abuses which struggle for money and political power and economy interests and exchange and collective self-interest, the final ending of the decision- activity of Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C. ought to effects regional security in Asia Pacific area and effects Cross- Straits Security ,therefore , cause of formation of decision-making of Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C. is that interaction of clans of Kremlin politics in the internal and external factors under Vladimir Putin. This hypothesis can be further developed into the following logically consequential sub-propositions: 1. Formation of decision-making and process of activity of Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C. gives rise to abuses which struggle for money and political power and economy interests and exchange and collective self-interest,in decision-making of tender in Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C., Baltiisky Zavod shipyard final get the tender is leading right of formation of decision-making in Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C. transfer to pro-USA clan (National Security bloc/ Putin Bloc/ St. Petersburg Bloc) from pro-China clan (Economic Advice bloc/ Yeltin bloc/ Moscow bloc: Kasyanov and Voloshin Bloc). 2. Clans of arms sales scandal and relations between business, oligarchy and politican of two Shipbuilding plant is the key-point of formation of decision-making of Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C.. 3. Considerations on formation of decision-making of decision-making level of Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C. is including of politics, economy and strategic, During 2000-2004, Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C. has been driven by Russia’s internal and external factors, such as the interaction of strategic triangle politics; Kremlin politics and economic development and Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C. is a part of Consolidating Power process of Russia president Vladimir Putin. 4. the final ending of the decision- activity of Russian arms sales policy toward P.R.C. ought to effects regional security in Asia Pacific area and effects Cross- Straits Security.

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