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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kauno ir Šakių dviejų pagrindinių mokyklų 11-13 m. moksleivių laisvalaikio fizinis aktyvumas, subjektyvus sveikatos vertinimas, žalingi įpročiai ir socialiniai veiksniai / Leisure time physical activity, self-rated health, unhealthy lifestyle-related habits and social factors of 11-13 year schoolchildren in the two secondary schools of Kaunas and Šakiai

Armanavičiūtė, Roberta 10 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – 11-13 metų Kauno ir Šakių pagrindinių mokyklų moksleivių fizinio aktyvumo, gyvensenos ir socialinių veiksnių sąsajos. Tyrimo tikslas: įvertinti Kauno ir Šakių pagrindinių mokyklų 11-13 m. moksleivių laisvalaikio fizinio aktyvumo, žalingų įpročių, subjektyvaus sveikatos vertinimo ir socialinių veiksnių sąsajas. Hipotezė: 11-13 metų moksleivių fizinis aktyvumas yra nepakankamas; pasyvaus laisvalaikio praleidimo formos bei įvairūs socialiniai bei gyvensenos aspektai turi reikšmės mokleivių fiziniam aktyvumui. Uždaviniai : 1. Nustatyti laisvalaikio moksleivių fizinį aktyvumą ir sąsajas lyties, amžiaus ir gyvenamos vietos aspektu. 2. Atskleisti moksleivių laisvalaikio fizinio aktyvumo, pasyvaus laisvalaikio praleidimo trukmės, žalingų sveikatai įpročių ir subjektyvaus sveikatos ir laimės vertinimo sąsajas. 3. Įvertinti socialinių veiksnių reikšmę moksleivių laisvalaikio fiziniam aktyvumui. 4. Išanalizuoti mokinių fizinio aktyvumo sąsajas su mokyklos aplinkos veiksniais. Tyrimo imtis ir organizavimas. Anketinė apklausa buvo vykdoma 2012m. lapkričio ir 2013m. sausio mėnesiais Kaune ir Šakiuose, kiekvienam tiriamajam taikant anketavimo metodą. Iš viso apklausta 356 moksleiviai. Iš jų 210 Kauno mieste ir 146 Šakiuose. Išvados: 1. Kaune laisvalaikiu fiziškai aktyvia veikla užsiima 71,9 proc. mokinių, o Šakiuose – 35,6 proc. Kaune gyvenantiems mokiniams galimybė būti fiziškai aktyviais buvo 1,7 (95 proc. PI 0,93 – 1,05) karto didesnė negu gyvenantiems Šakiuose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Subject – the relationships between leisure-time physical activity, lifestyle-related habits and social factors of 11-13 year schoolchildren of Kaunas and Šakiai. Aim of the study: to assess the leisure time physical activity, self-rated health, unhealthy habits and social factors of 11-13 year schoolchildren in Kaunas and Šakiai two secondary schools. Hypothesis: physical activity of 11-13 years children is insufficient; passive leisure forms and different social aspects are associated with schoolchildren’s leisure-time physical activity. Objectives: 1. To determine leisure time physical activity of schoolchildren and its relationships with gender, age and place of residence. 2. To reveal the relationships between leisure-time physical activity, unhealthy lifestyle-related habits and self-rated health of schoolchildren. 3. To assess social factors importance to leisure-time physical activity of schoolchildren. 4. To analyze leisure-time physically activity of schoolchildren in relation to school environment. Sample and organization. Questionnaire survey was conducted in 2012 November – 2013 January in Kaunas city and Šakiai, on each trial using the questionnaire method. Total number of questionnaires was 356: 210 from Kaunas and 146 from Šakiai. Conclusions: 1. 71.9% of Kaunas city schoolchildren were physically active during leisure time whereas in Šakiai city – only 35.6%. The odds of adequate physically activity was 1.7 (95% CI 0.93-1.05) times higher for children... [to full text]

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų 9-10 klasių moksleivių sveikata ir jos sąsajos su socialine aplinka bei fiziniu aktyvumu / Influence of surrounding environmental factors and physical activity for the schoolchildren health,who study in the 9-10 classes

Milkevičius, Edmundas 20 May 2005 (has links)
The main goal of study was to determine the influence of surrounding environmental factors and physical activity for the schoolchildren health, who study in the 9-10 classes. Three tasks were raised in the study: To evaluate the main disorders of children health, studying in the 9-10th classes. To determine the relationships of behavioral factors to the school-children health. To evaluate the relationships of physical activity to the pupils health. The methods and object. Totally 202 children (104 boys and 98 girls) who study in 9-10 classes, were interviewed. The methods applied in this study: 1. Questionnaire. 2. Analysis of data applying the MS Excel program. After performing the research the following conclusions were carried out: 1. After performing the research it becomes evident, that the health of pupils is far from good. Exactly half of them have various disorders of health (47%); mostly disorders of posture and vision predommating. 7% of all interviewed children suffer with chronic diseases, mostly there were cases of chronic bronchitis. 58% of all pupils were ill with various diseases during the course of the last year. The most common illness was influenza. 2. In the study pupils behavioral factors are very much prevalenced: permanently smoking every fifth, occasionally smoking every second, so often used alcohol drinks – every sixth, occasionally two third of schoolchildren, but relationships between behavioral factors and health not being evaluated. 3. Middle... [to full text]

Kūno kultūros ir sveikos gyvensenos žinių įtaka moksleivių fizinės saviugdos formavimuisi / Physical fitness and healthy lifestyle knowledge influence on schoolchildren physical self – help formation

Masalskytė, Raminta 25 May 2005 (has links)
PHYSICAL FITNESS AND HEALTHY LIFESTYLE KNOWLEDGE INFLUENCE ON SCHOOLCHILDREN PHYSICAL SELF – HELP FORMATION (SUMMARY) One of the most approachable means of the pedagogical effect while stimulating the physical training of the pupils at school is rendering of the integral theoretical knowledge. In this paper the analysis of the village and city pupil approach to the regulations of physical training, physical activity and values were made. The training experiment was made also and results were given while the pupils were fostered to get into training. The object of the thesis was to analyse the effect of the physical training and healthy manner of living on the fostering of the pupils’ physical self-command formation. In order to realise the object the following tasks were made: 1) to analyse the point of view of the pupils about the physical training and physical activity; 2) analyse the pupil approach to the healthy way of living; 3) analyse the place of self-command in the pupil’s value scale; 4) in this pedagogical experiment to estimate the impact of the physical training and healthy way of living onto the formation of the physical self-command among the pupils. The research was made among the pupils of kaunas Simonas Daukantas secondary school and Jurbarkas region secondary schools, between the seventh, nineth and eleventh forms (No of pupils –230). All the pupils were distributed according to the age, gender and living place. They were given a 29 points questionarry. In... [to full text]

Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų teisių saugiai aplinkai užtikrinimas namuose taikant socioedukacines priemones / Preschool children's rights ensuring a safe environment at a home through socio-educational measures

Šauklytė, Laura 17 July 2014 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų nelaimingi atsitikimai įvyksta namuose ne tik dėl to, kad vaikai yra maži ir judrūs, bet ir dėl nesaugios jiems namų aplinkos. Apsaugoti nuo sužalojimų namų aplinkoje galima pasitelkus įvairias priemones. Viena iš jų, saugios aplinkos sukūrimas. Šiandieninės galimybės ir inovatyvios technologijos leidžia sukurti maksimaliai saugią aplinką vaikams, bet dažnai tėvai nežino apie galimus saugios aplinkos požymius. Dar viena labai svarbi ir efektyvi prevencijos priemonė – vaikų mokymas. Tėvams svarbu žinoti ir suprasti, kad nepakanka vien sukurti vaikams saugią aplinką, juos išmokyti saugiai elgtis joje, tačiau nemažiau svarbi atidi suaugusiųjų priežiūra. Tyrimo objektas. Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų teisių saugiai aplinkai užtikrinimas namuose. Tyrimo tikslas. Ištirti, ar tėvai, auginantys ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikus, užtikrina vaikų teises į saugią aplinką namuose, pasitelkiant edukacines priemones tėvams ir vaikams. Tyrimo metodika ir imtis. Tyrimas atliktas 2014 metais kovo – balandžio mėnesiais, Joniškio miesto ikimokyklinėse įstaigose. Tyrimo imtį sudarė 20 ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų pedagogų ir 230 tėvų, auginančių ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikus. Taikyti šie tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros šaltinių analizė, anketinės apklausos tėvams ir pedagogams, aprašomoji statistika. Išvados. Literatūros analizė parodė, kad vaikams pavojų kelia nesaugi namų aplinka. Socialinė-kultūrinė aplinka, kurioje vaikas auga (gyvena), labai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Researchrelevance. Theaccidentshappen at homeforpre-schoolchildrennotonlybecausethey are smallandactive, butaswellbecauseofunsafehomeenvironment. Variousmeasurescanhelpensuresafety. One ofthemiscreationofsafeenvironment. Nowadayspossibilitiesandinovativetechnologiesletcreatethesafestenvironmenteverafter, butparentsdon‘tknowavailablemarksofsafeenvironment at homeforchildren. Theotherveryimportantandeffectivemeasureischildreneducation. It isveryimportant to knowandunderstandforparentsthat it isnotenough to teachhow to behaveinsafeenvironment, it isveryimportantthingisthe care ofadults. Researchobject. Pre-schoolchildrenrightsensuring a safeenvironment at home. Theaimoftheresearch. To investigateifparents, havingpre-schoolchildren, ensurechildren‘srights to a safeenvironment at homethrougheducationalmeasuresforparentsandchildren. Amountoftheresearcanditsmethodology. TheresearchwasperformedfromMarchtillAprilin 2014, inpre-schooleducationalinstitutionsin Joniškis. Theamountofresearchconsistsof 20 pre-schooleducationalinstitutionpedagogues, 230 parents, havingpre-schoolchildren. Thesemethodswereused: theanalysisofscientificliterature, questionnairesforparentsandchildrenanddescriptivestatistics. Conclusions. Literatureanalysisshowedthatthethreatsforchildren are inunsafehomeenvironment. Socio-culturalenvironmentwhere a childgrows (lives) isveryimportantforfurtherdevelopment. Thethreatsforchildren at homecan be madebyfamilymembers, plants, chemicalmaterials, medicine... [to full text]

Moksleivių intelekto struktūros ypatumai, tiriant WIT metodika / The singularity of the structure of intelligence in schoolchildren: researching by wit method

Skromovaitė, Lina 23 June 2014 (has links)
Pastaraisiais metais įvairiausių asmenybę tiriančių testų paklausa, adaptacija labai padidėjo visame pasaulyje (Hambleton R., 2005). Ir intelekto testai nėra išimtis, kurie yra pagrindiniai ir patikimiausi instrumentai, nustatant protinius gebėjimus. Jau ir Lietuvoje siekiama įsigyti patikimų intelektą matuojančių testų, kurie padėtų giliau pažinti žmogaus gebėjimus, galimybes bei sunkumus. Ir šiame darbe pristatomi moksleivių intelekto struktūros ypatumai, tiriant vienu iš pirmųjų adaptuotu intelekto testu Lietuvoje, kuris skirtas jaunimui ir suaugusiems. Tai WIT intelekto testas, kuris remiasi Thurstone L. ir Spearman teoriniu modeliu. Intelekto testo kokybiškumas dažnai yra įvertinamas pagal tai, koks yra testo validumo koeficientas, kur validumas yra apibrėžiamas kaip „ patikimumo laipsnis, kuris matuoja būtent tai, ką turi matuoti.“ (Anastasi ir Urbina, 1997, 8psl.). Kadangi intelekto testų adaptacijos skirtingose kultūrose yra plačiai paplitusios ir intelekto testus atlieka vis kiti žmonės, tai intelekto testo validumas yra nuolat tikrinamas, norint įsitikinti testo patikimumu. Adaptuojant testą, vienas išsamiausių metodų, tiriančių testo konstrukto validumą, yra faktorių analizė. Šiame tyrime pristatomi Lietuvos moksleivių reprezentatyviosios imties duomenys, kurie yra WIT intelekto testo standartizacijos Lietuvoje dalis. Tiriamųjų skaičius – 531 moksleiviai, kurių amžius nuo 13 iki 19 metų. Duomenų analizėje siekiama atskleisti WIT intelekto testo konstrukto validumą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Considerable evidence exists today to suggest that the need for personality test is growing (Hambleton R., 2005). And the intelligence tests are not an exception, which are the main and the sure method to measure intelligence. There is a need to get the valid and reliable intelligence tests, which will help more deeply to get to know human’s abilities in Lithuania as well. This study presents the singularity of a structure of schoolchildren’s intelligence, researching by one of the first adapted intelligent test in Lithuania. This is WIT intelligent test, designed for professional suitability diagnostics for youth and adults. The major intelligence structure components of this test are sustained by Thurstone L. and Spearman theory. The intelligence’s quality is often connected with test’s validity coefficient. The validity is defined as validity coefficient which measures what has to be measures (Anastasi and Urbina, 1997, p 8). Intelligence structure research is carried out separately for test validity in each country because of the lingual and cultural differences. And one of the comprehensive methods to research the test’s validity is factor analyses. This research presents Lithuanian representative schoolchildren group’s data, which are a part of adapted and standardized WIT intelligence test in Lithuania. A standardization sample of 531 Lithuanian schoolchildren with age range from 13 to 19 years was formed by means of stratified random choice technique. The data... [to full text]

Kėdainių rajono mokyklų septintų, devintų, ir vienuoliktų klasių mokinių mitybos būklės ir mitybos įpročių sąsajos / Nutritional status and dietary habits links between seventh, ninth, and eleventh grades of kėdainiai region

Lukošiūtė, Milda 11 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: nustatyti vyresnių klasių mokinių mitybos būklės ir mitybos įpročių sąsajas. Darbo uždaviniai: įvertinti Kėdainių rajono vyresnių klasių mokinių mitybos būklę; išanalizuoti mokinių mitybos įpročius; nustatyti vyresnių klasių mokinių mitybos būklės ir mitybos žinių bei įpročių sąsajas. Tyrimo metodika: Šis tyrimas yra visos Lietuvos tyrimo, koordinuojamo Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Medicinos akademijos Sveikatos tyrimų instituto Vaikų ir jaunimo sveikatos laboratorijos (vadovas prof. habl. dr. A. Zaborskis) dalis. Kėdainių rajone buvo sudaryta atsitiktinė penkių mokyklų imtis ir tyrimui pasiriktos dvi miesto bei trys kaimo mokyklos. Tėvams sutikus, buvo atlikta vienmomentinė anoniminė vyrensnių klasių mokinių apklausa (n=184). Vaikų mitybos būklė vertinta pagal tarptautinius T. Cole ir bendraautoriais kriterijus. Matematinė – statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant SSPS 15.0 for Windows programą. Proporcijų lyginimui taikytas Chi kvadrato (χ2) kriterijus, statistinė išvada laikytina patikima, kai reikšmingumo lygmuo p<0,05. Rezultatai: Tarp VII klasės mokinių vidutinis KMI buvo 19,12 (SN=3,55) kg/m2, tarp IX – 21,39 (SN=2,6) kg/m2, tarp XI – 21,42 (SN=2,52) kg/m2. Antsvoris ir nutukimas nustatytas 14,7 proc. mokinių; normalus svoris – 58,2 proc. ir 27,2 proc. respondentų buvo labai liesi ir liesi mokiniai. Statistiškai daugiau nutukusių vaikų buvo septintosiose klasėse – 6,3 proc., o devintose ir vienuoliktose klasėse nutukusių vaikų visai nebuvo (p=0,03... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study: to identify older school children nutritional status and dietary habits links. Objectives: to evaluate nutritional status of older schoolchildren in Kėdainiai region; to analyze schoolchildren eating habits; to identify older schoolchildren nutritional status, knowledge and habits links. Methods: This is a research part of the Lithuania, coordinated by the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy of Health Research Institute of Child and Youth Health Laboratory (headed by prof. Habl. Dr. A. Zaborskis). In Kėdainiai region was drawn randomly five schools, two from city and three from village. Parental consent, than was carried out a anonymous survey of older schoolchildren (n = 184). Childrens nutritional status as measured by international T. Cole criteria. Mathematical - statistical analysis was performed using SSPS 15.0 for Windows program. Comparison of proportions applied Chi-square (χ2) test, statistical conclusions are reliable when the significance level of p <0,05. Results: Among the VII Class of schoolchildren the mean BMI was 19,12 kg/m2 (SD = 3.55), IX – 21,39 kg/m2 (SD = 2.6), XI – 21,42 kg/m2 (SD = 2 52). Overweight and obesity were 14,7 percent of children, normal weight – 58,2 percent and 27,2 percent respondents were very lean and lean. Statistically more obese children were in the sevenths classes - 6.3 percent. In the ninth and eleventh grades were not obese children (p = 0.038). By gender statistically significant... [to full text]

Kauno miesto ir rajono moksleivių mitybos ryšiai su socialiniais veiksniais / Associations between nutrition habits and social factors of schoolchildren in kaunas city and disctrict

Butkevičiūtė, Rūta 18 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti Kauno miesto ir rajono moksleivių mitybos įpročius ir jų ryšius su socialiniais veiksniais. Darbo uždaviniai: Įvertinti tirtų moksleivių socialinę padėtį; nustatyti moksleivių mitybos įpročių priklausomybę nuo lyties, klasės, kurioje mokosi ir gyvenamosios vietos; įvertinti ryšius tarp moksleivių mitybos įpročių ir šeimos turtingumo. Tyrimo metodika: Dalyvaujant Lietuvos moksleivių mitybos tyrime, 2011 metais buvo atsitiktinai atrinktos 8 Kauno miesto ir 5 Kauno rajono mokyklos, kuriose apklausti 7, 9, 11 klasių moksleiviai (n=602; 290 berniukų ir 312 mergaičių). Anoniminei apklausai naudotas originalus klausimynas apie moksleivių mitybos įpročius mokykloje ir namuose bei socialinius veiksnius. Šeimų turtingumui vertinti sukurti trys kriterijai: subjektyvus, objektyvus turtingumas ir turtingumas pagal klausimyną. Kokybinių ryšių vertinimui buvo naudotas χ2 kriterijus ir Z kriterijus. Logistinė regresinė analizė buvo taikyta, siekiant įvertinti moksleivių mitybos įpročių ryšį su šeimos turtingumu, atsižvelgiant į lytį, mokymosi klasę ir gyvenamąją vietą. Rezultatai: Neturtingos šeimos sudarė 14,7 – 29,0 proc. priklausomai nuo šeimos turtingumo vertinimo kriterijaus. Mergaičių ir berniukų, taip pat skirtingų klasių moksleivių šeimų pasiskirstymas pagal turtingumą buvo panašus. Kauno rajone gyveno daugiau neturtingų šeimų nei Kauno mieste. Kasdien pusryčiavo 51,5 proc. moksleivių. Mokykloje kasdien valgė šiltus pietus 24,1 proc. moksleivių. Tik... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study: To evaluate Kaunas city and district school children eating habits and their relation to social factors. The objectives of the study: To evaluate social situation of investigated children; identify eating habits dependence on gender, study environment and place of residence; to assess relations between children eating habits and family‘s wealth. Research methods: participating in Lithuania‘s pupils’ nutrition survey in 2011, 8 schools from Kaunas city and 5 from Kaunas district were randomly selected, where 7th, 9th, 11th grade children were inteviewed ( n=602; 290 boys and 312 girls). For the anonymous survey about pupils' nutrition habits at school and at home also social factors, the original questionnaire was used. For family‘s wealth evaluation 3 criterions were created: subjective, objective, and wealth according to questionnaire. For quality evaluations x2 and Z criteria were used. Logistic regression analysis was used evaluating pupils' eating habits relation with family wealth, considering on gender, grade, and place of residence. Results: Poor families accounted to 14.7 - 29.0% in reference with family wealth criterion. Boys and girls, also distribution of family wealth in different grades was similar. Kaunas district had more poor families than Kaunas city. Breakfast everyday had 51.5 % pupils. Dinner at school had 24.1% pupils. Only one third of pupils’ everyday had black bread, 22.7% ate cereal for breakfast at least two times per week. 22... [to full text]

Sobrepeso e obesidade infantil: utiliza??o de diferentes metodologias de treinamentos em escolares do munic?pio de Diamantina ? MG

Moreira, L?zaro Lopes 31 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-01-11T18:05:36Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) lazaro_lopes_moreira.pdf: 478779 bytes, checksum: cb3b83c748ea630e568731db3461c587 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-01-16T17:53:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) lazaro_lopes_moreira.pdf: 478779 bytes, checksum: cb3b83c748ea630e568731db3461c587 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-16T17:53:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) lazaro_lopes_moreira.pdf: 478779 bytes, checksum: cb3b83c748ea630e568731db3461c587 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Atualmente a obesidade infantil tem se apresentado como um desafio em v?rios pa?ses do mundo, inclusive nos pa?ses latino-americanos como o Brasil. A proposi??o de iniciativas de interven??o no problema s?o urgentes e necess?rias. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos de um programa de interven??o com exerc?cios f?sicos (acumulado e cont?nuo) em escolares do ensino fundamental no excesso de peso do grupo. Para tal, foram selecionados 40 escolares de ambos os sexos que apresentaram valores de IMC para idade ? percentil 85. Trata-se de um ensaio cl?nico controlado com crian?as de 6 a 11 anos de idade divididas em tr?s grupos: 1) Controle (n=12), 2) treinamento aer?bico acumulado (N=14) e 3) treinamento aer?bico cont?nuo (N=14), em um per?odo de 10 semanas. O grupo controle n?o participou do programa e manteve suas atividades cotidianas. Foram realizadas avalia??es antropom?tricas e bioqu?mica antes e ap?s as 10 semanas. As an?lises estat?sticas foram realizadas usando o programa livre R vers?o 3.3.2, sendo utilizado teste de Anova para avaliar diferen?as entre valor m?dio de cada vari?vel Pr? e P?s interven??o, caso identificada essa diferen?a utilizou o Teste Tukey para identificar quais essas diferen?as sendo adotado o n?vel de signific?ncia (p<0,05). Os resultados revelaram que no grupo de atividade f?sica acumulada houve diminui??o da m?dia e do desvio padr?o nos valores do IMC P?s do Grupo acumulado (20,6 ? 2,85) em rela??o ao IMC P?s do Grupo controle (21,4 ? 2,22) com o valor de p= 0,039. Dessa forma, conclui-se que o programa de atividade f?sica de forma acumulada por um per?odo de 10 semanas foi efetivo na redu??o do IMC em escolares e, consequentemente na redu??o de crian?as com sobrepeso e obesidade. Tais resultados evidenciam que as interven??es no espa?o escolar se apresentam como estrat?gias fact?veis de interven??o ao excesso de peso em crian?as. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ensino em Sa?de, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / Objective: To verify the effects of intervention programs with physical exercise in an accumulated and continuous way in a playful way in elementary school students in the Body Mass Index (BMI), parameter Biochemical and weight. METHODS: We selected 40 schoolchildren of both sexes who were enrolled and frequent, presenting BMI values for age ?85th percentile. This was a controlled clinical trial with children aged 6 to 11 years divided into three groups: 1) Control (N = 12), 2) aerobic training accumulated (N = 14) and 3) continuous aerobic training (N = 14) over a period of 10 weeks. The control group did not participate in the program and maintained their daily activities. BMI and Biochemical parameters and weight were measured before and after 10 weeks. The statistical analyzes were performed using the free program R version 3.3.2, using Anova test to examine the differences between the mean value of each variable Pre and Post intervention, if identified the most recent difference Tukey test to identify which are these The level of significance (p <0.05) was used. Results: The accumulated physical activity group presented significant results in the decrease of mean and standard deviation of our BMI values. Post-accumulated group (20.6 ? 2.85) in relation to BMI Post Control group (21.4 ? 2.22) With the value of P = 0.039. Conclusion: It is concluded that the program of physical activity accumulated over a period of 10 weeks, is effective in reducing BMI in schoolchildren and consequently in the reduction of children with overweight and obesity.

Efeitos das palmilhas posturais sobre a postura corporal de escolares

Nedel, Sheila Spohr January 2009 (has links)
As palmilhas posturais são órteses plantares e foram desenvolvidas por Bourdiol um pouco antes de 1980. Seu princípio está fundamentado na ação de peças podais, as quais são chamadas de elementos, barras, cunhas e calços, que são colocados sob a pele e os músculos plantares, reprogramando a postura. Na avaliação postural são observadas as variáveis descritas no protocolo CNT (assimetria dos membros superiores, assimetria das cristas ilíacas, assimetrias das Espinhas Ilíacas Póstero- Superiores - EIPS, etc.). A postura corporal é descrita como um processo de inter-relacionamento relativo das partes do corpo, havendo equilíbrio entre os ossos, músculos, tendões e ligamentos, estruturas que sustentam e protegem o corpo contra agentes externos ou internos. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos das palmilhas posturais sobre a postura corporal de escolares. Os objetivos específicos foram descrever as características posturais dos participantes durante a utilização das palmilhas posturais e verificar as alterações da pressão plantar dos escolares, durante a utilização das palmilhas. Foram avaliados 6 alunos da 3° série do ensino fundamental da Rede Particular da cidade de Porto Alegre – RS, todos do sexo masculino. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizada a avaliação postural através do Programa computacional para avaliação postural (PCAP) e através de um baropodômetro eletrônico. Os escolares foram avaliados pelo protocolo CNT, e através desta avaliação foram definidas quais peças podais seriam utilizadas na confecção das palmilhas. Os escolares foram avaliados primeiramente sem usar as palmilhas posturais, e em seguida fazendo uso das palmilhas, para fins de comparação. Os resultados da avaliação postural demonstraram alterações na postura corporal dos escolares em relação ao protocolo CNT ao utilizar as palmilhas posturais. E os resultados obtidos através do teste de Wilcoxon, com o nível de significância de 5% apontaram diferença significativa na avaliação da pressão plantar na região posterior do pé esquerdo ao utilizar as palmilhas posturais. Conclui-se que a utilização das palmilhas posturais provoca alteração na postura corporal de escolares, e que a pressão plantar apresenta mudanças ao utilizar as palmilhas posturais, com diferença estatisticamente significativa na região posterior do pé esquerdo (p=0,028). As outras regiões do pé apresentaram uma melhor distribuição das pressões, porém seus dados não foram estatisticamente significativos. / Postural insoles are plantar orthosis developed by Bourdiol some time before 1980. Its principle is based on the action of podal pieces, which are called elements, bars, wedges and chocks that are placed under the skin and the plantar muscles, reprogramming the body posture. In postural evaluation, the variables described in CNT protocol are observed. The body posture is described as a process of relative inter-relationship of the body parts, balancing bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments, structures that support and protect the body against external or internal agents. The aim of this study was to verify the effect of postural insoles on the body posture of schoolchildren. The specific objectives had been to describe the postural characteristics of the subjects before and after the use of postural insoles and to verify the alterations on the plantar pressure of schoolchildren, before and after the use of the insoles. Six male pupils attending the third grade of elementary school from the city of Porto Alegre - RS had been evaluated. For the data collection, postural evaluation was analyzed through a computational program for postural evaluation (CPPE) and through an electronic baropodometer. The schoolchildren were evaluated by CNT protocol, and through this evaluation were defined which podal pieces would be used in the confection of the insoles. The schoolchildren had been first evaluated without the use of postural insoles, and after that making use of the insoles, for comparison reasons. The results of the postural evaluation demonstrate body posture alterations on schoolchildren when using the insoles. The results obtained through the Wilcoxon test, with 5% of significance, point statistical difference in the evaluation of the plantar pressure in the posterior region of the left foot when using the postural insoles. One can conclude that the use of postural insoles causes alteration in the body posture of schoolchildren. Also, that the plantar pressure presents changes when postural insoles are used, with statistical significance in the posterior region of the left foot (p=0,028). Other regions of the foot had presented a better pressure distribution, however its data had not been statistical significant.

A influência dos horários alimentares sobre o ganho de peso na infância e adolescência

Dresch, Fabiane January 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A obesidade e o excesso de peso têm aumentado em crianças e adolescentes ao longo dos últimos anos, tornando-se um importante problema de saúde pública. O horário em que são realizadas as refeições pode estar contribuindo com alterações metabólicas por não estar alinhado ao ritmo circadiano, e assim ser um fator de risco para a obesidade. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito dos horários de alimentação nos dias de escola sobre o excesso de peso e obesidade em crianças e adolescentes. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo transversal com 671 alunos, com idade entre 8 e 18 anos, 59% do sexo feminino que vivem em municípios de descendência predominantemente italiana e alemã, no sul do Brasil. Os alunos responderam o Questionário de Matutinidade e Vespertinidade (MEQ), e um questionário com com questões relacionadas sobre sono e de horários de alimentação para os dias escola e nos finais de semana. Foram realizadas medidas antropométricas como peso e altura para calcular o IMC. As curvas de IMC da Organização Mundial da Saúde (WHO, 2007) para crianças e adolescentes, foram utilizadas para avaliar o estado nutricional. Resultados: Neste estudo, 15,9% das crianças, e 4,4% dos adolescentes foram classificados como obesos. O IMC correlacionou-se negativamente com o café da manhã nos dias de escola (r= -0,186; p< 0,001) para as crianças, e negativamente com MEQ (r= -0,143; p< 0,001) para adolescentes. Crianças que realizam o café da manhã antes das 07:00 h são as que apresentam maior índice de massa corporal (F=9,370; P<0,001). Os adolescentes que costumam jantar antes das 19:00 h são os que apresentam maior IMC (F= 4,178; p= 0,007). Conclusão: Os horários alimentares aumentam sobrepeso e obesidade em crianças e adolescentes. A melhora dos horários de ingestão de alimentos, tendo em conta o ritmo interno, pode contribuir para o tratamento da obesidade, reduzindo o crescimento dos riscos de saúde futuros na vida adulta. / Introduction: Overweight and obesity have increased in children and adolescents over the last few years, becoming a major public health problem. Schooldays and the weekends influence the meal time and control of rhythmicity of children and adolescents, which are confronted constantly by signaling the biological clock, being a risk factor for obesity. Objective: Evaluate the effect of meal time on overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 671 students, aged 8-18 years old, 59% female living in city of predominantly Italian and German descendant, in the south of Brazil. Students answered the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ), and questions about sleep and meal time for schooldays and weekend. We performed anthropometric measurements of height and weight to assess BMI. The BMI-foraged was classified according the WHO AnthroPlus program, version 1.0.4 (5- 19 years, sex). Results: In this study, 15.9% of children, and 4.4% of adolescents were classified as obese. Children who eat the breakfast before 07:00 AM are those with the highest body mass index (F(2,158)= 9.370; p<0.001). The adolescents that usually dinner before 07:00 PM are those with highest BMI in the normal weight group (F(3,268)= 4.178; p= 0.007) and overweight and obese group (F(3,68)= 3.445; p= 0.021). The children and adolescents of both BMI groups showed variability in the meal time between schooldays and weekends (p<0.001). Conclusion: Meal time is an important marker of social and biological rhythm for children and adolescents. Our findings showed the need of maintain rhythmicity between the internal rhythm and the meals schedules in the schooldays and weekends, which can contribute to the prevention of obesity.

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