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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Man får bara brösta det” : En studie i yrkeselevers motivation till svenskämnet / "You just have to breast it" : A study in vocational students' motivation for the Swedish subject

Andersson, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att synliggöra och skapa en större förståelse för de faktorer som kan påverka yrkeselevers måluppfyllelse och slutförande av sin utbildning i gymnasieskolan. Studien har fokuserat på att undersöka vad yrkeselever anser om svenskämnets innehåll och dess relation till deras programinriktning och framtid. Insamlandet av data och empiri har skett via en enkätundersökning och uppföljande semistrukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer. Totalt ingick 130 elever i enkätundersökningen och 20 elever i intervjuundersökningen från en skola i norra Sverige. Underlag till enkäterna och analys av data och empiri har gjorts utifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av grit och Self Determination Theory. Resultaten visar att yttre faktorer i form av låsta dataplattformar som reglerar elevernas lärande till lektionstiden är en faktor som bidrar till lägre motivation. Det framkommer även att eleverna inte är medvetna om vad självständigt arbete innebär, vilket resulterar i mindre motivation till att nå högre betyg. Elevernas kontinuitet i svenskundervisningen blir även påverkad av arbetsplatsförlagd utbildning och kan resultera i en lägre grad av måluppfyllelse. Det har även framkommit att det finns ett flertal faktorer som stärker elevernas motivation och på sikt kan ge en ökad måluppfyllelse. Dessa är programanpassning, elevanpassning, elevinflytande och kontinuerlig feedback. / The purpose of this study is to visualize and create a greater understanding of the factors that can affect vocational students' goal fulfillment and completion of their education in upper secondary school. The study has focused on investigating what vocational students think about the content of the Swedish subject and its relationship to their program direction and future. The collection of data and empirical data has taken place via a survey and follow-up semi-structured focus group interviews. A total of 130 students were included in the survey and 20 students in the interview survey from a school in northern Sweden. Basis for the questionnaires and analysis of data and empirical data have been made based on a theoretical framework consisting of grit and Self Determination Theory. The results show that external factors in the form of locked data platforms that regulate students' learning during class time are a factor that contributes to lower motivation. It also appears that the students are not aware of what independent work entails, which results in less motivation to achieve higher grades. Students' continuity in Swedish education is also affected by workplace-based education and can result in a lower degree of goal achievement. It has also emerged that there are several factors that strengthen the students' motivation and in the long run can lead to increased goal achievement. These are program adaptation, student adaptation, student influence and continuous feedback.

Användargenererat innehåll på digitala marknadsplatser : En fallstudie om användarupplevelse och motivation / User-generated Content on Digital Marketplaces : A Case Study on User Experience and Motivation

Vartanian, Susanna, Dahlberg, Moa January 2021 (has links)
Digitala marknadsplatser är digitala plattformar baserade på användargenererat innehåll. De är svåra att etablera då de huvudsakligen är beroende av användarens motivation och fria vilja att bidra med innehåll. Syftet med kandidatuppsatsen är att utforska och förvärva kunskap om användare av digitala marknadsplatsers perspektiv på den nuvarande utformningen av en digital marknadsplats. Målet med studien är att rekommendera designriktlinjer genom interaktionsdesign. Baserat på användares önskade egenskaper hos en förbättrad design av den digitala marknadsplatsen, som kan motivera användare att bidra med användargenererat innehåll. En kvalitativ ansats med en fenomenologisk forskningstradition har tillämpats för att besvara forskningsfrågorna, detta genom en gruppintervju med en fokusgrupp. Ett strategiskt urval görs, baserat på fem individer med tidigare kunskap om den digitala marknadsplatsen. För att analysera data tillämpas en tematisk analys, som sedan sammanställs i form av ett affinitetsdiagram. Self-determination Theory (SDT) tillsammans med en litteraturöversikt med fokus på områden inom marknadsplatser, användargenererat innehåll (UGC) och marknadsplatsdesign utgör en teoretisk ram som används för att förstå, tolka och diskutera forskningsresultaten. Forskningsresultaten visar att användare måste förses med enkla verktyg för att bidra med användargenererat innehåll. De känner sig också motiverade att bidra med innehåll när systemet består av ett gränssnitt med få steg, vilket gör det enkelt att interagera med andra användare. Genom att dela med sig av sina erfarenheter upplever användaren en känsla av samhörighet och gemenskap, vilket även ökar motivationen att bidra. Slutligen visar studien att anpassa designen av den digitala marknadsplatsen till specifika användare och deras behov, ökar användarens motivation att bidra med användargenererat innehåll. / Digital marketplaces are digital platforms based on user-generated content. They are difficult to be established as they mainly depend on users’ motivation and free will to contribute with content. Thus, the purpose of this bachelor thesis study is to explore and acquire knowledge about digital marketplace platform users’ perspectives of the current design of a digital marketplace platform. The aim of the bachelor thesis research is to recommend interaction design guidelines. Based on users’ desired characteristics of an improved design of the digital marketplace platform that could, subsequently, motivate users in contributing user-generated content. For the research, a qualitative approach with a phenomenological tradition is followed. The empirical data is collected through a focus group interview with five purposively selected participants that have previous knowledge of the digital marketplace platform. To analyze the data, a thematic analysis is applied, which is, then, compiled in the form of an affinity diagram. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) along with a literature review focusing on areas within marketplaces, user-generated content (UGC) and, marketplace design, formulate a theoretical framework that is used to understand, interpret and discuss the research findings. The research results show that users feel motivated to contribute content when simple tools are provided to them. Furthermore, users feel motivated to contribute content when the system consists of an interface with few steps, which enables easy interaction with other users and sharing of their experiences by giving them the feeling of belonging to a community. Finally, adapting the design of the digital marketplace platform to specific users and their needs inspires and increases the motivation of users to contribute with user-generated content.

Faktorer som påverkar motivationen till fysisk träning på arbetstid : En intervjustudie av civilanställda i svenska Försvarsmakten / Factors that affect motivation for physical exercise during working hours. : An interview study on civilian employees within the Swedish Armed Forces

Bihl, Peter, Wegener, Carl January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion Försvarsmakten (FM) genomför en revidering av hur fysisk träning (FT) ska bedrivas inom myndigheten. I revideringen är FM avsikt att de civilanställda arbetstagarna (CVAT) ska få som krav att bedriva FT i samma omfattning som den militära. Dock är kunskapsläget över vad som motiverar, respektive inte motiverar, den civila personalen till FT relativt outforskat.  Syfte Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka hur anställdas upplevelse av fysisk träning påverkar motivationen till att bedriva fysisk träning under arbetstid.  Metod Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ intervjustudie baserad på semistrukturerad intervjumetod. Fem individer intervjuades och data från intervjuerna analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys med abduktiv ansats. Resultat Från analysen framkom ett antal motivationsfaktorer och barriärer kopplat till att bedriva FT på arbetstid. De mest framträdande motivationsfaktorerna var att FT skulle vara rolig och att FTskulle förbättra individens hälsa. Vidare framkom att krav som inte är kopplade till en för individen tydlig målbild inte bidrar till en ökad motivation till FT. De största barriärerna till att utöva FT var tidsbrist och att FT inte värderades lika högt som andra arbetsuppgifter. Diskussion/slutsats FM:s vilja att implementera FT på arbetstid som ett krav för CVAT kommer troligen inte leda till att fler inom FM genomför FT. För att på längre sikt motivera CVAT till FT så behöver FMförstår de underliggande motiven till varför en individ bedriver FT. Det finns troligtvis inte en generell formel för att motivera individer till att bedriva FT. Därför bör de riktlinjer FM eller andra organisationer tar fram vara tillräckligt flexibla i sin utformning för att de ska kunna anpassas till individens rådande motivationsbehov och följas upp kontinuerligt.Inom FM förefaller det finnas en kultur där arbetsuppgiften FT inte likställs med övriga arbetsuppgifter vilket leder till att det är det första som prioriteras bort. FM bör utreda omkulturen existerar i hela myndigheten och i så fall arbeta fram en strategi för att motverka den. / Introduction The Swedish Armed Forces (SAF) is carrying out a revision of how physical training (PT) is to be conducted within the organization. In this revision, the SAF intends to impose requirements on civilian employees (CE) to engage in PT to the same extent as military personnel. However, the knowledge regarding what motivates or demotivates civilian personnel to participate in PT is relatively unexplored. Aim The aim of the study was to examine how employees' experience of PT affects their motivation to engage in PT during working hours. Method The study was conducted as a qualitative interview study based on a semi-structured interview method. Five individuals were interviewed, and the data from the interviews was analysed using qualitative content analysis with an abductive approach. Results The analysis revealed several motivational factors and barriers related to engaging in PT during working hours. The most prominent motivational factors were that PT should be enjoyable and contribute to improving individuals' health. Furthermore, results show that requirements that are not connected to a clear goal for the individual do not contribute to increased motivation for PT. The main barriers to engage in PT were lack of time and PT not being valued as highly as other work tasks. Discussion/Conclusion The SAF intention to implement mandatory PT during working hours for CE is unlikely to result in more individuals within the SAF engaging in PT. In order to motivate CE in the long term, the SAF needs to understand the underlying motives for why individuals participate in PT. There is likely no universal formula for motivating individuals to engage in PT, and the guidelines developed by the SAF, or other organizations should be sufficiently flexible in their design to adapt to individuals' current needs and be continuously reviewed.Within the SAF, there seems to be a culture where the task of PT is not considered equal to other work tasks and is often prioritized last. The SAF should investigate whether this culture exists throughout the organization and, if so, develop a strategy to counteract it.

Den goda skolan – om eleverna själva får välja : En kvalitativ studie av elevers uppfattning kring vad som bidrar till en god skola / The Good School – According to the Pupils : A qualitative study regarding pupils’ conceptions of what characterizes a good school

Andersson, Tobias January 2022 (has links)
Det har gjorts mycket forskning på elevers välmående i skolan, men forskningen är till största delen kvantitativ. För att komplettera den redan existerande kvantitativa forskningen så behövs det även göras kvalitativ forskning som ger elever möjlighet att fritt uttrycka sina åsikter kring skolan. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad elever i högstadiet anser kännetecknar en bra skola. En digital enkät på Mentimeter användes för att samla in elevernas svar på öppna frågor gällande byggnaden (663 kodningar, 312 deltagare), välmående (630 kodningar, 307 deltagare) och lärande (664 kodningar, 338 deltagare). Svaren analyserades sedan med tematisk analys som visade att sociala relationer var viktiga för eleverna oavsett fråga. Samtidigt var även byggnaden återkommande när eleverna pratade om sitt välmående och sitt lärande. Av resultatet framkommer det att byggnaden påverkar både elevers välmående och lärande så väl som deras sociala samspel. / Much research has been done on pupils' well-being in school, but the research is for the most part quantitative. In order to supplement the already existing quantitative research, it is also necessary to carry out qualitative research that gives pupils the opportunity to freely express their opinions about the school. The purpose of this study was to examine what pupils in middle school consider contributive to a good school. A digital survey using Mentimeter collected the pupils’ answers on open-ended questions regarding the building (663 codes, 312 participants), well-being (630 codes, 307 participants), and learning (664 codes, 338 participants). The answers were later analyzed with thematic analysis and showed that social relations were important to the pupils regardless of question. The building was also a recurring theme when the pupils spoke of their well-being as well as their learning. According to the results, the building has potential to affect both pupils’ well-being and learning as well as social interaction.

Hur skapas läsglädje? : En kvalitativ studie om hur fyra lärare i årskurs 4–6 arbetar för att motivera elever till läsning av skönlitteratur / How to discover the fun of reading? : A qualitative study of how primary school teachers work when motivating students to read fiction

Karlsson, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Undervisningen i svenskämnet ska stimulera elevers lust till att läsa, däremot besitter långt ifrån alla elever naturlig läsmotivation. I föreliggande studie behandlas förhållandet mellan elevers läsning av skönlitteratur och motivation. Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka kunskapen om hur lärare i svenskämnet beskriver att de arbetar för att motivera elever till läsning av skönlitteratur i årskurs 4–6. Detta besvarades med hjälp av frågeställningarna: Hur beskriver lärare sitt val av litteraturundervisningsmetod för att öka elevers läsmotivation? Vilka faktorer gör elever mer respektive mindre motiverade till att läsa skönlitteratur enligt lärare? Hur tänker lärare kring urvalet av skönlitteratur för att öka elevers läsmotivation? För att uppfylla studiens syfte och frågeställningar användes en kvalitativ metod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra verksamma mellanstadielärare. Insamlat material analyserades tematiskt och med hjälp med self-determination theory (SDT) som bidrar med att förstå hur människor blir motiverade till att agera på ett specifikt sätt. Resultatet av studien visade att lärare upplever svårigheter kring att motivera elever till läsning av skönlitteratur. Däremot framkom det att högläsning, gruppläsning, boksamtal och böcker som lever upp till individens intressen visar sig vara motivationshöjande för eleverna. Lärarna upplevde dessutom att eleverna blir motiverade till att läsa skönlitteratur om undervisningen har ett tydligt syfte. Det finns yttre faktorer som gör eleverna mindre benägna till att läsa, ett exempel som lärarna lyfte är den digitala tekniken som har tagit allt större plats i samhället. / The teaching of the Swedish subject should stimulate students' desire to read, but far from all students are inherently motivated to read. The present study deals with the relationship between students' reading of fiction and motivation. The aim of the thesis is to increase knowledge about how teachers in the Swedish subject describe their work to motivate students to read fiction in grades 4-6. This aim was fulfilled through the following research questions: How do teachers describe their choice of method when teaching to increase students reading motivation? What factors make students more or less motivated to read fiction according to teachers? How do teachers think about the selection of fiction to increase students' reading motivation? To fulfill the aim of the study, a qualitative method was used through semi-structured interviews with four active primary school teachers. The collected material was analyzed thematically through a lens of self-determination theory (SDT) which helps to understand how people are motivated to act in a certain way. The results of the study show that teachers experience difficulties in motivating students to read fiction. On the other hand, it appears that reading aloud, group reading, book talks and books that live up to the individual's interests prove to be motivating for the students. The teachers experience that the students are motivated to read fiction if the teaching has a clear purpose. There are external factors that make students less motivated to read, an example that teachers highlight is the increasingly dominant role that the digital technology plays in society.

Upplevd hälsa och motivation mellan arbetsplatser med och utan obligatorisk friskvård

Olsson, Alexandra January 2024 (has links)
Rapporter om mycket stillasittande och sämre folkhälsa lägger allt större fokus på våraarbetsplatser eftersom vi spenderar mycket tid där. En arbetsplats ska vara hälsofrämjande ocherbjuda friskvård, där vissa till och med kräver obligatorisk friskvård på arbetstid. Denna studieundersöker om det finns skillnader på hur personer uppfattar sin hälsa beroende på om de harobligatorisk friskvård eller inte. Vidare undersöks om de är mindre stillasittande, mer fysiskaktiva och mer motiverade till att utföra fysisk aktivitet. 61 respondenter svarade på en enkät,varav 23 respondenter hade obligatorisk friskvård på arbetstid. Enkäten innehöll förutomdemografiska frågor, självskattningsfrågor från tre skalor, Salutogenic Health Indicator Scale(SHIS), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) och Intrinsic MotivationInventory (IMI). Resultaten behandlades i Jamovi och redovisades genom medelvärde ochspridningsmått i tabeller och diagram. För att testa signifikansen användes T-test för oberoendegrupper Mann-Whitney U-test och Welch’s t-test. Resultatet visade att respondenterna medobligatorisk friskvård på arbetstid skattade sig själva högre på en egenskattad skala om hälsa,än de som inte hade obligatorisk friskvård. Respondenterna med obligatorisk friskvård skattadesig också utföra mer fysisk aktivitet än de andra respondenterna. Dock hittades ingensignifikant skillnad i motivation eller stillasittande. Resultatet pekar på att arbetsplatser medobligatorisk friskvård bidrar till bättre upplevd hälsa och mer fysisk aktivitet hos sina anställdamen förebygger inte stillasittandet. / Reports of a lot of sedentary behaviour and poorer public health are putting more andmore focus on our workplaces because we spend a lot of time there. A workplace must behealth-promoting and offer wellness and exercise activities, with some even requiringmandatory wellness and exercise activities during working hours. This study examines whetherthere are differences in how people perceive their health depending on whether they havemandatory wellness and exercise activities or not. Furthermore, it is investigated whether theyare less sedentary, more physically active and more motivated to perform physical activity. 61respondents responded to a survey, of which 23 respondents had mandatory wellness andexercise activities during working hours. The survey contained, in addition to demographicquestions, self-assessment questions from three scales, the Salutogenic Health Indicator Scale(SHIS), the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the Intrinsic MotivationInventory (IMI). The results were processed in Jamovi and reported through mean and variancemeasures in tables and diagrams. To test the significance, the Mann-Whitney U-test andWelch's t-test were used. The results showed that the respondents with mandatory wellness andexercise activities during working hours rated themselves higher on a self-rated scale abouthealth, than those who did not have mandatory wellness and exercise activities. Therespondents with mandatory wellness and exercise activities also rated themselves performingmore physical activity than the other respondents. However, no significant difference wasfound in motivation or sedentary behaviour. The results indicate that workplaces withmandatory wellness and exercise activities contribute to better perceived health and morephysical activity among their employees, but do not prevent sedentary behaviour.

Motivationens roll i fastighetsprojekt : En kvalitativ studie från projektledares perspektiv

Svenlert, Julia January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate project managers´ perceptions of the importance of motivation within real estate projects. The study also aimed to examine how project managers promote and maintain motivation amongst project members. Real estate projects referred to projects for renovation, conversion, or new construction of properties. A qualitative research method was employed for data collection through semi-structured interviews. Nine project managers working in the Swedish real estate industry were interviewed. Subsequently, a thematic analysis of the collected data was conducted. The thematic analysis resulted in three themes formulated as Success factor versus Upward Push, The art of motivating and Motivation per circumstance. The results indicate that project managers perceive motivation as a positive driving force in real estate projects. It is considered important for both project managers and project members to be motivated. Furthermore, the results show that the perception of the significance of motivation within real estate projects is divided. Some project managers perceive motivation as critical for the success of a project, while others believe that real estate projects are often influenced by external circumstances that are more decisive for the outcome of the project. Motivation is therefore considered in those cases rather to add an extra edge to the projects. To promote and maintain motivation amongst project members, project managers believe it is important to build personal relationships, work with feedback and encourage the expression of opinions.

Motivations for upward care : middle adolescents' relational experiences of older persons in an economically vulnerable community / Anneke Stols

Stols, Anneke January 2014 (has links)
A broader research project was undertaken on experiences of care and respect within intergenerational relationships. The current study, which forms part of this project, focused more specifically on adolescents’ motivations for providing care to persons older than 60 years. Care is normally expressed in the interactions between people, and in this instance between generational members. In the African context, care between generational members is important because care is particularly provided in a social and familial context between generations and not necessarily by the government in terms of formal care services. Care, specifically for older persons has become a scarce commodity. In the light of different aspects like the growing older population, poverty, unemployment, and HIV/AIDS certain structural changes in families and between generations have come about. The changes influenced caregiving by delivering a larger number of dependant persons and a lack of capacity to provide care. Adolescents are important in the relationship with older persons, because often the relationship between persons from different generations, who find themselves in a deprived environment, is the only source for the provision of care. The findings of this study can possibly give an indication of how care in relation to older persons are being motivated in order to better plan for the care needs of older persons. The motivation for demonstrating care is particularly important because some motivation types are perceived to encourage more sustainable actions and caregiving than others. Currently intergenerational support and care are in short supply, suggesting the presence of less sustainable types of motivation. Care, in this study, refers to the satisfaction of social goals and psychological needs by means of tangible (instrumental/physical care) and intangible (emotional care) exchanges between intergenerational members. Intergenerational care encompasses upward and downward care. Upward care occurs when care is transferred from a younger generation to older persons, while downward care refers to care provided by older persons to younger people. Previous studies referred mostly to informal caregiving, downward care, or upward care provided by adult children. A limited number of studies exist of upward care provided by adolescents, specifically to persons older than 60, and research on younger people’s motivations for care is also rare. The theoretical framework that informs this study is Self-Determination Theory (SDT). This theory revolves around motivation, known as the force that compels one to act, or to conduct an activity such as care. SDT includes two broad categories of motivation types, namely autonomous and controlled motivations. The autonomous (self-determined) motivation category includes intrinsic motivation (i.e. conduct that stems from the inherently satisfying experience a particular activity offers), along with two well-internalized extrinsic motivation subtypes (namely identification and integrated regulation). Controlled motivation includes two more controlled and less internalized motivation subtypes (namely external and introjected regulation). Extrinsic motivation is when an activity is performed for a separate and external outcome. The different types of motivation consequently incorporate differing levels of self-determination to conduct certain activities. The more autonomous (self-determined) the motivation, the more sustainable actions of care. Adolescents are capable in terms of ego and cognitive development to be more self-determined and intrinsically motivated. Even though they may have the capacity to be more self-determined motivated, this is not always the case. Persons at this stage of psychosocial development according to Erikson’s lifespan approach focus more on peer relationships, and tend to conform to community expectations and social group norms. In such cases adolescents may experience motivations that include less self-determined motivation types, because they are controlled by external expectations and norms. Unfortunately less self-determined motivation types may also produce less sustainable care actions. A qualitative research method was applied to describe adolescents’ experiences of care in relation to older persons. In the findings, motivation for care was a major theme and it was therefore decided to focus only on this aspect in this study. The participants included 15 Setswana-speaking adolescents (seven boys and eight girls) between the ages of 12 and 16, who were selected by means of a nonprobability convenience sampling method. Data were collected in an economically vulnerable community where the participants lived, Vaalharts agricultural valley in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. This community is considered economically vulnerable because the majority of its members receive only irregular income and have to rely on meagre government grants to support multi-generational households. 15 Participants were included in the research; eight individuals participated in the Mmogo-method®, a projective visual data-gathering method, and all 15 participants completed self-reflective journal entries to supplement the data. During the Mmogo-method® session, participants were asked to build something that would show how they experienced care in relation to a person older than 60, using a lump of clay, grass stalks and beads. The self-reflective research journals included semi-structured questions to guide the participants. Descriptive phenomenological psychological, thematic, and visual analysis was employed to analyse the collected data. Credibility, dependability, transferability and conformability were applied to ensure the trustworthiness of the study. Moreover, ethical research conduct was ensured by applying the guidelines provided by the Department of Health for responsible and ethical research conduct in South Africa as well as the framework provided in Chapter 9 of the National Health Act 61 of 2003. Firstly a perceived absence of older persons in caring relationships emerged from the findings. The findings further revealed that the younger generation was moved by external stimuli such as observing struggling older persons or by obeying older persons’ explicit requests for help, to provide physical/instrumental care to older persons. In response to external stimuli adolescents were extrinsically motivated to care which was observed in obedience and perspective taking. The participants were also extrinsically motivated by feelings of obligation; to ensure older persons‟ happiness; from their submissive position in relation to older persons; and for returning care that were bestowed on them by the older persons. However, although the participants were extrinsically motivated to care, different levels of self-determination and self-choice seemed to be present in their behaviour. These findings provide a broader awareness with regard to adolescents’ motivations for care provision. The knowledge gained from this project could serve to inform intergenerational programmes designed to facilitate feelings of autonomy and emphasize gratitude as a motivator in intergenerational and interpersonal environments. / MA (Research Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Assessing satisfaction of employee motivational needs in a selected explosive manufacturing plant / Ridovhona Tsanwani

Tsanwani, Ridovhona January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of the study is to compare the extent to which the need for autonomy, relatedness and competence of baby boomers, generation X, Y and Z employees of Denel Dynamics is being satisfied and how this influences motivational strategies. The issue of generation is becoming more important due to different ways and methods required to manage different generations. A quantitative study was done by means of a structured questionnaire which was used in to determine the motivational preferences of the participants. This questionnaire was developed by Van den Broeck, Vansteenkiste, De Witte, Soenens and Lens (2010) and is based on the self-determination theory developed by Deci and Ryan. Results indicate that baby boomers have a stronger need for autonomy as compared to the other generations. Similar needs for relatedness were shown by all the generations. In view of the findings, recommendations are made to management to optimize motivational strategies and these recommendations show how each generational needs relating to self-determination theory should be addressed. / MBA (Business Administration), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Motivations for upward care : middle adolescents' relational experiences of older persons in an economically vulnerable community / Anneke Stols

Stols, Anneke January 2014 (has links)
A broader research project was undertaken on experiences of care and respect within intergenerational relationships. The current study, which forms part of this project, focused more specifically on adolescents’ motivations for providing care to persons older than 60 years. Care is normally expressed in the interactions between people, and in this instance between generational members. In the African context, care between generational members is important because care is particularly provided in a social and familial context between generations and not necessarily by the government in terms of formal care services. Care, specifically for older persons has become a scarce commodity. In the light of different aspects like the growing older population, poverty, unemployment, and HIV/AIDS certain structural changes in families and between generations have come about. The changes influenced caregiving by delivering a larger number of dependant persons and a lack of capacity to provide care. Adolescents are important in the relationship with older persons, because often the relationship between persons from different generations, who find themselves in a deprived environment, is the only source for the provision of care. The findings of this study can possibly give an indication of how care in relation to older persons are being motivated in order to better plan for the care needs of older persons. The motivation for demonstrating care is particularly important because some motivation types are perceived to encourage more sustainable actions and caregiving than others. Currently intergenerational support and care are in short supply, suggesting the presence of less sustainable types of motivation. Care, in this study, refers to the satisfaction of social goals and psychological needs by means of tangible (instrumental/physical care) and intangible (emotional care) exchanges between intergenerational members. Intergenerational care encompasses upward and downward care. Upward care occurs when care is transferred from a younger generation to older persons, while downward care refers to care provided by older persons to younger people. Previous studies referred mostly to informal caregiving, downward care, or upward care provided by adult children. A limited number of studies exist of upward care provided by adolescents, specifically to persons older than 60, and research on younger people’s motivations for care is also rare. The theoretical framework that informs this study is Self-Determination Theory (SDT). This theory revolves around motivation, known as the force that compels one to act, or to conduct an activity such as care. SDT includes two broad categories of motivation types, namely autonomous and controlled motivations. The autonomous (self-determined) motivation category includes intrinsic motivation (i.e. conduct that stems from the inherently satisfying experience a particular activity offers), along with two well-internalized extrinsic motivation subtypes (namely identification and integrated regulation). Controlled motivation includes two more controlled and less internalized motivation subtypes (namely external and introjected regulation). Extrinsic motivation is when an activity is performed for a separate and external outcome. The different types of motivation consequently incorporate differing levels of self-determination to conduct certain activities. The more autonomous (self-determined) the motivation, the more sustainable actions of care. Adolescents are capable in terms of ego and cognitive development to be more self-determined and intrinsically motivated. Even though they may have the capacity to be more self-determined motivated, this is not always the case. Persons at this stage of psychosocial development according to Erikson’s lifespan approach focus more on peer relationships, and tend to conform to community expectations and social group norms. In such cases adolescents may experience motivations that include less self-determined motivation types, because they are controlled by external expectations and norms. Unfortunately less self-determined motivation types may also produce less sustainable care actions. A qualitative research method was applied to describe adolescents’ experiences of care in relation to older persons. In the findings, motivation for care was a major theme and it was therefore decided to focus only on this aspect in this study. The participants included 15 Setswana-speaking adolescents (seven boys and eight girls) between the ages of 12 and 16, who were selected by means of a nonprobability convenience sampling method. Data were collected in an economically vulnerable community where the participants lived, Vaalharts agricultural valley in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. This community is considered economically vulnerable because the majority of its members receive only irregular income and have to rely on meagre government grants to support multi-generational households. 15 Participants were included in the research; eight individuals participated in the Mmogo-method®, a projective visual data-gathering method, and all 15 participants completed self-reflective journal entries to supplement the data. During the Mmogo-method® session, participants were asked to build something that would show how they experienced care in relation to a person older than 60, using a lump of clay, grass stalks and beads. The self-reflective research journals included semi-structured questions to guide the participants. Descriptive phenomenological psychological, thematic, and visual analysis was employed to analyse the collected data. Credibility, dependability, transferability and conformability were applied to ensure the trustworthiness of the study. Moreover, ethical research conduct was ensured by applying the guidelines provided by the Department of Health for responsible and ethical research conduct in South Africa as well as the framework provided in Chapter 9 of the National Health Act 61 of 2003. Firstly a perceived absence of older persons in caring relationships emerged from the findings. The findings further revealed that the younger generation was moved by external stimuli such as observing struggling older persons or by obeying older persons’ explicit requests for help, to provide physical/instrumental care to older persons. In response to external stimuli adolescents were extrinsically motivated to care which was observed in obedience and perspective taking. The participants were also extrinsically motivated by feelings of obligation; to ensure older persons‟ happiness; from their submissive position in relation to older persons; and for returning care that were bestowed on them by the older persons. However, although the participants were extrinsically motivated to care, different levels of self-determination and self-choice seemed to be present in their behaviour. These findings provide a broader awareness with regard to adolescents’ motivations for care provision. The knowledge gained from this project could serve to inform intergenerational programmes designed to facilitate feelings of autonomy and emphasize gratitude as a motivator in intergenerational and interpersonal environments. / MA (Research Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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