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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det månatliga blödandet : Kvinnors upplevelser av menstruation / The monthly bleeding : Womens' experiences of menstruation

Johansson, Hana, Lövstedt, Ebba January 2018 (has links)
Kvinnor världen över menstruerar och sjuksköterskor möter dagligen menstruerande kvinnor i sitt arbete. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser av menstruation. Studien var utformad som en allmän litteraturstudie baserad på kvinnors berättelser kring menstruation. Genom analys av datamaterialet kunde olika nyckelord identifieras för att sedan skapa två huvudteman: Menstruationens hälsa och Menstruationens ohälsa. Utifrån dessa två huvudteman kunde sex subteman utformas: Kvinnlighet, Samhörighet, Acceptans, Fysiska besvär, Den dömda kvinnokroppen och Att känna sig smutsig. Menstruation som hälsa var ett bevis på en fungerande och fertil kropp samt ett attribut till kvinnlighet. Menstruation som ohälsa präglades av negativa erfarenheter. Detta var ofta baserat på okunskap kring den kvinnliga kroppen samt upplevelsen av menstruation som skamfull. Kopplat till menstruation har sjuksköterskan en viktig roll i att ge stöd och utbildning. Då forskning gällande kvinnors upplevelser av menstruation i Sverige är begränsad, behövs vidare forskning inom ämnet i denna del av världen. / Women all over the world menstruate and nurses meet menstruating women in their daily work. The purpose of this literature study was to describe womens' experiences of menstruation. The design of this study was a general literature study based on womens' stories about menstruation. By analyzing data, different key words were identified to create two main themes, The Menstrual Health and The Menstrual Illness. Of these two main themes, six different subthemes could be formulated: Femininity, Cohabitation, Acceptance, Physical discomfort, The condemned female body and Feeling dirty. Menstruation was a proof of health and evidence of a functioning and fertile body and as an attribute to femininity. Menstruation like ill health was characterized by negative experiences. This was often based on ignorance of the female body as well as the perception of menstruation as shameful. Linked to menstruation, nurses have an important role in providing support and education. As research on womens' experiences of menstruation in Sweden is limited, therefore further research is required regarding the subject in this part of the world.

Unga kvinnors kunskap och erfarenheter om sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa

Bergstrand, Anna-Sara, Fichtel, Mikaela January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Alla individer har rätt till information, hälsovård och stöd för att uppnå god potential gällande sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter (SRHR). I Sverige finns goda förutsättningar för sexualundervisning av hög kvalitet i skolan. Trots detta finns kvalitetsbrister i undervisningen och kvinnor saknar kunskap om SRHR. Kondom används mer sällan vid samlag med en ny partner och kvinnor utsätter sig därmed för en ökad risk för oönskade graviditeter och sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar. Syfte: Att undersöka hur unga kvinnor fått kunskap om SRHR, vilken kunskap unga kvinnor saknade från skolans sexualundervisning och vilken kunskap och erfarenheter de hade av sin sexuella och reproduktiva hälsa. Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie med kvalitativa inslag utfördes med egenkonstruerade enkäter som datainsamlingsmetod. Sjuksköterskestudenter mellan 18–30 år besvarade enkäten och resultatet analyserades med deskriptiv statistik. Resultat: Totalt 84 kvinnor besvarade enkäten (86,6%). Kvinnorna hade fått utbildning om SRHR i grundskolan. Sexualundervisningen uppfattades vara bristfällig och ansågs utgå från för snäva perspektiv. Kvinnorna saknade tillräcklig kunskap om reproduktion. Kvinnorna hade kunskap om vilka könssjukdomar som kan leda till minskad fertilitet, trots detta hade många av kvinnorna haft oskyddat samlag med en ny sexuell kontakt. Många kvinnor hade besökt en barnmorska och skattade sin sexuella hälsa som bra eller mycket bra. Slutsats: Skolans sexualundervisning bör vara återkommande under hela skolgången och vara av god kvalitet för att stötta kvinnor att fatta ansvarsfulla och välgrundade beslut gällande SRHR. Det krävs tydliga mål för innehållet i undervisningen för att främja möjligheterna till god sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. Barnmorskor möter unga kvinnor i sitt arbete och SRHR är barnmorskans kompetensområde, här kan barnmorskan stötta och vägleda kvinnor genom hela livet. / Background: All individuals are entitled to information, healthcare and support to achieve good potential of sexual and reproductive health (SRHR). In Sweden, there are good prerequisites for high quality education. However, there are quality deficiencies in teaching and women lack knowledge of SRHR. Condoms are rarely used when having intercourse with a new partner and women accordingly expose themselves to an increased risk of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Objective: To investigate how young women acquired knowledge about SRHR, perceived lack of knowledge from sex education, what knowledge they had and what experiences they had of their sexual and reproductive health. Method: The study was performed through a quantitative cross-sectional study with qualitative elements using self-constructed questionnaires as data collection method. Nursing students between 18-30 years completed the questionnaire and the result was analysed with descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 84 women completed the questionnaires (86,6%). The women had been educated about SRHR in elementary school. Sex education was perceived to be inadequate and was explained from a narrow perspective. The women lacked sufficient knowledge of reproduction. The women had knowledge of which sexually transmitted infections that can lead to reduced fertility, in spite of this many women have had unprotected intercourse with a new sexual contact. Many women have visited a midwife and self-estimated their sexual health as good or very good. Conclusion: Education should be recurring throughout schooling and be of good quality to support women in making responsible and informed decisions regarding SRHR. Clear objectives are required for the content of the teaching to promote the opportunities for good sexual and reproductive health. Midwives meet young women in their work and SRHR is the midwife’s area of expertise, where the midwife can support and guide women throughout their lives.

"Man märker att det finns liksom" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om skolsköterskors uppfattning av att prata om pornografi / “You notice it’s there, sort of” : A qualitative study about school nurses’ perception of talking about pornography

Eriksson, Emma, Öhman, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Många barn kommer i kontakt med pornografiskt material under sin uppväxt. Pornografi är lättillgängligt och kan påverka beteenden, kroppsideal och föreställningar av sexualitet. Det kan problematiseras utifrån hälsa, jämställdhetssynpunkt och Sexuell och Reproduktiv Hälsa och Rättigheter (SRHR). Arbetet med SRHR sker både inom skolan och hälso- och sjukvård. Det finns behov av att prata om pornografi inom det hälsofrämjande arbetet med barn, där skolsköterskan har en viktig roll. Motiv: Tydliga riktlinjer kring hur skolsköterskor bör adressera ämnet saknas. Genom att beskriva skolsköterskors uppfattning kring att prata om pornografi kan en djupare förståelse fås för de behov, utmaningar och möjligheter som finns och därmed kan en förståelse erhållas för hur arbetet kan utvecklas. Syfte: Beskriva skolsköterskors uppfattning av att prata om ämnet pornografi i sitt hälsofrämjande arbete. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med nio skolsköterskor inom grundskolan. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att analysera den insamlade datan. Resultat: Skolsköterskorna upplevde det viktigt att prata om pornografi med barn. Att våga prata, vara lyhörd, respektfull och inge förtroende lyftes som viktiga egenskaper för att få barnen att känna sig bekväma i samtalen. Skolsköterskorna ville förmedla en medvetenhet kring ämnet, såsom kritiskt förhållningssätt samt förmedla en annan bild av sexualitet. Det fanns svårigheter i när och hur ämnet skulle börja pratas om. Ett behov av ökad kunskap i ämnet och förståelse för vad barnen möter lyftes. Det upplevdes finnas behov att prata om ämnet kontinuerligt, och samverkan med andra kunde utgöra antingen ett hinder eller en tillgång. Konklusion: Att prata om ämnet pornografi med barn är känsligt och komplext men sågs som viktigt utifrån professionen. Ämnet kan bemötas på olika sätt men det behövs mer kunskap, kontinuitet och god samverkan. Utformning av evidensbaserade arbetsmodeller för samtal om pornografi skulle kunna minska osäkerheten bland skolsköterskorna. / Background: Many children encounter pornography during their childhood. Pornography is easily accessible and may affect behaviours, body ideals and ideas in relation to sexuality. This can be problematised from a health, gender equality and SRHR (sexual and reproductive health and rights) perspective. The work with SRHR is carried out within schools and healthcare, where the school nurse plays an important role. Motive: There is an absence of guidelines on how school nurses should address pornography. By describing school nurses’ perceptions about talking about pornography, a deeper understanding about the existent needs, challenges and opportunities can emerge and enable an appreciation on how to improve the work. Aim: To describe school nurses’ perceptions regarding talking about pornography within their health promoting work. Methods: Semi-structured interviews with nine school nurses were conducted. The data was analysed using qualitative content analysis. Result: The school nurses expressed that it was important to talk about pornography with the children. Courage, confidence, being careful and respectful, was described as valuable qualities in making the children feel more comfortable when discussing pornography. The school nurses wanted to convey a critical approach to pornography, and reveal a different view of sexuality. However, determining when and how the subject should be brought up proved difficult. The school nurses expressed a need for increased knowledge and understanding regarding children's experiences online, as well as a need to address the subject regularly. Cooperation with other professionals in the school could either be an obstacle or an asset. Conclusion: Talking about pornography is complex and sensitive, but it was thought of as important within the profession. The subject can be addressed in different ways but an increased knowledge, continuity and cooperation is required. A formation of evidence based working models for talking about pornography could decrease insecurity among school nurses.

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights : - A catalysis to combat Gender-based violence in South Africa?

Sandrine, Ndayambaje January 2020 (has links)
The multiple components of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), promotes women’s wellbeing and rights to a life free from discrimination and violence. Gender-based violence (GBV) is a matter closely related to SRHR and affects women globally on daily basis. South Africa is estimated to score one of the highest rates of GBV in the world. This thesis aims to gain an understanding of how civil society organisations (CSOs) working with SRHR-related issues, approach South African state institutions with regard to strengthen strategies against GBV. A qualitative content analysis is adopted to analyse the CSO’s documents that frame their advocacy work against GBV and how they approach state institutions in South Africa. The results from the analysed documents are thereby examined through theoretical approaches, mainly targeting CSOs ability to translate universal human rights into local contexts, and contributions to social justice. The analysed documents reveal that the selected CSOs mobilise their advocacy against GBV through different media platforms. Moreover, the CSO’s advocacy is presented through evidence-based research, policy briefs, articles and campaigns. Through their approaches to state institutions, the CSOs demand the state to recognise that inequality and patriarchal structures cause GBV and negatively affect women’s wellbeing. Furthermore, the selected CSOs demand fair distribution of resources that ensures women’s safety in the public sphere. In addition, the CSOs demand implementation of educational programmes with gender perspectives in all aspects of society. Finally, the CSOs demand South African state institutions to include all sectors of society in decision-making processes of strategies against GBV. Thus, state institutions can unsure proper implementation of preventative methods against GBV.

"De är inte riktigt där ännu..." - Sex och samlevnad för barn i ett sexuellt dilemma : En studie om viktiga vuxnas narrativ gällande biologiämnets sex- och samlevnadsundervisning i grundskolans mellanår / “They’re not really there yet…” – Sexual and Reproductive Health Education for the child in a sexual dilemma

Goudevenos, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
The present study aims to analyze the determining role of biology teachers and guardians in the discursive gap between children's sexuality, sexual curiosity and the sexual depiction of pornography. With an understanding of children's sexuality as holistic and dependent on many perspectives, the study highlights various factors that influence the child's knowledge about Sex and Reproductive Health in the biology subject. The study is an in-depth analysis-of various narratives presented by biology teachers and guardians regarding children’s sexuality and the teaching practice in Sex and Reproductive Health Education in Sweden. The critical discourse analysis is based on critical childhood theory and postconstructivism, which lays the framework for the study’s theoretical underpinnings. This means that an interpretation of respondents' linguistic communication permeates the study.The conclusion is that perceptions of the child's sexuality differ between biology teachers and the guardians, of which different opinions about the teaching content of Sex and Reproductive Health Education can be ascertained. All “important adults” (biology teachers and guardians) agree that pornography depicts a false image of sexual relationships, but when this is to be raised with the pupils, there are split perceptions. Another conclusion is that the determining role and values of teachers and guardians is an aspect that can influence what knowledge middle school pupils are given the opportunity to acquire. This may be significant when considering whether pupils gain sufficient knowledge about sexual relations, in school, in such way that the sexual depiction of pornography is not the only image of sexuality presented to them.

Hur den sociala miljön påverkar incestutsatta personers delaktighet i aktivitet : Analys av självbiografier / How the social environment affects the occupational participation of people exposed to incest : Analysis of autobiographies

Karlsson, Erik, Rosén, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Att beskriva incestutsatta personers upplevelse av hur den sociala miljön hindrat eller främjat deras delaktighet i aktivitet både som barn och vuxen. Metod: Litteraturstudie av självbiografier vilka analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ analys av berättelser och resulterade i fem kategorier: Behovet av stöd för en sund kärleksrelation, vuxna påverkar barns lek och fritid, avgörande faktorer för missbruk, utsattheten driver utbildning och karriär och bemötandet påverkar vård och rättsprocess. Tre självbiografier inkluderades i studien, inklusionskriterier var självbiografier inom ämnet incest samt att de skulle vara skrivna på engelska eller svenska. Samtliga av de utvalda självbiografierna är skrivna av kvinnor där fadern varit förövaren. Resultat: Resultatet av studien visar att den sociala miljön kan verka främjande och hindrande gällande delaktighet i aktivitet för personer utsatta för incest. Övergripande upplever personerna att relationen till fadern och de övergrepp han begått på flera sätt påverkat deras delaktighet inom alla livsområde både som barn och vuxen. Ett socialt stöd från familj, vänner och omgivningen är den främsta faktorn i den sociala miljön som upplevs främja delaktighet i aktivitet. Slutsats: Det finns behov för djupare forskning inom ämnet. För att arbetsterapeuten skall ha möjlighet att utveckla arbetsterapeutiska åtgärder som gynnar en incestutsatt person krävs mer kunskap och förståelse kring kopplingen mellan den utsatte personen, den sociala miljön och delaktighet i aktivitet. Fortsatt forskning hade varit intressant genom en tvärvetenskaplig studie tillsammans med andra professioner som har annan kunskap av värde inom ämnet. / Aim: To describe how people exposed to incest experienced the social environment as limiting or enabling  their occupational participation during childhood and adulthood. Method: Literature study of autobiographies which were analyzed based on a qualitative analysis of narratives and resulted in five categories: The need for support for a healthy love relationship, adults affect children's play and leisure, decisive factors for addiction, the concequenses of incest drives education and career and treatment affects healthcare and legal process. Three autobiographies were included in the study, inclusion criteria were autobiographies in the subject of incest and that they should be written in English or Swedish. All of the selected autobiographies are written by women where the father was the perpetrator. Result: The results of the study show that the social environment can have limiting and enabling effects on occupational participation for people exposed to incest. Overall, the people experience that the relationship with the father and the abuse he committed in several ways affected their participation in all areas of life, both as children and adults. Social support from family, friends and the environment is the main factor in the social environment that is perceived to enable occupational participation. Conclusion: There is a need for deeper research in the subject. More knowledge regarding the interactions between social environment and occupational participation is needed for occupational therapists to be able to develop interventions that benefits people exposed to incest. Continued research would be interesting through an interdisciplinary study together with other professions that have other knowledge of value in the subject.

Perceptions, Attitudes and Beliefs of Youth Regarding the Use of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Services in Ashaiman, Ghana

Adabla, Samuel 09 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Om rätten till sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa för män i Sverige / Sexual and reproductive health as a human right for men in Sweden

Hermansson, Isabel January 2018 (has links)
1994 in Cairo United Nations Population and Development Fund held a conference where the attending 179 nations agreed that Sexual and reproductive health is a human right. Everyone is entitled to this right without distinction.   This thesis investigates what covenants, declarations, policies, strategies and national law say about sexual and reproductive rights for men, specifically men in Sweden.   The thesis aims to enlighten the reader about men’s situation in a welfare state where discriminatory structures in society is reproducing gender stereotypes in a country that is one of the most gender equal countries in the world.   The general lack of common knowledge and subsequent lacking education in the matter is abundantly clear when browsing documents issued by official sources throughout the world. While Europe and its countries have begun to examine and call attention to this neglected subject, progress is still slow and could be hazardous to men’s sexual and reproductive health. The thesis concludes with an argument that Sweden have a discriminatory structure built in society that discriminate men and their right to sexual and reproductive health according to Discrimination Act 2008:567 by practices that appear to be neutral but can affect men in a negative way.

Health in Crisis : An Integrative Review of Sexual and Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings

Amran, Mohammad Yosuf January 2023 (has links)
Background: Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) is a cornerstone of overall health, particularly in fragile humanitarian contexts. Despite being recognized as a fundamental human right, access to quality SRH services is often significantly restricted in crisis situations. This limitation can lead to damaging health outcomes for women, children, and marginalized groups. Given this reality, there is an urgent need for an enriched understanding of SRH in area simpacted by conflicts, disasters, and population displacements. With global trends such as increasing forced migration and escalating crises, a thorough re evaluation of the challenges and potential solutions associated with SRH in these contexts is crucial. Aim: The aim of the integrative review is to describe the current status of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and interventions in humanitarian settings and explore key challenges in sexual and reproductive health services in these settings. Methodology: This integrative literature review analyzed and synthesized 22 research papers through inductive methodology by Elo and Kyngäs (2008). Results: This in-depth review of studies from a wide range of humanitarian environments worldwide, has unveiled critical insights into the hurdles surrounding Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services. Firstly, barriers to accessibility and awareness prevent individuals from acquiring vital SRH knowledge and services, and this prevention is often intensified by sociocultural stigmas. Educational and language obstacles further amplify these challenges, particularly for migrants. This review also underscores the severe impact of gender-based violence (GBV) and early or forced marriages on SRH outcomes. Conclusions: This analysis reveals key obstacles that obstruct the provision of SRH services in humanitarian settings. Acknowledging these issues enables decision-makers to plan effectivestrategies and interventions to address the SRH needs in these settings. Exploration of each barrier and seeking holistic solutions to overcome these challenges is suggested.

Att förebygga sexuellt överförbara infektioner bland ungdomar : En kvalitativ studie om aktörers uppfattningar om ungdomars kunskap och förebyggande arbete

Haftemarim, Belul, Yosof, Hani January 2024 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING  Det förekommer en ökning med sexuellt överförbara infektioner (STI), främst gonorré bland ungdomar i Sverige. För att minska förekomsten av STI bland ungdomar krävs effektiva preventiva åtgärder, kontroll och ett effektivt samarbete. Sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa är lika viktigt som den psykiska, fysiska och sociala hälsan, samt utgör en grundläggande del av människors allmänna hälsa och välbefinnande.   Syftet med studien är att undersöka aktörers uppfattningar om ungdomarnas kunskap om STI-prevention och hur aktörerna arbetar förebyggande med STI. För ett systematiskt tillvägagångssätt i studien används en kvalitativ metod baserad på målstyrt urval för att besvara syftet. Därmed genomfördes en semistrukturerad intervju vid datainsamlingen med totalt sex deltagare från professioner inom ungdomsmottagning och elevhälsan i två olika regioner. Därefter analyserades den insamlade data med en manifest innehållsanalys där två huvudkategorier; Aktörerna vill arbeta med STI-prevention och Ungdomars kunskap om STI och STI-prevention räcker inte framkom.    Resultaten visar att ungdomars kunskap om STI varierar enligt aktörernas uppfattning, trots kunskaper underskattar ungdomar ofta risken att drabbas av STI. Det framkom också att ungdomarnas kunskap om STI-prevention påverkas av olika riskfaktorer såsom alkoholkonsumtion, vänskapskretsen och tidig sexuell aktivitet, vilket hindrar effektiviteten av skyddsfaktorer. Aktörerna vill arbeta med STI-prevention på olika arenor och har specifika insatser för olika grupper. Dock framkom brist på samverkan som ett hinder för att nå ut till fler. För ett effektivt förebyggande arbete krävs det en gemensam riktlinje och strategier i aktörers arbete som skapar bättre förutsättningar för ungdomar kring STI. / ABSTRACT  There is an increase in sexually transmitted infections (STI), mainly gonorrhea among young people in Sweden. To reduce the incidence of STIs among adolescents, effective preventive measures, control and effective cooperation are required. Sexual and reproductive health is as important as mental, physical and social health, and makes a fundamental part of people's well-being and overall health.   The aim of the study is to investigate actors' perception of adolescents' knowledge of STI-prevention and how they work preventively with STIs. For a systematic approach in the study, a qualitative method based on purposive sampling is used. Thus, a semi structured interview was carried out during the data collection with a total of six participants from professions in youth health clinics and school health services in two different regions. Then the collected data was analyzed with a manifest content analysis where two main categories; The actors aim to work with STI-prevention and Adolescents' knowledge of STIs and STI-prevention is not enough emerged.   The results show that adolescents' knowledge of STIs varies according to the actors' perception, despite knowledge adolescents often underestimate the risk of contracting STIs. It also emerged that adolescents' knowledge of STI-prevention is affected by various risk factors, which hinders the effectiveness of protective factors. The actors aim to work with STI prevention in different arenas and have specific initiatives for different groups. However, a challenge in reaching out to more people has risen due to a lack of cooperation. Effective preventive efforts require a common guideline and strategies in the work of actors that create better conditions for young people around STIs.

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