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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur kriser påverkar svenska industriföretag : En studie med avseende på globalisering, automatisering och standardisering

Dunström, Anton, Falkenstrand, Petter, Gröttheim, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Med inspiration av rådande Coronakris analyserar denna rapport de kriser som påverkat svensk industri under de senaste tre decennierna med avseende på tre perspektiv: globalisering, automatisering och standardisering. En generell definition av en kris ges som grund för rapporten; det är plötsliga och snabba förändringar som bidrar till ett oförutsägbart händelseförlopp som inte sällan hamnar utom kontroll. Arbetet beaktar de tre olika perspektiven genom hela rapporten vilka alla kopplar samman mot kriser på flera sätt. Analysen är baserad på en fallstudie genom intervjuer samt en litteraturstudie och mynnar ut i separata resultat med följande diskussion. Nedan följer en sammanfattning av respektive perspektiv. Globalisering är något som påverkar industrin på många sätt men i denna rapport är tillverkande företags globala distrubutionsnätverk i huvudfokus. Frågan som undersöks i rapporten är hur globalisering påverkar industrin vid en kris, hypotesen är att en större grad av globalisering leder till ökad risk för påverkan vid en kris. Slutsatsen är att globalisering kan leda till en ökad påverkan vid en kris och är en viktig faktor vid riskbedömning av distributionsnätverk. Dock innebär de globaliseringen en ökad komplexitet vilket gör riskerna svårhanterliga. Automatisering är något som påverkat den tillverkande industrin sedan början av industrialismen. I takt med att nya teknologier utvecklas har frågor höjts om automatiseringens långsiktiga effekter på produktionen. Denna rapport fokuserar därför på huruvida automatisering kan bidra till att svenska industrier blir mer motståndskraftiga vid kommande kriser. Slutsatsen är att en ökad automatisering bidrar till en högre ergonomi inom svenska industrier, bättre möjligheter för onshoring och en förbättrad flexibilitet. Därtill finns det inget som tyder på att behovet av mänskliga arbetskraft skulle minska på grund av en ökad automatiseringen. Däremot blir det en förskjutning av arbetsmarknaden mot högre akademisk kompetens. Standardiseringsperspektivet tar sig ett generellt uttryck inom Lean produktion och mer specifikt och djupgående i Kanban och linjeoptimering. Hypotesen som perspektivet bygger på är vilka möjligheter svenska industriföretag har för att med hjälp av standardiseringsförändringar lindra konsekvenserna av en kris. Slutsatsen är att standardisering kan ha viss inverkan på hur ett företag klarar sig genom en kris. Förutsättningarna för det är däremot oerhört individuella beroende företagens olika förutsättningar / Inspired by the current Corona crisis, this report analyzes the crises that have affected Swedish industry during the past three decades with regards to three perspectives: globalization, automation and standardization. A general definition of a crisis is provided as the basis for the report; it is sudden and rapid changes which contribute to an unpredictable course of events that not uncommonly gets out of control. The work takes into account the three different perspectives throughout the report, all of which are linked to crises in several ways. The analysis is based on a case study through interviews and a literature study and results in separate results with a following discussion. Below is a summary of each perspective. Globalization is something that affects the industry in many ways, but in this report, manufacturing companies’ global distribution networks are the main focus. The issue examined in the report is how globalization affects industry during a crisis, the hypothesis being that a greater degree of globalization leads to an increased risk of impact in a crisis. The conclusion is that globalization can lead to increased impact in a crisis and is an important factor in the risk assessment of distribution networks. However, with globalization comes increased complexity, which makes the risks difficult to manage. Automation is something that has affected the manufacturing industry since the beginning of industrialism. As new technologies develop, questions have been raised about the long-term effects of automation on production. This report therefore focuses on whether automation can help Swedish industries become more resilient in coming crises. The conclusion is that increased automation contributes to higher ergonomics in Swedish industries, better opportunities for onshoring and improved flexibility. In addition, there is no indication that the need for human labor would decrease due to increased automation. On the other hand, there is a shift in the labor market towards higher academic competence. The standardization perspective takes on a general expression in Lean production and more specifically and in-depth in Kanban and line optimization. The hypothesis being investigated is what conditions and opportunities Swedish industrial companies have for using the above-mentioned concepts to make changes that reduce the consequences of a crisis. The conclusion is that standardization can have a certain impact on how a company copes through a crisis. The prerequisites for this, on the other hand, are extremely individual dependent companies’ different conditions.

Hållbarhet inom artikel 9-fonder : En analys av svenska artikel 9-fonders hållbarhetsprestanda

Bok, Annie, Sohl, Filippa January 2024 (has links)
During recent times, the interest in sustainable investments has significantly increased. One of the factors behind this trend is the implementation of the EU taxonomy, which aims to promote capital allocation to sustainable activities by establishing a unified classification of economic activities that meet sustainability criteria. This initiative aims to create a standardized framework for assessing sustainability, thereby facilitating investment decisions in line with long-term sustainable economic and environmental goals. Another essential legislation contributing to the growing attention towards sustainable finance is the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). This regulation seeks to promote sustainability within the financial sector by introducing comprehensive disclosure requirements for financial actors, including reporting obligations to enhance transparency and enable informed decisions considering sustainability aspects. The aim of the study is to investigate the compliance with SFDR among Swedish Article 9 funds. Through a qualitative research design with a deductive approach, the study examines how SFDR is implemented and its impact on investors’ decision-making. Three semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain insights into the practical application of SFDR. The qualitative approach facilitated a deeper understanding of SFDR’s implementation, fund reporting practices regarding sustainability, and its impact on investors. The results indicate significant variation in fund reporting practices, posing challenges for both investors and fund companies to navigate the financial landscape. Despite shared commitments to adhere to SFDR requirements and sustainability goals, there is room for improvement to increase transparency and comparability between funds.

Kvalitetssäkring av den interna kommunikationsprocessen vid Åbymässan AB : En studie utförd med hjälp av kvalitetstekniska arbetssätt / Quality assurance of the internal communication process at Åbymässan Ltd

Louise, Kindström January 2019 (has links)
Denna uppsats är skriven i intresse av nystartade Åbymässan AB i Göteborg angående hur de kan kvalitetssäkra och förbättra deras interna kommunikationsprocess. Företaget ingår i Easyfairs Group och är ett tjänsteföretag inom evenemangs- och mässbranschen. Studien redovisas skriftligen genom denna rapport för kursen Examensarbete i industriell teknik (1TG277) vid Uppsala Universitet vårterminen 2019. Syftet med denna rapport är att ge konkreta förbättringsförslag för Åbymässan AB:s interna kommunikation. Arbetet är därför centrerat kring frågeställningen om hur Åbymässan AB kan kvalitetssäkra sin interna kommunikation. Problemet i dagsläget är att det inte finns några bestämda förhållningssätt till hur den kommunikationen bör ske. För att lyckas komma fram till konkreta förbättringsförslag till företaget har kvalitetsverktyg så som TQM, ISO 9001:2015, SWOT-analys och Johari-fönster använts tillsammans med datainsamlingsmetoder i form av tidigare kunskap och forskning på området organisationskommunikation, dokumentinsamling, observationer och intervjuer. Utifrån de valda metoderna visade resultatet på att den interna kommunikationen i nuläget har många brister som framför allt handlar om otydlighet, att tillgänglig information inte finns i rätt tid och att osäkerhet råder om vem eller vilka som ansvarar för att rätt information förmedlas. De konkreta förbättringsförslagen innefattar därför analys med hjälp av Johari-fönster för att se hur medarbetarna egentligen kommunicerar med varandra. Förslag på hur de fysiska kommunikationskanalerna kan kvalitetssäkras har gjorts genom bland annat skriftliga protokoll, e-post och anteckningar på anslagstavla. De dokument som upprättas följer förslagsvis kvalitetsledningssystemet ISO 9001:2015. Slutsatserna är att Åbymässan AB har stor potential att växa och har mycket engagerade medarbetare. De flesta på företaget är öppna för nya förändringar och försöker se utmaningar istället för hinder. Denna studie kommer troligen inte bara gynna medarbetarna och de interna kunderna på anläggningen utan även visa sig ha en stor positiv inverkan på den externa kommunikationen med externa kunder. / This thesis is written in the interest of the newly started Åbymässan Ltd in Gothenburg regarding how they can quality assure and improve their internal communication process. The company is part of Easyfairs Group and is a service company in the event and exhibition industry. The project is presented in this written report for the course Degree Project in Industrial Engineering and Management (1TG277) at Uppsala University, Spring term 2019. The purpose of this report is to provide concrete improvements for the internal communication of Åbymässan Ltd. The work is therefore centred on the issues of how Åbymässan Ltd can quality assure its internal communication. The current problem now is that there is no definite approach to how it should be done. To succeed in finding concrete improvement proposals for the company, quality tools such as TQM, ISO 9001:2015, SWOT analysis and Johari window have been used together with data collection methods in the form of previous knowledge and research in the field of organizational communication, document collection, observations and interviews. Based on the chosen methods, the results showed that the internal communication at present has many shortcomings which primarily deals with ambiguity. This means that information is not available at the right time and there is uncertainty about who is responsible for the correct information being conveyed. The concrete improvement proposals, therefore, include analysis using the Johari window to see how employees communicate with each other. Suggestions on how the physical communication channels can be quality assured have been made by including written protocols, e-mails and notes on the bulletin board. The documents that will be created are suggested to follow the quality management system ISO 9001:2015. The conclusions are that Åbymässan Ltd has great potential to grow and has very committed employees. Most of the company employees are open to new changes and try to see them as challenges instead of obstacles. This study will probably not only benefit the employees and the internal customers of the facility but also provide a great positive impact on external communication with external customers as well.

Standardisering av grafisk profil och utvecklingsprocess för webbapplikationer på Scania InfoMate / Standardization of visual and procedural guidelines for developing user friendly web applications at Scania InfoMate

Gad, Linus, Palmdal, Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p>Scania InfoMate develops web applications that support truck distributors and workshops with the necessary tools for an effective maintenance process. However, the end-users of these applications are faced with as many different graphical interfaces as there are applications. As a consequence, important effects of recognition are lost, developers spend unnecessary time designing new solutions for each application and Scania InfoMate does not present a homogeneous brand image towards its customers.</p><p>Therefore the aim of this study is to give a suggestion of how a standardized graphical interface for web applications at Scania InfoMate should be designed. The given suggestion should come from thorough investigation of both end-user needs and recent research within the area of usability. In addition to a standardized interface this study also aims to deliver guidelines that support future web application development at Scania InfoMate.</p><p>Through a combination of methods, mainly heuristic evaluation and user interviews, an elaborate description of usability and consistency problems in a defined web application portfolio is produced. This served as a basis for developing an interface design suggestion and helped pinpoint crucial areas in need of usability and consistency guidelines.</p><p>The main findings are a graphical interface design suggestion that specify positioning and visualization of common interface elements and guidelines ensuring that future web application development at Scania InfoMate is kept at a high standard regarding usability and consistency. This study also points out areas for further development at Scania InfoMate and suggests that additional studies should take place to establish a common view on consistency issues.</p>

Standardisering av grafisk profil och utvecklingsprocess för webbapplikationer på Scania InfoMate / Standardization of visual and procedural guidelines for developing user friendly web applications at Scania InfoMate

Gad, Linus, Palmdal, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Scania InfoMate develops web applications that support truck distributors and workshops with the necessary tools for an effective maintenance process. However, the end-users of these applications are faced with as many different graphical interfaces as there are applications. As a consequence, important effects of recognition are lost, developers spend unnecessary time designing new solutions for each application and Scania InfoMate does not present a homogeneous brand image towards its customers. Therefore the aim of this study is to give a suggestion of how a standardized graphical interface for web applications at Scania InfoMate should be designed. The given suggestion should come from thorough investigation of both end-user needs and recent research within the area of usability. In addition to a standardized interface this study also aims to deliver guidelines that support future web application development at Scania InfoMate. Through a combination of methods, mainly heuristic evaluation and user interviews, an elaborate description of usability and consistency problems in a defined web application portfolio is produced. This served as a basis for developing an interface design suggestion and helped pinpoint crucial areas in need of usability and consistency guidelines. The main findings are a graphical interface design suggestion that specify positioning and visualization of common interface elements and guidelines ensuring that future web application development at Scania InfoMate is kept at a high standard regarding usability and consistency. This study also points out areas for further development at Scania InfoMate and suggests that additional studies should take place to establish a common view on consistency issues.

Generella frågor i jakten på specifika svar : att använda standardiserade frågeformulär vid frågor om våld i nära relationer inom socialtjänstens äldreeheter / General questions in the search for specific answers : to use standardized questionnaires for questions about domestic violence within the social services' elderly units

Attling, Agnes, Liljeros, Tobias January 2020 (has links)
To use standardized questionnaires for questions about domestic violence within the social services' elderly units Intimate partner violence (IPV)and the way women are  exposed to violence in close relationships has been recognized in recent decades as a problem at a societal level, both nationally and globally. As a result, work on IPV has  received new laws and regulations to strengthen women's right to protection in society, which has also led to work with these issues is being developed and prioritized at a  municipal level. While IPV has gained more visibility, IPV that affect older women also has received greater attention. IPV and aging can mean a special vulnerability as aging  can mean more isolation, greater need for care by or for a violent partner and that the violence may have lasted for a longer period of time. Research on the subject also shows that there is a knowledge gap about the elderly's exposure to violence and the work to discover it, and that there are no specific figures that show how widespread the problem is. Despite the increased focus on older women's exposure to IPV, interest in skills development regarding elderly is lower in comparison with other categories within the group  of women exposed to violence in Sweden's municipalities. At the same time, the development of welfare has moved in a direction towards an evidence-based practice and  developed standardized assessment instruments. Based on an attempt to combine work against violence in close relationships with evidence-based practice, the assessment  instrument FREDA was developed, which social workers and social service agents can use to detect and identify violence and make protection assessments, which is considered  an important part of violence prevention and violence protection work. Nevertheless, several studies and evaluations show that there are several obstacles to asking questions  about violence, such as insecurity and lack of knowledge. The purpose of our study has been to investigate how social workers at social agencies that works with elders ask  questions about violence in IPV and whether underlying factors such as knowledge, experience and supervision affect the tendency for social service agents to ask the question  about violence. The purpose is also to investigate the extent to which social service workers use standardized assessment instruments in matters of violence and whether  standardized assessment instruments is experienced as a support in their work. With a quantitative method and with a survey design to collect data, we have created a web survey with 49 statements and questions that we have sent via link to social service agents who work with development assistance and the elderly. The survey received a total of 79 respondents and the results have been processed in SPSS and to some extent in Excel. To present the results we have used SPSS to create graphs and crosstabs and through using Cramres V we report the strength of the relationships between the  variables. We have also developed a significance measure based on Cramers V. The results of the study shows that a significant proportion of the respondents do not agree that they ask questions about domestic violence to their clients and that there is a connection between not asking questions about domestic violence and not feeling that you have  enough knowledge of the subject. The results of the study cannot show where the knowledge about violence comes from, but it shows that within our sample there is a slight  tendency for the use of FREDA-short questions to have a positive impact on the experience of knowledge about IPV. The results of the study show that approximately one third  of the study respondents use FREDA-short questions at their workplace. The study also shows that of the respondents who stated that they fully or partially agree that they ask questions about violence in close proximity to a greater extent use FREDA-shortquestions. In conclusion, our study shows that there was a tendency for respondents who  stated that they did not agree that they ask questions about domestic violence also had the opinion that older people find it more intrusive to talk about IPV.

Reuse and Verification of Test Equipment for ISO 7637 / Återanvändning och verifiering av testutrustning för ISO 7637

Gezelius, Jonatan January 2021 (has links)
Standards exist to unify requirements and to make it possible to make sure that equipment is tested in the same way, even when several different test labs perform the test. But as new technology comes to market, and old technology evolves, so must the standards. The International Organization for Standardization are continuously developing new standards and updating existing standards, and sometimes the specified tests changes, rendering old test equipment obsolete. In this thesis, we will look at the differences between the old and the current versions of the ISO 7637 standards as well as how we can verify if older test equipment lives up to the new requirements. A verification method will be designed, partly implemented and evaluated. Several of the aspects for automating the verification will be considered. The results will show that older equipment most likely will be usable with the newer version of the standard, as well as point out some of the difficulties of verifying that this is the case.

Utveckling av administrativa reklamationshanteringsprocesser : En fallstudie om effektivisering hos eftermarknadsavdelningen på ett tillverkande företag / Developing Administrative Handling of Warranty Claims

Enerbäck, Hanna, Jägsell, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att öka kunskapen om effektiva administrativa reklamationshanteringsprocesser. För att uppfylla syftet kunde det brytas ned i två frågeställningar: 1. Vilka faktorer påverkar effektivitet i administrativa reklamationshanteringsprocesser? 2. Hur bör administrativa reklamationer av defekta produkter hanteras? För att möjliggöra besvarande av studiens frågeställningar och därmed uppfylla studiens syfte genomfördes en fallstudie, som bestod av observationer och intervjuer. Vid observationerna var observatörerna deltagande och renodlade. Intervjuerna hade en låg grad av strukturering och låg grad av standardisering. Insamlad empiri granskades för att sedan jämföras med redan befintlig teori. Genom studien kunde slutaster kring effektiv reklamationshantering dras. Det identifierades tre områden där förbättringsmöjligheter fanns. Dessa innefattade utnyttjande av systemstöd som stöder verksamheten, effektivt arbete med returns management för att minska antalet inkomna reklamationer samt arbetet med ständiga förbättringar för att fortsatt vara konkurrenskraftiga. Studien bidrog inte till nya teorier, men genom analys stärktes uttalanden och teorier från tidigare forskning. Genom studien har medvetenheten om administrativa reklamationshanteringsprocesser ökat, och genom detta underbyggt redan befintlig forskning. Studiens empiriska bidrag var identifiering av faktorer som påverkar effektivitet inom dessa processer. Genom identifierade åtgärder kunde sedan reklamationshanteringsprocesser gynnsamt utformas.

Utveckling av arbetsprocess för effektivare produktutveckling : Tillämpad på standardisering av helautomatiskt snabbfäste till hjullastare

Clark, Eric, Olsson, David January 2021 (has links)
För att vara konkurrenskraftiga på marknaden tvingas företag utveckla nya strategier för produktutveckling, som kan anpassas till allt högre kundbehov. Syftet med detta arbete var att effektivisera produktutvecklingen för företag inom tillverkningsindustrin. Målet var att utveckla en effektiv arbetsprocess för produktutveckling samt att tillämpa processen på ett projekt, där ett helautomatiskt snabbfäste till mindre hjullastare skulle standardiseras till företaget OilQuick.Examensarbetet delades in i två delar. Den första delen behandlar skapandet av arbetsprocessen. Denna grundas i befintlig forskning och identifierades genom en litteraturstudie. Den andra delen behandlar tillämpning av arbetsprocessen på standardiseringen av snabbfästet till hjullastare. Data och kunskap till arbetet samlades in genom marknadsundersökningar, studiebesök, möten med kunder och Reverse Engineering. Kundkraven rangordnades med Best-worst metoden och översattes till tekniska produktegenskaper med Kvalitetshuset.Tre koncept genererades i Autodesk Inventor utifrån kraven och produktegenskaperna, samt datan som framkom av Reverse Engineering och marknadsundersökningen. Enligt kundkravet behövde det färdiga snabbfästet passa minst fyra olika hjullastarmodeller i viktklassen fem till åtta ton. Detta medförde att alla tre koncepten modulbaserades, både för att underlätta eventuella modifikationer mellan hjullastarmodellerna och för att minimera antalet detaljer som behövde modifieras. Alla tre konceptens redskapsgrindar hade standardiserade mått som passade de undersökta hjullastarmodeller. Det koncept som bäst uppfyllde kundkraven utvärderades med Fuzzy TOPSIS metoden. Det slutgiltiga konceptet justerades utifrån kundens önskemål innan det färdiga resultatet presenterades.Resultatet visade att arbetsprocessen var effektiv; Reverse Engineering och samarbetet med kunden gav en inblick i problematiken och förståelse för produkten, Best-worst metoden gjorde att rangordningen av kraven gick snabbt utan att minska på pålitligheten och Fuzzy TOPSIS metoden effektiviserade konceptvalet samtidigt som alla inblandades åsikter blev hörda. För att effektivisera produktutvecklingen ytterligare bör fler metoder undersökas alternativt utvecklas.Konceptförslagen som konstruerades påvisade att det är möjligt att standardisera gränssnittet mellan hjullastare och redskap. Genom modulärkonstruktion kunde snabbfästet anpassas till fyra olika hjullastarmodeller. Innan vidareutveckling av snabbfästet bör fler hjullastare mätas upp och studeras. / In order to be competitive in the market, companies are forced to develop new strategies that can be adapted to ever-increasing customer requirements. The purpose of the work was to streamline product development for companies in the manufacturing industry. The objective was to develop an efficient work process for product development and apply the process to a project where a standardized fully automatic quick coupler for smaller wheel loaders would be developed for the company OilQuick.The thesis was divided into two parts. The first part deals with the development of a work process based on existing research. The second part deals with the application of the work process. Data for the application was collected through market research, meetings with customers and Reverse Engineering. Customer requirements were ranked using the Best-worst method and translated into technical specifications using the method QFD (House of Quality).Three concepts were generated based on the resulting requirements from the QFD. According to the customer requirements, the quick coupler had to be compliant with at least four different wheel loader brands in the weight span from five to eight tons. This meant that all three concepts were based on modular design, both to facilitate modifications between the wheel loader brads and to minimize the number of details that needed to be modified. All three of the concept's attachment brackets had standardized dimensions that fitted all examined wheel loader models. To determine which concept that best met the customer requirements the Fuzzy TOPSIS method was used. The final concept was adjusted based on OilQuick's requirements before the finished result was presented.The results showed that the work process was efficient and reliable and that the developed concept proposal indicates that it is possible for the company to standardize the interface between wheel loaders and attachments. With modular design the quick coupler can be adapted to the wheel loader brands that were studied. To ensure that the quick coupler can be applied to a larger variety of wheel loaders, it is necessary to examine and take measurements of more wheel loader brands before further development.

Implicit Message Integrity Provision : In Heterogeneous Vehicular Systems / Implicit Integritet i Heterogena Fordonsmiljöer Systems

Molloy, Paul January 2023 (has links)
Vehicles on the road today are complex multi-node computer networks. Security has always been a critical issue in the automotive computing industry. It is becoming even more crucial with the advent of autonomous vehicles and driver assistant technology. There is potential for attackers to control vehicles maliciously. Traditionally Original Equipment Manufacturers have relied on physical security and a firewall to secure vehicles but with network connected and autonomous capable vehicles this is not enough. The concept of defence in depth is required. This means not trusting that internal traffic inside the firewall is benign. Each node in the vehicles network should be able to verify the authenticity and validity of communications it receives from other nodes. Implementation of the crypto-graphic systems for doing this is error prone. Therefore a key issue in the thesis is reducing the attack surface by developing these checks in the autonomous vehicle stack in a scalable way so the programmer does not have to be aware of this security layer on a day-to-day basis nor re-implement it for each node in these heterogeneous systems. Although message integrity and authenticity verification have been studied and implemented in many fields, the area of heterogeneous autonomous systems present unique research challenges. There are tight performance constraints due to the real time requirements for vehicle control systems and data publishing rates. It is an open question if this approach can achieve performance within the bounds required for a reliable autonomous vehicle. Additionally the security benefit of scalably automatically generating the message integrity verification code across all of the nodes in a heterogeneous system would help the field quantify the defect reduction and security benefit of this kind of code generation on complex software systems. / Dagens fordon på vägarna är komplexa datanät med flera noder. Säkerheten har alltid varit en viktig fråga inom bilindustrin. Det blir ännu viktigare i och med tillkomsten av autonoma fordon och förarassistentteknik. Det finns en potential för angripare att styra fordon på ett illvilligt sätt. Traditionellt har tillverkare av originalutrustning förlitat sig på fysisk säkerhet och en brandvägg för att säkra fordonen, men med nätverksanslutna och autonoma fordon räcker detta inte längre. Begreppet försvar på djupet är nödvändigt. Detta innebär att man inte kan lita på att den interna trafiken innanför brandväggen är godartad. Varje nod i fordonets nätverk bör kunna kontrollera äktheten och giltigheten hos den kommunikation som den tar emot från andra noder. Genomförandet av kryptografiska system för att göra detta är felkänsligt. En viktig fråga i avhandlingen är därför att minska angreppsytan genom att utveckla dessa kontroller i det autonoma fordonet på ett skalbart sätt så att programmeraren inte behöver vara medveten om detta säkerhetslager dagligen eller implementera det på nytt för varje nod i dessa heterogena system. Även om meddelandeintegritet och äkthetskontroll har studerats och genomförts inom många områden, innebär området heterogena autonoma system unika forskningsutmaningar. Det finns snäva prestandabegränsningar på grund av realtidskraven för fordonskontrollsystem och datapubliceringshastigheter. Det är en öppen fråga om detta tillvägagångssätt kan uppnå prestanda inom de gränser som krävs för ett tillförlitligt autonomt fordon. Dessutom skulle säkerhetsfördelarna med en skalbar automatisk generering av koden för verifiering av meddelandets integritet över alla noder i ett heterogent system hjälpa fältet att kvantifiera felminskningen och säkerhetsfördelarna med denna typ av kodgenerering i komplexa programvarusystem.

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