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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stig Dagerman - Existentialisten : En jämförande studie mellan De Dömdas Ö och fem existentialistiska tänkare / Stig Dagerman – the existentialist? : - Island of the Doomed in the light of five existentialist thinkers

Carlemar, Jonathan January 2011 (has links)
Is the Swedish author Stig Dagerman an existentialist? This work takes a close look at Dagerman’s novel Island of the Doomed to see if it is possible to consider it an expression of existentialist thinking and to see if it interacts with any specific existentialist tradition. Dagerman’s novel was compared with select works of five existentialist thinkers – Søren Kierkegaard, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus and Karl Jaspers, all read in the light of the four categories of existentialistic thinking identified by the Swedish scholar Lennart Koskinen. All the four categories appeared to be central themes within the novel and a few subcategories were identified. An analysis based on these subcategories showed that the novel had obvious similarities with all of the five existentialistic thinkers. The main conclusion of my work is thus: it is reasonable to consider Stig Dagerman’s novel Island of the Doomed an expression of existentialist thinking, but it doesn’t match any specific existentialist tradition. Dagerman is therefore to be considered an independent existentialist.

Äggulor och ögonvitor : en intertextuell jämförelse avJerzy Kosinskis Steps och Stig Larssons Autisterna

Sirelius, Julia January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Савремене геоморфолошке промене у Стигу / Savremene geomorfološke promene u Stigu / Contemporary geomorfological changes in Stig

Stepanović Miodrag 29 November 2011 (has links)
<p>Природним процесима и појавама неминовно се мења кроз време морфолошки изглед једног простора. Рељефне промене су резултат деловања ендогених и егзогених сила. На прве се не може утицати јер потичу из Земљине унутрашњости, док се друге могу у многим елементима поспешивати или интензивирати човековим активностима. Нагле промене морфологије Стига почеле су у другој половини XX века, када се интензивира површинска експлоатација лигнита у Костолачном угљоносном басену и подижу термоелектране. Највеће промене у рељефу одвијају се у зони површинског копа &bdquo;Дрмно&ldquo;. Даљи рударски радови у зависности су од наметнутих потреба друштвене заједнице за електричном енергијом. С обзиром да су потребе све веће, очекиване промене у рељефу до краја предвиђене експлоатације 2041. године, биће још брже и све мање поправљиве. Поред морфоскулптурних промена, експлоатација угља изазвала је и климатске, хидрографске, педолошке и биогеографске промене. Занемаривањем и непоштовањем еколошких принципа и законитости, непоштовање закона и прописа којима се штитит природа, па чак и озакоњење недопустивог стихијског искоришћавања природних ресурса, води непоправљивим штетама у животној средини. И поред тога што мењају намену великим површинама пољопривредног земљишта, копови и електране обезбеђују брзи друштвено&ndash;економски развој околног подручја, запошљавање и подизање опште-културног и образовног нивоа, раније, претежно пољопривредног становништва, као и пораст животног стандарда.</p> / <p>Prirodnim procesima i pojavama neminovno se menja kroz vreme morfološki izgled jednog prostora. Reljefne promene su rezultat delovanja endogenih i egzogenih sila. Na prve se ne može uticati jer potiču iz Zemljine unutrašnjosti, dok se druge mogu u mnogim elementima pospešivati ili intenzivirati čovekovim aktivnostima. Nagle promene morfologije Stiga počele su u drugoj polovini XX veka, kada se intenzivira površinska eksploatacija lignita u Kostolačnom ugljonosnom basenu i podižu termoelektrane. Najveće promene u reljefu odvijaju se u zoni površinskog kopa &bdquo;Drmno&ldquo;. Dalji rudarski radovi u zavisnosti su od nametnutih potreba društvene zajednice za električnom energijom. S obzirom da su potrebe sve veće, očekivane promene u reljefu do kraja predviđene eksploatacije 2041. godine, biće još brže i sve manje popravljive. Pored morfoskulpturnih promena, eksploatacija uglja izazvala je i klimatske, hidrografske, pedološke i biogeografske promene. Zanemarivanjem i nepoštovanjem ekoloških principa i zakonitosti, nepoštovanje zakona i propisa kojima se štitit priroda, pa čak i ozakonjenje nedopustivog stihijskog iskorišćavanja prirodnih resursa, vodi nepopravljivim štetama u životnoj sredini. I pored toga što menjaju namenu velikim površinama poljoprivrednog zemljišta, kopovi i elektrane obezbeđuju brzi društveno&ndash;ekonomski razvoj okolnog područja, zapošljavanje i podizanje opšte-kulturnog i obrazovnog nivoa, ranije, pretežno poljoprivrednog stanovništva, kao i porast životnog standarda.</p>

Stigen i staden

Engström, Eric, Johansson, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om hur oreflekterade och reflekterade rörelsemönster i gaturummet formas av den byggda miljön. Vi undersöker vad vi kallar Stigen i staden genom en fallstudie av Friisgatan i Malmö som under sommarmånaderna byggs om till ”sommargata”. Vi har observerat, talat med besökare och boende på gatan samt människor som använder gaturummet. Vi har intervjuat landskapsarkitekten bakom sommargatan och vi har skapat en interaktiv modell som undersökning av det reflekterade rörelsemönstret. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats utifrån en teoriram bestående av ett urval av teoretiska perspektiv och begrepp. Det har givit oss möjligheten till att se gaturummet från olika perspektiv samt i olika skalor av användningsområden. / This study is focused on how unreflected and reflected patterns of movement in the street space are formed by the built environment. We are searching for what we call "The City Path" thru a case study of Friisgatan in Malmö. That under the summer months develops into a “summerstreet”. We have observed, spoken to visitors and residence on the street and also thus who uses the street space. We have interviewed the landscape architect that developed the summerstreet and we have created an interactive model as an analysis method of the reflected patterns of movement. The empirical material have been analysed based on a theory framework consisting of a selection of theoretical perspectives and concepts. It has given us the opportunity to see the street space from different perspectives as well as in different scales of applications.

Ångestens tid och röst : Temporalitet och berättande i Stig Dagermans Ormen / The Time and Voice of Anxiety : Temporality and Narration in Stig Dagerman's Ormen

Mattsson Engström, Marit January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks hur ångesttemat i romanen Ormen förstärks genom berättartekniken. Utifrån Kerstin Laitinens tankar om en ”osäkerhetens retorik” och med hjälp av narratologisk metod och delar av Gérard Genettes terminologi påvisas hur obestämdhetsmoment utifrån olika berättartekniska grepp uppstår och verkar i romanens olika delar. Genom att undersöka berättartekniken utifrån olika temporala aspekter och vad gäller berättarroll och framställningssätt, synliggörs hur Dagerman genom att, mer eller mindre uttalat, ändrar berättandets förhållanden genom olika skiften och växlingar i texten. Genom att använda olika typer av anakronier och genom att göra implicita och överraskande växlingar mellan olika berättare och mellan olika nivåer av berättande, genom att splittra och synkronisera, bildas obestämdhetsmoment, vilka skapar osäkerhet som bidrar till att förstärka ångesttemat i romanen.

Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zum integrierten Gas-Dampf-Prozess auf System- und Komponentenebene mit Fokus auf industrielle Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung

Lutsch, Thorsten 11 August 2021 (has links)
Im industriellen Bereich erfolgt die Energiebereitstellung auf thermischer, wie elektrischer Seite zunehmend mittels hocheffizienter Kraft-Wärme-Koppelung (KWK). Konventionelle KWK-Anlagen ohne Dampfturbine (DT) verfügen technologiebedingt über eine relativ starre, lastabhängige Stromkennzahl. Damit kann eine wärme- und/oder stromseitige Volatilität schlecht kompensiert werden ohne die jeweils gekoppelte Größe zu beeinflussen. Der integrierte Gas-Dampf-Prozess (GiD-Prozess) zeichnet sich aufgrund der halboffenen Prozessgestaltung durch eine anlagentechnisch sehr einfache Bauweise und damit gegenüber einer klassischen Gas und Dampf-Prozess (GuD)-Anlage geringeren Investitions- und Wartungskosten aus. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Analyse des lastabhängigen Betriebsverhaltens des integrierter Gas-Dampf-Prozess (GiD)-Prozesses unter Berücksichtigung der Teillastfähigkeit und erreichbarer Lastgradienten. Hierzu werden umfangreiche Versuchsfahrten des Versuchskraftwerks am Zentrum für Energietechnik (ZET) der TU Dresden dargelegt und analysiert. Die Versuche werden durch transiente Systemsimulationen auf Komponentenebene der Kraftwerksanlage nachvollzogen und Erkenntnisse zu dem Effekt der Lastgradienten auf heißgasbeaufschlagte Bauteile gewonnen.

Dagsversens politiska innebörd : hur dagsvers skapar betydelse / The Politics of Newspaper Poems : On the Production of Meaning in Newspaper Poems

Sjösten, John January 2019 (has links)
This study investigates the production of political meaning in the Scandinavian tradition of the dagsvers (newspaper poem), that is a particular kind of poetry published in daily newspapers, commenting on public debates and recent events. The dagsvers is a neglected literary genre in the history of Swedish literature. The often explicit political stance and message of the dagsvers separate this genre from many other forms of modern and contemporary poetry, and the present study focuses on this political dimension. I examine the uses of forms, themes and symbols in dagsvers published between 1949 and 2013 that give the poems their meaning and their political dimension. Furthermore, I analyse how the very newspaper medium contributes to and directs the interpretation of the poems. The main questions pertain to how context, such as the newspaper´s political agenda, and elements in the text create the meaning and function of the dagsvers. Analysing verse examples with the help of theories of Jacques Rancière and Lars Furuland, the study demonstrates how the context and the literary forms, themes and symbols impact the shape of the political dimension of the dagsvers.

En dröm i Lagarnas hus : Ögonblicket, människan och det transcendenta. Studier i Stig Dagermans diktning / A Dream in the House of Law : The Moment, Man and the Transcendent: Studies in the Writings of Stig Dagerman

Apelgren, Rikard January 2010 (has links)
The main aim of the dissertation is to examine the importance of the moment in relation to human experience and to the narrative in the writings of Stig Dagerman (1923-1954), primarily the novels Ormen (The Snake, 1945), De dömdas ö (The Island of the Doomed, 1946), Bränt barn (A Burnt Child, 1948), Bröllopsbesvär (Wedding Worries, 1949), the short stories "Den hängdes träd" (The Hanging Tree, 1945) and "De röda vagnarna" (The Red Wagons, 1946). The dissertation shows the moment as being of crucial importance by serving as the point of time for the fictional character’s critical experience. The moment also functions as a structuring principle for the narrative. In this, the discussion is supported by the theories on the chronotope found in the work of Mikhail Bakhtin. With the ideas of Michael Riffaterre as the principal theoretical basis in the study, the reading of the texts focuses on a matrix common to the works discussed. The reading goes from a description of the primarily profane subject matter of the narrative to an understanding of the religious discourse in the works. This interpretation receives additional support in the theories on religious and mystical experiences found in Rudolf Otto. Finally, the dissertation focuses on man’s sensitivity to, and longing for, a transcendental entity or a God in the broadest sense – a longing which manifests itself in different ways in these texts and is set against the human predicament of being. Man’s desperate religious longing for a transcendental entity or a God are ultimately understood as the significance or principle of unity in the texts under discussion.

Herr nollochsåvidare : En studie av subjektet i Gösta Oswalds En privatmans vedermödor

Mellgren, Carl January 2023 (has links)
This is an essay about the swedish modernist writer and poet Gösta Oswald’s novel En privatmans vedermödor. The essay focuses on the question about how he uses the modernist language to portray the subject and main character Mr O. Oswald’s novel and his portrayal of the subject is compared and contrasted to earlier ideas about the subject in the modernist and pessimistic traditions presented by philosophers, e g Friedrich Nietzsche. Oswald’s literary style and ideas are also compared to his contemporary modernist writers, for instance Stig Dagerman. Through a psychoanalytical reading of Oswald’s novel using mostly Jacques Lacan’s theories about language the essay argues that it is a story about the nothingness of the subject. It’s also argued that the environment in the novel and Oswald’s use of mythological and classical motifs from Orpheus, Virgil and Dante enhances the themes of nothingness and the bleak outlook on life in the nihilistic post World War II cultural climate. / <p>Slutgiltigt godkännandedatum: 2023-05-30</p>

Nástroj pro snazší zabezpečení počítačů s OS Linux / A Tool for Easily Securing Computers with Linux

Barabas, Maroš January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explain new approaches to scanning and locking vulnerabilities in computer security and to design a new system to improve security of computers running the Linux operating system. The purpose of this system is to analyze remote operating systems and detect and lock down vulnerabilities by existing security standards.

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