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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


EDUARDO HENRIQUE DE FREITAS 22 September 2022 (has links)
[pt] Em 2014, a Comissão de Valores Mobiliários incluiu as ofertas de capital na instrução regulotória para emissões via esforços restritos, permitindo às empresas ofertar suas ações por meio de procedimentos mais simples e rápidos, revelando menos informação para o mercado. Por sua vez, as firmas que escolhem esse método de emissão são autorizadas a vender as novas ações para um grupo constituído por não mais que 50 investidores qualificados. Desde que as novas regras entraram em vigor, quase todas as emissões de capital secundárias feitas por empresas listadas em bolsa se deram pelo método de esforços restritos. Neste trabalho, estudamos o impacto do novo cenário regulatório sobre dois tipos de custos associados às emissões secundárias de capital: o primeiro, indireto, é o efeito dos anúncios de oferta no preço das ações das empresas emissoras. Um estudo de eventos mostra que os retornos anormais numa janela de três dias ao redor da data de anúncio são, em média, 3,23 pontos percentuais mais altos quando a firma emite capital via esforços restritos em vez do método tradicional. O segundo tipo de custo, o direto, consiste nas comissões pagas aos coordenadores da oferta e outras despesas. Sob esforços restritos, esses dispêndios (como porcentagem do total levantado pela oferta) são, em média, 1,01 pontos percentuais mais baixos que aqueles incorridos em ofertas feitas sob as regras tradicionais. Argumentamos que a redução nos dois tipos de custos se deve (ao menos parcialmente) à mitigação da assimetria de informação proporcionada pelo novo método de emissão. / [en] In 2014, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission included equity offerings in the restricted efforts regulatory instruction, allowing firms to issue equity through simpler, faster procedures, disclosing less information to the market. In turn, firms choosing that issuance method are allowed to sell their new shares to a group consisting of no more than 50 qualified investors. Since the new rules came into force, almost all seasoned equity offerings carried out by listed companies took place under restricted efforts. In this work, we study the impact of the new regulatory setting on two types of costs regarding seasoned equity offerings: the first, an indirect one, is the effect of offering announcements on the issuer s stock price. An event study shows that abnormal returns in a three-day window around the announcement are, on average, 3.23 percentage points higher when the company issues equity under restricted efforts rather than traditional rules. The second type of cost, the direct one, consists of fees paid to the underwriters and other expenses. Under restricted efforts, those fees (as a percentage of total offering proceeds) are, on average, 1.01 percentage point lower than fees charged in the offerings that follow the traditional procedures. We argue that the reduction in the two types of costs is due (at least partially) to the mitigation of information asymmetry provided by the new issuance method.

Three accounting research essays in a historical setting

Günther, Jens 13 July 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation analysiert Determinanten und Konsequenzen der Berichterstattung von Unternehmen im deutschen Kaiserreich. Das erste Papier analysiert den Zusammenhang zwischen der freiwilligen Publizität und dem Produktmarktwettbewerb. Auf der Grundlage einer Stichprobe von 570 Unternehmensjahren lässt sich ein negativer Zusammenhang zwischen der freiwilligen Publizität und dem potentiellen Wettbewerb zeigen. Darüber hinaus finde ich einen negativen Zusammenhang zwischen der freiwilligen Publizität und der Branchenprofitabilität. Schließlich finde ich einen positiven Zusammenhang zwischen der freiwilligen Publizität und dem existierenden Wettbewerb. Dieser Zusammenhang ist jedoch nur für Branchenfolger statistisch signifikant. Im zweiten Papier analysiere ich den Einfluss von (überraschenden) Dividendenankündigungen auf die Berliner Börse im Jahr 1895. Auf der Grundlage einer Stichprobe von 166 Unternehmen finde ich positive (negative) kumulierte abnormale Renditen als Reaktion auf eine positive (negative) Dividendenüberraschung. Querschnittsanalysen zeigen, dass diese Effekte mit der Signaling Theorie vereinbar sind. Darüber hinaus lässt sich zeigen, dass der Handel auf dem Kapitalmarkt um die Dividendenankündigungen herum erhöht ist. Dies ist vereinbar mit der differentiellen Erwartungsrevision. Das dritte Papier analysiert schließlich den Zusammenhang zwischen der Zusammensetzung des Aufsichtsrats und dem bilanzpolitischen Verhalten von Unternehmen zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. Bei diesen Unternehmen lässt sich der von Burgstahler/Dichev (1997) dargestellte „earnings kink“ nachweisen. Darüber hinaus lässt sich zeigen, dass dieser „earnings kink“ nicht mehr präsent ist, sobald die Gewinne um Abschreibungen korrigiert werden. Es lässt sich allerdings nicht zeigen, dass die Präsenz von Bankdirektoren im Aufsichtsrat mit dem „earnings kink“ oder der Höhe der abnormalen Abschreibungen verbunden ist. / This cumulative Ph.D. thesis analyzes determinants and consequences of financial accounting practices in Imperial Germany. The first paper analyzes the relationship between product market competition and voluntary disclosure. Based on a balanced panel of 570 firm-years, I find a negative association between voluntary disclosure and potential competition. I also find a negative association between industry profitability and voluntary disclosure. Finally, I find a positive association between existing competition and voluntary disclosure for industry followers. The second paper analyzes share price and trading effects around dividend announcements of firms listed on the Berlin Stock Exchange in 1895. Based on a sample of 166 firms, I find a statistically and economically significant positive (negative) cumulative average abnormal return following a positive (negative) dividend surprise. Cross-sectional analyses show that these effects are consistent with the dividend signaling hypothesis. I furthermore find that trading is increased around the announcements. This is consistent with a differential belief revision among individual investors. The third paper analyzes the earnings of 50 public and 50 private German firms for the fiscal years 1903-1907. I find the earnings kinks reported by Burgstahler and Dichev (1997). I also find that these kinks disappear once I adjust earnings for depreciations. However, my analyses do not support a divergent probability to avoid small losses and earnings decreases when firms are monitored by bank directors. Based on a propensity score matching I do also not find systematic differences in discretionary depreciations between firms monitored by bank directors and firms without such bank attachments in general.

Langfristige Renditeentwicklung nach Börseneinführungen und Kapitalerhöhungen am polnischen Kapitalmarkt

Zielinski, Kamil 05 November 2013 (has links)
Die vorliegende Studie entstand, um die langfristige Renditeentwicklung polnischer Aktien nach Börseneinführungen und Kapitalerhöhungen in den Jahren 1994-2008 zu untersuchen. Ein besonderes Augenmerk richtet sich dabei auf die Erkennung und Analyse der performancerelevanten Unternehmenseigenschaften sowie auf die Erklärung der festgestellten Marktanomalien mit Hilfe ausgewählter Modellansätze. Die empirischen Analysen wurden aus dem Blickwinkel eines Kleininvestors durchgeführt, wodurch die meisten Ergebnisse, neben dem wissenschaftlichen Wert, eine hohe Praxisrelevanz besitzen. Die Untersuchung von insgesamt 263 Börseneinführungen ergab, dass die Emissionsrenditen der meisten Aktien zwar signifikant positiv waren, längerfristig bauten sie sich aber ab. Am Ende des 36-sten Notierungsmonats wiesen sie insgesamt eine starke Underperformance auf. Dabei entwickelten sich die langfristigen marktbereinigten IPO-Renditen in den 90-er Jahren wesentlich schlechter, als nach der Jahrhundertwende. Die Analyse des Kursverhaltens nach 157 Kapitalerhöhungen durch Aktien- und Bezugsrechtsemissionen zeigte, dass innerhalb der dreijährigen Halteperiode die Performance der betrachteten Stichprobe von der Rendite des Gesamtmarktes nur geringfügig abweichte. Dabei entwickelten sich die Kurse von Aktien der kleineren Firmen wesentlich schlechter, als die Aktienkurse der hochkapitalisierten Unternehmen. / This study investigates the long-term stock return after initial public offerings and seasoned equity offerings occurred between 1994 and 2008. A particular attention is being paid to the identification and analysis of performance-relevant issuing firm characteristics and the explanation of the identified market anomalies by means of the preselected explanatory models. Since the empirical study was carried out from the small investor’s perspective, the majority of the obtained results provide not only a considerable scientific value, but also a strong relevance to the actual practice. The study examined 263 IPOs of common stocks and found an overwhelmingly positive initial return. However, this return vanished gradually on the long run, resulting in a high overall underperformance in 36 months after the first listing. In this respect, it is remarkable that the long-term returns of the IPO-stocks issued in the 1990s proved considerably lower than of those placed after 2000. The examination of the long-term stock price behaviour after 157 SEOs reveals only a tiny difference between the performance of the sample and the overall market return. Noteworthy is however the fact that equity issues conducted by smaller firms led usually to significantly poorer stock performance, than when equity was offered by large capitalized companies.

Corporate disclosure quality - a comparative study of Botswana and South Africa

Kiyanga, Bendriba Patrick Lutimbanya 07 1900 (has links)
Corporate reporting has changed from the traditional form of reporting which covered financial information only to the modern form of reporting called integrated reporting which covers, financial, corporate governance and sustainability information. The levels of corporate disclosure among corporate entities within any country and between countries are thus likely to have been affected by this change. Motivated by the IMF/World Bank (2006) that observed that corporate reporting improved in Botswana during the previous five years, without indicating what the actual level was or how it compares with that of other countries; this study sought to determine the actual level of corporate disclosure of two samples of companies: 23 companies listed on the Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE) and the top 40 companies (by market capitalisation) that are listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). The study also shows how the two levels of corporate disclosure compare. This study is qualitative and descriptive by design; and involves analysing the content of the corporate annual report of each company in a sample using a corporate disclosure checklist; and determining the level of corporate disclosure for each sample of companies. The process ends with a comparative analysis of the levels of corporate disclosure of the companies from the two samples. Consistent with the IMF/World Bank report, the study revealed that the level of corporate disclosure in the BSE sample was low but increasing. However, the increase in the level of corporate disclosure varied from sector to sector and the specific information items. The study also showed that integrated reporting was not practised at all by the companies in the BSE sample. Comparatively, companies in the JSE sample had a higher level of corporate disclosure than that of companies in the BSE sample; and the rate of increase was much higher than that in the BSE sample. The study further found integrated reporting practiced in the entire JSE sample, although at different levels. xi This study also noted that although in principle it is sensible to benchmark from the best, other fundamental factors need to be considered before carrying out the exercise. Furthermore, the study indicated that the prevalent low level of corporate disclosure in the BSE sample was evidence that the corporate reporting environment in which the BSE lies was not conducive for the theories of corporate disclosure to fully explain corporate disclosure. A number of recommendations were made including establishing corporate disclosure indices and creation of a corporate environment in which all the theories discussed in the study can explain corporate disclosure. This study contributes to the literature on cross-country corporate disclosure and cautions companies with low levels of corporate disclosure not to embark on benchmarking without creating an environment conducive for corporate reporting. The study also offers useful insights to policymakers in Botswana and South Africa; and stimulates further research on cross-country corporate disclosure. The academia too will be able to identify areas for further research from this study. / Business Management / M. Com. (Accounting)

Corporate disclosure quality : a comparative study of Botswana and South Africa

Kiyanga, Bendriba Patrick Lutimbanya 07 1900 (has links)
Corporate reporting has changed from the traditional form of reporting which covered financial information only to the modern form of reporting called integrated reporting which covers, financial, corporate governance and sustainability information. The levels of corporate disclosure among corporate entities within any country and between countries are thus likely to have been affected by this change. Motivated by the IMF/World Bank (2006) that observed that corporate reporting improved in Botswana during the previous five years, without indicating what the actual level was or how it compares with that of other countries; this study sought to determine the actual level of corporate disclosure of two samples of companies: 23 companies listed on the Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE) and the top 40 companies (by market capitalisation) that are listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). The study also shows how the two levels of corporate disclosure compare. This study is qualitative and descriptive by design; and involves analysing the content of the corporate annual report of each company in a sample using a corporate disclosure checklist; and determining the level of corporate disclosure for each sample of companies. The process ends with a comparative analysis of the levels of corporate disclosure of the companies from the two samples. Consistent with the IMF/World Bank report, the study revealed that the level of corporate disclosure in the BSE sample was low but increasing. However, the increase in the level of corporate disclosure varied from sector to sector and the specific information items. The study also showed that integrated reporting was not practised at all by the companies in the BSE sample. Comparatively, companies in the JSE sample had a higher level of corporate disclosure than that of companies in the BSE sample; and the rate of increase was much higher than that in the BSE sample. The study further found integrated reporting practiced in the entire JSE sample, although at different levels. xi This study also noted that although in principle it is sensible to benchmark from the best, other fundamental factors need to be considered before carrying out the exercise. Furthermore, the study indicated that the prevalent low level of corporate disclosure in the BSE sample was evidence that the corporate reporting environment in which the BSE lies was not conducive for the theories of corporate disclosure to fully explain corporate disclosure. A number of recommendations were made including establishing corporate disclosure indices and creation of a corporate environment in which all the theories discussed in the study can explain corporate disclosure. This study contributes to the literature on cross-country corporate disclosure and cautions companies with low levels of corporate disclosure not to embark on benchmarking without creating an environment conducive for corporate reporting. The study also offers useful insights to policymakers in Botswana and South Africa; and stimulates further research on cross-country corporate disclosure. The academia too will be able to identify areas for further research from this study. / Business Management / M. Com. (Accounting)

Los fondos mutuos indexados de renta variable como producto alternativo en la industria peruana de fondos mutuos / Fundos de índice de ações com um produto alternativo na indústria peruana de fundos mútuos / Equity index funds as an alternative product in the Peruvian mutual fund industry

Quintana Meza, Aldo 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article analyzes and compares an overview of the structure and evolution of the international and domestic mutual fund industry for the 2005–2014 period. The aim of this analysis is to identify opportunities for growth and development of the domestic mutual fund industry, in particular, passive management used by index equity funds. / Este artículo analiza y compara, de manera general, la estructura y evolución anual de la industria de fondos mutuos internacional y doméstica durante el período 2005-2014. El objetivo de este análisis es identificar las oportunidades de crecimiento y desarrollo del segmento de renta variable de la industria de fondos mutuos doméstica tomando como referencia el estilo de administración pasiva de las inversiones utilizado por los fondos mutuos indexados de renta variable. / Este artigo analisa e compara, em geral, a estrutura e a evolução da indústria internacional e nacional de fundos mútuos anuais ao longo do período 2005-2014. O objetivo desta análise é identificar oportunidades de crescimento e desenvolvimento dos fundos mútuos de ações na indústria nacional em função dos fundos de índice com gestão passiva de investimentos.

Political and economic events 1988 to 1998 : their impact on the specification of the nonlinear multifactor asset pricing model described by the arbitrage pricing theory for the financial and industrial sector of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange

Stephanou, Costas Michael 05 1900 (has links)
The impact of political and economic events on the asset pricing model described by the arbitrage pricing theory (APTM) was examined in order to establish if they had caused any changes in its specification. It was concluded that the APTM is not stationary and that it must be continuously tested before it can be used as political and economic events can change its specification. It was also found that political events had a more direct effect on the specification of the APTM, in that their effect is more immediate, than did economic events, which influenced the APTM by first influencing the economic environment in which it operated. The conventional approach that would have evaluated important political and economic events, case by case, to determine whether they affected the linear factor model (LFM), and subsequently the APTM, could not be used since no correlation was found between the pricing of a risk factor in the LFM and its subsequent pricing in the APTM. A new approach was then followed in which a correlation with a political or economic event was sought whenever a change was detected in the specification of the APTM. This was achieved by first finding the best subset LFM, chosen for producing the highest adjusted R2 , month by month, over 87 periods from 20 October1991 to 21 June 1998, using a combination of nine prespecified risk factors (five of which were proxies for economic events and one for political events). Multivariate analysis techniques were then used to establish which risk factors were priced most often during the three equal subperiods into which the 87 periods were broken up. Using the above methodology, the researcher was able to conclude that political events changed the specification of the APTM in late 1991. After the national elections in April 1994 it was found that the acceptance of South Africa into the world economic community had again changed the specification of the APTM and the two most important factors were proxies for economic events. / Business Leadership / DBL

The appropriateness of rules-based headline earnings guidance for listed property entities on the JSE Limited

Sikhwivhilu, Tendani 02 1900 (has links)
The disclosure of headline earnings is one of the JSE Limited (JSE)’s listing requirements. All listed entities are required to comply with this disclosure requirement. Guidance in the form of The Circular on headline earnings is issued by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), and is updated every time when there are changes to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The Circular adopts a rules-based approach and specifies what is included and excluded in the calculation of headline earnings. The rules consist of general rules, which apply to all entities other than those industry groups with special provisions such as the life insurance entities. This study questions whether a rules-based headline earnings approach or a principles-based approach is more appropriate for the calculation of headline earnings of listed property entities on the JSE, for economic decision-making purposes. The research method consisted of questionnaires that were sent out to stakeholders. The responses from the CFOs and investment analysts show that principles-based headline earnings guidance is preferred over rules-based headline earnings guidance. / Business Management / M. Phil (Accounting Sciences)

證券市場自律機構對證券商及其人員規範權限之探討 / An analysis of regulatory authorities of self-regulatory institutions of securities market to securities firms and associated personnel

許雅華 Unknown Date (has links)
國際證券管理組織(The International Organization of Securities Commissions, IOSCO)認為自律機構(Self-Regulatory Organization, SRO)是管理證券市場之必要條件之一。我國證券交易法第四、五章對證券商同業公會與證券交易所皆設有專章特別規範,亦可看出自律機構在證券市場的重要性。惟目前臺灣證券交易所、財團法人中華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心及中華民國證券商業同業公會等協助管理證券市場之機構,在法律規範面及執行面皆存有許多待改進之處。本文以證券自律機構對證券商及其人員之管理規範為探討重點,試著從比較立法例說明美國、英國及日本等國家證券市場自律監理制度演變過程及法制規範,並分析探討前述臺灣證券交易所等機構所存在之問題,期能藉由制度比較,整理歸納提出我國證券自律機構在法制架構及實務運作上可供改進之具體建議。

Le financement par le marché : essai en droit de l'OHADA à l'aune du droit français / Marked-based financing : OHADA from French law's perspective

Gansou, Mariel 30 June 2017 (has links)
Dans le cadre d’une comparaison avec les règles en vigueur en France, cette thèse propose d’étudier le droit applicable au financement par les marchés boursiers au sein de l’espace OHADA à l’aune des systèmes juridiques qui ont influencé sa formation et ses « Actes uniformes ». L’étude suggère que les paramètres juridiques qui affectent l’OHADA depuis sa création sont bien plus variés que la simple mention du droit français. Ils sont africains, européens et internationaux. De même, l’on met en exergue les réponses méritoires de l’OHADA à des problématiques de régulation dont pourrait s’inspirer le droit français. L’on peut affirmer qu’il n’y a pas ici de droit exotique ou davantage un système purement esthétique de droit, mais bien au contraire, simplement du droit. Introuvable pierre philosophale, si l’OHADA n’est pas omnipotente comme l’indiquent les aspérités que l’on esquisse, elle possède les qualités de la boussole qui montre la voie à suivre pour accompagner le développement des marchés financiers et de leurs avatars. Sans nécessairement créer un nouvel acte uniforme relatif aux marchés financiers, elle pourrait, par des voies alternatives, accroître la sécurité juridique et judiciaire qui sont, on le rappellera, dans ses gènes. / In a comparison with the rules in force in France and Africa, we have studied the law applicable for funding by stock exchanges within the OHADA space in light of the legal systems that have influenced its formation and its "Uniform Acts". The study reveals that the legal parameters affecting OHADA since its creation are much more varied than the mere mention of French law. These parameters are African, European and international. Similarly, the meritorious responses of OHADA to regulatory issues that could inspire French law are highlighted. It can be said that there is no exotic law in this case or either a purely aesthetic system of law, but rather, on the contrary, simply the law. Untouchable like a philosopher's stone, if OHADA is not all powerful as the asperities outlined show, it possesses the qualities of the compass that indicates the way forward. Without necessarily creating a new "uniform act" relating to financial markets, it could, by alternative means, increase the legal and judicial security which are, let us not forget, in its genes.

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