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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analiza potreba kao kljuĉni aspekt u procesu izrade kursa engleskog jezika za oblast tehnološke i inženjerske struke / Needs analysis as a key design factor fortechnology and engineering oriented ESLcourses

Jerković Jelena 07 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Predmet ove disertacije je analiza potreba kao neophodni &ndash; prvi korak, pre izrade kursa engleskog jezika za oblast tehnolo&scaron;ke i inţenjerske struke. Kako je sa razvojem nastave jezika struke do&scaron;lo do objedinjavanja vi&scaron;e faktora u samom procesu analize potreba &ndash; analize jezika struke, analize ciljne situacije, analize trenutnog nivoa znanja polaznika kao i analize nastavnog konteksta, analiza potreba je u ovoj disertaciji sagledana sa svih pomenutih aspekata, a istraţivanje je obavljeno u dve faze. U prvoj fazi je ispitana analiza trenutnog stanja u vezi sa upotrebom i nastavom engleskog jezika sa aspekta studenata i predavaĉa engleskog jezika na tehnolo&scaron;kim fakultetima u Srbiji. S druge strane, sprovedena je i analiza potreba u vezi sa upotrebom engleskog jezika zaposlenih inţenjera tehnologije. Rezultati, koji su obraĊeni kvantitativnom metodom su pokazali nedovoljnu zastupljenost engleskog jezika struke i sa aspekta studenata i sa aspekta predavaĉa. Kada je u pitanju upotreba engleskog jezika zaposlenih inţenjera, rezultati su ukazali na potrebu za ĉestim kori&scaron;ćenjem engleskog jezika za potrebe svog posla, kao i na vaţnost znanja engleskog jezika radi veće uspe&scaron;nosti u poslu, posebno istiĉući jeziĉke ve&scaron;tine ĉitanja i usmene i pismene komunikacije.<br />Uzimajući u obzir dobijene rezultate analize potreba, pristupilo se izradi kursa engleskog jezika za potrebe studenata tehnologije, koji je trebalo da bude usklaĊeniji sa ispitanim potrebama budućih tehnologa i koji je bio ponuĊen eksperimentalnoj grupi studenata. Provera efikasnosti i svrsishodnosti<br />novog kursa izvr&scaron;ena je u drugom delu istraţivanja, sa jedne strane kvantitativnom metodom, poreĊenjem rezultata testa postignuća izmeĊu studenata iz eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe, a sa druge strane kvalitativnom metodom iz intervjua sa studentima. Rezultati testa postignuća su pokazali znaĉajno veću uspe&scaron;nost kumulativnog broja poena studenata iz eksperimentalne grupe (ukupna ocena 8,8) u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu studenata (6,77), &scaron;to je potvrĊeno i poreĊenjem pojedinaĉnih kriterijuma gde je u svim sluĉajevima ustanovljena statistiĉki znaĉajna razlika (p&lt;0,0001). Rezultati, dobijeni kvalitativnom metodom, su potvrdili vaţnost jezika struke u nastavi na fakultetu, posebno ukazujući na faktor motivacije, koji je u direktnoj vezi sa zastupljenosti jezika struke. &Scaron;to se tiĉe efikasnosti novog kursa, studenti su ukazali na vaţnost nastavnog materijala koji je neophodno da bude usmeren ka njihovoj budućoj struci, veću uĉestalost provere napretka studenata kao i na vaţnost afektivnih faktora (nastavnik, rad u grupama, atmosfera na ĉasu). Studenti su istakli ulogu nastavnika kao nekoga ko ih vodi kroz gradivo, a da pri tome nema dominantnu ulogu; rad u malim grupama im je omogućio veću slobodu da iznesu svoje mi&scaron;ljenje i uĉestvuju na ĉasu, a poţeljnu atmosferu na ĉasu su opisali kao opu&scaron;tenu a pri tome ipak radnu. Rezultati istraţivanja su pokazali da kursevi koji su bazirani na sprovedenoj analizi potreba daju bolje rezultate na testu i pokazuju veću motivaciju i veće jeziĉke kompetencije kod studenata, &scaron;to je jo&scaron; jedna potvrda teze o neophodnosti analize potreba kao koraka koji prethodi izradi EJS kursa.</p> / <p>This dissertation deals with needs analysis as a<br />necessary, first step before EST course design. Since<br />ESP teaching development covers numerous factors<br />in needs analysis &ndash; target situation analysis, discourse<br />analysis, present situation analysis and teaching<br />context analysis, needs analysis in this dissertation is<br />viewed from all of the mentioned aspects while the<br />research is conducted in two phases.<br />In the first phase, present situation analysis is<br />performed regarding use and teaching process from<br />the point of view of technology students and English<br />teachers. In parallel, needs analysis concerning the<br />English language use is also performed from the<br />employed technology engineers. The results obtained<br />and processed by quantitative methods showed poor<br />frequency of English for specific purposes in the<br />teaching process from the aspect of students and<br />English language teachers. Concerning English<br />language use by the employed technology engineers,<br />the results showed frequent English language use for<br />professional purposes as well as the importance of<br />English language competence for better performance<br />at work, especially emphasizing reading,<br />communicative and writing skills.<br />By taking into account the obtained needs<br />analysis results, a new course is designed for<br />technology students&rsquo; purposes more adapted to the<br />needs of future technologists, which was<br />subsequently offered to experimental group of<br />students. The assessment of the efficiency and<br />purposefulness of a new course is performed in the<br />second phase of the research, first by the quantitative<br />method, comparing the achievement test results of<br />experimental and control group of students, and then<br />by qualitative method from student interviews.<br />The results of the achievement tests showed<br />significant success in cumulative points of students<br />in experimental group (total grade 8,8) in relation to<br />control group (6,77), which was also confirmed by<br />the comparison of individual criteria in which<br />statistical significant difference is obtained<br />(p&lt;0,0001).<br />The results obtained by the qualitative method<br />confirmed the importance of English for specific<br />purposes in the teaching process at the faculty,<br />pointing out a motivation factor in direct relation to<br />frequency of English for specific purposes.<br />Regarding the efficacy of the new course, the<br />students emphasized the importance of teaching<br />material that should necessarily be focused on their<br />future profession, more frequent student achievement<br />tests as well as the importance of affective factors<br />(teacher, group work, class atmosphere). The<br />students also emphasized the teacher&rsquo;s non-dominant<br />role as a facilitator; as well as group work that<br />provides them more freedom to express their opinion,<br />and the preferred class atmosphere relaxed yet also<br />hard-working.<br />The research results showed that the courses<br />based on performed needs analysis give better results<br />at the achievement test, better motivation and higher<br />language competences of students that confirm the<br />thesis of necessary needs analysis as a pre-course<br />procedure.</p>

En unik samtalskarta : En fallstudie om delaktighet i undervisning och kunskapsbedömning på en gymnasiesärskolas individuella program / A Unique Conversation Map : A case study of participation in education and knowledge assesment in a special needs upper secondary school individual program

Wang, Xiaoyu January 2019 (has links)
Elevers delaktighet och förmågan att kunna kommunicera är två grundläggande faktorer som kan påverka elevers framtid. För att elever med olika kommunikationsformer ska kunna vara delaktiga i sin lärprocess krävs att det finns tillgång till varierande kommunikationssätt. Formuleringarna i Skolverkets styrdokument var dock inte tillräckligt tillgängliga för elever som läser gymnasiesärskolans individuella program. För att förtydligöra det centrala innehållet i kursplanen och kunskapskraven skapade pedagogerna en unik samtalskarta som använder elevnära språk, AKK, och illustrerade skrifttexterna till bilderna. Syftet med denna fallstudie är att undersöka hur elever med utvecklingsstörning kan ges möjlighet att bli mer delaktiga i undervisning och kunskapsbedömning genom användningen av alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation (AKK). Studien baseras på det sociokulturella perspektivet och KASAM-teori (Känsla av SAMmanhang) och har en kvalitativ deduktiv forskningsansats. Metoden som används i denna studie är intervjuer med speciallärare och elever samt observationer av olika lektioner för att veta mer om de samtalskartor som främjar elevers delaktighet i undervisning och kunskapsbedömning. Analysmetod i den studien är kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att med användning av de samtalskartor som illustrerar det centrala  innehållet i kursplan  och kunskapskravens ”trappor ” blir lektionerna meningsfulla, begripliga och hanterbara, så att eleverna blir motiverade och vill vara delaktiga i undervisning och kunskapsbedömning. / Students participation and their ability of communication are two fundamental factors that can influence their future. For enabling students with different communication forms to participate in their learning processes, it is necessary to create accesses to varying methods of communication. However, the governing documents of the Swedish National Education Agency were not sufficiently accessible for students in special needs upper secondary school individual program. In order to clarify the central content of the syllabus and the knowledge requirements, the educators created a unique conversation map that illustrates scripture texts for images in the student-friendly language, AAC (Augmentative and alternative communication). This case study aims to investigate the ways to support students to become more active in the education and knowledge evaluation by using the conversation maps.  The study is based on the sociocultural perspective and SOC-theory (Sense of Coherence) and follows a deductive approach. The methods used in this study consist of interviews with specialist teachers and students as well as observations of various lessons, in order to acquire a deep understanding of how the conversation maps can be utilized to promote the participation of students in education and knowledge assessment. The analysis method in this study is qualitative content analysis. The result shows that, by using the conversation maps that illustrate the central content of the syllabus and the required knowledge levels, the lessons became more meaningful, comprehensible and manageable, and consequently the students got more motivated and eager to participate in education and knowledge assessment.

Ensino de filosofia em Moçambique: Filosofia como Potência para Aprendizagem Significativa

Chambisse, Ernesto Daniel 03 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:31:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao ERNESTO DANIEL CHAMBISSE.pdf: 302415 bytes, checksum: da2f26ae38346f8abd51bad512289378 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-03 / This dissertation examines the conditions under which happens Philosophy teaching in ESG II (Grades 11 and 12) in Mozambique, by testing the hypothesis that the way Pilosophy is taught at the moment does not contribute to enhacing its potencial for significant learning in the classroom. The work departs from observations of Philosophy teaching practice carried out by teacher trainees from the Universidade Pedagógica. It was made a revision of specialized and complementary literature and a field research in three selected schools one for pre-testing and the other two for in-depth research. The methodological approach is based on qualitative research in the form of a case study. The results of this research lead to the conclusion that there is a need of urgent changes in the conditions under which Philosophy and other ESG II subjects are taught, such as: precarious working conditions, lack of teachinglearning materials, lack of stimuli for the teachers, excess of rigor in MEC planning. This dissertation demonstrate the potential contributions of Philosophy in enhancing the teaching-learning process in Philosophy and other subjects of the curriculum and it has as a purpose the improvement of teaching, especially of Philosophy teaching in Mozambique / Este estudo analisa as condições em que o ensino de filosofia se realiza no Ensino Secundário Geral do 2º ciclo em Moçambique, procurando testar a hipótese segundo a qual a forma como aí se ensina a Filosofia não contribui para a realização da sua potência de aprendizagem significativa na sala de aulas. O estudo tem origem em preocupações vivenciadas no acompanhamento das práticas e estágios pedagógicos dos futuros professores de filosofia em formação na Universidade Pedagógica. Foi realizada uma revisão da bibliografia referente ao tema e um trabalho de campo em 3 escolas previamente seleccionadas, sendo uma para pré-testagem e outras duas para o trabalho mais profundo. A abordagem metodológica baseou-se na investigação quantitativa e foi orientada para o estudo do caso. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para uma necessidade premente da mudança nas condições em que decorre o ensino de Filosofia e de outras disciplinas nas escolas moçambicanas do 2º ciclo. Constatou-se a existência de falhas que se revelam, entre outras, em condições precárias de trabalho, falta de material didáctico, superlotação das turmas, falta de estímulos para os professores, rigidez nas planificações do Ministério da Educação e Cultura. Na conclusão procura-se apresentar uma breve proposta tendo em vista o melhoramento das condições do ensino e muito especialmente do ensino de Filosofia em Moçambique

Är skolans mål möjliga att nå för alla? : Hinder och förutsättningar för elevers måluppfyllelse i kärnämnen ur ett lärarperspektiv

Agélii Hultström, Karin, Zetterström, Ann January 2008 (has links)
Vikten av utbildning och livslångt lärande är betydelsefulla faktorer för att den ekonomiska tillväxten i vårt land ska stimuleras, för att välfärden ska kunna tryggas och för att motverka ytterligare samhällsklyftor. Statistik från Skolverket visar på en konstant andel, ca 10 % de senaste fem åren, av elever i årskurs 9 som inte är behöriga att söka till gymnasiet. Det beror på att de inte har uppnått kursplanemålen för att få godkänt i kärnämnena svenska, matematik och engelska. Detta är bakgrunden till att vi har valt att redogöra för och belysa lärares utsagor och resonemang kring hinder och förutsättningar för elevers måluppfyllelse i kärnämnena. I denna kvalitativa studie har vi använt oss av intervjuer som teknik. Vi har intervjuat sex lärare, på fem olika skolor i en mellanstor kommun i sydvästra Sverige. Studien är uppdelad på tre nivåer, organisations-, grupp- och individnivå. På organisationsnivå handlar det bland annat om skolpolitik, skolans ledning och skolans styrdokument. På gruppnivå handlar det om klassen/gruppen och arbetslaget och på individnivå handlar det om den enskilde eleven och den enskilde läraren. Resultatet indikerar på att lärarnas resonemang till stor del kom att kretsa kring lärarens egen roll för elevers måluppfyllelse. Ytterligare framkom det att styrdokumenten spelar en betydande roll, på grund av att de lämnar stort tolkningsutrymme. Andra faktorer som resultatet visar på är att elever inte är tillräckligt motiverade för skolarbete och därigenom måluppfyllelse. Det finns elever som har låg begåvning och det finns elever med utländsk bakgrund som kommer in sent i det svenska skolsystemet. De kan därför få svårigheter att uppnå målen. Vår slutsats är därför; nej skolans mål är inte möjliga att nå för alla elever! / The importance of education and lifelong learning are essential factors to ensure and stimulate economic growth in our country, to secure welfare and counteract polarisation of social classes. During the last five years statistics from the Swedish Board of Education shows a constant number of approximately 10 % of the students in year 9 who have not qualified for upper secondary education. This is because they have not attained the goals of the syllabus which require a pass in the core subjects of Swedish, mathematics and English. This fact is the reason for our investigation in which we illustrate teachers’ assertions and lines of arguments concerning impediments and preconditions for attaining the goals of the core subjects. In this qualitative study we have used interviews as our main approach. We have interviewed six teachers at five different schools in a medium size municipality in the south-west of Sweden. The study is divided into three levels, organization, group and individual level. On the organization level the key issues are school policy, school administration and the steering documents of the school. On the group level the key issues are the class/group and the working team and on the individual level the study focuses on the individual pupil/student and the individual teacher. The result indicates that the teachers’ lines of arguments were focused on his/her own role of importance for the pupils’/students’ attainments of the goals. Furthermore it appeared that the steering documents play an important part because they can be interpreted in many ways. Other factors shown in the study are that pupils/students are not motivated enough to do schoolwork and thereby reach the goals. There are pupils/students who are less talented and others who have a different cultural background and get enrolled in the Swedish school system late. They might therefore have difficulties attaining the goals. Thus our conclusion is; no it is not possible for every pupil/student to attain the goals of school! We use both the words pupil and student because we sometimes mean the younger children (pupils) but also the older ones (students).


SOFFIANTINI, CARLOTTA 12 March 2013 (has links)
La tesi di ricerca traccia un quadro dell’insegnamento dell’italiano agli studenti undergraduate statunitensi. Attraverso l’analisi della tradizione di studio e insegnamento delle lingue straniere negli Stati Uniti, si conosce il retroterra formativo di provenienza di questi studenti e, mediante la riflessione sui contenuti dei documenti ufficiali della didattica delle lingue, si individuano gli obiettivi della glottodidattica statunitense per l’educazione linguistica e culturale dei propri cittadini. Si affronta poi il tema dello study abroad mediante l’analisi di: dati sulle scelte degli studenti, programmi universitari statunitensi presenti in Italia, studi americani circa l’importanza delle percezioni degli studenti durante il processo di apprendimento. L’indagine condotta presso le classi di un Istituto americano di Milano, permette di delineare un profilo dello studente statunitense e di capire le sue aspettative sul corso e sul docente di lingua. Alla luce di tutte le osservazioni precedenti, si procede con la discussione della natura del sillabo in ambito statunitense e italiano, e si conclude con la progettazione di un sillabo adatto alle esigenze degli studenti statunitensi: la scelta di un sillabo interculturale rappresenta l’incontro delle tradizioni glottodidattiche, statunitense ed europea, e permette allo studente di sviluppare quelle competenze richieste dal mondo globalizzato del ventunesimo secolo. / The research explores didactic aspects of teaching the Italian language to American undergraduate students. In considering the tradition of foreign language education and the contents of the official existing frameworks for the teaching of languages in the United States, the research underlines the diverse educational backgrounds of American foreign language students who come to Italy in a study abroad program. The study abroad experience is discussed through data on students’ motivation to choose a study abroad program, and students’ perceptions about their language learning process while they’re in a foreign context. The survey conducted among Italian language students of an American Institute in Milan demonstrates the different academic and linguistic reality students encounter when they come to study in Italy, and their expectations on the course and on the teacher. The dissertation moves on the analysis of the format of the foreign language syllabus and discuss the differences between the American syllabus and the Italian syllabi: designing a culture-based syllabus is the key to improve students’ intercultural competence, in line with the purposes of the United States and European foreign language education program.

Handledarens stödjande arbete i APL-uppgifterna för åk 1 : Med fokus på elevens lärande

Eriksson, Anna-Lena January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to examine the supervisor’s view on the structure and content of the tasks given to students during their vocational training. The investigation could be of help for teachers when devising new vocational training tasks. The study is based upon qualitative interviews with five supervisors, all of whom work at preschools. The supervisors were asked to grade all the vocational training tasks on a scale from one (easy) to five (difficult). The results were then used as a starting point for a discussion with the supervisors about their grading of the tasks. When devising vocational training tasks, one of the foundations is the knowledge requirements as expressed in the syllabus, and how they are reflected in the vocational training. An important aspect of the student’s learning is the supervisor’s ability to clarify the goals and criteria of vocational training. The supervisor plays an important role and is responsible for the student’s vocational training period. This study has given me a better understanding of the supervisor’s view on the structure of the vocational training tasks and I have been given many useful suggestions as to how it can be improved to strengthen the quality of the education. The Swedish Schools Inspectorate carried out an investigation in 2011 and noticed shortcomings in the grading of the vocational training, which is interesting and relevant for my study. The supervisor assesses the student’s performance during the vocational training according to a certain scale of grades. The findings suggest that we need to revise the structure and assessment of the vocational training tasks. At the upper secondary school used in this study, the tasks are devised in a way that makes it difficult for the supervisor to support the student in his/her learning process, because the tasks are too numerous and the instructions contain many ill-defined terms. The supervisors also want closer contact with, and visits from, the upper secondary school teachers, so that both the former and the students can receive more feedback and better support. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka handledares syn på praktikuppgifternas utformning och innehåll. Undersökningen kan vara till hjälp för lärare när nya praktikuppgifter ska utarbetas. Arbetet bygger på fem kvalitativa intervjuer som har genomförts med handledare som är verksamma inom förskoleverksamheten. Handledarna fick göra en bedömning av praktikuppgifterna utifrån en svårhetsskala från ett till fem, där fem är mycket svår och ett är mycket lätt. Utifrån skalans bedömning samtalade vi kring varför de gjord den bedömningen. Vid utformning av praktikuppgifter är en av byggstenarna kunskapsmålen som kopplas till praktiken utifrån ämnesplanerna. En viktig del i elevens lärande är att handledaren kan tydliggöra mål och kriterier i det arbetsplatsförlagda lärandet. Handledaren har en viktig roll och ansvar för eleven under praktikperioden. Under undersökningens gång har jag fått inblick i hur handledarna ser på praktikuppgifternas utformning och fått bra förslag på hur de kan förbättras för att stärka kvalitén på utbildningen. Då skolinspektionen genomfört en kvalitets undersökning 2011 och sett brister i betygsättningen kopplat till praktiken är detta intressant och relevant att koppla till mitt arbete. Handledarna sätter omdöme på eleven under praktikperioden utifrån en betygsskala. Resultatet tyder på att vi behöver se över praktikuppgifternas utformning och bedömning innan eleverna går ut på praktik i höst. Som praktikuppgifterna ser ut idag i åk 1 på den för studien aktuella gymnasieskolan har handledarna svårt att stödja elevens lärande, uppgifterna består av många svåra begrepp samt att de är för många till antalet. Det finns också önskemål om tätare kontakt med skolan samt praktikbesök för att stötta och ge återkoppling till både handledare och elev.

Är skolans mål möjliga att nå för alla? : Hinder och förutsättningar för elevers måluppfyllelse i kärnämnen ur ett lärarperspektiv

Agélii Hultström, Karin, Zetterström, Ann January 2008 (has links)
<p>Vikten av utbildning och livslångt lärande är betydelsefulla faktorer för att den ekonomiska tillväxten i vårt land ska stimuleras, för att välfärden ska kunna tryggas och för att motverka ytterligare samhällsklyftor. Statistik från Skolverket visar på en konstant andel, ca 10 % de senaste fem åren, av elever i årskurs 9 som inte är behöriga att söka till gymnasiet. Det beror på att de inte har uppnått kursplanemålen för att få godkänt i kärnämnena svenska, matematik och engelska. Detta är bakgrunden till att vi har valt att redogöra för och belysa lärares utsagor och resonemang kring hinder och förutsättningar för elevers måluppfyllelse i kärnämnena.</p><p>I denna kvalitativa studie har vi använt oss av intervjuer som teknik. Vi har intervjuat sex lärare, på fem olika skolor i en mellanstor kommun i sydvästra Sverige. Studien är uppdelad på tre nivåer, organisations-, grupp- och individnivå. På organisationsnivå handlar det bland annat om skolpolitik, skolans ledning och skolans styrdokument. På gruppnivå handlar det om klassen/gruppen och arbetslaget och på individnivå handlar det om den enskilde eleven och den enskilde läraren.</p><p>Resultatet indikerar på att lärarnas resonemang till stor del kom att kretsa kring lärarens egen roll för elevers måluppfyllelse. Ytterligare framkom det att styrdokumenten spelar en betydande roll, på grund av att de lämnar stort tolkningsutrymme. Andra faktorer som resultatet visar på är att elever inte är tillräckligt motiverade för skolarbete och därigenom måluppfyllelse. Det finns elever som har låg begåvning och det finns elever med utländsk bakgrund som kommer in sent i det svenska skolsystemet. De kan därför få svårigheter att uppnå målen. Vår slutsats är därför; nej skolans mål är inte möjliga att nå för alla elever!</p> / <p>The importance of education and lifelong learning are essential factors to ensure and stimulate economic growth in our country, to secure welfare and counteract polarisation of social classes. During the last five years statistics from the Swedish Board of Education shows a constant number of approximately 10 % of the students in year 9 who have not qualified for upper secondary education. This is because they have not attained the goals of the syllabus which require a pass in the core subjects of Swedish, mathematics and English. This fact is the reason for our investigation in which we illustrate teachers’ assertions and lines of arguments concerning impediments and preconditions for attaining the goals of the core subjects.</p><p>In this qualitative study we have used interviews as our main approach. We have interviewed six teachers at five different schools in a medium size municipality in the south-west of Sweden. The study is divided into three levels, organization, group and individual level. On the organization level the key issues are school policy, school administration and the steering documents of the school. On the group level the key issues are the class/group and the working team and on the individual level the study focuses on the individual pupil/student and the individual teacher.</p><p>The result indicates that the teachers’ lines of arguments were focused on his/her own role of importance for the pupils’/students’ attainments of the goals. Furthermore it appeared that the steering documents play an important part because they can be interpreted in many ways. Other factors shown in the study are that pupils/students are not motivated enough to do schoolwork and thereby reach the goals. There are pupils/students who are less talented and others who have a different cultural background and get enrolled in the Swedish school system late. They might therefore have difficulties attaining the goals. Thus our conclusion is; no it is not possible for every pupil/student to attain the goals of school!</p><p>We use both the words pupil and student because we sometimes mean the younger children (pupils) but also the older ones (students).</p>

"Fakta om förintelsen är en sak, men skönlitteraturen ger en helt annan förståelse…" : En studie av hur värdegrundsarbete relaterat till rasism och främlingsfientlighet implementeras i svenskundervisningen – ur fyra gymnasielärares perspektiv / ”Facts about the holocaust is one thing, but fictional literature provides a whole different understanding…” : A study of how work with fundamental values, related to xenophobia and racism, is implemented in Swedish Language Arts – from four High School teachers' perspective

Hölscher, Maria January 2015 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är skrivet med syftet att få inblick i hur svenskläraren implementerar värdegrundsarbete relaterat till främlingsfientlighet och rasism i svenskämnet, genom skönlitteratur, andra texter eller media. Ett delsyfte är att undersöka huruvida läraren tillämpar någon av de teoretiska utgångspunkterna kritisk teori eller critical literacy vid litteraturläsning eller studier av andra texter eller medier (Tyson 2003 och Janks 2013).Studien genomförs genom semistrukturerade intervjuer av fyra svensklärare verksamma vid en medelstor gymnasieskola i en mindre stad i Mellansverige.Resultatet visar bland annat att lärarna har belyst värdegrundsfrågor i direkt relation till främlingsfientlighet och rasism, genom skönlitteratur, film, aktuell nyhetsmedia samt diskussion, i varierande utsträckning: två lärare har inbegripit en större volym skönlitteratur och texter kopplat till värdegrundsfrågorna i svenskundervisningen än de andra.De kritiska teorierna har tillämpats av svensklärarna i undervisningen, men inte i någon större omfattning. / This thesis is written with the purpose to investigate and gain an insight into how teachers of Swedish Language Arts implement work with fundamental values related to xenophobia and racism, through fiction or other texts or media in Swedish high school education. One secondary aim is to investigate whether the teacher makes use of the theoretical approaches critical theory or critical literacy in reading fiction or studies of other texts or media (Tyson 2003 and Janks 2013).The study was conducted through semi-structured interviews of four High School teachers of Swedish Language Arts working at a medium-sized high school in a small town in central Sweden.The study shows that teachers have highlighted the value issues directly related to xenophobia and racism, through literature, films, current news media and discussion in varying degrees: two teachers have included a greater volume of literature and texts linked to values issues in education than others. The critical theories have been applied by the teachers in their teaching, but not to any great extent.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe's input in religious education: a case study of the ELCZ's input in religious education in the Western Deanery in Matabeleland Southern Province in Zimbabwe since the 1960s

Mathe, Samson Madonko 25 August 2009 (has links)
The objective of the dissertation is to prove that ELCZ contributed religious education in the Western Deanery. It is also to assess the interaction between Christianity and African Traditional Religion, since they are the major religions in the Western Deanery they should be taught at schools. Prior to independence religion meant Christianity. Missionaries and a few chosen local teachers taught it. The aim was to Christianize as many students as possible. the abduction of students at Manama Mission in 1970 disurbed the teaching of religious and secular education. A new Manama was set up in Bulawayo but was not a success in reviving the teaching of religious education. There were numerous problems which hindered progress. After independence religious education was based on the child's personal experience not only Christianity. It accommodated all religions. Dissident disturbance interfered with the teaching of religious and secular education. Religious education gained momentum after signing of the Unity Accord in 1987. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Religious Studies)

A subject-didactical analysis of the music syllabus (1991) for teacher training colleges in Venda

Nevhutanda, Ntshengedzeni Alfred 01 1900 (has links)
South African teacher education is confronted by educational problems of a vast magnitude and complexity. In view of students' needs, society's expectations and improvement of teaching, problems need to be critically investigated. In order for the subject didactics curriculum to meet these needs and demands, a critical analysis was done of the current music syllabus (1991) for teacher training colleges in Venda. Against the background of the structure and components of didactics, subject didactics in general and of music in particular, criteria were formulated for the analysis. As a result of the analysis deficiencies such as the lack of suitable aims and objectives, content with a Eurocentric emphasis disregarding African music, a lack of teaching methods which could be applied in the classroom, etc., were discovered. In conclusion, recommendations and guidelines were formulated in order to address these problems. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)

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